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No. 832725
Previous thread
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 832740
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Most of the people who "climb" mount everest these days are wealthy, talentless, clout chasing retards. They rely entirely on the Sherpas and their guides to do all the dangerous and difficult parts. Might as well Photoshop themselves on the peak bc all they want is a photo op and bragging rights. Real mountaineers are a minority of the people who try to summit everest these days. I have no respect for the rich idiots who are all but carried to the top on the backs of Sherpas (who die at very high rates bc they are the ones climbing over the icefall first and going back and forth moving gear) that they pay a pittance for their service.
Wanna impress me then go climb k2 or another peak that's impossible to summit without REAL skill and a lot of personal risk. Don't just throw money at people to get you to the top of the world. Fucking losers.
No. 832760
>>832740this is true and completely based. fuck these rich people leading to the deaths of sherpas so they can have bragging points.
>>832725why did you choose this pic you motherfucker! so ugly.
No. 832795
>>832788>>832788At least sage, retard.
This is unpopular opinions thread.
No. 832797
>>832776Oh anon… there were literally magazines published about baby groupies (aka
victims of pedo rockstars) and their glamour. Not to mention Pamela Des Barres' body of work.
No. 832804
>>832785>boys feelokay
>and often they feel things deeperlmao
No. 832989
>>832785>the very same girls who complain about boys not being emotional or sensitive will be the first to laugh at them and tell to man up.This is made up shit. Men are the ones who tell each other to "man up". If you disagree, find me at least 4 examples of different women saying men should men be more sensitive, but then telling men to man up. It should be very easy, people post everything on Twitter, TikTok and FB nowadays. I can follow up with like a million examples of men shaming other men for having feelings, telling them to "man up", etc.
Pick-mes and males stop fucking lying challenge, lmao.
No. 833076
>>832785Cool story sis, but do you get picked?
No one says that men shouldn't have feelings and be emotional, but the reality is that a lot of men don't feel anything for anyone else and are narcissistic fucks who like to act like
victims when a woman will refuse to be his mommy, fleshlight and unpaid therapist. Men are highly unstable with their emotions but get pissy and autistic when you tell them to control them and to be emotional in the right amount, with the right people and at the right time and to give the support they receive back, like any normal person would do. Also funny that you emply that men are the poor babies who are forced to act rational and apathetic when women will cry with movies or for stress but will stay strong through mourning, pain, discrimination and rejection, but men will literally snap, break shit, kill and yell that they're traumatized because they got politely rejected once during high school.
No. 833467
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Cereal with yogurt > cereal with milk.
No. 833486
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>>833471>>833475Lmao anon, are you like 12 or have sensory issues? Why would I need to "wash it down"? I'm eating, not gulping the thing.
I personally prefer the thicker, velvety texture of yogurt (greek yogurt preferally, not that chunky, liquidy shit) and it's slight sourness mixed with the sweetness and crunchiness of the cereal. And It doesn't get soggy. Easy as.
We don't have much cereal variety in my country, but I especially like it with plain corn flakes, rice krispies, cheerios or any other honey based cereal. Also yes, granola and muesli.
Add some berries or banana if you're feeling especially fancy.
No. 833502
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i fucking hate beards, there's never a time where i prefer a guy to have a beard over being clean-shaven, i like some stubble or shadow because that can be sexy but beards are gross and i wish they didnt exist
No. 833511
>>833502Agreed 99% of the time. It's crazy how many cute guys ruin themselves with nasty facial hair.
tbh I think beards are like heavy makeup for men - if you're unfortunate looking, it can be an improvement by hiding flaws. But if you're attractive, it will usually make you look worse and older and kinda grimy unless you're styled just right to pull it off.
No. 833580
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If you wear your hair like this I will assume you are a dumb bitch.
No. 833582
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cards are a total waste of money. i don’t need a card to go along with my birthday gift. i don’t want a “thank you” card if i buy you a present. i’m just going to throw it away after i read it, so don’t even bother giving me one in the first place. the only reason you should ever give someone a card is if you’re gifting them cash.
No. 833751
>>832740I completely aggree with the rich people getting dragged up part. I don't really understand why people want to do mount everest at all at this point, the same with mount fuji in the main season. Why go hiking at all if your going to be surrounded at all times and even have to wait in line?
But I don't think sherpas are payed a pittance, 5000$ a season is a shitton of money if you live in nepal. The average person earns like 600$ a year there. Should they be payed more considering the risk they take on? Probably, but I think claiming they aren't well payed is a bit disingenuous.
No. 833860
But I will piggyback from your opinion to say that anyone who can’t listen to more than 3 types of music is boring as fuck, nobody will get cursed with moldy toes if they listen to some obscure Indian screamo band and doja cat at the same time.
No. 833878
>>833862Nta, I love talking about music and specific artists and I can't help being frustrated when people don't pay a lot of attention to the albums and titles. Like I learned a coworker liked Devin Townsend and I asked him what he thought of X song to which he said "I dunno I just let Spotify recommend me stuff". Of course everybody listens to music different ways and it's rare to like the entire discography of a band, but still.
>>833860People (especially normies) get weirded out anytime you mention something unusual about the music you listen to, even something as neutral as nationality, as soon as it's not from North America or Western Europe it's "strange".
No. 833885
>>833742Yes, home made cards or a note/poem make more sense and will mean more to the receiver. I don’t see an issue with a card for a certain occasion. Or like another anon said, money or a gift card inside. I also keep certain cards if they’re extra meaningful and any cards my kids get or give me.
They’re just not something I like giving for every “special occasion”.
No. 833939
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Things like this and e-sports scholarships should not exist
No. 833943
>>833939I actually have to agree.
Love video games and all that and ngl some of these people have impressive skills buuut, they're so… idk, useless? They're not creating anything, helping anyone, nothing really
No. 833958
>>833943I know right, even if it’s entertaining to watch, it’s not logical to offer a scholarship for someone who is dedicated to their physique or their Chinese cartoon characters fighting against other Chinese cartoon characters.
At what point is it paying for a student to do enjoy hobby and paying for a student to bring something new to the table?
No. 834006
>>833873My exposure has been the opposite. A lot of people act like there not shit for liking old music
Disclaimer, I love a lot of old music and even alternative music that is Old time ( vaudeville, dark cabaret stuff)
No. 834010
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As a bisexual woman in a hetero marraige, I'm really sick of other bi people in get relationships sperging about not being included enough in discussion during Pride Month. Don't get me wrong, bisexual people (especially women) have plenty of valid shit to complain about, but if you're in a hetero relationship, you simply don't have anywhere near the same challenges. You don't have to factor homophobia into your decisions on where to live, travel, whether or not you can feel safe holding your SO's hand in public, how people judge your parenting, and countless other facets of life. It's honestly belittling the struggles people in same sex relationships are at risk of by acting like YOU'RE being victimized somehow by not getting enough attention during Pride Month.
No. 834054
>>833862> also listening to one artists entire repertoire Maybe not exactly the entire repertoire but barely knowing any albums or even songs, something like this anon mentioned
>>833878 is really lame. It shows you barely know anything about the artist or what you like about them. There are times when I only like one specific album or sometimes I like all of them despite the artist exploring and changing their style. People who just listen to whatever they're served are the boring ones.
No. 834071
>>834068Who tf are you talking to,
No. 834092
>>834090I guess he finnished all his food so he never had any complaints.
No. 834141
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>>834107>waah i had to wear hand me down clothesliterally not a problem. i hate how many people think they "grew up poor" because they were low income and couldn't fit in, if you had clothes and food then you were doing perfectly fine actually.
>>834087are you kidding me? am i not getting the joke? finnish schools have the best/most nutritious lunches of all nordic countries you absolute pissbaby. schools in several finnish cities even stopped doing the yearly hunger/poverty awareness day charity thing some years ago because you spoiled brats couldn't handle eating porridge and bread for lunch even a single day of the year.
No. 834146
>>834090Just because you get free food, it doesn't mean it's always actually edible t. My small elementary school that served us food with some goddamn bugs in them multiple times, shameful shit.
No. 834245
>>834238Yeah, same here. We just ate pickle sandwiches our mom made in the schoolyard, or nothing at all. I'm from the Balkans where it's pretty hot most of the year so it usually stank up your backpack.
Sometimes they would pick one kid per class and give them a free pastry per day for the semester, they came in this big plastic bucket and they were super greasy. I got it once, they were okay but kids bullied you for eating it so nobody really wanted to be the free pastry kid by the end of elementary school.
No. 834258
>>834246Ok, guess you know how universities work in every EE country then.
Here, read for yourself, I don't know what else to tell you. Keep on lecturing me about how things work in my own country I guess. No. 834584
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>>834238I mean we don't have cafeterias like yanks or scandis (lucky bastards) but surely you'd have a tuck shop with warm food options to choose from. If your school isn't rural within the city some students in my country's schools are allowed to leave the school during lunchtime so if your school is around fast food or a mall you could get lunch there.
>>833958Sport is a hobby but it requires a tremendous amount of physical effort and risk to become capable.
The only risk I see with esports is carpal tunnel syndrome, unironically ass chafe, and poor eyesight due to extended amounts of focus on a screen.
Sure everyone uses screens throughout the day but not everyone stares blankly for 6-9 hours like esports "athletes" In saying this I never respected shit like darts and golf as real sports either they are simply too hobbyist and low intensity though people can definitely be highly skilled in them just like with gaming.
Another aspect I see is that esport is touted as this sport that transcends all barriers of athleticism and therefore women and handicapped people are on par with men when in reality no one but men would sit on their asses staring blankly at a monitor for hours. At some point, you have to question whether this is even laudable behaviour that anyone would want to encourage.
I never understood the point of speed runs either. I see them as an erasure of the effort put into the design and complexity of the game. I feel like only a male would get autistic satisfaction from finishing a game fast. It really whittles games down to a fucking shallow experience when in reality videogames are only now being recognized as a form of art being the most popular form of media rising above movies, books, and TV when TV existed. There are video games with stories that surpass the shitty movies we've been getting recently.
>>834145This is actually in part why school uniforms are a thing it removes any chance of ostracization on the basis of clothing and is designed to represent the school in its unity and signify what year students are.
Kind of a cheesy image but you get my point.
No. 834595
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>>834584>a tuck shop with warm food options to choose fromSame and it was the higlight of your life if your parents gave you money for an order. Is pic related a thing anywhere else?
No. 834618
>>834612it is true that criticising female politician's looks is a shitty way of attacking them for something irrelevant etc
however the reason people hate Priti Patel is because a/ she is a fascist and b/ she wears that fucking unbearable smug smirk as she goes round evicting and deporting people
No. 834694
>>834685I don't like spending time in the presence of kids but I wouldn't say I dislike kids… just the noise and unpredictability that comes with them.
I technically do like kids and animals from a safe distance. There's no hate there but I just can't deal with excited squeals or being jumped on
No. 834700
>>834699Well, they're all senseless, inexperienced, tiny humans whom you're charged with taking care of
And you'll obviously disagree with this, but they're annoying. No, they can't help it, they have no point of reference, but they are.
No. 834721
>>834717I never said hate, I said they make me tense and therefore I dislike them
I would still obviously throw down my life to save a kid from under a bus or whatever, but I don't like them
No. 834746
>>834745I'm not the one who got banned, there's nothing personal to take
But since you persist, let's all take this moment to recognize tranny janny's pregnancy kink, s/he is very brave and stunning
No. 834752
>>834747iirc, six did say it was a goo thing because the kid would get to go to school with the money they got from working, and that would also make them an indentured servant, not a slave
It was stupid though, like you said, there's literally nothing she could do about the situation, and it's hilarious the whole thing started because people were pissed she was stealing content
No. 834763
>>834685Me too. I also hate people automatically assuming that women must have some innate love for being around or having children. Like fuck off and leave me alone.
Recently at work since some of the women I work with had to take maternal leave now a few of my male workmates had to "jokingly" ask about me and when they can expect me to have a baby. And then my stupid boss asked the same thing even though I already came out gay and explicitely stated that I'm definitely not planning to have any kids ever.
No. 834892
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College sports and sports scholarships are stupid as hell. Just let them get paid. Someone training 8+ hours a day in a private training facility with a professional coach isn't an amateur anyway.
No. 834894
>>834892I'm sick of sports being lauded and featured in general.
There's no way anyone will ever convince me that men tackle-fondling each other over a ball and anything of the like has any intellectual merit. College athletes are freeloading leeches.
No. 834938
>>834936>I get some devil's advocate reply about "kids being kids"Lol, a bit of a difference between someone saying this vs acting like you’re literally Satan for complaining about it as you said in your original post
>No one ever goes "well the dog is just being a dog!"Literally yes they do. If anything people are probably more defensive and protective over dogs.
No. 835045
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Ants are cute as fuck
No. 835186
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>>835046I find new users kinda cute? like they try their best to integrate but its painfully obvious they haven't used the site for over a week.
Have fun anon!!
No. 835264
>>834795NTA but…
That doesn’t really work. I have tons of fibroids that cause all sorts of issues.
People ask if I’m depressed about being infertile, talking about how traumatic and broken I must feel not being able to experience the wonders of pregnancy and start asking if I’ve thought of options such as surgery, adoption, etc and then they ask personal questions about what symptoms I have etc
No. 835271
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>>835257Imo it depends. But what is definitely an indicator for idiots regardless of subculture is if they have no tattoos and only get the super visible ones first. So no/just a few tattoos plus:
>face/neckabsolutely emberassing, only total edgelords do this. Don’t interact, there is zero chance this isn‘t a deranged idiot.
>hands/fingerswell yeah it‘s kind of trendy rn but that doesn’t make it less emberassing. Tryhard scale 9/10
>forearmsI would give it only a 7/10 on the scale because it‘s one of the most standard place for tatto newfags who don‘t know better yet.
Well yeah can‘t wait for the ‚alt look’ to get out of fashion. Most tattoo parlors stepped up their game already and offer laser removal now lol
No. 835301
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>>835290>>835253probably secretly psychopathic and has aspergers
No. 835308
>>835257>>835271This is always weird to me because tattoos are very normalized where i live, the only one that's irky nowadays are face tats, everything else is fair game and you won't even have too much issue getting a job unless its something like being lawyer, even then its just on visible places like the hands.
Most of my friends male and female have at least one or two tattoos, some of the pretty big pieces, im the chickenshit with a fear of needles.
No. 835319
Misanthropy is a super edgy new mode of political thought formed by the greatest aspergian minds of Reddit and other dens of shitposting.
Basically, they hate their own species and believe that humanity is overrated, but only if they're in charge, because mommy said they were smart.
Common themes in their circles are nerd culture references, conspiracy theories about evil socialists, and total pig-fuck ignorance of humanity, politics, science, and pretty much everything.
These guys are a perfect blend of 2edgy and pathetic. Their biggest media outlets are wordpress blogspot,facebook and reddit, they're prone to infighting, everything about them screams incompetence. It's like if stalin and Chris-Chan had the worst baby ever.
No. 835321
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pov: you don’t have any real constructive hobbies or a personality
No. 835324
>>835320Nta but agreed.
Seeing a early 20s person tatted up from head to toe is just… idk, dumb. Of course they can have a meaning to them but in like 20 years that S A D tattoo on your chest and other edgy crap is going to be pretty emberrassing.
No. 835356
>>835351>I’ve had people be weirdly insistent about asking me about my lack of tattoos and not take “I just don’t want any” as an acceptable answer. Surely a tattoo is something you get because you really want it, not because you can’t think of a good enough reason not to have one?They regret theirs, and want it to be like "Haha well everyone has tattoos, so what?" so they don't feel bad. I feel like some people want to make tattoo discourse out to be like stretch marks (eg just signs of growing up, and shouldn't be judged).
That, or they have tattoo fetishes and want to loop you in.
No. 835387
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Not every time someone does something stupid in the internet means theyre manic. fucks sake. Mania has always been for bipolar type 1 people now every fucking mentally ill idiot has mania. People think it means doing something unusual. my god a cow will dye their hair and people will scream she’s manic. Shut the fuck up oh my god mania is only a real issue for bipolar type 1 which is not common.
Not just lolcow. Its spreading thanks to twitter and their minformation all the time. I saw a video of Gabbie hanna shouting in her stories and some crackhead bitch wrote “This is mania. Not only that. This is a psychotic episode. She needs help now. It had like 300 likes. The bitch was screaming in her car. When I had a pyshotic episode I saw demons following me for weeks. She wanted views you dumbs junkie. Shut the fuck up oh my god shut the fuck up.
No. 835452
>>835321How is fishing not a hobby? You have to learn about different baits for different types of fish, be somewhat in tune with nature and learn where certain fish like to be during different times of day and in different weather conditions. It's an often quiet and tranquil activity, unlike a lot of moid activities. You get to be out on a boat or near water. I understand the moral aspect of it is dodgy but most anglers I know are catch, take a pic, and release.
>>835343Why is it lame? I take pictures with my fish because it's cool to show people the size and type of fish you've caught. Catching a fish as big as the one that guy caught is quite impressive and takes some skill. How is it that different from taking a photo of a painting you did or a cool rock you found?
No. 835471
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I was kind of surprised to see everyone's reaction to the new Lorde album art in the celebricows thread. It doesn't feel pornographic to me, it's an artistic shot and a really strong aesthetic. Of course it will appeal to coomers but there is so much more album art out there that is more blatant, ie: any album by Doja Cat. It feels fun and sunny, I genuinely like the photo and would even have it as a poster or something. I don't have any opinion on the music though as I've never listened to Lorde.
No. 835498
>>835471>ártisticliterally how
I can see how it's aesthetically appealing, but artistic? no
No. 835520
>>835471It's not like women haven't shown their ass for an album cover before but it's literally up her crotch. Sorry but I don't find anything artistic about that, she could've done the exact same oOo world is spinninggg "bright sunny" look but from an angle not centered around her vulva and bare ass. Also it's a fisheye lens with a slightly blurred focus, it's really not groundbreaking in terms of creativity.
>>835494Nta but the angle and level of exposure are nowhere near the same. You'd literally have to be ogling a man's dick and balls from beneath him in a skimpy Speedo.
No. 835662
>>835647All of the things you mentioned
can be complex as shit, yet there are also projects a newb could do in an evening. Just like the same could be said about woodworking or whatever you consider an "actual skill." You don't start out a master craftsman, you make a shitty kid's seat before building a house. And sometimes all someone needs is a kid's seat. You can also be damn sure a complete beginner calligrapher/embroiderer/whatever is going to produce a very different result than someone who has been doing it for years even if they're following the exact same tutorial. You might be able to start something easily, but refinement comes with practice for literally every skill in existence.
No. 835678
>>835665I kind of agree with you. I think people have good reason to dislike Joe Rogan though, they just don't often verbalize it well. For instance, he has said some vaguely anti-mask / covid-isn't-that-bad stuff, peddled some harmful pseudo science shit. He often just goes along with whoever he's talking to no matter what they say. Sometimes it happens to be good stuff, sometimes it's downright harmful. Joe Rogan has such non-opinions.
You see this with Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Zuck, etc a lot too. People hate rich white men because it's allowed, it's punching up, it's socially acceptable to hate them, there is some level of jealousy, and some real unfairness to their success. There is good reason to hate them but most (not all) people honestly just hate them for hate sake.
No. 835761
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i hope jerma gets cancelled soon because i find him unfunny and his fanbase is extremely annoying
No. 835762
>>835665i hate joe rogan because he's a dipshit with way too big of a platform and also all his fans are redpiller moids
same with muskrat
No. 835829
>>835781They're all white dudes who billed themselves as being Hyper Positive Inclusive Fandom Cinnamon Rolls uwu. Eventually, they and their fanbases became so obnoxious that backlash occured, more or less.
I never understood the Jerma thing. He's ugly and annoying. The only thing of his I liked was the ten Easy Petes and that wasn't even his joke/idea (and then it was promtly bear into the ground).
No. 835866
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>>835662>You don't start out a master craftsman, you make a shitty kid's seat before building a houseyeah except no one who starts out doing shit like pic related ever evolves in their ~craft~. of course being a beginner is fine, but there's no talent to only making things a beginner could replicate, like ugly doodles and cross stitch of some cringeworthy tumblr quote from google.
No. 835915
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Online I always see people saying "get an office job, anything else just destroys your body", it's repeated in every job thread on every website. It's bullshit, you get an office job because they typically pay more, office work is some of the most physically harmful work there is.
There's a lot of hypochondria online about manual labor and it's always bewildered me. Like, people behave that the second you pick up a 4x2 your body is irrevocably destroyed forever. When in actuality there are older manual blue collar people working just fine, they have sore shoulders and sore knees typically, due to old age. But the accumulated damage to office workers through remaining stationary is comparable, it's just the physical health standards are so low for office work they can do it even if they're fat slobs. Older blue collar people still have the endurance to get through a day of exercise, if you walk through an IT office almost every single old guy is a beardfat that would fall apart after 3 hours of anything strenuous. Yeah there are a few exceptions like jackhammering and concrete cutting, but they employ methed up junkies for those jobs for that exact reason. Even factory work is highly mechanized now, you can still hurt yourself if you work like a retard of course, but if you do it properly you're just fine.
I think a lot of people underestimate just how unhealthy they are. A lot of the health criticisms of blue collar work comes from the fact that their lifestyles are shit and the are so unhealthy that they're incapable of a lot of blue collar work.
No. 835934
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>>835471The censored version should’ve been the official
No. 835957
>>835900>>835906Huh, never knew people releasing fish was even a thing. Every time I went fishing we would cook and eat them. Definitely makes sense that catching them just to throw them back in would be harmful and wasteful.
>>835915This is so true, being in front of a desk with artificial light all day and not getting physical exercise is worse for your body than most kinds of labor, except like backbreaking extreme hard labor
No. 835993
>>835915My boyfriend does blue collar work, the fucktard is fit as fuck without going to gym and basically living off mcdonalds and poptarts, I touch any part of his body and its basically rock solid.
He also says the environment is way better and more healthy than office work, he gets along with his old boomer coworkers incredibly well and they almost have no HR worthy occurences.
No. 836132
>>835937Yeah, and then they get super pedantic about you calling it "calarts style" because "uhhhh not all of those were from calarts students" even tho they know exactly what you mean.
I've seen some people start to move into calling in "bean mouth" so the SU simps will stop getting ass blasted just over the terminology.
No. 836600
>>8365961. How would that work?
2. Why?
No. 836612
>>8366001. I'm rarey feeling both for a series, so most of the time it's either "This here is my guy and I don't care about the rest" or "They are so cute together and I don't accept anything else". If there's the rare instance of both, I ship my husbando with me and the other guys are shipped with each other.
2. Idk, it just happened
No. 836778
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This picture is highly correlated with the increased rise of diagnosed autism and I’m not joking around
No. 836798
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>>836783Hope you keep us updated if there is something in moon that we have missed, sis.
No. 836799
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>>836794eww just say your husbando is goku and go. Only true women love dorito chinned bishounens like Tsuruga Ren.
No. 836819
BNHA is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the quirks, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole hero faggotry and everything about the BNHA world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
BNHA is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to the web, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no BNHA posts ever encourage the newfags to show their faces here.
No. 836849
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Picrel is an absolute shit-tier husbando along with Eren and should have never became popular. Every character in this series is shitty and poorly written but he's one of the most obnoxious of the bunch and should've died off sooner.
No. 836913
>>836888lmao based
>>836909I don't care about ships, I just think he and his simps are annoying. I hate both his personality and character.
No. 837006
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fuck ash and eiji, I only cared about arthur
No. 837108
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Doja cat is fat, ugly, horny poor woman’s and libfems choice. Azealia banks might be a huge incomprehensible mess but she doesn’t look like a deformed sex doll like the rest
No. 837126
>>837108I love them both but Doja is natural* and Azealia is the one with rock hard bolt ons
*At the very least, women can naturally look like her and its not even that uncommon in some places
No. 837381
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>>837379Rats and mice can be adorable, rats are clever and affectionate too. Cockroaches are not cute under any circumstances and have no redeeming traits. They are incomparably disgusting even by insect standards, humans must have evolved to be particularly repulsed by them for some reason.
No. 837457
epilogue, the cause was
offscreen death from old age or bombs, idk its up to interpretation No. 837482
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>>837381You are absolutely right anon. I like all kinds of critters, I think slugs, leeches, wasps, worms, ect. are cute. But cockroaches are where I draw the line, they are the most repulsive creatures on this planet. I absolutely adore mantises but it kind of bothers me that they're closely related to cockroaches. I try not to think about it too much though.
No. 837493
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>>837482To be fair there are like 4,600 species of cockroach and many just look like regular bugs. Through this one is exceptionally pretty.
No. 837644
>>837632Thought I replied to this earlier but didn't. I wouldn't say I'm femcel but I've had bad bfs, been put off men to an extent. I lost interest in sex over the years too and I gave up on a lot of girly appearance-based interests because they dont truly appeal to me and I don't value being pretty. I've been single and a loner type for a while now. To some that is prob their definition of one. Is still get unwanted attention from males though. Just not the ones I want it from. Not presented in the most appealing way either.
I think whether someone is a pretty femcel or a genuinely awkward non-conventional looking femcel… as a woman you're forever still dodging or worrying about unwanted attention from creeps. If you're female you're desirable. It's just a matter of whether the feeling is mutual.
I'm pretty confused about the whole femcel thing tbh, it doesn't seem like a real thing. The definition changes and it's often just abused women or younger girls who haven't lost their virginity yet when they're only 20 anyway. We all know what an incel is (they're all wired the same, clones of each other spewing the same self pity shit) but femcels are a whole mix.
No. 837645
>>837632Not everyone wants dick, anon
>>837562Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't femcel a woman who cannot get laid despite trying and feels like scrotes somehow owe them sex?
No. 837923
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Men need to stop being such little bitches and start wearing makeup if they want to be attractive
No. 838138
>>838130Personally I think as far as female partners go they are more likely to be stuck in a emotionally
abusive relationship ( that being many women's modus operandi for their partners- there more likely to be physical with their kids vs their partners of either sex) or a mutually shitty dysfunctional one that one that's intensely physically
Though it doesn't stop many women of at least attempt to physically harm their boyfriends and sometimes succeeding ( I.e using knives and hammers).
I'm a firm believer that if a woman must suck she must do so on the downlow do to not being able to hulk out the same against men. So they play emotional tyrant To their children/ the occasional unfortunate spouse and employ way more underhanded tactics, winch are a lot harder to pin point vs a malignant scrote.
This is a anecdote but "I'm glad" my mom is a woman as far as abusers are concerned because I think her level of entitlement and bullshit would have been worse as a dude.
I still hate her ass though but luckily she didn't spoil my bond with women too bad ( unfortunate as I like women sexually / romantically as well and kinda prefer them in theory)
No. 838206
>>833582I agree unless a card is very cute and really stands out to me, also i do appreciate graduation and valentines cards.
Once in primary school girls gave literally every kid in class the exact same card with the same greeting, middle and ending, what a waste of time? I binned it and asked her not to give me any in the future - I feel like such a mean bitch for doing this but I just thought it was so pointless. Wtf am I meant to do with it?
No. 838219
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>>834607I don't understand how someone so pretty is so cruel.
I agree its a shame she has the most horrible personality and awful, dreadful politics and absolutely zero solidarity with other minorities.
She has extremely harsh, conservative views on allowing foreigners even though her own parents were fucking refugees.
there is no politician i despite more than Priti Patel (ugly and festering on the inside) because when a white Brit politician does it, it's just because he's an ignorant rart who doesn't know what it's like, but Priti knows better and is a complete backstabbing traitor.
How can she turn her back on her own community? It's psychopathic that she doesn't want other migrants to have the same opportunities as her.
For a politician, she is woefully underqualified, her educational background is basic and lacklustre to say the least, (the universities she went to are shocking and just barely accredited) and her BA degree isn't at all relevant to her appointment as Home Secretary. Her justifications for her policies desperately lack any common sense, research and her judgements and speeches lack intellectual merit and integrity.
I fucking hate Priti Patel.
No. 838222
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>>838219Oh yeah, also more fascist Priti Patel for ya
No. 838256
>>838219Her parents weren't migrants or refuges, they were legal immigrants, I don't understand why she should feel sympathy for illegals(mostly Muslim), cause it is mostly followers of the Arab Pedophile that recently illegally migrate and are usually awful to the locals, as well non-locals
for e.g Pakistani men groomed not only just white girls, but girls from the Hindu, Sikh and Nigerian communities
No. 838281
>>838273nta but yes there's alot, im more familiar with the american side of the beef but it basically boils down to a few things:
>illegal migrants are taking sort of an "easy road" while avoiding the much more expensive and burocratic process of legal immigration>they get more rights and citizenship from liberal policies while legal immigrants get jack shit>They make the prejudice against immigrants skyrocket and legal immigrants suffer from it when they are usually extremely educated people with high paying jobs and from well off families.not saying I agree with any of those but they seem to be the main things.
No. 838350
>>838347I don't really understand why leftists hate the death penalty, in the case where someone is actually proven to have committed the crime, why not fucking kill them
maybe I'm just more ruthless than most liberals but I literally could care less if pedos and murderers are executed, it's more of a waste to pay to keep them in prisons
No. 838363
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>>838350i am american, but personally I am against the death penalty not because I am opposed to the concept of being killed for your crimes, but because it's almost always poorly executed (no pun intended) and a massive waste of taxpayer money. the sentences are rarely carried out in a timely manner, and instead they sit on death row for their natural lives which is costly. they're entitled to various appeals to their sentence, which is also costly and can negatively impact
victims/the families of
victims. not to mention cases where people are executed for crimes they are posthumously exonerated from, which is statistically extremely minor but still something I think is worth considering.
taxpayer money could be put to better use.
No. 838388
>>838362I don't have a huge bone to pick with illegals or undocumented people I just legit do not care if someone who's murdered or raped gets executed especially if they murder or rape children regardless of who they are. could bring back the guillotine or throw them into the ocean for all I care
I'm just tired of seeing all the "save x y z from being executed" posts on twt posted by teens who have no idea how the justice system works. ofc justice system isn't perfect and jails people who might not be guilty, even kills them, but honestly, why are you caring about it now? these people wouldn't care about trying to aim for actual prison reform if it bit them in the ass, they only care about it when they can earn brownie points and then forego it. as if trying to save one faggot presumed to be wrongly convicted of murder on death row is going to somehow reform the entire justice system kek
No. 838470
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please tell me how this isn’t slightly incel-tier
No. 838486
>>838470this is a very normal feeling many young women have. like this isn't scrote-ish at all, it's in fact what girls are socialized into feeling.
>>838481This is the context for the post? Damn that anon is dumb as fuck.
No. 838548
>>838515they’re angry that bisexuals have an all-inclusive sexuality that involves men, but it’s totally fair and
valid that they exclude themselves from dating bi women because they just don’t find them attractive or whatever. it really is self-victimization and supreme gentleman-ly behavior but with women, they think they’re the only true homosexual sexuality that exists and they love women than any other person on this planet. some other anon whined about the thread being doomer tier and that’s what I’m trying to egg at, it’s very incel-like but excluding the misogyny and sex-based violence
No. 838558
>>838548I really don't get it, because one minute they're like
>"Bi women are disgusting for having sex with men, they probably have STDs and we want nothing to do with them!! Stay away bihets!!!"And they keep pushing this weird narrative that bi women are obsessed with dating and/or having sex with them, while also somehow being hetties who only like men anyway. So bi women continue to ignore them, live life and date men since they're not really in the lesbian community (and if bi women are dating each other, it's typically easier to just call themselves gay 99% of the time, they don't really owe anyone an explanation regardless). The self-proclaimed lesbians who say shit like the above see this going on, and use it as "proof" to go on this other kind of sperg meltdown:
>"See? Bi women DO NOT EXIST. All they do is DATE MEN. They'd never even touch another woman! They're probably disgusted by us and they call us incels!!"There's literally no making these sorts of people happy, lmao. I don't even think they love women, they don't seem to like anybody.
No. 838564
>>838548You just said
>but it’s totally fair and valid that they exclude themselves from dating bi women because they just don’t find them attractive or whatever.yet you call THEM the incel-like? Do you not believe it's 'fair and
valid' for someone to exclude certain people from their dating pool? That is some straight up textbook inceloid entitlement.
I have no horse in this race because I'm straight but every squabble I see on here between lesbians and bisexuals is the bi anons getting mad that lesbians don't want them. As if they don't have the right to choose who they date.
No. 838579
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>>838558>yuck gross bi-women say they’re bi and they’re DATING A MAN they’re really surprised and seething about it because they within their own preferences chose penis over them. bonus sperging when it’s sapphic bisexual women, but then they turn around and go on their cute little tumblr blogs moaning about how everyone finds lesbians hot and want to invade their personal space and that you aren’t entitled to date them because they assume bi people are are like Jessica yaniv. it’s such a sad state of affairs that everyone in the LGBT community probably can’t even see bisexuality as legitimate because it’s not as simple as wlw/mlm relationships, and almost all of the lesbian relationships I’ve seen are just both women larping as traditional heterosexual gender roles and my god it’s so fucking tacky like picrel goofy as hell
No. 838588
>>838363If only people would get some sense and rewrite the law so there's no "death row" but just a swift execution after the trial. I agree with what you two have said
>>838362 >>838388 here.
One shot with a firearm and they could be dead. It doesn't require the millions of dollars and the legal privileges that politicians are giving to these barbaric men. Psychopathic politicians don't give a shit for your life seeing as there is no reform for domestic violence in sight, which is the biggest problem for women in this country atm. The justice system does little to protect women when you consider how many of us die at the hands of repeat offenders and men we've previously tried to report. If politicians decided to kill all men tomorrow I wouldn't complain. The world would be much better off and everyone knows it. Frankly I can't give a shit about men being wrongfully convicted even taking racism and classism into account, they're all men at the end of the day so who gives a shit. (not bait, I'm being serious)
No. 838620
>>838564Make it make sense.
>reee bisexual women feel entitled to lesbians >reee bisexual women are het partnered Both can't be true, was the point.
No. 838676
>>838666"Feed entirely about men" includes the feeds that are that of feminists which describe problems and oppression created by moids, correct?
Jesus christ just say you want women to suffer and go.
No. 838694
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This is only unpopular on lc but:
1. You don't have to be nice to be a Stacy
2. Ugly people can't be Stacys
No. 838945
>>838643I shave it but that's because my pussy hair looks like a neckbeard, so it's very sparse on top and very hairy on the lips and I find that ugly so I shave it off.
If I could grow a nice trimmed full bush I would treasure it but nature hasn't been kind to me.
No. 838961
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>>837630ppl get hissing roaches as pets because they are fat, slow, and cannot defend themselves beyond trying to hiss and scare you away. they only eat fresh fruit and vegetables and don't carry any diseases. sorry your autism makes you unable to appreciate a cute and harmless little animal.
No. 839549
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knives > vash
No. 839590
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autism is kinda sexy? like i'm not sure if it's ableist or not but I like how they sperg and sputter. only an autist can do what they do. and autism is inherently sexy for it. it's unpopular but it's my opinion.
No. 839609
>>839598>>839590After I lost the virginly, I would always use the same sheets anytime I was having sex, I physically felt I wouldn't be able to have sex if not on my bed with those exact same sheets
I was later diagnosed as being autism spectrum
No. 839620
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>>839619look at his sexy white boy feet too
No. 839694
>>839590Spergy guys are kinda cute. Too bad the "autistic sweet nerdy guy" is pretty much a fantasy and most are turbo incels degenerates.
>>839598Same thing happened to me but on my first date. I still keep the coca cola can and bic he bought me.
No. 839897
>>839874It feels like women think they have to be vigilant about never being even slightly unethical or scrote-ish in order for feminism or our criticism of men to have any legitimacy at all. If we act like them even slightly, scrotes will latch onto it and use it as proof that feminists are wrong and men are the real
It's dumb though, we aren't the same and we can apply critical thinking instead of just having one blanket rule for everything. Eg I don't see age gaps between older men/younger women and older women/younger men as equally bad. It's hypocritical on paper, sure, but in reality young men haven't been brainwashed and pressured and cajoled their whole lives into feeling like they're worthless as they age and that dating older is their best and only option. Yet there are tonnes of women who will treat the two situations exactly the same and get riled up on behalf of the poor innocent men in their 20s with a cougar fetish, but it feels overcompensatory and unnecessary.
No. 839900
>>839897They act like
victims no matter what. It's more fun to give them back the same energy. Rip pinkpillfeminism it was the first place you could be 1/1000 as vindictive as scrotes. Anger is powerful and society makes sure to stifle it in women. Got way more confidence from stopping repressing my anger and sadness, than any mindfulness practice/therapy.
No. 840028
>>840007This is why I just stay on ot/g/m. Even with the vent threads it's 1000x less
toxic than the other side of lolcow.
No. 840033
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>>840007Some threads are so spergy and nitpicky sometimes I just want to go in there and infight. Especially the ones that are just outright vendettas.
No. 840044
>>838281>illegal migrants are taking sort of an "easy road"You have no fucking clue, do you. The reason they come to the US is because of a shit ton of benefits for a minimum amount of effort. I watched my state go from being fairly decent to being overrun with illegals. Crime skyrocketed, trafficking became a huge problem, cartels moved in (MS-13), etc. I grew up with a babysitter who came from Guatemala. But she wanted to become a citizen, I still have memories of her studying for the citizenship test, and taking English lessons. She was someone I admired a lot, and that was the cherry on top.
I have nothing but hate for illegal immigrants.
No. 840051
>>840044I'm a legal immigrant and I too hate illegals. I had to pay so much money and wait for so long just to get my green card. It's not money I had, I was really poor. It's money I had to somehow procure at any cost and they'd make things as hard for me as possible just to make sure I
wasn't one of the bad ones. Meanwhile whenever I dare voice my concerns about illegal immigration people accuse me of being some spoiled rich girl who doesn't know what she's talking about.
The US is so hard on legal immigrants and they take the brunt of the public's frustration while illegals continue to do as they please and have the protection of liberal wokies. We get treated like braindead idiots whereas they hail literal criminals and opportunists as saints and martyrs 'just looking for a better life'.
No. 840068
>>840051"I was a dumbass who could afford to wait several years so that whitey could let me into their country."
"I think imaginary fucking lines in the dirt are more important than human beings"
No. 840081
>>840078Waaaah muh mothers and children!!!
We have poor mothers and children in our own countries. Going hungry, fleeing domestic abuse, dying of diseases they can’t afford to treat, dying and suffering, having their kids taken away and ending up homeless. But ofc white people don’t matter.
They should fix their own fucking counties instead of bringing all of their baggage to other peoples.
No. 840089
>>840081Wow, I didn't realize you cared so much about the urban poor in our country? Surely you spend your weekends volunteering at the local soup kitchen?
After all, that's why you think it's ok to turn away immigrants, so we can afford to take such good care of the urban poor.
It must be, for you to justify saying something like that.
No. 840098
>>840093Dang, that was a great comeback
Really got me there with a good 'ole whataboutism
For the record, I volunteer locally, partly because voluntourism is bs and partly because it's more effective to help your local community. That community involves not just people who were born in it, but anyone who happens to join it
No. 840127
>>840068>"I think imaginary fucking lines in the dirt are more important than human beings"You didn't seem to care an awful lot about those imaginary fucking lines when you massacred an entire continent and put its natives in reservations, removing borders won't magically protect human beings. It will in fact just make it a lawless territory where anyone can loot, kill and rape precious human beings as they please.
I don't know why you're virtue signalling so hard on an anonymous board, nobody's gonna give you a cookie for it.
No. 840132
>>840127Did you spend 45 minutes just to come up with that?
Do you think that actually think that small groups of impoverished immigrants are trying to colonize the US? Do you think that's how ti works?
No. 840134
You're looking at lolcow at work?
That just made my day
(Twitter) No. 840142
>>840135Why, because you argued your point so well?
Real 10/10 arguments.
No. 840176
>>840157Here's an unnecessarily long and reply that no one will read, SEE Korea is foreign enough that its issues are often seen as easily fixable or a result of cultural backwardness.
You'll find that pretty much all Koreans agree with you on that front; the young Koreans who face immense pressure to perform well, the parents who above all else value the wellbeing of their kids, and the politicians who are expected to fix this very unpopular status quo. But the unfortunate reality is that parents will see their kids fall behind in this system if they don't "pay to play". I do say Korean "culture" but there's a multifacteted side to this that RT documentaries and the like don't cover. There may well be a cultural element that emphasises education and "high status" jobs, but there's an economic reality at play here as well.
Korea is considered as a developed nation, but in many ways it is not the same as other countries with this label (like Norway , for instance). In Seoul, rent and property costs are extremely high and wages for blue-collar jobs is low. The new left wing government attempted changes (raising the minimum wage and introducing new property taxes), but it backfired, leading to property appreciation and higher youth unemployment. The economy of South Korea still remains very much export focused, and controlled mostly by giant conglomerates that dominate the economy. Most South Korean presidents, once they leave office, are indicted by the next administration on corruption charges relating to a large conglomerate. The reason for this is tied with the history of South Korea and how it transformed from a war-torn, resource-poor, and overpopulated country into a developed one. Hint: think less free market, and more government funded and subsidised corporations.
Because the economy revolves around these conglomerates, being successful or even having a comfortable middle class living mostly means competing for a good job at one of these corporations. There are few other avenues for success, because other aspects of the Korean economy still lag behind the export-driven megacorporations. Many Koreans want to start their own small business, or strike it rich through day/retail stock trading (crypto trading has also recently gained a lot of popularity in Korea). This has led to an explosion of personal debt and bankruptcy. You could compare the high-tech exports of Korea or even proclaim it to be superior to that of countries like Japan, but it's more difficult to legitimately compare other parts of the economy, such as the finance sector, service sector jobs etc. The size of and wages offered by these industries are smaller than that of Japan, meanwhile the cost of living is similar thanks to recent inflation. Combined with the fact that China will increasingly compete with Korea's exports, Korea faces an economic challenge ahead that the left wing government has so far only made worse. This is the largest explanation for Korean youth's shift to the right: the culture war aspect is only the ugly veneer (sound familiar?). The government even tried to address the hagwon problem through bans and curfews: it failed and no doubt they realise it was a bandaid fix.
No. 840227
>>840154>>840176Thank you! What do you think of this white guy's Korean feminism blog?'s lived there for some time, is married to a Korean woman and they have daughters. I take everything with a pinch of salt, obv.
>The Grand Narrative is all about Korean feminism, sexuality, and popular culture, and in the last 13 years has become one of the leading English-language sources on those topics, getting mentions in such sources as TIME, The Washington Post, BUST, CNN, The Associated Press, Slate, and Jezebel. No. 840254
>>840251I don't know anon, maybe I guess? But in my almost 30 years on this earth it's the one argument I can never really challenge when presented with. All the other shit I know are nonsense and can explain it and I have changed the opinions of many of my friends and even my brothers and my super conservative dad, but I can't really find anything to say against this.
Maybe it's easier for you and men don't use it because they are not really threatened? Greece is really threatened by Turkey, so the whole thing isn't a LARP that we might eventually get rid off when we get a more reasonable government. A standing conscription based army is basically necessary for Greece to exist.
No. 840303
>>840245>>840251>>840256Finland, Denmark, Taiwan and Norway all have Male Military conscription and there pretty progressive countries
In fact no right wing party has even opposed conscription, its the left wing in these countries that wishes to end conscription
No. 840317
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Plastic surgery is almost inherently toxic. Unless you have a deformity, getting plastic surgery will negatively impact you mentally, as viewing one's own body as a series of flaws that can/need to be fixed is a toxic way to view oneself. It's infinitely better for you to learn to live with yourself the way that you are
No. 840320
>>840317Most people think this deep down though
I'm reducing my breasts cause of back pain though
No. 840335
>>840326Also I have a ridiculously small frame for breasts my size so it's also a bit because of aesthetics.
My cousin is even worse than me. She has the frame of someone who is a A cup at most but has enormous breasts and even worse back issues. Dead Ass she looks like a coomer anime girl
No. 840342
>>840336Russia isn't going to do anything, they are too weak.
>>840303No one wishes to abolish conscription here, it would be suicidal. If we could abolish it I would be behind it so the men here lose this last actual reason they have to oppose our equality.
>>840319Well yeah, that goes without saying. But it is still a thing.
No. 840367
>>840245Don't cape for moids
nonnie… They're the first ones to say shit like "equal rights equal fights" and reject discussions for equal wages, in countries with and without military conscription.
>it makes sense for them to have more rights since they have this super heavy responsibilityDon't buy into their "we're super oppressed because we have to spend x unbearable months in the military!!", it's quite common for them to go to illegal (but still active) brothels and "massage parlors" to take advantage of prostituted and vulnerable women.
(OT but some years ago a group of korean celebrities were caught getting in and out of one of those "massage parlors" with happy endings while on their military service… The scandal was quite big since a couple of them had girlfriends who were also celebrities).
No. 840385
>>840068Does this anon think resources are limitless? Why would a country accept tons of unskilled foreigners when there's already huge rates of poverty and competition (~80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck)?
Yeah it sucks that they suffer but a country has to look after itself first and foremost. When I was a teen I thought it was tragic too, but that was when I didn't have personal boundaries, was socialized to be an uncritical fountain of endless sympathy, and still had my parents paying for everything.
No. 840433
>>840245>men run the government, and then put other men in the military>"See? This is why we should be in charge"Nah. Imagine taking over a house, then saying you deserve the power because you decreed that you also do difficult tasks and have banned anyone else from doing so, lmao.
Plus many of them join the military, rape women and children, kill innocent people, etc. No honor.
No. 840860
>>840818I have barely changed between my late teens, approaching my mid twenties now
it's not very exciting
No. 840907
>>840902Looking at it every day is precisely why you can't tell it changes.
>>840904I told you, you won't notice shit. If you compare passport photos, sure you'll notice. But day to day in the mirror? Nah.
No. 840915
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>>840899>As I age, I can see that I look older.>omg dysmorphia alert, that can't be true, your perceptions are just vewwy vewwy wrong!pic unrelated but seriously, what?
No. 841140
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I have autism and was treated like shit all my life for behaving in eccentric ways I can't control. It's funny seeing all my bullies become "mental health awareness" advocates, fucking hypocritical faggots. They just care about their (most likely self diagnosed) depression or anxiety.
As soon as one of us eccentric autists behaves in unusual ways, you mental health advocates become the biggest bullies. Why the biggest bullies? Even the conservative Ben Shapiro types leave me alone. You're just a bunch of hypocritical faggots. I see through it because I'm on the receiving end. You have absolutely no tolerance for actual eccentricity, all their pity goes towards benign anxiety or depression. The actual chronic diseases, even chronic problems like bad depression, become uncared for. They only care about minor depression because they themselves have (self inflicted) minor depression and anxiety.
I can't take mental health advocates seriously when all the mental health advocates I see on social media from my personal life, were my bullies. Fuck you, fuck you all. It's hypocritical posturing. You don't care for actual eccentricity. Just the ailments you personally suffer from.
No. 841170
>>841140I truly knew that woketards didn't give a shit about autistic people when they tried to insist that it should be "people/person with autism" and not "autistic person" because I've heard actual autists say they prefer "autistic person", not to mention phrasing like that is probably the last thing that autists care about. if so called mental health advocates actually cared about autistic people there's other stuff they could do for them, instead of just trying to force people to use language in a specific way that doesn't really change anything.
unrelated tangent but I kind of hate mental health awareness, I think it has backfired. instead of making it easier for people with serious mental health issues to get help it has led a bunch of people to selfdiagnose with bipolar, bpd, adhd etc. it has also made people with very mild anxiety become super snowflakes who never shut up about ~my anxiety~ and use it as an excuse for anything and everything, meanwhile people with debilitating schizophrenia, depression and other issues struggle to live normal lives and are basically kicked to the curb as weirdos
No. 841183
>>840007I agree, I enjoy seeing influencers get caught out lying as much as anyone but anons obsessively following teenage girls to document that they have unstable unhygienic homelives isn't milk
It's also jarring that old threads remain up years after the site culture has moved on, some of those older threads are really brutal and have no merit
No. 841227
>>841140> “They just care about their (most likely self diagnosed) depression or anxiety.”>anime pic >autistic>can’t even read social cues/read the room but still has opinions kekmale percentage reached: 65%
no one should accommodate for autistic people. social norms and rules exist for a reason
No. 841231
>>841227I got the same vibe kek
>the conservative Ben Shapiro types leave me alone>4chan filenameFuckin deserved
No. 841235
>>841140Loli chuuba fags deserve all the bullying they get. You're not eccentric, you're fucking retarded and creepy. Autists are not exempt from social etiquette.
>>841227Only scrotes are this entitled. Female spergs attempt to be functional.
No. 841756
>>841719appearance, hobbies, political opinions, general expression. The latter two might be down to poor translation, admittedly. But in every vid or blog I've come across they parrot the same things, adopt the same hobbies & daily routine and are still looking to social media for validation. The movement has a clearly defined "aesthetic" and lifestyle. Most seem to make the change once most of the women in their friendship group or class does, so again, conforming. But like I said, if they're happy, it's all good. vidrel is an example, click for eng subtitles.
No. 841761
>>841756It's a social movement so yeah they're going to do similar things. Any hobby is better than wasting time seasoning your ribs for some male.
South Korea is big on comforming to one aesthetic so I don't think it's that strange.
Some of the social media validation is cringe but I think it's ok, they have to be visible and show women that there's another way of life.
No. 841887
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hot chili oil is overrated. definitely tasty on certain things, but not as good as everyone makes it out to be
No. 841917
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>>841887Meet me outside so I can beat your ass
No. 841958
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Contrary to how the media and majority of twitterfags portray her, Lana Del Rey is actually a seriously empowered woman, and is more of a role model for feminism and non-conformism than many others claim to be…I think that's really what pisses people off about her. Not saying she doesn't have a million flaws because she does. I just truly believe this
No. 842030
>>841995Considering how normal weinsteins actions were I’m pretty sure they’re already used as prostitutes anon.
Anons are fucked if they think they’d wanna pay some Hollywood hunk to unenthusiastically push rope for half an hour cause they have to. Who would wanna pay to watch a young brad Pitt grimace and sadly thrust away at you while hating every second of it.
No. 842035
>>842030from what I hear some of them will fuck anything and not necessarily unenthusiastically
back to the serious part a lot of them were escorts at some point or had to use the casting couch, it's more common amongst women to be abused by producers though
No. 842045
>>842035Sounds like a cope from fatties and other undateable people. An attractive wealthy person, even a stupidly horny one isn’t gonna dick down a fat pimply-ass stacy in her Kentucky trailer for $3000 a night.
He’s got a line down the block of identical mediocre looking guys and gals waiting to suck his cock because fame and money.
Lmao what a cope thinking Chris Hemsworth or whatever other vaguely handsome idiot passes through Hollywood is gonna be fighting to get down with a degenerate farmer.
No. 842058
>>842048Where is the lie?
Fatties and bone rattling ana chans, mental degenerates, and social failures make up 100% of farmers.
No. 842063
>>842060Less projection than it takes to convince yourself a movie star would be happy to fuck you for a couple of shekels.
Admitting to not being a model is far less of a cope than that.
Taking anything said here seriously enough to pull out “ur projecting” is the biggest cope here tho.
No. 842064
>>842062So fat and an unbearable personality?
Girl go call Hollywood and get some dick why you wasting time here?
No. 842078
>>842063you're the one who decided to get all up in arms at the idea of a fantasy in the first place
with good accentuating makeup, a nice outfit, a nightclub setting, and a decent amount of drugs or alcohol, a woman who puts effort into looking hot and acting confident can seem alluring to a man, even an egotistical celebrity douche. I do believe that. the percentage likelihood of running into a celebrity is low so that obviously decreases the chances, unless you live in a major entertainment epicenter
but it's absurd if you don't think they don't hook up with random non celeb women and it's also absurd to assume that every one of those women is a stable and well adjusted 10/10 instathot stacy
No. 842248
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Steve Perry and Ariana Grande look related
No. 842499
>>842285I don't feel sorry for them because being an ugly man doesn't necessarily put them in a social and economic disadvantage in the same way being an ugly woman does.
It's already a fact that women who don't wear makeup are less likely to be taken seriously as professionals and be passed up for opportunities. Fat women have a harder time with employment. Women are expected to adhere to a more groomed and sometimes uncomfortable dress code.
That's not even the social fuckery that comes with being an ugly woman. Ugly and fat men are absolutely coddled.
No. 842502
>>842499He's even seen as more rugged and manly if he's fat, lost a tooth or wears the same clothes since 10 years ago. Ugliness is seen as aggresiveness/confidance.
A woman who's fat, missing a tooth or wearing 10 year old clothes…? Homeless, or stuck in intern jobs forever, unless she's extraordinarily social and charismatic.
No. 842746
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>>842676Nah dude, that shit is hilarious. Especially if you're high af
No. 842774
>>842511attractiveness is subjective and he's far from the ugliest moid in existence even if you find him unattractive or not to your liking
i see hideous moids every single day i'm at work most actors are gods by comparison to those ugly ass bastards
No. 842804
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These things are ugly as hell and they all look retarded.
No. 842805
>>842804Cats? Or that type of cat?
I love that cat
No. 842821
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Too much garbage anime and cartoons have fed values and culture to Gen Z and younger millennials to the point that they have unconsciously live their lives like someone who isn’t real. Why do you think you see teenagers and young adults dressing like tacky early 2000s anime girls and boys? That’s what they grew up on and your childhood is very imperative on how you develop your speshul individuality~ when you grow up. Anime literally is a mental cancer for children, it targets submissiveness and pedophile culture towards and self-important shounen hero syndrome for men.
No. 842827
>>835594I bet Japan is going to lose their shit. From experience, they don't really understand the extent of the troon movement, even if they themselves feel they are progressive.
The peak will be hard, and make a lot of people hate westerners even more than they already do.
No. 842828
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>>842821I think sitcoms do something similar to people. A lot of people try to behave like the stock characters in sitcoms or think they are living in one. For instance many people think they are living in a documentary like on The Office and frequently do the "Jim Stare".
No. 842924
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So I have always found Japanese and Korean guys attractive, even before the Korean wave even started, I think it was mainly due to the fact a lot of Japanese and Taiwanese films from the 90's and early 2000's, so with that said I don't get the hype around k-pop boys, its not that I dislike that they have a "feminine" aesthetic, its just their fake kinda, the surgeries, the skin lighting, even their bodies and dance moves are just so plastic
there's no real humanity to k-pop guys
No. 842944
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>>842912Fun fact: American Psycho was directed by a woman and a lot of critics saw it as misandrist at the time. If I recall correctly, even the author of the novel hated it
No. 842976
>>842964Fuck Kubrick for not adapting the final Chapter in the book
>In the final chapter, Alex finds himself halfheartedly preparing for yet another night of crime with a new gang (Lenn, Rick and Bully). After a chance encounter with Pete, who has reformed and married, Alex finds himself taking less and less pleasure in acts of senseless violence. He begins contemplating giving up crime himself to become a productive member of society and start a family of his own, while reflecting on the notion that his own children could possibly end up being just as destructive as he has been, if not more so.basically Alex realizes that it's all literally pointless, that he wasn't doing anything worth while nor was he challenging the system, he was just a violent teenager and now that he was a man he has to put away his childish violence, he gets married and end up like any other bloke on the street
No. 843027
>>842924There is more kpop content than just music videos/performances. Idols do a tonne of TV appearances, interviews, fan meetings etc in a concerted effort to humanize them and endear themselves to fans. It's still fake af ofc, but it's their fake personalities rather than their fake faces that get them serious, dedicated fans.
That said I don't think any kpop fans are in it for ~humanity~. Plastic is good enough if you just want something fun to watch.
(kpop) No. 843084
>>843071>>843027In those interview's its always clear that their playing a persona, one is the funny one, the older responsible brother, the party guy, the smart one, the ladies man, that's not how actual people act like and what's worse is somee Stans think this is what people act like
I came across this video and it's so bizarre for me, these Stans want to believe that their favorite band are based and pink-pilled and have well a choice in how they act, when in actuality they are products, their personalities and looks were decided a board team
(kpop) No. 843896
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Liara is so fucking boring. I have never and will never understand the appeal. I hate her weird sharpie eyebrows.
No. 843957
>>843896A cutesy humanlike face + busty + socially awkward + all female hot sexy race = appeal to both neet men and neet women
Her voice is really pleasant though.
No. 844194
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I fucking love chihuahuas. I don't care if people think they're overgrown rats and not real dogs. I don't care if they're annoying yappy ankle biters. It's my dream to rescue small senior chihuahuas. They are so full of personality that is so much bigger than their tiny little bodies.
No. 844234
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>>844194Same, they are absolutely hilarious, picrel
No. 844255
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>>844234>>844194I hate them too but they do make great meme pics
No. 844361
>>844194Holy shit, my soulmate. I love chihuahus so much, and I love them all the more for being retarded angry yappy little shits. Their faces are adorable, and when they get old they get even cuter.
I'd love to adopt a less inbred one someday and name it El Diablo
No. 844397
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>>844361El Diablo! So cute!! I really like the apple head ones, they look extra dumb.
No. 844419
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>>844397I had chihuahuas and small dogs growing up and while I didn't like my moms primary chihuahua, he was very mean to me, I like the chi or mixed chi she adopted a few years ago.
he's a blithering idiot but I love him so much, no neurons in his head, he kind of looks like this
No. 844450
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>>844397I'd feel sorry for an apple head if I had one, but they make for great pictures. Deer heads seem good though!
No. 844530
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>>844419I love these dumbdumbs. I don’t have a chi right now, but another small dog breed, and sometimes I can’t tell if she’s just really fucking stupid and really smart. Love her anyway. All dogs are kind of dumb though, and I love how goofy they are.
>>844450KEK absolutely living for that chi!! What a cutie! This is a dog pic I saved from someone in the dogspotting society fb group before I nuked my account. It makes me laugh all the time, look at this tube shaped lil fella!!
>>844464> Very sweet and smart enough to escape but loyal enough to only escape to come sit with you lolWhat a sweetie..!!!
No. 844839
>>844456I thought you were describing a boyfriend when I read this kek
Farmers describe worse ones all the time
No. 844968
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Gatekeeping is good and should be increased.
No. 844971
>>844968This kills the website.
Read the sticky
>lolcow doesn't pander to your ideology No. 844976
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I hold the belief true atheism can only come when you understand the scripture, it's history and how it developed organically and how it's still changing
Judaism was a henotheistic Semitic doctrine that gradually become monotheistic, Christianity came as a result of the mixing of a subset of Jews who wanted to break away from traditional mixed with certain greeco-roman philosophies, and Islam came as a result of the mixing of non-trinitarian christianty mixed with Arab paganism, hell its very likely that the early Muslims very well would have considered themselves true sect of Christians rather then their own separate faith, either way the key is understanding religions and how they came to be, not making fun of them
Atheists like Seth MacFarlane, Bill Maher or the Rick and Morty writers and fans will never be true atheist in the sense that the fear of doubt will always be in their mind
No. 844977
>>844974ntayrt but I like pitties and people who are vehemently anti pit can fuck off
I've seen poorly trained rotties and other big dog breeds get as unnecessarily aggro as bad pits before
No. 844986
>>844976Have you ever met any of these types of guys? They're the worst and not really different of crazy religious people yelling to you to find god. Difference here is only they go yelling reasons you shouldn't believe or why religion is evil
0 respect for other peoples opinions or beliefs. These guys are retarded angry ex christians that think they're "free" and are so smart yet all they do is talk about religion
No. 845021
>>844985Nta but i agree, religion itself is really interesting even if some people can only truly enjoy reading about it from an outsider perspective. Studying religion without the constant anxiety and fear of sin is pretty fun.
And seeing people debating religious concepts with the proper knowledge of said concepts is definitely more enjoyable (and has actual possibility of making more people realize how flimsy the religious mythos can be) than people who go "ummm if adam and eve first human, why belly button? Checkmate christians!!!!!"
No. 845131
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>>845120It's quite ironic that you're using a posting that opinion on a computer or phone, two technologi es that have been greatly influenced by space travel. Do you use GPS on your phone as well?
>loved by men and businesses And women as well, not all women share your dislike of space travel.
No. 845251
>>845247That's funny, because when I was in high school, everyone hated autism and thought it made you retarded. Especially if you were a girl, god forbid
t. misdiagnosed as aspie and forced to deal with autists in social skills groups, which I didn't need, which was a nightmare
No. 845418
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>>845373This extremely cringe blogpost is a good representation of the brainlet ewhores that make up that thread imo. Just sperging about every little detail of her life to make themselves feel less like a failure.
No. 845475
>>845457their country's batshit beauty standards has caused all koreans to have extreme body dysmorphia
Thats why all their webtoons look nearly the exact same with their slenderman skin and proportions, they hate themselves.
No. 845552
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>>845545the funniest thing to me is when koreaboos go to korea hoping they will find some hot guy like their kpop idol and instead find out that that the majority of average men there look like this.
No. 845561
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>>845552>>845545i think this is why male idols who do horrible things get forgiven so easily, because the avg korean man does not have the visuals like bully hyunjin.
No. 845568
>>845552You're being too generous, this is still an attractive and well groomed looking man
I would be interested in learning from someone that lives in Korea about whether men there really do keep themselves as well groomed as media suggests, but I'm sure it's all lies in the same way that media portrays British men as all being anything but red faced arseholes that vomit and piss all over the street at any chance
No. 845572
>>845568i used him as a example because alot of koreaboos think that korean men look like pic related
>>845561 , when in reality its a normal looking korean man (that is less groomed) that doesn't have a v line jawline, big eyes, small nose or is tall.
The far-right and conservatism is rising in korea and the majority of young korean men are now in the far right and are even more sexist than the older generation of men, radical feminism is also growing in korea because the sexism there is really bad.
A man could kill a woman there and only get 2 years in prison.
No. 845581
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>>845470>>845545>>845552Okay but that doesn't explain why Korean Fujoshi's draw the most aesthetically unpleasing depiction of muscles I see on men, It seems like a fusion of trying to mix muscles with natural carves and ends up looking unnatural
No. 845584
>>845581because they are coomers anon, its not that deep.
Its the same reason why male coomers draw weird caricatures of women too.
No. 845600
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>>845568It's regional IME and an urban phenomenon. Are you in a major city in the North? Some of the worst places re men's behaviour and appearance found there. If so, seriously, move lol. I'm in the rural South West (don't wish to be more specific, sorry) and have never witnessed drunken vomiting and pissing in the street, badly-dressed obese oompa loompas, any of those British memes basically. I don't want to be a dick and be any more specific but I was horrified travelling to some places in the UK. Also, if you like darker, brown eyed white men the South West is a good shout. We look different for some reason, it's weird.
No. 845624
>>845600Another rural South West anon here. I agree that where we are is a much better state than the rest of the county. Big think as to why I guess. I moved here from the Black Country because it's safer and I have a much higher quality of life.
>>845602You won't but I will. Shout out to Plymouth, Bristol and Exeter for being complete shit holes.
No. 845628
>>845593Well Hyper muscular art already does exist, this is very different from usual Bara
>>845597Okay but it's mostly Koreans and 99% of human's can't look like this
No. 845653
>>845418I like checking up on Shay because she’s honestly so harmless in the grand scheme of things. She does a lot of dumb shit but it really only ever comes back onto herself. Its mildly entertaining but the way anons seethe over her pussy kinda looking weird or wearing knockoff clothes of “designer“ clothes that are already fuck ugly is brain dead behavior. The last time she had potential to be actually milky was with Dawn but she somehow managed to get out of an
abusive situation by being way too annoying kek.
No. 845662
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>>845600I've seen that before. 95% of Devon and Cornwall and 98.5% of Somerset are white indigenous Brits but have the fewest blue eyes. Turns out they are genetically different from the rest of England.
>>845624lol another one. I moved from Slough. Bridgwater and bits of Taunton and Yeovil are rough. Bristol has nice parts.
No. 845681
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I think these guys are unfunny. I don’t find their constantly smug and deadpan humor endearing, I just think it’s grating. I also don’t get how they seem to have adoring fans on all corners of the internet despite them feeling distinctly “reddit” to me
No. 845716
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>>845668>>845689>>845691>>845697What exactly makes you so special, different, and not like other girls?
No. 845734
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>>845586>>845581the males drawn by Korean Fujoshi's look like men who have had synthol Injections or those muscle implants
I also think there's thing weird thing going on BL as a whole, where males are staring to become less and less pretty and become pseudo-female bimobs, asses have gotten impossibly huge for males, pectoral muscles looking like and being used as female breasts and even the faces look sluttier, I honestly don't know know what's the point
the bodies are starting to look grosser and grosser and idk how anyone find this shit appealing
No. 845741
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>>845734Nta but there's real life gays out there who inject silicone into various parts of their bodies to look like this. One guy died when his 'master' made him inject too much silicone into his ballsack ffs. All his slaves had weird proportions in some way though.
No. 845842
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i love vaporwave
No. 845861
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>>845842Same, it was the first Internet trend that I didn't want to go away
No. 845870
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>>845828>>845797>>845805>>845826Thank you nonettes, this actually made me a little mushy. Love you all.
Our thread is very cozy indeed. Sometimes I wish the other dedicated threads (like the Peep and Chalamet ones) would get more traction as well because it's pretty fun to channel your inner fangirl anonymously like that but alas. But I guess there's no sperging like driversperging.
I also miss /xx/, rip No. 845925
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I honestly am disgusted when people, mainly women from what I've seen, talk about true crime shit when they're casually doing their makeup and talking in a disinterested voice, particularly when they're talking about women and children getting murdered and raped. I especially hate when they do that whilst also doing their makeup, it's something about the fact that they're conforming to patriarchal standards in conjunction with the disinterest in women's lives that leave an impression of women-hatred that , regardless if it was intended or not
No. 845937
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>>845925Cayleigh Elise was the only YouTuber who dealt with these topics respectfully and I’ll be forever sad that she left. All these makeup channel girls feel like the ultimate pseudo-influencer grifters. They’re even worse than brain dead drama channels.
>>845930It’s a genre of YouTube videos.
No. 845955
>>845937>>845925Wtf people do this? I watch a lot of crime documentary series that are done in good taste, respectful to the
victims and are very fact of the matter in tone so I was always weirded out by people passionately shit talking true crime audiences so much but this explains a lot. Why the fuck would you be filming yourself doing your makeup and talking about horrible crimes that happen? What kind of a person watches this shit?
No. 845956
>>845925Making yourself pretty while talking about pedos and killers is such a weird mix. Think I watched 2 before I swore to never click on one again. One was a woman applying bloodied horror make up… the other was less trash but still not for me.
I also hate anyone who delves into covering a murder case without spending enough time researching. I've watched vids before where I could list off all the mistakes they made. Stick to just being a viewer if you can't make accurate videos. Mukbangs are another weird cross over I've seen once or twice.
No. 845974
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>>845668>>845689Understand that the kind of thoughts you have also manifest in your life. Your behavior shows your true beliefs, and actions from that behavior affect what you see and experience. Regardless of what you might say about yourself as an individual, certain beliefs and attitudes do beget certain outcomes.
If you've been telling yourself that the majority of people are autistic and/or NPCs, many people will instinctively sense that you might be autistic or otherwise off, or actually botlike. If you've been allowing yourself to be an apathetic, mediocre and/or angry person, apathy, mediocrity and anger is almost all you will see around you, and also receive from others. A more self-reflective example: If you fear that you are easy to control and don't even know it, that's how other people will look to you, too. Helpless little things, all because you have anxiety around helplessness, vulnerability and trust.
Even if you try to hide your feelings from people IRL or say the "right" words, your actions will still lead you to the same place for the reasons mentioned above. Plus, these are all things humans can sense, the same way you can feel when you're being watched.
These posts show some personal things you need to work out more than they give an accurate image of the public at large. There's unironically no shame in having your own journey, but this shell you've encased yourself in is doing you more harm than good.
No. 846001
>>845672I feel like this is a complicated situation. On one hand, it’s true that humans are social creatures that seek validation from a young age. It’s natural that we take feedback from others into account when considering our self-worth. On the other, if someone doesn’t love themselves then they risk attracting people who don’t value them either (and will further contribute to their issues). Seeking love from others in this situation is probably just going to get them fucked over.
Ideally people should have others to love them and make them feel valued, but if that’s not the situation then all they can do is rely on themselves. It’s not perfect but I don’t think it’s impossible to learn to love yourself alone.
No. 846003
>>845982No worries. I've felt similarly, so I got what you meant almost immediately.
I think reality starts to look different and even nice, the more you focus on personally living out the kind of reality you'd like. You'll naturally attract and/or be drawn to people and things that fit in with what you embody, and it'll be present far more often than all the things that just disappoint you. It's really hard not to let shitty things/people poison and influence your inner beliefs, but it's possible. We're way more in charge of our experiences than we realize.
>>845980It's not really just about projection, though. That's a largely individual thing. Rather, other people can literally pick up on what you put out and have swirling in your mind, so they can more easily match your vibe. I think it's part of how societies and cultures form. It's not quite mind-reading, but it's very close, and hard to explain in short words.
No. 846030
>>845925Agreed, especially when they pose like thots for the thumbnail. The only one i watch is stephanie harlowe, i like how she isn't afraid to give her own opinions too.
>>844358This but with snakes. People that own snakes are just edgelords that feel they are especial for not owning just a cat or dog.
>>842285I disagree, men are fucking ugly 90% of the time, they age like shit. However, let's be honest all that matters is the personality unlike with women.
No. 846117
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Women cannot be friends with straight males. I have always been tomboyish therefore most of my friends since middle school were men, and ALL of them have confessed to me and wanted to be more than just friends. It's just impossible for a man to see a woman as something more than a hole to stick his dick into.
No. 846118
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>>845457>>845581>>845734>>845902>This is basically futa at this pointPretty much
No. 846148
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>>846118I mean, tbh this drawing doesn't even look remotely female imho. It's funny how some anons will call any actual irl women with longer faces and narrow hips a troon, but this obviously male drawing is "womanly" kek
I personally think that this one in particular is unappealing because the head is too small and the torso too long, but nothing in it is female coded at all, especially considering coomer standards.
>>845734>>845581These don't have any redeeming qualities at all, whatsoever. I think it's just ugly and gross.
Picrel and think it's an ideal depiction. Defined, but it still has a bit of fat that makes it "pliable ".
pecs became so polemic at lc so suddenly No. 846161
>>846148>>846154Perspective is bit skewy but the anatomy is better then the rest, It's just I have dated muscular men and that's literally not how their bodies look like
trying to mix curves with muscles just looks unnatural
No. 846167
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>>846140I didn’t come here to be personally attacked
No. 846170
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>>846161I guess it really depends on the guy, though. Obviously every guy is different and not only it will depend on their natural proportions like skeleton, height and fat distribution; but also their training and diet during the training. Like that buzzfeed dude that really got really big shoulders like Chris Evans when they catered his training specifically to have these results. It seems to be the current trend for Male bodies in korea nowadays (picrel), when like a decade a go before the marvel boom the dudes seemed to want to be more "slim fit". (Talking about regular gym goers, not ana idols)
But yeah, also roids and surgery can be a factor as well.
No. 846175
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>>846172Considering it is a magazine (and Korea) he 100% is retouched in some way, but he is a gymrat and his body is basically like that. It's normal to do some exercises and not drink water before shoots like that to make one's body look "tighter" and veiny and shit, though, so irl in a day to day basis it's probably more "soft" looking
which i prefer personallyAnyway I'll stop now cause it's getting deraily.
No. 846189
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>>846170That doesn't look natural al all, like compare with this a more average looking muscular build and you can see it's shopped as hell
No. 846198
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>>846170his face kinda looks like a 1920s fashion mannequin.
No. 846205
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>>846170Only somewhat related, but it always weirds me out how pale-skinned bodybuilders (of both sexes) often keep their faces pale, but get their bodies tanned super dark. I imagine it's because muscle definition looks better with darker skin, but this sort of thing looks almost comical.
It's like someone stuck their heads onto other people's bodies.
No. 846400
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Hate the thread pic. Zuck needs to be removed
No. 846490
>>845925Same, it comes off as unempathetic, cause they don't care about the
victims, just their dumb makeup.
No. 846794
>>846785Having some structure to your life can help with some kinds of mental illness. I sure as fuck wasn’t recovering when I was doing nothing 24/7.
>>846789Take your meds. Also you think you wouldn’t have to work under other economic systems? Can’t tell if you’re a retarded tankie or what.
No. 846795
>>846772Mental illness, disability, trauma with people, etc.
Blog post warning
I'm trying to stop being a neet after 3 years but it's very hard. The few jobs that will accept me are back and soul breaking min wage. A huge increase in my depression and stress isn't worth fulltime min wage and being a 'shit on me I'm lowest rung' for ppl at work. So I only work 1-2 days a week, but every day I get closer and closer to quitting.
Too much learned helplessness to start own business or go to school. I have no energy left in my soul to do things in society or interact with people. I honestly hate people and society and want no part in it after being ostracized for most of my life.
Most neets who don't sewerslide after a few years of being neet usually do other things than vidya. Just because someone isn't working doesn't mean they aren't being productive. Would you call stay at home moms neets?
No. 846797
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>>846772You need to be continuously punched in your mouth because you need to shut the fuck up. Even you admit that NEETS don’t need a job to fulfill a “purpose” as you said they can volunteer or create things, I swear to god I hate people like you who say this shit because I know you don’t really believe what you’re actually saying or don’t even really understand it, you’re saying it for online attention like the other idiots in this thread who say something that’s obviously controversial because they need their sweet, sweet dopamine feedback like hungry, hedonic animals. Gtfo anon
No. 846807
>>846797But zero NEETs actually
do volunteer, most of them just sit in their rat nests and consume, cry about how hard their life is and how mentally ill they are, and shitpost while everyone else takes care of them, be it their mom or partner.
No. 846834
>>846832Agreed, goes for age gaps in general (that are not outright pedophilia in which case yeah seek help). I also think it's wrong to make comments about the person sexually and that's where a lot of moids go wrong as well.
I don't think it's evil to merely
think they are attractive but the thought should instantly be overpowered by "but they are too young for me and it's inappropriate to dwell on" which is an instinct you either have or need to develop. It's really not that much more complicated than just be in control of yourself (I'm directing this at all those scrotes who lack it, because I know there's others who have a strong "ew they're basically a kid to me" instinct who get it right)
No. 846841
>>846838No that's actually exactly what I was saying, so thanks
>>846835 for explaining it for a retard in my place.
No. 846880
>>846836But I’ve had depression before? I guess it wasn’t “real depression.” I think social and physical stimulation can help with depression in many people instead of giving asspats.
>>846808I already said it’s an unpopular opinion irl. And I would say that mine is slightly different. Unlike a lot of normies I would say that it’s understandable to be a NEET for a short while.
>>846795That sounds really rough but ii respect that you’re still trying. Idk what to say really… I felt that way several years ago but things can turn around very quickly.
No. 846893
>>846836Nta but surely being too disabled to work and being a NEET is different. There's a grey area between choice and absolute inability that depressed NEETs occupy.
Anon above mentioned the only jobs being shitty minimum wage jobs that aren't worth it and that to me is the difference between being a NEET and being any other severely depressed person. The rest of us have to just take it and drag our unshowered mentally unstable selves out of bed to go to the jobs that NEETs reject so our kids or siblings are fed and we're not evicted.
It's not that I want it to be worse for NEETs. I don't want them to have to take horrible jobs when they need mental health support. It's just hard to not resent NEETs acting like it's so normal to even have the choice and not appreciating how lucky they are.
And what NEETs never mention is the people in their lives picking up the slack, working the shit jobs so they don't have to, even when we're tired and sick too.
No. 846896
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Literally any other Zelda game > Ocarina of Time
No. 846920
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>>846772I'm jealous of people who manage to be NEETs sustainably at this point (I got a bullshit job imo). It seems to be a common pattern that people resent NEETs mainly because of some crabs in a bucket "if I suffer, you gotta do too!" mentality. Especially if the suffering is self inflicted, if it's just following society's script and not actually out of necessity.
No. 846969
>>846966Children are allowed credit cards??
Anyway when used properly, there are significant advantages with credit cards. You should avoid debt as much as humanly possible but that's the only catch with them.
No. 847080
>>847024Most credit cards have point/cash back systems and that's free money from your regular spending. They have better consumer protection than debit cards when it comes to fraud etc. You're also delaying the use of your own money, which can be useful in specific circumstances (eg my savings account offsets my mortgage, so for the period between spending on my cc and paying it off, I'm not incurring interest on that amount).
I'm not American so
>>847050 doesn't apply to me, I actually got my cc along with my mortgage.
No. 847211
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Growing an honest-to-God 70's mustache is one the sexiest things a man can do, imo. There's been guys I didn't give a second glance to until they grew a mustache. I don't like that waxed, manicured look though, I want just a pure, beautiful 'stache. Delicious.
picrel the only time I've seen the appeal of this douchebag
No. 847217
>>847024I'm not saying debt is great but it's pretty fucking sweet that I have the ability to buy something when I don't necessarily have or can't obtain the money all at once for it.
I think it's funny that credit cards are seen as the devil when our student loans and medical bills tend to do the most damage. Mortgages are ridiculous too. The majority of debt comes from those three major things, and for my generation, the biggest dupe was the college debt.
No. 847229
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>>847211I personally have always associated it with sweaty truck drivers, pedophiles or serial killers
No. 847235
>>846880>But I’ve had depression before? I guess it wasn’t “real depression.”Yes it sounds like you haven't experienced "real" depression nice no true Scotsman too. Anon specified chronic depression this is not ordinary passing depression we all have when someone dies. The type of depression that usually passes when we exercise, take up hobbies and socialize. This is a chemical balance in the brain that leads to endless suicidal thought and apathy and it is namely chronic. No amount of exercise, investment in skills/hobbies can fix this. Individuals with chronic depression may have good lives but still feel endlessly apathetic and joyless this is by no fault of their own.
Individuals suffering from chronic depression often have to be medicated their entire lives similar to the management of an autoimmune disease symptoms, some people have these dark feelings of apathy at the young age of 3 years old.
>I think social and physical stimulation can help with depression in many people instead of giving asspatsUsually it's only old people who question the legitimacy of mental illness since shame culture and pulling yourself up by the bootstraps cancer was so deeply embedded in most boomer/gen x generational culture. I'm curious if you are on the older side of millennial, many millennials are either ultra progressive or ultra regressive in terms of their opinion of mental illness and it's legitimacy.
I'm not a neet and nta but you are either severely uneducated/misinformed on depression and mental illness and the state of international politics or just a cold shit head, anon.
No amount of bootstrap pulling can fix people suffering from chronic depression, it can only be managed and mitigated day to day like many other illnesses. I also don't prescribe to the cult of work like you but that's beside the point for now.
There's a reason politics is saturated in demagogues and populists in recent times. Capitalism has failed us and neo-liberalism has failed us, institutions have failed us. The 90s had some of the worst unemployment statistics increasing characterized by increasingly common boom bust cycles and crime rates (notably crimes of desperation). It's hard to remember a time when everything wasn't profit driven the cult of work wasn't the prevailing thought. The promises of capitalism don't sell workers anymore and the
insert country name here dream is unattainable for most.
As cringe as millennials were much of the misinformed ideology they spout has a kernel of truth to it whose basis lies in academic study. Privilege is unironically a thing. Privilege of gender, race, class, education and many people fail to acknowledge and fill in the gaps with their own narratives that let them justify inhumane speak like yourself.
No. 847242
>>847235This is a really interesting and thoughtful post,
nonny. Thank you.
No. 847249
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>>847229Sorry to hear that
No. 847276
>>846564stop i enjoy watching true crime not because it makes me seem "edgy" but because i grew up watching it due to my grandma and mom. In a fucked up way its comforting because it reminds me of them. Also its made me more aware of my surroundings and realize that we are so fucking vunerable as women all it takes is not trusting your gut one time or talking to the wrong guy once and you could be viscously murdered. Do i need true crime to tell me that for me to know that? no. but it is it a good reminder…yes!
As someone who watches like Bailey Sarian, Stephanie Soo and Kendall Rae mainly i just like that they go into a little bit more detail then lets say a 20/20 episode. Personally i'd take a young woman doing her makeup and talking about a crime then fucking true crime daily where they sensationalize the murders, ask the
victims families the most uncomfortable and downright disrespectful questions and have the worst and ill time SFX noises in the background. No thank you. Honestly I like that women are taking the reigns in the true crime community personally because we are the biggest
victims of it. When i used to watch lets say Rob Dyke back in the day or like Dark5 they would turn it into this creepy and edgy dark thing and it just didnt sit right with me. But yeah eating food and doing your makeup while someone is getting murdered is fucked but im usually doing other things and leave it on in the background which i assume most people do when they watch those channels.
Signed kinda offended maybe a hit dog that is in fact hollering…anon PS. I do smoke weed too but not for me to be edgy its because im an insomniac who is definitely addicted now okay!?
No. 847336
>>846772My dad was the kind to 'gently' nudge you out of his house at 18/19. He did the same with my brother too. I've seen anons call that a cruel or harsh type of parenting but tbh I can now (at 32) say I'm really fuckin grateful he didn't enable me to become a neet.
I had anxiety problems from the moment puberty hit. I was housebound for a while with it. I avoided stress any way that I could hide from it..I'm kinda made for the neet lifestyle… but nobody enabled me. Thank fuck.
No. 847369
>>847362Nta but I got therapy through a charity before. It was for people who've attempted suicide and survived it. There's long waiting lists here for therapy so you're on your own right afterwards…this charity steps in and hooks you up with support quickly and for free. They provide what the government can't/won't. I used that service and years later I still do a bit of volunteering to pay it back to them and some more.
I don't have personal ties to any hospices but I volunteer time for that too because it's not that hard to see the benefits other people are getting from it. Again it's something where funding from the government is low and it fills the gap in funding. If you keep it local you can see the work paying off in front of you.
No. 847523
>>847276AYRT and kek look at all that shit you wrote! the thread is called Unpopular Opinion, little friend.
read texas monthly or listen to the trail went cold or something, youtube and TCD are shittay. youtubers have shitass speaking skills too, it's bizarre. no compelling pacing or inflection or anything, i feel like they'd fail a 6th grade public speaking assignment
No. 847752
triggered because you failed Pre-Algebra, aren't you?
No. 847969
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Whole-wheat pasta is better than normal pasta
No. 847970
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I feel like, to an extent, sexual attraction can be influenced by the patriarchy and pornography. I've seen some men online go down the women>anime girls>anime traps>irl femboys pipeline and I feel like my sexuality was fucked up by being exposed to porn at a young age and being conditioned to view women as sexual objects. This could be all projection though
No. 848056
>>848046I only like old men and breeding kinks when the subject is an anime guy being abused
IRL men can go die though
No. 848097
black people
exist some idiot on an imageboard with an obsession with race:
>>848071my unpopular opinion: korean instant ramen is better than japanese instant ramen. Only because i like spicy food.
No. 848137
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>>848131>>848071What's this? Another cave monkey infestation? Can we get animal control in here, please?
No. 848139
>>848111as someone who recently moved to the city after living in long island for all of my life. Yeah its gross and disgusting and america and the government should be ashamed that such an expensive and highly acclaimed city smells like feces and bad decisions 24/7. But honestly i've been to paris, france on vacation once and it was equally as gross and smelly as NYC. Maybe even worse because everyone fucking smokes cigarettes all day even the kids lmao. I cant speak for transplants from other states because i actually grew up in ny just the suburbs. The reason why people live there despite it being "disgusting" is because the culture is really nice, the food is amazing, and although people say new yorkers are mean as hell (which we definitely can be) i've had people help me with directions, help me cross the street, women and men compliment me if im dressed nice. All things i never experienced living in the suburbs of NY. not to racebait but it could also be because im black and grew up in majjority white neighborhoods so to go from that to living around people who look like me i've honestly never felt safer then when i moved here. People are really sweet so far.
Also not mention while yes nyc is expensive as fuck its actually cheaper compared to the suburban areas. Not to mention a lot of the suburbs don't offer apartments and renting out rooms in your home is illegal for the most part (although people still do it). The city is also where you can find people your age ifyou are young. SO yes NYC is dirty and disgusting (i literally saw a fucking rat the size of a kitten just this morning) but you seriously get used to it especially sincee there is so much to do for free/relatively cheap.
No. 848149
>>848147seriously i feel like we are being raided by an idiot who has a hard on for black girls lmao.
dunkin donuts coffee is disrespectfully gross. If you drink that shit unironically you are going to hell. its literally just liquid sugar with a hint of coffee. (i say as i had me one this morning lol)
No. 848155
>>848136I just don't get
triggered over old ass songs, anon
No. 848161
>>848149kiwi infestation mixed with insecure pickmes who think punching down will cure their scrote's porn addiction or get them laid
btw if you dont like wap (i dont either tbh) listen to smth else?
No. 848163
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I think dark skin edits and redraws of characters can be really cute and interesting, as long as they're not made to be grotesque just for "diversity".
I like seeing how characters can be reimagined in all different forms, skin color, hair color, style, time/place, etc. It's just really neat from a design standpoint.
I also am not personally bothered if people do light skin versions, as long as they actually love the character and aren't just doing it out of some weird racist malice, disclaimer since I know racebaiters are lurking and seething right now lol
No. 848168
"kinning" isn't that bad, is literally just another way of saying "this character resembles me/has my vibes", it's not that deep and anons acting like is such a issue are weird.
>>848155>Old-ass songIt's been like a year at most since it was released that's not old at all, also not everyone who doesn't like wap is "
triggered" ffs, just get over it.
No. 848178
>>848163It's rare to find some that are well done though, and that goes for redraws in general not just race related ones
>>848168>is literally just another way of saying "this character resembles me/has my vibes"Most kinnies genuinely think they're the character though, that's what it originally meant and they'll get into fights with anyone else who likes the character (especially if other people find the character attractive or draws sexy art of them).
No. 848188
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There should be more female serial killers
No. 848278
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Brad mondo is only good at the most basic hair techniques (and even then it's debatable, see his balayage video where the before and after look literally the same). This greasy stringy mess is supposed to be a finished result form his tutorial on how to air dry your hair. Wtf. It drives me crazy that people hype this up when every female vlogger with 10k subscribers has better technique and gives more useful advice
No. 848280
>>848278People hype up men when it comes to make up/hair styling, while pretending men are ignored and barely get attention. Even though most of the biggest make up channels and the biggest hair stylists are men/troons.
It's annoying.
No. 848292
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>>848223I guess Alexa Chung's mom is a lesbian in denial then
No. 848301
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>>848223>>848292Same with Bruce Lee's wife. Imagine giving birth to and raising his two kids and all the while yearning for another woman's touch. She was a hero
No. 848314
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>>848301>>848292…and with Lauren Tsai's mom
No. 848320
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>>848292>>848301>>848314…and Chloe Bennet's mom is also a lesbian/pedophile I guess
No. 848345
>>848326NTAYRT but this is a retarded take. Death is the easy way out, a lifetime of suffering and accountability is not.
Nonny made no indication she wouldn’t kill in self defence.
No. 848359
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Let me guess nonnie, you’re married or something?
No. 848375
>>848351This is why men just keep on raping. No consequences. They even get free shelter and food (jail) if they're found guilty.
I get being socialized into non violence growing up because we're women, but this shit has to stop. We should bring back the getting pulled apart by bulls in the town square.
No. 848630
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Cats are brood parasites that exploit human's maternal/paternal instincts. If an alien species were analyzing our relationship with cats, that's the conclusion they'd come to.
No. 848649
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>>848630i love being exploited by them
No. 848676
>>848351>If a rapist is sitting at home on his couch or whatever, lock that fucker up, but don't kill him. Some legal systems deem that self defence though, in the case of battered wives. If they shoot their
abusive husband in their sleep, it's considered a response to an imminent attack.
As it should, without that caveat self defence laws fuck abused women over. If they fought back with 'proportional' force (ie with their bare hands), they probably wouldn't be strong enough to do much damage or protect themselves. If they fight back with a weapon, it's excessive force. How else can they defend themselves if not while their rapist is sitting at home?
No. 848692
>>848666Preach sis!
Imo the world won't be right until we kill all undesirable men. Remove them from the gene pool.
No. 848707
>>848188There's an old saying that goes, "A Hero is just a good man in the right place at the right time" I do believe that is true
Aileen Wuornos and Robert Maudsley were good people with crappy lives who choose to be heroes at a moment
Robert was a child sexual abuse
victim who worked as a callboy, he murdered a client who had a collection of child smut porn almost immediately, he was sentenced to like imprisonment and so murdered 3 more human cockraoches in there(2 Pedophile rapists and a wife beater) these "
victims" all knew there vile acts and this was what they deserved
If either had murdererd random people or civilians and took their anger out on them cause of their crappy lives, they would still be monsters
No. 848837
>>848822Honestly, online dating is shit not _just_ because of that. There are so many factors - different cultures, people being completely different IRL than what they say on internet, etc. It's one thing spending time with someone online, but it's another being around them IRL and then finding out they are unbearable to live with.
Nowadays online dating seems to be nothing but 'im depressed, i need a therapist and a partner in one', people just finding distractions from their mental illness by e-dating.
No. 849315
>>849291usually 9/10 people who believe in not having sex before marriage like at all were told that since they were children by their probably god fearing hypocritical parents usually as a thinly vieled way to shame girls from exploring their bodies and having as little or as much sex as they want if they choose. AKA squandering their ability to choose for themselves. I would say i was being too harsh if it was lets say like 1982 or something where it was still frowned upon to go through a divorce. But in 2021 with the so many first hand accounts of women's experiences, you still think that waiting until marriage will change anything? especially knowing that literally no one not even your bible thumping parents waited until marriage to lose their viriginity even exist. Hell it probably didnt even exist in 1502 because humans are inately all sluts. I'd give you until like 15 tops to realize how stupid that is but if you are 20 and still thinking "im just gonna wait until mr. right shows up and "give yourself away to him" you You literally got meme'd into thinking not having sex automatically makes you a better person and a top runner worthy of marriage. So yeah you are going to hell because being with a guy for years, hoping he'll pop the question so that he can then pop your cherry in the most underwhelming way possible is the hell route.
there is nothing wrong with waiting until marriage if that is what YOU chose for yourself but 9/10 someone instilled that fear into them and its sad.
No. 849422
>>849417Holy fuck that's diabolical, tricking someone into that. Someone who might genuinely love you too.
I've never witnessed asexuals getting the same kind of shit gay people do. Maybe I'm ignorant but is it that hard to be openly asexual so that other people don't hassle you for it?
Makes it seem hard to actually achieve no sex before marriage if you actually want to enjoy sex after marriage, if it's only going to be stealth asexuals who agree to it.
No. 849490
>>849454Small town syndrome, if they're being genuine then it's because they think their experience and the norms of their local area apply to the whole world
When anons post negative things about small breasts it doesn't bother me because I've never had any issue with being flat chested irl except maybe fitting into some clothes. Maybe it's a problem where these anons live but not in my world. I'd never even heard of violin hips before coming here and it's the dumbest thing kek
No. 849513
>>849494I'm not saying that different things aren't real beauty standards in other parts of the world, but just that it's not part of my world. I'm not going to feel bad about something just because someone in another part of the world or even another part of my country is telling me it's considered ugly or unfashionable where they live like OP mentioned.
It seems brainless to care about a beauty standard that you haven't even encountered significantly irl. It reminds me of when advertisings companies make up beauty rules that nobody had even cared about before to sell a product, or when you go to a different school as a kid and there's a completely dumb trend that you've never seen before
No. 849516
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I started thinking about this after browsing r/consoom, and I've come to realize that I'm relatively okay with people who collect funkopops, games, anime figs tbh. I don't collect things, but I know there are a lot of people out there that hate these sort of things, but I honestly don't care. A lot of people call these people 'consoooomers' and stuff, and I understand the dangers of mindlessly consuming media and living for instant gratification, but as long as your finacially stable, you can spend some money of stuff you like
No. 849521
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net curtains> shutters
No. 849540
>>849516My biggest problem with funkopops is that they are fucking ugly and the design is so low effort. Say what you will about anime figures but at least actual effort goes into their production. Each figure is first sculpted by an actual artist so that it looks like the character it's supposed to represent. A funkopop is the same shit every time with different paint. I can imagine that one day anime figures might be worth something because of skill involved in sculpting and they are made in small quantities that are only available for a limited time. Funkopops are just another beanie babies situation.
>>849523The quality of funkopop doesn't even compare to the quality of a nendo. Nendos are fairly complicated to manufacture because they are articulated. A funkopop is just a single lump of vinyl.
No. 849551
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>>849521have seen those antique torch flame lamps for sale but never saw one alight. beautiful
No. 849557
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>>848938>internalizing a man's desperation>insecure about your physical attractiveness while literally gracing scrotes with sexHell no lmao
Being male is a perpetual state of desperation, not just for sex, it's validation in general. It's the easiest thing in the world to tell if a scrote is just trying to get his dick wet at 2 am. But bitches on this site constantly demonstrate their autism by inability to discern if a man is just not into them and basing self worth around being sexually "pleasing" to men.
No. 849587
>>849582different anon but I agree for the most part. however I do get a feeling of helpless disgust while thinking, "oh god, they're getting a POP" like there's nothing I can do but I would rather the funko pops don't exist so those people could focus on something else. not something
I think is better than pops, but literally anything else.
No. 849602
>>849585Sure, blame the individual consumer instead of corporations mass producing (and then destroying) crap that often no one wants. Don't pretend like all things that you own are ethical, because they are not.
Also, not sure if you are op or not, but let's not pretend it's about ethics somehow when what that anon said was
>Funko Pops and Nendos look cheap and are mass-produced in China for sweaty unwashed nerds No. 849604
>>849598Yup but what about it? Don’t worry I’ll wait
Anyway I’d rather shave my vagina than have it be a bushy mess. I don’t care if it takes my feminism card away because I think men and women should both shave or at least trim their hairs because there’s something about feeling how soft your vagina is after shaving/waxing that I don’t want to part with
No. 849611
>>849602Corporations rely on sweaty unwashed nerds to buy their garbage, nobody would produce them if nobody wanted to buy them.
>Don't pretend like all things that you own are ethical, because they are not.Most things I own certainly are, not everyone has the self-restraint of a toddler.
No. 849623
>>848822I mean… is attraction not also based on your outward appearance? I wouldn't date an ugly man, even if he had the best personality in the world.
I met my husbando through an online dating app (I'm in my mid-twenties if that matters). He's like one of two scrotes I know who is actually based, not a coomer, and would do absolutely anything for me without being a pathetic simp. I know my experience is just that of one person, but it definitely counters your "online dating doesn't work" assertion.