File: 1458123981561.jpg (92.06 KB, 1280x720, yanderesim.jpg)

No. 81263
I am surprised there is no thread for this game.
Can we talk about it?
Lately this game is really polarizing. Some hate it, some love it. There's even people against this game for it brutality and for "sexist" features like
>taking panty shots . The game was also banned from twitch, allegedly for sexualizing underage girls.
On the other hand, the fandom can be really toxic too, honestly. Especially since there is a lot of young people in it who shouldn't be allowed to play a game like that in the first place.
Game developing blog: No. 81307
>>81301that's true. regardless if you think the game is ""
problematic"" or whatever you have to admire his dedication, as well as listening to fans' input and putting in new features they ask for, etc.
it seems to me a lot of the progressive indie devs are less receptive in this way, but idk.
No. 81317
>>81307Today progressive indie devs see themselves no less than a supreme kings of game arts and takes games for art and as a means to stroke their egoes. They don't give a fuck about actual games, nor they give a fuck about people who would consume their non-games.
Yandere dev is not an mere indie, he is actual independent developer.
No. 81339
>>81324>>81325The only slightly "sexual" thing in the game is getting a peek at students panties. Which, i might add, is something you see in every other anime. Also in a game where you go on a killing spree, drive people to suicide or dismember students this is the least "shocking".
So in your opinion everyone who watches and enjoys anime must be a pedo then.. k
No. 81343
>>81319You mean kickstarter, right?
I know he is on patreon already. But with the income on there he also pays professional volunteers who help on the game. I just know he said he won't start a kickstarter until the game is as far done, that people can see what they really get for their money.
No. 81396
>>81324>but murdering children is a-okay in my book! MUH PEDOPHILIAAAAAAA (what is ephebophilia btw)I personally don't have a problem with the game. Like, who cares? There's tonnes of other games out there that do just as much "sexualising". Is everyone seriously getting their panties in a wad over panty shots? Is this your first time into anime?
But I can see the fandom being insufferable too. A bunch of kids being edgelords,
No. 81398
I'd hardly call panty shots sexually explicit, or porn.
No. 81401
>>81362maybe it's just me but i don't think twitch staff are the type to watch some ugly faggot brush his little sister's teeth for 20 minutes
normies are less likely to look at a school girl pantyshot and go "this is fine. it happens in my japanese animes"
No. 81405
>>81404all I can say is, I hope they never look up senran kagura.
No. 81428
>>81394>It got all its content from 3DCG and MMDThat's not truth, YanDev has done almost everything in the game himself (and I say almost because he has accepted some volunteers to help him with some more complex modeling/animation)
Like, you could say the same about RWBY just because it's 3d animation and it looks simple, but actually, YanDev uses Unity as the engine so he has modeled everything using Blender with his own knowledge of the programs, and that's one hell of a thing.
Now I won't comment on the egdy fanbase. Yes, it sucks, but what do you expect the inspiration from the game came from a thread on /v/
No. 81435
>>81345I mean, none of those models even look like high school kids.
If the dev said "this takes place in a college but with uniforms because muh japan" he'd be fine.
No. 81615
>>81571Pewdiepie is the most half-assed let's player there is. He's never trying to get into any backstory of a game he is playing and just rushes through it.
Good lets players actually take the time and make an effort to know things about what they playing.
No. 81620
>>81615I wouldn't even call him a let's player any more tbh, and I don't think he would either.
Sadly, people that take the time to go through a game properly don't tend to hold an audience because people just don't watch.
I still think Yandere Simulator is YTer bait.
No. 81636
>>81620That's why i don't watch any gaming channels with over a million subs tbh All of the "smaller" ones are way better than the big ones.
And well, Yandere Sim would have never gotten as popular without youtube.
And on the opposite, channels like Kubz Scouts earned a big audience thanks to Yandere Simulator.
It's a perfect game to play on youtube for the simple reasons that you can involve your community..and for the fact that it is unfinished and therefor there is always something new to show and doesn't get boring.
So it seems, everyone is getting something out of it.