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No. 66535
>>66534Agreed. It's pretty nasty and I feel bad for the kids for being featured on there.
Also none of the shit they're selling is cute? At all.
No. 66564
> fucking thank you. I need eye bleach after looking through that.
>>66562Having been addicted to heroin and having lost very good friends to ODing, it just makes me want to throw up. It's so edgy and tryhard.
No. 66600
>>66585>that entire interviewThis rustled my jimmies a lot more than I thought it would. Ephebophiles presenting their shitty, edgy project as something artistic and beautiful. Fun excerpts:
>We are living in a world where 13-year-olds have coined the term ‘Komasaufen’ (something along the lines of ‘binge drinking’) and where kids send crass porn clips of themselves, made on their mobiles, around the Internet; where 14-year-olds get their girlfriends sloshed in order to rape her and film it on video. A world where very young girls smile at us from Gucci posters, sticking their tongues between their lips as if to say, “Come on, fuck me.” Every 20-year-old girl is frustrated because she wants to look like that as well.>In the life that we reflect, the life of these young girls who start taking drugs, you can sense a very aesthetic grace for a short period of time, a grace that is rather remote from life, very rare and strange. A beauty that you don’t even sense even when you possess it. Not a simple beauty, but a tragic beauty, a sickly, nearly hostile beauty, young and naïve, childlike and awkward, wild and free, feral and untended. As with wild flowers – the most beautiful flowers do not grow in gardens or avenues. It is this wild, free, and dangerous kind of beauty that we’d like to capture. Ruining your life at a young age makes you wild, free and tragically beautiful, guys. :^)
No. 66606
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In hindsight, I think this pisses me off so much because it's exploitative. Not just of the teenagers in the photographs (though that definitely plays a part), but of an entire "aesthetic" formed around a shitty lifestyle (see: 90s heroin chic, the movie Kids, etc). There's nothing in-depth, deep or "beautiful" about these photos. At best, they're as uninspired, haggard and lifeless as the kids themselves. At worst, they're laughably tryhard and have all the aesthetic appeal of a stock image found on Google after searching "teenage drug addiction" (writing "baby sex" on the wall? Fucking really?).
This whole thing was made by boring, uncreative middle-aged/adult people who romanticize youth a little too much and were/are trying to take advantage of trends, but they can't even do that right. It's inauthentic, shock-value garbage and they're using the "Art is there to reflect le society!!! People are offended because we're showing things they can't understand!!! ;)" meme to hide it.
I get what they're trying to do. They're just complete shit at it, and that is the most offensive thing of all to me.
Sorry for blog
No. 66614
>>66569More like, it makes money at their expenses and treats it like a ~kewl edgy fashium~ whils completely ignoring the problem.
Pure trash.
No. 66617
>>66600What kind of filthy perverts are these ugh…
Oh yeah, art students.
No. 66700
>>66693Lmao no, the interview says otherwise. They honestly think it's "beautiful" for teenagers to be fucked up drug addicts and prostitutes. It's not any sort of call to action.
They're just disgusting predators who are trying to make dosh off struggling youth, and AFAIK they never even give back to them (having shitty photographs taken of you drunk/high/nude does not count, I don't care if you "absolutely wanted it").
No. 66705
>>66693seriously, it just sounds like an excuse to take amateur pictures of naked women.
Where are all the pics of the men?
No. 67360
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This is clearly inspired by pic related.
No. 67485
>>67003I feel really bad for these cleaners! What the hell. This isn't art to begin with,
oh boo, your cookie crumbs got swept away. Maybe because it isn't art? I hate Modern garbage.