No. 659121
From a show or movie, to artwork and books or a random thing you read somewhere, a bad experience with friends or family, a time you got super sick or witnessed something you shouldn't had, interacting with a ghost, riding a scary themed park attraction or eating some food you weren't ready for, what's something that really shocked you as a kid or teenager? Was it super traumatizing at the time or simply thought provoking? Did it ""ruin your childhood"" (as serious or jokey it might be)?
I have many personal examples, like watching a happy tree friends episode for the first time on a flip phone, but recently I thought about video related. The title is "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood", this scene still fucks me up to this day. I think this woman is a stay at home housewife, with kids and a "perfect life". It made me realize I might not want kids ever.
No. 659348
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>>659328That reminds me, a few years after the war in my country, things were really bad economically and socially, and a lot of people were struggling. You started seeing things you never could before (aside from the bomb craters and shrapnel here and there I mean), at night my dad would turn on the headlights when parking our car and you could see a wall full of cockroaches when they illuminated the building facade because nobody paid for pest control anymore and it was summer in a hot country. Eventually suicide rates started skyrocketing as well.
One day my mum gave me money to go to the shop and buy myself ice cream, and to get there I had to go through some commieblocks. I turned a corner when I saw a puddle of red on the concrete and some cops around what seemed to be a dead body. I got closer and it was a disgusting sight, I don't wanna write about it, it was a dead woman whose body wasn't right. Later my mum saw in the paper that she jumped from the 7th floor and killed herself, she had no money and her husband was drinking and beating her.
I'm 27 now and still in dire need of brain bleach just for that whole period. I'm extremely jealous of zoomers who were born when it was all over and didn't have to see anything.
No. 659352
>>659135Lol same anon, that episode stuck with me. Not even cause it was disturbing alone, I had just never seen a cartoon be so intentionally stupid up to that point.
>>659238Yeah my Catholic school screened that to us too when I was in middle. Except I didn't really care about the crucifixion scene tbh cause I knew it was all fake. Not to say the flogging and nail scenes didn't make me wince. The satan scenes were pretty unsettling imo and I was way more creeped out by that.
My mom used to let me watch this true rescue/crime show when I was a 4 year old with her. Some of the episodes truly disturbed me, I remember crying during a few. Not sure if it was a good or a bad thing to be exposed to this sort of thing so young.
No. 659368
>>659348Anon I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. I'm so sorry. This is legit traumatizing.
And then zoomies think they have it bad and have such thin skin. I'm sorry.
No. 659408
>>659388That sounds like pure hell. The one time I've had to deal with a projectile vomiting 'kid' it was now exes 12 year old son. The whole family had already taken turns catching this bug. I had it for days and managed to camp out on a cold bathroom floor and never miss the toilet in those days.
One morning the son wakes up, sure enough he's finally caught it himself and rather than heading to the bathroom he comes into our bedroom, walks up to our bed while we sleep and projectile pukes onto our bed and 50 percent of the entire bedroom surface including the laundry basket with a tonne of our clothes in it. I was freaking out and my ex told me I had no empathy?? I had been through the same bug, I had empathy but he was 12 years old…why was he standing at the end of our bed and just puking wherever he happened to stand? Several rounds of vomit all while he stood on the spot in our bedroom while we watched .. scarred. I won't describe the clean up operation..
No. 659462
i saw an episode of a crime show, i think csi? a girl, Tracy i think, disappears from the woods, and a huge search party looks for her. you find out that the guy who kidnapped her is a cannibal, and likes to eat women specifically. they track him down, manage to save a different girl he kidnapped, and take him in for questioning. they want to know where Tracy is. while talking, the guy claims to be possesed by a flesh-eating demon. one of the cops is a religious man, and he brings up god.
cop: God is in ALL of us.
cannibal: …So is Tracy.
then a flashback to the woods. the guy was there, handing out soup to the search party. Tracy was in the soup. even the cop had eaten some. it fucked with me so bad, if i wasn't going to be kidnapped and eaten i was sure someone would slip human into my food. i actually became vegetarian for a bit because i figured, hey, it's probably a lot harder to hide human meat in a salad than say, a burger.
i've gotten over it but for a long time that episode stuck with me and creeped me out for years
No. 659465
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>>659348I’m so sorry, anon. I hope you’re living your best life now despite all of this.
My experiences were not nearly as bad and only tangentially related to your story, but it reminded me of two incidents from my childhood, growing up during post-communist period.
My mom worked in a laboratory in a huge science institute, adjacent to a hospital, and oftentimes she used to take me with her when she couldn’t find anyone to watch me at home (I was a very mellow child, so all of her colleagues liked me and didn’t mind me being there as long as I didn’t come near the chemicals). One day when I was loitering in a corridor between labs, trying to read diagrams on the walls, I noticed a strange girl, in her late teens or early 20s, just sitting there quietly. I’ve never seen her before and she didn’t acknowledge me at all, so I became a bit unsettled and went to find my mom. After a minute or so we heard one mom’s coworkers from the corridor, screaming “Oh my God, what have you done?! Jesus!” It turned out she walked out of a room just in time to catch a glimpse of that girl disappearing behind an open window at the end of the corridor. My mom didn’t even let me come near the window to see what happened, but I knew instantly that poor girl jumped out to kill herself. Later my mom found out that she escaped from the hospital where she was getting treated for anorexia and various other issues. She must’ve wandered into the science institute looking for a place high enough to jump. I think she also was a daughter of some party official.
The second story is from when I was even younger (around 6 or 7) and used to be afraid of these crappy little commie cars that were mass-produced in my country (Pic related). During the summer vacations my mom and I used to stay at a guesthouse in a nice seaside village that was my favorite place on earth at that time. One day, on our way to pick up a newspaper before going off to the beach, suddenly we saw a group of people, clearly agitated, gathered around a person laying on the ground. I was ahead of my mom, so I ran closer to see what’s wrong. What I saw was a man, laying in an unnatural position, unconscious and covered in blood, with most of his femur bone sticking out of his leg, with the rounded bit at the end and everything. He got ran over by one of those cars. My mom dragged me away quickly but I managed to take a good look at the scene and I still remember, clear as day, how the man looked - very pale, balding with wire frame glasses sitting crooked on his face and how jarringly white that bone was against all the blood. I don’t know if he survived, but it looked awful.
Anyway, because of this I ended up developing an intense fear of one of those cars killing me. Now they are almost entirely gone but, growing up I saw them literally everywhere. I even convinced myself in my mind that the headlights and the bumper looked like a menacing, expressionless face. I have no idea how I was always so happy to return to that village afterwards.
No. 659555
>>659238holy shit, I just had a flashback from
kindergarten about that movie.
It didn't really fuck me up or anything, but now that I think about it, who thinks showing passion of the christ to a bunch kindergarteners as an easter event was a good idea??
No. 659577
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>>659562Lmao. This movie was the perfect mix of hilarious and horrifying. It was my and my childhood best friend's favorite movie. We pestered our parents for money so we saw this in theater like three times.
Definitely had some self-inflicted trauma, as I couldn't look out by bedroom window late at night without worrying that I'd see a figure.
No. 659703
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me and my bestfriend watched the grudge on their giant home theatre set when we were in 1st grade. The entire opening scene gave me nightmares all throughout elementary school especially the shower scene. I guess there was a big japanese horror craze in the mid 00s because me and my dad used to buy vcds every weekend and i remember seeing tons of scary japanese horror movies(my parents dont know what parental discretion is) some of them were so good im still trying find the titles
No. 659759
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Special thanks to my parents for making me and my (at the time) four year old brother watch my mum play this. Only mildly traumatising.
No. 659856
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Mine was that scene in the Grudge where the dead girl's jaw falls off. I was at a sleepover with my friend, cried to my mom, and we had to turn it off.
>>659130Geez this is terrifying. They had to have done that on purpose.
No. 664443
>>664427>ask her how she feels about Hungarians and you'll get your answerKek
>>659352We had extremly similar one in Poland, my dad did watch it and always would tell me to go away while it aired. Since we had a long mirror on the hallway, I would sit there and watch it via the mirror. I've been paranoid someone would break into our flat one day.
Besides that, when I was 6-7 there was a cousin visiting one of local kids. She took a scooter with her and would ride down underground parking's entry, just to hit the edge with her forehead. I remember that I was standing outside, not aware what did happen, only to see her going my way crying, all in blood.
No. 664532
>>664427You think that’s bad— I went riding with a friend whose hand got caught in a lead rope. The horse bolted and
pulled two of her fingers clean off, as well as skinned half of her hand. I helped her look for her fingers in the dirt.One of the most traumatic moments I ever had, obviously worse for my friend. I’ve never fucked with horses since.
No. 664564
>>659713I recognised this from the thumbnail and can't imagine how damaging it must have been watching this as a child with no warning what is about to happen.
There is an episode of Cursed Films about it where they build up the whole episode with foreshadowing before finally telling you what went wrong and it is still so shocking. I feel terrible for those children that lost their lives in the name of entertainment.
No. 667880
>>659121When I was a child a crazy man run over kindergarten kids with his truck they where in the street doing a flag ceremony , all of this was taped on video , and they will put the video on the news many times just hearing the kids screams will make me want to hide , and I couldn't sleep for weeks , the video is now on youtube.
When I was young I will go hours and hours looking for flash videos and games to play on the family computer , dress up games,and funny animationa I don't know how I ended watching a flash animation like salad fingers about a man who first sees a violent robery and does nothing then , he sees a man robbing a women on some alley and leaving her there on the floor , then the man goes to the alley and smash her head with a brick the next escene he is show wearing the pink drees of the women that shit let me spechless and with a lot of fear of men. I couldn't sleep for many days without my mother , i told my father about it and then he saw the animation and started laughing because of the drawing being not realistic he thought it was ridiculous , and didn't to use the computer for about 3 months , if I ever had a child I would never let them use the internet freely
No. 667894
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I used to see the Hellraiser VHS cover on the shelves of Blockbuster (yes I'm old) all the time when I was a kid and it would always creep me out. Most horror movies didn't scare me, I wasn't easily scared at all but something about Pinhead was super frightening to me.
I eventually asked my mom if we could watch it and she said it was too scary, so I was super obsessed with seeing it for years. Did not live up to the hype and was more gross/body horror than creepy.
No. 667904
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The Heavy Metal movie from 1981. Also the Pink Floyd movie. I was younger than 10 the first time I saw either.
No. 667959
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I watched Mars Attacks when I was 8 and though I knew Martians weren't real the random killing and ugly aliens stayed with me for MONTHS. Every time I entered a dark room I would cry and be convinced there was a Martian hiding in the corner ready to kill me.
Yeah. I felt dumb when I found out it's a comedy movie when I was older.
No. 668371
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I remember my grandmother had been watching some documentary/report on the Taliban (?) or one of those extremist Islamic regimes back in the early 2000’s. I think it may be a semi-famous scene as I feel like I have seen it before recently, but a woman had been drug into a square or some sort of outdoor theatre to be executed, and of course I happened to look right when she got shot in the head.
What bothered me was the blood spraying from her head and how she kind of slowly collapsed. It wasn’t like in the movies where people just fall back and their eyes roll up in their heads. I think she was wearing a turquoise blue burqa, too. And the people standing around watching her gave zero fucks. This was at the height of the Afghan War, they would never show that shit on TV in the States nowadays.
Edit: I was able to find the scene. Watch at your own risk. No. 669213
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This movie fucked me up for years. I watched it with my parents when I was like 5 or 6 and there was a violent rape scene in it. As a result I am still scared of strangers. I freeze up whenever the doorbell rings and I also would hide on the floor of the car whenever my parents left me in it. I watched it again with my boyfriend and it's actually a shitty movie but the rape scene is still horrible.
No. 669218
I was thinking about an incident last night, when I was around 10 some taliban had blasted himself in our city and after the blast, reporters etc were at the location and me and my mom were watching the reporters live on cable and while they were live another bomb went off not very far from the first location and THE DISMEMBERED HEAD of the man who blasted himself came flying and landed directly infront of the cameraman and he lingered on that freshly dead head for like 3 seconds before realizing he probably shouldn't show that. Those three seconds are seared in my brain. I remember every feature of that head. It was insane.
>>668321I'm from a poor muslim country I suppose and honestly I consider myself pretty lucky in the seeing-gruesome-things-irl department kek
No. 669237
>>669235I'm the same anon but I just wanted to say to the to anon above me:
>>669218Holy shit I feel so bad for posting what I posted before reading yours
No. 669257
>>669213Wtf is wrong with all those parents letting their kids watch this kind of movies? Probably the same ones people talk about in other threads about being shitty or
No. 674917
I watched some real horror movies as a child but none of them scared me as much as this scene in The Witches. I haven't seen it for a long time and just rewatched it, it still sends chill down my spine. Although I forgot that it was some unknown child and not Erica, who was also trapped in the picture (this story is fucked up too) also remember having a nightmare about my friend disappearing when stepping out of a door at primary school, and now I feel like it has something to do with this scene. Even though there was nothing objectively scary about that nightmare, I was afraid of coming back to my room after I woke up and went to my parents.
Being trapped and under someone's complete control is something that disturbs me the most. Sometimes I even think if I have a repressed memory of such an experience.
No. 675028
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This Frida Kahlo painting that was in a book in my parents bedroom. It always made me feel so nauseated but I would sneak in their room to look at it out of morbid curiosity. As an adult I love Kahlo's work and it still makes me uneasy, but that's the point.
No. 675043
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>>675028Oh wow, you just reminded me of a painting in my parents' bedroom I thought was creepy. It was a figure riding a bicycle in neon colours on a black canvas. It made me feel uneasy, and I couldn't put my finger on why, until one day I realized -
the bike had no pedals. I don't know why this shook me so much when the entire style of the painting was minimalist, the figure itself was little more than a silhouette, faceless and with no detail. But I had a hard time looking at it afterwards. Knowing the figure was riding a pedalless bike somehow made the scene sinister. With the figure's gaze set straight ahead, it felt as if someone was not supposed to know the bike has no pedals. Was it the viewers of the painting, or was it the figure in the painting? How is it even going? Is the bike magic/a ghost bike or is the rider magic/a ghost rider? These kinds of questions bothered little me.
No. 675071
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>>675028God yeah, even as a teen I found her art confronting and uncomfortable when we studied it in class. True that is the point though and she is super interesting, now I have to go rewatch Frida 2002.
No. 675092
>>674917When I saw this movie (and Addams Family for that matter) as a kid, I remember being hypnotized by Anjelica Huston's face. Back then I
probably called her ugly but that was just childish ignorance, I didn't recognize what it meant to be unconventionally pretty. I love how as she's aged, her looks have grown to match her personality for the better. I liked watching her too much for this movie to scare me.
No. 675581
>>659121Watched SAW as a kid and to this day i sometimes think about potential torture scenarios
Movie haunted me for months
No. 675658
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I got curious while I was showering and decided to stick a finger up my butthole just to see what happened.
I'm pretty sure I was either 4 or 5, it was before my family moved from the first house we lived in. It's the most 'intense' memory I have from that age, I still clearly remember how much I felt like an idiot. The feeling of having to poop lasted so long, an eternity of "my god, I'm never doing this again".
No. 675711
>>667900I never wanted to watch Courage the Cowardly dog because of how creepy it was, and I loved creepy things. It wasn't necessarily the scary things he encountered, but that they lived in the middle of no-where, so alone and far away. Then they had the mean old man who I felt was borderline
abusive, and Courage always had the frustration of trying to talk but couldn't.
I'm stressing myself out just thinking about it.
No. 676041
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Anyone who remembers the episode where Rocko thought he saw how the Frog man killed his wife and burried her in the backyard? I was traumatized for eternity After watching this! I remember i was sick and my parents wanted to be nice and put me in their bed and let me watch cartoons and then this shit comes up.
I feel like when I was a kid there where so many disturbing cartoons on no surprise I turned out like this
No. 676638
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When I was about 11 I accidentally saw a dick on wikipedia and it made me unironically shake like a tumblrina and I felt queasy for the rest of the day. Up until that point I thought guys and girls had the same parts.
No. 1296573
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Reviving this thread, the only cartoon that truly scared and surprised me when I was a kid, was in the Secret Saturdays finale episodes when the main villain, V.V. Argost reveals his true face as the Yeti. it was so sudden and they added lightning flashes when he ripped off the mask too
No. 2071306
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I was really scared of Barney as a kid. I was so excited when I heard that Barney got fired for smoking on set when I was small
No. 2071318
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>>694587It was supposed to mimic the feeling of drifting asleep.
My personal cbeebies horror was the number taker from numberjacks. I had nightmares about him very frequently because my logic at the time was that if he can “take” any quantity of things, he could “take” me