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No. 681073
>>680997>post-M.A.D.M.A.D. never stopped even the US or USSR/Russia from killing each other with tanks and rifles all over the world, there still hasn't been a day of worldwide peace since the first world war.
Conscription and frontline fighting should only be mandatory for men, but women being taught combat skills, defense from chemical weapons, bombs and that sort of thing is a positive in my book, that should be a voluntary option. Especially in countries that have aggressive neighbors.
No. 681110
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Lmao no, can men just kill and rape each other on their own time far away from us please.
No. 681171
>>681110Agreed. College women are already raped enough, now they want us to be forced into the military where nearly every woman who serves voluntarily is assaulted (usually by her own comrades). Statistics aren't at 100% but I imagine if women were encouraged to report their assaults then it would be near that number; all of the women who I have personally encountered have been pretty open about how they were assaulted and how it's nearly always covered up. The military's success relies on sociopathic men so I doubt there would be much done to apprehend them even if women's service was mandatory. We're already physically useless at combat when it comes to fighting off men who attack us in the streets. To the men who argue otherwise (that women
should have to serve while knowing all of this) just admit that you want us dead and stfu.
No. 681252
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There is literally no one I met IRL (USA) or over the internet that supports wars in random ME country or fighting with Russia. It's always from the politicians that somehow keep getting elected.
No. 681290
I'm a burger and wholly disagree with U.S. imperialism, also I don't think anyone should be drafted – maybe if we were getting actually invaded and our actual homes were in threat of being destroyed, but I think a lot of people would be willing to take up arms to protect their immediate neighbors, friends, and family.
That being said I think a lot of good could come from encouraging people to volunteer for a short term in social services roles, and maybe some combat and defense training if the individual's body is able to handle it (obviously such a thing doesn't exist in the U.S., and this is hypothetical). I joined the army when I was young, depressed, and aimless, and although I ended up getting discharged for an injury the actual training period was really good for me – I figured out my strengths and what I could handle, and got really fucking strong to boot lol, my arms and shoulders were fucking yoked from all the pushups I was doing. I finally stopped being a NEET and was able to develop a sense of self-worth and discipline that still benefit me today.
No. 681389
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>>681241kurdish nationalist communists in turkey have a lot of female fighters too.
No. 681575
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>>681389Goes to show women will gladly fight to protect their lands and people while men fight for tough guy points and le epic kill count
No. 681630
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>>681241A lot of communist guerillas leaders in the middle east are female, including pic related who was actually Japanese.
No. 682067
>>681973Nope, getting pregnant and thus a responsibility of at least 18 years taking care of a kid you might not even want? Sounds like a loss, not as horrifying as going to war, but still a bother.
It’s easier to just pretend you’re insane or something like that, after checking out the list of reasons why someone might not get drafted, the easiest way out is to say you have incontinence issues, hernia or that you suffer from dumbness, which seems to be unable to speak out loud.
No. 682508
>>681899Thank you for sharing your story anon and for your service. I'm so sorry that happened to you. You are so strong to not only defend your country and stand today as a woman but also to tell your story as a survivor. I personally was not considering serving in the military but I'm sure you and other women could give the perspective that could save young girls who intend to enlist (usually for covered college tuition and veteran benefits).
I have a question though–I'm the same anon as
>>681171 and wanted to know if my speculation about rape in the military is
valid or not. Like how nearly all women who have served have been assaulted and how it's worse reporting a rape in the military probably moreso than anywhere else. Just wanna make sure that I'm not spreading misinformation.
No. 688068
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I've been meaning to read the Unwomanly Face of War by Svetlana Alexievich for a long time to learn about Russian women fighting during WWII. Have any farmers read it? No. 696896
>>680974>Are women conscripted into the military in your countryGreece here and no we are not.
>If not, should women be drafted? (If there is no draft, registration with Selective Service or similar.) There is full on conscription here, which I am against and think it should be abolished as it basically wastes a year of young boys' lives.
But in case of a war, a defensive war obviously, yes girls should absolutely be drafted along the boys. We either want equality or we don't, in my case I absolutely do.
No. 696907
>>696896>We either want equality or we don't, in my case I absolutely do.Feminism is not (or should not be) about equality, like dumb fuck media wanna tell you. It's about the liberation of women from patriarchal bullshit. How is being forced to fight in wars started by retarded politicians (almost always male, by the way) liberating women?
I guess if a women wants to, she should be able to be a soldier. Too bad that female soldiers are not treated equally to males and face tons of sexual harrassment/abuse. Though I guess walking around with a gun may be still better than just sitting in your house and waiting to be killed and raped (or vice versa).
No. 696913
>>696907I never said I am feminist anon. I mean, I consider myself one, but only in the sense of equality of the sexes, both legally and socially. And well, I mean obviously fuck patriarchal bullshit, trust me, I know them well, but I will have to disagree with you on the liberation part. What even would be liberation, a separate society? I want to live in this society and to be treated as an equal. Basically I want to do away with gender roles and expectations.
Also come on, women vote too, we are equally responsible for the retards we put in positions of power like the males in our countries. The military obv needs extremely harsh penalties for harassment, I can not agree more, but it really seems against my goals to want to be exempt from this. It basically is the only real thing men can truly claim to fuck them over, I can not in good conscience allow them to have this unique gender oppression, as I said, I want all of it gone.
No. 698716
>>696907>How is being forced to fight in wars started by retarded politicians (almost always male, by the way) liberating women?I know war is essential international politics and there are posters from different countries. But I don't think it's wise to shift the blame entirely on men. At least, just saying that isn't a nuanced worldview.
In the US, women also vote for the commander-in-chief of the US military. Women also generally vote for the candidates from the Democratic Party. (Granted neither party has a clean record, and we're stuck with a plurality voting system that mathematically marginalizes third-parties.)
It's just blunt to say "men start all the wars" when women are a contributing influence as to why said politicians are in office or why wars are started (e.g Hillary Clinton).
No. 735009
>>682508Late reply but thank you and yeah the number is pretty high. The last figures I was aware of was over 20k for the entire armed forces (this was around 2018). The thing about this number is these are only the reported assault and rape cases. There's a million or so active members currently serving, so the true number is probably much much higher. The chances of being a
victim of assault/rape are around 1 in 8 for women 20 and under, and experiencing a hostile work environment due to sexism are 1 in 4. They are trying to show pity to men who experience this but blatantly ignore that 96% percent of the perpetrators were men. Of the reported cases, over 19k men were responsible for this nightmare. The military says around 6% of all women in the military in 2018 had their lives ruined, and aaaaalmost 1% of men. The numbers compared to the entire military are technically small but they should not be happening at all. When you're more likely to be raped than be killed in combat it's an issue that needs to be taken seriously.
They have a zero tolerance policy set in place but when you do report it, if you seek justice you have to go before a military court and plead your case/provide definitive proof it happened. This means retelling your story multiple times over and over again, getting possibly ridiculed if the accused is someone many people know (which happened to me), having to possibly change the base you are stationed at and all the headache that comes with that, all the while having to continue working like nothing happened. Let's not forget doing the work of the investigators because they can't be bothered and are working with shit technology (each branch has their own unit of criminal investigators). This means many women will just keep the event quiet and not pursue justice. I have never experienced what it is like seeking justice outside of the military but I feel like its just as scream inducing. Sorry for the super long post, if you want to look for yourself look into sapr dot mil (Sexual Assault Prevention and Response office), defense dot gov, military dot com, or news outlets like the new york times and usa today. Despite the zero tolerance policy sexual crimes have been rising in the military. Ladies please stay away from the military.
No. 859239
>Senate Democrats are proposing a sweeping rewrite of the military draft laws aimed at requiring women to register for the Selective Service System, according to a draft authored by Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed and obtained by POLITICO.
>The changes to Selective Service could be attached to the National Defense Authorization Act, a defense policy bill that’s one of the few pieces of legislation considered a “must-pass” by Congress. The move would reignite a contentious debate over whether women should be required to register for the draft, a move the House and Senate have each considered in recent years, though the change has never become law.I'm too old to be drafted, but gl.
No. 861698
>>859383Ain't nothing wrong with that, hoe.
Nta, but carry on with your old ass anon. Balance out the absolute retard underage here.
No. 877583
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>>680974yep we have compulsory military service and girls can choose if they want or not, but boys must. But we also have patriotic youth paramilitary organizations for boys and girls, but also for men and women, old tradition. Here is some pictures about our women who beside their job and being wives and moms also are part of paramilitary unit. Yes we have main defence force run by government and then separately secondary organisation whats paramilitary. Don´t ask, its just Estonia being weird. No. 877652
>>877583I have to ask, what even is the point of Estonia having an army? Like, if Russian wants to invade, what are they going to do? Stall them for 10 minutes? Seems like a waste of time and money.
>>877600But aren't liberals running American now? I thought Biden won. Also the naivety of these people, no country is getting rid of the draft, If attacked, any country is going to try to defend itself, thinking the draft is going away is utopian fantasy of children and child like thinking adults.
>>877624I disagree on zero reason for us to get conscripted, I actually think it is vitally necessary for the abolition of gender, you can't have a genderless society when you put the massive expectation of fighting and dying on only one gender, but I won't insist on it, everyone can have their opinion. But I don't get what you mean "in term of demographics", of course the gender ration equalizes after a while, children are still born 50-50.
No. 877665
>>877662For children and old people I agree obviously, they are not capable of doing much, but I disagree about women. Other than special forces units that obviously need the best physically which will be 99% men, I absolutely believe young women should be drafted along with young men in times their country is attacked (and only in those times, defensive wars are the only wars that should include the draft, any politician that wants to draft people to send them to die abroad should be hanged immediately). I legit don't consider myself an equal to my male peers and it's mostly due to that, that they had to do a year or year and half (it depends here) of conscription and have that responsibility to go and fight and die if shit hits the fan. I am a radical feminist in the sense that I am a gender abolitionist. If I ask men to go and die for me to defend me and other women I am a hypocrite and I do not want to be one. I am fine dying in battle protecting my loved ones like any man, there is no pride in cowering behind boys that die for you, I hate that my country does this shit. And it is also one of the main reasons gender roles are still strong here, because there is no way in hell men will drop the gender shit since they see themselves as defenders of the country so deserving of special privileges, which is actually kind of true, not that it should, but if you go through with this shit, obviously you should be rewarded in some way compared to the people that didn't.
No. 877683
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>>877665well I do think women should serve but not in traditional Infantry or special forces(not one woman has ever completed the US infantry course with male physical standards) and as I said women prefer slightly better then men in Ariel combat, there are other POG branches where women can serve alongside men
No. 877686
>>877677Hello Hilary. Also no. Women obviously suffer rape when their nation is conquered, which if anything is another incentive to fight.
>>877682>Random 18 year old boys are responsible for warsAre you deranged anon? Also gross at the replaceable part, that is not a way to look at humans, it's disgusting.
>>877683Well it might be because you are thinking of the American army I guess. In my country the army is basically (outside of special forces, which I agreed with you) a defensive force, so women can perform fine in infantry roles, since it's mostly mechanized and defensive position holding. No long marches with heavy weights and stuff, where men obviously have more capability, that's mostly special forces. I knew a girl who volunteered for the army and she did just fine, there are no real standards for conscripts, if you breathe you are good, that's what conscription is really.
No. 877697
>>877686Listen I'm not a manhater in fact I have a boy of my own, I would feel awful if he ever got conscripted to die for a bunch of dumb politicians but it would be his duty, I don't think its sexist really
Its just the reality, wasting time and resources conscripting women in a net negative for everyone
No. 877709
>>877701Civilians being
victims of war crimes is not related to the conversation about whether women should serve in the army, also fuck off from here if you can't have a conversation without accusing others of being scrots. Also the overwhelming majority of soldiers don't rape and torture moron, they are conscripts, when you conscript men you conscript bob the average guy and Tom the serial killer and everyone in between. No shit some of them are violent psychopaths that will take advantage of the situation. The "dawn of time" argument is not even an argument, it's nonsense, you realise western society is massively different that it used to be, as are the people in it right?
>>877702I understand it's his legal responsibility anon, I am arguing that it shouldn't, because this discrimination on the basis of sex is messed up and inherently sexist, something that I, as a gender abolitionist, disagree with on the most basic of principles.
>>877705Yes anon, psychopaths can act like psychopaths when society breaks down, there is a reason war is hated in every decent society.
No. 877712
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No. 877713
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No. 877718
>>877715yes that happens ofc, the army is not exempt of criminals, if anything the army gets away with a lot of criminal behaviour, hazing rituals, rape, harassment. That harsher penalties and more accountability should be a thing is a given obviously. Rapists should be jailed for life imo.
>>877716No idea what you are talking about, try using sentences next time if you want us to understand.
No. 877720
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There are thousands of stories like this
No. 884751
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I actually think women should be drafted along men, especially after seeing the shit the men pulled in Afghanistan. Can you imagine your men just surrendering knowing what the Taliban will do to you and every other woman and girl in the coutnry?
If America (The Great Satan) had trained women instead of men they would have fought and won against the Taliban, they would have something to protect. I don't trust the scrots of my country to protect me, they are cowardly and won't give a fuck what happens to us, same as the Afghan scrots.
No. 884785
>>696907I agree, modern day wars are different to how things were 100 years ago anyway. We can take up arm and defend our country and our autonomy over our bodies but it only postpones the inevitable. Governments seal the deal amongst themselves and there’s not much citizens can do about it.. As in Afghanistan, Murica funded the t…ban 50 years ago because commies bad, and when you add the rampant misogyny lurking in Afghan culture to the equation now t…ban rules the country and encourages parents to “gift” their daughters for lifelong rape & torture. Chi-na has already declared they are not opposing t…ban. Patriarchal society doesn’t give a shit about women’s health, rights or well being and if they will be the sellouts in exchange for the suffering for women and children..
It helps to learn self defense, shooting (if legal) and stock up on arms but does it change the inevitable fate?
It always makes me laugh when people pay tribute to the army, like they are some sort of saint but in reality a dangerous portion of them are sociopaths who would sexually assault “their” women and humanity isn’t alien to “ethnic cleansing” campaigns aka mass rapes and impregnation of women of the enemy. We all suffer, some more violently than others.
This is a dream but things won’t stop until all women in the world unite and free themselves from patriarchy.
No. 884828
>>884751this based
nonnie gets it
No. 884873
>>884751Based, fuck relying on men, I can protect my rights and my loved ones, the whole concept of men being the protectors in fucked up and it spreads from their roles as soldiers to the rest of society, only them being drafted needs to stop.
>>884864Anon, no one is going to ban you for saying Taliban, you kind of came along as if straight from twitter.
No. 885105
>>885100You can speak freely against ideologies here anon, especially now with the Taliban in the news. Here I'll show you.
No. 885686
>>885105FUCK ISLAM and fuck off Islamist scrotes.
Ah, cathartic.
No. 885726
>>885612It’s both Islam’s and Murica’s fault.
Murica found the perfect weakness in Afghan society; Islam and deep rooted misogyny in their culture, then utilized it for their own benefit. The perfect manipulator. There are many Islamic countries in the world, and many Islamic scrotes, but few openly molest boys and find women “impure”:, like so many other religions is a cult to oppress the society, especially women, keep people busy praying five times a day and to limit their education… this creates the perfect society which can be easily manipulated and controlled by the west. If you want to colonize a society and control their natural resources just spread the seeds of radical Islam and wait until the vast majority becomes uneducated scrotes who are too busy praying to think about what’s really happening or to invent the technology to save their own ass.
Oh don’t forget to cherry pick a few activists from this country who are lucky enough to be born to educated parents and parade them around in conferences and on Twitter to appease your guilt.
What grossed me out is Murica left behind the female doctors, journalists, artists and activists in Afghanistan to be violently murdered by the scrotes. The evacuation should be better planned and these brilliant women should be granted asylum in select western countries. Their men? Leave them behind to rot in the hell that they created.
No. 885760
>>885567Why should the US fight a war that Afghans themselves couldn't be bothered fighting?
Afghan men let the Taliban take everything without any pushback and then tried to flee the country. And then they have the nerve to whine "everyone abandoned us!" - they happily fled while leaving their women and children to be tortured and raped.
Islamic men are the problem. Shame on them.
No. 885868
>>885783How so?
Every scrote is screeching for Taleba to kill the women they hate because they are insecure little shits.
Even the nastiest bitch on lolcow feels sympathetic towards Afghan women and wishes they could be rescued.
No. 885962
i have a hard time believing westerners actually give a shit about the women in afghanistan. also i'm pretty sure that most of them think western women are depraved whores and would rather side with their men over you.
>>885801>>885868the constant dehumanization of middle eastern men (yeah ik afghanistan isn't in the middle east technically but who cares, it's a dumbass term to begin with).
in another thread, a couple of anons were excusing lynndie england, and some only thought she was a war criminal bc of the female
victims. something is deeply wrong with you bitches.
No. 885976
>>885970there's nothing i can do about women being oppressed in another continent so yeah ofc
>>885974yep but i'm talking about the replies as well
No. 886030
>>885962> the constant dehumanization of middle eastern menWho cares? They’re the ones
killing and raping women and children because their dicks are useless and all they got is tard strength.
I don’t see why talking shit about shit men is huwtful to them since I’m pretty sure they can’t even read anything of what’s being posted in here, which isn’t exactly the first place that people go to in order to form their opinions about foreigners.
So go back to Twitter and cry about their wrinkly musty dicks being dehumanized, who knows? Maybe you will get some asspats.
No. 886042
>>886030why are you taking it so personally? i'm sorry to interrupt your circle jerking about how awful and evil all sand apes are (only the males though, teehee), but you'll find out that thinking that an entire ethnic group shouldn't be vilified doesn't mean i support the taliban!
and why bring up penises, that's so weird lmao. are you trying to tell us something,
No. 886089
>>885962Middle eastern men are subhuman.
t. middle eastern woman
No. 886092
>>886088ty for being more honest than the rest but you will never have your ethnostate
>>886089>as a black man,make sure you don't procreate then
No. 886104
>>886092I'm Pakistani, I literally hade 30% of the men in my country and think they should be geocoded, the others are rural illiterate peasants so I don't hate them that much, and also their good looking
I think they should be reeducated and taught Communism
No. 886123
>>886117you can whine as much as you want but in the eyes of everyone else, you're still a muzzie lol.
>>886088>>886116i know right, how dare those semitic subverters impose their culture, religion and values on native europeans. we should treat them like the invaders they are.
>>886120what country are you from?
No. 886129
>>886125nobody will be able to doxx you by only knowing your country, just give out a general area.
>>886127i don't know if you are aware but in the west, women have the same rights as men. no man can force any woman to 'live like that'. that's what their women want, to be treated like animals.
No. 886135
>>886131what's your solution to that problem? deporting them all? sending them to re-education camps? sterilizing the males? genuinely curious.
>>886133nope, i'm very much a lady! have you ever interacted with muslim women?
No. 886139
>>886129Fine, I am Greek, I am just a bit paranoid about my anonymity. Also come on, Muslim women are the
victim here. They are retarded for still being Muslim, but they are basically brainwashed
victims, it's not their fault.
>>886135NTA but
>deporting them all?yes. Easy solution.
>have you ever interacted with muslim women?Unfortunately and I have seen how brainwashed they are considering they support Islam as women. It's like Red Pilled Wives.
No. 886147
>>886139>greek>whiteyeah ok now i get why you didn't want to tell me. jokes aside, you described your country as an ethnostate, is there really no refugee crisis over there?
>but they are basically brainwashed victimsaren't the males brainwashed as well? where does the religious indoctrination start? and would you deport them by ethnicity or religion?
No. 886161
>>886147No offense taken, also there is a crisis, but we mostly have them in the camps. There are unfortunately a lot of these men roaming Athens, but it's mostly contained there and they are obviously not part of society, just pests to us and tourists. Most we give nationality so they can go be Germany's problem, but so many many more are coming from Turkey. I hope we can hold them off like we did last time, but this time the watermelon seller seems determined enough to make them cross through the minefields.
And well yeah, the males are brainwashed too, but being brainwashed to be the master is a bullshit excuse, it's really easy to believe and not an excuse. Being brainwashed to be a
victim is just sad. I started as a leftist trying to help these people and I don't know where I am politically now.
>>886149Oh I am not talking about the women there, I was talking about the women that come here and still go on about Islam and how great it is and raise their children in the same way. Ofc I get why women in the ME would act like they are Muslim.
>>886150Why can't I have a normal leftist party that is not insane and self destructive and that understands that you can't tolerate the intolerant?
>>886154>Islam>raceback to elementary school with you.