File: 1457313520404.png (842.35 KB, 2344x1780, cZJuI8F.png)

No. 77995
File: 1457313583515.png (227.79 KB, 2000x1200, RUF1uwW.png)

No. 77996
File: 1457313615103.png (392.49 KB, 1200x1000, 5qRz0K5.png)

No. 77997
File: 1457313651855.png (349.49 KB, 2000x1200, 142898638883.png)

No. 77998
File: 1457313668173.jpg (381.86 KB, 2000x1243, oPYvSdr.jpg)

No. 77999
File: 1457313681515.png (203.85 KB, 2844x1880, PLbRFFy.png)

No. 78000
File: 1457313720971.png (249.02 KB, 1400x680, nAuXjqa.png)

No. 78001
File: 1457313732074.png (503.18 KB, 2000x1200, sKMS8Qo.png)

No. 78003
File: 1457313748568.png (327.29 KB, 2000x1404, uzgvnsA.png)

No. 78004
File: 1457313763228.png (167.79 KB, 2000x1200, 8k61TUi.png)

No. 78005
File: 1457313772893.png (Spoiler Image,420.56 KB, 1400x695, 9iv21ff.png)

No. 78006
File: 1457313795341.png (311.88 KB, 1500x1134, RMv51Dk.png)

No. 78200
File: 1457368920371.png (864.59 KB, 2000x1200, m6ZsHBS.png)

No. 78234
File: 1457374157327.png (718.31 KB, 2000x1200, 1429368291710.png)

No. 78252
>>77999This one is great.
It's even more bizarre than the rest.
I would date all of these crazy fembots.
No. 78268
>>78263 There used to be a joke on /r9k/ about good boy points given to manchildren by their mothers when they acted good, and they could exchange them for thing like chicken tendies. They made an equivalent for girls called pretty princess points and someone started making all these weirdass collages.
I'm honestly kind of sad this whole thing died so quickly because it was the funniest thing out of the board in a long time.
No. 78283
File: 1457377991642.png (188.08 KB, 2000x1125, ZT3poCh.png)

No. 78397
File: 1457390082224.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.71 KB, 370x535, 1435431906208.jpg)

No. 78398
File: 1457390100737.png (Spoiler Image,118.13 KB, 1194x826, 1437503159914.png)

No. 78400
File: 1457390175986.png (Spoiler Image,355.95 KB, 965x796, 1427158227810.png)

No. 78723
File: 1457458842698.png (485.4 KB, 1646x826, 225yAEZ.png)

>>78631Thank you for your necessary and insightful comment.
No. 78724
File: 1457458855985.png (250.54 KB, 1148x631, 142898603833.png)

No. 78725
File: 1457458877144.png (184.54 KB, 2000x1200, 142898648359.png)

No. 78744
File: 1457462852790.png (839.47 KB, 1544x904, 1428594645263.png)

No. 80251
File: 1457827980228.png (493.02 KB, 1888x887, Toh Kay - They Broke him Down.…)

newest one
No. 80257
File: 1457828627153.png (430.11 KB, 2000x1200, avoidance.png)

No. 93678
>>93594never thought I'd see CoH on lolcow or /r9k/ type content
wonder who made that pic
No. 93811
File: 1464046798324.png (81.71 KB, 914x716, 1459708627369.png)

>>93613Doesn't always have to be a wojack face or a pale white girl as long as Pretty Princess Points are referenced or there's some allusion to the girl being a bit off . You start with a theme, a bedroom/scene idea, and some visual gags.
And of course some Facebook quote or some quote from the show Wilfred No. 94366
File: 1464295145480.png (75.41 KB, 3072x2304, nsfwppp.png)

>>93613PPP has no rules other than girl in a weird setting. The other stuff is just a guide to make it seem like your image has a purpose. You can literally just trace over a real picture of a girl and put a PPP board behind her and all it PPP.
No. 97575
I'm interested too.
No. 97589
File: 1465906811384.gif (991.04 KB, 410x308, tumblr_o2ps4re9Zw1uqe8iio1_500…)

>>97575>BUMP!What is this, gaia in 2005 but with shitty /r9k/ memes?
No. 100508
>>77993I think those are just for provocation, shock and for easy laughs.
Though it does take a bit of imagination to come up with this. I mean the artist has to make sure that there is no potential lost in any of these.
No. 110907
File: 1474645215134.png (835.17 KB, 2000x1200, acceptance2.png)

4 months since last PPP
No. 110969
File: 1474706421051.jpg (42.18 KB, 300x399, tv-shows-ended-in-2004-lizzie-…)

>>110968fills up bottles with her piss and keeps them in her room. lovely gal
No. 111000
File: 1474730287090.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.11 KB, 396x640, 4dI66vJ.jpg)

A very pretty princess indeed ;3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 111019
and why did you post this?
were you looking for
I've always hated these pictures
it's the eyes that get me
it feels as if they're staring into my soul…
No. 111662
File: 1475471213027.gif (108.46 KB, 900x463, hmmmm.gif)

What do I even add to make it entertaining or funny?
It's just going to be some girl in a room with piss bottles, a really nice computer desk, a body pillow of some character, and some anime posters/dolls/figurines. Then some Pretty Princess Points whiteboard , some rules?, and of course some inspirational quote.
So far I just made a girl and Dva.
No. 111665
>>111664Cosplayer, into beauty (Lush, Sephora, etc), fashionable, streamer, anime fan(studio ghibli, Lovely Complex, Food Wars, Sailor Moon, etc), gamer (Fire Emblem, Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, Animal Crossing, etc) . Cat lover.
I want the drawing to be more than just some girl with a bunch of anime posters. Some insides jokes or cultural references are ideal. Or some really strange furniture or things in her room. I'll add a bunch of clutter and clothes hanging at random places .
No. 111723
File: 1475565267329.png (178.5 KB, 2000x1200, 1473480537176.png)

>>111665Just spitballing here off of personal experience from having friends just like that, maybe something will stick:
That one Sailor Moon handbag, Biotin supplements and either a bunch of untouched Prozac prescription bottles or birth control boxes with Hindi on them, Bernstein bear books with mismatched titles, four or five healthy tamagotchis on the desk, a "Hang in there" kitten calender,an exercise ball with suction cup imprints on it, knotted infinity scarves, a Gameboy Pocket playing Mahjong, a Kero Kero Bonito CD, that "Get Out" frog plush in a huge stack of recognizable beanie babies or furbies, a G4 cube, stupid energy drink bottles (Battery, Bawls, Sakura Red Bull), an expired 240 case of Top Ramen.
I've noticed that a lot of the PP seem to have really exaggerated personality complexes which help develop the character the more you read into the items. Optimally there'd be some subtle symbolism or a simple moral in there, maybe include elements of strategically half-assed feng shui.
That's all I've got, tell us more about her.
Has she ever gone through any phases she regrets?
What are her opinions on hot-button political issues?
What does she think about woo woo like horoscopes or incense?
What's her education background and what did she do with her friends(?)?
Does she care about the opinions of other particular princesses and what are hers on them?
No. 111727
File: 1475568857454.jpg (65.13 KB, 640x397, Cpiw8sqWAAA9Jhu.jpg)

>>111723stop, this is really starting to scare me
No. 111728
File: 1475569032655.jpg (34.92 KB, 238x218, 1470691736056.jpg)

someone do PP PT
No. 111810
File: 1475635193928.gif (171.9 KB, 1150x663, pppthing.gif)

>>111683>>111678>>111723Thanks for suggestions. Put in another mech.
I'll try to fit in as much of this
>>111723 as possible
No. 111838
>>111723guys, i love all of these but i dont understand all the 'cryptic' sounding messages like "there cannot be progress without head on confrontation" or
>>93594"stagnation is death"
They seem so scary with the red font so are they supposed to mean what? they seem threatening in a way
No. 111840
>>111838>>111723Girl probably struggled with depression from her parents' divorce. On her white board "all because mom and dad don't love each other anymore, it doesn't mean we don't love you." She also is whellchair bound. To better her life she plots to improve herself and get herself a boyfriend. Once she CONFRONTS his HEAD with her breasts, she will achieve self-actualization.
>>93594Girl with low self-esteem and history substance abuse. Mini fridge with sign that reads "Don't bother opening me. No booze inside of me." There's cryptic lyrics hidden behind the poster, probably a sign of her moving on. "The world needs more spinach, not fuckers like me" written by window. Feelings of worthlessness. There's also self-depreciating messages near the mirror. On the white board it says she wants a tattoo that says "I'm living in the moment" which shows that she's now okay with herself, hence the blissful look on her face while playing guitar. She keeps "CIRCLE OF PROTECTION: BLACK" (magic the gathering) cards hanging from ceiling to protect her from the blackest bile seeping from the doorway, probably a way to save herself from her own negativity. Stagnation is death, if she didn't change her lifestyle she would have died.
No. 111906
File: 1475734943065.gif (149.56 KB, 900x482, bedarea.gif)

a bit of progress today. Still have to decide on a quote. No. 111916
File: 1475744540695.gif (1.97 MB, 284x119, TOOREAL.gif)

>>111840>"The world needs more spinach, not fuckers like me" written by windowPat the Bunny?
No. 111921
File: 1475746311121.gif (453.51 KB, 238x238, Emilia-Clarke-Eye-Roll.gif)

>>111906I SWear these things take like an hour or two to make, just post the finished thing
No. 111945
File: 1475766208986.jpg (403.13 KB, 767x845, folder.jpg)

>>111916She is the typical folk punk fan
No. 112014
File: 1475870076261.png (470.46 KB, 775x719, 1428071004297.png)

ITT outsider art made by mentally ill people
No. 112015
File: 1475870796751.png (427.2 KB, 378x495, 2.png)

>>112014gonna make a PPP meme for the luls although some of the ones posted are eerily similar to what I had in mind
No. 112040
File: 1475904918955.gif (269.08 KB, 159x144, 62b4bf967a6f2f8700ccdb1c586d14…)

>>112016>on>not fucked in the headHAHAHAHA, OH ANON.
No. 112095
I would find it amusing I guess…
No. 112303
File: 1476223589695.png (70.97 KB, 332x436, flaminglips.png)

Is this Flaming Lips reference too subtle?
No. 112343
Alright, almost done. Just need to draw a bunch of clutter (clothes, make up, accessories, electronics, etc) , add some stains , and some stuff from
>>111723should be done by tomorrow.
No. 112381
File: 1476315095548.png (2.53 MB, 3000x2000, uncertainty.png)

Will include the alt-right stuff and penis sculpture in a new PPP.
No. 112407
File: 1476333527570.jpg (1.75 MB, 3000x2000, uncertainty.jpg)

>>112383>>112389>>112402Thank you. Thinking of making the next one goth themed or Halloween related and hopefully have it done by Halloween.
>JPG version more slow Internet friendly No. 172791
they should be immortalized in an art gallery
No. 181158
File: 1486955796065.png (531.72 KB, 1366x768, eStzHvl.png)

No. 183284
File: 1488978338383.png (126.57 KB, 1466x1006, 3.png)

No. 193032
File: 1496301754254.jpg (365 KB, 1204x1600, 1471651326703.jpg)

>>77993This is the finest meme ever to be crafted by women
No. 193233
First time reading this thread, it's truly amazing and creepy but hilarious. The only good thing made by robots.
Also, what the hell the constant thing with feces and piss? it's because every robot (female and male) have a poor sense of hygiene?
>>80251100% sure this is based in mystery.
No. 194196
File: 1496839719907.jpg (562.23 KB, 2048x2048, tfw.jpg)

I forgot about these for ages but seeing this thread again made me want to post sth I made awhile ago lol
No. 195536
File: 1497824963841.png (1.31 MB, 1920x998, pretty princess.png)

some OC by me, took like 1 hour in paint
No. 195540
>>195539its intentionally unreadable, but if you really wanna know, the original text said
Helo my name is Magicka Septim my birthday is 1E 420 and I’m the daughter of Talos im also a werewolf and a vampire but im a nice person too and im really dark and mysterious nobody knows much about me and im part khajiit but i hide my tail
My dad Talos died (or so they say) and my mom got captured by Molag Bal so now im on a quest to rescue her so she can reveal that im the chosen one and show me how to save the world
Also i only wear black because its dark like my soul which is actually the soul of an archangel from another dimension
im the first person to understand the second part of CHIM that nobody ever noticed before but i don’t use it because its too powerful for this world
also my best friend is a dragon called Alduin but hes not the real Alduin he just likes to be called that and he likes to eat tomatoes because hes a vegetarian but he likes the look of blood stains on his teeth because hes edgy and tomatoes kind of do that
my mentor (the last of the Aylieds) died protecting me and i had to go on without him and then i went on a revenge driven quest to kill the one who ended his life but i lost because they had more CHIM than i did and my arm got chopped off and it was replaced with dwemertech so now i have a dwemer arm cannon and its a really quiet cannon that i can use to make stealthy explosions
thanks for reading
No. 197174
File: 1499113841028.png (3.38 MB, 1920x1080, spazfinder.png)

Does this count? I made this for /v/ when Mass Effect came out.
No. 231314
File: 1519681331056.png (1.45 MB, 3640x2140, pretty trans.png)

No. 232815
File: 1520553395743.jpg (60.24 KB, 392x550, xiu.jpg)

exo outsold ur favs
No. 450304
File: 1566181080548.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.13 KB, 1200x729, ECTECbGXkAAlGh-.jpg)

this belongs here I think(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 455506
File: 1567111901888.png (184.14 KB, 1385x695, fembot4.png)

>>450304We need more gross furfag princess pictures.
No. 455507
File: 1567111939586.png (799.8 KB, 2395x1307, fembotbrit.png)

No. 455508
File: 1567111996886.png (385.06 KB, 1400x695, fembot.png)

No. 455510
File: 1567112132606.jpg (Spoiler Image,797.3 KB, 2176x1676, 1556407129667.jpg)

Do transwomen count?
No. 490790
File: 1575501572897.png (607.36 KB, 1345x478, Screen Shot 2019-12-04 at 5.18…)