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No. 69059
>>69053Yep, right now I get fillers for my lips, cheeks and nasolabial folds.I also want rhinoplasty too. I worry I will just end up looking freakish in the future because it's true, there is always something else I find that needs fixing. I'm never happy and it doesn't help that I am a perfectionist.
I wish I could just transplant my brain into a pretty girls body.
No. 69069
>>69061YES! The store clerk thing is when I realized I wasn't a duckling anymore. I would walk into a store and be greeted and that's it, the workers would continue talking to one another or make themselves seem busy.
My mom really took care of me for prom, she did my hair (have me extensions for length and volume), make up, and got me a dress that was amazing on me. She did a lot of things to prep me for the day. The day after prom I went to the mall to go shopping and no matter what store I went to the workers were attentive.
It started when I went into spencers to get a new backpack, the workers were staring at me and I figured they thought I was going to steal something but then the male one walked over and started to talk to me in the really soft and gentle tone. He was visibly red. When I left I remember looking at the map because I was lost and two mall cops came over to help but as soon as I opened my mouth (I guess they figured I was older) then kinda stopped there flirting but helped me find the exit.
I remember driving home and thinking so this is what it's like to be pretty
No. 69072
I have a super light complexion so putting on makeup helped to define my features and accentuate the lovelier parts of my face. Mascara has done wonders for me personally. I also dyed my hair darker many years ago which when I first did it, people seemed to love a lot and I think I look better with dark hair. After having a disgustingly layered, fried scene haircut, I worked hard to take care of it and grew it super long so I get many compliments from strangers and the length attracts a lot of old ladies which is very endearing. Learning how to do makeup that suits my face definitely helped the most though.
>>69069Yes, I get much more attention from workers than I used to. A few months ago, I was walking past three waiters in a restaurant who kept staring at me and one of them shouted, "Wow! She looks like a model!" and that made me soo happy! It must have been the best compliment I've received about my looks because I do not think of myself as being anywhere near model-tier. Sorry if this comes off as braggy and vain but I haven't told anyone about it so I want to selfishly share it.
>I remember driving home and thinking so this is what it's like to be prettyI remember this feeling all too well.
No. 69077
>>69074I feel you bulbous-tip anon.
I have a little piggy ski slope atrocity going on and I practically turn green every time I hear someone else got a nose job.
One day anon, one day. We will have perfect noses too.
No. 69079
>>69069>I remember driving home and thinking so this is what it's like to be prettyAww that's so cute. I'm happy for you.
>>69072I've gotten the model thing more than once too! I'm not skinny enough to actually be one, but sometimes I see where people are coming from. It's a really nice feeling because that's like one of the greatest compliments you can get based on your appearance. I'm still a little socially challenged so I always react awkwardly when someone says it, but it's a nice feeling. Especially when you make the effort to look nice that day.
>>69074Bulbous tips can be cute. You'd be surprised but your most unique feature can add a bit of charm to a face. It makes you more interesting to look at. Even though you might think it's a flaw, it will definitely set you apart.
Especially if the rest of you is at least some what attractive.
No. 69089
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>>69079Bulbous or funny noses CAN be cute, but mine sure isn't.
Pic related. What do I ask my surgeon to do guys? I really would like some advice from anons with nose jobs.
No. 69093
>>69091Not pointier, just not so uppity at the end. I think what I'd really like is a slightly smaller septum but that seems dangerous to try to mess with.
If it would tilt up less at the end id be satisfied. Its such a snout.
No. 69095
>>69089Yeah what the other anon said is right, your surgeon is the best bet of telling you what suits you best.
If you want you could tell us what your face shape is. Maybe someone with a similar situation can tell you what might happen so you don't have to pay for a consultation.
For bulb noses I found that going to Korea is best, they make nice cute and sutle noses from former bulby noses.
No. 69096
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>>69089Your nose looks fine to me. Everyone these days is too obsessed with individual features, not understanding beauty comes from the sum of all your features, as well as being entirely subjective.
Even the nearly universally dreaded Aquiline nose looks beautiful on certain faces, making them appear more regal. TBH the only way you can tell if you'll be prettier is if you get your face 3D modeled with new noses and stare at the pictures for a week, and most places don't do that.
No. 69102
>>69077It's the first thing I'm doing when I get my first real career paycheck. Good luck to you anon.
>>69079Fuck you, I bet you have a perfectly proportioned nose. Mine is actually more retarded looking thanks to having a weak ass chin.
No. 69109
>>69095I was honestly thinking that if I'm gonna get surgery, Korea is the way to go.
I used to want about five other procedures on my face but I've made my peace with my eyes and chin for the most part.
I'm studying for a well paying career, so if I succeed why not go do it?
No. 69110
>>69105I don't really believe in loving myself though.
I've gotten past constant hatred and usually just feel neutral about my looks.
I think its better than feeling strongly about it at all. Rampant self love and rampant self hate seem like two sides of an unhealthily obsessed coin.
No. 69112
>>69099Nah, cheers man.
Its nice to have another point of view.
No. 69123
I was a cute kid, but I guess something went wrong during puberty. My face just looked awkward. It was round and moon like, plus, I had a flat Southeast Asian nose and an ugly bob. To top it all off, I had braces and ugly, small rectangular glasses. I didn't know how to put makeup on, even though I watched a ton of Michelle Phan's videos all the time. I also had oily and acne prone skin back then, so that didn't help. The only features I liked back then were my eyes, my lips, and my boobs, which are quite big.
I went to an all girl's catholic school, so I wasn't really too fussed about my appearance TBH.
I think I was just a really late bloomer because around 17/18 things just clicked for me. I lost some fat, my face became more defined and less flat. I learnt how to apply makeup, established a skin care routine, grew my hair out, my braces were taken off, and I got new glasses, bigger ones which suit my face shape. I'm 20 now. I can't do anything about my nose or oily skin, but I'm learning how to be okay with those.
Ever since I glo'd up I have noticed that people do pay more attention to me. Guys flirt with me in clubs, I get second glances at uni, etc. My self-confidence definitely skyrocketed. I'm more social, and I'm happier now than I ever was.
No. 69132
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>>69069>>69072Last year I went to the christkindlmarket near me, and as I was walking around, I'd catch some people staring at me. Then I walked past this group of guys and I heard one say "damn" and turn his head to follow me, and another say "wow" (I pretended to ignore/not notice). I went to buy some food from a vendor, and the guy at the window chatted me up more than he had any of the people in front of me, or the people behind me while I was waiting for my order to finish cooking. Also, a photographer there took pictures of me walking, and then about 30min later, found me looking at glass figurines and stacking dolls, and took my picture again.
In addition to that, I work at about 30+/- concerts in the summer. I get people coming up to me often, complimenting me or trying to get me to go out with them. It's kinda split evenly between older men (40+) and people closer to my age (20-30s).
Generally I feel less nervous by the older men, mainly because in most cases they are married or flat-out tell me I'm too young for them. It is honestly such a relief, I feel like I can actually chat with them back instead of getting all standoffish.It's very uncomfortable because I don't know how to react. I'm not used to attention like that cuz I'm a shut in who doesn't socialize and hasn't had friends in over 10 years. I only started wearing more makeup than just mascara and eyeliner two years ago. I've tried to stop living in baggy clothes, jeans and t-shirts, and wear better-fitting items. I own more than two pair of shoes now, I even have a few pairs of heels (with pretty much no excuse to wear, but still).
When people tell me this stuff, I tend to chalk it up to "they're drunk", which is highly believable at both christkindlmarket and concerts. Even when I know for a fact that they're sober, I still tell myself they gotta be drunk.
If I exchanged about 10lb of fat for 10lb of muscle, and my face and hair looked good always instead of like once every couple weeks, I might be able to see what they're seeing, but right now I just don't get it.
No. 69168
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I think my face is still ugly but now I put more effort into what I wear, especially with getting into online shopping for clothes. Sometimes I get worried about the line between looking fashionable or like a dweeb attempting to look good but I get compliments and people occasionally asking where I buy my stuff.
No. 70339
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>tfw huge jew nose
No. 70382
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not really a swan but i used to be pretty ugly/fat as a child. Everyone would tease me about my ugliness/weight (even adults)
what i did was lose weight and start to use makeup, without makeup i look really plain tbh but i def look better than what i looked like before.
oh i also changed my style.
people do tell me im pretty and chubby people tell me theyre jelly of my weight
>pic related, it me at 5yo
No. 70383
>>70382This is a great pic
Thanks for sharing
No. 70391
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>>70383thanks, i also have this one