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No. 657920
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Good bread OP ♥
Yes I’m going through ~*~it~*~ right now in spite of how this year turned out
>lost 40lbs
>dumped abusive ex, ghosted crush who used me, now they’re both in my DM’s being constantly ignored
>moved to a new city
>made friends at work
>rediscovered love for hobbies
>haven’t had a panic attack in months
>talking to this very pretty girl who thinks I’m cool
I never want to forget how good life can feel in the moments it’s extra bad
No. 657930
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This is an awesome thread!
No. 657936
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I like to think that I'm living through it right now. It's not like I'm living the super high life where I'm making bank and travelling out and whatever, but I'm at peace with myself at how things are right now.
>work super chill job (not high paying, but it's chill and stable)
>paid off student loans, have comfortable amount in the bank
>have a movie night on discord with friends every other week
>travel into the city to take morning walks by the water on my days off
>indulging myself in old hobbies like sewing and watercolors
>have lots of time to spend time with my old dog and family
I feel like my emotions have really mellowed out over the past year as I recovered from depression spurred on by a break up and quitting my retail job that was pushing me closer and closer to the edge. I don't feel super intense happiness, but I don't feel overwhelming sadness that consumes me and drives me to want to cut or kill myself.
I think there are things that can be improved in my life, but for the most part, I think in the future I'd like to live a similar version of what my life is right now- where I have time to do the things I want, surrounded by people who love and care for me as much as I do them, and enjoying the peaceful passing of days.
No. 657984
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No. 657999
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interesting to contrast the low point thread. I'm not sure what my peak has been so far. everything has been really mixed. when i was a kid i was very carefree but that's also the period i was enduring the most abuse. in my current situation I have an extreme amount of luck and privilege with my living space, but am now trying to address a decade+ of damage and the world outside my apartment also feels really bleak.
my hope is that I will be able to mark a clearer high point in my 30's.
>>657984good luck out there.
No. 658305
>>658261> r/raisedbynarcissists OT but I've never seen someone criticize this subreddit although I can tell that the majority of the users on there are just bratty teens. That subreddit among other online 'support groups' for kids of narcissistic parents make me enraged because it's so obvious that 90% of these people don't have narcissistic parents but parents who are occasionally assholes. These people seem to forget that narcissistic parents will not be in your life unless they have something to gain and yet their stories are always about parents that remain in their lives and are relatively stable.
Relationships with your family are so important and are so often undervalued by people who don't have absent parents. I'm really glad that you learned that, anon, and I'm sure that your mom is overjoyed as well. I've always wanted an actual mother figure (my mom left or 'ghosted' me once I hit adulthood). When I see how people treat their mothers I get pretty upset often bc kids don't value that they have a stable-ish parent.
But anyway, I'm really happy for you anon and I hope that you two continue to strengthen your relationship!
No. 658484
>>658261(blogposty but a high point also)
Had similar experience, Im happy for us anon. In my view its complicated. Family is a blessing generally. I realized that they love me unconditionally and if the world turns on me, they're the ones on my side. No ones family is going to be perfect. like most people's parents have shit politics or are annoying or whatever. but they make do. mawmaw, peepaw or whoever may be kinda wonky but theyre family lol
my mom is genuinely weird, invasive and doesn't apologize properly. But I had to reconcile that with those times she helped me through my tears and pain, how I know she has done all she could to get me help. She wants me happy, tries to make life easy… Lots of people dont have that. Theres definitely been dysfunction and things I still have boundaries for. We'll see how it goes but I am in a similar boat as you. My personal view is you can only work with what you got and people are shitty sometimes. But Im not truly getting abused or abandoned and the love I know is there matters. My sister doesnt feel the same but I respect that shes different… Idk its not bad as I thought to open up to my mom. Its done wonders for my happiness
No. 658796
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Now. I have a stable job in my dream field with a clear career plan. I am in a loving relationship. I am in peak physical shape. I have a great relationship with my parents. I came to accept myself and my flaws. I have a beautiful clean home where I live with the man I think is the love of my life.
I am constantly anxious that something is going to go wrong and I will lose everything, but such is life with generalised anxiety lol.
No. 660077
>>658305Yeah I was a really bad case of a bratty teen and it didn't help that I blindly believed everything on Reddit. Reddit is terrible for such impressionable teens and it sucks that subreddit taught me how to "grey-rock", it stunted my growth in expressing myself to everyone since I kept practicing it at home.
I wish I found a middle ground support group online because everything is so black and white for family support online and causes you to believe you have the same severity as everyone else.
>>658484I found that opening to family helps and makes your at home life so much better! I hope your sister will learn to open up to your parents as well, maybe outside influences are discouraging her but only time will tell.
No. 660248
>>657905>What has been the highest point in your life?2017, my best year of college
>Are you doing something to achieve it?I don't have energy to do anything worthwhile. I think may be depressed, but idk.
>What's something you're very proud of?Getting into the best uni of my country.
>What's the happiest memory you can recall?Dating for the first time?
>How do you imagine yourself in the future, what would your highest point in your life be like?I don't imagine anything. I don't know what I want. Maybe getting really thin and having my own place? There's nothing that really excites me.
No. 2035705
sage for necroing
>be me
>enjoying running, playing basketball
>obvs still an autist but can be goofy with it, friends accept me
>don't worry about how i look, at most moisturise, put my hair in a ponytail and find some jeans
>don't worry about the future, just go through school without worries, no effort to pass, don't do homework, just goof off
>hanging out with the group at the shops, or at people's houses
To be honest, it's kind of sad I was happiest back then. But these days I'm putting my life back together. I'm more confident, trying new sports, studying hard, making plans to travel.