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No. 709549
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So this is how people in the 20s/30s felt huh!
Can't say im too excited for the rise of the far right but my country has always been neutral in every conflict since the 1500s, its like you people never fucking learn, it didn't work in the 30s/40s, its not going to work out now.
No. 709565
>>709555Because “not trump”
People are convinced he’s some sort of mastermind dictator rather than a pandering racist who got lucky
No. 709591
>>709572Like the BLM riots/protests aren’t going to be used as a reason to justify it to the right?
The government doesn’t care about anyone but those that can give them more power and more money. Any decision the government makes will be justified by whatever the group they’re trying to justify it to will buy
No. 709612
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I got nothing to contribute except that I love this image and whoever brought this to the riot
No. 709615
>>709610Um not everyone has the proper insurance to cover such things, financial ruin can destroy someone's life and it resolves nothing but okay I will just say this is my personal opinion.
Anyway, is it really that far fetched to believe the election was possibly rigged? We really have no way of truly knowing and other countries do this so what would make the US immune to such corruption? I think both sides are stupid but its kind of interesting to humor the idea I will admit.
No. 709661
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i was losing it when i was met with a 522 error when trying to access lolcow yesterday because i wanted to talk about this riot mess with you guys.
one of my friends lives in germany and is afraid copycat nazis will try the same thing (apparently they attempted this a few months ago) german anons what are your thoughts on this?
also all these bitches look inbred and disgusting.
No. 709687
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>>709667play stupid games, win stupid prizes
watched multiple streams for hours yesterday, chuckled at this weirdo in pic related
No. 709694
>>709661I definitely feel like a lot of political shit has been imported from the US. I wanted to link a funny tv-segment about the conspiracy crazies that are profiting in germany, but the auto translated subtitles are near incomprehensible.
Is there hope that the US will come out of this mess with a more democratic political system? Please tell me there is.
No. 709703
>>709701Trump supporters flooded the Capitol
Then people are comparing it to the BLM riots and how they weren’t given a slap on the wrist for all the damage they caused
No. 709705
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No. 709706
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>>709670some dumb ass imperialist bitch got killed after willingly doing illegal shit that could be categorised as terrorism and i'm supposed to feel bad for her? girl i'm more upset about the women in the middle east she probably helped kill while she was serving.
(a-logging) No. 709707
God America is fucking crazy lol. I'm surprised a country this unhinged is still marching on, I mean how many more meltdowns is it gonna take for it all to come crashing down
>>709682Wait are you serious?
No. 709720
>>709706Same goes to George Floyd and his drug overdose death. Like it was horrible to see him die on the ground but he was a criminal at the end of the damn day.
I feel no sympathy for BLM rioters either
All of these people trump or BLM are all thugs
(a-logging) No. 709799
>>709694I just really want all Americans to collectively fuck off and sudoku en masse.
Please lord please the day can't come soon enough.
We've got so much imported bullshit thanks to twitter tards, people here have their own problems and are starving thanks to our garbage puppet government but will get doxxed online for not posting about BL fucking M enough despite there not being any black people in our country and despite the US having staged a coup and bombed the shit out of us not long ago.
>>709829How blind are you?
Do you seriously think an invading force takes the appearance of foreign soliders, bombs, guns and violence? It's all theater, no developed country plays this way anymore.
North America is currently being invaded through information and big data surveillance and sharing.
Why do you think TikTok is a thing? Do you think it's all just silly teenagers willfully deciding what they think is popular? Or is it obviously a demoralization vehicle to cripple our youth through extreme body trends and inane and repetitive media?
Why do you think there are large, foreign operated cell/data providers in North America? Just so the average consumer can get a marginally cheaper slave phone?
Open your eyes, America is being invaded daily.
No. 709856
>>709854nta and I agree with a few points
but seriously, take your meds anon
No. 709860
>>709854this made my day can you link me to the crazy conspiracy websites you frequent? I wanna smoke what your smoking.
>>709859you guys are on fire today please keep it up. work is so boring
No. 709870
>>709854I personally don't think there's a big conspiracy, just international corps and other orgs looking for profit and supporting those that suit their lobbies without standing in their way.
It's been known since start that tiktok sells user data and uses it for AI training. Everyone who has access to internet and owns a phone is being data mined. You can try to minimize your digital footprint but who knows to which extent.
>>709868Nah. Russia makes a decent military competitor on the world stage but it lacks the economical advantage that China has. China is not quite there yet but is progressing steadily.
No. 709881
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No. 709886
>>709881I like how qanon'ers think capitalizing words somehow makes what they're saying more important when it only tends to reflect what new age boomer retards they are
anyway I do not look forward to the idea of more "protests" from these maggots
No. 709922
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No civil war but "lone wolf" terrorism is going to be on the rise in the USA. We have massive economic disruption, sitting elected officials peddling the idea that the opposition is determined to undermine democracy, and media polarization supercharging the divide. Sounds like the ingredients necessary for periods of strife, just now we're experiencing it with the tools of the 21st century.
Sadly, all the 'we're better than this' rhetoric I see seems to indicate that people think yesterday was just a bad day and not a clear display of the core issues present.
No. 709924
>>709881Is it cow tipping to send this screenshot to the FBI?
(Jk don’t ban me plz)
No. 709940
>>709701MAGAs don't want the electoral votes to be counted which would officially make Biden the next president.
>>709833Surreal and depressing how a few shitposts on 8chan spiralled into this giant global mess. Is there any research on how niche internet communities end up into the mainstream?
No. 709948
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And now they've started the racial attacks. Like cowards, they attack innocent passer-bys, specifically women. Two black women have been physically attacked by the mob so far. One of them had racial slurs hurled at her. don't even know what to say. These people are animals, and fuck you if you support them.
No. 709950
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>>709948Samefagging with a screencap of the post about the other woman.
No. 709976
>>709947i recall trump's whole demographic he was behind was the poor white trailer trash in the south. trump promised financial prosperity by giving aid and expanding the american labor force and having more american products being created. (since the poor people in the south couldnt afford college to get properly educated and a good job). But he did nothing to really help them, and the poor white people keep on feeding into his lies. It's just as sad as black people believing Obama was on their side when in reality he was bombing the shit out of Africa (refugee crisis) and gassing brown kids in camps (ICE).
saged for retardation, politics and social issues are the only thing i think im good at.
No. 709988
>>709984Nice non-sequitur. Where is the proof of this woman attacking those huge, burly inbred scrotes? Or is like,
victim-blaming women whenever men assault them just a hobby for you?
No. 710001
>>709976he was a result of the idiosyncratic american presidential election system. republican primaries award the majority of delegates to whoever finishes in 1st regardless of vote share in many states and the electoral college is literally a slave-era compromise that is now used to select an executive that has far more power than the founders ever imagined.
polarization between parties has been increasing for decades so once he got in the office of president, anyone in his party who took issue with his brand of politics found themselves subject to a primary challenge, retired to avoid electoral defeat, or simply let his actions slide all the while qanon festered online. won't be a civil war but anyone who thinks this just goes away when blue team takes over later this month is kidding themselves
No. 710052
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>>709815 i have been thinking about the same thing when it comes to inauguration day! i'm sure trump will tweet some cryptic shit and wake up maga sleeper cells. i would hate for anything to happen, especially to biden (idk he's seems so old and helpless? i'm not trying to coddle him, but his wife had to protect him from a fucking
vegan). these hardcore trump supporters are so unpredictable because they act completely unhinged, have nothing to lose and are probably on meth.
No. 710056
Does anyone think it's messed up that the only person shot and killed by police during the Capitol breach was a small looking woman? Obviously she did have it coming and was a Q-tard, but why not also shoot the men wearing actual horns and carrying firearms, breaking into Pelosi's office? They seem far more dangerous and much more of a threat. Why only a woman that was climbing on a door? I get not everything is a gender issue but this rubbed me the wrong way.
>>709714Some people only come here to update themselves on drama and don't care for the pettiness.
No. 710060
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>>710056Nah you're right, I still don't understand how she got shot climbing in while there were people relaxing inside the Capitol taking pictures at Pelosi's desk who aren't dead afaik.
No. 710062
>>710056Maybe they're in on it and small blonde white woman in the martyr to really get the tards riled up?
Sorry I'll see myself to the conspiracy thread
No. 710065
>>710063Hilariously, one was a heart attack after a flashbank and the other dumbass tazed his own face like a retard.
Unsure about the third one.
No. 710068
>>710056they were apparently trying to shoot someone else who was armed and pointing a gun at them and she wouldn't move. idk how true that actually is though
>>710063I know at least one person had a heart attack and someone else fell off a scaffolding and was in critical condition, idk if he died
No. 710085
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>>710056I find it weird that at the last major rightwing event in Charlottesville 2017 the only violent death was a woman as well. Wonder if the female MAGAs notice this pattern.
No. 710087
>>709610>>709622>Granted, US elections are rigged by default because of the electoral college, We have a hybrid system between a republic and a democracy even though a lot of people throw around the word democracy. Specifically so the densely populated states of the country don't have disproportionately more influence than smaller states. California being winner-take-all is bullshit as it is.
It's even more bullshit, for example, that corporate personhood already gives corporations disproportionately more influence than living breathing people. We need an utter reform to our voting system. Even if Trump legitimately lost the whole process was garbage.
Don't call storming the capitol "overthrowing democracy" lmfao.
No. 710089
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>>710085Samefag but I've just noticed it's 2 women who have died violent deaths (shot and trampled) while the men died from other effects in hospital. Women keep getting attacked and dying violently in this bullshit
No. 710092
>>710089>Woman trampled to death by her own sideI don't wish trampling on even my worst enemy holy shit there were so many big men there why didn't one pick her up? Even so it's weird the quote from her family was
>Anyone who knew her knows how compassionate she wasI know they're grieving and she died in a horrible way but they could have picked something else for a woman that died for Trump
No. 710099
>>710060I hope he stole some hard-drives while he was there.
No. 710130
>>710056I feel that it was a breaking into a wrong room at the wrong time situation, form what I'm hearing she was opening a door that was already heavily guarded. I just hope that she gets dishonorably discharged and buried without her valor to really punctuate the fact that they shouldn't make a martyr our of her since she committed treason for a country she took an oath to protect.
>>710085they probably don't since most of them are TRAD-wifes and pick-me's that let their racism and dick worship blind them to women's issues.
>>710124they stole furniture pieces, but it seems that's about it. People are theorizing that they originally gone in to ether steal the electoral votes or destroy them. But you're right, all of politicians are are bunch of autoerotic assholes but I imagine they have decent servers and security for these kinds of things.
No. 710145
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>>710133Don't get my hopes up, anon!
No. 710149
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Tryst the plan u gaiz! TRUST IT!!!!
No. 710152
>>710147Wtf, how would you know what people have reported? Unless you're a mod, and I don't think mods can even know specifically who reports. You sound crazy
>>710149Cope. Poor Trumptards.
No. 710153
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Why are boomers like this?
No. 710203
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No. 710206
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Found on kiwi
No. 710212
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“We live in a society!”
No. 710213
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This is what happens when you have three generations of morons raised only on entertainment. Low I.Q. scrotes have been emboldened past the point of no return, 4chan ISIS is just around the corner. Fuck every single person who fell for Trump LARPing as the Godfather for four years. Grandma take me home.
No. 710387
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>>710064 it was actually revealed that that lady never got maced she had a damn onion in her hand and was rubbing her eye LMAO.
No. 710398
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>>710373>>710374its for that sweet token effect. (i am not trying to racebait please dont ban me mods) but there is always gonna be a black person that joins these groups because they think they are better and smarter than other black people. Think of it like "im not like those other girls" but in regards to your race. Like that black girl on dr. phil LMAO.
No. 710401
>>710391Why would they just have onions on hand though, instead of like bottled water. Also, are tear gas and mace the same thing?
Some pages on google says that onions don't (or that it's undetermined if they do) help tear gas irritation.
No. 710404
>>710398Nah you’re just a shizo that can’t admit there are shitty ppl in all races. There’s tons of black and
poc trump supporters
>>710404what? not trying to argue but im just pointing out to not be shocked or surprised if you see more minorities in white supremacist circles BECAUSE there are shitty people in every race with bad intentions who think they are superior to their own race and of course others. in the black community its why we say "all skin folk aint kin folk" meaning just because someone looks like you doesnt mean they automatically align with your views and are for you. anyway thanks for understanding anon
>>710406 (please dont ban me mods im trying to just get more people to not be shocked or surprised when this keeps happening cuz it will)
No. 710418
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did you guys see trumps latest tweet? is this a dog whistle? is he losing it!? or am i losing it!? find out next week on dbz!
No. 710508
>>710312Democracy isn't real, politics aren't real, its all a game. Lol this direct attack on democracy is a show as well. Its all a joke to make the 1% even more powerful. Blm is literally a corp stunt to ruin small businesses and pit people against eachother instead of the system that keeps them down. Oh yes, making a monopoly for gigacorps is better than storming a building. Blm protests is honestly a worse attack on democracy, its literally people ruining their freedom and community because gigacorp that wants to oppress them tells them its woke to ruin their competition.
Peoples livelihood is real and human beings are worth more than institutions.
No. 710538
>>710493i get what you mean, but these people /are/ real life people. your next door neighbor could secretly be a violent white supremacist and you wouldn't even know if they never get caught. your old classmate from middle school could have been shot in the eye with a rubber bullet while peacefully protesting. seeing things secondhand/through the news makes it easy to mentally separate "those people" from "real people", but they're all people.
that being said… i don't think it's bad to be desensitized to political unrest. i don't think things are "getting worse", i think that things have always been like this and will continue to be like this. violence is a part of humanity, because it's a part of nature. not trying to say it's totally cool and natural to be violent, but many people will fight for causes they believe in. it's history, it's life.
>>710508are you smoking crack? BLM isn't a corporate stunt, it's a social movement that corporations latched onto because they saw it as a great way to seem woke without actually doing anything (like saying "we support BLM" while still underpaying workers of color). if anything, there has been a big push to support black-owned small businesses. so no idea what the fuck you mean by "ruining competition" or "ruining their freedom and community". i'd say the national guard enforced curfews and cops using war-crime-grade weapons against civilians has done more to ruin freedom and community.
No. 710594
>>710538That's kind of my point. People don't usually live in places where the rest of the community hates them or they hate it. If my neighbor was like that, he would have to travel and look for the people he hates and who hate him. Those kind of people need and deserve each other.
The one thing that all the people getting hurt have in common is that instead of trying to build something, they're choosing to go out and yell at other people, break things, set fires, act aggressive, brandish weapons and even act on on their aggressions. Their mouths might move and they might produce words that sound something like this: "I'm doing the right thing", but all I see is their behavior and I can't relate to it. You're not planting a crop, you're not building a house, almost every person there is motivated by hate and "destroying something" only. They're all only outside for one reason and it's because they want whoever they don't like to suffer.
No. 710603
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Imagine being such a retard you think Donald Trump wants to protect you from corporations. Jesus Christ.
No. 710616
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They really thought they did something big and important there
No. 710750
>>710352If you're referring to the video on his twitter account it is pretty clear posting a real concession was the only way he was going to get unlocked. Or Pence told him the cabinet was going to invoke the 25th amendment
Either way I think the American experiment in democracy is on the decline and past the point of no return. Get your bread and stay safe
No. 710796
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Trump posted his concession and still got permabanned from twitter kek
No. 710799
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>>710796The ultimate
File: 1610155415868.jpg (85.1 KB, 1200x1200, 2699.jpg)

>>710799What's next for him? Jail?
No. 710878
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These were instantly deleted. Any opinions on what "our own platform" would look like?
No. 710880
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>>710878 - The now suspended @TeamTrump account also tweeted this.
No. 710926
>>710889 here's a tweet quoting a former CIA director
>daddy let his special boys have fun inside the government building, cause they're very specialHere is the thing, this is just showing off who the law actually applies for. These public officials create laws to control the minority. We should be able to act like the chimp army. If police are not doing anything, then wonder why they have no issue doing it to other groups. We should be fighting against this corruption as well. Like I said, the Trumptards had a dumbass reason to go and declare the government the enemy, but the government is our enemy as well. I'm glad politicians were cowering, they got them at a weak point. I hope more of of them resign after realizing even the guys they try to keep on "their side" are fed up with them and want them gone as well.
No. 710974
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>>709543>>710616Still can’t get over this. Dying for the host of Celebrity Apprentice only to be denounced postmortem by his cultists as an antifa infiltrator.
No. 710978
>>710594do you not know why the BLM movement started? Did you forget about police brutality and excessive fatal force that lead to the protest? People were protesting because they were being murdered without just cause. the protests were massive and national and the MAJORITY of the protests were peaceful. Much of the violent ones were instigated by the police they were protesting. There was even footage of police officers instigating by destroying property, including their own police cars.
I legitimately don’t understand why you’re ignoring the needless loss of actual lives by making it out to be some corporate scheme. So many people lost their brothers, sisters, partners, sons, mothers, fathers and friends and they’re never getting them back. I do not understand how thats always ignored when people bring up the BLM movement.
And what makes you think they’re NOT working on their own communities? You just sat on facebook, watched a few fires burn and decided that they’re just all savages? Maybe if you actually looked into the movement your criticizing you’d see some of the organizations and micro i vents within the community focused on the very things you seem to think aren’t taking place. People were protesting because they WERENT being listened to. People didn’t like seeing people take a knee during the pledge either, but at least the protests got a few laws passed
No. 711015
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>>710974As always, idiots finds scapegoats to justify the obvious guilt of his god or something.
No. 711093
>>710093More white women did vote for trump in 2020. It's time to acknowledge it, not argue or deny it. They're not
victims of republican men they just straight up align with them. White women don't understand that womanhood extends beyond their whiteness and time and time again have aligned with their race over the rights of other women. Do you think the Kelly C.s and Lauren Southerns of the movement are poor frail innocent
victims too? What about the Melanias who bitch about decorating for Christmas over kids being held in cages?
No. 711183
>>710978African Americans are treated badly in the US. I'm not American and even I can see that. The issue with BLM is that it's become a violent movement that has corporate funding and is allied with antifa. These corporations don't give a fuck about black people and never will. If they actually cared they would use their political power to improve the lives of black people and they don't. They virtual signal on twitter because it gets white liberals to open their wallets. Antifa is the same. Middle class, college educated white people that throw bricks at cops knowing full well that black protesters are going to take the blame. I saw plenty of videos of them being told to fuck off but in most cases it was allowed to happen. Where's antifa now? Back home with mommy and daddy's money in the suburbs while African Americans are left trying to rebuild their wrecked neighbourhoods.
What needs to happen is systemic change in America that involves the proper funding of schools and reform of the police among other policies. BLM is never going to achieve that because it was never intended to.
No. 711222
>>711183"allied with antifa" come one, antifa isn't an organization, it never was, its just what leftist young people who actively go out to protests and (try to) beat up right wingers call themselves, most anarchist/communist/overall leftie groups, like punk collectives and shit, call themselves antifa because its a statement on what they are all about BUT they are still a regional run-of-the-mill leftie collective, there's not big antifa head organization.
I can never take people who act like antifa is an actual organization (like the proud boys) seriously, it just shows that they didn't do any search at all.
No. 711228
>>711222>>711224NTA, but isn't it weird how antifa pops up primarily during election cycles, and is otherwise quiet? Why aren't/weren't they around to beat back the MAGA rioters?
Also, speaking on BLM, why don't they focus primarily on obviously unjustified cases of police brutality/killings like Aiyana Jones, Elijah McClain or Darrien Hunt? It's always these weirdly ambiguous cases where the
victim is a man with a criminal record, who was in a physical fight with police officers, etc. It's almost like they purposely pick cases they know will worsen division, agitate and cause endless debates. I don't know how much of it is on purpose, but they almost portray African-American people as criminals who can't help breaking the law. It disturbs me a lot.
No. 711251
>>711222>>711224Antifa turned up in massive numbers during the BLM riots. All of them wearing black with covered faces and antifa insignia. What you are suggesting that antifa is just a loosely associated group of crust punks and vegans is not representative of the current reality. They openly organised online and used coordinated tactics to inflame tensions and cause as much chaos as possible.
>police kill a black person is suspicious circumstances>peaceful BLM protest>antifa show up and it becomes a riot>the mainstream media arrive and start broadcasting the rioting and looting done by "BLM">this then gets used by the right to justify police brutality against black people>virtual signalling, donations that seem to disappear and nothing changes politically>repeat for the next election cycleHow many times does it have to happen before you realise that you're being used?
No. 711351
>>711249But these people search for groups that align with their ideologies. If you're online in groups, befriending others, making memes and videos, adding facebook like pages, and discord servers dedicated to how anti-fascist you are, there's definitely some sort of centralization, along with the fact there is an antifa symbol. There are prerequisites of ideologies you agree with when you compare to others who also don the "logo" of antifa.
NTA, but just the name of the ideology is too powerful at this point to start to dismiss and second guess people's actions, same with the name black lives matter. groups are prone to become corrupt the larger they become.
if a group called "I hate pedophiles" ended up being overrun by literal pedophiles, despite the fact there are smaller clusters of people who actually do hate pedophiles within the group, but are less active IRL, people would shun you for criticizing the pedophiles in the group and say you hate children and want them to be abused, so criticizing
anything is bad.
No. 711376
File: 1610255352523.jpeg (72.63 KB, 680x363, IMG_6411.jpeg)

trump is banned from pinterest. we did it.
No. 711393
>>711376I know the spotify Ban is for if he ever wants to guest star in or start a podcast but the implication that they don't want him listening to music is pretty funny.
>>711384White woman buying wonder bread of course.
No. 711449
>>711376This reminds me of how the director of the Proud Boys told about how a bunch of places would email him he was suspended from ever using their platform. He mentioned there was a bank, who he never signed up with, saying they disabled his account.
Trump can't make moodboards, how sad.
Also, how are his family members handling this? Melania? I haven't heard shit from her, she's probably giving a sigh of relief lmao.
No. 711507
>>711384Tumblr is so dead that they do not even bother to ban him there lmao
>>711376he still has soundcloud, pornhub, onlyfans, myspace, and yahoo left lol
No. 711646
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So apprently this is the guy in the shamen get up, he's an attorney for Christs sake and married with a child
He looks so Normal and well put together
No. 711653
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It was just announced that a capitol cop sudoku'd following the riot, technically bringing the total body count to 6.
>>711646Qanon has ruined so many lives at this point. I wonder if his wife drank the koolaid too.
No. 711715
>>711661I’ve noticed a surprising number of far right “America First” dudes are dating or married to
WoC or foreign women. I don’t know how they put up with these mentally challenged scrotes.
No. 711871
>>711870White americans don't realize how racist
PoC can get lol, they have been brainwashed by Twitter and Tumblr thinking we are innocent when mostly of non-white people are huge bigots, esp men of color
No. 711874
>>711872I'm not saying all interracial relationships are unhealthy or whatever
I have no issue with them, hell I'm into white guys myself, but it's not as rare as you think for self-hating/pickme
POC women to go after white men, and for racist white men to go after
POC women. There are even KKK members who fuck and marry black women. Sometimes they hide their true feelings, and sometimes the woman overlooks the racism because Caucasian. This also happens a lot with black men who date white women. A lot of them put down black women (especially if they're darkskin) and it shows what they think about black people.
Anyway, this is ot for a thread about riots, sorry.
No. 711886
>>711874I know that shit regarding black men who hate black women(especially DS black women) and lust after basically anyone that isn't balck cause they have some sort of self hate issues that they blame all black women for whatever reason
I know plenty of
WOC(mostly Asian and Indian) who date the literal lowest dregs of the white race, the worst of the worst of the entire white race, but the few white guys I know who are married to black women have been mostly been the most normie center left white guys, who are mostly Christian
No. 711964
>>711872You dont know your history of interracial relations, anon (most people dont when it comes to this tbf). The original mistress/wife to the white supremacist was the black woman or the biracial woman. White men who owned slaves or believed their race was superior to everyone else use to set up systems for their biracial kids and black/mixed wives to live in. Actually this was very common so much in some parts of the world that a large class of mixed race people would be made as a result of these repeated unions.
Some asian women are basically taking a very light form of what happened in the past but im not surprised its coming back to the original combination
No. 711967
>>709948"White supremacists."
No. 712049
>>711977>>711990I've seen rumors on social media about more riots on the 19th, but the Capitol insurrection was months of planning. I sincerely hope nothing happens.
>Do any other anons have trump supporters in their circleI personally do not but my brother has become absolutely obsessed with being anti-Trump and making unfunny SNL-tier jokes about rednecks and Republicans every turn. It's much better than having an actual Qanon and Trumper in the family but it is annoying kek.
>I wonder where these people are going to go once Biden is inauguratedThat’s what’s scary, I think. They’re not going to leave. These people are still our neighbors and coworkers and are “hidden” in plain sight though they’re not really trying to hide it. You just never had to question if they were filled with so much hatred before.
No. 712132
>>712111some of you guys need to watch that dave chapelle skit about the blind black man in the KKK because a lot of black people especially males but not limited to ofc do follow behind white supremacist logic so seeing a black person there isn't really a gotcha lol.
I wonder if Trump will pardon these guys but he's probably in the process of pardoning himself. I truly hope a civil war doesnt happen because its so stupid and unnecessary.
No. 712323
>>712082Trump supporters are retarded and they'll be but hurt for a couple years but to compare to the sectarian violence of northern Ireland is just restarted, there won't be some dumb civil war and there won't be any succession alright
As I said 4 years they'll likely be following Pence
No. 712551
>>712132What exactly are you Americans actually after happening? A socialist / commie world or something?
America is still America and most people out of the US think it’s a dump anyway
No. 712876
>>711727>>711715It's bottom-tier men nobody else wants picking up poor
woc because they have shit lives and being a fuckmaid is still probably better than what they had. Even the laziest scrote can get a decent amount of neetbux and food assistance that a woman wouldn't get without having a baby first.
No. 713502
>>709543So here's my question, and/or general observation.
The same maga-faggots that screech that government regulations are bad, and they have no place in the private sector also screech about Trumptard getting banned. They want Senate to step in and force social media platforms to let him back. The ever loving fuck?
Another thing. The podium thief's lawyers are arguing that he wasn't violent therefore he shouldn't be charged. "He was exercising his rights". To do what? Break into a federal building and steal government property? Just because his dumbass didn't bust down the door he was part of the group. The first and last persom and everyone in between are all guilty of breaking and entering. I cannot even with these retards.
No. 713999
>>711965bit late but it's my theory that their politics is deeply tied to their sexuality. like they're afraid of black men stealing "their women" but at the same time fap to porn of white girls and big black dicks. hard to say which came first or how it even makes sense but def some kinda psychology going on lol. maybe it excites them because of the fear and humiliation they get from the concept. a lot of kinks center on shame
sorry if too ot, but other anons were discussing it themselves.
anyways I hope nothing happens on the 19th. can't we get a break? everyone is already so divided. I guess covid makes the crazies crazier
No. 715549
>>713483Am I the only one who gets more pissed off about people defending and trying to save murderers from death row than actually reading about the crime itself? Like usually the murderer is sick in the head, kind of like a rabid dog that needs the lethal injection and it's not really it's own fault it went rabid. Or if it's a thief, at least they had a motive and got some money in their pockets from doing what they did, so you can understand they "did it for the money".
But people who DEFEND that kind of thing? They don't get paid a share of the stolen things, they aren't acting out on their born personality disorder. They have no reason to do it and still they choose to defend and protect that behavior and they do it for free, it's disgusting.
No. 715589
>>715549Exactly. I feel like it does more good to put down a murderer and possibly save money, save more lives, and just save a lot of heartache for the
victims' families rather than keep them alive and risk these things. There are exceptions (as with anything), like if they have a way to contribute to society somehow (psychoanalyze them, detecting mental/emotion patterns common in criminals and possibly prevent future criminals, study them for possible abnormal physiology also common in criminals, etc.) but other than that I see no real reason to keep them alive. Anons who are against the death penalty, I'd love to hear your opinion as well.
No. 715614
>>715589The only good one I've heard against the death penalty is when the evidence is unclear and there's a chance the wrong person could be executed. But that's not really an argument against the penalty, that's just the investigation not being conclusive enough.
No matter how you put it, saying a person who murdered someone else should live is saying that the
victim's life was worth less, because the price tag for taking it isn't "one life", but it's less than that. What could be more valuable than the
victim's life? A few tax dollars after they "rehabilitate" the murderer back into the workforce?
(derailing) No. 716787
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Imagine throwing away your life for Nick Fuentes lmao
>Williams’ mother “then stated that she recognized her daughter inside the U.S. Capitol Building and that her daughter had taken a sudden interest in President Trump’s politics” and “far right message boards.” She claimed that Williams “took off,” and “is gone” and is “waiting for law enforcement to come to Williams and ask her about her activities in the Capitol.”
>She was wearing a shirt identifying with the Groyper Army, described by ADL as “a loose network of alt right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and ‘America First’ podcaster Nick Fuentes.” No. 716807
File: 1610966774053.jpeg (45.6 KB, 680x592, ADE6B22A-54CD-4FE9-BF45-9546C3…)

>>716787>A 22-year-old woman from Pennsylvania who was seen during the failed insurrection attempt at the US Capitol building on January 6th, apparently directing rioters to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office is under investigation by the FBI on allegations that she may have stolen a laptop or a hard drive from Pelosi's office with the intention of selling it to Russian intelligence services.
>Riley June Williams was identified by ITV News as a Pennsylvania-based care worker after a video from the riots emerged showing her apparently directing other rioters, saying, "up the stairs, up the stairs." Her parents, however, claimed that Williams was a peaceful protestor, according to ITV News, and that she was lost in the crowd.
>Her mother, Wendy Williams told the publication, "She's definitely not a leader. I just think, I know there was another woman beside her also doing it, I think she was like ’they’re letting us up, they’re letting us up, let’s go'. She’s a 22-year-old who, like I said, is very empathetic and loving." No. 716985
>>716964It's a cope, they have never seen this side of them so it's hard for them to believe
>>716787That is one mousy looking woman, no wonder she turned right to get male approval
No. 717087
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>>716787>>716807This girl apparently had a reputation on the right-wing discords so now they’re all throwing her under the bus, claiming she was a psycho whore and a coal burner and probably Jewish. Definitely people worth going to jail and probably ruining your life for.
No. 717088
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>>717087This post is from her deleted Reddit account.
No. 717089
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>>717087And this is her interacting on Discord.
No. 717187
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>>717180Looks like “Berserkr” is the name of the discord scrote she gave the pictures to and who decided to leak them.
No. 717217
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No. 717473
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No. 717851
File: 1611090344311.png (379.2 KB, 400x688, EtzUrrI.png)

Back in the day, rightwingers wore pointy white hoods. Now they just post full faces online.
The FBI tracked this girl down off an instagram post.
No. 717919
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ALL HAIL PRESIDENT CHILD SNIFFER!(off-topic, not a politics thread)
No. 717942
>>717166>>717187>>717087So, she goes full simp for a pack of racist, misogynistic males, and even gets herself arrested/doxxed for them, only for them to call her a BPD whore, a jew, and leak her nudes on top?
Pick-mes. When will they learn?
No. 718235
>>717851In their reality they were Rosa Parks tier.
Just think of that idiot who got shot climbing through a window… pure delusion.
No. 756970
There seems to be protests going on in France involving the protest for the abolition of prostitution and pornography, mainly spearing-headed by an organization called CAPP and involving radfems and former
victims of prostitution. The protesters were attacked by TRAs by throwing eggs at them. Link rel is to a woman documenting this No. 771269
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Kill The Bill rioters in Bristol piss on police officers boots
No. 771272
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From the vigil for Sarah Everard in London.
This is bitch supports trannies and is a libfem so fuck her.
No. 787809
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Covid lockdown protests are wild these days