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No. 686078
now with 50% more sperging
>>>/ot/673218Farmhands' dumbass disclaimers:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 686185
The vast majority of western euro/north american leftist """socialists""" are so delusional, self centered, and whiny. western entitlement coupled with a misunderstanding of socialist theory isn't a cute look. a lot of them are middle class and up, not to mention they live in rich 1st world countries, but still think theyre poor or the most oppressed people on the entire planet or whatever the shit lmao. they need to shut the fuck up, even if only for 5 minutes. also, a quick tip: if you have a university degree, you're not working class lol.
>>686108tomato soup as well
No. 686192
>>686185I agree except
> if you have a university degree, you're not working class lol. Is just untrue in many places. In the past, yes, but these days considerable financial support is offered to working class students to enable them to continue studying. I went to a shit school in one of the most deprived areas of the country and tens of students went to uni (not necessarily desirable places, but they went).
It’s not even necessarily true that you become middle class financially as many graduates can find nothing but minimum wage jobs. A degree doesn’t guarantee a level of income except in the case of studying something like medicine.
I do dislike when people continue to label themselves WC while being in a definite MC position though.
No. 686442
>>68622799% of my friends are online and i don't feel lonely. sometimes i feel a vague want for a relationship but then i remember i'd have to sacrifice stuff for it. i'm doing good.
i think SOME people certainly suffer for it though. people think "extroversion" = being loud and confident but i've known so many shut-in, shy extroverts whose friendships are mostly based online and THEY definitely aren't gaining real contentment from that.
No. 686560
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>>686522you're objectively wrong
No. 686615
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>>686541gonna go even further and say that most mental illness is just environmental stress, especially social, especially subtle types that aren't experienced directly. Like lacking social belonging and stability, which can be very difficult to even recognize if you have mostly existed without really belonging anywhere socially. If you are in a secure environment, this will resolve the maladaptive things you learned during traumatic experiences simply by providing accurate credible evidence that you're safe now.
I think people with very idiosyncratic social and environmental needs can benefit from internal trauma resolving work, stoicism, meditation, etc. because they can't necessarily find the belonging they need literally anywhere (I'm talking people with moderate autism and otherwise extreme mental architectures). But honestly, for most people, if you're in a situation where you start doing daily work to notice the tense feeling in your neck that represents your internal scared child feeling suffocated by the demands of your internal anxious mother or whatever, just pack your bags and leave the country or go wherever you will be likeliest to find a culture and community that fits you.
anyway this is what worked for me, no guarantees
No. 686721
>>686615thank you for this. society is unraveling and the world is meaningless. it is difficult to accept that your environment can poison you and that it can be your burden to change it. no wonder people struggle.
>>686627anon forgot her medicine
No. 686780
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>>686769>have privatized healthcare system>run for profit>people with more sicknesses and more ailments make more profit>people's health worsens by consuming unhealthy products>health organizations partner with and receive funds from corporations who make unhealthy products>make unhealthy products ridiculously cheap>make decent insurance and healthcare services expensive, so the average civilian can't afford quality healthcare>create society where the most cost-efficient lifestyle makes you the sickestIt doesn't.
Privatized healthcare systems exacerbate the obesity epidemic. It quite literally creates fat people. Fat people are not "clogging up the system", the system works with corporations that produce and heavily market unhealthy products to make sure that fat people continue to exist, so they can continue to generate profit. Socialized healthcare (or even a somewhat-publicly-funded healthcare system) as well as regulations on what dangerous ingredients can and can't be sold to the masses and marketed as "totally normal food" would result in a much lower number of fat people.
No. 686805
>>686780> even a somewhat-publicly-funded healthcare system as well as regulations on what dangerous ingredients can and can't be sold to the masses and marketed as "totally normal food" would result in a much lower number of fat peopleNta, I agree in theory but I’m not sure how possible this is in a Western country. I’m from the UK and many people would consider here to meet that criteria because of the publicly funded NHS, apparently decent food regulations (sugar tax introduced a couple years back), high fructose corn syrup not normalised and usually only found in novelty American imports. Far from perfect, but seemingly okay.
I never thought about it much until I saw a Coca-Cola logo on a ‘please wash your hands’ sign in an NHS hospital. A really bizarre sight. Turns out Coca-Cola bribe scientists, including government advisers, to claim their drinks do not cause obesity. They donate their drinks to healthcare workers and food banks. Idk why they are sponsoring NHS toilets though lol, but presumably bribery going on there.
Similar story with baby formula companies. The NHS has breached WHO regulations by accepting money from these companies. They are supposed to promote breastfeeding but obviously there’s no profit in that. (Worth noting the link between formula feeding and later obesity too).
This is just scratching the surface. I don’t know if it’s any better in other countries with publicly funded healthcare, and it’s worth noting that the NHS has been underfunded for years, but it’s hard to envision a perfect system that doesn’t fall
victim to corruption.
No. 686865
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>>686627yeah, I said this is what worked for me, so def not counting myself as a person with such an atypical mental life that finding belonging is an insurmountable task. Like most people on this board I'm weird and nerdy however, and even for us finding a healthy ingroup is possible if we recognize the need and act on it. For us the problem IME is that while it's possible, we are too used to the wrong environment (and kinda always feeling socially "off") to start searching for better.
Autism and other disorders that affect your ability to communicate, empathize, and relate to people around you to and extreme degree will obviously make belonging more difficult. I included this bit because I have observed it in a couple of friends, who are so far on the spectrum that I fully admit that to them searching for an environmental solution to their depression and anxiety would probably be impossible, and so for them the best option really is just internal work, meditation, therapy, and meds. (Also worth noting these can also help other people and even give them the energy required to change their environment, just rarely seems these are a complete solution to longstanding mental issues, and people who can find their ideal environment won't necessarily need them.)
No. 687207
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Men hate women because they're a little jealous of us. Every guy I've been with hints my life must be easy because I'm female which means I must get Tons of shit and love for free. They hate young good looking women even more.
No. 687215
>>687211He has tons of live streams with him beating up or degrading pretty young girls
Fast forward to 7:57
No. 687227
>>687220lol anon r u me
>>687222I'm surprised nobody even jumped on him to defend the poor girl
No. 687244
>>687242seconded, especially overly white and straight teeth and bright blue eyes.
>>687237also somewhat agree kek although the prettiest girl i know has 2 godawfully ugly parents somehow.
>>687207when are we sending all moids to Greenland again?
No. 687251
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>>687237Idk anon genetics are weird, what do you define as ugly? Have you seen Zendaya's parents? Rosie Huntington Whiteley has uggo parents too.
No. 687366
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i don't like freckles. i don't mind that they are trending, but to me they look on par with blackheads and scabs
No. 687371
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>>687366i hate those makeup freckles with the power of a thousand suns. I do find the natural intense freckles on the nose very cute though. They only look good if you're pretty to begin with
No. 687388
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>>687382you'd be insane if you lived in Russia too, it's a harsh country
No. 687466
>>687460>one of the therapists I know has a instagram vent/spam account on which she has added her fucking patientsThat's so unbelievably inappropriate and I can't believe no one has reported her. I'm personally pro-therapy, but you're really, really not wrong about a lot of
young therapists being absolute fucking retards with no boundaries despite trying to teach people how to enforce them. If you ever do try it, I hope you find a good one, but I understand your hesitation.
No. 687471
>>687406Agree. I had a therapist who within the first visit kept pressuring me to describe
in detail my experiences with childhood sexual abuse. Like, why? I wanted to ease into that subject after a few visits. I had to keep changing the subject since there was zero trust build up. She was a total freak. I honestly felt like she just cared about the “juicy” stuff, if that even makes sense…
No. 687476
>>687406Literally know a woman from my grad program who constantly has emotional breakdowns on her social media and complains about her anorexia which clearly shows she isn't in a stable nor recovered mindset.
She works at an ED recovery center and teaches a high school class remotely.
Scary to think she's in charge of vulnerable people when she's such a fucking mess, but I don't think she's passing on neuroses so to speak. I think she just "gets something" out of it like living vicariously through other anorexics, and making up the feelings of guilt and shame by saying she's helping kids by giving them an easy grade.
People like that aren't destructive but also aren't altogether helpful either, they're in it for selfish reasons that they disguise altruistically.
No. 687595
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>>687589I thought Belle was the NLOG material? And Rapunzel was for tradthots and pickmes.
Belle is my favourite princess. No. 687714
>>687711I prefer to just believe that everyone is shit and surprise myself when I meet people that I respect and make me happy. I don't know if that's unpopular or not.
>>687207They're just aggressively retarded.
It is nice to get shit for free though. A lady in the carline in front of me paid for my whole matcha latte and food the other day. I paid for the scrote in the work van behind me, in turn.
No. 687737
>>687718The men I know are decent most of the time, if not draining to be around. But they always end up dissapointing/revealing coomerism/falling into male socialization/mantruming/letting their penis over rule all critical thinking/etc. I honestly see them as some kind of unstable disabled human being, they're not needed and life would be better without them. Why else would they try so hard worldwide to keep women birthing male kids?
>>687728Very easy to spot which radfems have never read a 2nd wave book
No. 687747
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UO threads were much more interesting 2-3 years ago. Past anons were stoopid and could not recognise scrote racebait, which led to endless infighting and things are stricter now as a result. I've been reading old threads for a few hours now, and it's amazing how lax the unpopular opinion threads used to be. A lot of ugliness for sure, but the conversation was always lively, and more importantly, you COULD say what you wanted. So many topics of discussion are effectively off-limits now.
No. 687778
>>687747The race threads were funny
Really let’s you peak into how some farmers think
No. 687913
>>687846Men who are into feet are always sexually submissive, similar to men who are really into redheads.
And when a man enjoys serving and being used he's not far away from bisexuality.
No. 687934
Yeah I saw the movie and it was a fun experience but the movie itself is forgettable. I didn’t really get the obsession but I do love the himbo meme that spawned out of it. Galo is cute.
>>687867>tfw I thought lio was a really cool woman>Just like I thought yuri on ice was gonna be about ice skating lesbiansSiked out TWICE
No. 688005
>>688001I found it fun back then when it was airing, but it's not good enough for me to want to rewatch it. I found the fanbase cancerous though, that and the fact that the last episode is pretty much Sonic Adventure 2's ending kinda ruins it.
>>687865It's mindless fun, but honestly with the hype surrounding it I expected a better story. It's like you're just supposed to just watch the pretty pictures and the "story" is just a pretext for them.
No. 688207
>>687865I hated it too. It made me think "
this is what everyone's hyped about?" I know it's not the plot everyone's into (which was uber cliche & predictable) but it wasn't even that gay. Plus blue guy's hair looks so stupid, like a rooster, I can't.
The worst is the people who
pretended it had an amazing, mindblowing plot and wasn't just fujobait with Worse Kamina. I can at least understand the ones who admit they solely like it for the ship.
No. 688233
>>688217It depends on usage. Like TERF. Which we all know means "women". Once it's thrown out, you can't win and that's the point. If you object, you're seen as being the thing you're accused of and confirming everyone's sUspIcIoNs. It's an
abusive tactic. "Karen" is now used against any white women someone wishes to hate, and if she defends herself, well, SHE'S A KAREN!
No. 688247
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>>688232i'm glad it's considered sexy now since i used to get made fun of for having a naturally bigger butt when i was younger. however, yes, men idolize the completely unrealistic, exaggerated, pornsick version of it to the point people get those implants now. which look disgusting and painful.
No. 688250
>>688243i know thats true, but some people just have genetics and muscle shape/distribution that means they will probably never achieve the "perfect" larg round butt shape no matter how much they exercise.
and also, exercise is good for you, but ive come across too many women who exclusively focus on working out to get a bigger ass, which seems like it would cause problems down the line if youre only exercising one muscle group exclusively.
No. 688251
>>688232I especially hate the butt implant trend. It looks so bad and is so fucking risky. I just hate plastic surgery in general.
Same thing with anal. Scrotes need to stop getting meme’d into liking stupid shit and trying to get women into it too.
No. 688261
>>688235A lot of them love big butts and not even the grotesque fake proportions kind, you might just be limited by your area.
Your body type is likely very cute and you've just been unlucky so far.
>>688251Jesus, a lot of scrotes are easily manipulated into trends. I think that people in general are. It's all about exposure.
Wall incoming but looking at trends in 4chan usage, the t-girl meme didn't hit hard til after GG. After that, it was shilled harder and harder in /r9k/ and /v/. I never frequented either board, and can't give a shit about the place anymore but after talking to my husband about it yesterday, he was saying that at points guys couldn't even bring up attractive women without constant thirstposting from anime avatarfag t3000s replying about how they would "take care of you". He also mentioned discord servers and shit shilled constantly about transitioning. Evidently the only safespace there is /tv/
No. 688274
>>688265This is so inaccurate it's insane. Loads of white men like small boobs, even prefer them. Men who exclusively like big tits are limited to a minority of fetishists and really young boys who haven't developed their own taste yet, but overall it's gone out of style. Meanwhile they have been completely memed into preferring big butts, and they are even more eager to shit on women who lack one than they ever were with flat chests. If you have a flat ass you, personally, are at fault because you haven't spent a tonne of time, money and effort in the gym to fix your offensive physical flaws. They used to make fun of flat chests but at least they couldn't really blame you for it.
I can't STAND the thought of working out specifically to cultivate a body part for men to fap to. I want to look good and be healthy but I seriously resent the thought of doing ass-focused work outs. If I lift weights it will be for the sake of my bone density, not to reach absurd beauty standards.
No. 688286
>>688265>>688274I've heard of studies that say more blue collar/lower income men tend to prefer "curvier" body types i.e. big boobs/butt and wealthier men prefer thinner women. there are also studies that show the thinner a woman is the more she gets paid.
honestly trends come and go but there are always more benefits to being thin imo. I guess you can be thin and have big breasts, but not naturally unless you are some kind of rare freak of nature.
No. 688288
>>688285Preferring 'moderate to large breasts' is NOT the same as small boobs being a deal breaker.
God, what is it with chestlets being so delusionally insecure about their supposed lack of appeal? I can't tell if it's the same person who always posts about it or if there are more of you, but for those of us with normal self esteem and small boobs, I can fucking assure you - guys like small tits. They have no reason to lie when it's proven in the porn they watch and the women they enthusiastically pursue. Big boobs are a bonus, not a requirement.
No. 688292
>>688288NTA, but I've heard plenty of guys say they're turned off by very small breasts. A guy I dated once told me he broke up with his (otherwise attractive) ex because she was basically flat and it was such a turnoff, saying things like "it was a little boy's chest." She was very slim and pretty and still got shit for being training bra-sized.
Anon's point is small tits are fine, but if you're basically flat, they act like something is wrong with you.
No. 688342
>>688333Can you be more specific? I'm not saying that they can't hurt women or be
toxic, but you're not hurting anyone by enjoying wearing makeup, or shaving or giving bjs. Imo, it only turns into an issue if you are pressuring other women to do those things as well.
No. 688348
>>688342I don't get it either. I have an oral fixation and I like
the texture of my husband's dick and foreskin and wear makeup because I like accentuating my eyes and lips, but fuck foundation and contouring and all the other stuff. I like big boobs because they run in my family and to me it's a feeling of familial femininity that I can identify with, plus I like playing with them in a nonsexual way.
Porn and degradation behavior is what ruins everything else for women, imo
No. 688371
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>>688333nayrt but I think it's important to have discussions about how and why things like that harm women, but I also think that the number one way to get someone to do something is to tell them they aren't supposed to. Especially if the way the argument is presented boils down to "well it's bad/you shouldn't," my monkey brain goes well you didn't give me the information to let me decide for myself so now I want to go out of my way to do it out of spite.
pic related
No. 688381
>>688371whenever women talk about enjoying anal, all i can think about is some shit-tier "comedian" i saw doing standup. he had a bit about why men like anal sex. his reasoning was "we know you women hate it. that's why we like it."
the crowd laughed and cheered. the comments for the video were alight with men agreeing. after seeing this, i cannot fathom personally enjoying anal, if men rather unanimously agree that their main pleasure from it is derived from coercing us into something we don't want.
No. 688483
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>>688366Squats alone will barely even do that. Squats with ever-increasing weight over the long term, 2-3x a week with increased calorie intake in addition to other glute-focused exercises like hip thrusts, abductions, etc, will absolutely give you anyone a significantly bigger ass.
I don't know what type of ass you have in mind when you say "dump truck ass." If you mean something like Kim K, probably not, but it's obvious that her ass isn't real because of how disproportionately large it is in comparison to the rest of her. No self-respecting person actually wants to look like that. People who actually commit to weight training typically don't only focus on the ass.
No. 688576
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>>688562I think that handsome men are attractive regardless of it they’re a little hairy and chubby. Like Chris Hemsworth clean cut/short hair versus fat Thor. Not his best look, but still attractive enough imo. I wouldn’t find a shlubby guy who didn’t take care of himself attractive no matter what, but a guy being chubby and hairy isn’t an automatic turn off.
I also find completely clean cut men pretty boring aesthetically, but I’m biased bc I dated one, and he was also the most boring person personality-wise I’ve ever met in my life
and almost looked like a twink.
>>688567Maybe I hate myself too but there’s something that my lizard brain is very into about scruffy dudes. Don’t want a rug, but hair can be very manly and sexy.
No. 688581
>>688567ugh I feel you anon, except mine is just chubby, no hair. Ok, he has a little bit of hair, but not as much as I'd want him to have…. He's 25, maybe there's still time for him to grow some????
Now i'm not sure if I genuinely find him attractive or not ngl
No. 688767
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>>686078Very specific subculture titles are a red flag for boring people nowadays with widespread internet, most self titled “goths” I’ve met are fucking insufferable and make a statement of gothness being the only thing about them.
I listen to goth music, sometimes I dress the part, would I call myself goth? Nah because I also wear pink frilly uwu shit and/or listen to other music genres too.
No. 688769
>>688576That's a preference(a weird one) not a unpopular opinion
and what anon said here
>>688750a built guy but not with a gym freak artificial body, bur rather a more natural fit body with chest hair
No. 689258
>>688711The plot is so bad, shameless glorification of pedophilia and self destructive behavior, bad acting. At least in Skins the characters faced real consequences for their actions, and Europhoria has quotes like "she was in control" to describe pedophilia or statutory rape.
Not to mention the fact the antagonist feels like an 5 different archtypes.
No. 689418
>>689330Im gonna sound like a moralfag but I find it crazy people can go and buy a bunch of clothes they don't need from pretty much 100% fast fashion sites? Especially the more expensive ones that are… Expensive for no other reason than their image. And promoting shitty fast fashion ones because they sponsor her.
Especially when you're in the public eye as a youtuber.
No. 689553
>>689540I know right. They don’t even need to take off their religious clothing to be treated decently
as far as anyone can be treated by someone who works 12 hours shifts daily but once you touch countries like the Arab Emirates, people will give you side looks and treat you like a retard for some reason.
Also, the taxi drivers over there suck ass, I hope their air conditioning breaks down during a heavy traffic jam, assholes.
No. 689568
>>689553Yeah that and in my country there are 5000-9000 yearly targeted rape and forced marriages cases every single year
basically Pakistani men decide to cleanse the nation by targeting the few non-Muslim minorities we have (Christian, Sikhs, Hindus as well Ahmedis) they abduct and rape the women of these communities, specifically young girls and force them to convert to Islam and once they legally became Muslim they can't go back, cause Pakistan has a death penalty if a Muslim converts to any other religion or irreligion, according to the UN around 5000-9000's of these marriage conversions happen every single year, and not once has our Prime minister has even addressed this, no instead that old ugly scrote talks about Islamophobia in France
No. 689588
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>>689579Seconded. God, I hate zoomer fashion.. it's so underwhelming. Pic isn't goth (I hope standards aren't that low) but still zoomshit fashion.
No. 689726
>>689597yes, i see eboys and egirls out on the street. they got the shaggy hair, one colored streak and chains as necklace too.
>unpopular opinionmen should wear makeup too
No. 689808
>>689804To be fair regarding
>>689794 /ot/ is terrible lately.
No. 689853
>>689794no, /w/
/m/ best board
No. 689856
>>689773i think they double down on it because the cows in question are often "models" and they're trying to point out how much they suck as models.
dakota for instance isn't fat or necessarily ugly, but compared to her shoops she sure is
No. 689975
>>689773Most cows are average-looking at worst, so the nitpicking is odd.
>>689826What photos are you basing your opinion on as aren’t they all edited except for the super old ones?
No. 690283
>>690278ime people who expend a lot of energy being mad about pyramid schemes were once involved in one themselves and got screwed over as a result.
which leads into my next unpopular opinion: people who get caught up in pyramid schemes are not deserving of sympathy. if you're not actively researching anything you're throwing your money and energy into from the get-go, you're retarded and literally asking to get taken advantage of. learn something from the mistake and move on.
No. 690318
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Marriage often makes men more entitled and, paradoxically, less committed. BUT it's the safer option for women with children. The first part is probably popular here, but the second part isn't. I would never purposefully have children out of wedlock. This article had me thinking about it again, and it depressed me so much kek. It's stupid it pissed me off so much, as it's only one couple/one data point.
They measured hormone levels throughout a wedding service, and the groom had a HUGE surge of testosterone, with only a small increase of oxytocin compared to the bride. The scientist theorised because the bridesmaids looked hot all dressed up, the groom got horny… I mean, he's not going to admit to that, is he? So who knows… I felt so bad for her.
No. 690416
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I think using filters/skin smoothing is okay (to an extent). Everyone has a high definition camera on their phone nowadays, it's not like Ye Olden Days when most people used cheap Kodak cameras or Polaroids and only took low quality photos. Any recent phone shows every detail, pore, and stray hair on your face, shit that you would never notice irl. I don't blame people for using filters and wanting to look their best, especially when women are harshly judged for any small flaw.
No. 690602
>>690435Not really invested in the antiMLM scene myself, but I can imagine it's intensely unsettling if someone close to you gets sucked in. Seems like often all your interactions become their covert attempts to recruit you, must be horrible in a kinda unique way you rarely see elsewhere.
Not even close to the same thing, but I remember selling plush toys at a con once because a friend's friend had bailed and they hired me to replace her. After I had spent half a day in "cheerfully persuade randos to buy this stuff" mode, some of my old friends walked by, and I noticed spewing the same shit at them in the middle of our chatting about what's new in our lives. I didn't even have any stakes in the business but still did this and was creeped out by myself when I noticed, can't imagine what it's like when your income depends on recruiting and you're in this mode all the time and every old friend is a potential new recruit.
No. 690613
>>690475Tbf when I was a farmhand I just cleaned up as I was browsing normally and I would check reports when I was waiting for things at work in the same way you might refresh your social media feed.
Raids and farmhand discussions took up time for sure but those didn't happen much
maybe I was just a shit lower tier mod though.
No. 691156
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Christmas covers are fun and nice to listen to, I also love all I want for Christmas is you and lame Christmas movies with overly used stories and themes.
No. 691203
>>690831At best a scrote will be boring as fuck and at worst they're
abusive. Girls dating ugly men just need to admit they're desperate.
No. 691559
>>691551>sex work>for lowkey lazy peopleI don’t think so, anon, like sure, people are into some random stuff and anyone can be anyone else’s reason to masturbate but if anyone wants to have a
decent life while doing sex work, they will want to appeal a majority of a crowd and that means the people into pretty decent looking people if not into beautiful people that are willing to do
anything for their lowlife asses.
That means you would need to take care of yourself and workout, if you’re too lazy to do a 9 to 5 job, you’re probably going to be too lazy to actually take care of yourself in order to be appealing.
I mean, isn’t sex work a 24/7 type of shitty work?
No. 691565
>>691559Nta but lmao tons of people who are too lazy for a 9-5 are doing sex work precisely because it is a lazy ass job. I see sex workers all the time who are unappealing as fuck get by. Any difference is usually made up with welfare because they tend to have kids and are 'unemployed' on paper.
Seriously there's so many fat bitches with bad teeth doing sw and all they need is one or two dedicated sugars while they sift for desperate johns to fill in the money gaps. It's not difficult.
No. 691606
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Long hair on fictional men > long hair on real men.
No. 691737
>>691712I don't think it's wrong, just don't push that shit as empowering or whatever the fuck they are trying to do now.
Like yes if fucking for cash is empowering to you cool, but they try to make it seem like it's some feminist movement that can't be judged.
And most the people doing it aren't really even doing footwork, they are bitches like Shayna who are safe in their home, posting pictures.
It's dangerous and I feel like soon it's going to become wrong to speak about how dangerous sex work is.
No. 691765
>>691712>>691743Neither is empowering. Jesus this website fucking sucks now. Fucking a man for free feels unfair because you have shit standards.
>>691751If you had knowledge about incel discourse, eeuuhgg, the majority of them express disgust at the idea of using a prostitute actually because whores are even more subhuman than femoids and fucking them doesn’t “count”.
No. 691938
>>691935How many times do we have to say this is the
Unpopular Opinions thread
>actual unpopular opinion regarding Big Mouth sinceIt legitimately has moments of really good writing/character development
No. 691952
>>691947This is for unpopular opinions, are you new here?
>Why should I have to?You don't
No. 691954
Plus Bushes on women are cute
No. 692016
>>691984No not weirdly, you’re allowed to say that it’s cute anon. Im hoping one day people start to realize that shaving pure bald isn’t worth the trouble.
And (sorry to be that person but) it’s kind of frustrating that we are expected to hide certain signs of physical maturity by default anyway
No. 692087
>>691978>Also does anyone get significantly sweatier when they shave their vulva?Yes!! I don't even live in a hot climate, it's really weird. Maybe it's always kinda swampy down there and without hair to sop it up it's just more noticeable..? I have no idea.
>>692039Lol, words to live by
No. 692308
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Men's fashion peaked in the rococo period and it has gone downhill since
No. 692310
>>692303The same logic can be used for fatties too, though? If you grow up in a family that feeds you like shit to the point where you're 250lbs before you're even an adult, it's extremely hard to lose weight. Hence why I said either both are okay or neither are okay.
>>692302Why is it that anytime someone bitches about an American issue like student loans, someone always has to point out there's a world outside of America? Like yeah… we know. We shouldn't have to put a disclaimer anytime we mention something America specific on a board that's majority American.
No. 692312
>>692311Did the mean anon
trigger you by suggesting your art degree was a mistake?
No. 692329
>>692312Not everyone has the same values as you and there's something wrong with you if you don't get it.
I respect people with art degrees more than basic morons with a boomer mentality who pursue things they hate and lash out at others for doing what they like.
No. 692410
>>692295>poor life decisionsSome people have to start working early on to support parents that have a disability. Perhaps oneof the parents even died and they're required to take care of a sibling(s). If you're stuck working full-time and taking care of someone else, you're not going to be able to get your law degree unless you have an insane support system. Going to garner thst most of the people stuck in and endless cycle of poverty don't though.
This is one of the most privileged, sheltered things that I've seen someone post here. People that can't keep from gorging themselves on Doritos and Fun Dip are are fat because they lack self control.
No. 692415
>>692310Because one of the very few reasons why someone could be poor according to you is student loans. You realize that a shit ton of people all over the planet are way poorer ans worse off than middle class or lower class Americans with a student loans, yet that's one of the first example you use? Not how people could have loans in general but specifically student loans? There are so many reasons why people become poor or are born into poverty and stay that way because the system is rigged against them and you use that example first, how am I supposed to take you seriously?
>We shouldn't have to put a disclaimer anytime we mention something America specific on a board that's majority American.Thanks for proving my point with just one sentence.
No. 692541
>>692524>>692526I don't agree with the premise that Euphoria is worse than Skins in that regard. They just have the excuse of being on HBO, which is why they can get away with showing more nudity and sex scenes. The creators of Skins were definitely trying to romanticize self-destructive teen behavior, as well as sexualize the female characters.
The actress who played Michelle in the 1st gen of Skins, April Pearson, has a IG show where she talks to actresses who are well-known for playing specific characters, as is the case for her w/Michelle. On one recent episode, she had on Dakota Blue Richards, who played Franky in the 3rd gen. Anyone who watched all the seasons of Skins probably knows that Franky was one of the most hated/controversial characters on the show, because she went through such a drastic personality shift from season 5 to season 6 (started off an androgynous, quiet, artsy type who was uncomfortable with intimacy in season 5; became overtly feminine, dressed in revealing outfits, was suddenly fucking everyone, acting super
toxic, etc in season 6).
Richards revealed that it was a snap decision made by one of the creators upon seeing all the female characters line up in bathing suits as a sort of test run for the first episode of season 6. Apparently Richards had on some sort of masculine shorts + t-shirt combo, and the creator just said "I'm bored, make it sexy," and Franky's character was almost completely rewritten overnight. Apparently Richards was super against it and spoke out about it, but was vehemently shut down by the creators and told she was just trying to cause problems. She also said that a lot of other fucked up stuff happened behind scenes with the actors, most of which were technically of legal age in the UK, but still pretty young for whatever was going on. Pearson kind of alluded to going through similar stuff during her time on Skins, but neither really went that much into detail about it.
No. 692722
>>692700There are 3 kind of women who engage in casual sex.
1. Girls going through a life trauma and trying to get validation and are desperate
2. Mental illness
3. Manipulative orbiter collectors
I never met a woman who does it for sexual pleasure. It's always one of those reasons.
No. 692735
>>692722Regarding 1., does the validation have to stem from a life trauma and not just a need to feel physically and emotionally validated for a night?
I can both hook up for sexual pleasure and the momentary validation while knowing full well I don't want a committed relationship.
I can see why hookup culture is
toxic in a lot of ways but it's a shame to see regressive attitudes that deny women from having impulsive sexual urges and a need to feel sexually validated. Just reminds me of sexist stereotypes, like we have to be uwu in deep marital love in order to receive a proper lay.
No. 692739
>>692735Life trauma can mean anything. No friends? Job sucks? Not feeling attractive enough?
Sleeping with random scrotes is a quick fix for it.
No. 692786
>>692591i agree, maybe in part because i've known some really awful human beings who were australian. i used to think the accent was cute and charming but now i hate it and i associate their country with psychopaths and murderers. i dislike a lot of british accents as well and find them supremely obnoxious.
some accents i like are african, icelandic, russian, and irish
No. 692804
>>692782Here's an even more spicy opinion: No celebrity has an excuse to be obese in the first place. They have access to a better quality of life and help than the majority of people on this planet, plus limitless surgeries. It's only a shame that what probably did her in was her fading self-esteem and not the reality that she was squandering her opportunities.
Anyways, let's clap for the celebrities who made it against all odds. /s
No. 692821
>>692786i don't really have that negative association with australia, idk why the accent gets on my nerves so much kek. i'm okay with most british accents though
>some accents i like are african, icelandic, russian, and irishi agree on irish and russian! i also think jamaican is cool
No. 693000
>>692998I'm the anon above you and that's exactly how I felt. I wish it were that innocent, I miss being a dumb kid on deviantart who liked kawaii drawings. Sometimes I still like how the sfw drawings look then I think it's probably sus though.
I agree with OP, I think there are more like us. doesn't make it not fucked up to exist but I'm not thinking it's always irl pedos
No. 693031
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I can't take anyone who uses the word "Islamophobia" seriously, like Islam is literally every type of -phobia in the world, and in pretty much every Muslim country If you're a non-muslim you are basally a sub-human in all ways and treated like the lowest forms of trash, however people if you slightly criticize the Arab Supremacy cult started by a pedophile rapist you're somehow the worst bigot in the world
No. 693065
>>693031Anon, I think you are being really reductive in your view. Noone is saying that countries where islam is the dominant religion are perfect and beyond criticism. You can both believe that those countries are shitholes and that people who practice Islam are normal and see that Muslims face a lot of prejudices that need to be called out.
I think you stayed online too much, because being critical of Muslims is much more popular irl than people being cognizant of the bigotry against Muslims.
No. 693069
>>69306570% of Islamophobia is mostly racism, they would suffer the same abuse if they were Christian or Hindu or whatever, but 30% is genuine criticism of Islam that Muslims will kill you for
It is braver for someone to mock that faith knowing full well they might be killed, then any sort of retard sjw who defends the Pedophile rapist
No. 693075
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>>692847I remember having a retarded logic as a kid, I wouldn’t go anywhere that had an 18+ sign, but I used to look at lolisho stuff in anime forums because my brain said
well, since they’re not over 18, this is made for our age range, go for it! and that’s how I fucked up myself for a few years until I started reading more in english and paying more attention to what I was doing.
Which is why I think kids shouldn’t be allowed to use any devices that can be connected to the internet until they’re at least 18 years old.
No. 693082
Bald men look bad. Like I'm not even sure how unpopular this is, but whenever I see people discussing baldness, someone feels the need to chime in that bald is sexy, and to not feel bad, to wear it with confidence, because mature women like a confident, balding guy. I'm nearing 30 and absolutely do not find baldness attractive on anyone. I like a beautiful head of hair. I get it, balding sucks, and people try to live with the best they can, but there's no man that looks better bald than with a full head of hair. I also hate the idea of dating a man longterm and him losing his hair, even though I know I will with age too.
No. 693092
>>693031The vast majority of people uses the word islamophobia to refer to racism towards brown people in general as long as they look like they could vaguely come from a maybe muslim country. I don't get why people can't separate the issue of racism towards them
well, more like "us" since that includes me too, and I've never been a believer in anything in particular and actual discrimination towards people who are actually muslim. I have a black friend who talked to me about this because she's from the caribbean islands who told me she was shocked that islamophobia was worse than racism towards black people once she arrived in France métropolitaine, it's was really hard to explain to her that a shit ton of black people over here suffer from islamophobia and a shit ton of north africans suffer from straight up racism.
>and in pretty much every Muslim country If you're a non-muslim you are basally a sub-human in all ways and treated like the lowest forms of trashNow that I think about it, isn't it kind of a recent phenomenon? It's not just something that happens in the middle east because of cultural divide but also for political reasons, right, because of everything that happened during the cold war?
No. 693097
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>>693085>porn for kids by kidsAre you sure it was a kid?
No. 693098
>>693092>Now that I think about it, isn't it kind of a recent phenomenon? It's not just something that happens in the middle east because of cultural divide but also for political reasons, right, because of everything that happened during the cold war?Throughout history most Muslim states have treated non-Muslims as subhumans, however during the cold war many(but not all) Muslim nations were being led by Ethnic Nationalists and Socialists and often were backed by the Soviets so they would stay in power, they supported ethnic solidity regardless of religion in their nations and did many undemocratic things like imprisoning Islamic religious leaders and suppressing religion on a state level, the CIA funded radical Islamists and Jihadists to counter socialism when the Soviet Union started falling this led to the rise of Islamic republics
the reason Islam is fundamentally flawed is Muslims legitimately believe that 7th century Arabia was the blue print for all of humanity and that a man who raped both a 9 year and 17 respectively was the greatest human being who ever lived and as close to Human perfection that you can get
No. 693153
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>>693124>>693150also see people coming to the Defense of Alfred Bourgeois who ABUSED, RAPED AND KILLED A 2 YEAR OLD GIRL
No. 693159
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>>693156but their
victims of unfair system anon/s
No. 693164
>>693153I hate that when talking about unfair treatment of black people, activists always choose the worst people to use as the face of a movement. Like Jacob Blake. I never checked to confirm if it was true or just something made up by people who don't support BLM, but apparently he sexually assaulted a woman. I understand the real argument
which isn't that we should protect rapists and murderers, but just that black people are treated unfairly in the justice system, but we don't have to choose these awful people to make a statement. Makes it so hard for me so support.
No. 693180
>>693082The only thing worse than straight up bald is baldING. Some guys can pull off a shaved head but a receeding hair line or bald patch makes me dry up like the sahara desert. It's possibly one of the most unattractive traits possible whereas beautiful hair can take a guy from meh to 10/10.
I hate that you could marry a guy without knowing he has male pattern baldness. I also hate hatfishers on tinder, so many times I can't tell if an attractive guy simply likes hats or is trying to hide his lack of hair. I've decided against meeting them just in case.
No. 693187
>>693167Ayrt, I agree that he wasn't a great person at fucking all, and had he been imprisoned or something for what he did no one woulda cared. The issue was that a police officer executed him without the right to. I also don't think the officer would have even known about his record. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but, I don't believe federal offenses would show up if a officer runs plates. Who even knows if he ran Floyd's plates though.
That being said though, I'm glad someone like Breonna Taylor got as much attention as she did, despite the fact her name got made into a meme. Especially now knowing that the officers involved could have sexually assaulted her and other women.
No. 693211
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Sophia Loren is a bit uggo. She's always picked in the 'most beautiful' threads, and the same make-up plastered, cleverly lighted, blurry lens pics are chosen. I've seen enough candids… she's beaky and rough.
No. 693238
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>>693211>she's beaky and roughUm, yeah? That's exactly why I find her hot lmao
No. 693242
>>693236Hear hear
>>693239Worst character ever
No. 693266
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>>693240I mean, I wouldn’t mind if it was like in the comic. Poor birds though.
No. 693302
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>>693267some dipshit who looks like a redditor posting youtube videos about their minimalism can never be as good as snufkin. tfw no woodsy nomad bf
No. 693304
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The concept art for Gravity falls was so much better than the ugly,lazy family guy looking art style it has
What the hell
No. 693376
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>>693211>>693238I just find it weird that a lot of farmers think Loren is one of the most attractive women that has ever existed, her nose being her best asset, yet 15+ threads have been written about Victoria's so-called "tragic" face. Look at both women's candids side by side… and no, I am not Victoria before anyone asks.
No. 693378
>>693342idk anon there's a difference between your friends being inspired by you and them blatantly copying everything you do. what you described sounds fine but i had a friend for a while who
>started dressing like me, doing her hair and makeup like me, and typing and talking like me>getting into all of the same media and hobbies i was into after making fun of them previously>asking people to call her by a nickname that was close to my actual name>stole some of my belongings so she could make her room look more like mineand it was hard to deal with at the time, it makes you feel like your whole life and personality is being hijacked
No. 693382
>>693376Anon, the only thing that's similar is their nose. The lip shape, face shape, eyebrows, eyes, makeup etc… are completely different. Also, I think farmers only make fun of how Victoria looks cause of how she talks about herself
which I don't completely agree with, but the fact she makes herself out to be some perfect goddess with how she styles herself is ridiculous. If she was some random lady that didn't dress like a scene kid I don't think anyone would care lol. Victoria could look fine (even beautiful depending on who you ask) if she didn't dress like that and wear awful makeup.
No. 693412
>>693406Yes there's a discernible difference between "guy gets unfairly arrested for smoking weed / stealing / minor offense" and "guy and his friend kidnap two people, torture them, put them in a car, and light the car on fire". The latter is whom the twitter mouthbreathers were defending recently, a death row inmate from Texas. The guy was 18 when he did it, I'm tired of them using the excuse that it somehow justifies it. At 18 you should probably be aware that homicide is wrong. He was in a gang too and had an accomplice help kill the couple, the accomplice was executed before him. The guy is not someone they should put on a pedestal period. And this isn't at all equivocal to someone who got arrested for lesser offenses and went to jail or tried to redeem themselves, this is someone who outright cold blooded murdered two human beings with his friend. There is no defending that. If people are going to try and scramble around to find a
valid reason to justify abolishing the death penalty, you think they would've chosen someone who was wrongfully accused of a crime, and not an actual murderer?
No. 693416
>>693307Thousand times?in 2016 yeah but now it's in Twitter not in Tumblr anymore plus I've actually seen the calarts shit animated a gazillion times unlike the Tumblr art style
So terrible response,anon
No. 693417
>>693403>>693406completely agree, i can't imagine
not being pro-death penalty when there are people like serial killers, rapists, human traffickers, and child/animal abusers out there. i know there are cases of people being framed and that sucks, but that doesn't mean that people who commit violent crimes against innocent people deserve to be alive
No. 693424
>>693403I'm against death penalty, but only because I believe that people who commit serious crimes (like rape, murder etc…) should be forced to live with what they did. If it was up to me, I would make the prisoners live in solitary confinement for atleast 1 week a month. The reason why is because of the effect it has on peoples brain. People who go a long time without social stimulation develop mental illness, lose neurons, worse hippocampi function etc… (google it). I believe people who rape and kill are already aware of what they did wrong. They're not actually afraid to die. That's just my evil villian mastermind idea though.
Obviously for shit like stealing or minor offenses, you could just give them regular jail time.
No. 693456
>>693441This may shock and alarm you but there are more potential benefits to diet and exercise than looking a certain way to please men and lolcow.
Fuck it, I'm going to list some in case someone needs to hear it: feeling mentally and physically healthy, being able to run away from danger, the joy of team sports, being allowed to ride any rollercoaster or water slide, only needing one plane ticket and no seatbelt extender, having some goddamn self respect, lower chance of cancer, better clothing options, salad is fucking delicious, get your shit together, better fertility, better organs to donate later, a less embarrassing autopsy.
No. 693494
>>693167Most people acknowledge this, but at the same time, so what? Nobody should be allowed abuse their power just because they don't like someone. Your job is not the place for personal shit like this,
especially if you're a cop.
No. 693501
>>693259>>693366Anons you're talking like these people are seemingly everywhere, I mean I do sorta respect even the extreme minimalists and comments like
>I don't care if it's better for the environment, I want to enjoy life and have a place to live that's bigger than 10 square feet
just you make you seem like the bad guy, they live a better lifestyle then you do but there not forcing you to embrace it, you don't have to get so offended
No. 693567
>>693541I’ve known so many downright shitty people who still have friends and get invited to things that I’m convinced it’s mostly about them being there all the time and people simply getting used to having them around.
I had this acquaintance who only ever complained about everything and insulted people and had zero redeeming qualities. Occasionally people would let on that they didn’t actually enjoy his company but somehow it never occurred to them that they didn’t have to invite him along or talk to him. He was part of the group not because anyone in the group actually wanted him there, but because he just
was, and nobody wanted to deal with the hassle of actively removing him.
No. 693587
>>693563you can be positive to some degree without being ignorantly optimistic, and be skeptical and careful of the world around you and of its problems. I'm not saying be a negative nancy 24/7, but a lot of people live with problems that affect their life and they're allowed to be sarcastic or cynical about it. even comedy, while intended to make people laugh, is not a positive art and often relies on self mockery and cynicism to deliver a joke, or at least a good one. there is no good in life without some degree of bad and part of the harmony of living is learning to accept that the world can be miserable as well as nice. sorry some of us live with trauma and find it hard to cope with uwu happiness and uwu positive vibes
>>693572yeah I have coworkers like that who I feel are constantly trying to flaunt their fake happiness over the rest of us. on the topic the only reason this one ugly ass bitch who embodied the aforementioned faux positivity stereotype was hired as a manager despite having no real experience in the field was because of her fake disgusting peppiness. her entire fucking demeanor makes me wanna kill myself, caught her talking on the phone the other day leaving work and it's clear her entire shtick is an act, I'm surprised anyone falls for it. people like that are revolting to me, they remind me of a lot of the abusers I've met and they often tend to be the darkest, nastiest, most manipulative cunts
No. 693594
>>693582I agree with this. I've had maybe one close friendship with a man where there wasn't an eventual declaration of feelings, or I end up hearing that they think I want their dick. I will forever appreciate my one male friend that talks about animals and video games and has never ever touched on the subject. Sometimes his autism about things is overwhelming, but I get to sperg out too and I'll always be thankful that he didn't make me feel uncomfortable.
Unpopular opinion:
I feel like once it's been proven that you're a terrible human being and a danger to others that you're not going to be rehabilitated into giving a shit. I make a solid point this opinion stands regardless of color, creed, or whatever things define a person. Shitty people aren't going to reflect on their decisions for a lifetime and feel bad, they're just going to be shitty people stuck in a containment zone until they're disposed of.
No. 693843
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>>693829Same. I'm also a zoomer and most zoomers like her cause she does dumb shit. There's a lot of memes and reaction pics of her like pic related. Also cause of that picture of her butthole.
No. 693849
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>>693845>to be terribly honest it's not as bad as I was expecting.Anon, that shit is gaping.
No. 693902
>>693899the reason it isn't frowned upon is because patriarchy. it's "normal" for a man to want to "listen to biology" and saddle up with "more fertile" women.
the reverse would be the same in an equal society. why wouldn't women save their womb for the most virile young men as well?
No. 693937
>>693884Hard agree + men will even admit they're not ready to "settle down" until their late 30s or 40s.
Tbh I automatically presume most men in their 20s are gonna fuck around and be self-centered douche canoes because they've been conditioned to feel that they're entitled to be so in their 'youth.' The same can't be said for how us women are expected to be maturing as early as our teens.
>>693907Sad. I feel for women like this, especially when they're young like that cause it goes to show their good-intentioned naivete taken advantage of by men old enough to know better.
No. 694030
>>694026Anon said 6 months though? And it's just whether they know they want to marry you. People are perfectly capable of dating someone longterm they have no intention of ever marrying.
What anon was saying was that if you're trying to get with some guy, if it hasn't happened 3 months in, it won't happen, which I can only confirm. Lusting after some guy for months on end will only end in disappointment.
No. 694036
>>693991>>694014This is my experience too. I've seen plenty of infamous fuckboys suddenly commit after a short time when they meet the girl they really want.
If it's been a few months and you're still ~talking~ then you're not that girl and you're gonna be talking until he meets her. Guys hate being alone and will pass the time with anyone until then.
No. 694045
im sorry anon but high quality men find high quality women of the same age pretty easily. when they start going way younger it's often born out of a belief that it will be easier to control their partner
No. 694101
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I don't get people who insult Gigi Hadid or Jennifer Lawrence's looks, but worship Kate Moss. They basically have the same plain sort of esthetic. The only difference is that Kate is/was skinnier in her prime.
No. 694159
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wolfpupy is dril for genderspecials who can only eat sandwiches with the crusts cut off
No. 694195
>>694101I used to be part of high fashion twitter when Gigi was hated 24/7 and from my point of view, people were just mad she was a nepotism model and sucked when she first started, so they also bashed her for her looks. I do agree that Kate has a more modelesque look to her but Gigi has an interesting face as well, especially her eyes.
And JLaw is an actress, not a model, why do people nitpick over how "plain" she is? I even think it's better for her to look "average" because it's easier to see the character and not her
No. 694286
>>694254same. i hate that it became
problematic or whatever when it's the same as the word moron (which historically is arguably worse).
No. 694333
>>694254I just started using other words like subnormal or abnormal, it kind of works better than
special like calling someone a special case.
No. 694415
>>694414Wat. There's a difference between dropping an entire friendship and simply treating your friends and lovers differently.
If your friend gets married, will you demand to kiss them at the wedding, too, and that they take you along on the honeymoon and sleep in their bed? Please.
No. 694426
>>694417Lol, what do you consider "not normalfag problems"
Sounds like you seek out imageboards as a safe space for your maladjusted NEET self.
No. 694433
>>694417I'm not gonna lie, I'm shocked that women like that haven't been canceled off the platform.
Imageboards have become a lot more normalfaggy though. You're right though, there's not really places that are sacred from bullshit.
As far as no real problems, what qualifies as that?
No. 694434
>>694429Generally, you don't impress a girl by treating her the exact same as your male friends, even if you just want to fuck. In fact, that often sends mixed messages.
The same guys who do that sort of thing tend to get angry when the girl tells them "I'm glad we're friends", but really, what did they expect? Unless they're both in the "Men and women cannot be friends, if a guy is being nice to you he wants to fuck/date" mindset, there's not much of a way to tell if he doesn't do little favors to show that he wants her.
No. 694444
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I may not personally like their art, but fujoshis (and femdom anons, to an extent) are based as fuck. So many pick me female artists are drawing sexy girls while claiming to ~just expressing their sexuality uwu~ (pic related is just an example of type of art that I mean, though I'm not certain of Kawasaki's sexuality… her art is extremely male gazey tho). Absolute worms for brains. Have you ever seen a het scrote drawing submissive bishounen while claiming he is expressing his sexuality? Of course not, that's gay as fuck. At least fujoshis are doing the right thing and sexualizing males for the female pleasure. Keep on fighting the good fight, ladies!
No. 694448
>>694444I think many of those women are just painting what they wish they looked like during sex. It's male gazey, yes, but it's also a
valid show of their own ideal, rather than pure "pick me"-ism, and that makes me feel sad.
That, or they're just bisexual. Imagine spending ample amounts of your own free time drawing/painting tits, while only being attracted to men. Massive L.
No. 694457
>>694445Fair enough. Aren't we supposed to have a friends first mentality too though? I've gotten butthurt over preferential treatment given to some scrote past friends were dating, it's just things you get over.
>>694451I'm making a scenario in my head to apply the situation to, and in it the friend is in need of money. If he's just looking for $50 for some bullshit thing and it isn't a necessity then yeah, fuck him. Do people not do this?
No. 694473
>>694444>>694448the problem with this is like… why don't men ever draw sexy males just being hot lmao? these people are often a
victim of male gaze even if they don't want to be. patriarchal society is gross
No. 694504
>>694448> think many of those women are just painting what they wish they looked like during sex. yes, and that is the exact problem. Instead of focusing on a hot male to fuck, they focus on themselves as a hot object to be fucked. Don't you see how fucked up that is?
I know for a fact that most of artists drawing those self-objectifying pin ups are het.
It's like the other side of scrote artists portraying the sin of lust as a hot women even though they should portray themself (the sinner), since the gluttony is not portrayed as heaps of delicious food kek.
No. 694684
>>694624I don’t believe in enabling addicts, and agree that families should withdraw support if the addict is abusing it, but
>>694629 has a good point. The world is full of addicts who live on the streets, prostitute themselves or commit crime to feed their addiction, survive near-death experiences just to almost kill themselves again, don’t give a shit that they’ve lost everything from their entire families to access to a private toilet. So many people live at ‘rock bottom’ and do so until they eventually die. The problem is that when reality hits them, the response is much more likely for them to turn to their addiction rather than break free from it.
No. 694824
>>694813Nta, but what do you mean?
>>692837just replied to "slut shaming makes sense" That's the full context of the conversation. Calling someone a pickme isn't slutshaming.
No. 694865
>>694834Ntayrt but yeah my stepdad was my rockstar up until he wasn't and turned into a selfish asshole a couple years ago.
You absolutely should be grateful and cherish the moments when men in your life act decent, because it is subject to change at any time.
No. 695362
>>695355Very unpopular.
No. 695368
>>695361>>695362>how?… seriously, this needs to be explained to you guys? It's just common sense.
What happens if the husband gets sick, injured, or loses his job? Or if he leaves or ends up being a secret piece of shit?
Yeah, being financially dependant on a man is objectively a bad idea.
No. 695390
>>695355I dunno. I think it's great for the early years of a kid's life, assuming the moms actually want to form bonds and teach their kids things. It can also be cheaper cause childcare costs can exceed the wages women make when they work full time. If the mom has a reliable husband, then it's a great setup as-let's face it-moms are often seen as the default parents anyway and raising a baby is like a full time job. The biggest setback like you mentioned is the husband potentially turning into a dick, or getting fired. Or having a gap in the resume. IMO this can be offset by saving up a secret 'fuck-off' fund to escape a bad husband prior to having a kid, and also doing freelance or part time work to at least have something to fill the resume gap. If the husband gets fired for no fault of his own then he'd probably get supplemental income until he finds another, if he drags out then that's what the fuck-off fund is for.
What's bullshit is that moms are forced to work full time and also be the full time default parents too.
My unpopular opinion is that being a "superstar" mom isn't a fucking badge of honor, people should be truly fucking ashamed that women are expected to work themselves bone ragged as a default mode.
My mom was a single mom while having to balance a full time job, and my childhood was fucking torture. Even though I was quiet and well behaved. I remember spending most of my childhood dodging her stress induced wrath, getting shipped to a mean woman's house for daycare and pre/post school care, being left at school, having less free time, needing to pick up more chores and learn them earlier (probably didn't help that I was a girl and socializing me to perform like a handmaiden early), etc. I had zero bond with her, she was so angry and volatile from the stress. She couldn't handle it by herself.
Her best option would've been reproducing with a husband worth a damn, becoming a welfare queen, or not having had a child at all. Anything but choosing to be a working parent.
No. 695416
>>695368You turn around and have him stay with the kids while you work instead. Yeah, housework will look shittier and men work differently as parents but its an ends to a means. It's a partnership. You're spouses, and not making a business transaction.
If you're just staying at home without kids, just leave.
No. 695434
>>695428I can understand your point but
> at least until they can talk, defend themselvesWhat age would this be? Seriously wondering as even adult women can struggle to defend themselves.
No. 695449
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>>695185Same energy. Sorry buddy but I think you just need to scrub your balls a little harder in the shower next time.
No. 695506
>>695470I know this is probably bait, but it does not work this way at all in reality. Any gap in employment is an excuse for employers to not hire/lowball you.
It's good to keep a backup plan, but good luck getting hired in the real world after 5-10+ years of unemployment. Doesn't matter if you had a ton of experience before or kept your certifications up to date, most places would rather hire a younger person who will work 50+ hours without complaining than an older woman who will likely need more time off when their kid inevitably gets sick/needs to be driven to soccer practice.
No. 695545
>>695499You can still be a good role model for your kid and spend time with them while also working?
>Why are you automatically assuming that people have to stay home for the next 10+ years?I didn't assume that at all in my post? In my post it says a few years break not a decade kek. Also i assumed you were
>>695361 so that means you expect other women to take a 6 year break and its unrealistic to think that you will be easily hired like that.
No. 695614
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nah. women do just fine without moids.
No. 695626
>>695614I totally believe this. Most women I know who are married with kids are working full time and doing 99% of the housework and childcare. Most fathers don't get judged half as much if the house is a mess or if the kids are covered in finger paint. It's super appealing to be married with children as a man, society sees you as being stable and praises you for the bare minimum.
My cousin still gets criticism from her mom and MIL about how she does certain things, what the kids eat, what they wear, etc. Her husband can take the kids out in messy clothes and feed them frozen tendies and he's "trying his best" and "such a superdad."
No. 695639
>>695624Perhaps your aunt really is moving in with her girlfriend as the others said, but also we straight women should start moving in together too because why not, you can live with your friends, it's cheaper to live together and it's better than living with males. And you can paint the kitchen pink with no objections as I am doing in my place where I live with 3 other girls.
Well, we're just renting our place, but I think if I ever buy my own place I will share it with my friends.
No. 695650
>>695639Wait are you allowed to paint places you're renting out? I posted that anons aunt is gay, but her post really reminded me of those things in history that are like "These two male BESTFRIENDS spent all their time together, worked together, traveled together, promised to be together forever and never had any romantic interests, but they were just BESTFRIENDS and NOTHING MORE."
Anyway, living with your bestfriend/s for a couple years (or your entire life) would really be the dream. You really gotta make sure they're people that you can actually live with though lol
No. 695759
>>695754I mean thats true, because if you get to a point in your 80s where you genuinely cant care for yourself and dont have kids you will most likely have to be in a care home.
But also you will probably have saved enough money to afford an actually good one, premium quality at that, if you have siblings and have a good relationship with their kids i doubt they would mind managing things once a month for their cool rich auntie who is going to left alot of things for them since she has no heirs, which is exactly what is happening with my aunt and me lol, she also told me having no kids of her own was the best fucking thing in her life.
No. 695762
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yeah, you're either a scrote trying to reverse-psychology women into thinking they need marriage OR you're the one coping, being a woman in a thankless and tiresome marriage.
i've been single for a long time and i absolutely love it. no plans to get married and that probably won't change.
No. 696160
>>696140I don't remember what thread it was because it was awhile ago but I remember someone wrote this
"Is anyone else's childhood bully a nurse now? Every mean girl I've ever gone to school with works in healthcare….."
some other comments were
"Not a nurse, but the girl who bullied me into an eating disorder and would introduce me to people as her "socially retarded" friend is now a child psychologist."
"The worst people are in healthcare actually. Every time you see an anon that’s in healthcare bragging crinkly about their great width of compassion, you know that they’re a scumbag."
My dad is a retired nurse and he definitely has some anti-social signs
No. 696191
>>696160It happens with sociology and psychology so much.
I know a woman who is a sociologist and she’s an overall shit person, mostly really classist and unable to connect with people.
And in psychology, I know a girl who studied psychology who is a groomer and a woman who unironically sends stickers, to the neighborhood’s chat, of emojis cutting.
I honestly think that they just pick whatever is easy to them and gives them as much power as possible.
No. 696393
>>696388I think a lot of you need to stop being so passive aggressive
Fucking confront them you cowards
No. 696413
>>696140Doctors are social retards and nurses aren't altogether smart.
Nursing is the easiest "trainable" career path in healthcare which is why so many do it. Pass a few tests and boom–you are on your way. They tend to be low post education but get into nursing because there tends to be job stability and money if they make it to RN status. I know absolute dipshits who are nurses, it's why you hear about coronavirus deniers and antivaxers in nursing despite the evidence being right in front of their faces. Can't even be fucked to read scientific articles or journals. They get into it so they can feel smart, altruistic, and basically boss vulnerable people all day who aren't their own kids.
Sorry but if they had what it took they would have become doctors.
No. 696414
>>696388>goddamn there are so many resentful and jaded people on this website.yes
welcome to the internet.
No. 696420
>>696372by nicer i guess i mean professional
as an aside, my nurse eval is based on experience as a patient, not on my opinion of the people i went to school with
No. 696421
>>696416Why would you say I don't know what I'm talking about and then post bullshit that's disproven with a simple Google search?
>you need at least a bachelor's No, you don't.
No. 696423
>>696417pornhub was rightfully taken down because its infrastructure allowed there to be a ton of cp and revenge porn. that's the main reason. it's not about censorship, it's about pornhub hosting illegal content. this is very 2+2=5 logic.
i get that free speech online is important and can be under threat, but pornhub is not an example of that.
No. 696432
>>696423>pornhub was rightfully taken down because its infrastructure allowed there to be a ton of cp and revenge porn. that's the main reason. it's not about censorship, it's about pornhub hosting illegal content. this is very 2+2=5 logic. Pornhub had thousands of videos uploaded every day, and an army of moderators to go through each and every one. Youtube has these things uploaded to it for years, for instance. It's a much larger site with many more moderators.
There simply isn't a way for a site with user content, anywhere, to keep itself clean at all times. The report from former PH moderators said they were going through something like 1,200 videos a day just to make sure none of them were exploitative.
Don't you see how this could be used against like normal websites? ask 4chan how easy it is to keep cp and revenge porn off of it, when they have a whole board dedicated to it. Or even our site and some of the stuff posted in /cow/.
No. 696437
>>696432look, i'm not trying to start a discussion or an argument, but why are you taking
pornhub's word for this? why do you have so much faith in them? they simply did not give a fuck until mastercard got involved.
victims literally had to impersonate lawyers in order to get videos of them taken down.
>an army of moderatorsanon plz.
queen take off your tinfoil hat and stop whiteknighting for pornhub.
No. 696438
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>>696421it’s definitely preferred and more states are requiring registered nurses to get their bachelor’s degrees.
No. 696442
>>696438It's not a requirement. Which is what you decided to pop off about.
My aunt who never stepped foot in an educational institution is an RN. Several catty acquaintances from my friend's circle with no other options to make money are studying to be nurses. All you have to do is take nursing classes and pass for two years, aka an associates degree.
There are office and retail jobs that require (aka demand a bachelor's degree) more schooling than someone designated to take, chart, and report another human's vital signs.
And why act like nursing jobs are scarce? Covid has made it so that there are vacancies everywhere and they're taking pretty much anybody who agrees to be a warm body working the long hours and will risk covid exposure.
No. 696446
>>696442>My aunt who never stepped foot in an educational institution is an RN. Several catty acquaintances from my friend's circle with no other options to make money are studying to be nursesnice antidotes you’ve got there.
>more schooling than someone designated to take, chart, and report another human's vital signs.most nursing jobs are way more complicated and vigorous than that and you know it. just say you have some weird vendetta against nurses and move on with your life
No. 696450
>>696444nayrt but lolcow and kf are different in so many ways. why do you think shit like racebating isn't allowed on lolcow? based on their thread here, kf seem to be a mess. not only is there a ton of drama w the owner, but their user base consists of neo nazis & unstable ppl who make violent threats. lolcow is a strictly moderated website (thank u admin sama & farm hands) for lighthearted gossip.
why are you guys being so dramatic? there is a huge difference between gossiping about public personas and hosting illegal content or making threats. a ton of subreddits talk about the same stuff we do here on the farms.
No. 696457
>>696450what the fuck part of my post was dramatic
I'm just asking since KF's autism is leaking in here more and more
No. 696553
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A lot of the British food that people make fun of in memes actually looks fine and I would eat a lot of them
No. 696570
>>696559t. seething britbong
Can't colonize half the world, have the nerve to not even improve your child-tier diet as a result, and then cry "ism" when you get harmlessly memed on, kek
No. 696571
>>696432>and an army of moderators to go through each and every one.This is either a fucking lie, or their mods love verifying videos of toddlers being abused. Choose one.
>ask 4chan how easy it is to keep cp and revenge porn off of itI've actually never seen CP on 4chan, and I've used it for years. Funny.
No. 696581
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>>696553Beans are disgusting but I see no issue with the chip sandwiches the internet clutches it's pearls over. It's obviously not haute cuisine, just a junky snack but the combo is pretty yum and I doubt it's a staple meal.
I guess I can sympathize with Brits cause I'm Australian and for some reason people think fairy bread represents our eating habits. It's just party food for kids ffs lmao.
No. 696588
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>>696581fairy bread at least looks tasty though
No. 696589
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>>696588It's alright, sprinkles taste better on icing though. Finger buns >>>
No. 696591
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>>696553>americucks shitting on anyone else's fooddo they even have bread without sugar
No. 696606
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I will not rest until British citizens atone for their culinary sins
No. 696616
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Everytime Funkopop touch a new franchise or Movie charactersis always ruined. Waiting for the Dune Nendoroid. If Star Wars Nendoroid exist then should be Dune
No. 696647
>>696638>fat bitchNice cope, but no.
Relax. Get back to your bowl of stewed cabbage and doughy unseasoned mashed potato chunklets.
No. 696709
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>>696647>stewed cabbageNot to be dramatic but I will literally kill you if you talk shit about bigos one more time
No. 696761
is nasty. I could maybe understand if he was eating on a glass table, but wood is notorious for being a breeding ground for bacteria, and soaks up all those nasty grease stains n shit.
No. 696860
>>696857Can attest to this. I witnessed the first filthy gang/cancer crew (to become pearnisa thread, to be them locked and directed to twitch general). Just look at all these simps:
>>>/snow/188302Also, there was at least one chick vendetta-posting, I have some tinfoils about who, but they're too stupid to share.
and then there's me, I like to gossip about a basic bitch, bite me No. 696902
>>696880you are lucky. I haven't seen most of the ugly stuff posted on lolcow but what I've seen was:
>a spambot posting links to an 'adult magazine' featuring half-naked and naked prepubescent girls (judging by pic related in the post, I haven't been to the website obviously). This happened at least twice, probably about 4-5 years ago>someone (probably a creepy moid) posting a gif of 6 years old girl twirling her dress and showing her panties to the webcam>the not actually cp, but coming from cp photo of a girl with a cigarette in soren (or was it Ginger Bronson?) thread>multiple anons asking admins to delete cp in /metaSadly, it does happen but I guess it depends when you login. You are lucky if you haven't seen any of this shit
or scrotes goreposting No. 697107
I'm a burger, but I really like these conversations where people roast other countries' foods. It's cozy and it reminds me of shitposting on /int/ as a teenager.
>>696418It's so easy to find men your own age to leech off of though. Just find a tech nerd and then you'll be saying you're jealous of women who can be attracted to ugly and annoying men who demand constant emotional labor.
No. 697128
>>696880>I have literally never seen anything that could be considered CP posted on here.I wish that were me. Mods have gotten better about deleting that kinda shit imo
There have been a couple of ads posted here for underage teens and shit. The gore posting happens too, but it's usually retarded moids trying to shock anons and shit. I personally try to report ASAP so no one else gets exposed to that shit. I'm still kinda shocked/amused about those psycho /jp/ scrotes that sperged the fuck out in the vtuber thread.
Peak retardation.
No. 697228
>>697205Maybe they meant supermarkets as opposed to like regular grocery stores?
>>697151No individual is in control of institutional corruption and shitty government in their country. Anyways, aside from school shootings, which Americans don't generally laugh about, the rest of those are problems in many countries worldwide.
No. 697281
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>>697276You can have a preference to not like his face, i like him but not in a secsxxxhual way
No. 697416
>>697276So, if they have jobless, unwashed boyfriends, they should aspire to ugly goblin men?
Why do you encourage women to be low, anon?
No. 697590
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Sweet Potato Fries are better than French Fries
No. 697689
>>697679anon every single thing is covered in bacteria, makeup doesn't have fungi unless it's expired or not properly taken care of
I agree women shouldn't wear tons of makeup every single day but lying and overexaggerating isn't helping
No. 697703
>>697679I find makeup a bit gross because of the texture but your reasons are absolutely retarded lmao. Why on earth would makeup have more 'fungi' than products which are objectively good for your skin, like sunscreen? What difference would it make when your hands are the most bacteria covered part of your body and you touch your face thousands of times a day whether you like it or not? Do you have any sources for what you're trying to say?
Makeup isn't even bad for your skin, especially not long term. At absolute worst it might give you pimples in the short term, but it doesn't cause damage or aging unless you're really pulling at your skin to apply it.
No. 697862
>>697852i wonder if a lot of the anons who act like that
are scrotes since once they start sperging it becomes obvious they have no idea how women's bodies work
No. 697879
>>697852I hope everyone keeps this in mind when cows get nitpicked. inb4 "just grow a spine" enough farmers have admitted they internalize insults that could apply to them.
I'll admit it's funny when crazy anons treat actually attractive features like imperfections though. it can get creative while still reading like an insecure cope. quite transparent once you notice
No. 697880
>>697852>>697864There was a certain time here where it was normal to call out nitpicking. We should all bring that back.
We're here to laugh at moronic idiots on the internet, not some crows feet or an outie vagina
No. 697884
>>697860>Cows attract cowsthe most dedicated thread posters are often part of the cow's community. e-girl thread will be filled with e-girls, sex workers get most viciously attacked by other sex workers, it goes on…
>>697881nice bait, no one cares.
No. 697886
>>697881i kinda agree that fatties look shit in most clothing but
>Looking good should be a privilege for people who don't over eatthis just makes you sound like a bitter ex-fatty who still needs to work on her insecurities
No. 697889
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>>697881Do you guys even try anymore
No. 697906
>>697895hard agree. also it's unpopular here but, I don't hate fat people… if they dress nicely like you said, I have no problem seeing them and don't think about them being fat. sometimes they're cute or well-dressed. I only dwell on it if they dress poorly then I hate seeing a belly or buttcrack stick out.
>t. you're fat anon?I have never been, and that may be why I'm less harsh on them, since many fat-haters seem to have struggled with themselves
No. 697909
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Since we are talking about fat girls, I don't all fat girls look bad. Obviously at a certain point it'll start looking bad and they're body just becomes kind of blobby, but some big women have a good looking body despite being fat. Idk if it's weight distribution or what but I like it. Maybe I'm biased because I don't have anything against fat people though.
No. 697910
>>697909Oh sorry I didn't realize I basically just posted the same thing as
>>697906 lmao
No. 697914
>>697884Not bait. Im a size 2.
>>697885Shein is horrible. Nice projection tho.
>>697886Anything above a size 2 isn't really ideal imo. Its not really fat i guess.. If I wasn't a size 2 I'd try to be one.
No. 697922
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>>697914>Im a size 2.I never doubted that
>Anything above a size 2 isn't really ideal imo. Its not really fat i guess.. If I wasn't a size 2 I'd try to be one.It's fine you feel that way about yourself but weird you think others above 2 have something wrong with them. Maybe you only look at fashion models but women bigger than 2 can look completely normal and beautiful. Obviously picrel is only a random google example and there'll be variation. If someone's tall, or short, has longer legs vs shorter legs, her waist-to-hip ratio, it goes on… Really BMI is a better judge of healthy looks I guess. You can think how you want, but it sounds very influenced by the fashion industry. Which doesn't actually reflect what's "not fat"… mainly they want skinny rectangle types. Many women have naturally wide hips that are seen as beautiful, and won't disappear with "eating less junk." That is an example that could keep them above size 2.
Sorry I ended up sperging a bit. I only want to give my view, because there really are different body shapes that can still be fit, healthy, beautiful but not below size 2. I'm not talking about "curvy" fatties btw
No. 698026
>>697895>>697881I think anyone, with any body can look nice and 'fashionable' without the need of dieting because in the end it's all about the types of clothing you choose that would actually fit not just your body, but your colours etc.
I do wish fattie-chans were less insecure about themselves and instead of screeching bait like
>>697881 , they would have actually accepted themselves and realized that if u dig hard enough, u will find a good clothing store.
No. 698076
>>697977Nice waistline/boobs/legs are largely dependent on genetics though.
As long as you're healthy any size is fine. Obviously oveareating points towards a problem with food you should talk to a therapist about, but unless you're obese who cares. Or who cares in general, idgaf about other women's clothing sizes.
No. 698111
>>698098I remember when I was 10 and walking my chihuahua, some highschool kid with two girls was telling them how he wished all chihuahuas died. He also told them he wanted to kick my dog.
Anyone who talks about harming small dogs or cats for being small and yappy is a red flag. Usually they have giant ass dogs who they can barely train too.
No. 698121
>>698026I agree to an extent with this, except there gets to a stage of obesity where all clothes just look like bedsheets. No matter how much the colour or pattern suits you, you still look like you’re wearing a bedsheet which is never flattering or fashionable.
I remember reading posts by the fat-activist tumblrs years ago about how plus size clothing isn’t designed well. I agree with their points that you can’t always just take an item and make it bigger, and think plus size women would look better if their clothing options were designed better. However idk how possible that is as the issue also exists for women in straight sizing as not every size S body is proportioned the same, as has been mentioned.
No. 698151
>>698126Oh my god anon that's too adorable. I once saw a really buff big dude walking a sweet fluffy pomeranian too and it melted my heart.
>>698127Part of it is that they lack the size to defend themselves so they're evolved to use the noise and barking to scare the threat away instead, the other part is that their owners treat them as toys and don't train them. However most small dogs I've met have been really adorable, well behaved and not that noisy, except when alerting its owner. I've been much more terrified of big dogs that can rip my face off if they wanted to.
No. 698231
>>698150Idk, anon, I think most weebs/geeks tend to be saltier than normies, if anything, I think that as long as you don’t go full retard, anyone can like you and get along with you.
Just like, understand how
time, occasion, place works, so don’t go around talking about how Zhongli has the roundest cheeks when you’re at the gym with that cool bodybuilder girl you just met.
But also don’t expect people ready to talk about how much they lift on a daily basis when they’re on a tabletop game, talking about the plot of the story.
No. 698339
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fandom antis are taking it way too far, though i'm not entirely against them. being against lewding underage characters is one thing, but yelling at people for shipping "abuse!!!" is retarded
No. 698357
>>698339You can't say that anon, you'll summon all the twitterfags from the artist salt thread to screech about muh
st pdo enabling when you're shipping a 19-year old minor to a 22-year old childhood friend.
No. 698365
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>>698269this could be a t-shirt.
No. 698394
>>698357Reminds me of an IG artist I used to follow who tried to do a callout post for their “
abusive” ex with a whole laundry list of general kinda shitty relationship but not actual abuse things and ended it with ‘I was a 17 year old MINOR and they were an 18 year old ADULT!’ They deactivated in shame a week later kek.
No. 698448
>>698446No that wasn't what I meant, what I mean is I rather have a more or less mediocre man seeking true love than seeking a quick fuck from an escort.
I'm going to get personal here but I found a very nice man myself, but he has no car and sometimes he has no job (he's an animator). He's respectful, loving, smart etc whatever.
Turns out his first time was with an escort because he was feeling like shit and lonely so he would rather lose his virginity. Idk this still disgusts me about him but I try not to be judgamental even if prostitution seeking men make me fucking sick.
No. 698517
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idk how unpopular this is, maybe just controversial? you get weird looks from normies. i fully believe animals should never be tested for human science. all space travel should have been done by humans, not helpless animals forced to endure horrible lives and deaths. same with testing literally anything. let suicidal humans do it so they don't care about the consequences. humans should not celebrate these animals so much as mourn them and feel disgusted at our cruelty. they aren't "heroes"… they're victims.
No. 698534
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>>698517Anon, this is the absolute truth, I mean, yeah,
some animals can have
some similarities with humans, but what a better way to figure out what humans need than having a human to tell you how they feel and what they need when they’re getting tested?
It’s just perfect, gather those that just want to die and don’t care anymore, also those that are lost causes like prisoners and shitty soldiers/guerrilla groups, then there’s going to be a lot more of progress than having someone trying to figure out just why is a tiny rat dying or suffering seizures caused by something that should be used on humans.
>the world if scientists stopped being retarded>the world of human rights were revoked for some groups of human waste No. 698581
>>698517Agreed. Humans are fucking cowardly for subjecting animals to shit they're too afraid to test on themselves.
The "Reeee animals are dumb and don't matter fuck you bleeding heart" gang absolutely froth at the mouth whenever this gets pointed out, though. Those types of people are dead and rotten like corpses on the inside, I think.
No. 698590
Unpopular opinion:
I love
>>698587 No. 698591
>>698580You're stupid. It would only be used as ammunition to make men look less worse and maybe spark retaliation attacks. Also rampage killers don't carefully select their
victims, it wouldn't just be misogynistic scrotes who would die there might be young woke sons and fathers whose children would miss them.
It's disgusting to hope for senseless killings, your moral compass is broken
No. 698592
>>698589It's still not very clear what you are trying to say though? Are you saying women are or are not are psycho as men?
Also, are you
that anon? Did you finally learn how to reply, bitch?
No. 698624
>>698609You should have been brought up in Pakistan kek
You could ask your parents what to do, get a life coach, consult a marriage match maker etc
No. 698654
>>698651the wall is literally just a way for shit tier men to trick women into settling for them early on. if men convince insecure very young women that they're going to be worthless and ugly once they hit 20/25/30 or whatever the fuck age it is for them this week, they're more likely to feel pressured into lowering their standards and dating ugly
abusive men just so they can get a bf before the arbitrary time limit men have set. it breaks my heart that some women have actually fallen for it
No. 698659
>>698651The wall is mostly made up by incels who want to think women who rejected them are going to suffer in the future.
The whole idea is women date alphas when they’re “pre wall” then they hit the wall and have to settle for betas. This is bullshit and doesn’t make sense because 1. Alphas are a very small amount of the male population, so only a very small amount of women get their commitment and 2. most women never get an alpha even when young anyway. Men are also horrible at judging age, if you showed them a 20 year old and a young looking 35 year old, most can’t even tell the difference. In short, men are stupid, incels are even worse because they’re bitter AND stupid
No. 698675
>>698659>The wall is mostly made up by incels who want to think women who rejected them are going to suffer in the future. Absolutely this. 'The wall' is first and foremost a revenge fantasy, and young inceloids are absolutely DESPERATE to believe that they will become a Chad who can pick and choose by virtue of aging alone. They can't cope with their reality without thinking that something better is coming in future, and that women will be punished for not fucking them.
There is some truth to it, aging is really stigmatized for women, men are pedos who are obsessed with youth in itself (regardless of appearance), and it does become unfair and discriminatory in certain industries. But for normal, average people, women of any age will always be more in demand than men of the same age or even younger. We might go from having endless options to having slightly fewer options, big fucking deal lmao. imo the only reason to ever worry is if you really want kids, but even then you have way more time than men like to think.
No. 698704
>>698651What I learned about scumbag men forcing "The Wall" meme when I hit my 30s:
>They're preying on young women in their late teens/early 20s because they're easier to manipulate, older women see past their bullshit>They're afraid of taking responsibility and know that women their age want children because they have a limited time frame to do so, so they want a virginal 19-year old that doesn't have to think about having kids yet>They're losers who are broke and can't rival an adult woman who has a career but to an equally broke young college student they're like a rich adonis>They never matured emotionally past 16 so they need a younger woman to deal with their immaturity because they don't yet know better>Last but not least, they know they're balding so they're in a hurry themselvesBasically they're big entitled babies who are terrified of dating a woman who knows her worth. It honestly has nothing to do with looks or muh fertility because they're not going to want kids with the child bride anyway and because they literally couldn't tell the physical difference between a 22-year old and a 30-year old but still would lose interest the moment they learned the other one was over 28.
No. 698804
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>>698698it always just makes ppl's lips look really dry to me
No. 698837
>>698795the sheer/blotted lip trend right now is a godsend, i hate the feel of heavy lipstick and i look like a clown if i put on something with a lot of pigment
>>698804lol this looks like my lips do after i've been nervously biting them for a few hours, i can't believe people do this look intentionally
No. 698926
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>>698922There is an exception to every rule
No. 698955
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Sykkuno is pure cringe. Everything he does or says is to seem as uwu innocent anime boy as possible. I recently noticed that he's always doing the anime boy bashful neck rub and it really made me cringe. Mark my words he's going to have some sexual harassment scandal or he'll be revealed as not-so-innocent and people will be like "nooo way he's literally too pure". I just have personal rage towards guys like this since they often do it just to get closer to girls and get away with creepy shit since everyone assumes their innocent smol bean. He's a 28 year old man who answered "what's your body count?" with "Zero, I-I've never killed anyone before!" Give me a break
No. 698970
>>698934dog owning men are normies
cat owning men are always complete fucking weirdos unless they're gay
No. 698973
>>698965I guess it’s because of the whole issue with cats being
feminine pets So they want to look
cool and manly with a dog, as if that made any sense.
I think it’s just because men have no patience to deal with cats and because cats are often seen as “cold” pets.
No. 699087
>>698918I never considered this but if men aren't anally raped then you're right tbh. There's probably not any 'damage' to their dicks in the same way that female rape
victims nearly always have abrasions and lesions in their vaginas.
No. 699095
>>698918Inb4 with all other topics related to female things: STOP GATEKEEPING
I need a break from y’all autists.
No. 699186
>>699150100% ferrets
they hoard and have special interests and are social retarded
No. 699189
nigel cat never scratches nor bites, she doesn't puke either or jump on shit but she is pretty damn bumb in many other ways, i love her.
No. 699410
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>>699332prefacing this by saying im incredibly average in height by burger standards but yeah im inclined to heavily agree. short skinny men tend to look and sound like weird little boys (pic related, celebrity example). but my most recent bf is the same height as me and is very muscular and i find him incredibly sexy/attractive, more so than i have any taller guy ive ever been with. idk i feel like short dudes get a lot of flack but it’s something they can change if they just dedicate to a workout routine/good diet imo. a lot of them look like sick freaky kids and im glad im not the only one who thinks this.
No. 699570
>>699559I watched it once and didn't find it all that enthralling either, maybe it's because it's more scrote bait? but if that were the case and it were merely due to an aversion to scrotebait then I wouldn't
with utmost guilt like any Tarantino movies, the long lord of the rings cute or shit tier action flicks.
No. 699634
>>698918Here we go again with this shit. Why do you have to sprout your retarded opinion here all the god damn time? Rape is a terrible thing, rapists deserve the noose no matter if they raped a man or a woman and the
victims deserve sympathy and healing. There is literally nothing else to be said about this issue.
No. 699643
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>>699561There are some guys in it who look okay but most of the men in it were not my type.
>>699570>scrote baitOh my god yes, it is absolute scrote bait. “Cool/badass” male characters, violence, cheating, wife-beating, gangs, etc. Not judging you anon, but I’ve never enjoyed any Tarantino films either. I just don’t get the hype!
>>699583KEK anon are you me? I kept getting the characters confused during the entire movie because there were so many characters who all looked alike. Took me a while to realize that the guy who shot the gangster in the restaraunt was the same guy whose Italian wife exploded..
>>698919Of course there’s a difference between early adulthood and being in your mid 20s but I agree, it’s just infantilizing.
No. 699648
>>698919This. I mean I was a dumbass teenager at 17 but fuck I was already driving a car and could have a part time job, I absolutely was able to take responsibility for my own decisions and be treated as an adult. You don't just magically turn from a helpless kid into a full-fledged adult overnight at some arbitrary age, it's a gradual process that lasts until your deathbed. People also tend to forget about how stark the difference between a 15-year old and a 18-year old is even though it's only 3 years, but we mature at a very rapid pace at that age.
The people pushing the "25-year old minor" thing are usually pampered autists who want to avoid responsibility forever, they'd be calling themselves a minor at 35 just as well.
No. 699998
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jerma 985 is one of the top ten hottest men ever
No. 700499
>>700486I have other things too and my hate of cluster Bs is absolutely due to the behaviors, actions, etc of family, friends, and strangers that fit into or are diagnosed within the cluster.
IM[U]O most of the rabid hatred of the entire cluster is fully deserved and warranted.
No. 700521
Always thought I was some massive dumbshit who somehow chose, or who attracted bad dudes.
Turns out almost all men are like that and they even pull out the works for attractive, accomplished, and women with support systems who wind up getting caught in their bs. Shameless men have no bounds.
No. 700577
>>700539Fds helped me too. When I was younger I would date just to date and I wasn’t that into the guys, and that nonchalant attitude was basically how I ended up with a guy who was emotionally
abusive. I got a bad feeling about him when we first started dating but I ignored it. So yeah don’t date just to date, never ignore your gut feeling when with a man
No. 700668
>>700234what do you expect tbh
gossip is a prime activity for a budding bpdfag or any other kind of mentally ill person with a frustrated sense of self
No. 700732
>>700730Who the fuck is Pythia
I agree though, I didn't want to say it cause it seems like some anons here have a hateboner for him, but I always thought the "Corpse Husband is a predator!" anons sounded kinda crazy. Idk why it's specifically him, because there are tons of dudes on the internet that have a bunch of female fans. I do believe he's probably ugly tho and his music is cringy as fuck. But he seems pretty harmless and I think anons are just made he blew up recently, so they're trying to justify with a tinfoil. Who knows tho, maybe he is a creep.
No. 700733
>>700732nta but Pythia was an ancient greek oracle
I just find corpse cringe and his boost to fame a lucky coincidence.Time will show if he is a creep or not
No. 700734
>>700732Pythia's an ancient Greek prophet, I'm going to repost in the relevant /snow/ thread, idk why I came here to bitch kek sorry everyone
No. 700746
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>>700648I dunno man, she’s very fashionable
No. 700806
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>>700798is Bugsnax not enough?
personally I really wanted to get next gen ASAP for Cyberpunk; overall I think it comes down to Sony not producing nearly enough units because COVID and it made people go crazy, because it's likely majority of them would not buy PS5 yet if it was easily available in the stores, just the fact it's not makes the demand increase; similarly to what happens with brands like SUPREME, limited amount makes it seem like it's The Shit.
No. 702623
>>702593>>702613Sorta off topic but also an unpopular opinion I dont understand how anyone of any gender or sexuality can find a human ass attractive or sexy, like its a fleshy part which a person sits and for some reason certain Humans found this fleshy Part sexy
I mean its as wierd as liking human feet or elbows as far as I'm concerned
No. 702639
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>>702161Understandable Anon, You have a good taste
>>702623I prefer man ass and legs in clothing rather than flesh
Spoiler for
Adam driver legs No. 702799
>>702769>the bare minimum to keep a toddler aliveThis part is what gets me, they act like a toddler's diet is a very small amount of food compared to what an adult needs. But a toddler is growing and moving fucking constantly! They need plenty of energy!
That said people who maintain on 1200 need to exercise more. It's fine if you're a short woman trying to lose weight but if it's your TDEE you'd have to be worryingly sedentary.
No. 702802
>>702769Ngl fam 1200 calories a day is pretty lean to me but I have no choice on account of being a short woman with hormones issues as is. If I don't exercise I stagnate, I wish I could eat more food. No joke there was a tall dude bitching on the internet the other day acting like his 1800 calories was such a restrictive diet. That kind of diet would make me obese within a couple of years. I never got where '2000 calories a day' came from unless people were assuming everyone was a tall athlete at some point.
I'm so jealous.
No. 702809
>>702769Are you an ana-chan or something? 1200 doesn't seem enough for an adult.
>>702794kek I'm 5'5, I don't train, I eat 2k a day and sometimes even more and my BMI is 19.7
But you know, I'm not american and we don't have sugar, cancer and other trash in literally everything
No. 702810
>>702802>No joke there was a tall dude bitching on the internet the other day acting like his 1800 calories was such a restrictive diet. I seriously fucking resent men's diets. It's not their fault but I just get pissed when I hear them talk about their eating habits or attempts to lose weight because it's SO easy for them. idk how I could ever seriously date or live with a man when that means going out to eat on dates, getting takeaway, cooking together, sharing groceries, watching him get away with eating massive portions while I have to restrict etc. It's ironic because half the point of managing my weight is so that I can be more attractive and confident when it comes to dating but realistically I can't imagine having a man in my life, fucking my diet up and making me jealous.
I'll just keep hanging out with my dad instead, he's like 6'4 but has the tiniest appetite and gets full so easily lmao. I can out-eat him every time.
No. 702837
>>702810lmao this is how I feel, I started a diet thing with my family earlier in the year and they would ask me to calculate their TDEE and BMR and stuff online, and the sheer amount of extra calories my dad and brothers for over my mum and I felt ridiculous.
Like to lose 10+ lbs, all my dad had to do was cut back on a glass of wine in the evening and snacking on cheese and stuff, whereas I had to meticulously count calories and weigh out condiments just to not go over my limit. I know talking about weight is a sensitive topic, but I’m at the stage where if a man is morbidly obese, it’s just absurd and pure greed.
No. 702848
>>702837I'm sorry for sounding stupid, but is there a reason why men can do that? Do they have naturally higher metabolisms or is it just because they are
usually naturally bigger?
Tbf, men seem to do the bare minimum with a lot of things. I can't believe there are dudes washing their face with body soap without constantly having breakouts. Men would probably use body soap for their ass too.
No. 703317
>>702848>I can't believe there are dudes washing their face with body soap without constantly having breakouts. Men would probably use body soap for their ass too.I'm not a dude and I do that too. The only cosmetics products I use are soap and shampoo. It gets the job done, it's good for me. Nothing unbelievable about it. I don't need to buy and consoom multiple products just to get clean. I don't use makeup, I eat well and keep clean so I never get breakouts.
What those men are doing seems far more normal and natural to me than what most women are doing. I think young women just bought heavily into cosmetics marketing and got brainwashed into being consoomers of products they don't need.
No. 703439
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Travis Alexander deserved it thousand times more than Bianca Devins ever could
No. 703475
>>703439>>703473wasn't familiar with this case, read the documentation right up until
>On her second day on the stand, she said that her sex life with Alexander included oral and anal sex; she said the anal sex was painful for her the first time they experienced it together, and that while she considered these forms of sex to be real sex, Alexander did not as they were (supposedly) not against Mormon rules concerning vaginal intercourse. Arias said that they eventually had intercourse, but less often.[59] A phone sex tape was played in which Alexander said he wanted to zip tie Arias to a tree and have anal sex with her while she was dressed as Little Red Riding Hoodand of fucking course, she had been abused as a child
yeah that guy deserved it
also he was probably going to throw her into the ocean if she hadn't, so
No. 703510
>Alexander called Arias a “three hole wonder,” referring to her sexual talents. “You are good for something,” he said.He was playing the good christian boy while manipulating and objectifying Arias. Some more details here, though probably there is a much better source wish there was a good book on the case
No. 703547
>>703517careful, the mods disagree with you
for some reason