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No. 644683
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For the first time in my life I had actual goals in life and ambitions and everything I've worked hard for got ruined because of the pandemic, so I give up because my destiny is to suffer like a shitty sitcom protagonist. For 2021 I'd like to just not catch covid again, not die, not be on the verge of death again, and maybe get the job I'm trying to get since last year when I graduated.
Maybe I'll try to get my own place or go live in one of my friends' apartment too because she and another friend talked about living together to avoid insane rent prices.
No. 644727
>>644683>For the first time in my life I had actual goals in life and ambitions and everything I've worked hard for got ruined because of the pandemicSame, anon. I just got my first full-time office job last year and immediately lost it at the beginning of this year and had to go back to retail. It fucking blows. I guess my goal for 2020 is just to get back into an office again.
Ideally, I'd also like to start a side hustle, but we'll see.
No. 644756
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I have 1 main goal; that being quitting fast fashion and cultivating my own style, and a side goal of improving my skincare routine.
So far, I've been trying to compile photos of outfits I like via pinterest and trying to research about undertone and the like. I plan to then comprise a moodboard of these outfits and then analyse them for cuts, colour palette, essence etc, evaluate whether or not they would realistically look good on me, then attempt to recreate it irl by buying something that I could use to style my already existing clothes that way (possibly something from a popular brand, so I can resell it with ease). If it doesn't look good/I have second thoughts, I'll try to resell it
No. 644809
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> Enter college
> Learn a new language
> Maybe get a job (thankfully I don't exactly need to work and my parents want me to truly focus on education but I'd like to have my own money)
> Socialize more
> Develop healthy hobbies and get rid of my internet addiction
No. 645860
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>Earn more money
>Find a new place to live
>Make more art
>Hopefully going to concerts again
>Maybe be able to have guinea pig again
>Find new friends
>Find love?
>Get more ear piercings
No. 645967
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>>645930If so, then I wish you nothing but the best for 2021 anon!
No. 646094
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>>645983I read that as salt therapy.
No. 647301
>>646073If it is a legitimate excuse for you to neet then knock yourself out ‘non.
>>646055Because it actually makes sense? Corona virus didn’t stop anyone from the first world to do their usual things except wearing masks in public transport. I’ve achieved more than I did before the virus.
No. 702940
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>graduate with honors
>try to get a job in the industry
social life
>raise a kitten
>make new friends offline
>stop talking to people who don't initiate
>replace snacking with masturbation
>practice self-defense as exercise
>grow out my quarantine haircut
>attempt to use up my hoard of lotions
>get good at special effects
No. 703662
>>703653Ohh I feel you anon! Literally the same thing as you, invested more than initially planned in a pillow, legitimately changed my life, less headaches, less neck pain, who would have thought honestly?
Setting overly ambitious goals is good but we should not limit ourselves to that because it can lead to disappointment so often. I believe a real way to being happy in life is living like you do, with small ideas that are fully doable and improve your quality of life. And who knows, once quality of life is improved maybe you can tackle some bigger beast, but not make it some ultimate goal you'll later think back on and evaluate your performance on.
No. 703664
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>>703653>>703662it's interesting you both mentioned pillows because this year I got a buckwheat hull pillow because I was tired of buying ones that would end up all lumpy and horrible. when I first bought it I was shocked at how solid it is, kinda like sleeping on a sandbag lol but I do like a firm pillow. now I've had it around 4 months and it's perfect for me, I love it. pillows are important!
No. 704223
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I think my wishes for new years are already coming true, im getting my braces done soon. I have two very crooked teeth that i cannot brush so easily so i had holes in them which sucked, but today the dentist cleaned them out and filled them. I also have a baby tooth still which my previous dentist didnt remove, not really surprising considering that dentist was a huge asshole.
Im getting that tooth pulled out so yeah. And after that i'll get my braces, at age 19. It really does suck alot, but money doesn't really grow on trees so i expected it to be this long until i got some.
No. 704284
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Remember to set SMART goals for you resolutions anons, not for the thread as much as creating an actionable goal for yourself before you start. pic related
>make at least 2 friends in uni>work on my art, draw every day and watercolor weekly>get good grades and make more contacts for future career >lose 15 pounds without relapsing from ED, slowly through eating more vegetables and exercise>Actually wear more than sweats/jeans and baggy graphic shirts and gain the confidence that this requires>>704241 what do you do with old journals? I finished one and I'm torn between throwing it away, highlighting it, or just keeping it as it is.
No. 704850
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I don't know fecking know, I keep repeaing myself the same goals with some extra every year, it's been 5 years I "want to draw" but I don't do shit. The only goal I manage to successfully clear is to buy stuff I need.
I guess it'll be a be out of my confort zone, socially and work/hobby related stuff.
No. 704931
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>lose more weight
>get my ovaries removed
>get physio
>recover well
>get a new, actually spacious apartment so I can sew more
>sell my useless clothes and books
>recover recover recover
>maybe start school but also be fine if I am not up for it yet, health first
>learn to fucking knit
>shave my head
No. 704936
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I'm gonna start hoing
I'm stupid, broke, and severely mentally ill, but I'm hot
It's over, I'm gonna ho on tinder until I find someone 15 years older than me and drop my shit in his life.
Sit in his basement on the computer.
Fuck this whole life, it was shit anyway.
No. 704941
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Realistic goals:
>Sell/give away/donate stuff
>Buy less stupid shit
>Save money (ties into last goal)
>Lose my virginity (spent last year getting hot and gaining confidence plus I think my crush is reciprocating, it's fucking time ladies)
>Get nice skin (already did it once, I just need to get back on my routine again)
>Buy a car
>Apply next time a management position opens up at work, even if I don't like the position because I'll at least get a good interview experience out of it and can put on future resumes that I was offered a management position and turned it down
Tentative goals:
>Either grow my hair out and stop dying it OR shave it, haven't decided yet
>Move out of my parents' house – would like to have a decent amount saved up before then and having my own car is a financial priority, so maybe not till the end of the year
Unrealistic goals:
>Stop buying games and just play one of the hundreds I own (just lol, thanks Steam sales)
>Go back to school (can't see it happening)
No. 705079
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>get another promotion
I just got one today!! From part-time status to full-time (comes with increased benefits). Next year I hope I'll become a supervisor.
>do more art
>move to another city??
No. 705136
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>lose weight
>discipline myself
>fix physical & mental health problems
No. 705163
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I know I do these very year but this year some bad shit went down so I'm more serious about keeping up with my goals for 2021:
>Create more. Learn some more crafts. Actually put my work out there.
> Get serious about exercising. Have an actual routine.
>Finish school instead of quitting again.
>Be more confident and comfortable with myself
>Smile more, even if it hurts.
Fuck it anons, 2020 was a shit year, it'll hopefully only go uphill from here. I hope everyone can achieve their goals & make some progress by working on it week by week ♥
No. 705288
>>7051712020 is an uNiQuE year so it's ok anon.
I really hope that 2021 won't be worse.
No. 705745
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> read every day
> meet more people and go out more
> eat more balanced and cook more
> exercise regularly to get stronger and more flexible
> meditate everyday
> stop wasting my time in the internet
> do well in uni
> be more mindful about my present and the moments i'm experiencing
the last days i've been slowly introducing this habits everyday so we'll see… i hope everyone here has a good year, is healthy and loved! fuck 2020!
No. 705757
>>705319These are exactly my goals anon lol. I usually cringe a little when I read "wtf anon are you me???" but anon are you me? The ID one is stressing me out.
Good luck to you!
No. 705853
>>645845>>645860>>649660>>705319>>705745>>705818I don't mean to put anyone down, but these (as well as many other replies on this thread) seem very demanding. armchair but humans tend to overestimate their own capacities, which serves to push us to do more, but if you're not realistic with your expectations you might end up with more anxiety and disappointment instead of pride over personal achievements.
I think that for all sorts of achievements, be it in academia, health, work or in any sector whatsoever it is better to start small, and then use the positive feelings of achieving the smaller things to snowball into bigger projects.
Last New Years my resolution was to learn how to cut my own hair. The first few times produced piss poor results, but it gave me the incentive to better my skills in order to not have my hair look like that of a genderspecial retard. I concentrated and finally got results that suited me, and in the meanwhile I had gotten used to concentrating on myself for a good hour at a time. I then started using that same energy to focus on my skin, then on exercise, then on organizing my living space….
I am ending this year in a more positive setting and with more life skills than I could have imagined a year ago, and the process has been very organic. If I were to challenge myself to learn all of this from the first day of this year, I would have had too much anxiety to start and would probably felt defeated mid-year after not having performed up to my ridiculous standards. Also, I would never challenge anyone else to learn the same things in a year, it would seem unfair.
tl;dr rome wasn't built in a day & being kinder to yourself when it comes to personal development is good
sage for blogpost
No. 705999
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-Stop doodling mindlessly, I'll regularly do full pieces and try to paint everyday.
-Start reading again
-Start dancing classes
-Go back to school (This one WILL happen)
No. 706005
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>move out
>go to uni
>get therapy
>get back into old hobbies and interests
>make friends and maybe bf
No. 706089
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>become normalfag
No. 706102
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>quit completely the farms and imageboards in general (fun and interesting, but HUGE time drainers)
>quit completely listening to music (i'm going deaf)
>quit completely reading fanfics (i'm truly addicted)
I've done this 3 before, so I'm confident I will be able to do it again.
>write more (by blogging and contributing to college projects)
>exercise more (by running in the mornings, fuck i hate running)
>eat more fruit (five pieces of fruit everyday, fuck i hate most of fresh fruit)
>cook more (by not buying pre cooked shit on my way home, at least once a week i buy a wrap or meatpie)
>keep the good habits i already have (participate in class, take meds, keep in touch with family)
>study more and harder
>ignore bad thoughts and replace them with study
No. 706146
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>Lose weight and get fit but mostly just lose weight to look better in clothes.
>Eat less rubbish, cook as many of my meals myself as possible and resist influence from family/friends.
>Get back into running; start at a minimum 10km a week and gradually increase the distance. Try and run every day.
>Stick to an upper body routine.
>Continue to take care of my hair and grow out my natural colour after destroying it with bleach and dye.
>Build a nice wardrobe by investing in quality, versatile pieces.
>Other than that save money.
>Get into my dream university and be in the best shape of my life when I start in September and
>Make friends there that know nothing about me because I'll be far away from my hometown.
>Read the news and keep in touch with my existing friends and resist the urge to isolate myself.
>Get over social phobia and make fucking eye contact with people.
>Teach myself guitar.
>Write/draw/whatever basically just create something every day.
No. 706405
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i will get a bf
or at least some romantic experience
No. 706446
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>stop spending all of my free time getting high to numb out my emotions
>find a job that doesn't make me wanna kms like my current one does
>quit lurking my exes/ex-friends on social media
>pay off credit card
>replace shitty 10 year old computer
>get physically active again
I'd also like to develop a couple of skills further (piano and French) but I've gotta get a LOT of my shit together first. We can do this anons!
No. 706491
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>follow a budget for spending
>get a new part time job
>try my best to fit in
be smart and kind, don't try to be snarky. boomers won't get it.
>create a routine and follow it
>monetize my music channel
>find people to jam with
>make real new friends
i've been losing people all 2020. loneliest year so far. mostly shitty people though, no loss.
>learn to trust again but without naivety?