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No. 715287
>>715286I'll go first. I'm a eurofag and deathfats aren't exactly run of the mill here. I saw one guy a couple times where I used to live a few years ago, taking the same bus at the exact same stop every time.
He was huge. Probably 500 pounds. extremely repulsive looking as all his clothes were too small, his gunt and ass spilling out. He was sweaty, had stains all over (am I talking about his clothes or his skin? the answer is yes).
He walked with difficulty, thought I can't recall a walker or a cane being involved. Seemed like one of his deformed legs could give out at any time.
I never spoke to him and I never saw him with anyone else but he was truly shocking to witness, especially near a college campus where everyone else was at half his size at the largest.
No. 715298
Another Eurofag, I've never met a deathfat irl, but my favourite boss ever was obese, he had a huge belly like a woman about to give birth. He always wore belts that would cut into his stomach so much that it divided it into 2 stomachs. It looked so painful to me, I always wondered how does he endure it, how is it possible that he's always smiling and laughing with that thing painfully squeezing him. He once fell though a plastic neon company logo embedded into the floor because he was so fat it gave in, I wrote about it on lolcow before. Luckily, he wasn't hurt. Great dude, even better boss.
I also once had an obese cleaning lady. She was too fat to bend over and too fat to climb, so she only cleaned the middle part of the apartment. At first I employed her to cook for me too, but all food she made was too greasy for me. It turned out my pets adored her, so I started employing her as a brilliant pet-sitter instead of as a lousy cleaner and cook. Very interesting character, also a pleasant person.
No. 715304
EUfags represent, and yeah, seeing something like those scooter-users from american supermarkets is not something you'll see around here.
I remember seeing a woman on the bus who easily took up 2 seats alone, it was in the summer too, and she was wearing a simple white T and it was fucking stained yellow over every roll. She was probably the fattest person I've seen IRL, she kept breathing as if she was in labor. It was disgusting enough to burn into my memory, even though I've only seen her once.
The second fattest person was my uni computer science prof (for natural sciences majors), who always wore a white T-shirt with plain jeans, and had the greasiest face and hair ever. I think she might have been genuinely autistic or something. Looked like a female neckbeard and smelled bad, but she was a kind person. Her menstrual blood colored all of her fupa red during class one day, and she couldn't see it because of her massive tits and belly. It was terrifying, and being awkward 18 year-olds, we just shut up and tried not to stare, because we had no idea what to do.
No. 715308
Latamfag here, my parents hired a really obese woman to clean the house and such, it was mostly to help my grandma who just wants to spend the day doing chores and won’t take a “Maybe don’t” as a suggestion without getting depressed.
The woman was so big that she couldn’t fit in the bathroom we have for the maid to change her clothes and shower, being the shower even smaller, the woman broke one of the glass doors.
I didn’t like her because she stole a bunch of shit and was nosy as fuck, she also ate a lot and my grandmother would enable her even though my mother was constantly trying to make sure everyone was having the same portions of food, which are normal, nothing too fancy and no seconds because who the fuck can have seconds of anything other than salad?
She was also constantly trying to eat food from the cabinets and sneaking food to take home because our stuff is from the US, like nuts and dried fruits.
We usually tell them that if they need anything, they just have to ask and we will give them whatever they want, and her being sneaky was really upsetting, like we’re willing to order stuff for you and yet here you are being such a fatass that you can’t even wait for a month or two to get them.
Even my dog didn’t like her, he was constantly avoiding her and such.
She wasn’t also exactly great at cleaning up, she was lazy as fuck, hell, my grandmother with back issues had more mobility than her and was able to get stuff done quicker.
We fired her after she stole a kilo of sugar.
No. 715309
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>>715305It's not really an official category in itself, but I'd assume anyone above like class II obesity. For me it's the type of obese whose gait is completely fucked, they can't even walk straight because of their massive thighs and their poor knees and ankles twisting in fucked up directions because of all the pressure. You can even see the true bedbound "deathfats", for obvious reasons.
No. 715325
>>715317Yeah, I have a very passionate hatred of HAES/body positivity. I was barely in the obese range, but still was very heavily physically impacted by my weight in numerous ways. Low stamina, chronic lethargy, chafing, difficulty putting socks and shoes on, pain from my body contorting in ways it wasn't supposed to (for example- lying on my back gave me back pain because my ass was so massive that my lower back hovered somewhat over the bed), the list goes on. And I was only 28 at the time. So, the idea that there's an entire social movement dedicated to insisting that you can be healthy at any weight absolutely enrages and horrifies me.
It's also incredibly terrible that they spew this total falsity that these body types are just natural and there's nothing you can do to change them. I've seen first hand how little people who buy into that shit understand nutrition. They'll eat 2000 calorie fast food-tier meals 3 time a day, barely leave their couch, then say this is just their body type and there's nothing they can do to change it. Like, this isn't even an exaggeration, this is literally the lifestyle of every "body positive" person I've ever known.
No. 715335
>>715325this reminds me i made my first genuinely huge friend a couple of years ago, and while she never talked much about weight, i think deep down she was convinced she ate more or less the same as the rest of us.
for months, she got intense, persistent stomach pain because of anxiety. once she had removed the cause of anxiety it went away and she started eating more… said she was so excited to "eat well".
however, most of those scrumptious meals were convenience store garbage. tons of carbs, bags full of terrible quality bread/pastries, mediocre microwave meals that were the same price as the cheapest (yet delicious) food in the neighborhood. lots of bad chain restaurants like mcdonalds and some shit italian too.
she really saw herself as some kind of "foodie" when she was constantly eating copious amounts of the worst version of everything.
i wouldn't be surprised if she either 1) just quietly keeps gaining weight until she's officially death fat or 2) adds HAES/bo-po to her laundry list of instagram activism.