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No. 757295
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Love you
No. 757298
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Thread pic is cute.
No. 757305
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Don't have much to say, but I love you ladies ♥
>>757295This is so pretty! The hair texture is painted so well
No. 757308
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Happy women's day, anons! This is such a cute thread. I love being a woman because, even though we all come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, we all share the same effortless femininity of just being born a woman. I love how safe I feel with other women, and how even in a society that tries to pit us against each other, we still share that same sisterly bond through it all. I love women's fashion and clothes, and how we could pull off so many styles that men could never. I love how women embody so many different types of strength, not just physical strength. I love women and being a woman.
No. 757310
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Happy women’s day!
Take care of yourselves, please!
You’re precious and indispensable for this world to be a decent place.
I hope you have a great day and even better days in the future.
No. 757345
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When I was younger I didn't understood how special it is to be born a woman. Thankfully now I do. I love how kind, strong, intelligent and considerate women have been, historically. I love how we have fought for our rights and continue to do so. I love our stories. I love seeing women progress, being independent. We've always been the backbone of society. Like the other anon's said, I love our bonds.
The most beautiful connections, I have made them with fellow women.
I love when we take care of each other, when we advice each other, when we protect each other.
Let's celebrate women everyday! Let's experience beautiful thing and enjoy life
No. 757371
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Super cute thread, love it.
Shout out to butch, masculine, and androgynous women: the baddest bitches on this planet divinely embodying both masculinity and femininity. Thank you for being you
No. 757587
>>757447You’re not a disgrace at all. I might not understand your situation entirely, but I know that living with mental illness is no easy feat. You sound like a strong and wonderful woman, I’m sure you’re a great role model for your children. You deserve the best
Happy (belated as I’m Aussie) Women’s Day ladies
No. 757666
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>>757429On a related note, any good books about how women actually lived in historical times? Especially during the victorian era. Pic related comes to my mind as an example, but I haven't read it yet, so not sure how good it is!
No. 757693
>>757681I don’t think anyone actually
celebrates it. Kind of like Presidents’ Day in the US. I think there was just more talk around it due to transwamen trying to hijack it.
No. 757697
>>757681It's huge in Russia because that's where it started. Women there usually get flowers or other presents. Some places also have parades every year.
I'm happy because my mom's work bought us Pizza Hut for women's day kek
No. 1518008
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Happy women's day!!!!! I love being female and having XX chromosomes. What do you love about being a woman nonny?
No. 1518018
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Happy Women's Day nonnies!
I've struggled to see femininity as something strong and i was always pressured to be manly, i remember times when i used to feel ashamed to wear a braid but i've come to a point where i'm confident and happy about being a woman, even if not everyone wants to look over our appearances.
I'm proud of any woman who loves herself or is trying her best to get in a better place, no time spent to grow despite all of what we go through is wasted, i wish all the love and strength to you all.
No. 1518019
>>1518016I love you
nonny no matter if your posts really sounds like bait right now. Happy women's day.
No. 1518023
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I love being an unhinged woman who takes no shit from men
No. 1518030
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I love that I don't look like this (rip kek)
No. 1518037
Happy Women's Day!
>>1518008Gotta be honest, my favourite thing about being a woman is that we get to live longer on average. I just love life and want it to last as long as possible
No. 1518049
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Hope you nonny's treat yourself today! I know for some of us it's hard to go through the next day but, I sincerely hope you have a wonderful day and I'm proud of you.
No. 1518055
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Lovely Women's Day gorlies! ♥♥
No. 1518064
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I am an insane woman who ruined a man and am no longer ashamed I ruined him. Blessed be my fucking instability
No. 1518153
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Happy women's day nonnies, i'm giving flowers to everyone in this thread
No. 1518164
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Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, I'm excited to celebrate it by joining the women's day documentary movie night in a bit!
No. 1518181
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I love you nonnies. It's so great we all happened to find this place just for us.
I'm also glad to have been so lucky when it came to gender distribution in my life - all my caretakers, most teachers, family and friends, groups & classes happened to be completely women dominated, it probably extended my lifespan by at least a decade kek. I really do believe that a paradise would consist mostly of us.
No. 1518186
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happy woman's day nonitas! i'm gonna go buy some beer
No. 1518196
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nonny nonny nonny
happy women's day nonny, be a terfy punk and do cool shit against the patriarchy today (being mean to men is not enough)
No. 1518199
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>>1518186Fuck it. I'll have a beer too. A bit later though cause I have to acquire it first. Happy Women's Day to you nonna!
No. 1518213
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Happy women's day nonnas, celebrate and if a man annoys you today, pepper spray him. I never had positive female examples in my life, so happy to have found you all.
>>1518186>>1518199I'm having a beer, too, would bring you both one around if you wouldn't probably live on the other side of the world, kek.
No. 1518257
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Happy women's day, I'm glad I ain't no scrote.
No. 1518258
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>>1518257or tif for that matter
No. 1518313
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Happy women’s day anons, remember that moids are seething at the fact that they’ll never be you ♥
No. 1518315
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I’d rather die than be a man. XYs stay losing and balding KEK
No. 1518322
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Happy Women's Day nonnies
Eat your fave meal, pet a cat, kick a moid in the balls.
No. 1518330
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>>1518285>>1518303>>1518329Yeah be more like this nona kek
No. 1518634
>>1518330>>1518623Watch out anons as some dumbass mod will ban you for it
Had it happen to me
No. 1518650
>>1518647Yep you can choose to sage or not dumbass. I'm not bumping the thread with bullshit. Lurk more.
>>1518648Newfags not reading the rules pissing in the collective cereal
No. 1518687
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>>1518668It’s ok anon, it’s just an image board
No. 1518693
>>1518016I often feel this way as well. I’ve endured a lot of truly horrific things because of being born female. I hope that one day we find our peace, safety and true happiness. Sending my love to you anon and to all others here who have suffered through terrible times.
When I’m bored or lonely and I come here and have a laugh or two with you anons it really comforts me. I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for the users here no matter how many fights and weird posts I witness kek.
No. 1518715
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Messaged a woman I have a crush on for the first time on Women's Day.
I hope the power of all women is on my side today.
No. 1518733
>>757345I love this post
>>1518715let's fucking gooooooo
No. 1518775
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Happy women's day to the superior sex!