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No. 84386
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DDLG is definitely among the worst offenders.
No. 84388
>>84386WHAT.THE.FUCK.ANON. that is fucking disgusting, I hate this trend with a burning rage it
almost makes me rage like an austist.
perhaps that is too lateThis shit always creep up on my feed bleh.
No. 84390
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they also get really pissed off if you suggest that ddlg is in any way pedophilia.
>>84388it's practically impossible to avoid the ddlg trend these days. It's just everywhere. At least furries and shit tend to keep their shit to their own insular communities. DDLG fucks have to broadcast their kink to the entire fucking world.
No. 84394
>>84392and they get offended when original posters have to add these comments to their pictures.
I would have to dig some up, but I know I've seen littles get pissed off when someone sends them an ask asking them to remove a picture from their blog. How DARE anyone be uncomfortable with their pictures ending up next to a bunch of genitals and dirty diapers.
No. 84401
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I need to relearn what asexuality means because I didn't realise it meant their kinks were free from judgment
No. 84403
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>>84402sage for blogging but I remember a guy from uni once tried to get me involved in some dom sexting shit halfway through a normal conversation. Straight up told him I wasn't gonna sext him and he told me I'd do as my master told me. -chuckles aloud- it would have been scary if it wasn't so embarrassing. I just blocked him. I guess my master was only in charge of me and not the phone company.
No. 84428
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I don't understand what exactly is supposed to be sexy about pacifiers.
No. 84430
>>84428I feel like a lot of camwhores bandwagon onto the fetish because they know it'll get them attention from thirsty robots.
It also confirms (some) robots' belief that all women have daddy issues and want a man to dominate/"keep" them which is another unfortunate side effect of this abomination.
No. 84433
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"Daddy is taking me for a day in the city diapered :) more photos to come!"
for all the "ddlg isn't just diaper fetishists!" I sure am finding a whole lot of diaper pictures.
No. 84434
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>>84430strawberry-kisu is definitely one of those camwhores.
No. 84437
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This is so embarrassing. thekowaiprincess is a goldmine of crap.
No. 84443
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I kinkshame this, whatever kink this is supposed to be
No. 84459
>>84433I wish they would stop pretending to not be ageplayers by any other name. I'm not into ddlg but I definitely like the whole bratty sub/caring dom thing those blogs share, but when I try to search ddlg tags for that shit it's 90% disgusting diapers and toddler ageplay shit.
I wish 'soft/consensual/friendly bdsm' was a real thing with tags. I'm not after pathetic 50 Shades drivel but when you search bdsm tags on tumblr you get a lot of girls choking on cock in the bad way with text like 'FUCKING RAPED SLUT YOU ARE WORTHLESS TAKE IT WHORE' and no thanks.
No. 84461
>>84439im gonna out myself as a total fucking weirdo
i am one of these lunatics. i'm normal (in college, live with my boyfriend), and we are both thin/fit, conventionally attractive, successful people in our early 20s. we were cool in high school (not the weird kids) etc.
i think what turns me on about it is my control being taken away / the humiliation aspect. It has something to do with vulnerability and fear. the stuff that turns me on the most (for instance) is porn where a man forces his girlfriend / punishes her by putting her in a diaper and torturing her until she uses it, then mocks her in a baby voice
it's definitely the embarrassment aspect
No. 84462
>>84461I relate to this post a lot. I have never / am not aroused by looking at men or women, and get very very little out of mutual sex. i only enjoy masturbating, alone, to my kink.
No. 84463
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I hate people that involve the public/random people etc. in their kinks. Pic related.
No. 84472
>>84459 and wanted to add that while it's not my thing I don't think there's anything wrong with you guys as long as you only do/discuss it in private spaces where everything is consensual and doesn't involve underagers
I'm glad you have each other, you do your thing
But shame on these
>>84463 assholes, save it for a kink club
and shame on people who write their shitty sex RPs on reblogged tumblr posts
No. 84546
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And then there's the feedee / weight gain kink crew
No. 84632
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No. 84686
>>84601What? Fetish literally means the thing you need to get off with, kink doesn't.
Go learn
No. 84757
>>84714People are so defensive of this shit. How hard would it be to just admit they fucked up? If their kink didn't look bad before, it does now!
People need to realise that kinks immediately become creepy when you drag non-consenting strangers into them. Even if your kink is vanilla sex at 9pm, it becomes weird when you force other people into it.
No. 84759
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>>84743All of the problems basically stem from the fact that the ratio of dominant women to submissive men is like 1:10 or bigger.
On sites like fetlife you get creeped on constantly, much more than regular sites.
Dudes don't really care about your needs, they just want you to be a fetish dispenser.
The porn, like most porn, is completely aimed at men, it's 99% pegging, lame uninspired whipping, bootlicking and cuckolding (ew)
Dudes feel the need to put their fetish into everything,every single action is fetishised.
Then there are the regular kink "community" things like demanding you call some 37-year accountant maitresse josephine at a munch eveb though you're not their sub, there's dumb bitchy elitism and hierarchy and of course the protecting actual abusers/rapists.
The women aren't angels either: there are also some actual misandrists who legit think men are pigs and made to serve them. And there are tonnes of scammers and prostitutes.
I know this sounded ranty, but I though I could use the "community" to get to know people and learn about my sexuality, all I got was uncomfortability and headaches. My bf didn't evdn bother with it and just gave up on it. We got together in a total vanilla setting and after a few months of dating we were honest and non-judgemental about our desires. I just feel embarrassed that my relationship and those of others are associated with that bunch of disfunctional tards.
No. 84800
>>84759this post is pretty on point imo.
there's a disarming similarity between loud&proud fetishists and weebs, in a weird way. they're both so awkward and cringy to be around, absolutely no self-awareness.
No. 84827
>>84762it's actually isn't and makes perfect sense. sex is theater and a healthy way to deal with power structures. if you have been traumatized by fucked up men, it's an extremely common thing to repeat that cycle. as long as it's consensual, i don't see the problem.
another way to look at it is that it's extremely nice to surrender your power to someone you're deeply attracted to when you're under so much pressure dealing with actual oppression.
doesn't have to be your thing, but really it's clear you didn't actually consider what you wrote before questioning something pretty base-level obvious.
No. 84904
>>84900feral porn is awful.
i do noooot understand furries who draw porn that's completely lacking in erotic quality, a picture that contains people having sex, but no focus made at all on the sex.
though this is not exclusive to furries. i see it with many people, often "artists" who start drawing anime titties so they can draw porn of orihime or some shit like that. you'll be able to tell, i'm sure. for most, the obscenely detailed genitals will stand out. if they are a furry, you look for the inverted triangle smooth plate stabbed with a butter knife. a sure sign of an artist who learns through copying what other people draw.
No. 84957
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>>84938Thanks to you I just googled breast necrosis
and I don't regret it No. 84958
>>84957Huh, well would you look at that.
Honestly I have no medical training, but gods I'd have loved to have been the one to perform that mastectomy.
They would have had to have had to cut out a considerable amount of flesh to ensure the dead tissues were completely separated, gonna be one hell of a scar.
Do you think the inverted nipple is a result of the necrosis causing tissue collapse? How did it even get that bad in the first place? I mean, that's a pretty extensive amount of necrotised flesh.
No. 84960
>>84958I was wondering about that anus-looking nipple too. I think it is from the necrosis because I've never seen inverted nipples look this bad. You know how when you were a kid and your boobs didn't develop yet, it just looked like you had a little horizontal line instead of a nipple? I think that's what they're supposed to look like even if they're inverted. But this shit is like a gaping nipple hole.
Anyway I just looked that up too and it seems mostly some random blog sites posting the story so I wonder if it's made up. It doesn't even give the lady's name.
also you sound fucked up and I like it No. 85034
>>85029you know, a lot of fantasy things don't actually seep out into the real world. i'm obsessed with extreme body modification and extreme masochistic brainwashing, on females. but i definitely don't want to do that to dudes or have it done to myself. there's a realm of fantasy that it doesn't leave.
i think that only people who are really mentally messed up don't have a grasp on fantasy vs reality.
No. 85037
>>84863>As much as tumblrtards like to pretend that every fetish is harmlessI think this is the most harmful thing the entire 'sex-positive' community promotes. There's no self-reflection, just encouragement. Nobody even wants to find out why they like something because that's evil patriarchal sex-negative kinkshaming.
As a result you get people who mutilate themselves, degrade themselves, "race-play", and involve random unwilling strangers (possibly children) in their fetish.
No. 85043
>>85037"Sex-positive" makes me want to gouge my eyes out. I'm not a prude in the least bit, but the kind of people who use the phrase are obnoxious "my body my choice!!!" SJWs.
"Body positive" is annoying as hell too. Just because someone wants to lose weight doesn't mean they hate themselves.
No. 85044
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>>85029everybody's got at least 1 edgelord kink they think about but never try or want to try.
Like I'm into knifeplay, bloodplay, and public humiliation but I'd never do anything like that to my
girlfriend because I care about her too much to endanger her or harm her for the sake of my fetish.
My point is that no matter how fucked up fetishes can be
most people have limits and know when to call it quits.
But i'm sure you know that already so I'll stop
mansplaining :^) to you
No. 85046
>>85034>>85044Sure, I enjoy some fairly fucked up kinks too, but all I do is read a short story or look up a hentai comic. I don't devote hours upon hours of my time, for YEARS, thinking up actual characters and storylines about slowly mutilating them just so I can come. It just seems like the more grim the fetish is, the more obsession it causes and often it crosses into the "too much" territory where it's like it runs the person's life.
Then again, I'm probably biased since I had to deal with a sperg who insisted on publicly displaying his gore fetish and trying to drag women around him into it, so IDK
No. 85047
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>>85046Got any stories on the sperg??
And it depends on the fetishes, some are so obscure and messed up that you have to go to great lengths to scratch the itch otherwise things can get hairy and you might get tempted if you have next to zero self control.
I dunno though, I'm not a fetishologist or anything.
No. 85048
>>85046Try hanging out with multiple spergs who wear fucking slave collars and pet each other in public and
don't understand why other people are uncomfortable with it.I need new friends.
No. 85071
>>85062Different anon but it's a well known thing that people sometimes use sex and rituals in sex to work through issues or experiment with identity etc
It's not our fault you've been living under a rock this whole time, you obviously have access to the internet and all
No. 85073
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>>85071>Different anon but it's a well known thing that people sometimes use sex and rituals in sex to work through issues or experiment with identity etcIt's not our fault you've been living under a rock this whole time, you obviously have access to the internet and all
I really, really hope I'm being rused
No. 85079
>>85023i see it too, it can go both ways really
the grotesque sagging flaps in moon over june are of absurd detail, resembling the wood ear mushroom. others are more along the lines of pompei graffiti wangs or common stinkhorns.
No. 85563
>>85543yeah that's actually maladaptive and not going to help anyone to "work through issues" at all.
people do all kinds of dumb shit, it doesn't help your mental health.
this is retarded romantic comedy tier shit. real life don't work like that.
No. 85582
>>85543Makeup sex isn't actually used to make up though, it's the sex that comes after you've already made up. The issues have already been worked through.
>>85563Agreed. Just fucking instead of actually sorting shit out sounds ridiculous. Angry sex solves nothing. The shit you're mad about doesn't go away, unless you're mad about lack of sex or something.
No. 85650
>>85647Don't care, I like getting it off my chest since I've never talked about it to another female in real life.
I never realized girls can have just as deranged fetishes as guys, I thought all the over-the-top stuff was a guy thing considering they're more sexually driven. Maybe I'm just naive and uninformed horribly, like I said never talked about it in real life with anyone. I know domination fetishes are a bit prevalent amongst both genders though.
No. 85676
>>85621yeah. fucking a cartoon character or becoming an animal isn't something you can do, it's ridiculous but basically harmless.
the roll play pedo shit, on the other hand, is just gross as hell. you know these guys would fuck someone actually underage if they could get away with it.
No. 85704
>>85685if that were a legit means of coping with abuse at all, it'd be incorporated into all kinds of talk therapy. it just straight up doesn't help, all moral implications aside.
it's a natural reaction (in some cases) but absolutely does not deal with abuse constructively.
it's like cutting yourself and calling it "radical self-care," total BS.
No. 85805
>>85036ia. I've knew a white/mexican mixed man that had this insane fetish for asian women. But he was a small man with narcissistic personality disorder, so I think he just loved projecting weird stereotypes onto his parters.
It's just as gross when the women he's with play into it submissively. Fuck off for real.
No. 85840
>>85834>>85835if you point that shit out they just cry victim blaming!!!
i've said it before but whatever caused them to think that sexual assault and rape are somehow different in terms of safety and precaution than murder or abuse or the like is really really really messed up.
No. 85867
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>meet girl on lolcow
>have a nice time playing vidya together
>share videos and pictures of each other and stuff
>one day says that she has something to tell me
>she touched herself to pictures of me while imagining us having sex holding hands in the missionary position
fucking slut