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No. 664273
>>664228Being really honest, I do like and appreciate the questions posed and the OP because they made me reflect about myself, my life and how and where things are going, kind of a mini therapy session.
But well, I do fear being data-mined so yeah. Sorry, OP. Perhaps if you started the thread saying something about yourself, could it have been different?
No. 664309
>>664228When I was small, I wanted to be a librarian. I loved books, it seemed like a quiet comfy job with little interactions. The idea of putting back books and be a part of this well organized knowledge well seemed great.
Then people told me I wouldn't make money doing this, that they were few job and that it was a shit job I was too smart to do.
Then the internet, getting sucked in by neopets, wyiwg blogs, rpg forums then board and the smartphones leaving less and less time to read. Then people telling me books was a dying industry and I should take something real and practical, and since I was such a good reader/writer, why not law? I failed law.
Now, I'm doing some web marketing/basic web dev be that I sort of like but don't feel good at.
I still wish I became a librarian.
No. 664313
>>664312Do you really need to study to be a librarian?
30 is still so young anon
No. 664319
I believe in you if you ever want to pursue it, seriously I would hug you if I could
No. 665360
>>665350Agreed. Can't this stuff stay in one thread?
They keep making slight variations on the same self pity because each OP thinks their way of framing things is so significant, but it could all easily fit into a vent thread
No. 665564
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>>665413I started studying at 22 because where I'm from army service is compulsory for 2 years for women, and now have a well paying job. I'll go for my masters next year at 28.
Nobody will care (and nobody does).
I studied abroad so it's not like most of my classmates were the same age as me, but over half were for varying reasons. Most people who get their masters do so in their 30s where I live. It's not pre-2008 anymore and people need to stop holding themselves up to standards their mommy and peepaw set for them because it just isn't happening.
If it makes you feel better, the majority of "oh no I'm soooooo old lol" people I've met at university have been Americans and Canadians who go for a postgrad degree at 21 with no experience and then wonder why they can't get a good job right off the bat instead of unpaid internships, everyone else just does things at their own pace.
It's getting really tiring reading all these "I'm so OLD!" posts on lolcow, probably made by the same people who call every 30+ cow an old hag for posting a filtered selfie. You're going to live for 80+ years, what will you be doing for the rest of it if you think your life ends at 30? Be bitter and seethe at younger people? Love yourself.
No. 666174
>>666149I didn't enter uni until I was 22 and I think that was the point I had my shit somewhat figured out. I was a complete kid at 18, couldn't imagine how I would've messed up uni stuff at that age. I think I would've done even better if I had entered at 25-26. Seriously, if anything you get a fast pass past the shitty unpaid intern jobs if you're older because people trust someone in their late 20s way more than someone in their early 20s. I didn't start gaining proper respect until I was reaching for my 30s.
>>665564Seeing anons aged 23 panicking over being "30 soon" is so sad. Like do you really think there will be a hearse waiting outside for your 30th birthday? People nitpick the cows aged 30+ an ungodly amount too, a lot of them are nearly indistinguishable from women in their late 20s and they don't even look "old", they look adult. I sure as hell will be rocking weebshit and liking fun things well past my 40s instead of shriveling up into a boring mommy stereotype. People have such a warped view on female aging I swear.
No. 666180
>>665413>>666149I got back into school last year at 23 too, and most of the other students are 18-21ish here too. I still feel a bit insecure about it at times aswell, but honestly that's 100% on me. No one has ever made a remark or anything of the sorts regarding my age. Beforehand I thought it would be hard to get to know people because of my age, but that hasn't been the case at all. I don't think anyone cares.
Good for you for getting back into education, good luck!!
No. 666303
Mostly positive addition to this thread? My current career is shit in terms of fulfillment, but great when it comes to convenience, pay and ease. I'm very grateful in those respects. I still want to work overseas badly and for that I need to finish my degree (I'm nearing 30 too!) but I saved enough money to do so and am actively working towards that goal. Also working on starting my own small business and things are looking positive for launch.
For the most part I'm good with my personality. I did a lot of growing these past few years mostly due to horrid relationships, but on the plus side they forced me to become a much stronger, more confident and self-aware person. I have a much better sense of who I am and what areas of my life are important versus those I'm willing to bend on. I still fall back into old, bad habits sometimes (depression, procrastination, impostor syndrome, self loathing) which is annoying, but I'm slowly getting better at managing these issues rather than feeling like a slave to them.
Actually happy with my looks. I've let a few extra pounds sneak on thanks to corona but my body is still hot and I was able to do the one, minimal plastic surgery I wanted. My skin is in good shape and I appreciate my features. I'm healthy, which I don't take for granted. I used to feel really ugly even when people complimented me due to my self esteem issues, but it feels nice to be in a good enough place to recognize that I am attractive.
No. 666378
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When I was a kid/early tween I thought I would be this cool idealized version of myself that was comfortable with talking to all kinds of people. I had a lot of friends in elementary/middle school in tons of groups but then got messed in high school and basically became a NEET and lost connection with everyone.
I also really wanted to (embarrassingly) go to CalArts or some art school before I realized how crazy fucking expensive they were. I put my dreams on the backburner and just went to normal Community college because that's all we can afford.
I also thought somehow my life would be so much better if I had straight hair kek.
I'm now 22, live with my parents, have a car, a job, shaved head, not dating currently, still no friends and half a degree for something I'm not sure I want to pursuit anymore. It's not exactly where I pictured myself but I also didn't expect a fucking worldwide pandemic so now I learned not to envison things to far ahead in the future because you don't know what bullshit life will throw at you.