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No. 796237
>>795203>What shit coins are you invested in?Personally, I don't ever invest. But I don't have a Paypal account and restrict my credit card use for local stores only. So crypto is really the only option for me. It's extremely out of place to ask to pay or for payments in the mainstream crypto. So the shitcoin I use is Ğ1.
> if someone loses money based on another person's recommendations they are not "legally responsible" for the loss of money.This still happened though. Charges John McAfee With Fraudulently Touting ICOs)
>Thoughts on NFT's?NFTs sound pointless to me. If you wanted a JPEG, you don't need a blockchain for it.
No. 796345
>>795964DOGE is legit the most stupid crypto to invest in and i seriously believe anyone who screeches shit “DOGE to the moon” is genuinely retarded. have fun when you realize it’s an infinite coin with nearly 130 fucking BILLION already in circulation (compared to BTC 21 million max supply and 18.69 million in circulation)
the only people in it right now are retards and normies that don’t understand anything crypto except people made a fuckton on bitcoin and genuinely believe DOGE can make them millions, which it won’t
No. 796613
>>796345doge is probably the best short-term normie coin to invest in atm. i didnt put any money in it because i didnt think elon would continue to shill it. i still wouldnt put any money into it, but if youre a normie who bought due to FOMO you probably will make a cute profit.
almost all alts tanked after he shilled it last month so I put more money into audio when it dipped. its almost $3 now so i am very happy about that. almost doubled what i put in right now.
what are you guys planning to do with your crypto? diamond hands forever or are you planning to sell soon? for me im probably going to sell 90% late this year. good luck to you all!
No. 796915
>>796613I picked one that's legitimately trying to develop an economy. I using about 50-80% of my tips to commission translators and artists, or trade video games.
Personally, I can't relate to most of cryptocurrency discussion when it revolves entirely around investments. I don't ever see any point in buying in. Most cryptocurrency developers are cryptographers and (web) developers, but they aren't economists; and the value of a unit either relies on proving how much power it can waste or like
>>796345 how much of an advantage an earlier adopter can get over a later adopter.
No. 798862
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Seeling my NFT's and seeing ETH hit almost 3k. What a joy.
I'm thinking of investing in the pancakeswap thing.
No. 798893
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>>798873That is a huge lie in my opinion.
Well, first of all, I'm an artist. I started on NFTs last year and since then build a pretty good community around me and I have been able to know a lot of good people in the industry.
The thing is, is not a quick get rich scheme, although it may look like this to people from the outside.
My advice, if you are an artist, is to read and learn about what NFTs are and do, and be true to yourself and your art. Make connections and friendships and have fun.
If you are a creator/designer or investor, look for good projects with people who understand what they are doing. Cyptopunks for example is a HUGE project full of people that gets what they are doing.
Stay away from quick cash grabs (like famous people: just trust famous people if they are willing to invest in the space long term). People who are in the long-term game are already doing great money. But you just gotta be smart, like in all crypto-related things.
No. 798905
>>798903Yeah sure you can do that, too.
Is sad to see everyone just thinking about NFTs as an investment or scheme.
It is a great tech and has so much potential. Not only for art but for for every type of creation.
No. 798910
>>798893problem is nft art is so taboo in "mainstream" art networks like twitter atm, some bullshit about the environmental impact was shilled to death and ppl believed it. how do you find those nft art communities?
i also see so much potential in nfts, the backlash surrounding it now seems ridiculous to me.
No. 798914
>>798905AFAIK that's because most entry into cryptocurrency involves speculation and wild fluctuations. It's true however that most cryptocurrencies listed have little attempt to build an economy.
>problem is nft art is so taboo in "mainstream" art networks like twitter atm, some bullshit about the environmental impact was shilled to death and ppl believed it. how do you find those nft art communities?For example: really depends on how much electricity one transaction uses. Bitcoin obviously isn't suitable.
No. 798917
>>798909No. They are mostly lies anyway.
I'm a nihilist, so I don't give a shit about our planet, or other people for the matter. We are already doomed.
Even if the impact were real, is not even comparable to the hellscape that big corporations turned our environment to be. Is not even comparable.
Crypto gives people freedom from banks, crypto art gives artists freedom from the traditional art market.
Win-win for me.
No. 798931
>>798910I don't give a crap about mainstream art. It's mostly shit anyway. My art was never welcomed in these types of environments. And galleries take, at best, 50% of the commission. Is one of the many things wrong with it.
And twitter is where the crypto art community is mostly at. You just have to search for the right artists to follow and start building your timeline.
If you are already an established artist and don't want to deal with twitter kids pestering you, just create another handle for yourself and be anonymous.
No. 798935
>>798924I like to live, I like to paint, is fun.
Why would I want to die? Life is beautiful if you do the right things and stay away from shitty people. I'm just making the best of our cyberpunk shitty society for myself.
No. 798941
>>798910About how to find these communities: research about the platforms that were there since 2017-2019, it's full of artists and people who know what they are doing. Platforms like SuperRare and Async.
Start following them and just go discover the new world girl!
No. 798943
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>>798938Chill out
nonnie, I'm just giving some genuine advice from my perspective. You don't have to agree with me.
No. 798944
>>798931>just create another handle for yourself and be anonymousyeah that's what I was considering, so annoying to have to do this though. i don't know why art twitter normies are so against nfts. i feel like the situation will be very different in just 5-10 years from now.
>>798938literally what is wrong with trying to make money off of your art? people won't hesitate to beg for money, but selling your art for crypto is where ppl draw the line?
No. 798947
>>798943I honestly don't care you just came off as very edgy with the whole I'm nihilistic when you aren't.
Cryptocurrency is very resource heavy to create and not a green industry at all. That was my point.
No. 798948
>>798944>people won't hesitate to beg for money, but selling your art for crypto is where ppl draw the line?>>798903 here
NTA. I understand where people are coming from on NFTs. I'm small time and I just want to commission. But take for example this guy. accepted cryptocurrency for his work for a whole before the whole NFT bullshit.
For exactly what purpose, do artists jump on the NFT craze? If it's not investment, is it some sophisticated DRM scheme?
No. 798950
>>798926You say that because you are not staking your coins. Stake them too and make money. Stop being stupid.
Do you prefer "investing" in "stocks"?
Money is not even real. It was stoped being real so many years ago. Instead of being based and making profits off rich people here you are crying.
No. 798952
>>795857Which exchange do you use?
I'm using Bitstamp which have a good service but they only support a small number of coins.
No. 798955
>>798948Because NFT's are a great tech.
An NFT done right will make your artwork last forever on the blockchain. It's a token that proves that you are the artist that did that. It's the best anti-fraud mechanism the art world has ever seen.
The new craze is just hype, but this will last. Just go and do some research about it and stop being this "get rich ponzi scheme" shit that you saw on twitter.
No. 798957
>>798951This. I don't get it. This is a crypto thread, why is everybody crying about it?
Let's make money nonnies.
No. 798964
>>798962That is not the same thing. Plagiarism and copies will always exist. What I'm saying is: If you are an artist, if you are doing an NFT with your original art, it is the BEST way to prove that you did it. It's literally signed by your unique wallet on the blockchain.
It is the collector/investor's responsibility to not be dumb enough to buy fake art. Same thing as in the real world.
No. 798969
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>>798966I kinda agree. In my opinion, this hype cycle was really detrimental to huge innovations on the art side. But this will fade, and the people building this new way will thrive, and artists will benefit from it. The tech has a long way to go. And we are still in the initial stages of what this can do.
Some problems, unfortunately, are tied to human nature, and then we would delve into a long and pointless philosophical conversation.
No. 799838
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I invested in 140 bakery tokens when it was at like £1.20 as an experiment to see where it'd go. It recently had a mini spike(hovers around £5 now) so I'm kind of happy that my first try out seems to be doing well.
The hardest part is deciding if you should hold or sell. Also it's a bit painful knowing that BNB soared right after I bought BAKE with it.
I also invested £200 in BTC at the start of this year because I wanted to try out Celsius and while ik it's not much, I enjoy seeing the weekly reward emails.
No. 800043
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I know nothing about crypto but someone bought me 40$ worth of doge (trying to convince me to get all hyped, but I hate Elon musk)
This shit is going to be worthless once the Muskrat tweet crap blows over right? Should I take my little $120 profit and just dump it?
No. 800220
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>>800196>But I still can’t get my dumb brain to stop beating me up for not doing itThis is the hardest part for me about crypto/investing. What helps me is telling myself that there will be other opportunities.
>>800027I'm still a baby at this, but so far I haven't encountered any issues with it and I don't really know what's to look out for. The trustworthines of it is what made me decide on it, but the bonuses aren't too bad either. It doesn't have a lot of choices though, so if you want to gamble and play around with smaller coins I wouldn't recommend it
No. 800241
>>800196It's not too late to invest in AMP
nonny. Thats the next thing that's going to blow up. I say this because both ETH and DOGE are apart of (or built on) Flexa/AMP. Look at their growth. Right now it's only 6¢. Soon it will be a loooot more. Don't sleep on it.
No. 800329
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>>800288I'll be honest
nonny, I wrote this when I woke up and yeah it's a bit incorrect. Flexa allows you to spend money at retailers using bitcoin, Ethereum (and hopefully soon dogecoin).
>Flexa utilizes "Amp to secure transactions and build networks that accrue value both securely and transparently."In other words, investing and staking in the backbone of Flexa, is a good idea.>>800271Gemini. I tried literally all the other ones that allow debit transactions and they suck IMO.
No. 800338
>>800329>Gemini. I tried literally all the other ones that allow debit transactions and they suck IMO.Have you successful withdrawn funds from them?
I googled them and got this:
> worrying.
No. 800365
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>>800338All of them have bad reviews. The only one that doesn't is Kraken, which has only 3 reviews: a 5-star and two 1-star reviews.
No. 800386
>>800377You don't need a vpn, you can use unless you mean that sucks more than Binace, which it probably does.
I personally wouldn't use Binance with a VPN, because the US is very serious about KYC. I've heard people getting their funds locked up because of that. No. 800864
>>800043sell a portion right before SNL i would say then see how it goes from there to make a decision. I think it'll probably go higher after SNL but the problem with doge is it's dependent on what Musk or some other billionaire does. doge could very well hit $1
>>800196i don't know many people who ever foresaw doge blowing up because like i said earlier it's mostly due to Musk's trolling. i honestly would have called you an idiot if you put all of your savings into it, especially if you weren't doing well financially.
you need to keep in mind that the people who have become extremely rich from crypto are only a small percentage of the people who took a massive risk. you very rarely hear about people losing money in crypto unless they forgot the password to their hardrive. im trying to find an article where some guy borrowed a lot of money and invested into eth, and a bunch of other shitcoins at their very peak but it's hard because it's being overshadowed by the harddrive articles.
you need to be the right kind of crazy to put everything into a coin early enough. i know a NEET from the UK who has 2 million pounds worth of chainlink because he was crazy enough to invest everything early. this guy also believes the earth is flat, he's anti-vaxx, eats raw meat, etc.
seriously you should be happy that you've made a profit, even if it's a small one. things could have gone a lot worse, and it normally does for normies.
No. 804376
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ETH hitting 4k here we go nonnies
No. 804705
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Nonnies, have you invested in SHIB? It's down a little now, but it was climbing pretty well yesterday. It's still super early on, I think it's the best shitcoin to buy into rn. Hoping to see it hit 1 cent soon.
No. 804757
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>>804705i put $20 into it as a joke the other day. it is a pure shit coin. i personally think it's HIGHLY unlikely for it to hit 1 cent but you can make some return off of it.
feel free to put money in it but only put the money you're not afraid to lose. the allure with these shitcoins is normies look at bitcoin and think "i'm not buying 0.0008 btc (~45 USD) i'll buy 1.5million SHIB instead!!"
there's been a decent amount of shilling on social media and news sites but if you sell before all the whales do you can make a good return.
No. 805328
fucking elon has too much power over this shit wtf everything's dumping because of his tweet
>>804919unironically a good time to get in rn
No. 805384
>>804919binance, kraken or coinbase are good.
i personally prefer binance but they dont have great customer support (ive heard) and they arent as beginner friendly.
kraken is simpler to use and ive heard their customer support is awesome
i dont have anything to say about coinbase tbh
but yeah great time to get in right now, a lot of coins are crashing. my only advice is be very wary of investing in shit coins like SHIB or doge.
and DONT use robin hood
No. 805461
>>805384>>804919I "use" coinbase. It gives you 35 dollars of crypto for free from various cryptocurrency. I heard the customer service isn't good and it's not a safe place to store loads of money in. It's better for buying and transferring. Why it's not safe. It you get locked out somehow you pretty much won't get an answer from the team and you might forever lose that money.
It's good for the free crypto tho
No. 807756
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what do you guys use for wallets and trading?
I’m new to all of this. I’m inclined to use MetaMask but I see a lot of posts and videos suggesting it’s not safe. Idk I’m retarded. I’ll use binance for trading I guess?
No. 811269
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>>811127I think we hit the lowest low in the current bull run. Some people got some really good deals too, I was an hour or so late from the real bottom but everything is at a discount still.
>>810635Coins like BTC and ETH will only increase in value. ETH can have applications built on top of it, and ETH 2.0 will only make ETH more efficient and reduce the gas prices (which are ridiculously high currently.) There are a lot of coins that are trying to be ETH but better, and if you're really serious about crypto I recommend looking into those ones and seeing if you'd like to invest in them.
To any new traders reading this, don't sell unless you desperately need the money or your mental health is suffering. Even if we're in a bear market, what you've invested will be worth more in the future most of the time if it's something that has a real purpose. This is why you should only invest what you're able to lose, or invest if crypto is something you really believe in.
No. 813478
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aavegotchi is the coolest nft project i've seen by far, gonna be a habbo hotel-esque social game in the future. currently you can dress up your gotchi to increase stats and pet them to increase your score (which earns you money in the long run) i sound like a shill but it is the only thing that got me into crypto. luv my gotchi
No. 814145
>>796375If you're talking about real goods/services, a VPN subscription.
>>798909Do you not see any issues with the environmental effect of Netflix or Christmas lights?
No. 2370575
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It's been two years, nonnies! I want to know where you guys are at with your investments and what's your current speculation about the market? I've been observing the crypto scene for the past 6months, trying to get comfortable with jumping in, but I haven't made any moves to actually make accounts or anything because I worry I'm still in way over my head with this stuff. I'm thinking maybe of getting a Solana account and phantom wallet, but I dunno - there's so many options out there and I don't know which is the best.