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No. 793650
>>793587Seconding this. Funnily I'd never heard of it until I started stammering in a therapy session and my therapist taught it to me. Helps me at night as well when I can't sleep because I'm thinking too much about upsetting things. Sometimes you can even feel/heard your heartbeat slowing.
>>793493I also self-soothe by hugging myself and rubbing up and down my arms like I'm cold.
No. 796322
>>796109Very proud of you
nonnie !
No. 796341
>>793493I have to leave the room the attack started in to change the environment and try to think about other things while taking deep breaths. I've only had two major ones luckily and the second I could actually identify as an attack, so it ended better than the first, which unfortunately, was in public. Now that I'm aware of the warning signs for attacks, I haven't had a major one since. As silly as it is, a quote from John Mulaney really helps me: "Do my friends hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?"
I guess my best advice is to study yourself and be aware of what your mindset is before an attack. I tend to ignore my feelings, so it's difficult for me.
No. 797762
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I used to have some extreme social anxiety and agoraphobia, to the point where I didn't leave my room or interact with my family until after dark. Now I can comfortably leave the house and even go shopping alone (I really like going grocery shopping at night w/headphones) I never went to therapy for it, so I can only offer what helped me.
One of the things that really helped me was recognizing when I felt anxiety was coming on. I used to feel like there had to be a reason for me getting really freaked out in the middle of the day (or depressed for that matter) It gave me more anxiety trying to figure out why I had anxiety when nothing was wrong with my life when it's just the chemicals in my brain being stupid. Writing down my rambling/depressive thoughts when they come up though I am afraid if anyone found these they'd commit me, I mention suicide quite a lot
Had to cut out some coffees bc the caffeine would make it worse. If I'm in a situation that is too overwhelming or stressful I try to remove myself from it and sit alone in the dark for a while (even if it's just a bathroom or my car)
Another thing is reminding myself in public that no one is really paying attention to you, in fact most people are worrying about themselves the same way you are.
Just want to give some hope for the nonnies out there still struggling, it can get better eventually.
No. 797787
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I struggle with really bad social anxiety to the point that after almost any interaction, no matter with who or how objectively fine it went, I spend hours on end worrying about it.
For me what helped was writing myself a long ass note on my phone, basically talking to myself going 'hey I know what you're going through right now but trust me, you didn't act weirdly and nobody is suddenly going to hate you for no reason. Your dumbass thinks like this every time and there hasn't been a single instance where your worries were justified, and I'm not just saying that, because I'm you and I know exactly where you're coming from. Try to distract yourself because I promise in a couple hours you'll totally agree with me'. Well, longer in practice, but basically telling myself it's bullshit, because if there's anyones opinion or advice I can trust to not be sugarcoated it's my own.
I can't say it's a perfect fix but it's helped me get out of anxious thought loops a couple times already. Basically just kick your own ass to stop wallowing.
>>797762>One of the things that really helped me was recognizing when I felt anxiety was coming on.This is also a huge one. It gradually gets worse so if I can feel it coming on way from the start when it's still subtle I can consciously tell myself not to fall for it before it gets too bad and I can't think rationally anymore.
No. 797838
>>797828Agreed! This artist has done a ton of other really weird and creative pieces with the Lucky Star theme, they're all really cool.
I can't find the artist right now but I did find this old forum post with a whole bunch of their art that's worth checking out. No. 835554
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My anxiety sometimes gets so bad I can no longer hold down food and water. I've ended up in the hospital multiple times for this and the doctor usually says there's nothing we can do for you since it's psychosomatic. They make sure I'm not going to die and send me on my way. It's happening again, and I really don't want to have to go to the hospital, because last time the doctor was super rude and made me have a 1 on 1 to make sure I wasn't making myself throw up. Any advice on how to get over this?
No. 838358
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Social phobia is such a frustrating and stupid condition to have. After all of evolution, how come I'm programmed to freeze up around other human beings and feel suffocated in wave after wave of terror and shame? I wish I could exist and navigate the world like a normal person. I hate being like this. My self-hatred and shame multiplies before, during and after every social interaction, which only makes it get worse
No. 838494
>>838358Really feel this. As a kid, despite being around people, I never actually felt connected to those around me, every interaction I had I would feel embarrassed/hate myself for it and would further push me to not interact with groups- I thought of it/was told that it was all just a phase and that it would go away, so I never much worried about it and just focused on school. But as an adult it’s gotten so much worse, to the point I have nobody to talk to or hang out with, in a way that is meaningful despite being known as the “nice person” at work. I’ve thought of committing so often, yet haven’t attempted because I’m afraid of, if successful, being known as not the person I am, but the “friend” or the dead person that people talk about when saying that they know someone who died
No. 838514
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I have anxiety about having panic attacks or shitting myself (bc of my IBS). it has been better lately because I just force myself to do things, but I can pretty much cause myself to have a panic attack. all I can do is remind myself that I am fine and that if I need to leave I can. there are little things I do to help, like sit near an exit or bathroom and have basically a first aid kit with me at all times lol.
does anyone get really bad PMS anxiety?
No. 838668
>>838514it's good you have a good exit plan for when the symptoms arise. have you considered wearing adult diapers just to expose yourself and get used to the sensation of having a panic attack?
also, yes PMS anxiety sucks ass. i have a mood tracking calendar where i just document when my period starts and ends and some days i'll document my mood. it really helps figuring out when to expect the anxiety rather than anticipating it. i've even opened my window of expectation from a few days before my period to about two weeks.
No. 839327
>>838908nta but yes, it takes a lot of times, but eventually you get used to it and you can kind of just white-knuckle your way through it
Like above anon said, once you start recognizing the beginning, you can keep yourself grounded by at least knowing what's going on with you
No. 1447534
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It’s so embarrassing being terrified of doing completely normal things that other people don’t give a second thought to. Going to the store alone is an accomplishment for me. I hate new things and places. I need to know the layout of a place and know exactly where to go and what to say, like I need a script to follow or it’s too overwhelming. Just frustrated because there’s things I really need to take care of but my stupid brain just warps everything into an impossible horrifying monster.
I was getting therapy and taking zoloft a year or two ago but I was a neet during that time so there weren’t really any challenging situations for me to face, and i didn’t like my therapist so i just canceled and stopped going and taking my meds. I just want to be normal, this shit is so ridiculous.