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No. 73731
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Anastasia was my obsession.
>>73710I quite liked Penelope, if that counts.
>>73716Fox and the Hound was amazing.
No. 73740
"Do you remember… the way to the Great Valley?"
tears forever
No. 73741
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No. 73742
>>73741everyone loved this film
i hated it
No. 73747
>>73744IF WE HOLD ON
No. 73755
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My friend gave me a VHS tape of Totoro in pre-k which I've had ever since, probably watched it 50 times as a kid.
No. 73761
>>73759Ahhh yes Treasure Planet. <3
>>73716Also a big fan of those movies. Especially the Lion King, but I never had a furry phase.
I also really liked Mulan a lot. Oh, and the Iron Giant.
No. 73777
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>>73731OMG me too! Along with Disney Princesses movies up to Mulan and Atlantis! I'm still upset why Kidaga was not included as Disney Princess because she's a "queen", but Queen Elsa is going to be coronated as a Princess. Uuuurgh Disney…Kida is like more badass than Elsa, whyyyyy…
Oh and High School Musica tool, hahhah…i know the franchise is cheesy, but the song is catchy.
No. 73786
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>>73731>>73741>>73739crying because my mom bought me this knockoff anastasia movie from walmart when i was like three years old that I used to watch the shit out of, and i just realized that it is not the same movie that everybody talks about
No. 73793
>>73786Haaa. You got the shitty ripoffs.
How did you not know your version wasn't Disney until now?
No. 73794
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Nobody probably knows that this is aha, but my brother and I were obsessed with this movie.
No. 73795
>>73794I LOVED this movie.
I was obsessed, I watched it so many times.
No. 73796
>>73793Anastasia wasn't Disney…
My parents got me the ripoffs AND the originals. I think they just bought me the ripoffs then felt guilty, personally.
No. 73812
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No. 73819
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I've never watched a lot of movies as a kid. It's a special kind of feeling to not be blinded by nostalgia goggles and see the old disney movies as they are: shit.
No. 73822
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I was obsessed with Anastasia as well! Watched that VHS so many times I knew all the songs and lines.
I also loved Disney's Fantasia, which was a bit weird for a kid but I loved it. Loved the fauns and pegasus bits.
No. 74352
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Watched this movie with my nephew last week. Still had every single line memorized.
No. 74433
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Top this
No. 74437
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my feels
No. 74441
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Gave me nightmares but I loved it
Bread: "Take me out! I'm burning!"
No. 74450
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>>74446>for the first time in a while>the first time>in a whileFrozen is my favorite disney movie m8 but eh…what?
No. 74452
>>74450I like how they put all five of the non-white ones in the back left hand corner.
>>74433God, I'm not even Swedish and I love this film. The girl was a huge crush when I was a kid.
No. 74492
>>73777Kida is literally the best Queen ever.
Elsa can go suck an icicle. She has zero personality and courage in comparison.
No. 74493
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Just remembered this really shitty and sexist 50s adaptation of Red Riding Hood I used to watch as a kid.
No. 74500
>>74475>>74489The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, Pocahontas and Mulan were released over fifteen years ago.
Tbh I'm pretty sure Disney films have had more non-human characters than non-white princesses over the past fifteen years. It's not really something to stress about, especially when Tangled and Frozen are pretty recent princessy fare.
>>74490They ruined most of the character designs, I think. I'm bitter about Mulan's outfit considering she barely wore anything like that.
>>73759The great Mouse Detective is so underrated
No. 74503
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>>73775It fixed my childhood idea of romance
No. 74518
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>>74433I even had the game and read the book several times.
No. 74529
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Also this is in no way a kid's movie, but I loved the bright colors and music so I watched Yellow Submarine all the damn time
No. 74531
>>73701I was obsessed with horror movies when I was younger! Horror movies and Disney… I never had a favorite neither but…:
>Poltergeist >One Missed Call (even the sequels)>The Ring>Human Centerpede >Dead Silence>Mulan >The Lion King 1 and 2 (never caught on to three)>Pocahontas>The Bells of Notre Dame >1973 Charlotte's WebLastly, I remember that my mom bought me a Skydancers toy and it came with a DVD that we would play whenever the power went off too long and knocked out the town's power.
>tfw you remember the songs for most of the movies as you type them out No. 74555
>>73731it's a great movie and I loved the animation. It was more realistic than disney's usual dreamy/squashy/stretchy stuff. I wish FOX would have made their own princess movies.
All of the songs were awesome too actually.
I feel Anastasia was a bit underrated.
No. 74584
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>>74491I am! I had it recorded because afterwards an episode of Lady Lovelylocks was playing and I was too young to understand how to skip properly so I had to watch it everytime to watch Lady Lovelylocks but I grew really fond of it.
No. 74624
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No. 74635
>>74624Ma nigga.
The book was 100x better though.
No. 74716
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This shit probably kickstarted my depression.
No. 74735
>>74732Fox and the Hound.
The scene with the granny driving off kills me. And the end, where they replay the lines from when they were kids.
No. 74758
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>84 replies
>No Iron Giant
I had the weirdest crush on Vin Diesel as a kid.
No. 74765
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>>73799Rock a Doodle fuck yeah!
No. 74768
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Thumbelina, anyone?
No. 74769
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The Black Cauldron scared the shit out of me as a kid, but I loved it anyway.
No. 74771
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No. 74773
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>The Pagemaster: 0 results
No. 74775
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James and the Giant Peach.
No. 74779
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I read Watership Down as a child also and to date I'm not entirely sure as to whether I'd classify it as a children's movie.
No. 74780
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Also no The Prince of Egypt yet.
Did you sluts even have a childhood or what, c'mon, more!
No. 74781
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To date I'm still not sure exactly how The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue got an animated feature but okay.
No. 74782
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Pretty sure I had the hots for Balto as a kid.
Feels bad mang. At least I was never a furry.
No. 74787
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I don't remember A Troll in Central Park being received well as a kid, but I still enjoyed it.
I was also very saddened to hear of Dom DeLuise's death in 2009 as I'm sure a sizable chunk of this thread grew up with that man's voice. I fucking loved him in that episode of Dexter's Laboratory where he played Koosalagoopagoop the imaginary friend.
>>74785>>74786tbh I'm not really a big believer in restricting children from this kind of content anyway.
To me it feels weird that such a large part of the population believes it's appropriate to secret away concepts such as conception, birth, life, violence and death as I believe it promotes the notion of taboo and most certainly contributes towards a lack of full-range emotional development.
My mother was based as fuck in this regard. I remember getting a copy of Beetlejuice on VHS when I was like 5. Thanks mum.
No. 74793
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Krabat! I still love the spooky winter atmosphere. Such an unusual animation style.
No. 74794
>>74792Really? Watership Down taught me about myriads of biological/evolutionary survival traits in animals, religion, the continued abuse of our local wildlife and the steady loss of our countryside at the hands of greedy and corrupt corporations.
I learnt how to be cynical and objective from a younger age because of movies like this.
I don't think Beetlejuice imparted to me any particular message, except that Winona Ryder was a qt.
No. 74846
>>74781Worthless made my cry as a child but now even more
>>74796>>74811me too!
No. 74874
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Did anyone else watch Rikki Tikki Tavi? Its based off the Rudyard Kipling story, but was a darker movie than The Jungle Book. The animation is lovely and captures the essence of the mongoose beautifully.
No. 74936
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>>74520this movie was my life, i watched it so many times, and i "performed" this song in front of my mom and her bf..
>>74758i remember i was watching this (for the 298725th time) and my mom was just done with dinner, but it was like 5 min left of the movie, so i was being a stubborn brat and didnt move from the telly. my mom snapped and she grabbed the vhs tape and threw it in the ground, ruining the tape and i cried for days. this is still one of my favorite movies
>>74773ooohh i loved this.. i need to rewatch it
>>74782i think balto was my all time favorite when i was a kid. i remember i would howl along him during The Scene.
pic related, i watched this sooo many times. i think my mom sold the vhs a long time ago, and i cant find it in norwegian anywhere, so i am pretty sad about this, would like to rewatch it.
i also watched way too much moomin, and when i watch it now, it feels so weird, because i remember absolutely everything, like details on rock, texture on the sand and their feet touch the ground and certain sound effects, it's weird man.
No. 74953
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No. 74956
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>>74935The chipettes were my favorite
No. 75018
>>74787in my opinion, it's not about restricting or keeping it secret, it's about how they present it to children. there is a reason why we have to 'dumb down' some science materials to kids, so they can at least understand the concept first.
>>74794…good for you, i guess? that movie did horrify me as a child mostly because there are lots of blood and wounds. watching them now, i understand the message better though.
>>75016I used to watch this when i was a child, it was good in my opinion, pretty funny too.
No. 75028
>>74775I haven't seen this in forever, I'm downloading right now.
For the longest time I wrote off Roald Dahl-based movies because of how much I hated Grandpa Joe in Willy Wonka, but The Witches is another good one. Anjelica Huston killed it.
No. 75032
>>75016Fuck yeah it is!
I mean, it's not the greatest movie ever, but you'd probably still get a kick out if it. I know I'm super nostalgic because I did see it when I was a kid and can remember the weird tingly feelings I had when Casper turned into a real boy.
No. 75035
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Cmon u guys
No. 75062
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Not early childhood, more so when I was about 13/14…watched it with a kid I was baby sitting and loved it. I went out and bought the Barbie doll that went with it. I still have it, it's on a shelf in bedroom. The animation didn't age well, but it's still a gorgeous movie.
No. 75068
>>74768>>75061it was good when i was a kid, but looking at it now, i get why it was bad. none of the characters are lovable, especially thumbelina, she's just sooo dumb imho. the songs are good though, i'll give it that.
>>75062yeees, i love barbie series too! surprisingly some of them are not bad, hahhah
No. 75070
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>>75062You have sparked my recollection
No. 75072
>>73799Omg I remember now: Happily Ever After
Movies up on YouTube in parts if anyones interested.
No. 75076
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>>74765>>73822>>73812>>74781I was trying to think of something not posted. so many good ones up there.
I watched pic related at least 2 times a week.
No. 75077
>>75070oh fuck my love
i remember we had it ripped off on vhs and the quality was very shit even for early 2000s but i still looooooved it
No. 75084
>>75076sorry, samefag.
I watched this more times than Little Nemo. like daily, This episode in particular.
No. 75086
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Try not to get that song stuck in your head
No. 75175
>>75068I saw Thumbelina for the first time when I was an adult so I don't have the nostalgia factor playing, but I still thought it was decent. Nowhere near as bad as Rockadoodle, The Pebble and the Penguin or a Troll in the central park. The characters were pretty dull, I'll give it that, but I thought it was well written and kept my interest until the end.
>>75070And as for this movie I really loved it as a kid but as an adult it's just a "so bad it's good" thing. I love making fun of it. I'm sorry.
No. 75176
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Has anyone else seen the 1957 soviet animated movie based on the Snow Queen story? I still think it's the best adaptation and even as an adult it's extremely endearing. The overall atmosphere is so dreamlike, the animation is good and it follows the original story to a T.
No. 75178
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>>75175lol funny enough, i like the pebble and the penguin better than thumbelina because at least the main character and his sidekick are lovable (hubie and rocko) for me, the songs were good too. to each of our own, i guess, hehhe…
i agree with the swan lake princess, as a kid, it seemed wonderful, but as an adult, the story didn't make any sense, and the prince came off as shallow and cheesy, and the princess turned into some damsel in distress in the end. what a shame, the princess was likable at first, at least for me. again, the songs were good in my opinion.
>>75176oh i didn't know it was adapted into an animated movie, growing up, i watched the live action version and i remembered being crept out by the hall of heads scene. i'm gonna search for the movie after this, thank you.
No. 75236
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this thread made me remember how much I loved Anastasia as a kid and now I'm watching it again
Honestly, that movie did Disney Princess as good as or better than Disney did. I keep on marvelling at the gesture animation and how
natural it looks, to the point that it almost looks like rotoscoping in a few scenes.
Plus, you can always tell a Don Bluth by the sparkles.
To stay on topic:
I used to love Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story when I was a kid.
>>73786My grand-dad did this to me with the Little Mermaid. I wanted the Disney movie and he found some pseudo-anime knockoff that probably spawned my weeb obsession. It was based off the original Hans Christian Anderson fairy-tale, though, so it had the whole part in it where the mermaid (I think her name was Marina?) has to decide whether to kill her prince on his wedding night in order to save her own life or not. It was pretty intense for a kid's cartoon, and honestly I'm glad I watched it because after that I wanted to read everything Anderson and Grimm ever put down in writing.
Anastasia is killing me, guys. I should never have watched that documentary about what really happened to the Romanovs.
>pic related No. 75244
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I know it's not a movie, but I think all scandinavian loved (or hated idk) this when they were kids; Moomins (mummitrollet in norwegian but whatevs)
It's popular in Japan amongst non-adults too now, and weebs are picking it up
No. 75342
>>75244Comet in Moominland is such a good movie. The music is awesome, and the background art looks so fucking pretty. It makes me cry every time I watch it.
>>75337The books and comics are a little more mature than the animation. I would suggest the comics, because they are goddamn genius and hilarious. The books are very cute and comfy, and some are somewhat melancholic. The 90s animation was aimed for kids, and the "edginess" of the comics was erased completely. It is easy going and cute and fun, but there are some seriously scary things in there. Everyone who watched it as a kid has nightmares of some of the moomin happenings still as an adult.
No. 75592
>>75062I like the Princess and the Pauper one!
>>75176I watched a newer Japanese anime of this and it was amazing.
No. 75613
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"Dear sweet, Littlefoot. Do you remember the way to the Great Valley?"
No. 75647
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>>75613Fun fact! The 10-year-old little girl who voiced Ducky was murdered by her mom's boyfriend 4 months before The Land Before Time was released.
No. 75660
>>75641Me too. Well for me, it's because English was not my first language, and I still can't read the subtitle when the movie was being shown in my house. I get a feeling the mother dies, but I still don't understand the concept of 'dying' back then.
>>75647oh my, really?? I didn't know this…so sad…Ducky was one of my favorite character in the movie…
No. 75664
>>73820>not liking disney movies = edgyThe word edgy has really lost its meaning.
>>73821I'm not claiming to be a special snowflake you little halfwit, I'm saying you're all blinded by nostalgia and disney movies are objectively mediocre to very bad.
>>74435Like I said, I've never watched a lot of movies as a kid. So far I can only recall finding nemo and chicken little, and by then I was almost reaching puberty.
No. 75677
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I remember I had a small crush on that stupid scarecrow
>>75072This was one of my favorites, and I was so upset when the prince turned handsome again, because I thought he was sooo cute while he was cursed or whatever
No. 75680
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>>75644Did you say purple ooze?
No. 75682
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>>75664>saying you're all blinded by nostalgia and disney movies are objectively mediocre to very badNot that anon, but that's your opinion, and it's okay, everyone has their own tastes. Let's just agree to disagree, we don't have to ruin anyone's nostalgic movie feeling.
Back to the topic, does anyone remember this cartoon? I remember being creeped out whenever the magician antagonist appear, because he could hypnotize people to be and do anything he wants.
No. 75688
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>>75682Fuck yeah, still love everything about this movie.
I feel like there was a lot of dinosaur movies when I was a kid. We're Back, Jurassic Park, that TV show Dinosaurs, TLBT. I member being obsessed with dinosaurs when I was a kid, but who wasn't?
No. 75689
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>>75684Yup! Ivan Ooze! So creepy as a kid.
No. 75692
>>75688hahaa me too anon, although my parents don't let me watch Jurassic Park because I was too young at the time.
>>75689Eeeek! You're right anon, looking it right now, he IS creepy. I was scared more by the gigantic robot when i was a kid though, they just seem so menacing.