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No. 687847
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2020 was pretty good to me. I hate this phrase, but I did so much "self-care" and it was great.
I lost my job, but I made enough on Unemployment to have actual savings for the first time. Then I got an even better job. And now I'm living with a boy I reconnected with at the start of quarantine and it turns out that he's the best roommate and relationship I've ever had. Next year I hope I can bring myself to confess my feelings.
I've been telling everybody I know that "2021 will be our year," cause I believe in the power of optimism. I'm usually introverted and 2019 fruited virtually no social interaction, but I've done so much (distanced) socializing in 2020 it's amazing. I hope 2021 will blossom even more friends.
No. 687955
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It can't be worse, can it?
Usually I don't think of years that way, as cohesive periods that will go all "good" or "bad." But covid takes the cake I think we agree. If the pandemic situation improves any, I will consider that good enough.
No. 687995
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2020 was the year I planned to get my shit together and then covid came and set me way back in school and work. It also made it very clear that all my friends were purely circumstantial, because all our interactions keeping in touch online were completely one sided and as soon as I stopped texting first they just ceased to communicate. It's nice to have my fears that nobody really likes me confirmed.
So in 2021 I'll have a deeper hole to climb out of. Maybe now that I have no social obligations outside my immediate family I'll be able to stick to a diet/exercise regime and study more. 2021 is also hopefully the year I get medicated for adhd.
Since we're being told we need to accept the "new normal" and expect restrictions to go on well into 2021 I'm sure we'll see have another year that flies by because we're cooped up and doing nothing. I don't believe the 'rona-isn't-real conspiracies but I do think many governments will be reluctant to give up the control they have over people's lives now. 2021 will be a fruitful year for Big Data.
In politics, although not a burger or a fan of Trump, one thing I did like about his presidency was that it was so in your face that milquetoast liberals were forced to give a shit. I've already seen a lot of people say things along the lines of everything's alright now, back to normal, so we can relax now aka stop caring when Biden got elected. If it weren't for the pandemic I might be so bold as to predict that 2021 be the year increasing online political tensions finally plateau.
To sum up I'm not too hopeful about the state of the world but for myself I'm hoping to fix a few things in my life since I can't break any more.
No. 688000
As far as world issues and economic issues go, 2020 has seen the biggest economic depression as well as transfer of wealth from smaller businesses and the poorer working class to large millionaire-owned/billionaire-owned corporations and companies that were already thriving due to the pandemic. This transfer will carry into early 2021, and the companies who benefit from it will try very carefully to smooth it over as it tapers off at the same time as the pandemic does. (In their eyes, people will just be happy that the pandemic is ending, and won't want to worry about other matters.) Needless to say, increasing the wealth of companies like Google, Amazon, and all of their cohorts
and I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but pharmaceutical companies, too will have grievous long-term consequences for what was already an unstable economic situation prior to the pandemic, and even worse of situation now that any footing small businesses had in our economy has been ripped from them.
2019 and 2020 were very political years on a global scale, and the western world saw mass collective organization and action in numbers that haven't been seen for a while, calling for substantial political and economic change. We're all going to need to continue to move forward with this determination if we expect to stabilize economies (ones that will already take years to recover from pandemic lockdown measures) and prevent large corporations and billionaire agendas from, quite literally, owning us and our future from the 2020s on.
I predict that 2021 will go well (better than we have been) if a specific political and/or social catalyst(s) happens and promotes change on a mass scale, more so than we have already demanded. If this does happen and the change is substantial enough, perhaps the next 5 or so years after 2021 could be pretty stable. If that change doesn't happen, though, than next year will not go well.
>>687954This. I even moved this year and the entire year still felt like it lasted only three or four months. I guess that's how time passes when you measure it using degrees of a pandemic.
No. 688309
>>6878012021 is going to be the year i have to get internship and i just hope finding it wont be too stressful and i wont end up one of those that have to turn to career/internship counsellors. i am seriously stressed and insecure already since the couple of places i tried to apply a year ago didn't even get back to me…
also i really don't want to work remote
my general hopes for the future is being able to work in the last uni year and finally have the guts to start online dating
No. 688422
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My year fucking sucked dicks I was working at a shitty organic grocery store, the business shut down due to finances, I had to move back with my mentally ill family because our landlord foreclosed the apartment, couldn't see my ldr bf for my birthday because covid hit, haven't left the house in weeks and I just so happen to live in the worst part of the country. 2021 I hope to stay with my bf for at least a few months, finish a few college courses, lose some chonk, travel around and not worry about dying.
No. 688440
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2021 is gonna be awesome, but not for the reasons anyone thinks
No. 688726
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I did learn that my 2yo half-brother's gene therapy won't really work and he won't make it, COVID-19, my narc mom lying to my relatives, trying to have control over me, career path change.
I hope I can actually land my first job as front-end dev in 2021, which will give me enough money to survive on my own. Also to slowly cut the contact with my mom, improve my english, get more friends and keep learning. Also, that my goverment will get fucked next year.
No. 688737
>>687973I feel you anon, I’m lucky in a way that I was already in my destination country when all that shit went down and relatively speaking, we’re doing very good in number of cases.
Because of that I feel like my 2021 will be a bit better than people stuck in the US or some European countries cause this stuff won’t go away just because we move into 2021.
> PoliticallyI’m a bit worried for what’s to come in 2021 with Trump crazy ass actions and refusing to concede. I’m not American but it makes me worried other world leaders might just be emboldened by it and that everybody realise that we went along with a democratic process because everyone decided to play it fair and square. I mean, it wouldn’t be a surprise from Putin or from less developed countries, but seeing it happen in America makes my blood run cold.
> Economically2020 made me realise how important it was that my job was doable remotely. In 2019 I was getting a bit burn out and was wondering if what I was doing wasn’t just pretty much useless and didn’t add value to the world, and that I could have tried to go for something else. I would have been in a world of pain if I went through with it.
My job is still pretty boring and very much corporate but at least I won’t have to worry about the money for a while.
No. 688797
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Hope to go to therapy next year, covid vaccine, also working on being less anxious since im about to meet my long distance partner next year (: and i am kinda nervous. Also renovating my whole room because it just looks so boring((:)
No. 689748
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>we will eat bugs
No. 689896
Strangely I kind of loved being in lockdown. I haven’t really spent a lot of time just by myself these past few years in silence as I realize I needed in retrospect.
Yes, it sucked I couldn’t travel abroad and uni was trash but that time I had alone I really needed it. I needed a break from constant stress and people, society, work, studies, everything. I needed that time to rest, and sort out my thoughts. In a weird way, I felt like I genuinely reconnected with myself. And I realize I miss “me” and that I wasn’t really being myself or living to my values before.
I cried a lot and had a few sleepless nights, but I also confronted a lot of pent up shit from my past and stood up to a couple of abusive family members who were running my life. And going forward I realized I need to start owning my shit and saying “no” more to people, and stop being the trash bin for abusers. Living slowly, day by day, was lovely. I am going to miss that a lot, it was nice.
Honestly though, I will be glad when covid will be over as I started working again and people are awful at my job (retail). I want to go back to Europe and maybe start a business or something as I don’t think I can stomach going back to college again.
No. 689908
>>687801>How was 2020 for you I feel a bit bad for saying it, but honestly pretty great. I managed to fit in an overseas holiday in Feb just before shit got real, I got to WFH for 6 months and spent most of it watching TV, and the lockdown helped me kickstart a bunch of healthy habits. I've lost 9kg, been exercising 5+ days a week, cut out a tonne of bread and sugar from my diet, started flossing regularly and got braces. It's been a bit boring I guess, but boring means I take better care of myself. The only real downsides are that I've wasted a bit too much money shopping online and I would've liked to go on another holiday, but those are hardly big complaints.
>how do you think 2021 is gonna be? Hoping to make it a glow up year, I'm turning 30 in Nov so I wanna go into my thirties looking my best. I've ordered some tretinoin, gonna try lose maybe 5 more kg, and hopefully get my braces off late this year or early next. The biggest change I have planned is renovating and moving into my apartment, which I'm currently renting out. I'm pretty nervous about living alone and definitely worried about the costs, but it's an exciting thought and I'm definitely past due for leaving home. Otherwise it will probably remain boring, I can't picture myself getting a social or romantic life and I doubt my work situation will change.
No. 690056
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I hope this is finally the year the queen dies. Think it'd shake things up a bit, though it would suck having to fork out a shitload for her funeral with how broke we are now.
No. 690064
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>>690056I hope this doesn't come off as bait, but I've never understood how she and other British monarchs can feel proud of their land while wearing crowns covered in jewels from Africa, India, China, Cambodia, etc?
Doesn't the UK have any minerals of its own? It's almost like admitting your land isn't good enough, and you had to go all the way to other parts of the world to find beauty.
No. 690073
>>690064It's a show of wealth, like all jewels are.
Sage for history, but this crown is made up of stones owned by other monarchs. The sapphire at the top is supposedly from the 11th century. I imagine the knowledge that you have a stone owned by a long dead king probably takes over from its natural origins.
It's like if somebody important to you gave you a ring. You'd probably think more about the person giving it to you than whoever mined for the materials.
Most people don't actually care that much about where stuff comes from, which is horrible but true.
No. 690077
>>690071>>690066It’s just weird. Like, you’d want to see the UK’s best and brightest for sacred items meant to represent the UK, and maybe foreign things in a museum to show as war trophies, but instead they consistently prefer things from outside. Even as a power thing, it’s always struck me as odd.
>>690073This makes a bit more sense, though the cultural aspect still sticks out me.
No. 690109
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>>690056Say whatever you want about the monarchy but I will always have love for the Queen after she insisted on forcefully driving the saudi crown Prince, a man from a country where women weren't allowed to drive, around in her big 4x4 so fast that he asked her to slow down.
Also I enjoy how her stupid racist husband has to walk behind her at all times and making jokes about how she owns all the swans. The monarchy should end in general, but I'll be sad to see her go.
No. 690132
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>>690109I love our Queen. She is the only female member of the royal family to have been in the armed forces as she joined the military during WWII. God save the Queen! lol
No. 690164
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>>690132i fucking love the queen. LOVE her!
No. 690209
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I distanced myself from a lot of people in 2020 and learned I was a lot more self-sufficient than I thought I was. Not sure if embracing self-sufficiency is improvement or avoidance, but this year I really ended up enjoying the time I've spent alone to the point that I honestly prefer it to being with others. I stopped worrying about finding a boyfriend or about my friends because I realized that even if I end up spending my entire life alone that I think I'd be okay with it- maybe even prefer it. Again I'm not sure if this is me realizing that I'm an independent person or if this is unhealthy avoidance, but it makes me feel good. Anyway I hope in 2021 I can just focus on school, spend more comfy time alone, and learn to exercise better boundaries with the people in my life! It's so freeing to think that I only have to take care of myself and to finally feel that I only need myself to be happy.
>>688440Anon did you come from the future?
No. 690281
>>690204happy for u
nonnie, and i hope those predictions come true
No. 690334
>>690204>>690286Zoomers are the epitome of consumerism though, I just don't see them unironically shitting on fast fashion while splurging on new tech every year and fast cosmetics.
>Fuck people who hate h&m.To be fair, that's a problem far larger than people who (rightfully) hate h&m.
Ultimately all of us commoners are going to have to give up things and comfort and change our consumer habits but I don't see that happening on a large scale that will make a real drastic difference yet.
No. 690905
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This year back to self-harm after stopping like about 3 years, so my anxiety return due being stuck at home. Recently started to count calories and restricting food. I guess the next year I'll be anorexic, other shit to my list. But amy hair grew healthy somehow.
No. 693398
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>>690905hi anon I also relapsed self harming this december after 11 months clean, my longest time to go without relapse in a long time. I was so good the entirety of quarantine. I avoided it for so long, and now I'm back here, so much for progress
in 2021 I want to slim back down and eat less and not cut again but all those seem like fever dreams. If corona goes away and we actually get the vaccine it might be attainable. otherwise quarantine, whilst being forced to continuously work a job to feed the capitalist pigs and not being able to go to campus or parties, will further spiral me into hell
No. 694833
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I’m gonna get my shit together
I’m gonna get my shit together
I’m gonna get my shit together
No. 701425
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Coomer shit becomes more and more socially acceptable in society, im not complaining because im a degenerate myself but alot of people here hate this with every fiber of their being.
Gen Z-ers on tik tok talk about piss kink like its merely quirky, BDSM is pratically normalized nowadays, almost every young adult I know consumes porn, its only going downhill from here babeyyyyy
No. 701450
>>701440Eh Highly Doubt it, its way too fucking profitable and addictive, I would compare it to the alcohol industry.
>>701444Tumblr was still pretty niche though, back in 2012 I didn't know anyone irl who used it, tiktok and twitter on the other hand.
No. 701538
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A meteor hits us and we all die
No. 702565
I got cancelled this summer for something I didn't even do (and it was even proven in a court of law that the claims were bullshit) so I'm using 2021 to focus on myself and my writing. I don't trust people anymore and my job will probably let me stay remote after COVID because I have a disability so hopefully I get to stay a recluse for a little while longer, or at least until the woketards accept the court ruling.
>>690204>FDS or some similar belief group will rise in popularity, with big backlash from incels and strengthening the FDS causeAlready happening, anon
No. 702571
My other youtube got banned the other day because I called someone an 'asshole' literally it was taken as bullying and I got that account deleted. It's horrible.
Cancel culture will be worse
No. 702938
>>702571>>702586what can we use besides youtube?
i stg facebook changed their content displays during the first hit of the rona because when i checked my profile from the pov of a stranger, it displayed 7 year old 9gag links. some with very questionable by today's standards jokes.
>more people will abandon social mediaafter fb buying ig and ads being pushed down everyone's throats, fb will soon die or be mandatory
>snapchat will become more popular>tiktok is revealed that it's trends were to map out users' faces>another app like tiktok will pop up No. 760129
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Add your predictions now
No. 760140
I think it's going to be near the end of June, with America chimping out in preparation of the 4th of July and ruining everything once and for all
No. 760148
>>760146To be fair to you, you're right
Trump is out of office, so people with bad problem solving skills and guns are angry again
And people are gathering in large groups again and schools are going to be open at regular capacity next school year
That's the recipe
No. 760167
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Back in 2020 I thought Trump would get a reality TV show if he lost the election. His need for attention, realty TV's money grubbiness, and a cynical "A hate view is a view" would 100% make it a thing. This was way before the riot and now I don't think a station would touch him with a 20 foot pole.
I honestly think everyone will forget about trump now. All his social media is gone, that was 60% of his newsworthy moments, and he doesn't have much political power now. I don't even know what he's up to now.
No. 760879
>>760283Seriously. Libs are going to ignore Trump and the already crumbling cultural rift he heightened because Biden is their security blanket and then act shocked when he wins 2024. Trump is only going "quiet" because the mainstream feels like they can put this embarrassment behind them, despite the fact that a major part of Trump's platform was exploiting the fears people already had about the mainstream media. His followers are just going to go to whatever echo chamber he'll probably set up for himself. Republicans who would've (rightfully) flipped shit over the capitol riots a decade ago are caping so fucking hard now and excusing his behavior because of their brainwashed devotion to the American political binary. Biden didn't even win '20 by a landslide, Trump still got an insane amount of votes. Trump is going nowhere, and if he does I'd bet good money that there's someone much smarter out there willing to take his place within the coming decades. His followers have already fully demonstrated that they are willing to listen to anyone who is so obviously deceiving them as long as they say the right things. Why wouldn't someone more politically capable try and take that position?
I really hope I'm wrong and somehow Trump dies out (figuratively or even better literally) but even then it's not like he started any of the inane ideas he spouted; just echoed sentiments of a majority that desperately wants to feel marginalized in a very public way. This didn't begin with Trump and it won't end with him being gone.
No. 761356
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OJ will make a comeback in this or the next few years. My only reason behind this guess, is that no one makes a twitter account to be dunked on 24/7 out of blue. That means he must have some motive behind it. I think he's trying to normalize himself in pop culture as a "dad", so he can get a TV show or cameos without a severe backlash. Most people today know OJ "might" have committed murder, but they don't take it seriously. Most zoomers see the murders as a joke because they simply weren't there. OJ has the perfect chance to rebrand himself.
No. 761718
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A male nail artist will join youtube and become one of the top nail channels, displacing the female creators like what happened to beauty videos. They already dominate makeup, hair, and skincare so this is the next step for them especially with male nail polish becoming more normalized.
No. 761720
>>761718Men love it when other men do things they've been discrediting women for for years.
It doesn't help that other women also "boost" it
No. 761883
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>>761857This would make a great movie
No. 761979
>>761896>Musk is going to get excommunicated from America when the public finds out he funded latin american coupspffft, as if the entirety of American governments hadn't been doing that shit for years; funding a coup in (what constitutes to the average american) a shithole country might rile up a few performative wokes and
maybe two or three people who care but trust me, burgers don't give half a shit about shady billionaires doing shady billionaire shit, even less so if it's outside of the country. plus, musk's fanboys cape for him like their worthless lives depend on it, even when you confront them with musk's laundry list of offenses they're just gonna idolize him because they've projected too much of themselves onto him, plus don't forget he's a haha reddit funnyman he smokes LE WEED X DEE!!1!1!!1!one!!
a girl can dream though, anon.
No. 766593
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>>761857>Everything will be electronically controlled "for your own and everyone's good"I have an Australian pal I talk to a lot and apparently they used these things to identify people that were outside during curfews.
I don't mind the covid curfew part, it's the technology used that gives me an awful gut feeling. I would rather just have a policeman on every corner looking at people's every move than these things flying around. At least human authorities have emotions and make decisions individually face-to-face, these things are just machines that one faceless person somewhere in a position of power will have authority over.