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No. 66000
File: 1454595919519.jpg (Spoiler Image,315.75 KB, 897x1581, 14314 - abortion abuse artist-…)

No. 66002
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No. 66004
File: 1454596153607.png (396.46 KB, 1200x1302, 15864037433_36407cc885_o.png)

>what are fluffy ponies?
Fluffy Ponies (Equus ferus caballus hasbioidae) are small creatures with fluffy bodies, childish speech, and low cognitive intelligence. Generally depicted as simple creatures literally designed to love and play, they are a subset of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom.
No. 66005
File: 1454596302683.png (Spoiler Image,401.2 KB, 696x5564, 32978 - abuse artist-wolfram_s…)

>where do they come from?
Within the fluffculture, the generally agreed-upon origin of Fluffy Ponies goes something like this: Once upon a time, there was a marvelously successful television show called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". The company that produced the show, Hasbro, was delighted with how its creation had touched the hearts of so many people, young and old. More to the point, they were delighted with how it touched their wallets. Merchandise sales for the show allowed Hasbro to become immensely wealthy, and soon the already sizable entertainment company become a corporate supergiant. In the interest of providing themselves with even greater profit, Hasbro began a secretive genetic engineering division called "Hasbio". Within their labs, strange, ethically dubious and almost certainly illegal experiments were conducted to create the perfect product to shill out to 'My Little Pony' -loving children around the world, Hasbio intended on creating real versions of their television predecessors to sell to their customers. Cute, cuddly, programmed to act and sound like children and be obsessed with love and hugs, they would have been the perfect pets. Unfortunately, extremists of the so-called animal rights organization PETA managed to infiltrate the labs. Considering the experiments of Hasbio an abomination, they launched a terrorist attack, intentionally releasing the imperfect prototype fluffies into the wild. These "fluffy ponies", as the public began to call them, bred exponentially, revealing these new beings to the rest of the world. Initially treated with bemusement and wonder, the heavy breeding and the unusual habits and defects of their flawed biology (which were never designed to breed outside of Hasbio labs) caused them to eventually be labeled as vermin and a dangerous invasive species, which ate crops, littered the streets with corpses and feces, spreading disease and disgust where ever they roamed. As Hasbio no longer had a monopoly on the critters, they began to create new types and new creatures with which to sell (and maintain control of). The original fluffy ponies would go on to have happy or tragic roles in the new world.
No. 66006
File: 1454596458864.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.9 MB, 2840x1667, 33937 - Artist-Crystal_leviath…)

I won't post the long comics until a few days and the coast is clear, just in case mods delete this for being vaguely MLP related. Don't want to waste time uploading stuff, but I have lot of them, so watch this space
No. 66055
File: 1454606512308.jpg (167.3 KB, 674x944, 34701 - Artist-Abuse-sir bris …)

>>66019yep it's basically rehashed yukkuri abuse
No. 66058
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>>66033>Someone please explain the psychology behind "hugbox" art and stories. Why the fuck do people feel the need to defend these despicable creatures?I personally like it a lot when a story starts off hugbox (good home, happy yukkuri/fluffy etc.) and THEN takes a dark turn. It makes all the pain sweeter and more satisfying. But hugbox with no abuse in the end indeed makes no sense.
No. 66071
File: 1454608896380.png (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 1400x2450, 34335 - abortion abuse artist-…)

>>66068I agree, I see it as a different flavour of yukkuri. Different folks different strokes and all that.
No. 66211
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No. 66220
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>>66217I think you need to watch some bob ross and drink some hot cocoa my friend.
No. 66223
File: 1454639243804.png (91.91 KB, 760x1000, 34096 - abuse artist-wolfram_s…)

No. 66367
File: 1454681721949.png (Spoiler Image,19.5 KB, 394x710, 15962 - abuse artist-4chan_ano…)

>>66218I wanna fugg that sexy horse right in the mouth
No. 66368
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No. 67546
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No. 76580
File: 1457047267823.jpg (522.92 KB, 850x1591, 25821 - Artist-carpdime abando…)

No. 76582
File: 1457047290365.png (404.57 KB, 1214x4544, 34518 - Artist-RQ abuse-ish ab…)

No. 91006
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No. 175601
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No. 175602
>>175601Jesus christ, what the fuck? Never seen this thread.
I guess I'm glad whoever draws this shit is just drawing and not hurting/abusing animals (hopefully).
No. 175603
File: 1483584090369.jpeg (Spoiler Image,981.98 KB, 995x1445, downloadfile-8.jpeg)

No. 175604
File: 1483584222687.jpeg (106.34 KB, 800x2000, 35092 - Mocha amputee artist:w…)

No. 175606
File: 1483584406411.jpeg (931.65 KB, 1024x2880, downloadfile-9.jpeg)

No. 175613
File: 1483585986011.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1056x1495, downloadfile-15.jpeg)

No. 175614
File: 1483586240273.jpeg (3.67 MB, 1150x7000, downloadfile-12.jpeg)