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No. 7158
Destiny Slater thread a hate blog for herself
-Needs constant approval from her friends/followers
-Lied about being deaf/blind
-Doesn't know how to take a critique against her art
No. 7160
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her "art"
No. 7161
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Destiny sending hate to herself
No. 7162
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Q.) How do you feel being deaf?
I feel normal, just like most of the hearing people. The difference is that I have an advantage and disadvantage as a deaf person.
The advantage is that whenever there's an annoying noise around me, I simply can turn my cochlear implant off within my will.
The disadvantage is that I don't comprehend spoken English very well due to the lack of an exposure.
Q.) How do you listen to music if you're deaf?
To be frank, I am not surprised about this question ending up on here. You have no idea how often I get asked with these question! Haha!
Yes, I can hear and listen to music and it was because I have a cochlear implant.
To find out for more information about cochlear implant, please use Google.
Q.) Do you have any pet?
Yes! I have two leopard geckos!
Q.) Can we be friend?
I'm not exactly very comfortable answering this question, especially when we both barely talk…. HEY! Why don't you hang out with me more often and then we'll see what will happen?
Q.) May I draw you a fanart / giftart?
OH MY GOD! Yes! Please do. You have all of the artistic freedom to draw my character in any manner you want! I'm super flexible with what you want to do with my character! Heck, even you can do a disturbing art. I'm okay with that. HOWEVER, there's a very small, yet EXTREMELY important limit on a fanartist's artistic freedom- you shall NOT draw my underaged character, in an adult-material manner. If you are unsure about something, then please ask me!
Q.) Do you have an art commission?
Yes, indeed.
Commissioning me can really support me, and I can support you back with the happiness and satisfaction. Come and support ourselves!
Q.) Do you take request? Art Trade? Collab?
Request- NOT LIKELY, but you can try dropping by a picture of your character anywhere on my dA page. BUT… Please don't have your hope up too high.
Art Trade- Ask me about it.
Collab- Ask me about it too.
Q.) What kind of programs do you use?
Majority of the time, I use Adobe Photoshop. Sometimes, I will use Adobe Flash Professional, Fruity Loops Studio, MS Paint and Adobe Illustrator. Whoop whoop.
Q.) Do you have any character?
Yes, and have fun exploring through this st.ash. It is still under HUGE construction.
Q.) May I repost your art on the other site?
Er, just make sure you credit it to me and link back to the source and let me know about it. ^^;
If I see you doing that for an attention, then we both are going to have a serious discussion, mate.
Q.) May I ink/color/shade your artwork?
Ask me for the permission first, please!
No. 7163
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No. 7164
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Destiny Slater
Follow · January 22 · Edited ·
Loooooool. This is exactly why I rarely check on what's in my "other" inbox. xD
According to my friend, "other" inbox is the butthole of all FaceBook… and this screenshot proved it. nods
No. 7165
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Destiny Slater
Follow · January 18 · Edited ·
I made this quick messy doodle to represent my perspective on what's going on between Cammi and the deaf community. REMEMBER, we all have different perspective and I know there are some people out there that don't agree with how I see this situation.
No, drawing this picture doesn't mean I am on anyone's side. Sure, I have a slight bias but I'm mostly neutral anyway.
I simply just do not like how distasteful Cammi's words are. I despite them too. Some of her behavior were pretty uncalled for…. BUT, we're all missing out the MESSAGE behind those distasteful words! Cammi is right, we should work on ourselves to make our community better! Getting mad at her irrationally are exactly what proving her points about the problem in our community.
I'm seeing a LOT of deaf people getting upset over few offensive words rather than looking and trying to understand her message. This is why I used a magnification glass on those few words, because a lot of people were too busy focusing on few words instead of the message itself.
That brick wall should be self-explanatory.
What makes me the most disappointed in deaf community is that a lot of people decide it would be smart to insult Cammi for being a transgender. THOSE TRANSPHOBIA COMMENTARY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT SHE SAY ABOUT THE PROBLEM IN OUR DEAF COMMUNITY. (Thus this is why I drew a cross being held up and someone signing "fag" in the crowd.)
If you don't agree with my perspective, then that's fine! You are welcome to make your own illustration.
I'm not up for the debate and I am most likely not going to respond to anyone regarding this picture. All I want to do is to put the picture up and then let it take the course.
No. 7167
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No. 7169
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Destiny Slater
Follow · May 9, 2014 ·
I randomly felt like doing a picture of a straight man who happen to love makeup so much.
If you feel offended by this picture, then you must be overly sensitive.
No. 7296
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No. 7298
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No. 7301
>>7298>muh triggersI'm sorry but I can't take this shit seriously.
She does looks like any other tumblr dyke tho, nothing special about her, even the ED article looks basic-bitch