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No. 76586
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>driving anywhere
>walking in malls or department stores
>reading nearly any post on an imageboard/forum/etc
>the "news"
>listening to people order food/talk on the phone/talk to their friends and dates
>people who still use old shitty memes that have been beat to the grave and back again
>people in general
I like some people, and some of the stuff we produce is cool, but damn I hate the majority of the population.
No. 76587
>>76574Oh, just bullshit, like the ever growing overly pc tumblr culture that is enveloping society, bringing retrograde ideologies and politics back just for the sake of reinforcing those ideals. How people can make you feel so stupid with just a glance, how I'm unloved by my prarents and I feel guilty of them being miserable.
You know… First world shit nobody cares about. Kill me.
No. 76609
>>76603Mostly stems from being extremely self conscious to the point that I can't handle even walking down the street
I've found I'm still miserable being alone in my apartment, but I definitely prefer it to actually being out and about
I don't have a favorite type of person really. I have no friends or even acquaintances
No. 76847
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I can't find worth in anything.
I have all these lofty goals - get fit, study physics, read the classics, learn an instrument, write short stories and essays - but I quit after I start because I can't find any satisfaction or meaning. It all becomes pointless after a few days.
I don't know why I'm able to sustain morbid interest in lolcows for months at a time (a truly pointless shitty hobby) but am so apparently disillusioned with the world that I can't stick it out with anything worthwhile/that would realistically contribute positively to society.
Why am I so unmotivated?
No. 76851
>>76847you're just really lazy
also just get some adderall or something fam. smh. or do some acid
No. 76890
>>76851Did that. Soon went back to being the same asshole I was before.
Drugs are fun and productive when used with the right mindset. But I am completely fucked if I always need to be high/microdosing to get anything worthwhile done.
I'm ready to completely disconnect. I've lost touch with most friends and family, anyway.
No. 76905
>Bills, bills for everything
>The cost of living
>Owning a car but needing it too much to sell it
>Having to pay for health care
>Having to pay for college
>Diseases and illness (especially HIV and cancer)
>Manipulative people
>The 'list' life (school, college, job, home, marriage, etc)
>The fact that you can live a totally healthy life and die of cancer, or be super unhealthy and live to be 100
There's so much messed up shit in the world. I miss being a teen and thinking everything would be awesome, exciting, and happen exactly as I planned. Now as a 20-something whose attempted suicide before and feels like I'm stuck in a hole I can't climb out of… it really sucks. No friends b/c anxiety, family is busy, I'm always doing stuff alone… Thank goodness I have a dog to live for tbh.
No. 77028
>>77008>>77023This makes me so freaking happy to read about. I've had so many issues last year over death and the concept of things ending that it was giving me extreme anxiety and I was crying every night for seemingly no reason.
I'm getting a little better. What's helped the most was taking charge of my own life. I got out of a long term relationship and decided that I was going to become a more well rounded person and really hermit mode to work on my craft/hobbies and myself. I'm also travelling A LOT more. Distraction seems the best cure for this problem, really. I wish you girls the best!
No. 77052
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>>76574Being a failure.
Everything I do turns out bad, i.e. finishing my bachelors degree with bad grades. The disappointed look on my parents face when they hear about those things is horrible. I feel like I'm incredibly stupid, clumsy and ugly.
No. 77063
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My life is really unfulfilled and I feel like a shitty daughter in general. I'd rather be an oblivious idiot than the unthankful, bitter shut-in I am now.
Sometimes I wish I could just die because I'm so unappreciative of being alive. There are people who still have it worse than me.
No. 77086
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>no family except for mother
>no friends, online or IRL
>unstable/unhealthy relationship with bf
>untreated mental illnesses
>struggling-to-recover alcoholic
>poor as fuck/no insurance
>have done nothing with my life
I'm chronically lonely, depressed, and consider suicide all the time. I feel like at this point that's my only option since I can't seem to get help anywhere else.
No. 77087
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>horrible anxiety, feel dread 24/7
>depressed as hell
>no money and lots of bills/debts to pay
>banks and loan collectors keep calling for the debts I took for dad so he wouldn't go to jail
>6th year in college because I keep taking breaks out of financial reasons(at least it's free)
>living in a 3rd world shithole
>thinking about how I have no future
>thinking about death and the end of universe theories
>extremely lonely and love starved
>feel like I have nothing to live for, constant suicidal thoughts
>no gf
>small dick
No. 77105
>>77065Why waste money on addy. Might as well just do meth
I hate the people i live with. They are such bitches
No. 77148
>feeling fat despite being underweight because of a 5 kg weight gain (was severely underweight before so it's not a big deal, still sucks tho)>finally having "friends" but not knowing how to conciliate them and bf>being unable to study due to mental illness>the fact that I'll get barely passing grades due to mental illness after two years of 9/10 on averageI just want to get better, I just don't have the guts to see a psychiatrist because I'm too proud and perfectionistic to admit I need/accept help.
>>77138You sound like someone who doesn't know shit about eating disorders
No. 77845
The fact that I hit 25 in 2 months and I'm still living with my parents. Sleeping on the couch.
I was always desperate to leave, I remember on my 16th birthday I went to my local housing office to apply for a house. My parents were way too overbearing, too controlling and inquisitive. I'd go out for walks all day, every day because it didn't feel like home.
I moved out at 21, then came back, then out again. Not once did I miss this place, or feel "homesick" for it.
When I broke up with my boyfriend, I came back in September with the intention of quickly learning to drive at getting the fuck out, and at the time I used about 90% of my time for something constructive so it wasn't impossible to me. I booked and passed my theory test within a fortnight, and already had a couple of lessons. Then I began to slow down because I had to work too. I hated the lessons, and had an intensive burst of shifts from my Christmas job, so January I did nothing. February I did nothing, now I'm into March.
Since October I've been meaning to brush up my CV. I have sheets of paper with the month's goals, and every one had "brush up CV". It's easy to let go of, but then I think. I haven't applied for a proper career job in 5 months now, when I intended to. Still not done it. Still not got back into driving lessons. And I have NO idea when I'll move out, and where to. It's like I've lost all will to live a life.
That's what's making me miserable.