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No. 654554
Sometimes I get these really intense thoughts that I'm an outsider who doesn't belong. It fills me with hopelessness. Last happened on Sunday when my bf was driving me to have a shopping date. I didn't let him see me cry.
By all accounts I should have been happy that someone was willing to drive me someplace and spend a bit of time and money on me but aside from him, who else do I really have I wondered? My family is
abusive and my friends are belittling. It's hard to feel liked and wanted and I've always struggled.
When I was younger I had this silly delusion where I thought I would be really liked and popular if I lived anyplace else or was among any other kind of people. Well, I moved as an adult and it has been roughly the same story minus outright bullying: I'm just not likeable and I'm fake if I try and I'm not even consciously aware of how standoffish I am.
I have the same thoughts like this anon
>>654500 but instead of assuming people would have accepted me like a lady that was marriagable property to a husband, they would have burned me at the stake for being a witch. Especially by my own fucking family.
I'm grateful to be born in a time where my lack of popularity just means less happiness and missed opportunities, but is not a death sentence. Still hurts though, I see people who are popular and just think to myself 'You? How?' But oh well, that's just me coping.
No. 655853
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I have a senior Pekingese so if course I love following peke instagrams. Found this one a while back but the peke just passed away recently. Something about how the dude writes these descriptions makes me so fucking sad, on top of me imagining how it’ll feel when I have to say goodbye to my own dog too. Shit sucks, wish dogs lived longer.
No. 655875
>>655382Damn anon you'll be in my prayers that's such a scary situation. I used to work a job where I'd be alone with random strange men at times and it got really tense. Had many times where as soon as I was alone I burst out crying.
On the subject of this thread- last thing that made me cry was when my mom asked me how my (current) job is and I tried to describe how it feels so degrading and when I actually said those words out loud I just broke down. I work as an aide to an elderly woman and honestly it feels like slave labor sometimes. She is really uncooperative and self absorbed, which I get comes with advanced age but when you're tasked with taking care of every little whim she has it drives you insane. I get paid dirt and work for a shitty agency that makes most of the profit. The good news is that that moment motivated me to put my 2 weeks in, despite being nervous to have to search for a new job.
No. 655914
Not to join in on the sad dog stories but I was listening to a podcast and it WRECKED me emotionally.
This guy really beautifully told the story of him adopting a dog and the dog later being chronically ill. God it was seriously told so well it made me bawl throughout the whole story.
If anyone is interested here is a link skip about 30 min in.
No. 655962
>>655874There’s another post he wrote about not yet putting away her bed and that shit broke me too. He’s queued up posts and is having someone run the account for now, but I don’t blame him, it must be hard to want to post about your dog while missing her very dearly.
>>655881Thank you anon! Sometimes I make myself cry just thinking about not hearing her little footsteps run around, or not hearing her bark to alert us that she has awoken from her nap and requires attention. I cherish all our moments together, especially the ones where she snuggles up to me.
>>655914Whelp, time to go cry some more!
No. 656265
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I listened to some relaxing YouTube playlist with my eyes closed and the most beaufiful piano song came on that had me bawling and deep in my feelings … and I wanted to save it afterwards and … it was an ad and I felt so betrayed lmao. didn't find the song
No. 656297
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I cried yesterday because my baby is sick, and i tried to call off of work but I had to go in and his grandmother and dad had to take him to the hospital, he's fine but the morning they took him, i knew something was up and did NOT wanna work. I hate how I will spend most of my life working, i wanna spend time with my baby. At least I can spoil him but still, i hate the idea of working all my life. I always pretend I'm in a game or movie or music video at work because the idea of me being in real life wasting real hours away bothers me so much…
No. 656313
>>656297Not spoiling him and being with him is probably the best you can do for him.
No need to spread yourself so thin and risk your health and sanity, the best you can do for your child is spend time with him, not buy him things. Please take care of yourself, for his sake too. Talk to your manager about this, they have to understand that your kid is sick and he comes first.
If there's anything I wish for in life, it's to have my mother happy and healthy again. She worked herself to the bone to buy me things and at the time all the shiny toys and ballet lessons were cool, but it ended up costing her her health and our time together and I don't really give a shit about the stuff anymore, I just wish she was healthy and we could spend more time together.
No. 656362
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Thinking about my grandpa.
>Handsome man and wonderful father
>Hard working and caring, always there for his wife and children
>Had a bad time in the army but survived and used his money to create his own wine company (we are french)
>Died when my mom was 11, she got bipolar disorder since then
>My whole family got massive PTSD over it
>My mom's brother sold everything we owned and we went from high middle class to broke because of him
>Uncle also used all of the money my mom and her sister were supposed to have for their studies.
>Uncle is now the obese shit show of the family and he's hated by everyone he meets.
I wish my grandpa was alive and i wish i could talk to him. Thinking about him and seeing his pictures makes me feel melancholic over someone i never even met. Pic related kinda looks like him.
No. 656384
>>656376Trying to connect to the past is really hard and i think working hard like the people we respect but could never meet is the best thing we can do for their spirit and ourselves.
The only memento I have of him are rare pictures and the house he build. My grandma currently lives in this house but my uncle is the owner of it. Since he's neck deep in depts he's gonna sell it once she dies. The innevitabilty of the situation really makes me sad.
My uncle is the worst man I know. He dragged the name of my grandpa in the dirt. I want to work hard and be able to buy the house back.
I'm sorry for your trophies, it must hurt a lot too.
No. 659091
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I randomly stumbled upon a British TV movie from the 90s called No Child of Mine and I have got to say it’s one of the most depressing movies I have ever watched. It’s considered a docudrama because it’s based off a true case which makes the whole thing all the more sad.
To give a short synopsis this young girl Kerry is horribly abused by almost all the adults in her life. Her dad encourages her to go into prostitution to help him get money. Her mom is a psycho and also makes her give her oral sex + ends up dating a pedo who rapes Kerry. Eventually a teacher at her school catches on that something isn’t right at home and he gets her in contact with CPS and a social worker. They attempt to press charges on her moms pedo boyfriend but he ends up getting away with it. Kerry ends up having to go to some kind of group home where she is then raped by a staff member. Every man in this movie is so evil except for her teacher who Kerry really imprints on since he is the only adult in her life who she trusts at all. She tries to live at his house which obviously would be inappropriate so the teacher tries to find better arrangements for her but the social workers aren’t being much help.
There’s a specific scene in the movie where Kerry calls a abused child helpline that really got to me. She calls the line and doesn’t speak but the lady on the other end has a very sweet and kind voice and is asking her if everything is alright and if it’s difficult for Kerry to speak. The only thing Kerry really says is simply “Help me” while choking back tears. I am getting blurry eyed just remembering the scene oh my god. The whole movie is on youtube also if anyone else is interested.
No. 659117
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I recently rewatched Atonement and the ending never fails to make me cry. It's not even because Robbie and Cecilia couldn't be together, it's because that Briony had to live with that massive guilt and shame of fucking up their lives until the day she died. Just thinking about it made me tear up, but it might be just my PMS
No. 659152
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this movie is such an emotionally brutal modern fairytale. it has one of the most honest and shaking depiction of bullying and alienation that I've ever seen
No. 659160
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i was crying about laika just minutes ago
No. 659162
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>>654453A twitter cat I was following died and I cried like a little bitch.
No. 659251
>>659243I did too
My first bf was a crier, didn't bother me. Since then I've gone on to date guys who either go into total denial of their feelings and just wait til they rage out.. I kinda had it good with my upfront crying guy. Didn't hide his feelings behind layers of bullshit.
No. 715291
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The last episode of How to With John Wilson, the final minute made me break down in tears.
This show is so special.
No. 715417
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I watched the Aussie film Babyteeth today and cried a bunch at the end.
No. 715420
>>715368Ntayrt but holy shit I was not expecting THAT in the first episode holy fuck. I was deeply disturbed.
I'm glad for her narrative though, that it wasn't some typical "kicking and screaming" abduction when she was six. That the guy basically took advantage of a child's familiarity and obedience to adults. It resonated with me having been a
victim myself.
No. 789045
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I'm not even a big disney fan but any time I even think of this movie I start getting misty
No. 789067
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This comment under the video of the extended version of A Flash of Memory from Earthbound. It has also never occurred to me that Ness saw his beloved, old dog as a puppy. Whenever I think about it, it makes me cry like a baby. In fact, I'm crying right now. All of the Sanctuary memories make me feel sappy, but the first one is absolutely worst in that regard. It's so beautiful and sad at the same time.
>>715449I never saw the ending of Yoshi's Story, but this melody is so sweet and innocent. It's like returning to your childhood for a moment.
No. 789069
>>789048Nonnie, this almost made ME cry. I had to get up and go smooch and snuggle my sleeping cat after reading that.
The last time I cried was when my cat was wrapped around my arm, hugging me not wanting to let me go (literally hugging me, it was so cute) while watching the end of Return of the King.
No. 789146
Today, ninja science proposal video. I broke up recently so it hit me right in the feels. Must be nice to be in love like that. Good for them.
>>789045Same anon. In a way I wish I didn't watch it.
No. 789244
>>789216Don’t worry,
nonnie, scrotes think with their dicks, try to feel better knowing that I ignored a bunch of scrotes dumbass’ takes and feels when I was looking for an ERP partner, I would just tell them
>I see, so about the erp. No. 789351
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The ending of yakuza had me bawling like a baby
No. 2026652
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Chapter 78 of CSM. For a shonenslop series it hits pretty hard, I recently reread part 1 of the manga and this chapter made me cry again ugh
No. 2073812
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I got all teary-eyed reading an Episode series where the mc falls in love and they breakup and he comes back but with a baby that's deffo not hers and meanwhile she had been fucking his older brother to get over him.
p.s i'm considering making an Episode thread to discuss this more in depth because I love dramatic stories like this
No. 2082103
My dad. He just really doesn’t like me OR my mother. I wish she had left him like she’d planned when I was a little girl. I wouldn’t be an adult wanting to off myself for having to live with this disgusting mean
abusive scrote and having no other options because his shitty ass genes made me a disabled autistic trainwreck who can’t drive or hold a job.
>>2050464This is gonna make me cry cause that was and still is my dad. I’d mostly gotten over it but living with him for the past few months has made me realize the only way for me to get over the abuse and neglect is to be far away from him and have little to no contact. Even when I was living with my ex on our own there’d usually be an incident or outburst anytime I visited my parents for more than 3-4 hours because of my horrible narc father.
No. 2163418
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all mights fight against all for one
No. 2426352
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Instagram reel from some animal shelter where this super cute tuxedo cat with a bow tie had captions saying that she was looking nice so someone could adopt her and take her to her forever home.
I hope she got adopted….
No. 2426369
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The last/most recent episode of Pokemon Concierge where a shy Pikachu tries finding his voice (he's quiet and shy unlike most Pikachus) and ends up making friends with the main characters' Psyduck who was an outcast at first. I haven't had Netflix in years but the official Pokemon YouTube channel posted all the Concierge episodes so far and I've been watching them there. If you love wholesome stop motion animation and Pokemon this is definitely for you, nonnas!
No. 2426841
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3d renders of a fucking speed railway they are going to build going right next to my childhood village over a meadow where i had so many cool experiences throughout my life. Like seeing an actual biblically accurate angel in the sky while high or having a huge heard of deer running next to me or just hanging out with my best friend and our dogs there. The meadow has so many flowers and bees and these motherfuckers will dig a huge trench for a shitass train that 3 people are going to use because it just goes from the capital to a polluted city at the end of the country that nobody likes and never goes there anyway… without any stops in other cities. I hate our goverment and i hate eu, they are so fucking fake with their ecology while digging 70m wide trenchces through a forest with rare insects and one of the only pieces of nature remaning there from the cavemen settlements.