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No. 7084
>>7057I knew she looked familiar… definitely don't see her everywhere though. She needs to fix her damn eyebrows. Came across her a few times when I followed more people who post kawaii shit. All depends on who you follow I guess….
Do you guys ever know someone and something about them really bugs you but you can't figure out what exactly it is and everyone seems to love them and lick their asshole so you begin to question your gut feeling?
That is how I feel about tumblr user meloetta.
No. 7190
>>7179Porn and sex work derivatives are all trash. I fantasize about killing sex workers on a daily basis. They're the worst human beings in the world. I take pleasure in the fact that if they aren't killed by their clients who they rant about "respecting" so much, then they'll be broke and on the streets by 30. It's really fucking fantastic. Natural selection at its finest.
The whorearchy is truly the worst of humanity.
No. 7197
>>7190Nah, most of us will have successful careers by the time we're 30.
do you think we blow all our funding on coke and fancy lingerie? That money goes to investments and education.
Back on topic– Toxic Tears is the cringiest mallgoth tryhard that I've EVER witnessed. I will freely admit that I have a raging hateboner for her. She likes to pretend she's constantly harrassed IRL for being a ~hawt gothgoth model~ (as well as claims that she coined the entire hashtag gothgoth) but dude, if the reactions are that offensive, just tone down your outfit when you're going grocery shopping, save it for the club. But no, she has to be the ultimate hot topic queen irl wednesday addams even when at job interviews and then wonders why people are so ~prejudiced~. Urgh.
No. 7198
>>7084maybe it's that she's worshipped by weebs for being a slightly above average looking asian who is interested in pokémon and anime and memes. so rare…. so interesting.
… pretty sure she's said she doesn't even really watch any anime though so she's basically just a jobless cos-whore who's constantry praised for pulling that whole "i am just lazy trash uwu!!! i just nap and eat snacks and play games all day" shtick
No. 7226
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>>7198>i just nap and eat snacks and play games all dayf-fuck, this is pretty much me….except I have a job
No. 7265
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>>7226there's your biggest difference right there lol.
i keep seeing girls who think it's cute to be a "NEET". they have no shame in not going to school or making any effort to get a job. it's pretty much the equivalent of proudly calling yourself an otaku.
they basically just emulate that anzu girl from idolm@ster
>Anzu is listless 17 year old idol in the Cute category and NEET who doesn't believe in work. Anzu has no particular interests other than playing games, anime, manga and sleeping. She only becomes an idol because she believes she will be able to live the rest of her days off royalties. Her verbal catch phrase is "I wanna go home!", and she frequently wears a shirt that says: "If you work, you lose." No. 7267
>>7190oh my god you're sick wtf LOL more of lolcow mateial than whoever this thread was based on.
>>7265ppl like this bug me so much. it's like they seriously expect a limitless supply of funds to fall out of the sky and support their neet ways.
No. 7290
>>7265i kind of like chen/meloetta, but her makeup annoys me when she's cosplaying girls like anzu.
also jelly of her tits. is she just padding the fuck out of them?
No. 7294
>>7290chronic sameface cosplay makeup. i think it's an insecurity thing… like they think they only look good/ look their best in that makeup so they always go with that style no matter what.
after seeing a few of her pics i came to the conclusion that she probably has boobs that are slightly bigger than normal (D/DD) and just has good push up bras.
and i have seen people comment on her boob size and im just like ?????? theyre really not that big looking. also, there's not enough pics to confirm, but i'm pretty sure she's not 'thin' by lolcow standards even though she's generally sorta small.
back when i was about 14-17 yrs old and 15-20lbs heavier (currently 5'4 ~100-110lbs) i had DD cup size and some people thought they were huge…. and then i found out there are A LOT of people whos breasts are naturally like F size or similar. nowadays i realize that D/DD really isn't that big and i just dont get it when people act like her tits are massive…. they honestly dont look that big for her body type
i can totally understand people liking her though 'cause shes nice to most people
am i the only one who's irritated by these people who act overly nice to everyone? it just seems so phony….
No. 7314
>>7252>>7250Welcome to the real world, you idiot whores. No one wants to hire someone who has been out of the work place for ten years doing God knows what. Even stay at home moms make less and work harder when they go back - and they usually has real job before they got pregnant.
Whores are the future cashiers of the world. It's kind of pathetic how they try to justify their own cognitive dissonance and it makes me mad that their future welfare will come out of my pocket. They're losers. Normal people get normal jobs and are productive members of society. Whores are just leeches that embody the worst qualities in women.
No. 7317
>>7267OP here
Read the title.
No. 7318
>>7314>>7247You're a complete moron if you think that all 'whores' do is laze around all day.
There's no gap in my resume, though, I have a job & a college degree that allows me to register as a small business. That's how I explain my income on my tax returns, although my current work doesn't actually pay well enough to cover my bills since the hours are irregular. If I take advantage of sex-starved, idiotic older men so that I can have a decent standard of living, why the fuck does it matter so much to you? You sound personally butthurt by the idea that it's possible to be successful whilst having a discreet past as a sex worker.
No. 7427
>>7330I've thought about this before, actually…but…
I have this weird anti-government paranoia policy that I inherited from my father (libertarian).
To my understanding, the less documented evidence that there is of my existence, the more I can get away with. I don't want to finagle with anything complex like tax fraud.
Plus, I think there'd be an issue demanding welfare from my current state since I'm technically still the resident of another. Is this incorrect?
No. 7723
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>>7294i know a lot of asian girls have large breasts, but it's definitely not very common, especially with thinner girls. she is half lebanese, but she passes as asian to me, so i'm jealous that she's an asian girl with big(ger than average) breasts. pic related.
and yes, i am irritated by how overly nice she acts. i've talked to her briefly through pm, and she was just so nice…
No. 7729
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Erm. I'm not annoyed by this girl, but does anyone know who she is? Unfortunately she pops up the most in "would you bang?" type of guy threads in places like the bodybuilding forums, which is kinda sad/gross cause she's probably a young teen. Her pictures look super edited, especially the high saturation of colors and blurry face in some other pics. I've been seeing her for a while and I'm curious who she is and if she has a following or something.
Here are other pics of her No. 8001
Not sure if this is the right thread but I didn't think she warranted her own one; this girl is really getting pretty cringy, She's a self proclaimed 'Adora Batbrat lookalike' when really all she does is copy her makeup and hair from way back and wears foundation not even close to her skin tone. I'm not sure what she's trying to achieve but it's super embarrassing to the goth scene. Everyone copies or is inspired by other makeup but to label yourself a lookalike when you look nothing like that person is a bit awkward, she tags all her photos shit like that too.
No. 8013
>>7949~$5k is a lot to a jobless 21 year old
Possible that someone else paid.
I wonder what her excuse is for years of no job, no schooling, and not the slightest hint of any ambition.
No. 8185
>>8105>>8105Sits around at home and gets wasted by herself.
She saw this thread and made a post about it, followed by like 10 messages saying "WHO COULD EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT YOU YOU'RE A PERFECT SWEET ANGEL UWWUUU THEY ARE JUST JEALOUS" all answered with generic repetitive replies.
Like mmmhm, yeah…. there is A LOT to be jealous of there.
It's not so much her that bothers me, I think it's more the amount of people who sort of put her on a pedestal. She's just way overrated.
No. 9513
>>8249there's a pic on her friends instagram. idk if that's the one the other anon was talking about but yea it's not a very flattering pic. her boobs don't look huge in comparison to her body, she's kinda chunky.
cute but really nothing to make a big deal over- looks or personality.
No. 9546
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>>8522damn, is this her? it's from her friend's insta, but i'm not sure if it's her
No. 9557
>>8256Blue grey eyes are dime a dozen, theyre not uncommon enough to brag about. Give me moss green any day.
also, the only reason why those look so bad on these girls like OP is because they're choosing styles with really thick, ugly limbal rings. Which looks fine on dark eyes, but weird af on light.
I wear circle lenses every day for work and regular outings, but nobody notices because I don't go for 17mm kawaii uguu anime eyes patterns.
although if the color of your eyes is the sort of thing that gives you a sense of pride/ego boost, you have bizarre priorities. Or maybe just not very much to brag about otherwise.
No. 9610
>>9546Yeah that's her.
No. 9728 i've become so obcessed with her. I keep asking myself, what makes her beautiful face wise/how she does her makeup.
Also love those contacts. wonder how much she photoshops
No. 10601
>>7265Is anyone else kind of annoyed when people cosplay characters from shows/games that they literally give no shits about? And they have that obnoxious as hell "that me"/"there I am"/"#me" complex? Yet, at the same time have made it very clear they're not really interested in the character or franchise????
And the thing is, if you ever try to call someone out on it, suddenly it becomes this argument of "WHO CARES COSPLAY IS JUST FOR FUN WOW WHY ARE YOU SO BITTER LOLLLL" but… imo, if you don't even care about the character it isn't even really cosplay.
maybe I sound like a huge fag but it just seems so tacky to 'cosplay' anime characters when you openly admit to not watching anime. so basically, you're choosing to cosplay that character based either on 1.) looks or 2.) their limited view of that characters personality… but lbr it's always about the characters appearance.
imo they're playing dress-up for attention, not cosplaying. same with jnig. which is why I laugh at this chick being critical of her. Like, you may have an ounce more personality than she does and look a little better (which tbh isn't that difficult jnig looks beat as hell) but essentially you are the same thing, a cosplay whore.
No. 12015
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>>7265to be honest, at least she doesnt pretend shes natural. I like that
No. 12038
>>12012if by 'how she responds to criticism' you mean this video, that was one of the things that made me hate her 110%. I cringed so hard at this…imo she definitely deserves to be a lolcow.
No. 12041
>>12038to be honest, goth girls get a ton of shit so i understand she's mad about it.
but she has the right to be mean to those who insult her.
No. 12056
>>12041except that none of the exchanges she's using as examples probably even happened? If she actually does get approached by random strangers who are being 'rude', I can guarantee that those ~snarky comebacks~ never actually make it out of her lips, she just fumes over it, goes home, & makes videos of 'WELL THIS IS WHAT I WOULD'VE SAID' to make herself feel better. Most people are not living in a vacuum, they know what 'goths' look like. But if she's wearing stuff like in this video, I can see why anybody would be like 'wut'. I love wearing alternative fashion, myself, but I don't act surprised and offended when I go out and people stare or comment, I know I look weird. But I don't see the point of going home and making a video like, "THOSE PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID", nobody does that unless they're next-tier levels of mad.
besides, she's attempting to sound authoritative on a subculture that–if personal style is any indication–she got most of her ideas about from browsing Hot Topic. There are so many ways to do goth, the 'black lipstick! dreads! platforms!' look is cheesy as fuck, dated, and honestly nobody in their right mind wears it outside of concerts/festivals.
If people are mean to her because she dresses like that on a daily basis, I don't see any difference between that and the 'Luna' chick on My Strange Addiction who tried wearing ~dolly style~ to job interviews and shit and was bitching like "WHY DON'T PEOPLE ACCEPT ME THIS IS THE REAL ME WAAAAH"
No. 12074
>>12056Yes they did. All of those things happened.
She said that random people would come up and touch her hair and stuff. She understands people can think it's weird. But to touch her just because shes different? that's annoying. And she has the right to be mean to people who act like assholes to her. I'm pretty sure if people would come up and begin to touch you and insult you right in your face, you'd be offended and mean. come on anon lol
No. 12077
>>12056>'black lipstick! dreads! platforms!' look is cheesy as fuck, dated, and honestly nobody in their right mind wears it outside of concerts/festivals.I think sweet lolita looks like ageplay and it looks fucking ridiculous. Does that mean all sweet lolitas dont have anything right in their mind? no.
It's just her style. You might think it's cheese but she likes it. I'm pretty sure everyone has a different style that can look retarded to others so i don't see your point. sorry if i sound mad, anon
No. 12152
>>12074I don't consider people 'touching me' an insult.
I wear lolita. I've gotten the exact same reactions as she claims to get: people coming up to me to touch my skirt, staring, yelling 'IT'S NOT HALLOWEEN', or 'HEY BO PEEP', asking whether a split pink twintail wig is my real hair. It's not an excuse to be rude to people. When you do, you just confirm their biased, unfounded, stereotyped opinions of the people who participate in alternative fashion: "Lolitas are bitches!" or in this case: "Goths are people-hating, nihilistic satanists."
99% of the time, when someone comes up and asks me if they can touch my petticoats or something, they are just curious. 99% of the time, when someone yells at me from out of a car window or from across the street, they're just trying to get a rise out of me. You know what surprises them the most? When I behave like a civil, reasonable human being in return. Being rude back does absolutely nothing. Making a video like this one does absolutely nothing. And until you have evidence that these exchanges actually happened as she describes them, snarky comeback and all, I'll remain firm in my belief that the most XToxicTears has ever done to 'reply' to these SO OFFENSIVE catcallers is glare, go home, and then pout about it on Youtube/Tumblr. And you know what? If it's so offensive to her, maybe she should consider toning down her wardrobe. My style has never been SO CRITICAL to my identity that I refuse to wear street clothes. I have a section of my wardrobe that I wear for work and casual outings, I don't try to live in lolita to impress my online following. XToxicTears does, because being an overweight 'alt model' with a faceful of metal and hideous eyebrows is the only thing that is at all interesting about her.
No. 12842
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Adora's not enough of a cow to warrant her own thread so I'm posting here. She's absolutely gorgeous and her hair and makeup is amazing, but she consistently says and does little things that are irritating.
No. 12843
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>>12842Responds to "are you a racist" with "I don't think about racial discrimination, I'm more concerned about the discrimination that alt club kids face"
No. 12846
>>12843 photos of children here doesn't sit well with me so I'm linking instead)
I also felt weird that she dressed her daughter like this for another childs birthday party. Even if '''cultural appropriation'''/painting your white child in 'geisha' makeup and a kimono robe doesnt bother you I can't help but feel like her daughter must have probably upstaged the birthday child. : /
No. 12851
>>12152But to her, people touching her is an insult. Just because you find it okay doesnt mean others will have the same opinion as you. People that insult her or think they can touch her because she dresses differently are stupid. You're taking this WAY too seriously. calm down.
>>12173You sound like a vendetta chan. seriously what has she done to you?
No. 12855
>>12851I'm saying that her reaction is way over the top and also probably falsified.
If you don't like people touching you, tell them in a firm manner. All you have to do is turn around and say 'please stop'. Going home, rehearsing and posting a video ranting about it? yeah, no, at that point you're just freaking out for the asspats and attention it's getting you from your own subculture. But hey, it's clear from the way that she presents herself that attention is exactly what she wants.
IMO, suggesting to her 'gothgoth' followers that the way to respond to rudeness is to be rude back is exactly why most 'normal people' have a negative opinion of alternative subcultures. She might think it's 'edgy' but it's really just in poor taste. Maybe if her comebacks had been actually funny, I could see the point of making a video like this one, but it's pretty clear she was just bitching about the attention she got while wearing outfits
designed to stand out.
No. 12860
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>>12851also you don't need to be a vendetta-chan to be able to notice that this chick has certain cringeworthy tendencies. I mean, come on, she has a store where she sells photoshopped pictures of her face/moniker/quotes on t-shirts and she's claimed that she's had people start shaking and tearing up when they met her IRL.
she even used to be on PULL a while back, just like TotemoKawaii and OC.
tbh if I wanted to dig around I'd probably be able to find some milk but I honestly don't care that much. pic related, five minutes browsing her instagram. someone turn this into an 'expectation vs. reality' meme.
No. 13330
>>12860What is with the brown hair and fake black hair thing? She doesn't look goth to me at all. She just seems annoying and boring in her videos too, but with a fake air of superiority.
Speaking of annoying tryhard/ugly goths, I also hate Sebastian Columbine and Jillian Venters. I love Black Friday though.
I was thinking of making a "goth confessions" tumblr to talk shit about people precisely like this, do you think anyone would go for it? It seems like goth tumblr is small.
No. 13349
>>12860the before looks like shit too
it just went from bad to worse