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No. 69436
>>69410-Someone who has a spouse visa and lives in Japan calls out a snowflake for a "fake marriage to get a visa".
-Someone invents a vey clever nickname for a snowflake.
-Someone humble brags "Oh, she is so stupid to get fake boobs. MINE are real all natural big boobs and I'm so tired with all the attention I get from guys, and envy from girls. Oh man, this is not easy."
-Doesn't like body shaming. Calls a snowflake fat.
-Gets mad if called ugly. Calls every snowflake ugly in their threads.
-Calls people whatever ugly things one might invent. Justices that by one of the following:
"I'm not a nice person"
"it's true so I'm only honest"
"well she should be PRIVATE about what she does"
"I have been called this and that too and I didn't care"
-Talks lots of shit about others. Gets "doxxed" because is not really careful with privacy. Deletes her account and cries about bad people talking bad things.
-Makes a very smart photo manipulation of a snowflake.
-people die of laughter and pee their pants because the photo manipulation is hilarious.
(Who is drunk already?)
No. 69455
The self-posting is obnoxious. You can always tell who the crossposters are when you see a poster on lolcow derailing with weight stats or to talk about how young they look. Every other PULL member fancies themselves an Internet famous loli dolly queen.
>>69436>humble bragsThis alone will get you VERY drunk.
No. 69558
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>>69380From the PULL thread in /pt/ but I think it's applicable here too.
No. 70250
>>70237As in, her mum kept her on a leash.
No more though… Venus ran away from home.
No. 70593
>>70306This and also PULL will provoke snowflakes to try and get more milk like girls who left rude comments on Venus' photos after she ran away from her crazy mom or that girl who made a fake email so that she could pretend that she was having an email conversation with Ahripop.
I didn't realize how immature PULL was when I first joined because I was 16-17 but looking at it now, it's a goddamn mess.