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No. 644910
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>>644881You can never go back!
No. 645033
>>645020same it used to be weird and shameful to be internet addicted. Now everyone is open about it seems like. I do think people will ease off. But I expect those who don't to end up realll fucked
Trying not to consider the worst alternative where everyone is online, their brains melt and there's no such thing as "normie" anymore (sometimes I already suspect)
No. 645050
>>645033yeah the reason I got off social media and only use them as chat services now is because I knew I was frying my brain from the targeted/algorithmic content. now the only place I post are anonymous ones. image boards can be
toxic af too but at least here you have the freedom to seek out the content you want + anonymity helps with echo chambers
it's petty as hell but it always gets under my skin when people who have only used the internet as a social media machine look down on others as normies (twitter e-thots have this habit)…like come fucking on
No. 645241
>>645235Superwholock was like THE thing with tumblr back then. I miss it. Same with the
homestuck posting before everyone went off the deep end.
No. 645251
>>644881>OP makes a whole new thread in the format of a Facebook status update>"I miss when the internet wasn't just narcs on Facebook!!!1!"This is so embarrassing, have you ever even used anything that isn't social media?
If it's so important that it can't go in a vent thread or any other thread, write an actual OP with topics and questions. Making your personal vent into its' own thread is peak narcissism
No. 646551
>>645033The normies are the ones who can't handle information - they go crazy at every comment directed at them, they hear facts and make up conspiracy theories, they dm dick pics to every girl they see. 100% chimp brain.
Nerds actually like being online.
No. 646574
>>646491It's not any weirder than the rest of the things that are being complained about here, tell them all to take a chill pill
If OP cares so much about old internet habits she should know how to format a thread, this is the hill my liver spotted oldfag ass will die on
No. 646761
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>>644881I feel somewhat homeless on the internet now. The communities and sites I used to go on are all dead, everyone is on Twitter and Insta. No social media has customizable layouts, it's all mobile friendly and looks the same on everybody's page. Even online games feel a lot more streamlined. I miss early 2010s Tumblr, and even earlier than that - YouTube when it functioned as social media.
No. 647276
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I missed the big days of MySpace, I wish I had created an account there when it was popular, looked really fun… Also unironically I miss scene girls, and I would have loved to be one as a teenager
No. 647293
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>>647276Scene queens were the e-girls of the early 2000s. You can still become a scene girl, it's probably gonna make a comeback soon anyway.
No. 647295
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>>647276As someone who was a bottom-shelf scene girl and had a myspace during its peak, it wasn't that great. It only served to exacerbate my loneliness and low self-esteem. The only good thing I can say about it is that it was never what Facebook became.
No. 647313
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>>647276>>647293>>647295I fucking wish it made a comeback, I would love it. Would anyone else like a scene queen thread?
(Pic, left to right: Zui Suicide, Audrey Kitching, Murderotic, Leda Monsterbunny, Kiki Kannibal, Hannie Dropkick, Vanna Venom, Dani Gore, Verena Schizophrenia, Miryam Säter, ?, Chitty-D, Sandra Shoo, Raquel Reed and I think the last one might be Lexi Lush, idk.) No. 647341
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>>647337Ok me again, I found Zui (@zuiwatts) on insta and she turned out about how I thought she would, botched fillers and all.
No. 647356
>>647337I'm thinking about making a thread in /snow/ if anyone's interested. I'm just not sure yet if I should make a detailed OP or if I should keep it simple, since there's so many of them.
>>647341Oh, wow, she looks like a totally different person, and not in a good way either.
No. 648384
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honestly ive been feeling this way now for months, maybe even a few years, but i think it really peaked over this last summer. i especially feel fucked because i basically grew up online and have been an internet addict for probably 10 or so years now, and so my entire personality is deep internet memes from 2008-2012.
for context on how developmentally damaged i am:
i am not even 21 yet.
my entire way of socializing has been shaped by an internet that doesnt exist anymore and like other anons said i just feel homeless on the internet now. all i do is search for people who were on the old internet and who knows the things i do. i cant find my people anymore and everyone who gets my jokes and talks the way i do is like 28+ now.
in particular one of my favorite games, the cult classic warcraft III, has been gutted by activision. i basically grew up there. them updating that game has literally lost me my entire childhood. i will never find the people and the friends i made again with their old account names. i had people i knew since age 9 that i would re-connect with every few years and even that now is gone. they didnt have social medias or new internet shit, just an old passion for wc3 and would log on every once in awhile.
the chans are all dead and i cant be fucked to go to the deepweb anymore, the threads there all move at like 1 post every 2 days on a good week
it just hurts to see everything i grew up with rot. it feels like after franku left youtube, everything i knew has disappeared/died/been removed
the worst part is im really aware that everything i enjoy is gone but i cant leave anymore. i cant stand irl or the internet. growing up on here has given me the ability to profile peoples personality purely based on the way they speak/dress. i have 2-3 irl friends that dont annoy the fuck out of me that i also cannot honestly connect with. my older brother is the only person keeping me sane because he taught me the internet and also imparted the personality i have today.
hes also almost 10 years older and is an internet addict so no fucking wonder huh.
i just miss how people used to interact and have fun. i miss the games that were being created, i miss the content that came out, i miss learning javascript with my chatango accounts and all the old forums shitposting/click farming. i miss it all
sage i guess for mostly emotional ranting
No. 649092
>>648384>deepweb anymoreI thought that place was mostly just weird websites and creeps? What kinds of forums are there?
2012 seems to have been when it really went downhill, I looked it up and apparently the US got the official rights to use propaganda/censorship then.
No. 649204
>>646761i feel the exact same, i miss old tumblr soooooo much. i miss my supreme CSS knowledge and dicking about and just having fun. that’s the worst thing - the internet isn’t fucking fun anymore. politics (identity and literal) are everywhere, everyone always has to have negative opinions about everything, you can’t enjoy shit anymore. it’s so miserable and soul sucking now but i crave the aspect of community so bad that i can’t help but make random accounts i barely use just to feel a part of something, but it isn’t the same at all.
also i love this pic thanks for bringing it back into my life
No. 649326
>>649300I like last podcast, their side bantering never bothered me and I think I prefer it to having cases straight up explained with no side commentary
then again I also really like unsolved as well where they also go off on side tangents
No. 649387
>>649092not really anything special, torchan and all the onion-chans are about as good as 8ch. some discussion, occasional illegal thing, etc
>2012 seems to have been when it really went downhill, I looked it up and apparently the US got the official rights to use propaganda/censorship then.i did not know this, this makes a lot more sense
No. 649395
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Have been feeling this a lot these past years with the steep decline of Twitter after the Tumblr migration of 2018. It was the last social media that felt passable to me and liked using enough. Now the Twitter thread is one of the most active here because the amount of idiocy to document has surpassed Tumblr.
Not like Instagram is any better. I'm also older and unable to avoid the cancerous gen that got raised on Tumblr by the snowflakes my age, and they use Instagram the most.
I also feel homeless online. The internet went from cheering me up after a long day to shitting all over my brain
No. 649528
I kind of agree but I also think it's easy to look at the internet from a decade+ ago through rose tinted glasses because it's nostalgic to you and you were younger so it's tied to a (probably) better/more carefree time of your life.
>>646761>I feel somewhat homeless on the internet now.Agreed though
No. 649539
>>645033I kind of hate that as a child/tween I was considered kind of weird for being into the internet/computers and now I'm kind of weird for having 0 (personal) social media and not really caring for the internet/social media in general. It's literally, literally weird and emberassing to NOT have a social media addiction. Like people wonder what's wrong with you if you don't want to showcase your life online.
Kinda ot but the same thing happened with anime, I was the weird kid for watching weird Japanese cartoons and that was an interest I could only share with randoms online and now that I have 0 interest in any Asian media left, anime and kpop have suddenly have become somewhat mainstream and cool. So annoying.
No. 649552
>>649539In marketing we call your type Early Adopters tend to fall into one of the categories of the innovation adoption Bell curve according to their personality. Yours is very valuable for final product/technology development, focus groups are usually made of early adopters. I always liked you and Innovators the most.
No. 649633
>>649630Actually, yes. It's now considered perfectly acceptable, if not encouraged, at least on shitter, to be an annoying rude ""sassy"" fuckwit, as long as you don't say anything "
No. 649636
>>649633Exactly, and if someone is deemed
problematic then everyone is allowed to harrass that person with the most vile shit because they deserved it. While actual
problematic people (pedos etc) are coddled and uwu-ed.
>shitter I died.
No. 649697
>>649653absolutely it's bizarre, weirdest to me is requiring people to post politics or others actually view them as an undercover [terf/racist/etc]. what happened to using the internet just for fun? Even joke accounts, aesthetic posters, people who post funny pictures of cats are expected to alter their posting habits if they're well-known enough. Bitch some people want to use their page to unwind. Well that sounds unrealistic now. I take for granted that fandom and politics go hand in hand at this point. It's weird because they don't entirely have to, and it'd be nice if some media was just for fun. But you literally can be called out for minding your business. This situation would've been a joke once
related but the bitchy voice everyone types in on twitter pisses me off so I can't use that site anymore (i actually prefer lolcow lol)
No. 652422
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>>652384You just reminded me of sonic-for-real-justice and similar accounts. It's kind of surreal to go to Twitter and see 14 year olds arguing about the same stuff 6-7 years later, they don't even remember an internet without it.
Early Tumblr was a trip and there will never be anything like it.
No. 652708
>>652706tumblr lolcow communismkills's patreon tiers thinking that everyone was
triggered by her autism when in fact they were just laughing at her
No. 652711
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communismkills epic moment
No. 652715
>>652712not even libfems sometimes, even normie lesbians who made harmless jokes about men
srsly anti-sj dumblr really, really hated lesbians so much it was almost comical
No. 652730
>>652688I feel the same way, anon. I can't even fully describe how annoying it is.
One of the most enraging parts was reading their explanation(s) on why they made this change, and one of the devs on Reddit was like "When our friends looked at the website, they were so shocked at how the site hadn't changed layouts in years! It was very embarrassing".
Your actual users liked it that way, and you're bitching because your normie tech friends teased you a little bit? Fuck off.
I also don't understand why they decided to destroy the search function by getting rid of categories and saying "Haha just use tags instead". Not everyone uses tags, and tags themselves are a very new function to the site. Now I can't even find stock images and other resources. I have to either scroll past the same bullshit from the same 5 mega-popular digital artists who aren't actually providing the resource I'm looking for, or I have to resort to looking up "deviantart woman pointing arrow reference stock image" on Google's image search and pray what I need will be listed.
It wouldn't even be so bad if dA wasn't basically a living piece of internet history. Not very many sites like it survived from 2003 to today. Now, they've made it into a hideous, bleeding eyesore of a website where it's exponentially harder to find literally anything.
No. 652733
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>>644881I miss it too anon. I would spend hours on MySpace, YouTube (before monetisation) neopets, habbo hotel around the early to mid 2000s and then eventually tumblr in the late 2000s before it went to shit.
No. 652777
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Anyone else remember Habbo and Club Penguin baby roleplayers? Everyone hated them but they were everywhere. What caused so many grown adults, or even teens and tweens to roleplay as babies?
No. 652794
>>652777God dammit, those bastards were in the Spanish habbo hotel as well, they were a plague. But I think it was just either a way to get people to give them their passwords or a fetish.
If it was a fetish thing, I am concerned.
No. 652807
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>>652777I used to go Habbo Hotel back when it was still called Hotelli Kultakala/Hotel Goldfish
No. 652821
>>652777Maybe it's too naive, but I always assumed it was just kids who thought it was funny to play as a baby. You know, like how irl kids will play house and stuff. I was probably around 8 years old when I discovered Habbo in the early 00s and I wouldn't be surprised if a fair amount of the userbase was the same age. The average (not counting adult predators) age seemed to be about 13 but there were definitely a ton of younger kids on there.
Habbo was definitely pedo hunting grounds from the start, especially in those early years when people weren't very aware of the dangers of websites like that. It's a good thing that my parents taught me early on never to give out personal information on the internet. Computer time was also fairly supervised for me at that age. I can't imagine how many unsupervised kids were preyed upon by creeps back then. (Of course that's still an issue, especially with modern smartphones/social media, but I like to think that most people educate their kids better about that nowadays.)
No. 652827
>>652777I was an actual kid (10 or 11) who did this, like
>>652821 said it was just playing house in a way, also i was kind of neglected irl so it felt nice to act like a kid online.
I did it 100% innocently but now looking back some of the "parents" were probably pedos lol i'm glad none of them ever asked for other contact info.
No. 652839
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I really miss
Does anyone else remember that? There were a BUNCH of chatting rooms you could join, ranging from "girls only" to music to sports to video games to "kids chat" (you had to be max 16) and so many more. But it was mostly used to either have friends in the main chat or cyber sex. I really miss the sound that it made when you got a private DM.
Well I remember my first time there. I had this hispanic looking avatar and made my username "chuchimama". That was my first time ever really fucking around on the internet. I would chat guys and they would be like "Why do you type so slowly?" because I was literally 7 or 8. So I learned how to type faster via chat. And then I learned all the cool net lingo.
Eventually I would start flame wars with other girls. That's how I first got my taste for flaming and starting shit and it's been with me ever since. Every forum I go to, every imageboard, I can't help but be a giant asshole.
Anyways, the website is not the same anymore. Now you have to log in and it's not the same ugly java chat that we all know and love.
No. 654158
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Why does flash have to go away forever…
it makes me so sad to see things vanish because of it. I mentioned drawr in /m/ and Im still disappointed. I loved it because the constraints gave the art a cool look and you could watch the brush strokes at different speeds, and other features. like speedpaints but an entire site.
I found an archived version and tracked down some artists. one of them used another site called tegaki pipa. It uses flash to make art as well. had kind of an older feel that made it seem cozy, like drawr.
pixiv made a drawr substitute but it will never be the same. Its called pixiv sketch and i can tell its less popular. at least not the same community. It looks completely different anyway so there goes the charm. Maybe there is a setting to use drawr type brushes, the good thing is I found them as an asset for clip studio paint
>pic is someones google screenshot. apologies for sperging
No. 654302
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>>653162I never bought any credits. I just hung out in the public rooms (? I think that's what they were called). I also remember going to other hotels because some hotels had public rooms that mine didn't have.
No. 657686
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I'm so freaking tired of the current web and its shitty AI and algorithms. I can't find fucking anything on any website.
If I google something, even with all the specific commands/extras, 90% of it is still either page upon page upon page of shitty short articles that say nothing or reddit and quora threads that say nothing or are just brainless shilling. For some reason google also broke its image-upload-search like a month after they introduced it too. I remember when I tried it for the first times and was amazed because it worked like a charm but now it either has no results with dumb generic suggestions like "girl", "comic" etc. or it just shows nothing but fucking pinterest pages with no sources most of the time. Same for the normal image search. When I try to find different reviews for a product I want to buy or the best product, all I get is 10 pages of "Top [product] of 2020/2019" with bot websites all displaying the same reviews from amazon. When I try to search anything on youtube, I get maybe 3 proper results that relate to what I'm searching for or at least have it in the title and everything else is just random shit from the suggestions/recommendations bar that doesn't even relate in topic. Idek why they mixed those into search results. And when I try to search a word on twitter, most of the tweets showing up is random tweets of someone that happens to have my search term in their name, it's so very retarded. And don't get me started on fucking Facebook with their new shitty forced phone UI where they removed a bunch of options from their already bad search engine for literally no reason. Fuck corporate internet so so much.
No. 657744
>>649552AMAB All Marketers Are Bastards
Sorry anon
No. 657761
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I remember being 12 and creating a fan website on freewebs and being so proud of my self-taught basic CSS/HTML. Makes me a little sad Gen Z kids won't have that experience of building something on their own.
A couple years ago I tried to visit said website for nostalgia only to find it 404'd. When I emailed freewebs they said they deleted accounts that had been inactive for over a year. Archive your stuff, babes.
No. 1128455
>>648384i'm feeling this entire post, sort of, more or less. i so deeply regret not being more social on the internet in my teens – if i knew everything was going to become "oomf culture" i would've tried harder to make friends.
>m-make friends irl!not really possible for me.