File: 1457771426954.jpg (257.77 KB, 640x480, tumblr_o3us1hqHRo1v6w1jqo2_128…)

No. 80111
>>80064>>80063Average indian girl
vendetta much?
No. 80215
File: 1457820672950.png (669.44 KB, 909x653, 2.png)

No. 80216
File: 1457820716872.jpg (148.95 KB, 540x720, tumblr_o3vn4ji6Ch1qh2sj8o1_540…)

(no new race-related threads are allowed in /b/)
No. 80217
>>80111is that really average?
No. 80224
File: 1457821615341.png (558.8 KB, 771x555, 5.png)

>>80221Just some posts I found on Tumblr under the #unfairandlovely tag. Post some girls you think are fugly if you don't like it.
No. 80225
File: 1457821639437.jpg (154.14 KB, 456x810, tumblr_o3vxrloiKa1qh2sj8o1_540…)

No. 80571
File: 1457920181585.jpg (86.62 KB, 640x640, 12818860_966362713432064_17585…)

No. 80583
File: 1457923333948.jpg (108.81 KB, 1080x1080, 12717073_1686028715015456_2403…)

>>80571Wow, how unfortunate.
No. 80610
>>80598Birth defects.
Don't now the name for what happened to their nose, but they definitely have a cleft lip.
No. 80833
File: 1458005628631.jpg (93.56 KB, 927x927, there is no god.jpg)

No. 81019
File: 1458063744546.jpeg (890.37 KB, 816x1070, image.jpeg)

I think I found 32 inch waist chan on half chan
No. 81117
File: 1458078019937.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.78 KB, 412x951, tumblr_nurbc7MeNm1qdme1co1_128…)

>>80571Holy fuck, I thought that was photoshop.
I was looking at this tumblr called "fat girls doing things" and it's a goldmine of ugly girls. Wasn't sure whether to post in the fatty thread or here but damn, this girl has a Slaton face and she's only 18.
(Spoilered in case)
No. 81291
File: 1458140277947.jpg (40.36 KB, 640x960, nastybarbie.jpg)

this bitch is ugly as fuck but she is worst in motion ; No. 81296
>>81291i literally had the exact same experience as this chick when I played Furcadia and I don't understand why she thought it was ~dark~ or funny or worth making a video this long about.
everybody went into the 18+ areas to check it out at least once, come on.
No. 81312
>>81310It's not possible, no.
>>81291bargain bin barbie
No. 81344
>>81322Do you want to post a pic of your face here please? I think you'd fit here.
P.S sage the next time you're going to be offtopic
No. 81380
>>81322First post
>omg u guys stop making fun of me-… i mean, ugly people like that's so problematic uuugh rape jokes are so immature you're literal children uuuughLast Post
>U GAY FAGGOTS HHHMM-MMM! Now that's how I like the double faced tumblr bitches that come here.
No. 81490
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No. 82287
File: 1458464905768.jpg (76.58 KB, 480x640, FotoFlexer_Photo 5.jpg)

No. 82288
File: 1458464996959.jpg (117.96 KB, 480x640, 052.JPG)

This girls runs a beauty blog, but every picture of her is just ratty and gross looking.
No. 85473
File: 1460151936080.jpg (100.49 KB, 1080x1080, wtfgirl.jpg)

awful everything
this was her posting about how much she has 'improved'
she's gotta be mentally ill
No. 85516
File: 1460166993284.jpg (342.77 KB, 1280x960, ew.jpg)

>piece of shit junkie tramp
>her mouth looks like an anus
>huge nose/forehead
>over 300 profile pictures of facebook
>ugly hag loves herself kek
>IG bio says BS like 'tw' & 'not pro'
No. 85524
File: 1460168256840.jpg (389.64 KB, 1600x1200, img_00001440.jpg)

No. 85825
>>85824Personally I think this entire thread is fucking garbage, but picking and bullying the appearance of women when they've been born with a deformity or abnormality is particularly scummy.
Like, how low does your self-esteem have to get for you to start bullying people with disabilities.
No. 85844
>>85826Well you say that Anon but let me just remind you, people who are already beautiful and secure in themselves don't feel the need to sit in threads calling other girls ugly.
Your very presence in this thread is basically you confirming you're ugly yourself. Maybe go spend more time grooming yourself and working out and you'll be a happier person.
No. 86560
File: 1460746906126.jpeg (165.47 KB, 750x866, image.jpeg)

The clouds weren't there on the original. I added those to cover her huge watermark.
No. 86561
File: 1460747360835.jpeg (130.2 KB, 460x740, image.jpeg)

No. 204592
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No. 204624
>>204623"a face she's making"
it's pretty clear she's just smiling