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No. 661922
>Do you have a sexual life?
Yep, and a very active, fulfilling one at that - or at least I did before the pandemic hit.
>How is your social life?
I have friends and family who love me. I'm good on that front! Wish I could see them in person more often (see above re: hell year 2020)
>What prevents you from being loved?
My charming personality? All kidding aside, it's not about not being lovable - I have standards, and I have no intention to settle on some "oh you will do" person just because that is expected. I'm happy on my own - I'm not compromising my own happiness for a relationship, and men especially expect that. Being with someone has to be an improvement on my being alone, a "yes, and this too" situation. I've no intention of becoming any grown man's bangmaid-mommy-housekeeper-therapist; I want an equal partner.
>Do you approach men/women?
Yep, both! I date and fuck both.
>Are you employed?
Yes; I'm self-employed, and I run my own business.
I've had all sorts of relationships: summer flings, FWBs, puppy love, casual relationships, serious relationships, even almost got married once. I've been single-but-dating for over 5 years now, and while I would love to find a partner, I've got no intention of settling down just for the sake of settling down.
No. 661973
>>661277>Do you have a sexual life?No, I'm a kissless, handholdingless virgin at 26
>How is your social life?I have very good friends, I love them and I get along will with my coworkers so far. I feel like I'm between being a loser and a total normie nowadays.
>What prevents you from being loved?My upbringing, men I could get into avoid me like the plague because of the religion and culture they think I follow where it's expected for young couples to only hold hands and maybe hug for years until you get religiously married. On the other it's absolutely not what I want for myself, I wish I could just have sex with handsome guys and leave it at that so guys who could be into me expect the exact reverse of this and we're not compatible whatsoever. I also don't fit the beauty standards here to begin with.
>Do you approach men/women?No, I was abroad the first half of the year and thought maybe I could get into a relationship, I seemed to get along very well with some guys I met there for the first time of my life and I actually fit the beauty standards of that country way more than my own country and then corona-chan cockblocked me. Now that I'm back to living with my family I can't have a social life anymore
Are you employed?
Yes since some weeks ago, let's hope I can keep my shitty job despite the current crisis.
No. 662054
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>>661922This anon is winning at life. I hope to be this successful and self assured someday.
No. 662073
>Do you have a sexual life?Virgin but I'd call myself asexual anyway. I masturbate but it's more like an exercise/tension relief/body function for me without actual feelings involved (unless horny counts as an emotion). If I can make myself cum I see no reason to go through the trouble of involving anyone else.
>How is your social life?It was right where I wanted it to be pre-COVID. I went out with friends in a group every month or so, sometimes spending time with people one-on-one and otherwise just going out and doing my own thing. Lots of people I know consider me to be a bookish hyper-introvert antisocial type for not going out and getting drunk every single weekend but I do like socializing, just in small/spaced-out doses. Plus I talk to people online constantly, then and now.
>What prevents you from being loved?My personal choice. Being in a relationship just looks like a complete chore to me with no real benefit. My close friends are genuinely as close as I care to be with another person.
>Do you approach men/women?I approach neither. I wouldn't turn down a woman approaching me romantically (hasn't happened) just to see what it would be like, but she'd have to be really similar to me because I really don't want to alter myself/my life for another person. I have and will continue to turn down men because they repulse me, and back when I had 0 self esteem and was a miserable pick-me they could fucking smell it and I went on some very sketchy dates that could've ended badly for me.
>Are you employed?My job sucks but yeah.
No. 662092
>>661922Same anon, are you me? I mean except for the current sexual life, could be improved a bit but I’m not going to shag the first person who shows some interest.
I’m fairly attractive, very outgoing and not native to the country I currently live in (So extra “exotic” points). Lots of people show interest but after a relationship with a guy that was handsome, smart and extremely funny, I can’t settle anymore.
Turns out it’s fairly hard to find someone I find attractive AND can see daily without being tired of them. I’m happier being on my own and meeting new people than settling with a partner I’m lukewarm about. And I certainly can’t justify dating mediocre-looking men anymore. Fuck that “personality is all that matters” bullshit.
I’m on my A game and only date handsome and smart people. I’m ok potentially never marrying or never having a family tbh.
No. 662150
>Do you have a sexual life?
I did, but I'm volcel because I can't be fucked to get fucked. Lazy.
>How is your social life?
Pretty good, surprisingly. I still see a handful of friends from time to time, and have managed to deepen our friendship. It's pretty nice.
>What prevents you from being loved?
I'm bitchy as fuck and have the best rbf so strangers don't stop to talk to me. Also covid. Also, it's not that I myself am prevented. I prevent other people (ie. subpar men, whiny baby men, immature men… just men) from being loved by me because I am pretty cool.
>Do you approach men/women?
Nope, volcel and committed to it
>Are you employed?
Yeah, it's a good job especially right out of university, but I'm bored and wanting to leave. F
I'm 26, do I belong here
No. 662276
>>662054Ahahah! You're too sweet, anon. I'm a mess of a woman most days, in many ways, but being a spinster? That I'm actually quite cool with. Living my best witch years in that regard, hah!
Get after what you want in life, not what you think you should want. I wish I'd realised the difference sooner. Most stuff will fall into place after that, I promise. And wrt the whole spinster thing? Life at single and 30+ is a lot sweeter to me than it was at dating and early 20s. YMMV and all, but we women improve as we age, if we focus on ourselves and not just prioritising other people's happiness.
No. 662762
>>662273I'm considering just having casual sex because I'm so damn horny and every guy I've ever been with is pornsick and I think it's stupid as hell I'm always wanting sex more than they are, but they'd still watch porn.
How's your life? Is it fulfilling? Are you ever lonely? I only stay because I fear being alone.
No. 662773
>Do you have a sexual life?
Nope, don't care about sex and I could go my entire life without it it's probably not as good as hentai makes it out to be
>How is your social life?
Decent for my standards, I see friends from time to time, otherwise I'm very low maintenance, but I have difficulties keeping friendships (being slow to answer texts and all that jazz)
>What prevents you from being loved?
Low self-esteem, I genuinely think I don't deserve romantic love. Probably autism also.
>Do you approach men/women?
No, like I said I'm not interested in dating, I don't even know how I could meet other bi women without using a dating app (which I adamantly refuse to do).
>Are you employed?
Yes, shitty customer service, but it's something at least, I would go mad if I was a neet, and my co-workers make up most of my social interactions. My country has officially entered its second lockdown and I've been feeling devastated since then, this year has been absolute hell.