File: 1609291193625.jpg (12.48 KB, 346x346, finger-pressing-red-button.jpg)

No. 705045
>>705027R9K bot over tranny absolutely. The robot would probably shut up sometimes.
Would you rather spend the day with Tuna or sleep over at Pixiterry's? 12 hours for each.
No. 705071
File: 1609295966348.jpg (13.41 KB, 290x290, boop.jpg)

Press this button?
You will have financial stability guaranteed for the rest of your life, but you will lose one of your five senses permanently and you don't get to pick which one will be lost.
>>705027/r9k/ robot
It isn't so bad. I've dated worse normies.>>705039Aggy
>>705045I would have more to talk about with Sarah, and I could probably win her over with nippon snacks.
Luna would just have me linger in her dirt den with Lurch while they did their drugs, I couldn't leave my purse unattended there.
>>705061Sand in wet socks.
No. 705076
>>705045Pixy. Plus tuna and lurch don't have the kind of drugs i'd want to do, I'd rather be around the weeb
>>705061Sand in wet socks. the bottoms of my heels are feeble when it comes to hot surfaces
No. 705091
File: 1609298377919.jpg (155.28 KB, 720x720, pixlr_20201230000625364.jpg)

Which lolcow forced meme would you rather have an one night stand with?
No. 705092
File: 1609298416400.jpg (Spoiler Image,307.39 KB, 720x720, pixlr_20201230001821481.jpg)

Would rather eat out Shayna or Mariah?
Pick your favorite vein-chan!
No. 705131
>>705071why is this so hard? I'd still rather have financial stability but I don't want to lose sight, smell or taste, noooo
>>705091Adam D. Although if I took a third option, it'd be my unconventional attractions choice, he's not a forced meme (yet)
>>705092Moo, she probably smells less like a sewer than Shatna and less damaged privates
No. 705576
File: 1609362141639.jpg (32.6 KB, 787x320, 375d30ab23960001a228e9d6d61_a0…)

Will you press the button if you could have financial stability for your whole life but never be able to have your own pets ?
I know I couldn't
No. 705591
>>705576yes, my dog passed prematurely a year ago and i don't think i'll ever be able to have another dog (or cat) again
>>705027i feel like a tranny would be more mentally stable than someone who posts on r9k kek
No. 705627
File: 1609365977023.jpg (51.15 KB, 594x334, Shakira Voice Season 4 Episode…)

10 million dollars, but you can't have hot showers or baths for the rest of your life, not even in Onsen. You pressing?
No. 705629
>>705027It’s hard to pick because we all know that both options would kill themselves after a few years, but the robot seems easier to manage than the tranny.
>>705039Mathew deserves jail, onision is irrelevant.
driver would be an amazing one night stand, I honestly think he’s pretty cute with the right lighting.
>>705627Yeah! Who cares about hot water? Cold showers are refreshing.
No. 705686
File: 1609371466656.jpg (40.84 KB, 680x383, dog-cat-190709-800x450.jpg)

Would you rather be a street dog or a street cat?
Pic almost related
No. 705690
File: 1609371788784.jpeg (102.24 KB, 640x456, 6F4652F4-EB69-4A4E-922E-C4E838…)

>>705686It’s a tough question, I think I would be a street dog, I feel like street cats are often chased around by crazy people and way too abused. Dogs
can seem a bit more threatening to wackos.
No. 705694
>>705686Strictly talking about the US: Street dog. For one thing, stray dogs are treated way more kindly and with compassion. People often assume dogs are just lost and need a lot of help and extra sensitivity.
Street cats are just assumed to be feral or someone's outdoor cat and are left to fend mostly for themselves.
Size matters too. Cats are more likely to get picked off by a coyote whereas an average to large sized dog would be seen more formidably. And speaking of predators, cats seem to be the
victims of more psychotic people who kill or run them over for fun. I've seen way more roadkill cats than I've ever seen dogs, and it seems like when someone injures a dog they stop and try to help and feel pretty damn bad about it.
No. 705700
File: 1609372579926.jpg (52.14 KB, 640x471, MV5BMTcxNzM5Y2QtZmM5Mi00MTVjLT…)

>>705686Definitely a cat. They're faster and more agile, are less domesticated and better at hunting/scavenging, they're able to climb and squeeze into small spaces, require less food, are less likely to be perceived as a threat by humans, and are probably more likely to be randomly fed and housed without ending up in a shelter. Dogs may have certain advantages, but I think they're probably more miserable being homeless than cats are.
No. 705712
File: 1609374568729.jpg (67.99 KB, 634x423, 47AFEBB500000578-5227019-image…)

>>705700I mostly agree with this, but at least where I am from, it's not super rare to see street dogs forming packs, and it can be actually quite threatening (and when bothered they can get really dangerous), so most people leave them alone - also it's a way better strategy, whenever I see those street packs the dogs are all hunting for garbage at the same time so they get it done way quicker.
I guess my answer would be: if alone, cat. If with frens, dog
No. 705713
>>705027r9k robot no competition. but still dread the thought of it
>>705061wet socks obviously. i don't even understand this one kek
>>705071not even remotely tempting to press the button but it's sad seeing some of the replies
>>705091adam driver
>>705092DISGUSTING. mariah obv. at least she looks like she showers.
>>705576so long as my parents can have pets then sure why not, they'd basically be my pet then anyway. or even better if they're my partner's pet instead
>>705627no because hot showers are a genuine pleasure in my life
>>705686street dog
would you rather know that your partner is cheating on you, or not know and continue to live normally until you both die?
No. 705762
File: 1609384935661.jpeg (30.17 KB, 746x411, images - 2020-12-30T213229.049…)

On the same vein of this
>>705686 Would you rather be a raccoon or a rat?
No. 705770
File: 1609386415051.jpg (81.63 KB, 580x575, 9aa47c4bcbf6167d8f06d276aea685…)

>>705765But rats have hands too
No. 705797
>>705786Obviously chicken soup sweat. Sex would be…. Different
>>705793I believe no internet, maybe. Our parents did, we'll survive. I'd have the laughing cow club of gossiping and girl talk. (And dumb shit like this)
No. 705819
File: 1609405280699.jpg (41.42 KB, 480x472, 0fef91f82bcfb1a521a194155985b5…)

Will you press the button that makes you look exactly how you want to look, and as beautiful as you can fathom at the cost of having a severe migraine 5 hours a day each day for the rest of your life? Pic unrelated.
No. 705821
>>705819am i allowed to take painkillers
if so then yes if no then probably still yes
No. 705822
>>705819Nah, not worth it. I would be this beautiful goddess but wouldn't be able to enjoy life or sex or whatever?
I already have migraine episodes, and sometimes I feel like puking and I have cold sweats… Everyday is too much.
No. 705920
>>705819Only a person who's never had a migraine would say yes to this. Painkillers required to get rid of it have to be so strong it's hard to function normally after they actually start working (usually extreme fatigue, some nausea), and if taken every day they would make you an addict and eventually stop working too.
This said, cool "what if", makes me realize there are things I would never sacrifice for looks no matter how bad i feel with myself.
No. 706052
>>705819Only if I can land my dream life. Migraines are pain, but as long as I can achieve what I want to achieve with my ideal look, who cares?
>>705790Kill myself to avoid having to pick
>>705793The former. Hopefully can learn to live without the internet again, maybe it'll make life better. And the internet can be rebuilt and reinvented at that
>>706009Haven't had a whole lot of yeasties so don't push the button. I will take yeast infections to keep my amusement
You get to be financially stable and beautiful to your ideal standards for the rest of your life, but you don't get to pick the kind of situation you end up in. WYPTB?
Alternative, would you rather join a celebrity cult (doesn't have to be Scientology) or a religious cult, if you had to join a cult?
No. 706128
>>706052Celebrity cult. At least it's a bit more "glamorous" and you get some connections (I am assuming)
Also I guess I'd rather choose my path (or at least pretend I do) than say, be beautiful and being a sex trafficked prostitute
No. 706171
File: 1609450826608.jpg (84.29 KB, 799x768, 1605637005195.jpg)

You'll be rewarded with one wish (anything), but you'll have to be a part of the onion trifecta for 7 years, and yes, part of his gross threesomes.
No. 706177
>>705790fuck pence (I'd close my eyes and pretend it's the guy who does his impression on snl)
Marry mitch mcconell (old enough to make his death look like an accident)
kill trump
>>706052 coward
No. 706185
>>706171Do not press the button. Any wish is not worth seven years of onion
>>706177Okay anon fine have it your way I'll do the same thing as you
No. 706849
File: 1609553943739.jpg (537.54 KB, 800x800, 1953619830578125010.jpg)

would you rather have sex on a really hot day or on a really cold day?
pic not related
No. 707611
>>706849Cold. I'm looking forward to
>>706869 all summer long. Fuck summer.
No. 707789
File: 1609705700842.jpg (98.84 KB, 736x736, a25971da2f6a27bc36901ac785ee99…)

You will never be sick again, but you'll only be able to wear one outfit of your choice for the rest of your life, like a cartoon character. Will you press the button?
also, what would you be picking if you press it?
Don't worry about coldness or heat, the outfit will basically be magical even if it's not weather appropriate)
No. 707797
>>707789When you say sick do you mean like just colds, or all ilnesses?
I probably wouldn't press it though. I like dressing up and clothes shopping too much.
No. 707805
>>707797All illnesses, 100% healthy. Be it a cold, cancer, corona, BPD… More like what this
>>707799 anon said
No. 707806
File: 1609707169762.jpg (21.08 KB, 236x486, bcf0b5497a51012233f56baf556de6…)

>>707803I would press the button, but my grandma is my most loved person, and I don't think I want her to take the place of Levi Ackerman in fucking Paradis Island.
No dick is worth forcing my granny to fight titans.
No. 707816
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>>707806Samefag but now that I think about it, my other husbando is Legosi from Beastars. Idk guys….grandma might do ok in that universe as long as they don't eat her
jk I still wouldn't press it. No. 707820
File: 1609707939966.jpeg (119.89 KB, 749x929, 5BFF13E0-3D63-4FC5-A91B-62F412…)

>>707803I love him but I don’t think my mom would be able to fight against ginormous monsters with a weapon that would weight more than her, but she would be able to solve a bunch of political issues and help a whole kingdom with enough time and a decent abacus.
No. 707851
File: 1609709155566.jpg (905.31 KB, 2100x2945, IMG_20201210_165534.jpg)

>>707803hm that's tough.
I think that my best friend would enjoy being sent into that universe? I mean, he likes genshin and he has no goals in life so maybe getting isekaied is the change he needs lol
However, I think my fave would hate it here. Not enough interesting enemies to fight.
No. 708362
>>708318You can have water after you finish, yes
And it's anonymous piss and puke
No. 708388
File: 1609797136459.jpeg (55.66 KB, 1280x720, 7EDA4360-C35C-47D1-BFA7-2C7B55…)

Would you press the button if it meant you had to eat a handful of Burger King Foot Lettuce, but you would able to get revenge on your worst enemy afterwards?
No. 708394
File: 1609798021990.jpg (41.32 KB, 354x500, 500_F_274831681_5qDUry9ceIERFg…)

>>708388No because I don't have any enemies to exact revenge on and I hate lettuce
>>707789I would definitely press it and I would choose a suit of armor as my one outfit
No. 708464
>>708461Fuck PULLtard
Marry Farmer
Kill Kiwi farmer
No. 708465
>>708461Kill KF
Fuck Farmer
Marry Pull
I don't care what anyone has to say about marrying someone from PULL. I refuse to spend the rest of my life with a farmer.
No. 708467
>>708461Farmer, PULL user, Kiwi user
I feel like values/beliefs wise I'd get along more with most PULL users over farmers in the long run. I would never consider killing you guys though. KF users are bottom of the barrel and have swiss cheese brains.
No. 708506
>>708461fuck kiwi
marry farmer
kill pullfag
>>707803the responses to this one made me realized how fucked and selfish i am, but yes absolutely.
No. 708841
>>708812'nose of your dreams'
Noses aren't a thing I think about or notice, Think this post just made me realise I'm nose blind
No. 708844
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>>708833Ayrt, I’m sure I wouldn’t pass the test.
No. 709033
>>708812I don't like my nose but my butt is one of my best assets
>>708828Maybe if I can copy and paste it and just change a few words to be different. I still have to think about the law though
No. 709045
File: 1609891627088.png (248.91 KB, 464x500, tf.png)

>>708812>tfw this is literally meI like my nose (It fits with my facial harmony) but got a flat hank hill ass
No. 709085
>>709066I mean, It’s mostly a test to find out wether the couple is physically and psychologically well enough to have a kid, it wouldn’t have stuff related to their socioeconomic environment.
In fantasy world everyone would be able to take the test and understand that the results they get are what is the best for them and the lives of hypothetical children.
oh god it sounds like something for a post-apocalyptic novel but these random scenarios are interesting to think aboutIf a couple somehow didn’t do the test/ didn’t care about the results they got, they would be treated normally at the clinic/hospital, but the child would be taken away from them and assigned to an orphanage.
There’s always going to be people birthing at their homes and such, which is the percentage that can’t be controlled since that’s what they chose to do, they would probably make fake certificates and whatnot, in order to keep their children.
In case such a thing happened, maybe something like a special police department could take them away? And there could be courts and such, if the kids are old enough, 13 years old? Maybe? They could like, talk in court and testify that their parents are decent and such?
Sounds like a hassle if you think about it.
No. 715394
>>715392>like cooking mama or dinner dash?Yeah, that also includes games like candy crush since they have food related words on their names.
>fighting gamesThose can be considered sports’ games.
No. 715666
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>>715576At least Danny won't give you the thousand yard stare when he's climaxing inside of you
No. 715797
File: 1610860482858.gif (1.33 MB, 396x222, tenor (8).gif)

>>715579Check the celebs thread, anon
>>715582>>715666>>715654>>715616Enjoy your sweet loving, girls
No. 715886
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>>715576>>715666 (nice numbers)
the sheer image of Armie's white male average face morph lizard eyes staring through my skull makes me wanna violently haul myself onto Devito's face and ride it till the sun comes up
>>715821Hannibal can still get it tho
No. 716064
>>716061basically yeah. remove all racial components from bigotry (specifically regarding your race), or remove all sexism for all women.
>>716062it's a question i saw asked of a black woman on a "the view"-like show that asked controversial questions and she was asked if she, a black woman, would remove all racism for black people or if she would remove all sexism for all women. she chose black people, and i've been wanting to know why for so long as the show preferred to have everyone interrupt her rather than let her talk.
No. 716076
>>716070>>716071it's not sjw-like, it's informative. thanks for the thoughtful responses.
>>716072i am white, so there's no way i'll ever be able to experience the racist side, but i want to hear the experiences of it to better understand. i feel that sexism is the worst type of bigotry in the world, but others may feel it's racism, and i want to hear their opinions.
No. 716081
>>716055It’s a tough question, tbh.
Removing racism would’ve made my childhood a bit easier, I’m in latam, where people preach about
>not having racism issues uwu But it is a huge issue even if people want to pretend it isn’t.
So removing it would help a lot of people with being taken seriously at their workplaces, and it would also help with reducing the bullying a bunch of kids have to go through since they’re on 3rd grade.
>Then againYou also have the issue with sexism, macho men with silver backs and huge feet shit.
It would be nice if sexism wasn’t a thing as well, that means there would be less women having to go through being constantly sexualized, harassed and bullied into being something they don’t want to be.
But if you think about it, removing racism means people, specially women, can focus on other issues like sexism, us women wouldn’t have to first focus on removing the racism barrier, put up by others in front of us since childhood, which takes a lot of deep thought after many years of being indoctrinated and bullied into thinking something we don’t want to think about.
Without racism, we can stop sexism.
No. 719064
>>719063Honestly, a non-thot son or daughter of any orientation >>>>
I would say many farmers here would prefer a non-thot gay son over a thot daughter. Having a gay thot son though…
No. 839690
File: 1624814921602.jpg (289.76 KB, 1217x1217, friends.jpg)

Fuck, Marry, Kill
>Monika, Rachel, Phoebe
>Chandler, Ross, Joey
No. 839719
>>839690Fuck Monika, kill Rachel and marry Phoebe
Kill Ross, fuck Chandler and marry Joey
No. 839745
>>839690fuck monika, marry phoebe, kill rachel
fuck ross, marry joey, kill chandler
No. 839748
File: 1624818516410.jpg (69.24 KB, 1104x621, c134ed78b89826720efc6005abce40…)

>>839745>>839719anon i didn't even read your reply before i posted mine. fucking based
No. 839758
File: 1624819464404.jpg (111.17 KB, 930x1058, 1494944662-himym.jpg)

Ok damn rip Rachel
Fuck, Marry, Kill
>Ted, Barney, Marshal
>Robin, Lily, Tracey I guess
No. 839959
Fuck Barney, Marry Marshal, Kill Ted
Fuck Robin, Marry Lily, Kill Tracey(robin is a pick-me btw)
No. 856534
You get to become a bodyless, energy and conscience only being that can travel anywhere in the world for a day once a month, but you can only shower or bath biweekly
(I deleted cause I fucked up the order kek)
>>856533Because you will only not have a body for one day, you have your body for the rest of the month
No. 856620
File: 1626562946033.jpeg (430.87 KB, 1800x1612, 1583066596237.jpeg)

You make 30k a month, but every week you have to finger Shayna's ass on camera (only your hands will appear) for 30 minutes. WYPTB?
You can wear gloves.
No. 861032
File: 1627010394497.jpg (78.04 KB, 521x319, IMG_20210723_001942.jpg)

Would rather have a thousand bees or 500 spiders?
No. 861355
>>861241Invisibility is so OP and practical. Wanna travel wherever you want? Go invisible, hop on a plane or whatever, travel for free without a passport or anything. Wanna be rich? Go invisible, steal a shitload of money, buy everything you could ever want with cash if you want to live most of your life visible, or just steal the things if you don't gaf, who's gonna chase after a haunted-looking item? You can squat in any house or mansion or palace or wherever you'd like if you remain invisible, or buy your dream home with cash because ain't nobody gonna refuse that. Even if you slip up and get caught, just going invisible in front of someone will freak them the fuck out, no one who can do anything about it will ever believe them when they tell what they saw. Enjoy free access to everything for life. If you're worried about relationships you can bet it won't be hard to find a man or woman to spoil, you freaky little ghost sugar momma.
No. 866236
>>866219Twitter, easily.
The concept itself is stupid
No. 889686
File: 1629699469538.gif (1019.46 KB, 500x251, 36625315-500-251.gif)

Depends, can pic related do the flaying?
No. 2066786
File: 1719467433803.webp (26.36 KB, 500x740, princess.webp)

No more miniskirts but also no more turtlenecks. Do you push the button?
No. 2066888
>>2066885 I got deep set eyes that already make me look tired so yeah
No. 2066891
File: 1719472012199.png (463.8 KB, 594x448, IMG_5098.png)

>>2066879Yes. Having MS is miserable I would sell my soul to be healthy. I don’t care how I look. The way I look now comes off as healthy to regular people and constantly being told you don’t look sick at all is some kind of twisted irony
No. 2066907
>>2066885>>2066888Not just eyebags but reddened eyes, skin like a corpse, sunken-in features regardless of weight, constantly chapped lips, those specific sick people wrinkles etc.
>>2066891>The way I look now comes off as healthy to regular people and constantly being told you don’t look sick at all is some kind of twisted ironyOh, this is a very good point.
No. 2066917
>>2066907>Not just eyebags but reddened eyes, skin like a corpse, sunken-in features regardless of weight, constantly chapped lips, those specific sick people wrinkles etc.This description made me laugh in juxtaposition of the picrel in this post
>>2066891 kek.
>>2066879I don't get sick that often luckily, but I hate looking sick, but on the other hand it might inspire people to respect my personal space bubble if I looked sick, so for now I'm still debating if I'd click the button.
No. 2067184
>>2067180Bi, lean towards men.
I'm going with penis girl. Neither sounds pleasant but this will be over quicker I suppose.
No. 2067256
>>2067180One of my fantasies is 69 with a hot bio man with a pussy.
Straight but hate dick.
No. 2067315
File: 1719507683861.png (645.04 KB, 781x681, 1637488486324.png)

>>2067301having whatever I wanted at all times meant I could execute any moid at demand plus live lavishly as the supreme leader empress dictatoress queen consort of the world.
No. 2067665
>>2067610It would be history changing in major way if he dissapeard but hell yea I push that button and let evil dissapear from the world!
>>2067628I don't even have an ideal self in my mind, so no
No. 2067667
File: 1719523821300.png (2.11 MB, 1080x1080, Sydneysabrina.png)

Would you rather look like Sydney Sweeney or look like Sabrina Carpenter?
No. 2068428
File: 1719556861422.png (411.57 KB, 559x472, 87.png)

Would you rather marry Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson? You won't be able to kill them for their money or divorce them for at least 10 years.
No. 2068439
File: 1719557293064.png (384.46 KB, 640x759, SPOILER_52jzs1zqbms81.png)

>>2068428tbh I have always had a thing for ben, he looks like he wants to be disciplined, plus I bet he's cirucmcised
No. 2068566
File: 1719568530725.jpg (74.61 KB, 600x600, 10210_WDC1005___39___L.jpg)

>>2068428Ben Shapiro. He's pretty small. I could overpower him and keep him locked in pic rel.
No. 2068603
File: 1719571885129.webp (26.97 KB, 828x537, tmp_HGSVBe_bd8ebdfb0262a367_ve…)

Velma or Daphne?
No. 2068868
File: 1719586186381.jpg (47.56 KB, 720x540, 12938472.jpg)

>>2068603Daphne. If Velma is so smart, why is she always losing her damn glasses?
No. 2069205
>>2067180I'll suck the woman dick. Her being a woman means it will be clean, probably smell nice, and she wouldn't ask for retarded shit like cumming on my face or trying to choke me with it by surprise. A moid would never know how to clean a pussy correctly. I'm bi.
>>2067301Whatever I wanted, that would make undesirable scrote behaviors non existent so they'd stop terrorizing us and we could all live in peace.
>>2068428Ben, I'd put him in a headlock any time he talked so I didn't have to hear his shrill meth head cadence screeching about AI images of burned jewish babies.
>>2068603Genuinely difficult question anon 10/10 I'm stumped
Daphne..sorry Velma No. 2069214
>>2069205You made the most compelling arguments wrt
>>2067180 and now I agree with you when I previously went the other way
No. 2069545
File: 1719608249572.gif (1.71 MB, 268x215, tumblr_b1efe28e47bb3ad039dd7a8…)

>>2068603This Velma plz
>>2069537Ezra Miller, I think he takes more showers plus he's not an AGP, only a narc, as a celebrity he would actually get us out of the elevator sooner because he's famous
No. 2069613
>>2069537Chris Chan. I'd ask him to autograph some things for me so I could sell it to the christorians for a profit. If the elevator was stuck for an hour I'd start making screeching noises and moving about erratically to see how much I could scare him or force him into an autistic shut down.
>>2069545Linda Cardellini should have been a bigger star. I love her in everything that I see her in. I wish she got cast more.
No. 2071192
File: 1719700330407.jpg (24.08 KB, 612x408, 1390133089.jpg)

>>2071184I love potatoes, so I feel like this is an easy one. And you can do so much with them! We will finally have world peace!
No. 2071196
File: 1719700621306.gif (293.72 KB, 333x292, button press cat.gif)

If you press the button, everyone in the world would speak the same language, and language barriers would cease in everything: BUT, you'd be the only one that doesn't speak it, you'd have to learn the whole thing on your own since nobody can speak your language anymore. Would you press it?
No. 2071856
>>2069556button. im pretty sure the worst things in my history are all middle of the night cancer google searches but in case I'm forgetting worse 20 million should buy an ID change
>>2069537chris chan lol
>>2071184button, when I singlehandedly usher in a new stage of human evolution scientists will genetically engineer nutritionally complete potatoes for me
No. 2072746
File: 1719782158484.webp (34.33 KB, 735x576, cryingboy2.webp)

>>2067610I'm sorry. I can't do it
No. 2072751
>>2069556Nope. I'd rather stay poor than have every lunatic on the earth tracking me down to kill me.
>>2068603Velma. She's hot, I love nerdy girls.
No. 2073219
File: 1719807188636.png (1.11 MB, 685x944, king e.png)

OK, marlon brando…or elvis?
No. 2073223
File: 1719807290746.png (1.07 MB, 631x816, marley and me.png)

>>2073219and samefag, death isn’t an option either
No. 2073284
File: 1719810267932.jpeg (102.14 KB, 735x912, papa.jpeg)

>>2073219the King of course
No. 2073864
>>2073841what the heck
nonny this is something all women wake up with in the morning even after you’ve showered the day before, it’s just vaginal bacteria that calcifies in your clit hood
No. 2073887
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Would you rather be unable to get wet for the rest of your life or be unable to get mentally turned on for the rest of your life
No. 2078295
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>>2078291Switch lives with my favorite cow and make her cooler and more likable
No. 2079865
>>2079516Egirl pickme could be very bright and egirlhood is just a phase anyways. AGP son is a fate worse than death
>>2078291My favorite (sincere appreciation) cow is Venus Angelic, so i'll take a random nona
No. 2079921
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live forever as an objectively ugly person or die at 50 and be universally attractive?
No. 2084901
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Trapped in a room with Shaynus or Shane Dawson for 2 days? And neither of them have showered for a week
No. 2093784
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>>2093767yes, and I'd get my nails done immediately
No. 2171691
>>2171685No. 90% of the masculine or autistic women I know are convinced they are male. I don't want the world to be nothing but effeminate normie
No. 2172042
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>>2171685Yes. I would be bettering myself while giving millions of people their much needed euthanasia? Thanks.
No. 2377332
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>>2171685No, I love the struggle