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No. 721824
>>721813Unfortunately, yes
Accidentally, sprayed it in my face
No. 721829
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These fuckers, they are sickly sweet and youd have to drink a lot of them to feel any "buzz"
(Yall Burgerlanders chug these as challenges and get shitfaced off them while here in the UK this shit is juice to us kek)
No. 721831
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beer. it's the taste equivalent to how this pic looks
No. 721843
>>721829>>721838lmao i gotta say seagrams coolers are even worse. 3.5% apv koolaid that will give you an ache in your tum-tum from all the sugar before you can even get buzzed.
gotta ad picrel tho. never tried it but I busted out laughing when I saw it at the store.
No. 721952
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>>721942>>721938yeah anon there are some cute tasty ones
No. 722010
>>721982>>721982Tozai snow maiden is good and pretty widely available
Yuki Nigori fruit sakes are also really good.
The cheap house hot sake you get at the sushi places is not good; look for the ones that should be served cold.
No. 722166
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You know you're poor and classless if u loiter gas station to get adults to buy the squad these
No. 722180
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Boyfriend got this for me once. I couldn't finish it, taste is way way way too bitter.
No. 722346
>>722153came here to say ouzo. but hey I'll drink anything when thirsty enough.
>>722166eurofag here, how do these even taste like? looks like a mix between an energy drink and a beer.
No. 722438
>>722346They are soOoo full of flavor (apple, punch, mango etc) that you don't even taste the malt. Not that it tastes good, its terrible. But sweet. Like drinking liquid candy that has a weird wrong bite.
It has to be the most heavily flavored malt liquor mix out there.
It will FUCK you up. Never NEVER go 8 lokos.
No. 722441
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Bars where I live went on a big marketing push for this shit a few years ago and… it sucks. Expensive and nasty no thank u.
No. 722444
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>>721982Agree with
>>722010 Tozai snow maiden is good. If you like fruit flavors, I'm a big fan of the Moonstone Asian Pear sake. It's very light, a little dry, and the asian pear flavor is delicious. I like to have a little with a sliced up apple while I cook dinner.
No. 722466
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micheladas are a staple college drink where I live and I fucking hate it
How did we go from vodka and rum at high school age to this disgusting lemony piss when we are legal and can get any drink we want?
No. 722635
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>>722166Oh god that reminds me of these monstrosities, fucking disgusting and this is coming from a energy drink addict. Taste like metal and piss. Unrelated but I know someone whos an alcoholic and lives off these which also puts me off them a little extra.
No. 723434
>>722466lemony? anon, I don't think you've had a read michelada.
>>722441I personally loved it. They have been pushing this drink in a BIG way all over south east asia and afaik it has had great success. I think it tastes the best when its summer and its super hot
No. 723437
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this bullshit
No. 723473
>>722466I agree with
>>723434 I love Micheladas because they're salty/savory, not lemony. I used to not like the taste of beer but now that I do I still love how unique Micheladas taste.
No. 723516
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I could throw up just looking at the picture.
No. 723533
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hell on earth
No. 723803
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most fruit flavored beers but especially lemon. the flavors never mix well. if i want to taste fruit in alcohol i will have a cider instead. fruit flavored beers taste plain wrong.
No. 791271
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>>721567cheap brandy
beer under 4% (gets watery) or over 7% (sickly)
cider under 5% (too sweet, not worth it)
any alcohol with tons of sugar is a migraine
trigger for me
No. 791325
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I used to steal these from underneath my parents' bed and drink them warm when I was like 15
No. 791977
>>791888I agree
nonnie, I tried so hard to meme myself into liking alcohol but I just don’t get it. Some of my friends drink strong Manhattans and shit and say it’s so good, like wtf how?
>>791970I’d argue most of those taste good because there’s another flavor masking the alcohol. Hard seltzers are basically a soda that gets you a little buzzed. I don’t mind a lot of hard seltzers and mixed drinks, but any real strong drink makes me gag.
No. 792579
>>791970I love Whiteclaws and other fruity drinks. Keyword is alcohol without flavoring. Anything mixed that makes the drink taste non-alcoholic is justifiable. Mixed drinks are based like an AMF and a Long Island Iced Tea, both of which have a shit ton of alcohol that you can't taste because of the flavorings.
>>791977>>792048Thanks anons I thought I was going to get shit on for that opinion. I actually Stockholm Syndrome'd myself into liking Primitivo red wine. I guess just fake it till you make it girlies. Champagne actually doesn't taste that bad but I will never understand people who choose white wine over red. Nasty.
No. 2253884
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sourz it makes me physically recoil
No. 2253901
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never again
No. 2258865
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Although it sounds delicious in theory, these were so awful that I can hardly get myself to accurately remember the taste out of trauma kek. Overly sweet, watery, cheap "soju" cocktails that won't even get you buzzed. You're better off buying a couple Jinro sojus (which I do love, especially in the white grape and plum flavors). Then again, before all this I was unaware that canned cocktails tend to be ass so maybe that's on me.
No. 2259175
>>2258674An anon said that unwashed penis tastes like battery acid, therefore it's possible that gin and tonic = battery acid = unwashed penis
Don't drink gin and tonic, go for gin and lemonade
No. 2259194
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I'm usually an adventurous eater but with craft beers or unique-flavored alcohol I feel like 90% of them taste like pure shit. Sometimes I'll get drawn in by cute packaging or yummy-sounding flavor just for it to taste even worse than cheap piss beer. I got this matcha beer thing without noticing it was a sour. it tasted intensely like spoiled milk, lemonhead candies and vomit. Genuinely one of the worst things I've ever tried. Tried to pawn them off on my friends but nobody could stomach the stuff so we just threw them away kek
No. 2259216
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>>2259194martin house brewing is consistently my least favorite craft brewer in texas.
pic related - brewery is decent and this one in particular is pretty solid.
No. 2352092
>>2259194Martin House is super hit or miss for me. Some of their flavours taste really really good, but most of them taste the same, and aren't worth trying at all. Especially their stouts.
I remember that they put out at spiked root beer, and it was the best thing I've ever had by them. Their IPAs are also not too bad.
On a side note, I can't do anything with tequila. Even the fancy, $85 a shot shit like Clase Azul. Makes me super super sick. And I'm allergic to red wine and orange wine, so they taste like metal and burning to me.
Give me a shot of Fernet and a good, peaty Scotch, and I'll be the happiest girl alive, though lol