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No. 7676
Most of them, this is coming from a former member. I left because I got sick of their shit.
It's like any girl, even if they're not assholes and they like kawaii shit they're posted up on that thing. It's ridiculous, honestly people are allowed to like Jfashion and cute things with a large following base. As long as they're not a cunt, then I don't see a problem with it. Post girls shoop nowadays, it's nothing new and I don't think we should care. I get it annoys people when they lie about it but there are WORSE things going on in the world.
For e.g Dakota Rose and my oh, my am I tired of them pointing every single thing about her. It's so old, I don't think they realize it but they're her number one fucking fans! If they didn't care about her they'd had fucked off a long time ago. They act as if she is THAT well known when she isn't. People around the world who saw those barbie living doll pictures back in 2011-2012 would have only known her looking like that, I doubt people know she modelled for Japanese magazines or is now doing TV work. She's not Kim K, she's just a token model with a bad attitude looking for acceptance in Asia because she got lucky. End of.
I don't mind but half of those girls on PULL aren't oil paintings themselves. Most are ugly as fuck yet they have the NERVE to tear other girls to shreds.
I don't think it's jealously anymore, it's sheer boredom and just being plain old mean now. They're a bunch of bored young women with nothing else to do with their free time.
Don't get me started about Kontrakoti because that bitch… RIGHT, if SHE knew where Dakota lived I bet she'd stalk the living daylights out of her. I bet she would fucking go through her garbage and pull out the last toothbrush she owned, the take pictures of it so they can all declare how minging kota is because the bristles on the fucking thing are matted or something. That's how obsessed kontra is.
Scary motherfuckers, they need to get out the house more.
No. 7682
>>7676And if you dare try to point this out to them, they will nay say SO FUCKING HARD and do the "Oh yeah well you" strawman argument Totemokawaii loves to use then people clap and say "Omg good point!"
If the site was just a truth site like it was originally supposed to be, it would be somewhat pleasant to be there. Don't get me started on the "The girls here look way better than the snowflakes we're talking about!" Nice job lecturing people on how society is vain while being vain.
No. 7683
>>7676Man, I left about a year ago (i think), and it was the best idea. I was one of the oldfags there, so it just got weird after all the tumblr asshats started flocking in. I was actually a lot of fun in the beginning.
Only people I hated were Flan and OC. The rise of Totemo was a little after my time.
My favorite snowflake of all time was that one girl who said she had Alexandria's Genesis. Anyone remember her?
No. 7694
>>7687Posting info on minors is not ok… unless if it's Venus. "Oh my god poor Venus she accidentally posted her period video!" (reposts it knowing she flashed her panties and vaginal region while being against sexualization of minors)
Fuck PULL their heads are so far up their own asses. Selenite is very smug. She kept comparing her English skills to Venus's saying it's so much better even though she used simple words incorrectly at times. Venus's English is not that bad. She also went like "Why do we need a video summary of what Venus did when we have this forum?" Because the forum is clogged up with people bragging about how they're prettier or better or people like Totemokawaii who try to be the next internet badass using a shit-talking "truth site" as a platform to get e-famous.
No. 7696
>>7695It's true. PULL does make you question yourself a lot like "damn okay i shouldn't have gone that far… but fuck it, these girls deserve it!"
It's turning more and more into bullying tbh
No. 7700
>>7696I think the more sane PULL members do realize they are more mean on PULL than they really are. So they get away from it for days or even weeks and just enjoy life. The more level headed members don't really care about blogs or who is more popular. They just step back like "Wow… I'm a bitch here. Maybe it wouldn't be wise to associate my real identity with PULL"
Then there are those PULL members who advertise themselves, acts totally cunty but pretends they are "Oh so kawaii and innocent. I'm really shy guys… but wow this person is worse than me and I'm prettier!" Kinda like Anne
No one likes the members or mods who can never admit they are wrong on that site or who can't learn to say "I'm sorry" (And actually mean it)
No. 7715
>>7676>Most are ugly as fuck yet they have the NERVE to tear other girls to I don't think being pretty should be a requirement to make fun of girls on the internet. I'm not conventionally pretty, and never will be no matter how much make up and styling I put on, but I'm not above saying that I enjoy being a catty bitch from time to time. I guess that's my main problem with PULL, a lot of them try to say that they're above it all when, c'mon cunt, you're posting here (or on lolcow) like I am, give it a rest.
That being said, from the month or so I was posting on PULL (pretty much when Tharthan showed up in that Las Vegas weeaboo girl, I forget her name) it was pretty unbearable to be on. I think most, if not all, of my posts were telling Tharthan to stfu lol. I don't really understand the mentality to create a "community" all the fucking time in every place you frequent. Y'know, when those girls would post about themselves in details or link to their blogs or post their pictures like this is a tumblr fandom or something.
No. 7752
>>7715Oh calm down. All I am saying is that they DO act as if they are much better than the girls they're slagging off. It's annoying,
Not saying I'm much better, so stop going off scale. No one is really, any better than anyone else. It's just that they have so much nerve to go on about all these snowflakes but they're as horrible themselves. That's ALL I'm saying.
Calling them out because it's getting ridiculous. It's not funny anymore and there is no actual point of PULL even existing. It's basically an online burn book.
Since you're still active on PULL it's no surprise you'll have that type of attitude either.
No. 7753
>>7705I don't think ALL girls on PULL are horrible people though. I know some have joined just to look up the people they were idolizing and the Mira drama. But the majority are up their own asses. I hope that site gets pulled the fuck down one day.
Pull down Pull lol
No. 7754
>>7742They don't care. They just want drama and for something to point out to back themselves up, twist shit and make themselves look all high and mighty. Sometimes, I CAN find myself sympathizing some of those girls over on PULL they're bitching about. Certain things, most of the time it is there fault that they're on PULL but it's only sometimes I can actually say, "Well, that's a bit extreme and unfair."
Ew, I remember someone made a thread called "If you met Dakota what would you do?" most were like "Meh idk" or "I'd take pictures of her real face then post them" and one girl was like "I'd do a really eggy fart right next to her so she was sick then laugh" and they found it funny.
That was actually, barf.
But yeah, these are the lengths these girls go to. Fuck Regina George, PULL is in town.
No. 7768
>>7754Taking pics/recording someone of someone without permission is illegal. and I find it weird how they would treat Dakota worse even though Margaret Palermo seems to have done worse than her.
The mentality of PULL members started to scare me so I stopped visiting PULL.
No. 7776
>>7715Because they're the high school mean girls and they want their clique to hang out with them outside PULL High School.
>>7753>>7754Selenite made the rule "Don't come here to change us!" when someone pointed out that what they were doing was a little extreme and actually bordering onto illegal harassment. I hate that enabler who writes TL;DR essays and takes trolls way too seriously.
She used to have a very smug looking avatar that matched her arrogance. She made a TL;DR rule post saying "kick it off Selenite style!" I rolled my eyes because she likes to draw attention to herself.
No. 7779
>>7755PULL is legion. PULL does not forget. PULL does not forgive.
Notice how PULL members make exceptions to posting minors' info because "They're e-famous!" or "they put it up in the first place so it's ok to help advertise!" even though we don't know if Venus herself put up her address as a business.
No. 7844
>>7752I think
you need to calm down. I'm not sure how you got any of that from my post, and I almost think you're replying to the wrong person, idk. If you thought I thought you were saying being pretty is a requirement, all you said was
>I don't mind but half of those girls on PULL aren't oil paintings themselves. Most are ugly as fuck yet they have the NERVE to tear other girls to shreds.And nothing else that you've mentioned in this reply, which I agree with you, and was more or less was my point anyway.
If you read my post I only posted on PULL for a month or less, so no, I'm not actually from PULL nor active at all.
No. 8158
>>8155And so what?
People from PULL also hate other people from PULL.