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No. 77468
>>77461Too bad for you they tested the DNA. They weren't nig nog at all. We wuz kings and sheet is just not true.
Ancient egyptians mostly looked like modern egyptians, so middle eastern people. The ruling class was a paler inbred version of them with even ginger or blonde hair.
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No. 87706
For the black weebs here that want to go to Korea, it's better for you to not go. Korean is a very racist language and it's not for nigga (which means you in korean)
No. 87722
>>87708Sorry if this seems stupid, but I have a question about this, sort of not about this, but what do African Americans (black slave descended Americans) call actual first through second generation Africans?
Shouldn't the term be for newly immigrated Africans (ex: Chinese-American/Asian-American, Caribbean-Americans, European-Americans)? If so, why do you only call them Africans if they're also African American in a sense?
Genuine question.
No. 87724
>>87708>I also wonder if real Africans are ashamed of African Americans…I am an American born African, my family is from East Africa. A lot of Africans here in the U.S. value a good education and want their children to be valuable to society, like anyone else really.
Let me tell you though that my relatives/cousins/family friends definitely have a dislike for black Americans because they make them look bad. My family have all experienced some kind of turmoil in their home countries and they just want to find a peaceful place to live, and live their life. I understand from their perspective not wanting to be typed as a stereotypical black American.
No. 87733
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>>87731Not that Anon, but a lot of the official forms have the race listed like this.
No. 87746
>>87722Black people in America who can track their linage to voluntary migration from Africa are called African/black immigrants.
Black people in America that do not descend from slaves usually fare better than their slave descended counterparts. (Unemployment and racism is still a problem, but I don't think it's as ingrained into the African immigrant psyche) No. 87755
>>87722They would be called by the country they come from. Stupid question. If you know an Asian person is from China, you call them Chinese American. Or if they're from Vietnam: Vietnamese American, Japan, Japanese American and so on. If you have a friend whose parents are from Poland, they're Polish American. Mexican Americans have family from Mexico. Africa is continent, and if they're from some country in Africa they will be considered the same. Nigerian American, Ghanaian American, Kenyan American.
The US only calls black people "African Americans" to recognize their ancestors were from "somewhere in Africa". 1st and 2nd gen Americans are still very clearly tied to their home countries so a large generalization like that is dumb
No. 87759
>>76654why is there an asian in this thread
get out
No. 87766
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This Amy stuff makes me really sad. I hate how people think fighting will solve something
No. 87803

>>87798>theyYou mean the niggers? Normal people get scared when someone gets beaten up but niggers seem to yell WORLD STAR and laugh like chimpanzees…unless a white man wins from a nigger. Then they help out the negro.
>>87775I don't hate negroids. I am not your typical racist. I just hate African Americans and the African diasporascum (jamaicans, antillians etc… except dominicans, arubans etc…, somehow they are civilized as fuck)
And the niggers from mother Africa who pretend to be African American by copying their culture. Although thy are less worse they are still terrible. They are the wiggers of the negroids, if that is possible.
To be fair, African features alone do not make you look like a monkey, they can look very graceful and feminine/handsome BUT Africans from the Americas (except a few africans from the south) are ALL chimps. ALL of them. If one niglet member of an AA family behaves like a homo sapien you can bet the rest are not! There is a black singer who is civilized and basically wants to start with the black race over but they chimped out on him by calling him new black etcetcetc. Even when the stars of their own kind are trying to help they refuse.
These white tumblrina feminists that reblog "beauty" of AA are LYING. They HATE AAs secretly too! That or they luckily just pretend they are hanging out with AA irl. It is impossible to like AA. It just is. Unless you're a sad sad sad person who wants to be "cool". I also thought blacks were cool but I was 12. Their propaganda is just as bad as the propaganda of racists back in the old days. I also had guilt, but that was because I have never seen a nigger IRL. Well I did but I never spoke to one. And now I regret this, I wish I could stop hating them but I can't. It is not me it is the nigger. I don't hate other races just niggers. I don't care about racial ideologies, like I said I'm not bothered by their features or skincolor, just their behaviour. I hope they improve. One day. But they wont.
No. 87821
>>87803A lot of them think that they'll become Facebook famous if they post a fight video all over world star. For example a lot of theses girls are trying to be the next sharkesha bitch.
Buts it's really sad how they bragged about it on Instagram, they were really enjoying their slight moment of fame and it's disgusting.
No. 87832
>I also had guilt, but that was because I have never seen a nigger IRL. Well I did but I never spoke to one.Honestly, that's all you had to say. It seems that most racists have never actually seen a black person or interacted with one. If you only know of black people by Worldstar, you're probably gonna think racist beliefs - but Worldstar isn't the entire world and isn't representative of all black people.
Most people don't lie about having black friends but it's funny that you think that. I'll never get why racists think everyone else is racist but just hiding it - like no, most of us aren't actually racist. Maybe if you really interacted with black people, you'd know how they actually are instead of basing your opinion of them on Stormfront posts.
No. 87930
>>87832Let's face it, with curent realities blacks are criminals by default, because of extreme high number of crimes commited by blacks, until shown otherwise.
Americans and europeans call this Racism, but in fact, it's common sense and awareness. Just like Russians by default like vodka, because it's traditional slavic alcoholic drink, until shown otherwise.
No. 87937
>>87832Sorry I was tired so the grammar of my post sucks lol
> I also had guilt, but that was because I have never seen a nigger IRL. Well I did but I never spoke to one. Guilt = white guilt (I felt sory for blacks because I constantly had to hear how bad slavery was etc.. So I let them talk trash about other folks, letthem have their double standards etc…) but anyways I felt this way because I never knew how black people were, because there werent many blacks from the americas in my neighborhood. Now that I'm an adult and moved in a city with more blacks I "can" interact with them daily I despise their behaviour. I dont mistreat blacks (lets just call them blacks even though you know who i hate), I just completely ignore them. Yesterday an AA catcalled me and instead of saying that he is desperate like I do with other ethnic groups I just ignored him. I hate them so much to the point I just dont acknowledge them.
Its weird that you think I dont know who blacks are even though I specifically said I'm not bothered by dominicans, africans and other afroish latinos lol. I have met all kinds of blacks and not all of them are bad indeed. Except AAs. Sorry.
Also maybe I am wrong but most tumblr folks who glorify black women have 0 AA friends IRL. At least the ones I know, and the ones that do hang out with black (the black diaspora of the americas) folks use them for attention so they are not really close, kinda a katy perry & rihanna friendship or because they are white trash (iggy azalea who is hated in the AA and wigger community lol poor thing)
I am not racist I think though, African Americans are an ethnic group and I only hate African Americans. So…I have>>87823I dont hate AA because they look different from me though.
>>87933>>87930This. This is why I said that I dont have any stormfront ideologies. Niggers (I refuse to confuse blacks with niggers) think that the entire world hates them because of their skin color but this is simply not true. when you are ugly inside you become ugly outside.
>>87928Waste of time. Open your eyes. I dont know if you are black but you do not have to associate yourself with niggers, just like white people dont like rednecks. Why can we say "I hate rednecks" but not say "I hate niggers?". Perhaps you feel safe around but the rest of the world is tired of niggers including blacks, the ones you call "coons".
No. 87943
>>87937I was with you until
>Perhaps you feel safe around but the rest of the world is tired of niggers including blacks, the ones you call "coons"when you said your only problem was with AA (ridiculous term by the way, of anything they should honestly just be referred to as black or black americans)
But you are right about tumblr glorifing black women. I think people who brag about having black friends have never had any, they're annoying.
No. 88049
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>>87943Well I really dont hate all blacks just those who participate in black american culture, as I effectively think this culture is the cancer of the negroid race. It is currently dominant and the most popular culture so other blacks become niggers to blend in with the rest of the niggers, otherwise they will be called coons and "nerds xD".
For me AA = Africans of the Americas. With exceptions, like Arubans and Dominicans as they are much and much milder.
Pic related; this is why friendship between different races often dont work. I think racists and antiAAs should just ignore their existence, they are easy to spot anyways. When there is a movie with a lot of niggers I wont watch it. And I will definitely not listen to nigger music, ever again. Maybe this way we can kill the African of the Americas culture if we'd stop giving them any attention?
No. 88065
I'm pretty frustrated that all I have to go on is opinions posed by other people.
Prejudice racism isn't rational. But yeah I can understand that if you're being agitated by a group of white people compared to a group of black people, with statistics being as they are. I can't really blame you to be extra careful.
>>88049>pic relatedSo you're saying they're an interracial lesbian couple and that's why she hit her? Regardless of race lesbian relationships have a lot of abuse according to stats. The black man white woman meme is far more appealing as an anecdote.
No. 88129
>>88049I just reverse image searched that image and they aren't even a couple, it's just a friend with a black eye.
You are only seeing what you want to see.
No. 88216
>>88129No you are reading what you want to read.
I used this as an example because no good friend would use this as a profile picture just because you are looking good in the picture. No way this medium black girl would dare to do this shit if the girl with the black eye was a dark skinned black woman.
>>88137I guess I can't attend parties that are playing black music either, so dont worry. I don't want a black eye for saying a word that's in a song.
No. 88217
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Something needs to be done within the black community but I don't know if as a whole they'll ever get to that point soon. I live in a town being taken over by ghetto trash and it's been slowly ruining the once nice place. White flight is real. Black communities bring crime and poverty. Most of them rather shame each other into staying trashy and poor rather than rising above their situations. Because god forbid, you might seem "white". I work with a lot of them and I hear them shame each other. They don't want to see other black people succeed. It's very sad.
No. 88221
>>88217Race Baiting - biggest black people problem to date.
No. 88353
Go outside and look around you and see who are most often thugs. It's ok though. I think black race can be saved with e d u c a t i o n
No. 88379
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No. 88561
>>88379My school was only 10% Black and some of the shit that went on was pretty ridiculous. I can't imagine being in one with more. I remember in all standardized tests we had, the black kids would just color in christmas trees on the scan-tron and then sleep the rest of the time. Granted, standardized tests are usually pretty dumb, but this also includes testing on the SAT and to determine classes for the next year. When I took the SAT there was this black kid sitting in front of me who made us start 10 minutes late because he refused to put his phone away. The teacher wasn't even threatening to take it away, but just asked him to put the phone away for the SAT. He refused to even do that and the teacher made the mistake of trying to swipe it from him and the kid stood up and shoved his desk at him. Security came in eventually and escorted the kid out. All over refusing to put his fucking phone away.
The Mexican vs. Black part of this is really true by the way. My school was around 40% hispanic and those two groups do NOT get along at all. Being white I just felt like I was sitting on the sidelines of the real conflict there. Blacks would constantly call hispanics beaners, tell them to go back to mexico, and all that shit. Hispanics would act in return and call them niggers, monkeys, coons, etc. Worst I saw was this black guy fucked a Mexican's gf and was bragging about it around the school.Then he got jumped by 6 of them at night with baseball bats. He was out of school for weeks and was just completely fucked up even when he came back.
Minorities seem to have more hate for eachother than whitey, at least that I've seen.
No. 88564
>>88561Hispanic chiming in.
It's crazy how even my all Mexican family stereotypes black people. My mom used to work for a company edited it closed down in our area and she said that it was always black people who would slack off and not wanna work. She also said that eating lunch was a bitch because they only got a certain amount of time and black people would stall the hallways because they were always in big groups and also they'd always bring ramen to lunch. She's also very salty about the fact that my aunt who can't work because she had chemo, can't get welfare help because the government prioritizes lazy black people who don't wanna work (her exact words all the time). I get along with any race, but sometimes I agree with her. At my job there was a black man who was doing a pretty good job until he no-called no-showed and after I told my mom, she asked "I know you're going to get mad at me, but is he black?".
No. 88568
>>88567Where was this? Completely different case where I lived
>>88564Asians are even worse about it imo. I have an asian friend whose parents told all their kids to either marry another asian or a white person. Any other would result i them getting kicked out
No. 88595
>>88567I'm not even American or hispanic or whatever but they do this because fucking nigger music and culture is overrepresentated in the media. You copy what you see.
>>88561I don't think spics are the bestest people but if spics would be replaced with black people that would be nice. And I'm glad that they did that to that ape tbh. I'm so glad they are the only ones who fight back against the nigger, fuck yes!
Also white people hate niggers just as much as spics the thing is that due historical events they just wont do it. They already had their time I guess.
Shaneequa with the becky weave
No. 88699
>>88693Let black people do what they want.
Do you care whether they like or hate white people? I don't. Provided they aren't harming white people I couldn't give a fig.
No. 88730
>>88705>If they don't you for any reason, they will do anything they can to provoke you such as bumping into you, laugh with their friends, talk loudly about you, etc. and when you say anything then they will go crazy and say "WAT U JUS SAY BITCH? U THINK U CAN JUS SAY SHIT TO US? WE GON HANDLE DIS SHIT NOW!".I think this is just a ghetto trash thing.
I had nasty bitches in high school who used to shit on me like this and the one who got me into the most trouble was this ugly white bitch.
It's just a hood mentality, and it's only coincidental that many black people tend to live in hood areas.
No. 88963
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>but blacks hate wacism
A friendly reminder no one gave a shit about this but if a non-black girl or guy made a joke about black people…… twitter would definitely chimp out. In fact they are even now chimping out about a similair thing, together with the nonblacks who suffer from white guilt.
No. 89014
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>mfw a black man prolly made this meme
No. 89015
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>>89018I like the hair of the negro female cosplaying as goku. Very Betty Boop tbh. the long haired female negro isnt ugly either