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No. 78878
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Hot Gimmick.
I first bought this manga back when I was 14 and didn't realize how abusive and controlling the guys in it were towards the main character.
But then years later I found it again on Mangafox and found others by the same author relating to the same abuse like rape/torture. I kinda wonder if the author was touched up by her dad or something as a kid. Her shit isn't normal.
No. 78881
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This Sailor Moon ripoff
No. 78887
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There's so much anime I dispise it's difficult for me to just pick out one, but I think kyoani deserves a mention.
I seriosuly, honestly never enjoyed even one of their shows. Not even Free!
>>78882Elfen lied was hilarious tho
No. 78888
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>>78878I remember that shit going way over my head the first time I read it.
Gravitation…the first exposure to BL for so many of us. Sadly it's a godawful series, by a godawful author who was only in it for the porn. Remixes anyone? Some of them were plain wrong.
No. 78890
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it was awful
No. 78891
>>78887clannad is unforgivably ugly
i can't stand kyoani's "style" either.
you can really tell they're doing the same shit over and over again because it's the current "moe". whatever their latest cashcow is, you can guarantee their next piece of shit will follow suit. and im afraid for what that might be
i sorta enjoyed season one of k-on though. but then again i was tanked
No. 78893
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>>78891I kinda like how kyoani does foreign places sorta well tho? gives it more of a realistic approch
No. 78895
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>>78890Okay, I kind of loved it. I could not, however, stand basic-ass Tohru or the fact that every gay animal transformer in the series fell in love with her.
I had such a weeb crush on Hatsuharu tho. Even today, if I found an alt guy who looked like him I probably wouldn't say no. :(
No. 78897
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>>78893>>78891how can you forget that rinharu pie scene?
haru stuffin his face with a pie
No. 78898
>>78890it was kawaii and
>>78895 was husbando
No. 78899
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>>78895he was my crush in that too tbh and i agree everyone fancied toru
reminds me of that anime/manga "Marmalade boy" its an old one but i watched it on YT in 2006 and everyone falls in love with Miki the girl who is basic as fuck and gets angry and whines and cries about everything yet has a "hot" bf who every girl wants and he has no personality…
No. 78900
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i swear all the characters in the series had anorexia
No. 78925
>>78920but it got an anime too, i'm surprised. but eh…it's not like it's better now for BL series, like that one "Love Stage!!", the story are also kinda similar.
the gravitation anime ost were good though, i used to jam to them. hearing them now, still pretty good.
No. 78939
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Anything that came out of the .hack franchise
Its just so shit.
No. 78940
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High School of the Dead
One of the only shows I have ever dropped
Was so fucking dull
No. 78944
>>78940Its so bad but I've got every episode.
But oh my god the stupid upskirts and boob physics
No. 78971
>>78957Nah they sometimes kill a zombie or two.
So its like 90% of the show.
No. 79016
>>78948I like the premise a lot, but all the characters felt really one-dimensional to me. I still watched it all to know what my weeb friends were talking about.
SAO II was okay IMO, because I thought Sinon was interesting. Everything else was meh.
No. 79021
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>>78890anime was shit. the manga was pretty decent.
>>78878hot gimmick was fucked up. it is normal in asian media for the lead male romantic lead to be kind of a dick, but ryoki was a psychopath. i only ever read honey hunt by the same author and that seemed alright, but i never finished it.
>>78881this show had the ugliest animation.
>>78887kyoani is shit, all of their stuff is overrated and full of quality animation. air, clannad, kanon. all the same show with a different season and school uniform.
>>78888i still have a soft spot for gravitation, the music was alright.
my contribution to the thread: eiken. a show about giant tits. thats the plot. giant fucking tits. the character with the pink pigtails is only in 6th grade. and no, this isn't a hentai.
No. 79024
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I watched this godawful anime when I was 14 and a chuuni weeb but even back then I thought it was the worst shit I'd ever seen. Not to mention that the 3 main characters are Persona 3 knock offs and the main villain is a Rozen Maiden knock off.
No. 79049
>>79042Absolutely. "High school students are in class at the moment of the zombie outbreak and must escape" as a plot could have gone anywhere! It could have been a gut-wrenching "everyone dies" gorefest, or a suspenseful thriller where the students have to creep through the dark halls with their zombie friends popping out of nowhere. It could have been heavy on character development with dramatic scenes of best friends dying in each other's arms.
Like honestly, if you gave the basic plot to 5 different writers, I bet you could get 5 different stories with a bit more substance than "gigantic tits and also some zombies".
No. 79064
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>>78878Holy crap I read the whole thing when I was 15 and enjoyed it but I barely remember the story so I just read the first few pages. The main character's love interest is her childhood bully who blackmails her into being his "slave" and immediately gropes her/attempts to rape her. How did I not see anything wrong with this??
No. 79072
>>79049>"High school students are in class at the moment of the zombie outbreak and must escape" as a plot could have gone anywhere!Dude, that's like the premise of almost every zombie story ever.
Take that premise, add some kind complementary aspect that gets people's attention (its haz bubs 'n butts/the characters are all moeblobs/the mc is a cheerleader with a chainsaw that kills them all) and there you go, enjoy your "brand new" zombie show.
It's kind of funny how gakkou gurashi did the same thing recently but in moe instead of purely ecchi tho.
No. 79074
>>79048>Hideki (?) takes Chi to a repair shop and gets her clit button disabled so he can fuck her since she's a fucking applianceOh my god my fucking sides anon.
The ending was truly awful. What were CLAMP into when thought that was a good idea?
No. 79076
>>78882Shit, I remember thinking this was the best anime evar, right after the original hellsing anime.
I had it plastered all over my myspace and bebo, myspace would've been OK, nobody IRL knew me, but from bebo I'm now remembering kids in school and my cousin questioning me, and I was like YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT'S REALLY DEEP AND EMOTIONAL.
My completely non weeb friend watched the whole thing because I convinced him it was so amazing.
Fuck fuck I only remembered being really quiet, I must've blocked this out.
No. 79094
>>79041My jaw dropped when the MC of that showed up in Chaos Wars (the crossover jrpg with the infamously horrible voice acting). Even his theme music was like a public domain version of ride of the Valkyries.
>>78890Furuba was the series everyone was obsessed with in middle school, I was excited when my friend invited me over to watch it because I had never seen a ~real~, non-TV anime and they said it had cute guys (like everyone else here the one I wanted to see the most was the cow guy). I hated it and still don't care for it.
One of the other shittiest series I've been forced to watch/read was DearS, I can't remember a single likable character from that series.
No. 79095
Sorry for the double post but I just remembered one manga that I couldn't stand but was still reading because it was in my middle school library. Mermaid Melody was shit, I don't know about the anime but the manga was either hilariously bad or just totally boring.
>>79024I don't know why but the artstyle makes me guess that it's an anime adaptation of some shitty porn visual novel, tell me if I'm wrong.
No. 79096
>>79095(inb4 fix yo capslock)
I'M THINKING THE SAME THING, ANON. MERMAID MELODY IS SHIT! They're trying too hard to be edgy and angsty at some parts, but fail. Horribly. Oh, and the anime wasn't any better tbh, too cheesy for my taste even.
No. 79099
>>79097Yes, yes, I remember it too. I was thinking how ridiculous it was for the characters to be drawn with grown up features, you know, big boobs, wide hips, glass hour figure and such. I mean, what the fuck, they're junior high school ffs! Author are you out of your mind??
I don't know about the Gackt thing, but OT, I was legit suspecting Mermaid Melody wanted to be the second Sailor Moon, but it's like a shittier knock-off.
No. 79104
>>78948Came in here to say that. I have a lot of complaints about the first arc, but overall not bad. The ending of that arc was perfect and would have been a really impactful way to end it.
And then they took everything I hated about the first arc and amped it x500.
Plus started a new game where they can't die but everyone takes it super seriously? My friend was really excited to watch it so I had to suffer through til the end.
No. 79107
>>78931Agree, the OST is very good, made me look up the singers too, but that's just the good thing from Gravitation anime tbh, at least for me.
>>78933Hahaa you're probably right anon.
Okay, my personal bad anime is Tokyo Mew Mew. It's the only magical girl's anime that I hate to oblivion. I don't like the main character Ichigo, she's a whiny little kid…her airheaded behavior was not likable and she gets all the boys' attention, wtf??
No. 79108
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>>79107oops forgot the pic
No. 79133
he decides to finger a robot that looks like an unconscious girl
who even thought of that premise and said "yes, this is fine"
do you think the protag would finger a dead person? i can see him putting a stick up a dog's ass tbh
No. 79139
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>>78895Good taste. Hatsuharu was my favorite and the only one I could stand besides the doctor one.
Only a little bias because I was born in the year of the Ox. No. 79140
>>79138what's so edgy about that
i'm just saying he would've been one of those kids, and that fingering a gynoid that very closely resembles a human being is fucking worrying even if it is anime
No. 79142
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I hate this anime and I'm a lesbian. I feel like everytime I mention how much I hate this, people are like "b-but you're gay, anon and Utena's love for Anthy is bootyful"
Stop it. It's a really bad anime that tries way too hard to be vague and full of metaphors. I found it really, really boring. I watched the entire series and the movie as well. I think Utena is dull. Only character I liked was Akio, even though he was a crazy, abusive fucker.
I'm sick of tumblrinas going on about how Utena is breaking gender boundaries or how she's trans(??) ugh.
No. 79143
>>79133wasn't that only in the beginning though? i don't recall he 'fingers' chii again in later episode.
although i think the 'finger to switch' in chobits is tasteless, to be fair, he has no idea where the switch was. He looked all over her body, including her boobs but found none, so he looked for the genitals since he hasn't checked there.
No. 79144
>>79140I agree with you. Chobits always disturbed me with that because it made it seem like it was normal to finger an unconscious woman (robot or not. Anime or not.)
CLAMP only made a few good things and Chobits was not one of them.
No. 79148
>>79140>he would have fingered a dead person or fucked a dog!!like, that part isn't the creepy part about it. as
>>79143 said he touched her whole body and checked there last. the creepier parts are how she's basically a child that he falls in love with and then stays with even though they can't bang. touching random parts of her cause he's a retard who doesn't know how robits work is the least of the issues.
No. 79149
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The anime and the manga. The manga was decent until the ~truth about yuki was finally revealed. "Surprise! That guy you're in love with? He's your brother and you're engaged! And also you're a vampire! And wait, now that guy isn't your brother, but a centuries old ancestor!". Who's great idea was it to make one of the main romances a fucking incest couple?
The anime was garbage from the start, the animation was so ugly I could only stomach one episode.
No. 79153
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>>79149In terms of shitty anime adaptations for manga I love, sugar sugar rune, eyeshield 21 and skip beat got terrible animes. Especially skip beat. Something about the animation style just looked so cheap, compared to the really detailed art of the manga.
And the manga has come fuck-all nowhere recently, I check up on it every few months. The live action drama, however, wasn't too bad.
Sugar Sugar Rune was alright, the anime ending just wasn't as satisfying as the manga. Same for Eyeshield 21.
No. 79155
>>79142aw, anon.
this is one of my favorite series, but not for the reasons that you're citing. anthy/utena's friendship/romance was never the point of the series imo. to me, the show was a lot more about maturing…there are a lot of metaphors about abusive/unhealthy relationships throughout the show, though, so I can get why you might think that. the only reason why Anthy/Utena's love for one another is perceived as so 'bootyful' is because it's supposed to be in contrast to all of the flawed relationships that we see otherwise. In the end (at least in the series) even that's kind of a lie, though.
The tone of the series felt kind of cynical at points, to me. It makes sense reading the additional material provided with the box set, because it sounds like Kunihiko Ikuhara was going through some shit at the time. One of the reasons that I love the series so much is because at the time I watched it, I was wrestling with some of the same issues. Watching that show didn't exactly lift me out of my depression or anything, but it did really help me to cope.
as for myself, I hate the people who just write it off as a lesbian soap opera without trying to think about it from a less literal perspective.
No. 79157
>>79149I used to read it because it was in the public library. I found it equally cringey and fun to read until the big plot twist. I stopped reading it soon after that and read the ending on wikipedia.
>>79153I don't know whether I should be happy that they didn't adapt the match against the Dinosaur something team or not tbh, since it was my favorite one. Anime like Eyeshield 21 and Fruits Basket should receive the "FMA Brotherhood" treatment.
No. 79158
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>>79150I disagree about "decent stories" from Japan, but your comment reminded me of Kaze to Ki no Uta, one of the first BL comics to ever be published. I wouldn't call it bad, but at the time that I was reading it (early teens), the kids getting molested/raped went WAY over my head. Of course I knew that it was a truly awful thing but the severity of it didn't occur to me until I sat down a few years later and suddenly remembered.
The themes are worth thinking about (loss of innocence, betrayal by adults, growing up too fast, etc) but it's like, wtf, this was billed as "boy's love"? Romance?
No. 79160
>>79153Kinda agree with this. I loooove Skip Beat! manga, still am, even though it can be slow sometimes, but the anime was not satisfying…THAT ENDING THO WTF ANIME CREATORS!! although I'm quite happy the anime adaptation was close to the original.
On the contrary, I don't like the live action drama, mostly because the actors are bad, aside from the one who plays Kyoko and Moko. I never understand why they need to cast Korean idol-actors whose lines would be dubbed in Chinese anyway, and they are so stiff whenever I see them in scenes.
No. 79178
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>>79153>Skip beatAgreed. And while we're on the subject, the artist for Trinity Blood did beautifully detailed outfits in the artbook while the manga watered down everything and everyone.
>tfw anime ver of Ion is the worst shit in existence. No. 79179
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>>79178I meant to say 'while the anime watered down everything'
Which they did. Compared to the artbooks, the anime was such trash.
They ruined Dietrich. No. 79185
>>79142I love Utena, I randomly rented it from Blockbuster back in the day. I'll never look it up on tumblr though, jesus.
I hated the newer series by same director, that penguin shit. That sucked.
No. 79186
>>79174Definitely. It's just jarring to look back and realize how heavy the content was, you know? And I agree with you re:translations. I seem to remember a fan translation of the KTKNU anime on YouTube back in its early days - no clue if it's still there.
On a related note, I started translating Toma no Shinzo many moons ago just for fun. I quickly found out I was unable to do it justice…
No. 79216
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Fucking everything by this girl. Yet I still like it? I mean, her storytelling is godawful, but her art is pretty nice to look at.
The anime was absolute horseshit.
No. 79224
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This anime was my first disappointment I've ever experienced with watching anime. Before the anime "K" came out I saw who would be animationing it. The style brought me in but it was the fact that not only would it be pretty it would be animated well too.
I have STILL not finished this anime. I tried dubb and sub. The story is just so bland and the dialogue is shit. The characters don't get really development what so ever and everything is kinda just rushed along. Side stories and characters that could of progressed the story? Ignored. It's literally just a picture book animated. Pretty style. Decent animation (only fluid animation/ animation in 1's for like fight scenes) but you might as well mute it and just look at it. I still don't know why people try so hard to like it just cuz it's pleasing to the eye
No. 79226
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>>79224I got suckered into this anime too because I liked the art and character designs, but the story is so boring. SO BORING.
I couldn't finish it either. Everytime I see cosplay from it, I'm intrigued, but in the end, it's too dull for me to care.
No. 79227
>>78878I read it a few years ago and thought it was intentional? Like, it never occured to me it was something positive, I always saw the abuse portrayed in a negative light. She suffers so much and everyone is such a dick to her I thought it was the author's intention, like others mangas about bullying.
But that can just be my wishful thinking.
No. 79258
>>78878I've been reading this all day.
I'm fucking loving it, it's such trash.
No. 79290
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No. 79302
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>>79216Arina Tanemura art is beautiful, especially the coloring, but sometimes her proportion wasn't the best. In your picture for example, the eyes are so big…reminding me of this a Japanese twitter user's drawing.
Then again, story wise I agree with you. Kaitou Jeanne was one my favorite back then, but looking back now, I was like, goddammit, I used to love this??
No. 79312
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A boring plot and an annoying main character.
And her outfit made me cringe.
Everyone kept on claiming it was amazing and had changed anime.
I really thought it was going to be better/similar to panty and stocking but after i watched it i was just annoyed.
No. 79314
>>79312>Everyone kept on claiming it was amazing and had changed anime.You sure this wasn't ironic?
I thought it was an ok show (6/10), but I've never heard anyone claiming it was anything higher than what I thought
No. 79318
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No. 79323
>>79321I've never seen anything unironically good said about it
Then again I don't go anywhere but /a/ to discuss anime. They really hate that show and I catch flak for saying it was ok
No. 79337
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>>79305lol I couldn't stand Haruhi for the same reasons I couldn't stand Tohru from Fruits Basket. Basic as hell and everyone falls for her.
Kyouya is husbando though.
No. 79338
>>79337same she was a bore all the mundane boring girls are the most loved it seems ugh
meh i liked the tall hot one
No. 79344
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>>79338Mori was my second choice lol
>>79339IIRC (wow it's been freaking forever since I read/saw Ouran), Kyouya cornered her in her room to challenge her on her idea that men and women were completely equal.
No. 79353
>>79349The manga was more tolerable and she was less annoying. But in the anime she would just cry all the time and whine.
It was always Miki gets jelly then Yuu gets jelly then Miki cries and gets jelly then Yuu got jelly. It went on and on.
Ugh it went on and on.
No. 79354
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>>79349and btw the author made Marmalade boy little which is the spin off series of Yuu/Miki's little bro/sis
No. 79356
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>>79354god its fucking confusing
No. 79359
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when vic mignogna voiced rin
No. 79360
>>79359vic mignogna voiced an npc in a video game i started playing, albeit with some kind of accent. i could detect something wrong with his voice, and then it hit me.
now every time i see him, i pick him up and throw him at crates and shit
you can't trick me vic
No. 79376
>>79312I don't think I ever hated an anime more than this one. It was so insanely popular too and everyone tried to make it deeper than it actual was. it's basically porn.
>but n-no, it's actually meaningful and well thought outStop.
No. 79379
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This is the worst anime, it's a classic early 2000's ~WOAH BOOBIES~ nosebleed harem anime and they all have long ass henshin sequences and cheesy catchphrases. Ya know~
No. 79394
>>79312Kek I remember seeing loong essays on Tumblr defending KLK and saying shit like Senketsu was an allegory for Ryuko getting her first period and shit.
>>79378They even make his cousin fall in love with him to pander to the incest lovers.