No. 72700
>>72686this video is so scripted and cherrypicked holy FUCK
especially the part with the kid
No. 72737
>>72730Yeah I think it is too, but for some reason, at every place I've worked at, no one has ever really cared about what your background is, neither have many of the people I've hung out with.
I'm always a bit mystified by tumblrs view of the world. I would come across some of it during my undergrad years, but never as angry as the keyboard warriors would seem.
>>72734Yes, I hang out with my coworkers outside of work and they're candid people. Race seems to be evenly distributed, and no one keeps among their own. Though you're right it could all be a facade. For ex:
The only person that has ever expressed discomfort due to race was another white coworker. Our supervisor is a black woman. Initially, when we joined the team she was a bit… all over the place for lack of a better term. We struggled (it was a new position for all of us at a new location), but my coworker blamed it on her being black. It made no sense to me, and when I admitted that to her, she paused and replied with: "well, I'm not sure if you're a feminist, but black women are known for being way when they get a position as a higher up".
I felt like I was losing my mind because that literally made no sense to me. I told her I can't generalize and that our supervisor was just stressed out, and my coworker was surprised because at the time I expressed the most displeasure towards our supervisor and my coworker thought I would agree with her. Since then she never mentioned it again, and she's all smiles with out supervisor.
No. 72743
>>72734I dunno, as a black female I don't really see other blacks bitching about being oppressed outside of the occasional "lol white people be tripping" meme.
I've never personally seen anyone make a big deal of race, in school or work.
No. 72778
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No. 72779
File: 1456204496713.jpg (265.79 KB, 1500x970, pronouns.jpg)

>tfw in my Psych 100 class we actually had to introduce ourselves with preferred pronouns
No. 72781
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No. 72782
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No. 72783
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No. 72784
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No. 72785
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No. 72786
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Just for shits and giggles
No. 72788
File: 1456205860670.png (232.38 KB, 400x400, jimbo.png)

I'll just compile Jim's videos here because I really enjoy them. I'm sure most of you have probably seen some, but I really love these and have rewatched a lot of them
Hugbox Chronicles playlist playlist channel No. 72790
>>72743Just chiming in, there was a girl in my class today (university) who was crying about how "literally every single white person is racist" and how whenever she meets a white person, she automatically assumes they are racist until they prove it otherwise. She even said that white people are defaulted at birth to be racist and she doesn't feel comfortable around them.
I mean yeah, I get it, you're a minority in a minority-friendly state and you think everyone is out to get you. But It's kind of annoying because it's a foreign language class and a really small one at that; third level, only 7 people in the classroom and we all know each other fairly well. To my knowledge, not a single one of us has treated her any differently than anyone else, but she says that she's not comfortable around us because we are white and she's not, even though I've tried for a year to be friends with her. Blows my mind, to be honest.
But am I just being racist?
No. 72792
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>>72781Jesus, fuck Aaron Diaz. He's one of the most self-important pieces of shit I've ever come across. In case you don't know who he is, he draws a webcomic called Dresden Codak and he's known for his ridiculously extreme SJW views. He complains about sexism and sexualized female characters in games, yet in his own comics the female characters are always losing their clothes for no reason, in suggestive poses and so forth. He also has a major case of sameface syndrome, it's like he literally knows how to draw just one expression and it's the "annoyed with my eyebrows cocked and mouth half open" Kristen Stewart look.
He also drew a "female Link" and tried to play it off like he was the first one to EVER think of that and he's SO progressive for taking a male hero and turning him into a female. When Nintendo released Linkle for Hyrule Warriors, he immediately jumped on it and claimed in all seriousness that Nintendo is stealing his idea and had some major butthurt about it on twitter. Yes, he actually thought Nintendo is stealing his idea about a female Link.
He's such a shithead. And I don't even know what's up with these tweets, he looks pretty goddamn white to me himself.
No. 72795
In all the dorms on campus (I'm assuming this is required) each floor has a posterboard of famous and influential black leaders and activists. It has MLK, Malcolm X, then right next to them it has fucking Shaun King and a bunch of other "internet activists". Honestly I don't know how anyone can get it into their head that Shaun King is even close to on par with MLK. It's a disgrace in my mind, but I'm white so what do I know
>>72790She's "woke"
Happens when you take AfroSJW classes
I didn't know anyone like this when I was in public school, but they're everywhere at the Uni level. You can blame Tumblr all you want, but it's academia that's really pushing it
No. 72801
>>72800Beat me to it :^)
Racism=Power+Privilege shitlords
No. 72814
File: 1456214775845.png (166.42 KB, 264x314, 1439219624769.png)

>that music
>jump cuts
>close up on faces
>mixing sentences from different people
I cringe so hard everytiem
No. 72831
>>72812lmao I don't think they can handle being logged out for one day.
They will just pretend they are offline, while furiously browsing their dashboards to see who hasn't logged out.
No. 72844
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No. 72857
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No. 72869
>>72861Maybe. I went to community college before this and while there were certainly groups like a black student union, they didn't bully the administration, block access to buildings in protest, or do much of anything really aside from host student events to "raise awareness"
Whereas here they block buildings which i dont know how they think that helps their cause. Recently they're freaking out because the University conducted a survey and found that 60% of students of color felt in danger because of their race on campus. My Uni is 40% white, so my guess is the presence of white people on campus make mosy students feel in danger. Or the survey was just bogus. I really cant wrap my head around 60% of nonwhite students I see thinking they're in danger on campus because of their race
No. 72879
>>72713I'm not American but I'm part of an ethnic minority where I live. I can tell you that in my country we're less diverse overall. Anyway, I can't blame anybody for being suspicious of some white people sometimes in specific circumstances, as I've been told some very unwarranted stupid or insulting things because of my ethnicity, almost everytime by white people. But being suspicious of others literally 24h a day isn't a solution, the best thing to do is to surround yourself by tolerant and respectful people regardless of their race/ethnicity/religion/whatever. I always thought it was an easy thing to do in the USA so I'm always surprised when poc (god I hate this acronym) complain about the US all the time.
>>72859I think I remember that post, the original poster didn't know much about the effects this could have on the baby and apologized publicly once they learned more about it, for once. In general people who say shit like that just delete their blog because they don't want to look stupid, so I can at least forgive them for admitting their mistake.
No. 72887
>>72885Like Turks with Kurds and the Indian caste system etc.
SJW's are just so America-centric they don't realise racism and ACTUAL oppression happens in these places and is committed by non-whites
No. 72889
>>72885Well I was using white people as an example because I was talking from personal experience (living in a country with white people as the majority)and because most people I see complain about white people are Americans, where white people are considered the majority, but yeah, I agree.
I don't expect much from SJWs since they're so US centric, they think literally all places work like the USA except maybe Japan. I've seen some of them excuse some pretty horrible things done by poc from other countries (and sometimes even Americans) by saying that it's part of their culture so it's not up to people in first world countries to criticize them or it's racism. Even though some people in first world countries aren't white. They're just so stupid, not all of them are lost causes since some of them are uninformed teenagers who have good intentions but they're too annoying to deal with.
No. 72904
>>72831>while furiously browsing their dashboards to see who hasn't logged out.kek, pretty much. "MY BLOG WAS ON QUEUE YOU PIECE OF SHIT REEE".
And Tumblr actually did take notice of black history month, I've had notifications for it before like "Black History Month posts here, follow this link".
These cucks aren't even active enough on the site to make plausible complaints.
No. 72917
>>72908I remember her mentioning she was a North African.
She really has no room to talk, given the sort of things Maghrebis do in France. She's acting as if French people dislike them for no reason.
No. 72925
>>72923You turned Marseilles into a shithole. You turned the Banlieues of Paris into a shithole resembling a warzone.
Maghrebis blame all of this on the "legacy of the evils of colonialism" while at the same time talking about how wonderful Islamic Spain was. You can't make this shit up.
No. 72934
In other news, Marvel and DC still wonder why people dont want to buy comics anymore.
Shit is so ridiculous that I wish this was an unfunny edit… No. 72939
>>72937What's the problem with sexy powerful heroines? As far as I know everyone who uses thight spandex in the comic industry is sexy as hell not only the women.
Do you even read comics?
And I dont know you but I'd rather have my clasic busty supergirl with a real personality and backstory instead of these "realistic" sj spewing sock puppets, at least the first one inspires me.
No. 72999
>>72790I've been wondering about this (not you being racist, you're not lol), whether this whole tumblrthink where everyone who is white is racist will make certain poc feel anxiety when they're around them. I had a friend confess to me once that she went to receive training to volunteer at a school an that she was the only black person there while everyone was white. She said "I don't mean to be that person, but at the moment I wondered what they thought of me
because of the fact that I'm black, and that I was the
only black person there. I felt insecure".
I simultaneously felt bad for her because I could see how poc in predominantly white states/cities etc may feel that they're different in a negative way, but at the same time, I felt that it was unfair for both the people in that room and herself to assume that they'd think less of her due to race.
No. 73002
>>72934Holy fuck the last one was scary, and the Angela one, I'm still trying to recover, the bitch who's the writer seriously think shes funny making those tumblr branded "oops redacted but its a shitty red pill mra opinion hue hue" insertions and even brags about "all them neckbeards I raged this time" on Twitter
also what the fucking hell is an asgardian doing talking about Israel?? How did he learn that? I know that you want us to hate the last seconds of that guy before he's brutally killed in the next page and like, make us feel that he deserved to be fucking beheaded because was antisemitic or something, but really?? I swear, this shit is driving me up the wall.
Good think I only read CBR archives and never buy shit anymore, I hope marvel burns.
No. 73037
>>73026I think it's retarded, too, but the idea is that "colored" nounifies it to some extent and makes it seem like that's what a person
is, while "person who X" or "person of X" shows they're a person first, who happens to have a certain attribute.
The language is extremely awkward, but I do understand the intent. I'm still going to just say "black", though.
No. 73143
>>73038I dont really think whites prefer their own any more
Only race who is "above" that in America
No. 73149
>>73143Are you white or non white?
I'm white and I feel more comfortable around other white people. Try living in a place where you're the only white person around, you'll quickly understand what I mean.
We can't let non white people take advantage of our admittedly more universal tendencies regardless.
No. 73152
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No. 73153
>>73152'Some people', so not you?
Unless someone is extremely self critical, because of abuse by their parents as an example, this is actually an exercise that has to be done more often. Those SJWs could use some self reflecting.
No. 73174
>>73158Of course is made up.
Little bitch couldn't possibly babble half of that paragraph without looking like a lunatic and the teacher must have handed her ass on a plate after sending her to detention.
Also I refuse to believe that shit was graded.
No. 73176
>>73173Same. It's probably a semi legit story. I had certain teachers give assignments like this at the beginning of a class, too. You often got points for completing the worksheet, and it's a way for the teacher to learn about their students. They
will give grade you badly if you're a twat and refuse to do it.
I find it hard to believe this kid spoke out like that, though. Or maybe they did. Maybe they're that fucked after being on Tumblr too long. There were always a few crazies in high schooltrying to defend their "rights" and shit and being contrary to everything, so anything is possible.
No. 73177
>>72784wtf is happening here
did she tag it with afro?
No. 73182
File: 1456326798297.png (137.91 KB, 4000x3277, religions-and-ethnicity.png)

>tfw when SJWs are finished with white people they'll go after Asians next
No. 73195
File: 1456330370829.png (394.2 KB, 600x984, which is it diaz.png)

>>73175Not Asian, Hispanic.
>>73181He very well might be, he has such a hard time keeping his shit straight.
No. 73197
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>>73195Reminds me of this
No. 73207
>>73205Interesting read. Thanks
I wouldn't go so far as saying Hapas would identify only as white because that's a pretty half and half mixtures (one fully white parent, one fully asian parent) whereas with Latinos intermarrying with white people the Latinos are already at least 1/3 white or so depending on the person.
No. 73220
>>73192What you mean is that "SJWs" (leftists) want to make white people minorities in every formerly white-majority country.
Which is exactly what they're trying to do and what is happening.
Which is why we need a homeland.
No. 73222
>>73220please don't associate sjws with leftism
its very american of you
No. 73224
>>73222I'm European.
And they are leftists, their foundational axiomatic truth is egalitarianism. Just because you don't like how far they take the idea of "equality", it doesn't change this fact and the whole nonsense about how "SJWs have nothing to do with leftism" is merely a face-saving measure for channer leftists who feel ashamed by association.
No. 73229
>>72935Not the same anon but I'm French and from what I remember during history class the lesson focused on Islamic Spain, and it was like "Yeah Muslims, Jews and Christian lived in harmony and did cool science/philosophy shit"
But well, it was high school history so it didn't delve very deep into the subject, and I don't remember the textbook criticizing the Spanish for fucking the Arab's shit up later so idk
No. 73233
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>For a nation constantly boasting about its multiculturalism and diversity – at least when its Olympic bids are at stake – tonight’s Brit awards are looking like a woefully white affair. a lot America
No. 73241
>>73234I can remember a lot of absolute nonsense about Islam starting the Renaissance, but that's just me. were the guys who mostly transmitted the Greek corpus back to Western Europe after 1204.
No. 73244
>>73242A really interesting thing about Islamic Cordoba is that there's this massive discrepency between what the Muslim authors say about it and the archaeological record. The archaeological footprint of that era doesn't show any evidence of this. The archaeological evidence from the Emirate of Cordoba has something like one tenth the archaeological footprint (in terms of major sites uncovered) that Londinium in the High Empire period had, and Londinium was, apparently, a significantly smaller city than Cordoba was reputed to be.
Polite sage.
No. 73292
>>72784Aww, I originally thought it was the OP responded with 'Agreed. Racist piece of shit'
I wonder if that would even give the waaambulance pause.
No. 73311
>>73222I dont have an issue with leftist politics without all the sjw crap piled on it
You say you're European as if to make a point. The European leftist groups are far more steeped in SJW bile than Democrats are here
No. 73312
>>72795>You can blame Tumblr all you want, but it's academia that's really pushing itThiiiiiiiiis. I once had an English teacher who was tumblr personified. I didn't learn a fucking thing about English, all she did was shove her SJW shit down our throats and show us Tim Wise videos.
My community college is what it is, a community college for poor people. Apparently, before teaching here, she taught at a more affluent school filled with white kids ~but she was only teaching rich white kids and not teh oppressed minorities~.
On a happier note, my school actually is very diverse, and I think she got more than she bargened for. Everyone hated her class. Half the class dropped and she even got into a huge fight with this really ghetto mexican girl.
No. 73331
>>73224It's just annoying to be dismissed because crazy extremists exist. While right wing people are often called bigots, they're not usually mocked and dismissed over Hitler and murderous Nazis, for example.
Leftists say SJW have nothing to do with them because they don't agree with the crazy, it's unfair to lump them together. That's all.
No. 73386
>>73375I prefer the term liberalism as it encapsulates most post enlightenment thought.
The ideas underpinning virtually all enlightenment political thought are individual liberty and equality being intrinsically morally good. I disagree with both axioms on principle.
No. 73388
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There is no stopping this train
No. 73416
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God I hate this fucking country
No. 73419
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>>73416There is literally no racism in the UK compared to the USA really wish American SJWs would stop shilling their slavery and oppression rubbish, its not the fucking same here
No. 73423
>>73417This 100%
Majority of "artists" are black or white. Mostly black.
No. 73424
>>73421>>73419Other Brit here, please don't do this "our non-whites are better than your non-whites" shit. Afro-Caribbeans commit a shitload of crime in London and Birmingham. If we had them to the tune of 13% of the population you can bet your bottom pound sterling that we'd have it just as bad.
Regarding interracial couples on TV: That's not a good thing. The beeb is a fucking shitheep of leftist crap, didn't they make Guienevere black in a recent historical drama? And virtually every single advert has to have at least one black person in it.
No. 73486
>>73037I thought it was because in the u.s. colored only applied to blacks and was basically another word for the n word
people of color applies to non whites so I think thats why they don't see it that way, but I'm not sure
>>73038she doesn't prefer her own race from my understanding, she's friendly to everyone and wants a diverse group of friends from our talks, but I think tumblr and being the only black person there got to her
No. 73487
>>73485What prevents illegals from staying in Canada then?
Either way, this means visa-free travel between US and Canada will be banned. This will only be a net loss to the Canadian economy
No. 73542
>>73483Right Wing Death Squads (generally just RWDS) is becoming a meme on 8pol.
Like neo-Nazis going around killing non-whites? I really hope this isn't a thing
No. 73569
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No. 73586
>>73569It is amazing how these assholes even alienate people who support them. Also there is a 99.9% chance this is some transtrender that is just going to use the money on ugly shit.
Sell your phone, computer, or whatever device you use to access Tumblr for "transition" money instead of panhandling, you entitled twat.
No. 73625
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In other news: Batshit Tumblrina goes on a stabbing spree at highschool claimed to be autistic and almost everything she ever posted about was some sj bull.
Bitch's blog and post announcing the crime: some other stuff. No. 73675
File: 1456584618242.png (181.13 KB, 431x908, buzzfeed.png)

Ahh Buzzfeed
One of the many vehicles of race-baiting media
No. 73677
>>73625I called it, man
Only a matter of time before SJWs start killing people
No. 73728
File: 1456614089530.png (58.22 KB, 861x664, 7heWQ4r.png)

>>73725The thing is "hate speech" is such broad term almost anything can be considered hate speech
We are slowly but surely slipping into the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four
No. 73736
>>73728lmao is this real? If you post your opinion on a public platform, everyone is free to disagree with it. The equivalent would be yelling your opinion at the top of your lungs in the middle of a crowded street. You can't expect someone to
not comment.
I really do hate social media. Most have this shitty echo chamber/circlejerk mentality where any opposing view isn't allowed, and I can't stand it.
No. 73738
>>73736I had a look around twitter but couldn't find this option. I found something similar but it just ends up giving you the option to mute/block. So, as far as I can tell, it's not super censorship.
I somewhat agree about the echo chamber thing eventhough it's somewhat expected. I mean…this is a bit of an echo chamber. We generally agree what is attention seeking bullshit or scamming or censorship. Everyone's (who knows how the internet works) bound to end up in an environment that supports their views in some way.
No. 73779
>>73725We've lived for the past few decades in a world (the west) controlled by liberals in most ways, but a world in which they've still been effective in pushing the narrative that they're this powerless counter-culture up against the powers that be.
Hopefully that can change for good now. Liberals rule the west. The right (the real right, not the people who just believe in low taxes) are the real counter-culture.
No. 74613
>>74457>>74575Notice how they're all white middle-class teenagers
No. 74692
>>74613i dare you to find one decently dressed black guy in any of these videos
No. 74693
>>73728it funny how this happens the day after a good half of the twitter staff jumped ship
they knew what was going to happen
No. 74697
>>73542>I really hope this isn't a thingnah, it's a joke because every SJW thinks that republicans are killing them all in organized attacks because they are black/female/trans/whatever which is ridiculous
I think it kinda grew out when hilary said some shit like "the women who slept with bill were undercover republicans out to ruin him" in an interview
No. 75019
File: 1456808484180.png (112.22 KB, 480x360, tumblr_nv5b837zhB1uag5p3o1_500…)

>>75017but wait there's more
No. 75102
File: 1456824568111.jpg (20.52 KB, 527x185, whaaa.jpg)

Man, Charms reblogges some stupid shit. I love browsing her blog so I can lol at what a spoiled cunt she is.
No. 75103
File: 1456824584412.jpg (38.24 KB, 529x252, suicide.jpg)

No. 75119
File: 1456826173941.gif (403.16 KB, 600x500, tumblr_o3aiicjjFc1uertqmo2_128…)">mocking a group of people for no reason
No reason?? NO REASON??? You’re saying I mock cis people for NO. REASON?
SERIOUSLY. Do you read ANYTHING on this blog? Have you even looked at this blog? Once??
Cis people are inherently transphobic. Every cis person has internalized transphobia that is taught to them by media, religions, popular culture, the very systems and laws that build their society. Every cis person contributes or has contributes to the oppression of trans people and the perpetuation of cissexist beliefs that also feed into the oppression of trans people."
No. 75136
>>75117That's my biggest qualm with this kind of behavior. I feel like I can't go anywhere unless I pin a receipt on my shirt saying "UwU hi i haev depression and autism pls no bully UwU"
You shouldn't be required to wave a laundry list of disorders and """disprivileges""" you have just so people don't act like passive aggressive babies over you disagreeing with them.
No. 75173
>>75117It's the same thing when they scream about misgendering and whatever when in reality they NEVER ask for someone's "preferred pronouns" or mental ailments and assume everyone's gender on looks only when they're out in the public with other people. I look and act quite normal but I've been battling a severe depression for years, I'm bisexual and I've always had issues with my gender, but because I don't walk around with a shock coloured hair and tumblrcore outfits I get branded as an oppressive straight neurotypical cis scum!!!!11. I once asked a tumblrina about her making assumptions based on looks only when that's what she was fighting against and she completely avoided the question.
They don't really care about social issues like this and defending people who have to deal with them. They just care about feeling self-important.
No. 75174
>>73195>2nd generation Cuban.Mm-hmm. You're like 10-20% Cuban, look completely white, have grown up in a white society with white parents but of COURSE you're a precious Hispanic PoC.
Will he become a transgender/nonbinary for attention in the near future? A tip for Aaron: being a PoC transwoman really brings in the followers!
No. 75209
File: 1456845007202.png (219.83 KB, 1110x524, sjwwww.png)

No. 75333
>>75103Then do it
No. 75480
File: 1456874729214.gif (2.58 MB, 280x250, 1392404327273.gif)

>>75209>that pictureStarted laughing right off the bat
No. 75487
File: 1456876011011.png (164.57 KB, 494x521, what the actual fuck.PNG)

> the fuck somehow i was following someone linked to this fuckery
No. 75538
>>75522Because it makes people butthurt
People try to talk about /pol/ and the like as altright headquarters, but in reality they just act the way they do because it causes butthurt. I'm not exactly right wing, but I'd be lying to myself if I didnt enjoy Tumblr/SJW tears
People are too easily offended these days so /pol/ takes it to extremes to
trigger those people
No. 75593
File: 1456891255891.png (274.6 KB, 498x772, wut.png)

Probably a troll but I lol'd.
No. 75617
File: 1456896700215.jpg (67.45 KB, 498x498, nigger.jpg)

No. 75629
>>75617I bet these people actually do this in real life
Inject there stupid politics into everyday conversation and take every little thing to heart
No. 75633
File: 1456901517807.jpg (53.49 KB, 465x899, lol.jpg)

This person sounds 12.
No. 75649
>>75648you are mixing two thing that have nothing to do with each other.
Nice bait, tho.
No. 75658
>>75633This person is so easy to troll I'm dying font is horrible to read so I'm gonna copy paste it;
Anon question, "I hate you too nigger"
"and this is white people for u all :) how amazing :) how self absorbed and disgusting people can be :) ur fucking supremacist racist terrifying not surprised
// slur
tw //"
"im fucking shaking i kept getting thr notification for that messgae over snd over andim. Fhxigb crying oh my god"
"i canf ffycibg breathe i just wanna go to sleep"
"this persons blog is fucking terrifying fuck what the hell" (Talking about my blog)
Fucking lol
No. 75661
File: 1456912425180.png (77.07 KB, 638x676, scury.png)

>>75658Nm the it's more readable here.
No. 75668
>>73625I'm fucking disgusted at the blog post of someone claiming that this is an attack driven by "depression" or "anxiety".
As someone who suffers from both and has many friends suffering from mental illness, I can honestly say that none would hurt a fly. This bitch is trying to make people with mental illness seem crazy or dangerous. Fuck her, what an asshole.
No. 75703
>>75701wtf are you talking about
I guess the polish prostitutes being sold off in turkey aren't being raped to death after all, they're just dying from too much power.
No. 75706
>>75703This is exactly what I mean: white people cannot comprehend anything. Who said white women cant get raped?
P.S I hate to burst your bubble Babschka but babschkas, especially non-russian babschkas, are swarthy, slav.
No. 75715
>>75119Oh God… I read through some of this tumblr and it was so cringeworthy I couldn't even get a laugh out of it.
There is no arguing with this person. They are totally out of their mind here. It's useless to even try to call this person out. But i get the feeling that's just what they want. More attention.
Why can't this type of blog be reported as hate speech and taken down? If It was down with trans I'm sure it would be gone in five seconds.
No. 75859
>>75801Wishing death on someone because of their political beliefs is incredibly childish
I wouldn't be surprised if you were underage
No. 75971
>>75966I was really hoping he'd say something about the Oscar shit show
If any black person in Hollywood would I'd think it would be him
No. 75987
>>75971No one would listen though
The majority of black people would just call him an 'uncle tom' or 'coon' and then everyone forgets about it and goes about their daily lives again
No. 75989
>>75971>>75522>Murdering innocent people isn't really laudable.How were they innocent, they were at a camp for a political party? If you dont mind me paraphrasing an excellent movie line: When you vote, you're exercising political power, you're using force. And force my friends is violence, the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived. Naked force has resolved more issues throughout history than any other factor. The contrary opinion that violence never solves anything, is wishful thinking at its worst, and people who forget that always pay, they pay with their lives and they pay with their freedom.
Every act the state performs is backed by the explicit threat of violence or enslavement. If you do not comply with the states demands they will enslave you (pursuant to the 13th amendment), and if your resist enslavement they will use violence to coerce you, and if you still refuse the use of force continuum will ultimately result in your summary execution. Simply because you've abstracted yourself from their process to such a degree through a convoluted system of layers upon layers of bureaucracy, does not mean in any way that you're innocent, it just means you've deluded yourself so you can sleep at night by paying another man to do your dirty work for you, to further the laws you elected those politicians to enact.
Those kids deserved to die.
No. 76023
>>76017>potentiallylol no
>Nice b8>ignoring the whole part of them using the state to violently coerce peopledat projection
No. 76029
>>76023>everything ever is coercion backed by violence, wake up sheepleOkay faggot, you got your reply, either you drop the act or you're one of those retards who thinks the cops coming to arrest you for running through the streets screaming "NIGGER" is oppression or something equally dumb.
Were those kids at the club even old enough to fucking vote? If they weren't they couldn't have done much even by your dumbshit logic where voting is effectively hiring government thugs
No. 76033
>Were those kids at the club even old enough to fucking vote?Average age of the "kids" was 18: as you said, i'm sure they dindu nuffin.
>If they weren't they couldn't have done much Right, because you volunter to go to a political youth camp because you're so indifferent to the state and its affairs.
>where voting is effectively hiring government thugsThe government just hires thugs because the politicans are evil people who tricked all the people in to thinking they're good, and that their electorate would totally never support that?
>dumbshit logic keep on projecting.
No. 76116
>>75989It's pretty clear you know nothing of the situation at all.
First of all:
>How were they innocent, they were at a camp for a political party? If you dont mind me paraphrasing an excellent movie line: When you vote, you're exercising political power, you're using force. Most of the people there were under the age of 18, they cannot vote. The youngest who was murdered was 8. They have no power, no force.
The camp was also a summer camp, you know, for fun.
Fuck this is making me mad, you don't know shit.
No. 76157
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Ugh I hate this group so much
No. 76183
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>>76180did you just figure out BLM is a shitty racist movement?
you're late as fuck to the party
No. 76217
>>76199Dude, we don't care about their narrative. They literally and unironically want to reduce white people to minority status in every country from Russia to the USA.
Why the fuck do you think we want to be "educated" by a bunch of double-digit IQ cretins in the first place? Their "tone" isn't the problem, their very axiomatic beliefs are the problem.
No. 76496
>>76385>spergYou seem very fond of this word.
And we can't have a society without men and women.
We can, however, have a society without mass immigration (a much better one than we have presently in fact).
No. 76595
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No. 76601
>>76556It's really a clever name to call a group
It sounds bad to say you don't support Black Lives Matter. "Oh you dont think black lives matter??? You disgusting racist bigot!"
No. 76855
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Wow, seriously?
No. 77082
>>76927Random attacks like this are so despicable. I bet this kid won't get arrested for this now that he'd taken the video down
Also what has Trump said that was racist against black people?
No. 77200
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No. 77205
>>77200looked this girl up and she's literally 13
i doubt she even knows what she's saying, she probably just thought it sounded deep and clever
No. 77209
>>77204what meme
>>77205she's 13? wow in that pic she looks like 28
No. 77216
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No. 77225
>>77221I was going to link the daily mail article, but is was a piece of trash
>Writing about Taylor Swift is a horrific ordeal for me because her twinkly persona is such a scary flashback to the fascist blondes who ruled the social scene during my youthTriggered much?
No. 77227
>>77225It's oddly Jewish, even though Paglia isn't Jewish herself.
It's like those Jews who still have night terrors at the thought of all-WASP country clubs or something.
No. 77230
>>77229I liked her better when she pretended to be a loser. I relate a lot more to unrequited love than banging Harry Styles.
No. 77231
>>77225>>77229Yeah I dunno I'm
triggered 2 I guess
Also she hangs out with Lena Dunham who literally used her sister as a toy and wrote about it jesus christ.
No. 77233
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>>77225>fascistThis seems like as good an occasion as any to cite Orwell's
Politics and the English Language:
>Many political words are similarly abused. The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies "something not desirable." The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using that word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way. That is, the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different. Statements like Marshal Pétain was a true patriot, The Soviet press is the freest in the world, The Catholic Church is opposed to persecution, are almost always made with intent to deceive. Other words used in variable meanings, in most cases more or less dishonestly, are: class, totalitarian, science, progressive, reactionary, bourgeois, equality. No. 77236
>>77229Would you walk into a gas chamber if they told you Taytay was playing a concert inside?
>>77231There are not enough words in the world for how disgusting Lena Dunham is.
No. 77249
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>>77243I can't even begin to explain how disgusted I am by Dunham, her show, how people treat her like she's the princess of liberal democrats.
>2016>Honestly calling yourself a Liberal Democrat after witnessing the abominations "our side" have created.I swear, by the time 2017 rolls around anyone with any sense will change their party to Unaffiliated.
No. 77251
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>>77249Putting aside the issue of how old she was when the incidents happened, can you imagine what the reaction would have been if she were an obnoxious conservative instead of an obnoxious progressive? Yikes.
No. 77272
>>77226I still can't do it as an adult
If you google my name nothing comes up and I'm fucking happy it is that way. I would be so freaked out if I found anything
I know I'm taking it a bit to the extreme by having zero social media accounts, but jesus christ it just irks me.
>>77229>whitest black girlStop this meme. Just because you don't talk like a hoodrat doesn't make you "white"
I'm not bagging on you, but I'm just saying black=//=ghetto culture. Be happy being you
No. 77282
>>77278Fair enough. If it's light hearted that's fine :)
I just don't like the whole "if he/she speaks properly/tries in school then she's acting white" bs
No. 77343
>>75707I think they're syaing that white people in sjw discourse are the first to demonize their own heritage. And that's weird and 1000% against biology and basic survival so maybe it's better if white people just genocided themselves/were genocided if they keep saying how "
problematic" they are.
No. 77359
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No. 77360
>>77359I don't know why some black people think white people don't want them to prosper
Like they think white people keep black people down because if blacks prospered they would destroy the evil white supremacist (because every white person is a secret white supremacist according to this people) society or something
No. 77372
>>77272Whose language is English, who formalised its grammar and wrote virtually everything important ever written in the language?
White people. English is a white language.
No. 77376
>>77374I don't think America has ever really waged a concerted "War on Drugs".
An actual War on Drugs would look similar to what Singapore has, where there's strict liability for traffickers.
>that time in history some white people literally painted themselves black and attacked white businesses to make black people look worse/unemployableNeed I bring up the dozens of fake hate crimes that have been exposed over the years?
>that other time in modern day life when some cops literally tried to instigate violence in Ferguson to turn it on black people living in the area + injured themselves and claimed blacks hurt them, etc.You can't seriously argue cops started the violence in Ferguson.
>concentrated efforts to fuck black people over by white peopleSee, I don't agree with this, but I do agree you need your own society. But you don't actually want that, you want to live among us, go to school with us, all the while pushing black tribalism at the same time. It's like dealing with a mentally handicapped child. White people can live great lives without black people, can you say the same for black people?
No. 77392
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No. 77397
>>77376>I don't think America has ever really waged a concerted "War on Drugs".Hence the quotation marks. It's not the drugs themselves there's a "war" on.
>Need I bring up the dozens of fake hate crimes that have been exposed over the years? This wasn't fake, actually. It's been documented before. Of course, since you probably don't want to accept any sort of narrative that goes against your opinions, you'll probably plug your ears and scream "IT'S THE JEWS! NOT REAL! FAKE!".
>You can't seriously argue cops started the violence in Ferguson. I didn't say that, but okay. Nice strawman.
>See, I don't agree with this,Then you're disagreeing with reality, sorry.
>but I do agree you need your own society. "you", kek
>But you don't actually want that, you want to live among us, go to school with us, all the while pushing black tribalism at the same time. …When did I say any of these things? I'm sorry you got in a fight with someone who has these opinions, but that doesn't give you the right to project them on me because you don't feel like you properly "won" that argument lmao.
>It's like dealing with a mentally handicapped child. White people can live great lives without black people, can you say the same for black people?Are you seriously trying to change the subject from "But white people never did nuffin to black people!!!!" to something else? Give it up, already. You were wrong about something on the internet.
No. 77432
>>77249You forgot the best excerpt
>I shared a bed with my sister, Grace, until I was seventeen years old. She was afraid to sleep alone and would begin asking me around 5:00 P.M. every day whether she could sleep with me. I put on a big show of saying no, taking pleasure in watching her beg and sulk, but eventually I always relented. Her sticky, muscly little body thrashed beside me every night as I read Anne Sexton, watched reruns of SNL, sometimes even as I slipped my hand into my underwear to figure some stuff out."s-she was 8 years old u guys it doesnt mean anything now!"
No. 77433
>>77432What is incredibly bizarre to me is that she is shameless about it. Yes, these things happen, and sometimes you're so young that you don't realize the severity of what you're doing, but wtf lady, why did you get that shit published?? Don't you think your sister is mortified? Don't you at least feel awful about it as an adult?
But she's a progressive Obama feminist so the media gives her a pass.
No. 77507
>>77205she's 13 with a verified account? Wtf.
The world is so stupid.
No. 77559
>>77481As much as I hate their behaviour I feel bad for them because they might have trouble finding a job later even when they grew out of this phase. But after all it's their own fault. It's not like employers checking out your profiles before they hire you is something new. Maybe then they will regret boasting about all of their self diagnosed mental illnesses and the edgy shit they post.
I'm really worried about this. The generation afer us seems to not understand the concept of privacy. I wonder where we will end up in 10, 20 years with this.
No. 77569
>>77559The trouble with twitter is that even if you delete it, and even if no one has seen you making an ass out of yourself and taken a screenshot, there are a bazillion other sites who automatically archive ALL tweets. In the unlikely event that all these sites go awol? The Library of Congress still has all tweets archived.
So now Carity Johnson, 14 and social activist on the tubblr, joins the rallying cry to kill all white male cishets.
When she's sixteen, she gets attacked on the tubblr for not acting/writing/dressing "black enough" and gains some perspective: these people are obviously all insane, and it's easy to get on board with that when you're a hormonal, emo 14 yo, but at almost 17 and looking at colleges? Not so much.
At 23, Carita successfully makes it into grad school. She's lost the passwords to her old twatter and tubblr accounts, but who cares, right?
At 25, Carita, now a specialist in international policy, and fluent in four languages, tries to get a job at the pentagon.
During her vetting for security clearance, it comes up she made tweets condoning terrorism and the murder of a large group of the population, give and take ten years ago.
No. 77576
>>77201I think the point was "people who like Donald Trump are shallow and stupid, and people who like Taylor Swift are shallow and stupid as well".
- because Taylor Swift music is happy-go-lucky, she's playing that card, "brainless"
- and Trump is throwing "shocking" frazes just to collect attention all the time, and the point was that his supporters are "brainless" too
- basically both Trump and Swift are like advanced lolcows, and people don't realise that, but instead they buy their shit long time. Like, suckers.
Idc about Trump or Swift at all, just explaining it. This girl used the two of them, but the same explanation goes if she chose any other well-known politician or musician.
The comparison works better on tumblr if they're both white though. Sounds more shameful.
No. 77693
>>77591Better than Trite Love Song #3847834738 or "Le haters gonna hate check out my memes guys lmao sHAKE IT OFF" on endless repeat.
Plus, don't forget she literally copyrighted a phrase that's been used in every rap song ever ("This sick beat").
Taylor Swift is pretty shit-tier and not better than anyone, tbh.
No. 77864
>>77693>Better than Trite Love Song #3847834738I'm afraid it literally isn't.
Remember that stuff like Wiz and Nas are the "intelligent" rap "musicians", and their level of "intelligence" is on par with people like Black Hebrews. That's what passes for "insightful political commentary" in the music industry, but what do you expect? Musicians are even dumber than actors (in fairness to actors, some of them are actually smart and talented, but outside of classical fields virtually all "musicians" are thick as shit).
>Plus, don't forget she literally copyrighted a phrase that's been used in every rap song ever ("This sick beat").What's that thing blacks say? "I'm gonna educate you!"?
Well, here's me educating you. Listen to this: people just simply cannot produce that sort of music.
No. 77873
>>77864>black>peoplepick one
>produce>musicI think you mean Jews. The niggers just talk while someone else does all the work.
No. 78028
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Ayy lmao
No. 78045
>>78028this is what happens when people try to pander to the blm movement
this guy could have won over more people by talking about how similar whites and blacks that live in poverty are rather than to say whites have never experienced the same degree of poverty that blacks have
whites make up the majority of the population, meaning the majority of poor people in the u.s. are white, though within race, blacks have a higher percentage of those in poverty. Still, that doesn't mean that because a racial group experiences more poverty that all of a sudden whites don't or can't. That they don't struggle.
Racism and poverty are two different things, jfc. I could understand if he said blacks in ghettos are harassed by cops in greater numbers than white ghettos, but to say that they don't know what it's like to be poor? lmao
No. 78059
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No. 78064
>>78028I hope he apologizes for this later
I'm a bit butthurt tbh
No. 78102
>>77864>I'm afraid it literally isn't.I'd rather listen to music with political messages, no matter how misguided they may be, than "We are never ever ever ever ever getting back together (200x)".
>Remember that stuff like Wiz and Nas are the "intelligent" rap "musicians", By whose scale? Yours? You must listen to so much rap music, your opinion is definitely valuable and I'm going to listen to you (not).
>Musicians are even dumber than actors (in fairness to actors, some of them are actually smart and talented, but outside of classical fields virtually all "musicians" are thick as shit).Unlimited bait works.
>Black people just simply cannot produce that sort of music.I don't know why you turned the subject from Taylor Swift trademarking rap lyrics to classical composers (Surely you're not likening the two, now THAT would be fucking stupid), but there are/were black classical composers. IIRC there was at least one autistic savant black kid from the fucking 1600s who someone insisted was a "reincarnated angel".
I'm sorry you're so retarded and/or racist, but that doesn't change the fact that Taylor Swift's music is shit-tier and defending her to attack black musicians is dumb.
No. 78107
>>78102I don't see what the redeeming feature of rap is. Sure Taylors lyrics are generic shit but she's not trying to be smart. The likes of Nas are trying to be smart and insightful and the end result is we wuz kingz.
>there was some black musician in 19th century Europe So? There are white people who can play the guqin remarkably well. Doesn't make it European music does it?
No. 78110
>>78107>I don't see what the redeeming feature of rap is.That's because not only do you obviously not listen to rap music at all, you seriously believe all musicians are retarded if they aren't classical composers. There's no helping you in this part, so I'm not sure what you're even trying to argue.
>Sure Taylors lyrics are generic shit but she's not trying to be smartDeliberately being dumb does not absolve you of anything.
>The likes of Nas are trying to be smart and insightful and the end result is we wuz kingz.At least they actually tried.
>So? There are white people who can play the guqin remarkably well. Doesn't make it European music does it?Who said it was European music? There are black classical composers. That's what I'm saying.
No. 78111
>>78110Name a genuinely talented rap musician who demonstrates an understanding of things like advanced counterpoint.
And yes. There were a couple of black composers. They weren't great and they were imitating European music in the same way a European playing the guqin is imitating Chinese traditional music.
No. 78112
>>78111If I did list off talented rap musicians who recognize music theory to you, one of two things would happen
1. You'd disregard them entirely and make up some reason why they don't count in order to save face
2. You'd pretend you didn't read/hear anything at all and continue chanting "Yea but rap is really shit music? Classical music is better because I say so?? You didn't change my opinion and therefore you've lost???"
In either case, it'd be a waste of time, and you wouldn't have learned anything. Try actually listening to the music itself instead of listening to <2 songs by two artists, then attacking the entire genre and begging to be spoonfed "good" ones all in one sitting.
>They weren't great and they were imitating European music in the same way a European playing the guqin is imitating Chinese traditional music.Nice excuses. You said, "Black people just simply cannot produce that sort of music.", and I proved you wrong. It's literally that simple.
No. 78113
>>78112Are you seriously claiming classical music is black? It is white. It's origins, it's theories and it's greatest compositions were all created by whites.
Why the hell is lolcow suddenly full of mudslimes and black nationalists anyway?
>Try actually listening to the music itself instead of listening to <2 songs by two artistsJust name a damn rap musician who demonstrates rachmaninov level talent or fuck off. No more excuses.
No. 78115
>>78113>Are you seriously claiming classical music is black? Why the hell is lolcow suddenly full of mudslimes and black nationalists anyway?Holy shit, your reading comprehension is at a 3 year old's level.
>Black people just simply cannot produce that sort of music>But there are black people who produced that sort of music.>Are you seriously claiming classical music is black? You're a mudslime and a black nationalist!Reread this exchange. Just reread it at least seven times, and don't bother replying until you finally understand why your line of thought makes no sense whatsoever. And some people say classical music enthusiasts are more intelligent, fucking hell.
>Just name a damn rap musician who demonstrates rachmaninov level talent or fuck off. No more excuses.Nope, stop being lazy and listen to the genre. I'm not going to spoonfeed someone who can't even read, especially when they're being a rude, pretentious cuck.
No. 78117
>>78116Simple question. Why do you conflate there being specific artists in a genre to them inventing the entire genre?
>immah not gonna educate you! I am WOKE! A proud black woman!"WAAAAH WHY WON'T YOU SPOONFEED ME HERE ARE SOME BUZZWORDS!!!"
No. 78118
>>78117Because the music isn't a product of black people, it's a product of white people. Non white people creating classical music is imitative, as Coleridge-Taylors rather uninspiring compositions show.
Still waiting on that rap musician, Ms twitter activist.
No. 78121
>>78118They still produced that "sort" of music, no matter how much you try to move the goalposts.
I'm sorry you were BTFO by a Tumblr SJW/Twitter activist at some point in your pathetic life, but I'm not one. I'm just posting ITT to point out that you're retarded, lazy and lack reading comprehension.
>>78119>Get proven wrong on one thing>Change the subject to make generalizations on something completely different>Get proven wrong on that thing as well>Try to change the subject again>Reply to a deleted post to complain that people aren't falling all over themselves to recc you artists when you're being a niggerSorry you're so dumb.
No. 78123
>>78121>imitation >creativity ex nihilo One of these things is not like the other.
Do you deny classical music is European/White culture?
No. 78124
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>>78123The only who's claiming any sort of creativity or non-imitative work here is you. What I've said thus far is that there are people who produced that music, even if they themselves are not white. Do you just make up arguments and paste them onto your opponent?
Actually, you don't need to answer that. I think we both know the answer.
Back to Tumblr autism
No. 78126
>>78124Again. Black people did not create classical music. When I say "that kind of music" I mean a similar musical tradition of equivalent complexity. Not an imitation of another group's musical tradition.
Is this simple enough for you? Your men are garbage by the way.
No. 78127
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>>78121>thinking i'm the same anon you've been replying to>not the WE WUZ BEETHOVEN anon>still being unable to cite "artists" from their shitty genre>being this butthurtYou dont have to admit it to us, but deep down in your heart you know you're shit, otherwise you wouldn't be trying this hard to gain our approval.
>Reply to a deleted post to complain that people aren't falling all over themselves to recc you artists when you're being a niggerpic related nigger
No. 78131
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>>78126>Black people did not create classical music.Point out to me where I said black people created classical music. I'll wait.
>When I say "that kind of music" I mean a similar musical tradition of equivalent complexity. Not an imitation of another group's musical tradition. Nope, you're just moving goalposts in an attempt to pretend you weren't incorrect.
>Is this simple enough for you? Your men are garbage by the way.Because I'm obviously black. Full autismo.
>>78127>trying this hard to gain our approval1. "our"
>implying 2. What does it have to do with me, and how am I trying to gain your approval if I've done nothing but insult you, tell you to go listen to music yourself and mock your reading comprehension?
And yes, I made a typo in one post and deleted it. Stay buttmad.
No. 78132
>>78131>how am I trying to gain your approval if I've done nothing but insult youI never said you were smart. In fact since you're a nigger it can generally be assumed you meet the classical definition of retarded. Which is evidenced by:
>tell you to go listen to music yourselfYour inability to cite these "artists" you claim, and are instead asking us to make your argument for you. And further evidenced by:
>And yes, I made a typo in one post and deleted it. No. You added "especially when they're being a rude, pretentious cuck." to your last sentence. And are even incapable of using the term cuck correctly.
Retard confirmed.
No. 78134
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>>78132>This person insulted me, called me a nigger, a cuck and hurt my feelings by telling me to listen to music!>Obviously they're a black person who wants my approval! Okay.
>not realizing "cuck" is a meme wordEmbarrassing tbh
No. 78135
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No. 78137
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>>78136>demanding timestamped pics You're not from around here, are you?
>still not realizing "cuck" is a meme word that lost its meaning long ago No. 78140
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>>78139Whatever helps you sleep at night, cuck-kun.
No. 78449
>>77433I think a lot of people refuse to put themselves in the shoes of others. Kind of how a lot were dismissing what that Duggard molester did to his sisters. People were saying it was ok because he didn't know better. They excuse anything unfamiliar to them
if done by someone they think they should/want to like.
No. 78537
>>78468I think the hate and contempt you feel for racists comes from exactly the same place as their hate and contempt for other races.
I think it fulfills the need of having an enemy, something we really seems to enjoy. And it enables weak people to flaunt and posture while they talk about how many evil XY they would slay.
I think its funny your hating on a group for blindly hating others by… blindly hating.
I think this whole thing got started by people like you.
No. 78559
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>>78554>I don't hate racists. I do pity them deeply and believe they're more unintelligent than the average person, though.Bullshit.
No. 79463
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how does lolcow feel about the recent shitstorm over j.k. Rowing's new stories about Magic in North America?
Natives have gotten the worst lot of any minority group in America, absolutely. Just wondering why SJW are attacking this story instead of trying to raise attention to unemployment, substance abuse and poor treatment of native peoples instead.
No. 79470
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>>79464>buttmad>assblastedSomeone call bullshit and this is your reaction? No. Your an evolutionary dead end, anon.
No. 79472
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>>79463Hang on, what are they actually upset over here? That Rowling incorporated concepts of skinwalkers and other such Native American mythological lore into her works? They're actually pissed that she's GIVING them representation?
Why is that a problem exactly? Absolutely nobody in Europe or Asia kicked up a fuss over her portrayal of creatures such as Black Shuck (East Anglian), a Sphinx (Egyptian), Werewolves (Greek), Cerberus (Greek), Mermaids (Assyrian), the Phoenix (Greek/Roman/Chinese), Mandrakes/Mandragora (Spanish/English).
Why should Native American lore be any different? Why should she be disallowed from writing about it? If you don't belong to a certain ethnic group you're never allowed to write anything about a subject that pertains to that group ever?
No. 79473
>>79470>mfw I share a species with someone who literally hates people over the color of their skin and their facial featuresI don't think I'm the evolutionary dead end, anon. Also,
No. 79474
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>>79473>Also,>*you'reAh dang. Guess im out.
No. 79484
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>>79482I don't even.. Was that because i post images and shit on an imageboard or cours its old shit?
No. 79493
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can you stop fucking derailing? like please, for once can there not be a butthurt darkie and a racist-chan having a race debate in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THREAD!?
No. 79515
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>>79489>>79489I'd like to point out that as the racist-chan in this, i was just trying to suggest that for or against, anti or pro, when you get into the deeper end of seeing people as groups and instinctively sort them you end up with blind hatred. And then all you have accomplished is setting yourself up to be the next thing that people will rally against with exactly the same kinda fury that drove you.
>As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.Said somebody and its probably true.
>the smallest minority is the individualSaid somebody else and its probably also true.
How the hell is this not on topic for a thread called Tumblr/SJW on /b/? And how did I become the racist?
At the end of this we fucking love dividing people up in groups, both because it gives unity and identity to have a common enemy but also because it provides the framework for proving yourself. Verbally or physically. And that's what most people want. The look-at-me-i-did-something-good effect.
>>79495Don't think so but even if it is, why can't you let it slide and just be happy you think you might be able to spot someone samefagging? Even my gifs added more then you.
>>79489Im not sure how i was suppose to react to this. But you have my attention.
>>79463Not even that mad actually.. But its all just an ocean of shit at this point.
No. 79835
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No. 79840
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>>72999Ah I'm really not extreme SJW about most things, but I understand her insecurity
Back in high school, my three closest friends were white and it felt like they were always making me the butt of the joke. "Hah, she's just our token black friend" "Haha anon look
points out black 'ghetto' lady wearing a scarf walking out of a store thats you in five years huh, haha jk hah" or jokes about me eating fried chicken and being sassy. Like they're constantly trying to project stereotypes on to me, but they never make the same jokes about other races
I mean, I don't cry oppression, they're all gay or bi and they all have their own problems, but it's really hard when it feels like your different and inferior to them just because you were born with a certain look.
I spend a lot of time on 4chan too so I'm constantly seeing post about how black women are the least attractive and they're all loud and undesirable and it makes me wonder if other people really do see me that way. Having really bad social anxiety just worsens it ten-fold because I'm paranoid that people would look down on me or reject me because they already have this preconceived idea of who I am and that they probably dislike me by default. I still haven't made one single friend since starting college because it's predominantly upper-middle class white people and I'm afraid they think I'm a gross dumb ape because of these insecurities.
I know it sounds stupid, but I can understand her insecurities
No. 79857
>>79840Wow, you friends were shit op.
Also just dont take people on the Internet seriously. People have told me that my country is full of ugly ignorant hicks because is Hispanic and I'm not American, yet im still here giving them the finger, because they have never come here in the first place so they dont have a word to say about me or my people. My point is; They dont fucking know you, so you shouldn't feel bad about what a bunch of strangers say about you. If you're confident in yourself, you'll realize their words are just pure edgy bullshit.
No. 79861
>>79840>I spend a lot of time on 4chan too so I'm constantly seeing post about how black women are the least attractive and they're all loud and undesirableAll of this is true. Objectively true I mean. Black people just have a higher threshold for noise tolerance in my opinion. Compare black neighborhoods to white ones. It's a matter of racial preference more than one side being "better" than the other.
Black women are, and this is no exaggeration, most white men's last choice. That being said, they do themselves no favors in the dating market, can you at least understand why white men wouldn't really want to date a black woman from a social/cultural perspective, given how hardcore racially tribal a lot of black women are wrt politics?
I don't like the implication that white people are somehow comparatively less friendly to people of other races though. There's no way you can say we're more ethnocentric than say, Koreans, with a straight face for example.
No. 79867
>>79840>"Haha anon look points out black 'ghetto' lady wearing a scarf walking out of a store thats you in five years huh, haha jk hah"You should share a picture of some fat white trash moms with them on FB and say "Lmao [names] these reminded me of you (jk love ya!)." If they chimp out, play innocent and remind them that they would pull shit like that on you constantly.
Other than that, I know how you feel. The thing is, even if you do "prove" you're not some gross dumb ape or whatever to those sorts of people, they'll still make jokes about you like in HS and think it's all in good fun (if not to your face, then behind your back). You're not missing anything. You'll still be the "token". It sounds harsh, but if you can't handle that, you should flat-out avoid befriending non-black people. Other races tend to be even worse about this, too.
Most of my friends are actually white and do it to an extent, but I've learned to either filter it out or mock them in return with a "lol it's just a joke :P" attitude. They usually don't actually get angry about it because they're not complete hypocrites, which is why I'm still friends with them.
>>79861That post wasn't even about dating. Go back to /r9k/ or your containment thread.
No. 79869
>>79867>That post wasn't even about dating. Go back to /r9k/ or your containment thread.She mentioned black women are the most undesirable, which is objectively true according to statistics. I explained why and how black women can perhaps remedy things.
You think any non-black man wants to date a woman who never shuts up about black tribal politics?
No. 80062
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I'm going through the #unfairandlovely tag and it's a sea of ugly. I don't want to spam the thread so I'll post the rest in the ugly bitches thread, but here's an example.
No. 80161
>>79857I understand, I know I shouldn't take stuff people say on the internet seriously, but taken irl experiences into account, it's hard not to think that maybe they are being a kind of honest when they say that x group of people are garbage. Even if it's just ignorance and intolerance on their part, I can't help but feel a little out of place knowing that people irl probably hold those same ideas. It just feels a little unfair. I don't hate myself or anything, but jeez, it makes me afraid of even approaching people. I thought college would be different, but I really should've just taken online courses or something.
>>79867Eh, that's kind of where I'm at now. I don't have friends outside of my current gf from high school and it took her years before she laid off of the jokes because her ex (she's half black/white) was really annoyed by them and often called her out on it. Before that, outside of my HS, my closest friends were most of my coworkers and it was really comfortable hanging out with em as it was an even mix of people from different cultural backgrounds so there wasn't a minority of anyone.
I mean, I feel like IM being racist by being afraid of approaching people in college because I worry that they'll dislike me by default, but my social anxiety is already horrible so it feels like I'd be doomed either way.
No. 80397
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The fact this is happening makes me want to kill myself. Why don't people realize this whole being non-straight and non-cis is a fad?
No. 80449
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I dont even support Trump but leftists showing their true colors and acting like big whiny babies are pushing the white people in the middle towards him
No. 80453
>>80449Yeah, all this rage is going to backfire for them.
It's just so openly anti-white.
Does this chucklefuck not understand that plenty of white people have a right to be angry? Look at the way successive administrations have sabotaged white blue-collar industries.
What does he expect them to do, vote Dem to support all the bullshit social "issues" that Dems care about in lieu of actual economic policy, like faggot marriage and trannies? Fuck the contemporary left up the ass.
No. 80477
>>80474Yeah, I'm on the far right, so I don't have much sympathy for Chomsky, but that's one area he has always been respectably honest - in speaking about the establishment's contempt for the white working class. He's also anti-porn, and in my experience he generally chooses to ignore bullshit feelgood hashtag "social issues" in favor of meaningful economic ones.
As for what Sanders said, it's insane. The vast majority of America's blue-collars are, or rather were white, in things like primary industry and manufacturing I mean. These are the people who have been hit by free trade policies the hardest since they, you know, actually had real jobs in the first place.
No. 80480
>>80478Self-hating white liberal.
Just "self-hating" in general. I use it to describe weebs all the time because that's what they are.
No. 80488
>>80480though sjws throw that at (for example) women all the time who don't ascribe to their gender studies-grown opinions.
internalized misog. etc.
No. 80623
>>80449Jesus, just what makes someone tweet this bullshit out loud? What makes you turn against your own kind this much?
>>80474Ugh, I'm so glad the sole idea of ~white privilege~ feeds all the poor whiteys living in ghettos and trailer parks. Because of course, white people can't be disabled, unemployed, substance abusers or any other reasons why pretty much anyone becomes poor. The white privilege heals all wounds.
It's like these people have lost all their sense of reality and think they're observing some movie with them being the allies for a sympathetic minority which will then praise them as their kings after winning the war.
No. 81335
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No. 81341
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This whole thread and SJWs in general trigger me
No. 81452
>>81066Came here to post this just now
Fucking hell these people piss me off
No. 81798
>>78131You btfo'd her
top kek at the random
>your men are garbage XDDDDDDDGod what a dumb slut
No. 82154
>>82107It is, but mostly with middle class/suburban girls. Many in the black community pracitcally worship lightskin/mixed kids. One of my coworkers is black and she got knocked up by her white bf, and it was unbearable seeing all her friends and family members in the comments section going crazy over the baby's green eyes and saying they should get a white dude.
Granted, I don't think your average hoodrat has much interest in white men because he doesn't have street cred
Not the person you're replying to btw
No. 82218
>>82216Maybe not full blown sjws, but some of my friends from HS have drunk a bit of the kool-aid. I care what they think, in that I don't want them to hate my bf just bc he's white. Or immediately come with a critical eye just because he's white. Or attribute his flaws to the color of his skin. Or any of the other dumb things racists have done and will do to people like me.
I don't think they're racists at all, let me be clear, but in the 4 years since graduating HS I've watched them fall farther and farther down the sjw rabbit hole.
Or on the other side, the growing anger from the black community against whites. I'm not close with any of my family (except my mom), so I feel anxiety about one day coming home and having to introduce a white guy to them. My brother complains a lot about white gentrification, and aside from one cousin, no one has brought home white people. And from what I've heard, that cousin was met with A LOT of opposition before her husband was accepted.
No. 82257
File: 1458442300659.jpg (117.81 KB, 768x830, _20160319_224706.JPG) bloggo for special snowflakes. What sort of dumb spells should we request?
No. 82263
>>82218>but in the 4 years since graduating HS I've watched them fall farther and farther down the sjw rabbit hole.I know exactly how you feel here. I have friends who were the most crass, rude, and borderline racist people come back from uni and bring up systematic racism over a bite to eat at McDonald's. Just the other day we were playing super smash bros and one started going on about how sexist zero suit samus was and was talking about the lack of PoC in the game.
I know it's supposed to be a meme that Universities are marxist indoctrination camps, but from my experience there and how others have turned out it seems to be. It seems like the equivalent of the /pol/ redpill except that it's actually encouraged and taught in higher education
No. 82267
>>82263I may be conservative/controversial in my views, but I honestly think this is due to the lowering of standards for most university admissions. Like… I walked into my first year dorm bathrooms and see posters about "how to think critically", that just doesn't sit well with me. It's no wonder that some people just drink up whatever shit their professors/peers say, if they don't even know what critical thinking is or how to do it. (this was in a very prestigious high ranking university btw).
I think it goes both ways though, some schools definitely seem like they pander to marxist ideals.
No. 82268
>>82267I consider myself pretty moderate, but maybe to the left a bit. The shit they're selling at unis is just way too much tbh
I decided to take a film class as a gen ed and the entire class was some grad student who majored in Queer Theory and pop culture going on rants about white men. We had an entire class discussing how
problematic it Eve's portrayal was in the Wall*E movie. I took a psych class too and along with our names we also literally had to stand up and give our preferred pronouns
No. 82269
>>82231Well as it goes they're on complete opposite ends of the spectrum generally in terms of personality. Black women are stereotypically very loud and rude whereas Asian men are generally pretty quiet and formal
I've seen a few couples at my Uni though. Koreaboos/weebs mostly
No. 82281
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No. 82282
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Whaa people trying to start conversations with me is racist
No. 82283
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No. 82362
>>82281The white woman could've meant she thought she misspoke because Harvard is a prestigious university that's hard to get into for any person and not simply because she's black
I don't know though
>>82282Is it because her name is hard to pronounce?
>>82283This one is just silly
No. 82366
>>82281Jesus Christ, all of this is way too close to home for me.
There is this weird split at left-leaning elite schools where there's a mostly white/male old boy network and a loud obnoxious social justice crowd that dominates campus activities. It makes sense when you consider their history, and it falls neatly into the "queer PoC struggling under white male power structure" narrative, but it is very much jarring, especially at ground zero.
No. 82393
>>82282I never understood why the mispronunciation of names is considered a racist thing when I think it's actually more of a language thing. If you're not exposed to the words and sounds of other languages, you're not going to immediately understand how to pronounce the names. I know people struggle with Irish names like Conchobhar, Dearbhail and Saoirse. It's not because they hate the Irish, it's just because they're not names that they're used to.
Yes, it's annoying having to explain how to pronounce your name every time somebody sees it written down, but there's no reason to assume there's racism there unless the person gives you reason to.
No. 82408
>>82393>>82403Well, duh, being white means you're inherently racist due to privilege.
I mean if a white girl had a name like Saiorse Lyudmila Šiklić de Llolano y Moussa nobody would ever ask her how to pronounce or spell it.
Goes to show that even Ivy Leaguers can be complete dipshits.
No. 82448
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>>81066I……Is that nigger crying? He's fucking crying!
No. 82629
>>82549In America
>shitlordThanks for the bait anyway, anon
No. 83137
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No. 83519
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Not SJW related, but I found this girl who's obsessed with Dylan Roof.
No. 83580
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This fat ugly SJW nigger has a boyfriend who looks like this. Why the fuck should I even try to be a good person anymore? Maybe if I were a massive cunt to men they would take me seriously. These are the types of women men are always saying they hate. And yet, SJW tumblr girls always have cute, sensitive and loving boyfriends while us real ladies can only get with misogynistic gun nuts. I guess men secretly like being treated like shit. If you don't treat them like shit, they walk all over you.
No. 83789
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>>83774People like edgelords
No. 83815
>>83804This makes me so fucking angry I would sock that stupid cunt's face if I saw that on my campus
Fuck you sjw racist piece of shit bullies
No. 83818
>>75019233: Nergal is a bisexual transboy
Really? I thought that was Slaanesh's territory.
No. 83820
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>>83804You fucking kidding me with this shit?
>I'm gonna keep grabbing you because I don't think you should have dreads>Wait, why are you touching me, thats bullshit, you can't do that>I'm black, ergo I can indirectly lay claim to Egyptian culture No. 83822
>>83804I'd love to see this posted on facebook. I can already see all of my social justice warrior ~nubian qween~ 'friends' saying how she was completely in the right and that a white boy should be bullied and assaulted for not washing his hair.
I despise the world we live in.
No. 83837
>>83742How the fuck can they do this when so many of their music videos are "
problematic" to say the least?
No. 84007
>>83829they seem to claim it as their precious ancestry/culture since egypt was super cool. even though it makes no sense and nubia was just as awesome. it's fucking stupid because their ancestors were definitely not from egypt(or even near there) but they do that whole 'you can't prove it' and baww like it matters.
they actually teach that egyptians were black in their 'black studies' classes.
No. 84011
>>83992This is strangely relatable. I'm not Black but from another ethnic group that's stereotyped the same way more or less and I've been told that sort of shit before I learned how to read. It ruined myself esteem but tbh now I'm doing better than most people my age thanks to my efforts so I can't bring myself to personally care about these opinions anymore.
>>84007That's not even stupid in a normal way, it's even worse because they won't stop whining about their culture's erasure and they ignore so many other cultures while erasing Egyptians' culture (both ancient Egypt and Egypt nowadays).
No. 84096
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>>83580>implying you'd want a sensitive, caring "nice guy" in disguiseoh please, I'd rather have a testosterone-fuelled bf who could protect me over these kinds of guys I'd come across in high school
No. 84102
>>83853Are you by any means justifying that crazy bitch on the video?
Also, who say dreds have to be organised and good looking? Fucking shit is a lump of matted hair no matter how you look at it.
No. 84124
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>>84096Million times this. Especially in the long term, the "nice", "sensitive" guy starts looking reaaaally emasculated and so pathetic over the act, especially standing next to regular guys. I've noticed my male friends who tweet supportive SJW shit, and who are eager to agree with women regardless of circumstance are super pussies. Plus they get all weird around men they perceive as being "manlier".
No. 84135
>>84127It's about a "protection" mindset, not that we think we're going to need constant defending. These are the kind of guys who will take brutal physical pain, ie, pushing you out of the way of a car only to get hit by it himself, without a second of hesitation. These guys can out-smart, out-play, and out-strength sensitive, infantilist "nice guys".
They're also not afraid to check you when you're being an asshole. Girls with "nice guy" boyfriends never change because they're always validated.
It doesn't feel genuine, because it isn't.
No. 84143
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Was browsing sparknotes the other day, looking for chapter summaries for a book I was reading, and saw this on the corner of the page. I know they've had their own articles for quite a while but were they always this shit?
No. 84148
>>84011How come blacks are so obsessed over their heritage from decades, centuries or longer ago??
I can't imagine this shit being pulled off from anyone else, at least in Europe. I'm half Italian for example, but I didn't grew up in Italy and I barely speak the language. Most of my Italian relatives don't really see me as "Italian". And I can't imagine anyone here would accept me going around "GUYS I'M SO ITALIAN DID I TELL U ABOUT THE GREAT THINGS THE ROMAN DID?!?!?" or claim I'm the bestest artists because muh Italian artists heritage or whatever.
My grandmother also came from a part of a country that's now Poland, but I'd never think about claiming this would give me ~polish roots~ or whatever. It's rumored we had a Jewish couple in our family, can i claim to be an oppressed Jew now?!
And maybe some centuries ago, my family came from Africa or Greek or whatever but who the fuck cares about that?!
Serious question here. Why can't they just accept they're Americans, and let it go?
No. 84153
>>84148>Serious question here. Why can't they just accept they're Americans, and let it go?The thing is, they DID, before identity politics became a 'legitimate' thing in the 60s/70s.
Quote by Jimmy Garrett from the Black Panthers in the book "From Black Power to Black Studies":
>"Garrett fostered a nationalist spirit by telling students to identify racism on campus: "I started pushing people on the issues … [and] they began to settle down to work projects, different kinds of projects, like how [to] cut out racism in different areas on campus. Finding out what classes were racist. What teachers were racists." At this point Garrett innovates what might be the embryonic form of black studies at San Francisco State College: "We began to set up, well we call it internal education program where we would [meet] at my house or someone else's house and we would talk about ourselves seeking identity, and stuff like that. A lot of folks didn't even know they were black. A lot of people thought they were Americans. Didn't feel themselves that they were Black people. We discussed that a great deal." No. 84159
>>83277Wow this bitch is so fake. Could barely make it past the giggly intro.
She makes racism sound like some kind of crazy conspiracy theory. If someone hates an entire race, they're racist. And that goes for "minorities" also. Too often I've listened to "friends" flat out say that they hate ALL white people and that they can't wait until we're all "mixed" and whiteness doesn't exist. That's racism too, friends.
No. 84161
>>83992That's so coincidental that you say that because I was only reading something the other day that said our generation has probably the most bleak outlook on life yet.
We've been raised watching terrorist attacks on tv and the internet has made it easier to see how the random killing of innocents happens on a daily basis.
A lot of young people feel hopeless and that they're going to get nowhere in life thanks to the colour of their skin, where they live etc. and it means they're less likely to -try-, whereas previous generations really fought for it.
It makes me really sad.
No. 84200
>>84148This is just my hypothesis, but as someone who grew up in NYC, black people here come from all over, including the Caribbean. Most of them claim to be from a specific ethnic group or culture, i.e. "I'm Nigerian, Jamaican, Creole, or West Indian, etc" because they identify with their culture more than their race.
American blacks whose ancestors were enslaved and brought here don't have a connection to where their ancestors came from. Blacks that identify with another group of blacks who no longer exist may do it because of the fact that no one can say they don't belong to that group due to no one practicing the same norms and thus saying whether they're correct or not.
I've seen the same behavior among "white washed" Asians and Latinos, though only on tumblr, not irl.
No. 84909
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>They predicted the future 23 years ago
No. 84922
>>84909jesus how accurate lol.
i wonder when tumblr will start using people of girth and handicapable
No. 84945
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This bullshit: Gap apologized for something blacks outraged over that was not racist in any way, even though in the Gap kids ad a year before, it was a taller black little girl resting her arm on a white girl's head. It was a height thing, not a racist thing, but this is why people don't take actual racism seriously because of shit like this.
You know this is some tumblr shit.
No. 84969
>>84945Now that you mention it, I just have to blog about this. Admin can ban me but I think I'm being on topic and I try to be race neutral the best I can.
The people who cried racism about this are the same people who tell you you're a racist if you think Rihanna cant sing. Their mentality annoys me so much, I used to have sympathy for the people with this mentality they sympathize with because lets face it the people with this mentality have sympathy for a race that did and are suffering a lot but when I recall a dialogue between me and a young man I just feel a burning rage inside me, because I really try not to be racist I just hate double standards and defeating verbal abuse with physical abuse. The "conversation" went like this:
A guy called me a nigga, and I said "why are you calling me a nigga?" and his face went from friendly to agressive and scary. "Who are you calling a nigga?!??" I had to apologize because It would be suicide for myself to stand up for myself and I didn't want to get suckerpunched.
was i suckerpunched and the assault was posted on youtube no one would defend me except for a few racists or perhaps people who think like me.
No. 84989
>>84945Exactly. the girl is short that's all. She is 8 and the other girl is 12. When I read the article I couldn't believe it.
She isn't having an arm resting on her head because she's the white people's arm rest.
>>84970Perhaps had she smiled or worn different clothes in the same colors as the other girls. It's a shame because she's very cute and that does seem a bit wasted.
No. 85148
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>>84970>>84989There are other shots too, where a black girl rests her arm on top of a white girl's head. It was a cute pose for kids with a height difference. I don't know why it blew up.
No. 85736
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No. 85800
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can someone explain this to me?
Maybe it's just anecdotal fallacy but it seems that majority of tumblr sjw/activists seem to be unattractive or lower end of average people.
I don't know if they go for styles that make them stand out but it seems like a lot of the belief system comes from lack of confidence or searching for some kind of purpose to make them unique or stand out, or give them reasons for why "mainstream society" doesn't get along with them.
I can understand gay/trans people but this genderfluid, genderqueer demisexual stuff is all so confusing and seems to be some sort of special validation to dressing the way you like and it's "oppression" if someone thinks it's weird.
No. 85839
It's because her headmate is Hitler
It's just a joke anon
No. 85874
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What the fuck is wrong with Europe? No. 85875
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Thanks /pol/
No. 85876
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>>85874People can't still think this in Europe of all places can they?
No. 85904
>>85874Being an eurofag I'm not surprised. Seriously, here the pro-refugee agenda is pushed down your throat so aggressively you're end up with no other choice than to agree. Everyone against the uncontrolled wave of refugees flooding in, or even has a slightly negative opinion about it, is branded ruthlessly as a racist and has to face some really out of proportions treatment. The general consensus in the western Europe is that refugees are all poor and in need of protection, and every country should carry out their share no matter if they have active war duties going on in the refugees' countries or not. If you're against that, you're against Europe.
We're fucked, we're cucked. The whole situation is so bizarre I'm starting to look for conspiracy theories as to why the European leaders want to destroy their own countries.
No. 85950
>>85904You're not alone anon, I'm not even a person against helping those from war countries, but this isn't a few poor sad refugees, this is literal countries moving to Europe and search of a better like aka benefits.
Nothing gets me more angry then those stupid organizations acting as if, despite everything that has been done for those people, we're torturing them because they didn't get a house and they don't like the food.
fuck them
No. 85964
>>85956A lot of people who support refugees do it out of genuine kindness because they can only think about the (legitimately) poor kids getting dragged half around the globe and having their childhoods fucked up.
Basically, we're too nice
No. 85984
>>85876That's the thing with these sjw shits
There is no set goal that they'll ever reach that will make them happy. They just want to bitch and moan because it is there entire existence
No. 86055
>>85988China also has empty cities with thousands of empty apartments yet they won't take anyone
But no it is us Europeans who must struggle to house and satisfy the whim of every "refugee" while subjecting ourselves to possible attacks, rapes and terrorism for no reason other than "morality"
No. 86075
>>86055Sorry about that Anon. :(
If it helps we'll trade all you refugees in exchange for Sheena.
No. 86099
>>86090Britbong here
I don't think I have encountered any Middle-Easterners and there are no refugees here yet
I do see Pakistani Muslims everyday though which are pretty much the same thing as Middle-Easterners
No. 86251
>>86237Oh Lord, that sound horrifying.
I've heard that most of all, rape is becoming pretty common in countries that have allowed refugees, mostly of little kids and that's just… Frightening.
No. 86266
>>86099The ones who run your local shop are probably mostly British now. But it's scary because sometimes I think they have god knows what locked up in their basements in secret.
Being honest though most British (non Asian not the Chinese) don't really like them.
No. 86271
>>84148Cos 1. They're Black and 2. They're American so obviously they need something to get defensive over.
I'm half black myself and I sigh when I see the same shit about race/slavery on and on. I'm all for black rights and I support the black community, black people. But whenever slavery is thrown in… I always think "oh here we go…"
Slavery happened. It's over with, lets stop looking in the past and focus on the fucking future.
No. 86272
>>83992Nah, not black people. African Americans <
Black British think African Americans are crazy fuckers. Half of my black family laugh at them and think they're mental. Most of the people locked up here in the UK are Asian and White.
No. 86273
>>83804Reminding myself when I go travelling not to engage with African Americans.
No ty
No. 86274
>>86261I thought I was just being too harsh or something but guess not.
It's just so dreadful to watch through now…
No. 86374
>>86266They still wear Muslim clothes like robes and hijabs, still speak their own language they form their own ghettos and their children are becoming more radicalised than the adults
If anything assimilation is going backwards imo
>>86263I know what you mean
I don't dislike someone because of their skin just because of their culture
I have a feeling this has Islamic connotations too No. 86432
>>86391yeah but japan majority knows how to follow rules and not behave like a fucking dickhead in public.
It wouldn't work in the west because everyone is a moron and I could just see a group of drunk/drugged men busting into the carriage and molesting a bunch of women for a laugh.
No. 86459
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>>86458Oops dropped my stats
No. 86460
>>86090There's an asylum seeker's crib in my town, they loiter in the streets around their government appointed home and bug the locals, especially women. They go crazy for young preteen and teen girls (my friend has some daughters) it's disturbing.
I just hope they go away soon.
No. 86468
>>86438I'm not trolling. Do you think civilized muslims (there are none) love the average muslim?
>>86090I've met a palestinian immigrant yesterday (he claims to be a syrian refugee but i knew by his accent immediately that he is a palestinian who lived in Lebanon most of his life) and i wanted to kill that muslim scum because he talked to me in arabic instead of english and because he lied about being a refugee. I dont even wear a hijab so this proves this scum will never even take the time to integrate, stupid ass leach.
>>86457I'm not a weeb anymore because I'm 18+ but I did meet a few japs and they are indeed VERY friendly nice people unlike the jungle azns (chinese koreans etc…)
But one thing I hate about japan is that they sexualize children, but ay at least they dont rape white wimminz like those melon munchers or allahu akbaring buildings
No. 86541
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>>86468>civilized muslims (there are none) Kek you only see what you want to see. There's only black and white no grey in your thinking. Why so obsessed with race? :)
No. 86562
>>86559I was that anon
Muslims technically imo can be considered a race just as much as jews can be considered one. we all look alike anyways with our smell and burkas. Also I dont see why I cant comment about niggers though, most people who hAve met niggers hate them, if I had to choose whether muslims or niggers should die I'd choose niggers, a lot of niggers are muslim anyways.
But the hate I have for muslims is strong anyways. I hope the jews will kill all the arabs they can find, because thanks to muslims and niggers people are afraid to get robbed on the street or worse: get raped by a dunecoon or baboon
I apologize for the muslims that live in europe and I hope they will be removed asap
>>86546Because racially they are inferior to the white man (swt)
No. 86563
>>86559Whats wrong with my grammer?
>>no shit sherlockobviously its not "no shit" to you, you obviously consider them a race, well they arent. Islam is a dangerous ideology that promotes stoning, rape, beating, cutting off hands, sleeping and marrying 6-year olds and i could go on, it does not belong here in the west. Muslims are welcome, islam is not.
No. 86566
>>86564I hope this is the case, and the racist anon learns better and grows out of it. Otherwise it's pretty fucking pathetic to b a grown adult with such immature and ignorant views about others.
To that anon, if your parents/family are influencing you to have such opionions then break the cycle you don't need to follow their ideology .
No. 86570
Whoops, none.
Fuck off.
No. 86685
>>86681Well they do have a point. Hollywood does like to whitewash asian characters (for financial reasons)
But honestly SJWs don't give a flying fuck about asians because dem gooks are 'privileged model minorities'. They only make such an outcry every now and then to hide their own hypocrisy
No. 86688
>>86685It's gonna be fun and games when Mulan the live action movie gets made.
What about Asia and their fetish for white folks though?
No. 86695
>>86685but anime characters aren't necessarily asian. and they're not white washing her character, they changed the entire setting to the US.
as i said, what about movies like the ring and the grudge? they did the same things with those movies, changing location and everything just using the story. GITS is a story, a dumb one at that. even the creator said it was basically porn.
No. 86705
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>>86688Don't worry about that. Disney is under intense pressure so Mulan herself will have an asian actress while just about everyone else is white. I'll bet you a pretty penny on that.
It's not merely asians, but also arabs and indians who go nuts for blonde women. You can blame Hollywood for that.
>Family reunion in Asia and grandma jokingly asks if I'm dating a blonde girl>>86695It's not about racism, it's a 100% financial decisions. It's difficult to make a massive blockbuster hit with a fully PoC cast since western audiences don't identify well with them. The rest of the world is okay with white actors since they have been exposed to Hollywood exports for generations.
But SJW will insists this is anti-PoC racism
No. 86712
>>86705fb is trending a claim that the production studio commissioned tests to make ScarJo look "more asian". Which, if true, makes them look even worse than they do now.
Either way, the backlash is dumb. Just because GitS is anime, doesn't make any of the characters explicitly asian. Hell, Motoko is part cyborg.
Honestly, I just wish Hollywood would actually make more original shit than adapting every fucking popular book, comic, or cartoon out there.
No. 86727
>>86695>>86712I'd wager a character living in nipland with the name Motoko Kusanagi is meant to be Asian.
Why is it that people get angry when characters commonly accepted as white in movies are made black or any other race (see: the backlash toward Star Wars and that one Annie movie), but when they make non-white characters white there's always some bullshit excuse to be made, like "Oh! Muh finances! ScarJo is popular!" (so why not make her an extra/supporting actress and big her up in the trailer to bait the unsuspecting?) or "W-Well maybe it's not really an Asian character even though they have an Asian name, the franchise was written to be set in Asia, the creator is Asian, etc" or "W-Well they picked actors based on talent, not race! YOU'RE the racist!!"?
Murrikan directors need to stop touching anime and just stick to comics. It's the one thing they can't fuck up.
No. 86744
>>86727Hollywood makes movies for western audiences. Western audiances = White
So why do they have to cast other races?
No. 86751
>>86744Because it's not just white people living in the west and/or contributing to most of modern western culture, retard. You probably live in the 1800s if you honestly think that the west, its population, social nuances and entire culture is 100% white.
And they don't "have" to do anything, it's just fucking stupid to arbitrarily change the race of established characters and people, especially when you're adapting something non-western.
No. 86752
>>86751>in the 1800s**or some particularly inbred, forgotten bumfuck region of Eastern Europe.
Forgot about that.
No. 86790
>>86777It's almost like if you fuck up something very easy and do something completely retarded instead, people will be upset, and if you also do something else that's similarly retarded, people will still be upset. Who would've thought?!
And it's like you seriously believe there is no such thing as Japanese actors in Hollywood.
>who is Chiaki Kuriyama >who is Devon Aoki >who is Rinko Kuchikietc
Do you even watch movies? Holy fuck.
No. 86799
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I'm not as peeved by this as most people are, I just don't understand the point of changing the setting/etc.
I can understand having an american adaptations I guess but why not change her name/character?
Either way it seems like it's going to be to far removed from GiTS for fans to see and may be too niche for casuals, but you never know. The drama might pull in more viewers.
I wonder how Batou is going to look.
No. 86801
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>>86799He's already been cast >:[
No. 86802
>>86799Current top 3 economies:
>America>China >Japanese No, the Asians have most of the cash.
No. 86804
>>86796Which is retarded, considering that you can make a buck off every group and ultimately make more money if you play your cards right (which is why shows like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air remain one America's greatest hits, as does the Bill Cosby show). To argue that white people can never, ever relate to non-white people in media or enjoy anything where white characters are not at the forefront is the same as arguing that white people are incapable of seeing other races as human (which I guess may be true for some people, but speak for yourself lmao). Plus, I'm pretty sure I don't need to remind you that most of the white people who would actually be able to appreciate a GiTS movie are actually not happy with the lead being white because that's not what the source material calls for.
What do you think is a better idea: make a shitty, forgettable sci-fi movie that no one - anime fan, film aficionado or sci-fi enthusiast - will truly like because it's generic, watered down fodder that panders only to plebs and needs to use "big name" actors/actresses like Scarlett Johanssen and Leonardo DiCaprio to distract from its mediocrity, or make a decent adaption that dares to do something different from the norm and make itself memorable?
No. 86805
>>86804>watered down fodder that panders only to plebs and needs to use "big name" actors/actresses like Scarlett Johanssen and Leonardo DiCaprio to distract from its mediocrityHonestly, it will probably end up being this regardless of who was cast no matter the race.
>>86802pretty sure you meant to reply to me.
But.. so?
The movie's being made in america, so it will appeal to the demographic of the country it's produced in.
No. 86808
RE: all this shit about scar jo and muh whitewashing
"I think some people are framing the The Ghost in the Shell conversation incorrectly, or, well, missing an important angle. Yes I agree it is an unfortunate casting and a part of a greater problem. And, please consider something:
This movie, like many recent Hollywood movies (Iron Man for example), do not make the majority of their profits in America by a long shot. As a result, this movie is not targeting an American or even Western audience. It is going to make the majority of its profits in the overseas market, chiefly East Asia. If we want to have a conversation about whitewashing, we have to also talk about anti-blackness and the elevation of white beauty as it exists in East Asia.
The actress playing the cyborg heroine of the movie is currently the face of a shampoo campaign in Japan (LUX). The film “Lucy” was very successful in China. She’s graced the cover of Vogue China.
The powers that be picked her for the movie, not so much out of a lack of appreciation for Japanese culture, but rather they picked her
in order to successfully market the movie in East AsiaThis does not relieve Hollywood of any blame, as American soft power helps perpetuate anti-blackness in East Asia, but I think it is important to consider the international reality underscoring the controversy of this casting. Boxing it as an American problem feels like focusing on a symptom and ignoring the big picture."
> No. 86811
>>86810sorry, hit enter too early
Also, where's the evidence that they're not Americanizing the names? That would be fucking retarded on hollywood's part. Even niche as hell americanized adaptation "Edge of Tomorrow" changed the names so it wouldn't look fucking dumb to call Tom Cruise Keiji Kiriya
No. 86815
>>86808It's a good point, actually. I understand where it's coming from.
Also, there are rumors that said that they will use CGI to make ScarJo more Asian? this is true, personally, I don't understand why they have to go such lengths, why don't they just cast an Asian person to begin with? If star power is the main issue and if they
are targeting East Asians, why don't they cast a big name actress (who can speak English very well) from there? Surely they will make plenty of money too.
No. 86816
>>86738I'll bite and say: Shut the fuck up, you waste of space nobody gives a two shits about your backwards change of heart. Hell, no one fucking cares about you in general. Now get out of our board.
Damn it.
No. 86819
>>86817This. I'm always falling for racist-chan bait and even I know not to take this faggot seriously.
Shitty, poorly done troll/10.
No. 86880
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>>86821>>86819>>86817If it makes you feel better that you think I'm just baiting because you think people aren't threatened by "PoC", good for you!
>>86816>our boardAn hero yourself
>>86874No, anime characters that look japanese look like picture related. Idris Elba has two wives.
No. 86895
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>>86880I don't really give a fuck what race they cast for the characters but you have to at least admit Scarlet looks wildly different from the original character. So do countless other movie characters but I can see why some fans of a given series would dislike that
No. 87056
>>86895was there this much of an outcry when the live action attack on titan movie was made?
Full cast japanese actors/actresses even though the majority of the characters are meant to be white.
But seriously, I'm asking. Was there even any bitching? Or was it negligible because japan aren't a bunch of pissbabies?
No. 87071
>>87056Here's the thing, it's not really a situation that's in any way comparable.
In order for Japan to get a visually accurate cast together for a film like Attack on Titan, they have to deal with the statistical impossibility of finding Western-looking teenagers (because the characters are kids), whom not only LOOK the part of their roles, but are also able to speak fluent Japanese to the extent that they are believable in the lines they deliver. How many white teenagers do you know that can not only speak Japanese but can also competently act?
Also due to the fact that Japan is still largely a homogeneous society, there is a very large chance that by having an entire cast of Western-looking actors, people will not go see the movie.
For America it's not really the same at all. The culture (kek) is so heterogeneous, producers quite literally have their pick of the litter. There are SO many Japanese/East Asian/haafu actors and actresses in Japan who would not only be able to look the part visually, but are very competent and gifted performers, and are able to speak both Japanese and English.
Japan does not have these options available.
America does, they have all the options, and they still pick this chunky, honk-nosed hack.
Legit the only person Scarlet Johansson knows how to portray is Scarlet Johansson, but then we all know she wasn't chosen for her acting ability, but because the producers know they can't rely on the GitS fandom alone for their revenue so they have to put a "big name" in there with some nice tiddies and a bit of recognisable ass to go with it.
The bigger problem in itself is that for people born in America with Asian ethnicity who do decide they want to act and actually retain the talent, it's already difficult for them to obtain roles because of the way they look, but every time a producer decides to cast somebody like ScarJo you're literally taking a potential job away from an Asian person and giving it to a white person, again.
I really hope the film tanks. I certainly won't be paying to see it. You'd think these cuck producers would have learnt their lesson from what happened with Pan, Stonewall and The Lone Ranger.
No. 87082
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trans people are so fucking delusional it hurts. and of course, OP was the typical fugly tumblrina-tard package, short bangs and all
No. 87089
>>87071>and they still pick this chunky, honk-nosed hack.damn anon. She's not suited for the role but that's a bit harsh.
But I do actually think a movie like this would have been a great opportunity to bring in a new name actress. It's just one of those films that needs a new face as the star.
>>87075I guarantee this would have just made it much much worse. all the screaming about cultural erasure from tumblr and the fans getting pissed the story is being messed with.
No. 87090
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>>86895Pic related looks much better.
No. 87092
>>87082I'm honestly not a violent person but I wish I could beat the shit out of all these trannies who think this way. You can mutilate your body, pretend to be a woman, and I'll play pretend with you but this is too fucking far.
They're literally trying to put half the population in danger just so 0.3% of the population feels comfortable. And honestly, it's not even a huge deal if they actually pass like so many of them love to humblebrag about.
No. 87096
>Scarlet Jo>chunkywaistless hipless skinnyfat monster detected
kill yourself. you're far more repulsive than a garbage can.
No. 87139
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>>87116Scarjo is a chunky monkey and not fit to play my waifu; deal with it :^)
No. 87141
>>86727Bro, are you even listening to yourself? Obviously the characters most Japanese media are Japanese, that's the easiest to do. It is extremely simple for people to take inspiration and create characters based off of their own familiarity. The creator isn't very good, only did porn before hand and took a lot of influence from western media too. The plot and characters in the movie were never inherently Japanese. But there is a huge difference between the setting being in Japan for and it being a Japanese setting.
Also, this is art, not reproduction I think it would be really boring to keep everything exactly the same rather than translating the whole thing over to the US.
No. 87149
>>87141>this is art, not reproductionBut it's a literal adaptation. If you don't want to reproduce most of the key features of something, why are you using its title and characters?
It's not like GiTS is the only sci-fi franchise ever. Having ScarJo play someone named "Motoko Kusanagi" is a very retarded move, no matter how you spin it.
No. 87163
>>87071>You'd think these cuck producers would have learnt their lesson from what happened with Pan, Stonewall and The Lone Ranger.Agree. Those directors should take notes from whoever made Mortal Kombat movie. They cast unknown actors and the cast matched the races in the games too. It bombed in reviews, but it was the fourth highest grossing video game adaptation ever released. That's quite a good example that good casting with unknown actors can bring more money too, in my opinion. Although yes, Mortal Kombat have bigger fandom than GitS, can't debate with that.
>>87149Yep, 'Motoko Kusanagi' name sounds and is Japanese, it would be hard not to picture a Japanese or an Asian woman playing her. It's like Emma Stone in 'Aloha', like, would you seriously believe that Emma is a half-Asian named Allison Ng?
No. 87196
>>87071They cast Abe Hiroshi as a blond-haired Roman. The guy never speaks a line of Japanese in both Thermae Romae films, so your excuses don't really stick.
That being said Abe Hiroshi is about the only decent looking Asian guy who doesn't look like a twink faggot, so it's ok.
No. 87251
>>87097Lol why are you assblasted? What is your ethnicity? Arabs are ok people tbh, the only civilized moroccans (if there are some) are arabs. Not a coincidence at all. Only those fucking palestinians….ugh. Only good pali is a dead pali.
>>87195i dont understand this post though
No. 87260
>>87252What¿ I dont understand your post because it has literally nothing to do with my sperging about muslims, kurds, berbers, niggers, palestinians, jungle orientals, donald trump and pakistanis. The reason why turks are cool is because in daily life they wont rape you or attack you out of nowhere unlike the kurd. No need to mention history.
>Wish Turks would have genocided Arabs and North Africans rather than Armenians. Armenians are still a race of Jews though.But turks did¿
No. 87398
>>83580I was going to say kek nice bait, but honestly I've been a selfish bitch in all relationships. They're always at least 4th priority (coming after work, friends and my own hobbies), and every one of them has been nurturing, caring and only too ready to provide. And all of them would lick me out knowing I wouldn't give anything in return.
It's hilarious.
No. 87427
>>87251It's not Palestinians stealing others land, and ethnically cleansing the inhabitants all because some fairy tale textn says it is their promised land.
Why not be concerned about the real supporters of human rights abuses, war crime and apartheid….. ISRAEL!
No. 87540>somehow saying my ninja is worse There are so many more threads I could paste here but I'd get brain cancer if I did.
Lipstickalley definitely belongs in this thread. I see anons here openly admit that they use this black version of stormfront even though LSA is the SJW playground. (for blacks only which is worse!). Each user (the majority) hates on every race but their own, and then they turn around and say "hurrr blax r moz opresh one!" After saying a couple wacis remarks. They hate SJWs but they are the epitome of one. Also, LSA wasn't always like this. Before 2011 they seemed a bit more reasonable so I say it's definitely the influence of the currently winning SJWs.
No. 87542
>>87540tbh if people from LSA came here and saw half of the racist threads they'd probably run with the notion that lolcow is a racist chan (which it really isn't).
It's a forum that pretty much for black people are you surprised…like really?
Personally I don't deal with LSA because race based forums are beneath me.
No. 87547
>>87542Yeah but the thing is LSA is a mainstream nonedgy forum for black female normies which means that it influences black females to be like this irl too.
We're here edgy autists and only PULLtards post here unironically.
No. 87673
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You didn't know Shakespeare was black?
No. 87678
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>>87673Despite /pol/ telling you white people always have pale skin blonde hair blue eyes I will tell you something you probably did not know: there are europeans that look like hispanics/arabs (for example: Kim Kardashian) Omg amazing huh? Just don't tell /pol/ they will get
No. 87681
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>>87680>>87679Yeah and the Irish were considered niggers too. Kum looks more like Kris Jenner than her father, so is Kris Jenner (who is dutch) not white either?
Perhaps it's because race is just indeed a social construct¿¿¿ (also something people don't want to comprehend)
No. 87683
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>>87681Surgery made her look more white (and like her mom), but she looked a lot more ethnic naturally.
No. 87686
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>>87683She just looks more polished but not specifically less ethnic?…it's not like she bleached her skin, put in blue eye contacts etc…
Unless you consider a symmetric polished face european which is absurb.
her two halfsisters could pass for turkish/gypsy/armenian etc…yet they are as white as they come? If they said that they are turkish or something no one would EVER consider them white.
For me Armenians are white for you they aren't. Yet I am right because they are considered politically so (I wont say culturally lmao because even culturally they barely are). But that goes for ALL the "white countries". Otherwise Shakespear should also be considered not white. We wuz kingz :^).
>>87684Their sisters look armenian because race is a s o c i a l c o n s t r u c t. There's an italian celebrity that looks 50% black yet she is 100% italian. Aboriginals look black yet they aren't. Etcetcetc
No. 87687
>>87681Kris and the Jenner daughters looks so much more Armenian than the older sisters. The older ones (well, Kim and Kourtney) look so arab-y. except for Khloe.Then again, Khloe doesn't look like either parent.
No. 87688
>>87686… wait are we joking or being serious about the "social construct" stuff? I can never tell what's real or what's going on with social constructs anymore.
Turks are dirty.
No. 87691
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>>87688If you're too /pol/ or scared to accept the fact that race is a social construct see pic related and that might wake you up. She is considered white, italian.
>>87689>>87690White sandnigger plz. Armenians/greeks always looked dark. And I think you're talking about turks not arabs. Sure your mother has blonde hair and green eyes, but the majority of Armenia does not have this. And even pakistanis can have blonde hair and green eyes. What's your point?
No. 87694
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>>87693I know this. And meh biracial a bit I wouldn't say 100% african. I'm from an Arab country and we have a lot of girls who look like this, although we do not consider them as a butiful melike. Heck even I look like her a bit lmao. But my point was only that Europeans, despite them being able to look like complete sandniggers, are white because they politically just are. Except turkey if course. And that Shakespear was not darkiefied like anon was implying.
No. 87768
>>876781. His skin is flat out brown.
2. He's clearly light skinned in that picture
3. Look at all the darkies in the side pictures
No. 87777
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>>87776I was hoping this was satire….
No. 87790
>>87773It's called stylization. Do you even color theory/palette choices, or do you have eye problems?
>black sea>orange donkey>blue night sky in one picture, then dark grey in another>yellow quill pen, not white>"wow not realistic at all, smh racism"Literally how you sound.
Next, you'll probably complain that white people are being turned brown if they use a yellowish/sepia filter on their photos.
No. 87836
>>87828Yes of course you can say your mother is a monster, I have heard stories of parents straight up raping their son or daughter when they were babies and you're anon here so your mother could have done terrible things in order to be called a monster so I am definitely not saying that you cant tell your psychologist this.
But you did not say to the psychologist that "People with personality disorders are just as bad as rapists etc…!!!". You instead complained about a person who also has npd.
But in case you still dont understand my point: i've met plenty of unstable people but never in my life did I say to them "haha you are so borderline xd" or "haha kill all narcissistic people". It hurts people who have possibly done you no wrong, it doesn't concern you and you should focus on the shit they do to you and not their diagnose. If we do this to autists who can potentially ruin your life just as much as someone with a personality disorder, it would be called cruel, so why aren't we civil people to everyone no matter what their diagnose is? That is all what I'm saying. End the stigma of every mental issue.
No. 87838
>>87836oh no, I fear I might have just gone off on the whole "therapist will laugh in your face" comment. I wholeheartedly agree that one should not go tossing that stuff around lightly, and i especially feel for the people with bipolar & ocd, those terms seem to be misused the mosed i.e "i'm such a neatfreak = i'm SOO OCD LOL", that shit has to hurt.
Thanks for not losing your shit on me, like i feel happens a lot here now a days. Glad we could have a "conversation" on the topic.
No. 89061
>>87778The Impossible Demands of Dating Under the Pressures of Rape Culture's your own dumb fault if you agree to meet a stranger from the internet in an isolated place and let him give you alcohol. Don't try to play this up as "mah rape culture".
The comic feels like it's sending a weird mixed message. You should not do something this stupid. Yet others shouldn't be telling you not to do something this stupid.
>>"We're expected to perform risk calculations"Well yeah. Even a 7 year old usually knows that strangers are dangerous and you do go off with one into a sketchy apartment or van. Education about risk is not victim blaming.
No. 89062
Oh here's a good one:
>>Using “he/him/his” or “she/her/hers” pronouns does not always mean that someone is actually male or female. This is why it is better to introduce yourself with the combination of pronouns you use rather than calling them “male” or “female” pronouns.So I'm supposed to say to new people "Hello I am Anon and I use she/her/hers pronouns. Nice to meet you."
I'm obviously female. I don't think I should have to use my pronouns to announce myself along with my name. Maybe they just mean nonbinary tumblrinas here. But I always see them posting about how you should ask everyone foe their pronouns. I am not using weird pronouns. I would be very uncomfortable saying "Johhny told me that xe got a new job and will be able to move xirself into a better apartment now"
No. 89214
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This whole Trans happening is so bullshit.
>i always played with dolls thus im a woman
>i was such an ay lmao tomboy thus im a boy xd
Gender roles are literally just a social construct, which they believe so too and I believe in evolution so dont call me a christian, yet they believe at the same time males and females do certain things because of our "female brain" and "male brain. Fuck. I bet they are the same people who think women never want sex or cant be as much as an /r9k/ sickfuck as men. There are transwomen who refuse to surgically tuck their penis in because they arent willing to go as far as their counterparts but they seem happy enough with meds (only meds they need is a lethal injection or antipsychotica meds) and an XXL lolita BTSSB petticoat. Do they realize there are women, real women, who dont have a lot of estrogen? Yet as few of that hormone they have they are still more woman than gigi gorgeous is even though they might look like a /pol/ neckbeard. I miss the times when it only required 3 seconds to decide your gender. Just because you look like a dyke doesn't mean you're a guy. Transwomen are just trannies who take rupaul's dragrace too seriously.
No. 89384
>>89210I thought she personally refused to make an account instead of the bank denying her because the lack of non-binary gender options on the forms
triggered her. Which is dumber.
No. 90840
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No. 90849
>>90824I know this may confuse you, but unlike "Jewish" the term "Muslim" refers to a religion not a race.
Prehaps you should change #3 to "Indos" as Indonesia has the largest population of mussies in the world.
No. 91392
>>91307I already know their logic behind it.
They rationalize this bullshit by saying "well threats like these have been said before or are probably happening to a minority somewhere right now so it's okay to make a fake account demonstrating what's happening 'out there.'"
No. 91437
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I encountered this bullshit in the Ted Bundy tag sometime ago. This girl could've made such a good point by actually addressing the real problem aka the tumblrinas that romanticize serial killers, but instead she's spouting bullshit about how it's Evil to be sexually attracted to someone just because they were a murderer (or maybe even racist!), regardless of how plenty of hybristophiles/masochists are perfectly aware killers are disgusting pieces of shit and don't claim them to be anything else.
No. 91728
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this was a comment on a photo of trump eating a taco bowl. in what world is this even relevant to that? sometimes i can't even believe that people who reach this hard are real.
No. 92075
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>>91728I don't know why people are so angry at Trump's post
He's not the best with his words but I feel he was trying to be nice
No. 92122
>>92075I dont follow US politics that much
>from the land of maplebut I think it would be because he wants to build that mexican wall and appears to be racist towards mexicans?
No. 92132
>>92122The Secure Fence Act was passed way back in 2006 but the last two presidents refused to provide funding to complete the wall.
Only the California section is complete, but illegal immigration pretty much disappeared there, so Trump's ideas are not that wild.
>>92075Trump is way smarter than you think. He intentionally placed that photo of Marla Maples (2nd wife) to steal attention, and every tongue-wagger in the media talked about that instead of Ted Cruz.
No. 92270
>>92081its ok as long if you know what you did wrong
I ordered my donald trump cap btw yay
No. 92273
>>92269Why? He has bankrupted every business he has owned and now is just paid to put his name on buildings or act as a reality TV star? He has shown himself to be an incompetent businessman, to have treated the women in his life badly and justs shouts reactionary soundbites so he can get into the tabloid press the next day.
Why would you want him to be your president? I'm glad that in Scotland he got upset about our First minister having a windfarm near his golf course that he took us to court and got chased out of our country with his wig.
No. 92394
>>91426tbh this isn't necessarily true
one of my ex's owned an architecture company. he had black people on his staff simply because he wanted 'minorities' to make himself look better to clients. he would often complain about how little they actually did around the office. one of the guys that he hired was actually sent to jail because he was stealing from the books, but he got hired anyways because the ceo wanted to appear as though he was encouraging reformed criminals. they don't let him touch finances with a ten-foot-pole, though.
No. 92426
>>91440this makes me so mad, but that fat sack of shit really did make an absolute fool of herself lmao. I'm so glad she's now the official face of SJW's everywhere!
LONG LIVE #TRIGGLYPUFF (at least until the inevitable heart attack)
No. 92447
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First of, I want to say that one SJW mod banned me and I am do not believe that it was admin sama who banned me because he promised us that we could be rednecks in these threads! So whoever banned me itt fuck you and your sister, you stupid ugly fucking nigger spic mudslime. Being a nigger spic mudslime is possible, just be an afro messican who converted to islam!
Anyways, niggers are doing it again!
No. 92452
>>92447Melania means "melanin". Trump confirmed for racemixer. :^))))
Also, I'm pretty sure Michelle has done more as a first lady for America than Melania ever could, but Trump supporters are certainly dumb enough to base a first lady's (or any lady's) merit solely on her outer appearance/race/youth, so I guess that doesn't matter.
No. 92464
>>92393He's the only candidate who is concerned with looking out for America and the American people. He turned down money from Israel so they don't have that to hold over his head, while still having a positive relation with them. He knows how to play by the rules.
Check out this cute little story: No. 92473
File: 1463336638869.jpeg (6.7 KB, 279x181, bengarrison.jpeg)

>>92447There's something funny about an artist that looks like a melting plastic cowboy thinking the attractiveness of the first lady is really that important
No. 92475
>>92464>he's the only candidate concerned with looking out for America and the American people…how?
Like, I don't want cute stories about how 'proud' he is of the American flag. It's just a banner for a country in the same way a logo represents a company. I want hard facts. Which of his policies do you think are sound? Why do you trust this guy?
Also, before you start: can you defend a candidate that has been this badly reamed?
No. 92541
>>92475Deporting illegals.
Taxing outsourcing companies.
Hating muslims.
No. 92634
>>91440 is an interview with Trigglypuff, also, cis white males are a social construct now?
It's long, but so laughable and cringe-inducing
Enjoy, fellow farmers.
The video wouldn't embed properly, sorry for that.
No. 94271
File: 1464250461641.jpg (644.16 KB, 1538x2048, 1464202824955.jpg) apparently the normies are unto /pol/ memes around taylor swift, and now they're turning on her because some dudes on 4chan think she's hot.
No. 94340
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I'm actually (kind of) shoked that so many Americans wan't trump to be their president. Even if you agree with what he says (which is hilariously retarded most of the time) why would you want someone who can't act like a decent human being to represent your country? and by that I mean someone who is constantly going for personal attacks at other people, yelling, and just overall super rude. I wouldn't want some rude redneck to be screaming and insulting the way people look/their dick size to be representing my country.
>inb4 he's only doing that and saying ignorant things because HES ACTUALLY a SUPER SMART GENIUS HURR
No. 94344
>>94340I evaluate people based on their policies.
No serious state would simply up and naturalize 11 million people (at least) who have entered your country illegally. It completely destroys the notion of the rule of law, consistency, the idea of citizenship in of itself being valuable and something to work towards and so on.
For that reason alone I support Donald Trump. A state without real borders is no state at all.
No. 94422
>>94340>why would you want someone who can't act like a decent human being to represent your country? and by that I mean someone who is constantly going for personal attacks at other people, yelling, and just overall super rudeHahaha, oh anon don't you see? That's the american way!
It just seems fitting that an asshole is going to be in charge of an asshole country, don't you think?
Now even your own president will reflect completely and without shame what north america is all about to the whole wide world.
No. 94433
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>>94344>I evaluate people based on their policies.Holy shit
No. 95581
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Ewww ewww ewww
No. 95592
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>>95581>>95582This is vile. Do we seriously live in a world where everything must be broadcasted on social media?? I'm glad I'm older now and never did this trash.
No. 95593
>>95582>passion in my eyesBitch your eyes are closed in two of the pics. Even in the open ones she looks like a bored druggie.
No. 98244
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No. 98262
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This true story.
No. 98263
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No. 98264
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No. 98285
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No. 98330
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This is a sponsored post and I'm very surprised that SJWs aren't shitting themselves ALL over it. There's no comments yet.
No. 98507
>>98262That's so poorly written. It even uses bad fictional narrative devices (he said… I felt… he says with drunken confidence. he smells like whiskey), is this shit even intended to pass as a legit thing that happened? If so, that some odd choices.
It's cute in a way, because it's absurd and non realistic. Like how very young children lie about impossible things because they don't know better. Awww.
No. 98544
>>98541I get the same exact thing and I'm white "passing". "wow your spanish is so good unlike the OTHER ones", "wow you actually like "real spicy" food???", "You mean your parents aren't related?" plus tons shittalking in spanish about how I must be racist before I've even gotten a chance to say hello. Everyone who's out of the ordinary gets it in every country.
As for your english is so good it's not really a "racist" statement depending on where you live. If I didn't know basic spanish it'd be literally impossible to talk to most of the people in my neighborhood. We have tons and tons of first gen Mexicans and south Americans in my area. Even in things for customer service and at jobs if I don't speak spanish chances are they'll mess something up or have a lot of communication errors. Usually only the men learn even basic english because they need it for work and even then a lot stay in their own community so even 50 years later they never learn how to put together a sentence.
No. 98608
>>98605I saw this today and was okay until I heard the"genderqueer, nonbinary" shit.
No. 98640
>>98544I'm white passing too!
I understand what you mean. I have never lived in "spanish" neighborhoods only white american filled ones. I don't consider the "wow ur english is good' statement usually racist (unless its said like "wow all other hispanics are dumb and can't speak english!" kind of shit haha) it's more just a little ignorant. By the time people usually say that statement anyways it's usually paired with being "surprised" about what my parents do for a living, our level of life/education, etc which makes it pretty annoying. It's usually a combo of "wow so u don't work at some super "low" job/are "super low income"??? WOW how shocking!".
>>98605>>98608I didn't watch this video but I have to say I can understand people not "identifying" with one specific gender. In many cultures there are more than two genders (and our concept of gender is pretty socially constructed, Ie. "girls like pink, boys like blue!"). Do I think many people play this up and come up with a more "ridiculous" thing like saying " I am genderfuckqueeralphawomenpixie" gender or some shit? yeah ofc but I also don't think a third (?)/ non descriptive gender identity isn't too crazy of an idea.
I personally Identify as a straight woman and I'm sure most people identify as their born sex/gender tho.
No. 98643
>>98262Barista: claps
My mum: claps
Obama: claps
No. 98659
>>98640>I also don't think a third (?)/ non descriptive gender identity isn't too crazy of an idea. It's a retarded idea because all that does is further reinforce the girls=pink, boys=blue stereotypes/roles. Honestly people need to shut the fuck up about gender unless they're trans or sth (but that's a different issue I guess) and just do whatever the fuck they want. Ok your overly religious grandma hates it when you wear your hair short, and makes you wear dresses? You prefer pants? That doesn't not make you a girl so don't cry about it dipshit, you're gonna have to deal with frustrating people WHEREVER you go. Swallow your entitlement or tell her to fuck off and wear pants.
It's like people are getting too retarded to think for themselves.
No. 98677
>>98659sorry I didn't use a good example. I'm not saying that someone not adhering to traditional gender roles is automatically "duo gender/the opposite sex". I like to do some "traditionally" male things but I don't think I'm suddenly a man because of this, I still identify as a woman for example.
What I was trying to say is I can "understand" why there are some people that don't
feel like they fit a gender binary (because gender is a something we
feel). Like I can understand there being something like "three" "genders" man, woman, and the "third" being something like neutral? I don't know. I don't Identify with anything out of the ordinary but looking at other cultures that have more than two genders made me think about it.Gender varies throughout cultures so it's not so right/wrong/black white tbh.
I don't understand why you got so angry about it. i was just trying to share my viewpoint.
No. 98708
>>98677>I like to do some "traditionally" male things but I don't think I'm suddenly a man because of this, I still identify as a woman for example.Good for you. But have you ever
heard people who identify as nonbinary and such? That's all that it's ever been. "I liked some weird stuff, and didn't really fit in well with my more normie peers so I'm going to embrace my untreated PCOS as a sign I'm meant to challenge the 'gender binary'".
Gender varies throughout cultures because gender is not something we "feel", it is not innate. It is the product of a society's structure and the way they've decided roles should be dealt for the sexes. Different cultures have different ideas for gender because they have different ideas for the way a society should be run. Saudi Arabians think society runs best when women can't drive. Some Native American tribes traditionally didn't give a shit if a person wanted to occupy both male and female social roles.
And a society's rules are nebulous. In the past the 'boy color' was pink and blue was for girls. It's pointless to rally against a 'binary' that isn't even set in stone. Be happy that you live in an era where girls can wear pants and study science, and embrace your differences constructively. But no, we have to endure the endless screeching from half-brain idiots who think the most pressing matter in social politics is whether or not ~genderqueers~ can have a bathroom when unisex toilets have existed for ages.
>I don't understand why you got so angry about it. i was just trying to share my viewpoint.You can barely articulate your viewpoint, do you even know what it is? If I sound angry then it's because I'm tired of well-meaning, clueless passives like you who don't want to ~offend~ dumb fucktards whose idea of reaching gender equality is shitty haircuts and posting retarded shit and selfies on social media about 'down with cis' and bullshit like that.
Sage for rant
No. 98726
>>98682that's sex not gender.
>who don't want to ~offend~ dumb fucktardsWhat are you even talking about? I'm not trying to be ~omg pc~ I'm just saying I can see somewhat from a point of view. like I said, I wasn't referring to "tumblr" people who call themselves some insane shit only because they have short hair or something I meant
in general I can understand why
some people may feel a certain way. I wasn't even thinking about ~gender equality~ or ~inclusion~ or whatever other ideas you think I have.
No. 98878
>>98605I do love the like/dislike ratio though.
I think it speaks for itself.
No. 98922
>>98708>And a society's rules are nebulous. In the past the 'boy color' was pink and blue was for girls. It's pointless to rally against a 'binary' that isn't even set in stone. Be happy that you live in an era where girls can wear pants and study science, and embrace your differences constructively. But no, we have to endure the endless screeching from half-brain idiots who think the most pressing matter in social politics is whether or not ~genderqueers~ can have a bathroom when unisex toilets have existed for ages.Holyshit, this. If you were born a man, you are a man. If you were born a woman, you are a woman. I am damn grateful I can wear pants to work, makeup isn't a damn obligation, as well as go to school for a legit career instead of my only options being stay at home wife or secretary.
>>98729The idiots on tumblr have NO idea what a real struggle is. They are not the women from the 1960s fighting for equality or the women living in third world shit holes who get their clitoris cut off to remain 'pure' for men. I hate sjws more than anything. They are the most self-entitled, overly privileged pieces of shits that take real world problems backwards and focus on garbage like which bathroom a man in a dress can piss in and 'muh pronouns!!1'
No. 98924
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>>98618At least scene/emo didn't force shitty bathroom laws and other bullshit down your throats and you can easily ignore them. Now I see subway ads in NYC saying to use the 'bathroom you feel identifies with your gender.' fuck this gay earth.
No. 98926
People always, ALWAYS, compare this transtrender bullshit to emo/scene. Emo and scene wasn't trying to make little kids fuck up their hormones because "muh gender roles" or pass retarded laws.
No. 99089
>>98926have you seen the comic 'assigned male' by Sophie Labelle?
He actually advocates children being put on hormone blockers until they decide what gender they want to be.
No. 99096
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>>99089Just checked out his comics. Utter shite.
No. 99103
>>98618Honestly, this. People are still coddled up with the idea that this is just a marginal Tumblr phenomenon while actually it's getting more and more mainstream. And it's damaging as fuck too. In my country, trans treatments are paid by the state's public health program but you have to go through a very tight screening that will last from anywhere between 6 to 24+ months depending on the progress you're making with the psychiatrists. Kids who get caught up in the Tumblr ~nonbinary snowflake~ bullshit sign up for the screening and actually pass around advice on how to fool the doctors into thinking they're trans in order to get an access to HRT and the surgeries. I follow plenty of kids aged 17-19 who actually think about everything they're going to say and how they're going to dress up and sit in the chair in order to get the diagnosis.
The stats are saying that the amount of young people seeking to get into the screening is on a steep rise, so it's not just a small problem. These kids are making decisions that WILL last for the rest of their lives and are _irreversible_. Before teenage girls would do something stupid like claim their gender as male on deviantart and act like a fakeboy, but really they didn't go through with hormones and mastectomy. Give them 5 years and they'll grow the fuck out of it.
No. 99249
>>98605even treys in on it
fuck sake
No. 99258
>>99096And the kicker is these kids are supposed to be like, 8-10 years old yet talk like a menopausal gender studies teacher 100% of the time.
I'm so done.
No. 99600
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A white tumblrina decided that Hanzo from Overwatch didn't look "Japanese enough" and made a stupid ass edit to make him look "more Japanese" because m-muh diversity without realizing how fucking racist the thought is. Thankfully it backfired horribly.
No. 99672
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>>99600As someone who likes Hanzo, this is fucking hilarious. I'm glad she got what was coming to her.
No. 99678
Is anyone else here a humanities fag? I have a LOT of fun analyzing tumblrites through my academic glasses, shit's more addictive than crack.
And I can still deceive myself and pretend like my essays on the crazy will be relevant someday.
>>99676Fake trans is still read as trans, and trans people are necessarily oppressed all of the time. Especially because they're deviant in an active fashion rather than in a "passive" one ("ace") that simply consists in abstaining.
Don't mind me, just agreeing with you and making a pointless point.
No. 99732
>>98244>the lgbt community was formed by bi trans womenI thought it started from a few gay dude communities banning together and then including lesbians?
>flamboyant gay dudes = trans women?>gay dudes/transwomen liking dick would make them straight>but they're also gay = bi?is this it???
No. 99765
>>99732Don't even dignify them by using their bizarre acronyms and terms.
They are mentally ill. This is not a pejorative statement. These people are pathological. Let them destroy themselves with their illness.
No. 99858
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No. 99859
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No. 99997
>>99907You don't understand anon.
For tumblr fictional characters are more important than real people. Is like when they kill a character from their favorite shows then it's taking it one step too far worthy of a meltdown.
No. 100147
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>>99859>i literally fear for my fucking life when i walk down the street with my short hair and my rainbow necklaceThen don't dress that way? Holy shit
No. 100187
can someone explain why non binary isn't real? i distinctly remember someone on here explaining why it isn't but I can't remember which thread, or if that's simply my shit memory fucking up. I even tried googling it even though i knew that all that'd appear were tumblrs, WordPress blogs, and wiki's on how it's real etc.
>>100147anon, that's oppression, don't you know!
No. 100194
>>100187>non binaryFucking tumblr. Which one is that again? The one where they don't think sex=gender or the one where they make up all the different 'kin' things or the one where they have a million different ways to say that can love whoever the hell they want?
Legit. I cannot keep up with all this fucking bullshit.
No. 100196
"don't label us!"
"excuse me, we are this label, how dare you not use our pronouns"
No. 100202
>>100196Tumblr: I totally don't have gender u guys, liek gender? what's that, amirite?
Oh btw today i use He/Him/They/Them pronouns, and I'm using this poofy pink skirt and drag makeup with my pastel blue hair, misgender me and ur death shitlord :^)))
No. 100226
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>An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they’re born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from “white privilege,” while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers.
>They complain the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites in classes where they’re made to feel awful about their “whiteness,” and all the “kids of color” in other rooms where they’re taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges.
>The program, these parents say, deliberately instills in white children a strong sense of guilt about their race. Some kids come home in tears, saying, “I’m a bad person.”
>They say white kids are being brainwashed into thinking any success they achieve is unearned. Indeed, a young white girl is seen confessing on a Bank Street video: “I feel guilty for having a privilege I don’t deserve.”They're in your law courts.
They're in your schools.
They're in your universities.
They're in your media.
They're in your entertainment industry.
How much longer can you keep claiming they're just a "lunatic fringe" when they're able to exert this sort of influence?
No. 100232
>>100226The intent behind this is not wrong. It's not like western society has completely evolved from segregation/Jim Crow laws.
The problem is they go overboard and just make things worse by victimizing children who aren't mature enough to fully understand the implications. If all they can take away is "I'm a bad person because of my race", not "I have a lot of good things in life, and it's mostly because my race grants me both conscious and unconscious advantages. The opposite is true for anyone who doesn't look like me or my family, and that's wrong", then the teachers are doing it wrong.
No. 100234
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>>100232>intent behind brainwashing 6 year olds and trying to make them feel guilty is not wrongWhat happened to lolcow? Why are there so many unironic sjws here now?
>conscious and unconscious advantages I hate your black skin and flared nostrils.
No. 100238
>>100232There is no "white privilege". White people are the only group on earth who aren't allowed ethnically exclusive identities. Who are expected to reduce themselves to minority status for yours and your absent father's benefit.
The fact that your side is reduced to claiming things like "white people prefer to date other white people" as evidence of the voodoo you assert is proof enough of just how far you have to reach.
No. 100241
>>100234What year was that shitty-quality infograph made in?
If you really want evidence to the contrary, all you have to do is step into a decent medical college in the US today.
>M-muh brainwashingIt's not brainwashing.
>I hate your black skin and flared nostrils.>"I-I'm not racist though!!!"kek
No. 100243
>>100238>There is no "white privilege".This is incorrect factually.
>White people are the only group on earth who aren't allowed ethnically exclusive identitiesIt's like you don't even know what Europe is. Hell, it's not uncommon for white people to cite their different ethnicities (and then claim to have 1% Native American ancestry because why not) and celebrate them.
>Who are expected to reduce themselves to minority status for yours and your absent father's benefit. What are you even talking about?
>The fact that your side is reduced to claiming things like "white people prefer to date other white people" as evidence of the voodoo you assert is proof enough of just how far you have to reach.Still don't know what you're talking about. You sound extremely butthurt and mentally ill.
No. 100245
>>100241I don't recall saying I wasn't racist.
And are you denying blacks are institutionally privileged when it comes to ivy, med school and law school acceptance rates? No. 100247
>>100243>incorrect factually You're not dealing with an empirical assertion. It's purposefully non verifiable so using terms like factual is inappropriate. If white privilege existed. You'd expect whites to, at the very least, have similar immigration laws to states like Japan and Korea.
>Europe I am European. Non whites here claim to be French, German, English etc all the time. In other words they're not ethnically exclusive identities like Korean, Chinese etc.
>what are you even talking about? Whites are headed towards minority status in western Europe and North America. This is a demographic fact.
>mentally illMentally ill would be cheering on non whites to take over the country. I.e. Leftists.
No. 100249
>>100245>I don't recall saying I wasn't racist.And I don't recall saying "brainwashing six year olds is not wrong".
Blacks are less likely to attend college to begin with, usually because of socioeconomic factors. The reason behind any higher acceptance rates is most likely based off the fact that there's a smaller amount of applicants in general (as opposed to a larger, more spread-out group of whites and Asians who apply). No. 100251
>>100249Uh. That's the point. Blacks are significantly more likely to get in with the same grades. In other words they have an institutional advantage, they have a significantly better chance of getting in than a white or Asian student of equivalent grades.
Can you into basic statistics?
No. 100253
>>100249That's exactly what you said. You claimed the principle was fine but the execution was off.
Our kids aren't Guinea pigs for social "science" kookery. And certainly shouldn't feel anything but pride in being a white European.
No. 100254
>>100247>You're not dealing with an empirical assertion. It's purposefully non verifiable so using terms like factual is inappropriate. Black people are less likely to be employed based on having ethnically "black" names, non-white children are reportedly seen as "less innocent" by police officers, Muslim people were reportedly harassed shortly after 9/11, etc. Assertions and stereotypes that bleed into the workplace and general quality of life that target mainly non-white people can be seen as white privilege. This is all in the US, by the way, maybe Europe is different (and in which case, I'm not sure why you felt the need to respond to a very America-centric post).
>I am European. Non whites here claim to be French, German, English etc all the time. They're not taken seriously.
>In other words they're not ethnically exclusive identities like Korean, Chinese etc.There are white people who move to Japan, marry Japanese men/women and then claim that they themselves are Japanese shortly after. This behavior is not exclusive to non-whites.
>If white privilege existed. You'd expect whites to, at the very least, have similar immigration laws to states like Japan and Korea.Considering Japan and Korea aren't considered world powers, and don't necessarily have much of a historical hand in dealing with countries (outside of the sphere of East Asia), the circumstances are a bit different.
>>100250What are you talking about? Did your boyfriend run off with a black girl? Don't whine to me, sorry.
No. 100256
>>100254The study on naming conventions never compared "lower class" white names to middle class names. This lack of a control makes it useless.
And yes. The bulk of violent terrorism is committed by sunni Muslims. Of course people are going to engage in pattern recognition based on this. Japan quite literally has legal precedent which they enforce to monitor every single Islamic institution and shop in the country from mosques to halal butchers. They do it because it's rational.
>not taken seriously I fucking wish.
>white people move to Japan Yeah like… Kanadajin and a couple of other people. Truly demographically significant.
>circumstances So you're saying a country needs to be a world power with a colonial empire for minoritization of the native group to be morally acceptable? But there are plenty of European countries which had neither of these things and are being overrun by non whites like you.
No. 100257
>>100253Listen. No one is attacking "pride in being a white European", but the social circumstances that lead to white people in America being favored socially over other races, which negatively affects these other races. You can be proud of your race without shitting on others.
The fact that you conflate the idea of upholding an inherently unjust social system with your idea of pride and confidence in one's self is a bit confusing.
It's almost like you can accept that things are unfair, but want to remain on the "better end" of this unfairness, and hide behind "B-But it's our pride!" to defend it.
No. 100258
>>100255Not even that person but you're aware in absolute numbers more blacks apply for university than asians right.
Moreover even if this were correct you seem completely clueless as to how these statistics actually work in practice. Namely blacks and whites having exactly the same GPA and mcat but blacks being over twice as likely to be accepted.
That's an institutional privilege. You don't have to score as much as other groups to get in. It's that simple.
No. 100260
>>100257The central plank of any black political movement or association is approaching policy in terms of "is it good for my group?"
>>100254White men don't like black women.
No. 100261
>>100256>The study on naming conventions never compared "lower class" white names to middle class names.There isn't that huge of a cultural disparity between naming conventions of poor and middle class whites, so having that thrown in would just be a waste of time/resources
>And yes. The bulk of violent terrorism is committed by sunni Muslims.And the bulk of that terrorism affects Muslims, not whites. There is also no reason to attack innocent Muslims based on the actions of an insane few, just like there's no reason to fear white males because they're more likely to be pedophiles or cannibalistic serial killers/necrophiliacs.
>Japan quite literally has legal precedent which they enforce to monitor every single Islamic institution and shop in the country from mosques to halal butchers. They do it because it's rational.And yet I haven't read a single news story of Muslim people being harassed by Japanese people and called "terrorist" at random. It's almost like being rational is different from being racist.
>I fucking wish.Do you know a single person who unironically believes a random Indian guy is "French"? Even if you do, I doubt it's a significant number of people who think that way.
>Yeah like… Kanadajin and a couple of other people. Truly demographically significant. They exist.
>So you're saying a country needs to be a world power with a colonial empire for minoritization of the native group to be morally acceptable? But there are plenty of European countries which had neither of these things, being overrun by non whites like you.No, I'm saying different circumstances breed different outcomes. That, and I'm pretty sure most European people aren't a minority in their own countries at this point in time.
No. 100262
>>100261I don't give two fucks if sunnis kill each other. I care that our dumb leaders have let them into our country to kill our people.
>they existAnd the Sahara and Northern Europe both have the same climate because they both experience rainfall hurr durr.
No. 100266
>>100260What does that have to do with my point? "Is it good for my group?" is not the same as "Does it lower other groups?", especially considering those on the lower end literally need to think of terms of self-improvement in order to not fall apart and get even worse (while those on the higher end are already "there", so to speak). It's not a competition, and shouldn't be treated as one.
>White men don't like black women.What was the point of that angry, passive-aggressive, rhetorical question, then?
No. 100268
>>100263I said cannibalistic serial killers/necrophiliacs for a reason. Serial killers are common, but it seems like the "worst", most lurid acts are committed by white males. Remember we're still talking about America, too.
>>100262>I care that our dumb leaders have let them into our country to kill our people. Still no reason to harass people who aren't even terrorists.
No. 100270
>>100267That's not being contested. I can't tell whether you're lacking in reading comprehension, or are deliberately trying to dodge my central point by bringing up unrelated things.
There is no reason to keep other groups down. Pride is not an excuse.
No. 100271
>>100268Citation needed. Because the stats I'm looking at put blacks at a far greater proportion of serial killers than their 13 pc of the population.
I agree it's no reason not to be uncivil to ordinary Muslims but they're not one of us.
No. 100275
>>100271If you can link me some black American serial killers on the same par as Albert Fish, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein, etc I'll concede.
>Because the stats I'm looking at put blacks at a far greater proportion of serial killers than their 13 pc of the population. I literally pointed out that while serial killing is far from alien to non-white people, the worst ones in America are quite usually white.
No. 100276
>>100275>on the same par as Albert Fish, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein, etc I'll concede. Yahweh ben Yahweh and his gang of Black Hebrew killers were certainly extremely violent.
Zebra Murders (the most prolific interracial murders in US history).
Wichita Massacre.
Knoxville Killings.
Hi-Fi Killings.
>I literally pointed out that while serial killing is far from alien to non-white people, the worst ones in America are quite usually white.You haven't provided proof for this. Just anecdotes of pop culture icons. If you believed in those anecdotes of pop culture icons as fact, you'd also believe that whites are 100% of serial killers, when in reality blacks are significant more likely to be serial killers than blacks are (black ones just don't become a part of the popular imagination for whatever reason).
No. 100278
>>100277>are not the only facet of societyOf course, but you'd expect a society so thoroughly imbued in "white privilege" and "white supremacy" to do certain things. For example, to have strict immigration and naturalization laws to protect the demographic majority, to be the favored group in things like admission to America's most hallowed tertiary learning institutions and so on.
The thing is, none of this actually transpires. The white privilege narrative simply doesn't make any sense when you look at the statistical reality of things. So you're reduced to claiming it is more and more of an implicit, unobservable, non-falsifiable thing. A sort of "voodoo".
>Pointing this out in schools isn't the same as telling children they're "guilty", it's just introducing an inconvenient reality.It is stigmatizing a natural and normal behavioral impulse, one that is perfectly healthy and sound: To prefer one's own kind. Moreover it is stigmatizing this behavior from one single group alone while celebrating ethnocentrism and in-group preference among other groups.
It is anti-whiteness, plain and simple. There's no other explanation.
No. 100279
>>100272Not wanting those groups to outnumber me in my own homeland is hardly "pushing them to the ground", they have their own ethnostates, where they enjoy their own brand of "privilege" that isn't going away any time soon (look at how non-sunni, non-arabs are treated in the Gulf, and good luck winning a civil case against a Chinese person in China if you're any other race other than Chinese).
It simply doesn't benefit white people, as a group, to be universalists in a highly tribal world. In fact it's akin to hamstringing yourself.
No. 100281
>>100276>Etc.,Most of these are straightforward gang killings committed for ideological/religious purposes, not cases of otherwise mild-mannered, "normal" men doing shit like having sex with dead bodies and eating flesh for fun. Everyone is already scared of cults, gangs and extremists.
>You haven't provided proof of this. Just anecdotes of pop culture icons. I just asked for black American serial killers who do the same thing, and you provided inherently different cases of gang murders. Mentally ill serial killers who appear otherwise normal are more commonly white than black, deal with it.
>If you believed in those anecdotes of pop culture icons as fact, you'd also believe that whites are 100% of serial killers,This is wrong, I explained why at least twice and I don't know why you keep repeating it.
>when in reality blacks are significant more likely to be serial killers than blacks are I never argued with this fact.
>(black ones just don't become a part of the popular imagination for whatever reason).Because they're not fucked up pedophiles or cannibals. It's that simple.
No. 100285
>>100281>Most of these are straightforward gang killings committed for ideological/religious purposesWait, so bizarre, sociopathic violence is somehow not as "bad" provided that the persons in question are pretending to be Jews and practicing some weird nigger cult?
Yahweh Ben Yahweh's cult did exactly what you're referring to. They tortured white homeless men before they died by strapping them down and skinning them. They'd set family homes ablaze and then force the family members back into the blaze by threatening them with machetes.
I'm pretty sure skinning people and burning them alive, making them drink bleach, cutting their breasts off, making family members fuck each other for your enjoyment etc, is about as "bad" as it gets, you stupid she-boon.
>and you provided inherently different cases of gang murders. I think you might want to look up the definition of serial killer. Because the FBI literally define the Black Hebrews and the Zebra Killings as serial killings.
>Mentally ill serial killers who appear otherwise normal are more commonly white than black, deal with it.This is quite the lengthy qualification, pity it's entirely non-falsifiable and you've offered no evidence to support it.
>Because they're not fucked up pedophiles or cannibals. It's that simple.Child abuse is actually more common in black families. Black men are more likely to be pedophiles.
As for cannibalism, it's still practiced widely in sub-saharan Africa. But no European state or ethnicity practices it and most have considered it bizarre and odd for millenia.
Black people have still yet to reach Ancient Rome's level of social and cultural development. Literally Ancient Romans were smarter than you, lol.
No. 100286
>>100278>The white privilege narrative simply doesn't make any sense when you look at the statistical reality of things.Which is why black college graduates statistically have the same chance of being employed as white drop-outs, blacks are less likely to be employed on the basis of their name, white people get lighter sentences on drug charges than black people, etc, correct?
>It is stigmatizing a natural and normal behavioral impulse, one that is perfectly healthy and sound: To prefer one's own kind. It stigmatizes that impulse when it extends to shitting on other groups.
>Moreover it is stigmatizing this behavior from one single group alone while celebrating ethnocentrism and in-group preference among other groups.This is because other groups don't have the social power for their preference to attack others.
>It is anti-whiteness, plain and simple. There's no other explanation.It sounds more like you don't want to accept any other explanation.
No. 100288
>>100286>Which is why black college graduates statistically have the same chance of being employed as white drop-outsUseless unless you control for:
1) Type of degree.
2) Grades while at university.
3) Ranking of university.
Black people clog up shitty humanities degree subjects are nigger-tier community colleges, of course they're not going to have as high an employment rate.
>white people get lighter sentences on drug charges than black peopleOnly when you don't control for prior sentences.
>It stigmatizes that impulse when it extends to shitting on other groups.No it doesn't. It makes no such qualification. It flat out paints European History and uniquely morally evil.
>This is because other groups don't have the social power for their preference to attack others. Really? Chinese don't have the "social power" to action their hatred of Uighurs?
>It sounds more like you don't want to accept any other explanation.When you use meaningless verbiage like "social power for their preference to attack others", then yeah, I'm going to become increasingly leery of your awful attempts to massage the facts into some narrative of "white privilege".
>>100287Well guess what, we'll take White Americans back into our European fold when you tell your shitskin cousins to get out of Europe. Fair?
>shouldn't belong to whitesAnd by this standard Guangdong should be returned to Vietnamese. Parts of Vietnam to the Cham. Taiwan to the Austronesians. Japan to the Ainu. Anatolia to Greece etc. Selective outrage is very revealing.
No. 100290
>>100286Drug charges are used by cops to remove bad guys from the street in an easy to prove way, if you actually believe that cops waste time and give two fucks about random niggers smoking weed you're out of your mind.
It's a commonly understood law enforcement tactic: Are you aware of someone who is dangerous, violent, a key player in a gang etc, but don't have sufficient evidence to charge him on anything related to his major felonies? Just get him on a drug charge. At least it will remove him from the streets for a couple of years.
No. 100291
>>100285>Wait, so bizarre, sociopathic violence is somehow not as "bad" provided that the persons in question are pretending to be Jews and practicing some weird nigger cult?What? No. I'm saying that you probably have more reason to fear someone who presents as sane, but is actually insane. If you know someone is in a fucked up cult, warning bells are probably already going off in your head. They're obviously mentally fucked. That, and there's no fetishistic element to most of their murders the way there is among certain white serial killers.
>Yahweh Ben YawhehOne group example out of a shitload of white ones who acted alone. Clap for yourself.
>I'm pretty sure skinning people and burning them alive, making them drink bleach, cutting their breasts off, making family members fuck each other for your enjoyment etc, is about as "bad" as it gets, you stupid she-boon.You're so retarded you literally told yourself I said they weren't as "bad" even though I never said that, then got angry at your own strawman. Ridiculous.
>I think you might want to look up the definition of serial killer. Because the FBI literally define the Black Hebrews and the Zebra Killings as serial killings.Can you point out where I said they weren't serial killers? I'm curious.
>Black men are more likely to be pedophiles. Can you post a source for this claim?
>As for cannibalism, it's still practiced widely in sub-saharan Africa. Can you read? I repeated "in America" a shitload of times, not some random war-torn African nation, and yet you still tried to reach because you know you're wrong. Fucking kek.
And I'm pretty sure cannibalism is illegal in most of sub-Saharan Africa, but I doubt you even read that far.
>But no European state or ethnicity practices it and most have considered it bizarre and odd for millenia.There are tons of European serial killers who practiced it, though.
>Black people have still yet to reach Ancient Rome's level of social and cultural development. Literally Ancient Romans were smarter than you, lol.And now you try to change the subject because you know you fucked up. Embarrassing.
No. 100292
>>100290Moreover there is no systematic over-zealous targeting of black males. If there were, it would show up as a disparity between the FBI's two main datapoints: Arrest Data from Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Vicitimization Survey. In reality, when broken down by race, these two figures correlate very closely, meaning that black people are reported as being perpetrators of crime by victims of crime at about the same rate as they are arrested by the police.
The thing to remember about blacks is that they have an average IQ of 85, so it's essentially the same as dealing with a white 11 year old.
No. 100295
>>100291>No. I'm saying that you probably have more reason to fear someone who presents as sane, but is actually insane.If we're to follow this line of reasoning, you should fear black men the most. Since they're the most overrepresented group as far as violent criminality goes.
>You're so retarded you literally told yourself I said they weren't as "bad" even though I never said that, then got angry at your own strawman. Ridiculous. You said "worst". Same meaning.
>Can you point out where I said they weren't serial killers? I'm curious.Sure:
>"provided inherently different cases of gang murder"The two concepts are not mutually exclusive blacky.
>Can you post a source for this claim? you go, the 1991 statistics show child molestation at these rates per race:
Whites 54.1%
Hispanics 23.5%
Blacks 20.7%
Other 1.7%
This was at a period when NH whites were 74% of the population and blacks 12%. So both blacks and hispanics are more likely to molest children.
>War-tornIt's not a matter of being war-torn. Many African people openly practice cannibalism as part of their culture. No Europeans do this.
>>100293Why are you so obsessed with white people? You were given Liberia, you have your own communities, you have your own ethnically exclusive enclaves/hobbies/culture and yet you desperately try to force yourself into anything you deem "too white". Why is that? What do you want from us? We can get by just fine without you - If you disappeared tomorrow our nations would improve leaps and bounds in just about every metric from academic attainment to criminality to heart disease.
White people do not need black people, but like a wayward child, black people seem to have a love-hate relationship with their white "parent" figures.
No. 100296
Just as an aside and to explode another tumblr myth, Baltimore has the
second highest rate of per pupil spending in the entire US, yet comes near bottom when it comes to academic attainment: is no link between academic attainment and per-capita school spending. Buying ipads for niggers isn't going to make them smarter than chinks.
No. 100297
>>100288>Black people clog up shitty humanities degree subjects are nigger-tier community colleges, of course they're not going to have as high an employment rate.So, then why the bitching about college acceptance rates if blacks mainly go to "nigger-tier community colleges", white drop-outs are on par with black graduates, etc?
>Only when you don't control for prior sentences. It's a general trend, even for first time offenders.
>It flat out paints European History and uniquely morally evil.Where?
>Really? Chinese don't have the "social power" to action their hatred of Uighurs?I'm pretty sure Chinese/Uighur racial tension isn't that visible in America, but keep reaching.
>When you use meaningless verbiage like "social power for their preference to attack others", then yeah, I'm going to become increasingly leery of your awful attempts to massage the facts into some narrative of "white privilege". It's not meaningless just because you refuse to accept the meaning, friendo.
>Well guess what, we'll take White Americans back into our European fold when you tell your shitskin cousins to get out of Europe. Fair?The analpain is strong here.
>And by this standard Guangdong should be returned to Vietnamese. Parts of Vietnam to the Cham. Taiwan to the Austronesians. Japan to the Ainu. Anatolia to Greece etc. No one said otherwise, and I doubt those in the latter groups would disagree with this sentiment.
America is targeted because it's a world power and its injustices are that much more visible. It comes with the territory. A lot of Americans don't talk about the Ainu because they don't know shit about Japan's history. It's that simple.
No. 100299
>>100295>you should fear black men the mostI don't disagree with this.
>You said "worst". Same meaning. In quotation marks to signify that by "worst", I meant fetishistic cannibals/necrophiliacs, often with no ideological purpose, just harmful impulses. Reading comprehension.
>The two concepts are not mutually exclusive blacky.You're trying so hard. Inherently different serial killers.
>It's not a matter of being war-torn. Many African people openly practice cannibalism as part of their culture. And no one is talking about them except for you, because you have no examples of black American serial killers doing this. Cringe.
>No Europeans do this.
> link only has this to say about race:
>• While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.While the only site I could source your statistics back to is a site called "the Daily Stormer" that uses a known "white power" symbol and has a category dedicated to the "Jewish problem". This is literally on par with linking to Tumblr to talk about rape rates, lmao.
No. 100305
>>100291>illegal in most of sub-Saharan AfricaAs someone who's researched extensively into cannibalism; I can tell you that Congo, Uganda, North Korea, Japan, Russia, UK, USA, Papa New Guinea, and India are just some of the few countries that have engaged in cannibalism over the past decade. People are trying to say cannibalism is a mental illness because your brain is fucked up and wants to try to eat people.
The fact is, cannibalism is all over the world. It's just the famous ones we here about are from America.
>>100299I'm not sure why you're talking about just America in terms of serial killers… America may have the most well known serial killers but that doesn't mean it has the most vicious. (not stating i know what the most vicious serial killers are and are from- it just seems presumptuous on your side)
And as someone who lives in a mostly black American dorms– a good majority of them from Detroit– you have no idea how irritating this shit gets. Quit acting like a damned fool– turn down your fucking music– and for fucks sake, stop hitting on everyone.
Literally 6 black people got terminated from my housing in less than 12 hours. 6 normal black people from all walks of life. Terminated because of drug use and violation of policies.
I'm just saying, maybe they should take some time to act like decent human beings and follow some of the guidelines set for them and people wouldn't have a problem. (bckgrd info; my dorms have about 55% internationals who all party at the bar, 15% American white people, and the rest are black American– the international black people don't seem to have any of the problems the American black ones cause/do; so it seems like an afro-american thing)
No. 100314
>>98729I actually think it's the opposite. I saw a drastic uprising in people using sex and gender in place of the other when they aren't the same thing. Asking someone what sex their baby is and what gender the baby is, is not the same. If my baby was born intersex, I would choose what gender I would want to raise them as. At that point we can't tell which sex they'll look more similar to (not that claiming that there is a female/male archetype that everyone fits into 100%) and we would basically have to hope they look most closely to the gender we raise them as.
For babies whose sex is obvious, though they can be raised cis, it doesn't mean that they identify with that gender and can go through a crisis as early as toddler hood (signs of that shouldn't be ignored, though because of how early it is, shouldn't be considered a sure sign of the kid being trans).
The Tumblr trans community saw people using the term sex instead of gender as devaluing them somehow because some people started saying that a trans woman would never be a real woman because she doesn't know what it's like to have a vagina and the pain it brings to them due to periods, child birth, etc. (which is so fucking stupid because not all women can give birth, have periods, etc.)
Tumblr became sensitive about people using sex and not gender, and now people think they're the same thing
No. 100320
>>100305>Terminated because of drug use and violation of policies.I don't want to talk about race, so I won't say anything aside from this:
Do you know how many white NYU,Columbia, Yale and Harvard white students (whom I've been friends with for years) do drugs and violate laws like the ones you described here everyday, but nothing happens? I don't want them to be dismissed from school, but jfc never once did I think "omg how weird, they're acting black!".
Racism does not make any sense. To dislike someone automatically because of their race is insane. It signifies that you think they're inherently terrible people. It's like women thinking all males are bad just for being born with penises. It doesn't make sense.
No. 100350
Tumblr and a white boy school us with poetry on how to raise white sons.
God, they function exactly like a cult. You gotta love how the audience
snaps in agreement instead of clapping.
Also, I don't know why the founder of Buzzfeed, Jonah Peretti, doesn't get more hate.
"His father is Italian-American and his mother is Jewish. His stepmother was African-American.[7][8] He attended the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he graduated with a degree in environmental studies in 1996.[4]" might explain the propaganda Buzzfeed tries so desperately to shove down our throats.
No. 100351
>>100314The way you choose to raise a child based on its sex is just from socially constructed gender roles though. The way you explain the concept of "gender" is quite useless really. It's just self expression. We should be teaching children that they can dress and act however they feel comfortable regardless of what sex they are. There's no need for an additional "gender" label to cling onto. No one needs to identify with anything… If your son shows an interest in traditionally feminine things as a toddler then who cares? It just means he likes those things. Those things being associated with females is just something we as humans have made up.
The word "woman" came from an Old English word meaning "female human" and it has always been used to refer to females in the past so of course females wouldn't feel as though trans women are real women. They simply don't share our experiences. We experience being a woman by the specific way we were raised and treated throughout our whole lives based off of the fact that we are biologically female.
No. 100358
>>100356Yes, it's us who are obsessed with you. It's us who insist that certain public spaces, neighborhoods, schools, institutions, cultures etc are "too black" and try to foist "diversity" on them. It's us who desperately try to live around and among you.
Do you think white people
need black people? Deep down, the vast majority of us would be happy if you disappeared from the earth tomorrow.
What you see as "obsession" is merely exhaustion at having to deal with you chimps and your criminality, whining, desperate attempts to insinuate yourselves among us and our culture day in, day out.
>>100357>slam poetryNot her, but it's a shitty excuse for poetry that doesn't even have a proper meter. But that's besides the point.
No. 100360
File: 1467538455325.jpg (38.13 KB, 413x413, d559a5e75e3c584ee0511bc78d18ef…)

No. 100362
(Here's a good vid by a coptic Egyptian making fun of American Blacks)
No. 100363
File: 1467539070504.png (117.25 KB, 1158x1020, 1386457528212.png)

The belief in racial equality is a purely religious one. It is founded not upon reason, logic, nor evidence.
The only reason people have faith in human equality is because it is the most emotionally appealing for them. The thought that some people are just inherently dangerous, stupid, and there is no helping these people is scary and saddening to them.
It's no different from people believing in an afterlife due to an inability to cope with the reality of death.
No. 100412
>>100320I was the one who you're replying to– I'n not saying I hate them because their black. I'm saying I don't like these select people I've come in contact with because those people happen to live up to their stereotype.
Although, to be fair; all the people I've come in contact with have lived up to their stereotype including the white ones.
Stereotypes are a thing for a reason– they became stereotypical because a lot (not all, but a majority) do follow them without realizing it. (Including myself)
No. 100418
>>100351Gender has become a social construct though. We both know that whether your male child has a penchant for skirts over jeans doesn't mean he's a girl, but the point is that society raises children to see certain ideas, behaviors, preferences, etc that don't involve reproductive purposes as being strictly reserved for males or females.
I can find no satisfactory explanation for the existence of gender aside for it being a marker for how to present yourself as fully male or female. People in America define beauty as being the curve of a womans hips and the bulk of a mans muscles. When females have large muscles and males have wide hips it doesn't diminish the fact that they're female/male but society may feel that they need to fit their mold better.
Idk, this is just the way I try to understand it.
No. 100421
>>100418Hun, this whole "society creates tiny molds for beauty and gender
wahhh" mentality needs to stop. It's juvenile reasoning that fat women came up with in order to feel like victims. Everyone defines beauty and gender differently, and at the end of the day, no one cares either.
No. 100422
>>100357Yes, I was aware of snapping in reference to slam poetry, but that was not what I was thinking of at the time. I saw this awhile back:
A few months ago I watched this video by Sargon of Akkad. At 4:55, quite a few protesters
snap instead of clapping. I thought this was a sort of "sjw evolution" of feminist jazz hands.
No. 100424
>>100417Stereotypes that cow frequently sees: SJWs, basic white girls, ghetto/rachet girls, teen moms, weaboos, koreaboos,summerfags, racists, etc.
Stereotypes are bullshit my ass. Just because they can be broken down into larger and smaller fucking segregations than those doesn't mean that stereotypes don't exist for a reason. Fucking white girl w/leggings and pumpkin starbucks is a thing because there are a lot of fucking white girls who wear leggings as pants and like pumpkin starbucks.
People don't just go around saying, "well she is a transgender and likes social activism to a fault" without automatically thinking of tumblr.
Stereotypes exist because they were perpetuated and large amount of people fucking do it. I don't care if it's racial, social, fucking whatever. there's a reason when people think, 'murrica, they think guns, bald eagles, and donald trump.
It sucks. But it's true. Stereotypes are a thing for a reason.
No. 100444
>>100424They're also how we can navigate the world safely at all. You don't see people saying shit like "Not all dark alleys are dangerous at night!" because even though that's true, the stereotype is what keeps you safe.
Unfortunately this holds for humans as well.
No. 100446
>>100418Sex and gender aren't synonyms. It seems like you're confusing what defines you in the eyes of others in terms of your sex and gender expression.
What makes you a beautiful example of your sex has basically been the same for as long as we have existed, and the reason we go against people who break the mould for their sex (Not gender) is because it generally means something is wrong with them biologically. Yes, a muscley woman is still a woman and she shouldn't feel bad for it, but she also didn't chose to be able to have muscles that big. Therefore it's an aspect of her sex, not her gender. and other people can't help but react towards it.
No. 100459
>>100450It doesn't matter how varied humans actually are, all that matters is that caution, learning from previous situations; both those that happened to you and happened to others, and applying that knowledge very, very broadly is what keeps people safe. Naivety, trust, and ignoring an established pattern are what get people killed.
People don't play Russian roulette even though the odds are overwhelmingly in their favour; the fact that there is a chance of something awful happening is enough to make people act cautiously. This is exactly how people view risk when it comes to people in their day to day lives.
No. 100461
>>100459There's a line between assuming things about people based on nothing but shallow stereotypes, and being naive and trusting of every single person.
Treating humans like humans is not Russian roulette unless you're the type of person who exposes themselves to everyone.
No. 100462
>>100461Not quoted anon but she does have a point, albeit a not very well phrased one.
It's not just about not endangering yourself, it's just generally navigating the world in the least energy consuming way. With stereotypes and preconceived notions you know which person in the crowd you should ask for directions, for example, or choose which people you'll want to be close to, who will be a pain in the ass, who's more likely to like the same things you do, etc.
Humans vary more than dark alleys, but if 99 out of 100 times I interacted with people with a certain characteristic were terrible, it would be extremely stupid of me to not take that into consideration and keep on wasting my time and attention on said people.
No. 100463
>>100461Stereotypes aren't shallow or based on nothing though, there is a grain of truth in almost all of them. If not objective truth, at least some truth about that person's experiences in life.
>Treating humans like humansWhat does that even mean, though?
I'm not trying to justify being outright horrible to people based on stereotypes here, just saying that everyone does it to every single person that they see every single day. You cannot not do it unless you have something wrong with you, because it's what has kept us safe and helped us navigate an uncaring, chaotic, random world for millions of years.
No. 100472
>>100450And this means there aren't patterns in human behavior (i.e. black neighborhoods being objectively more dangerous), how exactly?
Why should we ignore the instinctive voice in our head that says "avoid that neighborhood with all the niggers"? It probably could have saved lives if more white people hadn't stifled that little voice of hatefacts.
No. 100484
>>100476'Men' is too broad a category for that to be valid tho. I know I'm taking the bait but it's the same with clothes too, e.g. I'll be wary of a dirty looking dude wearing hobo clothes but not of one that looks like a regular person. Men are not to be trusted if they show certain traits that'll lead me to believe they're violent misogynistic scumbags, but if that's not the case then it's silly to assume.
Apply preconceived notions wisely, we have a shit ton of those precisely because it helps us judge effectively.
No. 100509
>>10047650.4% of humans are men, who you don't trust. 49.6% are women. Most women associate with men, and you think they're idiots because of it. So you believe darn near all humans are untrustworthy or idiotic?
Also, its super sexist of you to imply that women can't rape or murder. Women can do anything!! :DDD
No. 100651
>>100424Agreed. I see tons of people of all sexes, races and ethnicities who perpetuate both bad and good stereotypes. Sometimes you shake your head at the people who are trying to too damn hard (like when black people think they HAVE to listen to hip hop and rap in order to be black?? Okay)
Or the Mexican families who have 5-6 kids, one after the other. Stereotypes exist for a reason.
No. 100799
>>100476this board is 18+
pls go
No. 101669
>>101668whoops wrong pronoun I meant *he
big fucking sigh
No. 101727
>>101689racist-chan is back
kawaii desu not
No. 101911
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>>72686When I was a self loathing liberal I loved BuzzFeed. lol
No. 102217
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Tumblr is buzzing over this shit
No. 102262
>>101669Still a she.
I'm having serious Die Cis Scum vibes from this one. I bet 5 years from here she will be posting on FB how being trans was all "just a phase".
No. 102742
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Grandma, enjoy this notebook full of tumblr URLs
No. 103843
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This was posted on a lgbt event page
I want to be progressive and understanding but it just sounds like they were underage and wanted a promise they could get in or something. If they are ok broadcasting to the whole event page that their ID has the wrong gender/name on it then why can't they deal with the bouncer looking at it for just one second and never again? It makes no sense to me, am I missing something?
No. 103945
>>101668When I first saw her I thought she was a 40 year old mom. I can't believe she's 17. The hair and glasses and that annoying wacky sitcom neighbor voice just age her so much. I can just imagine a laugh track every time she walks into a room.
I don't believe that she is trans. She makes no effort to pass as a man and doesn't seem to take this seriously beyond trying to "educate" everyone on how racist, sexist and transphobic they are simply by having the nerve to exist. Isn't she the one that said she'd like to take hormones so she can shock people by growing a beard and wearing a dress?
I guarantee it's a phase. In a few years she'll be so embarrassed by these videos that she'll wish she never made them. I hope she doesn't do anything drastic and irreversible. All these dumb kids going on hormones and getting surgery because of a tumblr trend are going to regret it. The only up side is that they'll most likely render themselves infertile so they can't spread the tumblrina genes to the next generation.
No. 103987
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No. 104128
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Even though I think gamergate turned to shit, this is just wow
No. 104249
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No. 104268
>>104260I think they do have a point aboit people with lower incomes being more progressive or unique with their fashion choices. I don't agree with this only applying to certain races though, it's not race but incomes that matters.
Yes I am coming from a British perspective, if you research fashion history and counter culture here anyway the trends such as ted, mod, rocker, britpop, casual, raver, punk etc all come from the working class.
No. 104273
>>104128ISIS? Boko Haram? Yeah those ain't no terrorists, Gamergate is what's wrong with the whole world! I mean gawd I saw a tweet from an anonymous person that said women suck!!!
These people need some real fucking problems.
No. 104277
>>104249This is true, though.
No. 104278
>>104249Are they actually proud of wearing horrible gaudy earrings and clothes?
And why do they think most white girls like such things anyway? It's mostly white trash.
No. 104284
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>>104279In one of the bad art threads people noted this man gets paid over $2000 for each piece of "art" on patreon. America is 70% overweight/obese and most countries aren't too far behind now. As edgy as it sounds the majority of people are stupid and have shit taste. Especially when it comes to men and their dicks.
No. 104808
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The Pokemon Go team leaders' pictures were revealed yesterday and now Tumblr is certain that Candela (the red team's leader) is a lesbian and Blanche (the blue team's leader) is non-binary. Some people are also bitching about Nintendo not making Blanche's skin dark enough and screaming at everyone who uses male pronouns when talking about him.
When will this fucking stop? Why do you need to ruin a fun game with your fucking social politics? They're just three characters with virtually nothing else to do than just represent a generic team trainer.
No. 104813
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So according to this, authors can write autistic characters without even knowing it.
Unless the author says the character is autistic then they aren't. It's it really stereotyping to assume any character who is quiet, quirky or awkward is autistic? Can I identify with socially awkward characters without having to self diagnose myself with autism just so I can say "that character is just like me"?
Why does tumblr want everyone real and fictional to be autistic? Like it's some kind of amazing thing.
>Autistic people can recognize our own symptoms and traits in fictional characters. Trust autistic folk when we talk about characters being autistic coded. Because guess what? We really do know better than the authors sometimes.
No. No you don't. You did not create those characters. You have no idea what the author was thinking when they were written or what the intention was. Unless they flat out state that the character was autistic then they are not autistic. I wonder what authors actually think of this? Some of them have got to be aware of all these crazy headcanons and all of the insistence that "character x is canonically autistic".
So if I write a story and this person decides the character is autistic that makes it so? Because they know better than me, the author? I don't think so.
This is a crazy obsession. It's bad enough every tumblr kid self diagnoses. But this post kind of implies that the only way to tell if someone is autistic is if they tell you. If the poster didn't mean it as an ok to self diagnosis then he didn't really get his point across well.
By the way, what's the deal with the #actuallyautistic tag? I thought at first that it was being used by people with a genuine diagnosis. But I see it in headcanon posts and self diagnosis tumblrinas use it. Was it highjacked from formally diagnosed people?
No. 104824
>>104813God 15 yesr old tumblr users forcing diagnosis on real or fictional people is just wrong. It only encourages the stigma by enforcing stereotypes and normalising the idea that everyone is qualified or entitled to make claims on another persons health or character.
It is the exact opposite of the progressive, liberal values that they all claim to stand for.
"Woman wears boots and has short hair, must be a butch lesbian", " Man is shy and likes certain hobbies, must be autistic" and even if those people were that, defining a person by a label, diagnosis etc is pathetic.
No. 104847
>>104842>>104838It pisses me off how tumblr always takes the characters and has to make them like mom/dad like they did with mercy and soldier 76 on overwatch.
They're apparently making blanche/candela "mums" to Spark
and yes I have no doubt they're creaming themselves over candela being black and forcing trannyness upon blanche.
No. 104848
>>104838Only tumblr is dumb enough to think tan skin = BLACK
So many ethnicities have tan skin, indian, puerto rican, etc. Who even cares. I hate tumblr so much. I honestly wish they would have kept the leaders as silhouettes
No. 104851
Tumblr really contradicts itself so often it's incredible. Since we're speaking about games: I remember when the Assassin's Creed fandom could't believe that a male character was bisexual (it was later confired to be canon). They went as far as trying to contact the Ubisoft staff so they can confire it's false. Like, they're trying to be progressive and PC, then they pull that shit. They should just stay away from video games.
>>104847I think that's a new trend? I'm not involved as I used to be. I understand their need for representation but whattheeveeverlovfuck they're doing is beyong me.
I still hate how they can't accept that certain things are canon and how they throw a fit if it's not to their liking.
No. 104861
>>104848Well duh? I can bet you that new Disney Moana movie will be cosplayed by full black ass women and still they preach "buh she black doe"
Look at black lives matter… look at that shit with Jesse Williams? Biracial with green eyes, white looking and spoke out for blacks. Oh okay.
But blacks still say "He is black tho! He mixed! He black"
Yeah… suuuuuuure. Keep supporting biracials letting them get full black roles i.e Simone and complain "day aint no dark skin wimmin! no representation!"
Yet "Tan is black! IT ALL BLACK!"
Whatever. Keep crying.
No. 104912
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Does this meme mean nonbinary is mainstream now?
No. 104937
>>104912I like how dumblr has to make everything into a memelord mra loser vs ethereal nb fat poc translesbians
They do this to every piece of media
No. 104950
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>>103987Why are sjws so functionally retarded? Do they not read books? Do they get all their facts from blogs?
No. 104978
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>>75209How can she be a radical feminist and genderqueer at same time baffles me because radical feminism literature literally says queer is complete bs.
No. 105095
>>105090In London?
Mixed-brit-fag here sorry but the UK doesn't need BLM (nor does America). We had blacks over here from the Caribbean in the mid-forties as do Indian arriving in the 60s even before the fucking EU brought us in.
There was some racism here but never to the extent of the US. British even hated the Irish and never allowed them as well as blacks in pubs back during forties/fifties which is why many Irish opened their own pubs and they were fucking white.
UK doesn't need it at all. We have SO MANY interracial couples on tv soaps, in adverts Im beginning to see more mixed girls like myself as well as black women with white guys in tv and even in real life there is so many! Were hardly bloody oppressed. America is just obsessed with race non-stop anyway.
No. 105097
>>105095I feel as though it's because British blacks look up to American blacks and naive teens wanting to be "revolutionary" and helpful
Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to help people, it's just things are a lot more complicated than just "lol evil KKK police shooting black people simply cos they're black"
No. 105098
>>105095>>105097Plus Caribbeans hardly have a history of violence and gang crime to the same degree as American blacks (inb4 mandem blud blah blah that's not what I mean), and there isn't nearly as much of a stigma for 'acting white' (mainly because it's fucking retarded). Literally the only reason people cry about it is muh colonialism and basically attention whoring.
Nothing good has ever come out of European blacks aping (no pun intended) American blacks, I see a lot of 2nd gen Somalis who thirst for American gangsta dick and talk like yanks even though they're middle class plonkers from a relatively nice part of the city. Disgusting.
No. 105100
>>105097Oh god I know but the thing is its different. We don't have coppers shooting black folk here though and such. Its mostly white chavs and dirty peado asian men in Jail here.
>>105098Yeah but were not as bad compared to America though.
Black lives matter is NOT needed in the UK. At all anon. We don't need it and its a fucking ridiculous revolution anyway.
Half those black guys who got shot in America by cops had shady history to them. So tbh Im not even bothered. You act up, you get shot. Tough. They'd do the same in e.g Turkey or frigging Cyprus. Just that the history in the US it's automatically "mi racism!"
Screw it.
I can't wait till the BLM bandwagon dies off so much.
No. 105102
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>>105098Way more whites (plus arabs) are in jail here mostly from estates and broken ass houses on their benefits doing drugs and drinking
You only gotta watch Britain on Benefits or benefits street to see that
No. 105105
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>>105049I lost it at
>white people export homophobia,racism,transphobia, ableism No. 105109
I was actually avoiding using that term anon
But fair play ill just say it…
No. 105113
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"Celebrate. Grieve. Rage. Assemble. Discuss. Decide. Liberate."
#BlackLivesMatterUK organising protests in various towns across England on the 5th of August feel as though this is a setting up for another "London riots" like the one back in 2011 because of the death of the "innocent" armed drug dealer and thief Mark Duggan
Their profile picture is also using American spelling so it shows how Americanised this "movement" is
No. 105130
>>105095You are speaking about England here though, not the entirety of Britain. England seems to be the most intollerant of foreigners be they Irish, French and god forbid you have non white skin.
The immigrants recruited from Jamaica, Pakistan did face racism. You only have to watch tv from the 70s to see such, then there was the xenophobia to Scots and Irish which still continues.
Hinestly, have you never heard of the phrase "paki bashing" in England? Even today reports of racist abuse hit record highs after brexit in England
No. 105132
>>105130You have no idea what you're talking about. My dad is a European immigrant here and he never faced shit.
If anything English are too tolerant. Which is exactly why they're being made a minority by non white subhumans like the ones who did Rotherham.
Butthurt Scotland.
No. 105138
The Baltics are near Russia
No. 105146
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~aesthetics~ have gone too far.
If anyone could explain what the fuck afrofuturism and a cyberfeminist manifesto are that would be really helpful.
No. 105154
>>105137Maybe so, but that tumblr was on the internet therefore they have more access to unbiased history and can get thousands of sources with one google search. There is no excuse anymore to not research.
Even in politics it is neccesary to read opinions from other political ideologies in order to understand your own, to learn and progress.
No. 105156
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Is this a joke?
No. 105158
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No. 105162
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it's just never ending is it?
No. 105164
>>104813>I wonder what authors think of this…That your anger, however understandable, is also a little naive. She's right, to an extent. I'm no therapist so if I wrote a character based off my borderline friend while unaware that she's borderline, I'd unknowingly write a character with a personality disorder.
Besides, thinking the author is some sort of authority over his work is a little outdated. Absurd interpretations are absurd of course, but the author's intent can be poorly executed and you can technically know better than whoever wrote it.
TL; DR: she's right but tumblr takes it too far because it's tumblr
No. 105182
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"I'm fat and asian love me"
sick of fatties pushing everyone to love them
No. 105183
>>105130No where near as bad as America though. England is far more accepting of blacks than the US ever was. Everyone kinda chilled their asses down in the UK with blacks/asians but the US still keeps it going sorta.
In the UK its more of a religion hate thing than a race hate thing. Plus foreigners like Polish and shit.
No. 105186
>>105183In the UK it's more of a "Them immigrants are stealing our jobs that we'd never even consider applying for cause our government pays for all 8 of our kids"
England is definitely, considering recent circumstances, not tolerant of immigrants of any eastern nationality.
No. 105187
>>105186Don't forget the Polish and Romanians who are coming to the UK to apply for benefits then going back home so they received the dole in their own country.
Plus the asians with 37384949 kids and Africans who come over demanding a new house/car.
So many are to blame tbh. Not always just the British who yes, do sit on their ass doing shit all apart from dunking biscuits in their tea all day while watching Jeremy Kyle.
No. 105279
>>105194Exactly my point. The blacks polluting Britain listen to it.
Lol at thinking poles being racist is bad. You've gotten too used to white people you can push around and bully by using that word.
No. 105465
>>105385I hate SJWs like everyone else but Blaire is just an attention whore like Evalion jumping on the SJW hate bandwagon for that Youtube dosh
Her arguments aren't good either tbh it's just basic observations and insults
No. 110842
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Nothing like the entitlement of fat cows who think they'll get paid to rant on Youtube about "muh disabilities".