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No. 75465
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>>75414I really love this album! I forgot about it though. Thanks for reminding me.
Anyone else tried a bullet journal? I have a basic planner and I think it's fine. A lot of people in the studyblr/etc communities seem to be swearing by the bullet journal though. I have a simple notebook from Muji I bought a few months ago and never used that I could try…not sure if it's worth the effort.
No. 75508
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>>75465I love the concept of the bullet journal, but it's so stupidly simple that I feel silly for not just buying some graph paper from Staples and making one myself lol.
I am constantly lusting after expensive planners/notebooks like Rhodia or Moleskine and good pens like Sakura brand but know I could get the same result with a cheapo. Still…I can dream…and collect study porn. Haha
No. 76178
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how do i improve my concentration while studying?
also i've been looking through my notes and realizing that my professor is terrible at explaining things, and so is my textbook. i swear to god i just need to find one of those "bla bla bla MADE RIDICULOUSLY EASY" textbooks for this class.
No. 76206
>>761781) earbuds/headphones
2) white noise track
3) reasonably quiet study place
No. 76935
Seriously when I'm in my room even if I set up the most optimal study space and no one is home but me and I turn everything off I will still find something to be distracted by.
Go to the library, or a quiet coffee shop.
I have professors that are really bad at explaining things and after a certain point I just stopped taking notes, because I found that doing quizzes and homework exercises (on lab sites or other required software) was infinitely more helpful to me.
But in the cases where I couldn't, I just sat there with the book and my notes and worked my way through it, tried to make sense of it, even if that means doing a math problem 50 times until I get it.
I tend to do best studying and homework for a couple hours a day (like a period of 5 hours after class with various breaks in between so maybe 2 or 3 hours max study and hw time) and then set aside one day where I am literally just studying and homework from the minute I get out of class til 10-11pm.
I don't do any homework or studying at all 2 days out of the week (usually the weekend) unless I can't help it, which helps me keep motivated. Just got done with a huge 11 hour study binge and it was a lot easier knowing I'm not doing anything but relaxing after my one class tomorrow.
No. 77045
I study to stuff like this.
But I still don't really know how to study. I'm a serial procrastinator as well…
>>75465they're cute I guess, but seems to be something more for people who are into the aesthetic than productivity overall.
No. 77120
>>77005This. I quote every word of this. When I'm in my room I get distracted by literally everything.
Plus, I don't know if I'm the only one but I noticed something last year: my college dorm room was badly illuminated, and the light projected by the bulb was yellowish: I tried to study but really couldn't concentrate there. I really hated that yellow light.
My actual dorm room this year, instead, is well illuminated by a white light which I find more relaxing, and I prepared there my last exam without feeling the urge of running the fuck out of there to reach some library study area. Illumination counts
No. 77153
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Maan, this makes me want to go back to school
I used to listen to the Nujabes homework edits all the time
Does anyone really like school supplies? I fucking love pens,pencils and notebooks. Especially if they're cute, it really makes me happy and motivates me to study
No. 77154
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>>77153I do, anon! There's a korean bookshop near my apartment and they sell sooo much cute stationery/pens/pencils/paper/notebooks. If I had money I'd buy them all up!
No. 77159
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>>77153>>77154I love that cute stationery shit too! And general 'what's in my bag and pencil case' pictures as well.
Also, I love Nujabes but it's my happy music haha, not sure I wanna associate his tracks with studying, but had no idea about the homework edits, so thanks!
No. 77179
>>77158Because seeing it in a prettier way makes it more pleasant.
People aren't really taskbots capable of just doing things in a raw, sterile manner. Same reason why some still prefer physical books over digital ones: form and content are not separate things.
>why do you need a woman to be attractive lol just, you know, insert dick into vagina No. 77181
>>77179>why do you need a woman to be attractive lol just, you know, insert dick into vaginaWhat a great metaphor.
I can see why studying is so difficult for you.
No. 77183
>>77181Two things:
1) People like to look at pretty things for inspiration, and sometimes they actually follow through because they feel good about it
2) People like to look at pretty things for inspiration, and sometimes they prefer that to actually following through because following through is a lot of work
Both are true.
No. 77218
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I go to the library and I tend to sit in the same spot each time. idk, it puts my brain in study mode or something
I go on 8tracks to look for study playlists, lately my favorites are ones with video game soundtracks
I use a bullet journal
Also having cute school supplies helps me feel more enthusiastic. I LOVE Muji products and also I have a big pack of fine point Stablio pens because I like color-coding.
No. 78547
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Does anyone have a fear of studying?
I'm not talking about being lazy and not wanting to put in the effort. I'm talking about actual anxiety over studying and fear of the enormity of knowledge - lol yes that is so pretentious but idk how else to describe it. Does anyone else feel this way?
No. 78568
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>>78553Right? I can't just study from a textbook. I end with with all sorts of questions about the material that I end up looking up elsewhere, and from there I just fall down a rabbit hole of omg should I know this even though it won't be on the exam. There is just so much information available out there.
No. 78570
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>>78568this is exactly what happened to me today… i just don't know how to sit down and fully comprehend everything
like i can go over the notes i guess but i won't really understand
i feel like i should be studying rn, before i go to sleep, but i dont want to :(
No. 82007
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Dumping my study folder!
No. 82008
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No. 82009
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No. 82010
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No. 82011
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No. 82012
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No. 82013
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almost done
No. 82014
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No. 82541
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I listen to my favorite video game soundtracks depending on what I'm studying or instrumentals
No. 82811
>>82791it's alright with classical or instrumental stuff.
anything with words and I can't do it.
No. 83160
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I'm not in school anymore so I don't have anything to study for, but I found some journal inspo.
No. 83161
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No. 83163
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No. 86014
>>85942I'm sorry to hear about your experience, anon. All the best for your future studies, you can do it!!
The key to not getting overwhelmed with studying is organisation. You want to establish what you have to do, and when you want to do it. For example, if I had an essay due in a week, my plan would be sometching like this:
>Monday: research at library>Tuesday: read over research material>Wednesday: write introduction, establish skeleton of essay>Thursday, Friday: flesh out essay>Saturday: proof read and editHaving your study objectives planned out really, really helps when you start having clusters of assignments that are due around the same time, and gives you something to work towards instead of just studying whatever and feeling like its aimless. Definitely buy a planner if you haven't already, they're a godsend.
In general, you should read over your materials with a highlighter, highlighting sparingly. I see people with neon yellow pages and it really pisses me off lol. After you're done, take notes that summarise the critical points of what you've read. Draw diagrams, they help a lot.
After you've started familiarising yourself with concepts, you need to solidify them by doing as many questions as you can. This is particularly important for hard sciences. You need to be able to apply what you've learnt in different situations effectively.
You should periodically review your notes so you keep everything fresh in your brain.
For subjects that revolve around ROTE learning, you'll want to make flash cards. I personally like Quizlet, if you don't mind electronic flash cards.
I hope this helps and that I haven't completely misinterpreted your question. :')
No. 86017
>>86014No this is actually really helpful!
Organization really is one of my weakest points as I have gotten way too used to cramming the night before, or worse, the day of.
Thank you so much for all the information kind anon.
No. 278352
This will be controversial, or maybe not, but.
Nicotine, not cigarettes or vapes, mind you, just nicotine, in gum or in toothpicks (Habitrol and Pixotine, respectively are my favorites, both taste pretty good and not like the bottom of an ashtray) give me a noticeable boost when studying. Way more focus, ease in retaining what I’ve learned, and as a bonus, appetite suppression and weight loss.
I’ve done a lot of research on nicotine as a nootropic, and it works for me. The biggest problem with smoking is tar, carbon monoxide, and plain old combustion, imo. I’d never recommend smoking. Can you still get addicted? Probably. I cycle it with caffeine and Provigil every three to four days, and it’s given me great results so far.
No. 278368
>>278352the nicotine
is the addictive part, anon. lucky for you the gums and stuff have less nicotine, since it's you know, for quitting. you will get addicted to it though and you'll have withdrawal if you stop. using tobacco/nicotine products is bad for you
because of the nicotine, but it's dangerous for the other reasons.
No. 278724
>>278368I chew one piece of 2 mg gum or one 3mg toothpick two to three times a week, once a day, while I’m studying. In the summer I don’t even loook at it. tbh I’m more addicted to caffeine at this point. I don’t notice the lack of it when I don’t take it and I don’t expect to keep the habit after school is finished. It works for some people and doesn’t for others.
No one is saying that you should do it. I said it would be controversial, that it was probably addictive, and that it helps me focus and retain info. That’s all.
No. 278852
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>>77153I have the ugliest handwritng but I really enjoy a good black pen and notebook.
I copped these recently
No. 367450
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>>367433Thanks anon, I'll take a listen in your honor.
No. 368191
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Does anyone else go brain-dead whenever you're in a lecture/lesson?
I enjoy my course and understand the topic when I go over it, but for some reason my brain won't focus while I'm actually in college and supposed to be "taking it all in".