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No. 83326
>>83321Samefag here.
My parents have hated each other since I was born (but never divorced - it's not in the culture) and as a result I was constantly used as a liaison. I spied, I passed on info because one refused to talk directly to the other.
Eventually, I developed a fragmented "public face" because there were things I knew I could tell one parent but not the other, and that if I did, they probably wouldn't pass it on to the other.
I carried these things with me to the real world. I have trust issues and can only show certain parts of myself to certain people due to fear of rejection - ex., I can talk politics with my "politics" friends but not with my "music" or my "art" friends - and that's only the tip of the iceberg. :/
No. 84826
>>84803God your dad sounds completely similar to mine it's so awful having to deal with someone like that for yrs and being unable to do much about it
My dad is an extreme alcoholic now he used to be a chef before I was born but he became disabled and now just sits home all day and drinks or goes out to a bar to drink
As soon as my mum is home from work until he sleeps he will insult her constantly for hours for no reason, sometimes he'll even spit on her its so disgusting
Also if I dare to leave my room while he's like that he'll start saying disgusting things to me too
Its really sad how he's always forcing me and my mum to do everything for him and then complains about me not doing anything (currently not in school but im moving out soon and getting a job) when he literally sits on his ass all day and orders everyone around as if we were his pets
God forbid my mum declines, he will start cursing her again ugh
He used to be nice and not so abusive when I was little but now that he's older its getting worse and worse to the point im constantly hearing death threats from him to me and my mum daily that it's a bit worrying honestly, I feel like going to the police about it but first I need to record him and stuff but I'm worried they wont take it seriously since there isn't much physical abuse, mostly emotional
Also he barely brings any income and the money he gets he spends on alcohol so I don't understand how my mum hasn't divorced him yet honestly she can even afford leaving this house to him and pay for it still while living somewhere else
But I guess it's her own choice I'm just worried for her safety once I move out of the country idk
No. 84911
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No. 84935
>I carried these things with me to the real world. I have trust issues and can only show certain parts of myself to certain people due to fear of rejection - ex., I can talk politics with my "politics" friends but not with my "music" or my "art" friends - and that's only the tip of the iceberg. :/
I relate to this so much.
No. 85098
Grew up with a manipulative step-dad with major anger management issues until I was about 14.
Mom and him had a child when I was 6, and he had us moved far away from our main family. Abused my mother, both mentally and physically all the time. More than one occasion he'd throw books and hit me when I tried to stand up for myself. Little 9 year old me. Jesus.
Mom gets cancer, he's all pissy about fuck all, like usual. She gets out of the hospital, and they had an argument over something I don't know, and he punched her in the stomach. She went back to the hospital, and went into surgery. Shortly later she died, I assume (hopefully) from the cancer not the punch, he leaves, I move in with grandmother and sister. He marries another women within a year and breeds more babies.
Fucking hate his guts. I was too young to understand what was going on so I never really reached out for help. But I do vividly remember one time I told him I'd call the police and he fucking flipped and snatched the phone from me and smashed it into the ground. Proceeded to try to bash the TV in.
My sister sees him still, every week, and he's been constantly manipulating her with words like, "Why don't you love your own father? Don't even speak to me anymore. You're not my daughter" or "God doesn't like this, you're making God upset" and she's too young to really realize what he's doing to her.
Yeah, he thinks he's a good person because he's "A man of God" and forces his children to Church 3-4 times a week.
When he finally moved away and we were cleaning out his shit we found photos of him naked with other woman and a sex tape.
Disgusting fucker… It's been a good 6-7 years since I've seen that fucker's face. I hope to keep it that way. I hope my sister realized shit and stands up for herself.
No. 85101
>>85098>breeds more babieslmao that about sums it up.
I'm sorry to hear all this though, and I can relate though to your tale.
Like yourself, I was old enough as a kid to realise that you dont do what daddy does kek
but my little sister was at an impressionable age and now, at 16, shes come to exhibit some of these abusive tendencies due to this early exposure I believe.
Scary stuff, but hope yours and my twisted sisters figure it out eh?
No. 85223
I don't even know where to start.
As far as I can remember, the main antagonist has been my father. He's of the sort that has a really short temper and used to yell at us (me and my brother) and my mom for whatever reason, the way we were sitting, how my mom cooked dinner, even my brother and I laughing too loudly in the car joking around. I hear from my older half siblings that he used to be physically abusive, but I don't know to what extent, as I am the youngest. My eldest half brother got his license taken away bc of multiple DUIs and one of my half sisters told me a story about how her mom took them away as children to the airport in an attempt to escape him. So I infer that it used to be pretty bad and has left some long lasting impressions. He's never hurt my mother, besides verbally, but has taken out some aggression on us kids physically sometimes, but it's always shrouded in this "discipline" aura so I'm not sure if it was actual abuse or just old school punishment. My whole family life is so mysterious to me because it doesn't make logical sense to me, so I'm not sure how to deal with it. Ever since I went away for college has things settled down somewhat, but I think that's because my dad's is getting old so the most he does is work all day and doze off to the tv for a few hours before going to bed. In all that has made my family pretty stoic, so we can't even talk to each other about more emotional matters, and my older brother used to bully me to relieve his stress for being bullied by our dad (I ended up being a bit of a bully at school, so I guess that saying goes).
I'm still pretty weary of him though. Because of his tendency to fly off the handle for whatever thing, I've encoded it into myself that if I can't predict his reaction, or one of his reactions, and make extra steps to plan for those, then I get really nervous in dealing with him. Even asking him (bc all permissions must be from him or else invalid) if I could go to my friends house for a few hours on the weekend was a huge ordeal. Like now I'm 22 and I can't even tell my family I have a boyfriend because my dad used to stress zero boys forever, so I don't even know how he'll react and I just want them to be okay with him. Things with my family are okay these days, but I only talk to them a couple times or less a month so maybe that's why.
No. 118397
Being the youngest and most "reliable" in the family really fucked me up, i guess, since most of the bullshit came my way.
They all act nice and dandy but then come behind backs to me talking shit about each other, which made me think that every person was the same and everyone talked behind each others backs which created a lot of trust issues for me.
The one i blame the most for my family issues is my grandfather though, he is very abusive, and, according to my mother, always was. When i was very little he used to threaten me and my brother with a belt if we even much as said a word a little too "loud" or played in his presence, which made us both stop talking and playing at all in the house and scared to do so out of it. I never brought other kids to my house to play because i was afraid of them discovering how fucked up my family was.
When i used to play with my toys in the TV room he would hit me with his shoes or throw things at me because i was disrupting him, even when i was quiet and lying on the floor to not obstruct anything. One time he got my favorite toy and burned it in front of me because i was playing while he was watching TV and i was "annoying". Another time he got all my toys in a bag and threw them at the fireplace so i would "learn my lesson". That turned me into someone that cannot do anything in front of other people for fear of how they would react, now i hide everything i do and never do stuff in public or with people watching me.
He mistreats my grandma left and right, is always insulting her and degrading everyone and everything in his way, i still have my parents as a good relationship view, but it made me terrified of ever being with men in my younger years, seeing how he treated her made me really scared of being in a relationship with a men and them turning like him.
Whenever he has a bad day he starts making scenes, insulting my mother and my grandma and me, punching and breaking whatever's in his way… so my family is just very on edge all the time, because one single word, be it good or bad, causes very unpleasant scenes. It truly feels like a prision.
I haven't spoken to him in a year since the last straw was when he beat me and told me i should have been a miscarriage and that i should do my family a favor and dissapear, but i still have to live with him, which is seriously draining me and my family to no end. I'm just waiting it out until he dies or i move out because i feel he is the biggest weight on our family being as dysfunctional as it is.
Apart from him my brother is a game addict NEET which always makes fun of everything i like which caused me to hide all my hobbies, my father is barely home since he works most of the day and when he is he either ignores us or complains if we ask something of him, my mother is overprotective and isolated me to the point where thanks to her i have no personality left and my grandma is depressed and constantly taking out all her issues on us.
I grew up thinking that having to carry the dead weight of my family was normal and that our family life was normal and TV just glorified how close families can be to the point where they are able to talk about stuff without getting judged and belittled, but when i realized it was not it left me fucking empty.
So…yeah, at least people outside the house think we are a "model family" and me and my brother are "really good people" eventhough we are just fucked up NEETs.
Realizing that most of the good things in your personality have come from surfing the internet instead of being adquired from a healthy relationship with your family is very sad lol.