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No. 763951
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I'm hippocritical
No. 763970
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I find it hippocritical when people criticize hippopotamuses for being so fat.
No. 764018
>>763968But funko pops are hideous and plushies are cute
Either way I'm not a fan though, too much clutter for any adult who has to clean their own space.
No. 764067
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"The social media site I use is different than other social media"
4chan, twitter, tiktok and reddit will all do the same things to your brain. They're all sites that reward short form content or skimming long form. The fun cool fact you learned after 3 hours of browsing is not worth it. This is 100% due to the fact that people who hate a site will stop using it which leaves the site lovers on.
No. 764144
>>764088Men hate women for making them horny (but not letting him fuck her). They view it as the one instance in which a woman is holding power over him. They feel cucked because they know men who are not him will be having sex with her. But they keep watching porn because they’re slaves to their dicks, they blame women for this and grow more resentful of her.
That’s why men feel entitled to our bodies, they invented the idea that women are responsible for their horniness. Most men have Madonna whore complex.
No. 764393
>>764088My pet peeve is men who follow thirst traps on IG and r/gonewild but disparage any hypothetical woman who would post racy pictures of her own body. Somehow these men aren’t cheating by following and interacting with naked women, but women who want compliments on
their own body is the worst thing ever, she’s totally cheating guys.
And no, I don’t think it’s a great idea to be a sex worker/post nudes around (men will thirst over anything), but only women face stigma for it. We’re socialized to accept men constantly looking at porn, but women who want attention is a sin.
No. 764592
>>764576Thats not even hypocritical, just a stupid hoe lying for attention.
Oh and i follow a girl on IG who does OF and does the same thing kinda, always posting stories about how she wants a gf, how she's ~so gay~ and even tags her posts with #bisexual yet only ever dates men lmao. Im not even gay myself but that shit annoys me. At least she doesnt call herself lesbian though i guess.