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No. 742666
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an absolute hidden gem among many
No. 742702
File: 1613676518528.png (1.15 MB, 1242x1640, PicsArt_02-18-11.27.21.png)

All scrote ran discords are trash.
Here's a little number from one I used to be in, the biscuit nosed Peter Griffin who's pushing 300 is the guy who posted
No. 742735
>>742702Are we meant to see the clit or? Coz there is no clit here. I'm an ex fakeboi and even my clit wouldn't show in this. He knows they don't hang out right?
Squidward nose freak
No. 742751
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Admin of a lesbian Discord server has to make announcement on why penises aren't allowed in the NSFW channels. A mass exodus of trannies ensued.
No. 742763
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How do you guys feel about art discords? They're mostly shit because of discords young user base and the fact the people most active on the forum spend way to much time shitting up discord and not enough time drawing. I think a few invite only exist, but they're a pain to get into.
I feel like Discord is an untapped drama mine. Since most of it's private or hard to view public you can't really stumble upon it or share it easily.
No. 742913
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>>742887It’s disgusting, I’m only using it for a single server I got invited to in which I know everyone is over 18.
I tried joining public servers before, but just searching for anything will always get you
+13 bullshit or those thinly veiled pedo paradises that are
teens only.
I also don’t get why the fuck is the people that are
supposedly older are accepting kids in their
+18 servers, i swear they either need a fucking backbone installed or they’re just pedos in disguise.
You get shit like pic related as well, it’s a mayor redflag when it’s supposed to be a fucking
mature server, but how are 16 years old retards mature at all? It’s stupid.
I’ve completely labeled discord as a kids’ app unless you’re creating a private server for you and your close friends that are
hopefully over 18 years old.
No. 742933
>>742887I genuinely think that online grooming in general is such a huge problem that it's become impossible to tackle. It's no exaggeration that 1/20 to 1/40 young men these days are probably some form of groomer. I'm starting to work jobs and casually hear that so and so's daughter is 13 and has an older bf on discord that's over 18, it's seeping into real life. I think discord, skype, facebook, etc all know it's going on, and nab the odd serial groomer that is horrific, but they're unable to tackle the vast majority of grooming without dismantling the fundamentals of their apps. Once their audience becomes an older demographic like facebook, they can come down hard, but if the app is "hey fellow kids :)" they probably have to be tolerant of it to survive under capitalism.
There's also the other less talked about side where the groomees are actually seeking out older attention (not necessarily to be groomed, but teenagers in general want to be grown up and hang with adults) and, if discord takes active measures to prevent it, they'll monkeyswing off to another less regulated app. Discord knows this and so they'll perpetually drag their feet on the issue.
No. 743034
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this is a really old screenshot but damn I had a time where I knew a lot of degens during my weeb years. this guy was some quebecian nightmare who talked about murdering people, he got kicked from servers multiple times, and was even caught spreading women's nudes
No. 743138
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Private servers aren't any better
No. 743251
>>742887>Discord was a legit platform once, now I feel weird even using itidk ever since 2015 I exclusively only chatted and was active in non public discords so I legitimately am not aware of the situation you're talking about
Of course public discords will be infested with kids and creepy adults, that's like the internet standard
I don't see the appeal of using discord in such a way either, every time I looked at a chat of a public discord I died from second-hand embarrassment, even in 2015
I had my fair share of discord trannies and autists though
No. 852599
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No. 852968
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>>852898I hate myself for the things I had to google to find this. You better be thankful,
No. 914449
Sage for obvious reasons
>>748141>People with that much time to dedicate to a discord server tend to be maladjusted children and adult losersyeah, why else are they there lol
>Maladjusted children and adult losers form the core of the community, normal people get pushed out or idleBe in one long enough (a week) and you'll find so many suicidal people (Bait level, they'd never fucking an hero)
>Miscreants end up with mod and admin spots by virtue of participation and juvenile server politics
>Create immense amount of petty drama because they don't know how to cope with minor disagreementsmany are extremely maladjusted virtue signallers (online only, most are too scared to even leave the house besides for work, if they have a job)
Disagreement? of course they get immensely petty and irate. Many also have never learned to be the bigger person and just drop the subject.
>>852660Most servers bow to the whim of fakebois and troons. Most servers won't even have an actual troon (no surgery, no hormones) just full of fakebois larping.
Any server that has NSFW and allows minors are sus as fuck and the admins 100% are up to some gross shit.
No. 919313
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how is this scrote making money? even kindergartners draw better than this
No. 924565
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>>919329>>919428this. i found and joined a few small discord servers in hopes that chats would be slower, giving a better opportunity for integrating. in the ones that weren't dead, the only active members there were the 40 year old scrote admin, underage shitposters calling everyone a faggot and saying nigger, schizos rambling on about gods and nonsense, narcissistic eboys and autistic egirls spamming their selfies.
tranny worship is a big theme everywhere. a girl posts a normal selfie and the others start hating on her while her new simps drool. a tranny posts an overfiltered and accessorized posed selfie in wish clothing and anime girl uwu themes and gets hundreds of reacts, admins labelling them as cute in the tags and all around praise.
i joined a few big servers to be around normal people and the user ranking over amount of text sent is everywhere. i joined the voice chats where it won't matter as much, and there was the nlog admin drunk asskissing every other male, making anime noises like ara ara and yamete kudasai. holy fucking shit. every female admin is an attention seeking fattie and usually trans too. there must also be a porn channel in almost all of them, despite it being 18+ only, you can simply click to continue… and there will be the dirty mirror, messy depression room fattie mods and admins spreading their cheeks and flopping their tits out for everyone to see. i get second hand embarrassment and have to leave. most of the time when i brought up a new topic some pickme girl has to spam over it with her flirting or memes for her dudebros. once that pedo admin from the small chat gave a 14 year old girl mod rights because she sent a pretty selfie. this app is reddit crossed with 4chan if that had a chat feature. the servers with only women require selfie, voice and profile verification which still has to wait for months to be available. fuck me by then they'll require fingerprint, dna and birth certificate too. it's not worth it and then the admin who verifies you never says anything about themselves either which has you feeling exposed and vulnerable. local discords for your city or state might be worth it because then there is a motivation for people to act more civil.
No. 934512
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If you've ever wondered why discord bans GC servers but doesn't seem to care about its massive pedo problem and numerous other safety issues, here's a hint. This is unironically how they're trying to attract talent to the company…
No. 934652
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>>934512Seeing this after a cancer support group meeting where a couple of members were in tears over how unsupportive their workplaces are makes me want to go postal. I hope Discord HQ gets 9/11'd and may anyone who's braindead enough to pay for Discord Nitro burn in hell for funding tranny mutilations.
No. 935430
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>>934652Our Queen will return with a new mission soon, even within our lifetimes.
No. 935623
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My experience on discord:
1. Every discord has "the clique", a group of permanently online people/mods who dictate the conversation and everyone less popular has to suck up to them to not be ignored.
2. People who overshare their health issues and often vaguepost to make themselves seem so dark and brooding, when no one cares to do mental labor for them 24/7.
3. If it's a scrote discord: there will be a NSFW channel with high school anime girls and degenerate shit
4. If it's a twitter-girl discord there will be ridiculous pronoun salads
No. 965147
>>965141I'm the one that dipped in lolcow discord for 5 seconds and dipped out immediately (not sorry).
It just looks boring than the site itself.
No. 965173
>>965145Nobody asked for your irrelevant reply either, yet here we areAnyway can't you read
>Does anyone else want to have funI feel like chatting is fun, I just dislike the discord thing when everyone is always plugged in. I know it's a norm now, but still…
No. 1327092
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There was this one neo Nazi from Minnesota who would constantly call people pedos but liked loli and shota and apparently tried buying CP from the deepweb.
No. 1327099
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Here's his photo, he used to go by u/Realistic_North_5284 on Reddit but he was banned for pedo stuff and racist posts
No. 1329397
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>>1327099Kek he looks like the average /pol/kiddy. Reminds me of Sigismund Steinhäuser
>>1327658Sounds like you should've left sooner
No. 1342010
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>>1327099Him wanting someone to poison their mom's coffee
No. 1342086
>>1329434I agree the only good ones are small/friend servers. When you join larger servers it's inevitable that a clique will form, you have a sizeable number of users who are online during different times of the day or share even More interests so they're going to move together just like school.
I'm on a radfem gamer server and one of the users got kicked out because she was constantly getting pinged despite removing herself from a certain role and a mod added her to it anyway. A certain clique in the server made fun of her. Something about discord just brings out the worst of people.
>>1329458Honestly they're as normies as edgy twitter/tiktok/tumblr users. There's this obsession with wanting to be edgy yet being terrified of wrongthink.
No. 1375357
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>>1342049His name is supposedly Tyler but he used to go by minish at one point. Here he is on his kingonduty account thirsting over a Tech YouTuber called tripcode!q/7
No. 1444385
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Made a quick list consisting of some things that annoy me about discord in 2022.
When I first started using it in 2016 the servers were mostly made by (and for) 'nerdy' adults. Now it's full with children.
Official/public servers are soulless. And they're pretty much always run by powertripping mods who will constantly be on your ass in the most passive aggressive way possible.
Communities that start out outside of Discord, then someone suggests making one so that regulars can talk more freely, which in turn kills the initial community.
Most servers have way too many channels. Not every server needs a selfie, pet, vent and meme channels.
Also the roles, why do game related servers want you to assign your pronouns, age range and sexuality to your profile. Who benefits from that besides pedophiles? Speaking of pedophiles, the safeguarding is non-existent. You can join any popular server and find plenty of lonely children who you can then harass or groom.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Trannies are just like jews. You let one in and soon more and more of them will join and make every conversation about them and their cringe interests and how much of a
victim they are. Then they will start policing your words and scream transphobia if you call them out for being annoying.
People who are on discord 24/7 and expect you to be the same.
Also everything this
nonny >>935623 said
The best way to use discord is to only join private servers about interests that you're passionate about and hope that the users there are normal and that you click with them.
(racebait ) No. 1444753
>>852599holy shit, pewdiepie actually showed his dick to his viewers?
he's got more balls than markiplier
No. 1499336
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>>1327099Him and Ripper aka fergitheoneandonly,the deepweb hurtcore pedo that was stalking plaguedmoth, look alike.
No. 1508717
>>1508709Every time I look at discord I get the overwhelming feeling that, like
actually I don’t need to be on the internet anymore, this is too much I’m done. Not just how it looks or the things you mentioned, it seems to be crawling with degenerates and unstable creeps. stg it’s worse than old chat rooms.
It’s nice that you can basically make free phone calls on it through the voice chat feature but it’s probably just because I’m old that I think that’s neat. I would have never bought a phone if I had that when I was 20, I’d still be on my iPod Touch lel
No. 1622721
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found in a random emoji discord
No. 1698611
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I saw her posts about being a POC, then saw her in the selfies channel
No. 1741299
>>1698611Lmaoo she does not pass for even a quarter. Being queer isn’t enough for the oppression Olympics, you have to be a
No. 1741645
>>1741200A good indication that it's high time to leave. Expect to get an instantaneous strike in the near future upon typing out the words 'faggot', 'tranny', 'nigger' or anything of the like.
Discord is fast approaching the final stages of becoming a ultra-hedonistic coomer singularity that is paradoxically a sanitized, soulless quasi-forum without any meaningful discourse.
No. 1741652
>>1741647I don't. If you think merely saying any of the aforementioned words is '4chan' regardless of context, you are deluded.
I just don't like word policing, especially when it's platform-wide and clearly limits your ability to express your feelings and opinions.
No. 1741705
>>1741698Big shitty public servers will not be affected so I don't see them going away.
Niche communities might look to leave, but Discord is a pretty niche program, it's pseudoanonymous and it has persistent chat. Ventrilo, Mumble, TS3, IRC, none of these have persistent chats.
I don't see discord dying due to lack of usage, I do see it dying due to lack of profitability, I do not know if it is profitable, but a lot of popular web services/social media are not profitable.
No. 1817161
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Is it weird that I find this incredibly creepy even though it's a woman posting it?
No. 1912663
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I swear to god Sonicofags are the dumbest group in the entire figure collecting hobby
No. 1913221
>>1912663I'm always wondering whether:
a) these young zoomer girls are actually so retarded or unfortunately brainwashed that they can't recognize fanservice for men because they've grown up in an extremely porn-addled internet
b) they're fully aware of her sexual nature but are playing dumb because it's cute to be innocent and totes unaware of sexual innuendos and extremely sexualized poses and clothing. This degree of airheadedness I've seen in these often underage female loli and ecchi figure collectors is an amazing magnet for pedo males to orbit around them, because it also often implies they'll mimic the same hypersexual behavior irl but play all coy about it.
I wish young female weebs just went back to glomping, squeeing over bishies and carrying around yaoi paddles instead of whatever this is.
No. 1913915
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well, this will certainly make filtering troons easier.
No. 2390925
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No. 2390933
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I'm just more concerned about the amount of kids younger than 10 on discord.
No. 2390976
>>2390925His comparison doesn't even make any sense, women might like dominant men but it's not like they want to be dominated by an ugly faggot they have no interest in, they want a hot guy they love to do it instead. Being dominant also doesn't really equal rape, you can just have consensual rough sex or something.
>>2390929I think there was some study about women having rape fantasies a while ago (not sure how
valid that even was) and men just took it and ran with it as if it applies to every single woman on earth and makes rape somehow justifiable. They love to pretend women somehow are more into rape than men are, as if it isn't men doing most of the raping and more commonly having rape fetishes compared to women. I used to see men make rape jokes all the time and say they were into it in a discord server I was in but never any of the women partaking in that (obviously) but they'll still parrot this bullshit that women are totally the ones with a rape fetish and men are innocent and only like vanilla sex unlike those degenerate femoid coomers.
No. 2390980
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No. 2420639
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Are TIFs even real. How do you live like this. Triggered by children’s books and women.
No. 2420682
>>2420639the way this person sees "female" as synonmous with "
terf" lmao
No. 2420824
>>2420639This is an interesting phenomenon to me because all the normie women I know irl who love HP have literally no idea of JKR's "
problematic" behaviour kek.