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No. 82948

Shit man why are there so many girls here? Like I don't have any issue with it I'm just wondering why there's a plethora of girls on here where the norm is usually very highly male dominated on chan-style sites like this.(shoo)

No. 82949

because lolcow is a gossip website, you faggot

No. 82952

You just stumbled into a whole new concept to you, huh, robotto-kun?

No. 82960

/cwc/ and the sonichu wiki had loads of girls

PULL had a lot of girls

/cgl/ has a large female presence

A lot of the people that were cows on PULL/cwc that were followed more by women were brought here, as pull a shit and 789chan pulled the plug on /cwc/ because the owners best friend was a tranny.

Therefore, a lot of people from PULL, /cwc/, and /cgl/ came here. Most of the male lolcow followers go to kiwifarms or /cow/ now. There is some cross-siting of course

Now fuck off

No. 82966

Are you lost little boy?


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