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No. 849990
General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues, ect, are all welcome here.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/636795 No. 850067
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Oh you crazy conspiratard, they're not gonna require vac passports don't be silly!
>At a news conference Thursday afternoon in Montreal, the minister said rather than locking down sectors of the economy, the vaccine passport will be used limit access to places like bars, gyms, contact sports and other activities deemed "high" or "moderate" risk.>While he said it is people's right to choose not to get the vaccine, he said those who choose not to get immunized might be required to self-isolate, get tested, or "not have access" to some activities. No. 850443
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I'm the previous anon whose family registered my name on the vaccine list. Welp, looks like I'm forced to take the covid vaccine in the end. Gonna be taking Pfizer next week. Wish me luck Anons. Hope I won't be unlucky and fall under the adverse reaction group. I still wish I can hold off taking the vaccine until next year but my family members are getting hysterical and panicky since I'm the only one who hasn't taken the vaccine in the family. I'll begrudgingly take the vaccine so my parents won't worry themselves to death. Bye anons… see you guys on the other side of God knows whatever future we as a human race are heading towards…
No. 850452
>>850450Fuck, you lot are dumb.
Don't get vaccinated, whatever, it's your life but I just wish you'd learn how to count already
No. 850454
>>850447I mean that the adverse reactions from the vaccines are statistically not as frequent and severe as the reactions to a full covid infection.
>>850452pls elaborate
No. 850455
>>850450nta but getting covid can have long term side effects such as heart inflammation, asthma-like symptoms, neurological problems and also long covid.
there really isn't a winning scenario, you either risk getting long term side effects from the virus or get vaccinated.
if you're scared of the vaccine, go read the covid thread, many anons talk about their side effects and whatnot
No. 850458
>>850453samefagging but i'm convinced that everyone that claims they know no one that suffers from side effects from the virus are either neets or don't spend time with many people.
most people that i know who have gotten covid in the past have really bad long-term side effects like having troubles breathing for months, and having to take breaks after walking for a while.
it's really shitty, but at the end of the day, it is your choice whether you want to risk the virus or the vaccine
No. 850459
>>850458My parents and my brother were sick, they were sick for a month and now are totally fine. My best friend and her family was sick recently, her father even had pneumonia and he didn't need to go to the hospital and recovered well. An old as fuck teacher of mine had it too and is fine right now too. What the fuck is long covid, is that maybe the normal shit you feel after getting sick with influenca? cuz that's normal for any infection, you will feel weak for a few weeks and be fine. it's not long at all.
Idc if people get the vaccine or don't get it but long covid is bullshit.
No. 850463
>>850459isn't long covid a term used when someone has long lasting side effects from the virus? or maybe i'm mistaken idk
i'm mostly talking about heart inflammation, lung damage and nerve damage which all are side effects of covid
i'm glad your family is okay, my dad also had it and he is fine now, but i know many others who aren't so lucky.
No. 850465
>>850447For me personally? I just don't trust the pharma industry and like some anons stated in the previous thread, we don't know what is the long term effect of the rushed out covid vaccine. Doesn't help that some people experienced severe adverse effect such as blood clots, bell's palsy and myocarditis. Plus, the current vaccines won't even be that effective against the new covid variants and I've read in the news that we need to get booster covid shots in the future. Personally, I don't want to pump chemicals into my body every single time there's a new covid variant. Yes, I acknowledge the fact that some people are affected very badly with the covid virus but I rather trust my own immune system in the long run. I think a healthy human body is resilient and capable of fending off the virus. Whatever happened to the "building herd immunity naturally" that some groups were advocating during the early stages of the pandemic?
This is just my personal opinion though. Tbh this whole thing is a "damn if you do and damn if you don't" kind of situation. If you get the vaccine, you might experience adverse effect. If you don't get the vaccine, you might experience bad covid virus effect. Good luck picking your poison everyone!
No. 850514
>>850447I don't get it either.
By all accounts, I was supposed to be one of the people with bad side effects from the vaccine (re: woman, fat, on birth control, 30) but all I got was a vague hint of nausea and the sweats at night for a day. My periods have been normal since.
I've actually had a flu and it was horrible. I really don't understand the fear mongering. Most people who claimed "side effects" that I'm aware of just used it as an excuse to get paid sick time from work, me included because I took a day myself.
Here's my tinfoil:
I believe the people reporting long covid, and I'm convinced governments aren't going to do shit to recognize it as a long-term disabling illness because that's when the wallets will have to open for sick individuals.
No. 850524
>>850452>wasn't even challenged, just "wat">got aggressive anywayLots of people are getting the vaccine and its wonderful side effects
and the disease
and dying, so don't forget you can have the best of both worlds while calling people dumb and refusing to read anon, kek: No. 850548
>>850524I’m this anon
>>850447, and the reply to
>>850450 wasn’t mine, although I agree with the learn to count part since many seem to struggle with comprehending data or how to read into what (mrna)vaccines are or how they work. I’ve read the article you posted and I don’t really see where it illustrates the point that getting vaccinated is worse or even obsolete. Anyway this discussion is a mess and I’m not here to convince anyone to get vaccinated, it’s the fucking tinfoil thread after all. I just think that there is a lot of personal/anecdotal bias and hesitation to earn a broader understanding of the available data on the ‘no vac’ side. Anyway, thanks for the honest reply
>>850465 and good luck to you too. In my observation it seemed that the ‘building herd immunity’ tactic wasn’t viable since covid has the sweet spot between mortality and infection rate which would force hospitals into triage, which everyone wants to avoid. See Italy at the start of the pandemic or india for example.
No. 850585
>>850548I didn't say it was worse, I just think it's dumb to claim the vaccine is necessarily "safer" when both have drawbacks. Even the disease itself isn't life-threatening unless you're very vulnerable.
I'm fine not getting COVID, and also not needing to be vaccinated for it. Practice hygiene, eat healthily, don't go around licking doorknobs, public toilet seats or random people's faces. It's really not some black and white choice of death by COVID or getting a vaccine that comes with side effects that can still harm you (and you can still get fucked over by COVID and die, so…?).
Why is it so hard to be sane and reasonable?
No. 850603
>>850548From all the studies I've read the vaccine is about 95% effective and the the disease itself seems to extremely potent and infectious (obviously or there wouldn't be such a global effort to stop it).
From the data it reads that vaccines are currently along with continuous focus on handwashing and hygiene the most effective way to stop the spread.
A healthy population would be one with an effective enough immune system to eradicate the virus and reduce viable hosts and therefore the transmission from person to person.
Covid doesn't appear to be going anywhere, especially with new variants. So it's pretty much a certainty you're either going to catch it from exposure or get a controlled dosage via a vaccine that kickstarts your immune system to code for the antibodies that are successful in destroying the virus.
I think for the rest of our lifetimes we're going to be covid conscious. What that means in regulations etc I have no idea. I'd like to think we'd have improved technology and understanding of medicine and better management of disease.
No. 850879
>>850851Tell me why it's so good and
No. 850897
The president of Haiti was assassinated wonder if it was to cover up for the Clinton Foundation and NGO's who were caught sexually abusing children in Haiti.
>>850851Read the last few posts of the last thread. I'm not doing a massive link dump again.
No. 850937
>>850897Damn, another Clinton
victim? These boomers aren’t gonna stop until their adrenochrome runs out.
No. 850974
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tag urself
>>850459>My parents and my brother were sick, they were sick for a month and now are totally fine. It's a probability game, like any given bad event such as a car accident.
>>850465The pharma industry is very profit-driven and sketchy when it's allowed to be, but RNA vaccines are incredibly safe. If you've taken a molecular bio class and read about the mechanisms behind RNA vaccines yourself, you wouldn't be so worried. It's way safer than even traditional vaccines.
No. 851001
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>>850974How can you even tag yourself if there's rubbish in every side?
No. 851034
>>850821I would understand if that was the case. See, in Spain we have free (as in we pay a shitload of taxes) healthcare. Before covid hospitals were still overloaded because why not take advantage? So still no explanation.
I've also read and the authorities are making hospitals call random people to get tested. Not sick people or people who've been in contact with someone sick. Just pick random numbers from their database. We've got a full blown casedemic here.
No. 851050
>>851034>casedemic in spainElaborate please?
>>851018How sure are you of people snapping thanks to another year of covid restrictions?
No. 851067
>>851064Nah. It's a biological thing, too. We want to protect children at all costs. Some fucker comes along and messes them up in such a scarring, horrific way, it
triggers our primal urge of protection, combined with the social urge of revenge. Not just revenge for hurting your offspring, but revenge for someone who cannot exact it themselves. That's why Gary Plauché will always be a hero to me.
No. 851086
>>851072I want societal degenaracy to end.
I want pedos to die.
I want kids to live a happy and carefree life.
But I know thanks to troons and gendershit this is just not going to happen. We're probably only at the start of 100 years of stupid degeneracy.
My tinfoil here is that they want to push genders onto us so when we are ready to become androids anyone can chose their genitals a la cyberpunk.
No. 851153
>>851150The problem only seems to be the second shot, from what I've heard and from what my family has experienced
There's something that happens with the second shot
No. 851393
>>851160It's not much to go on, Bill Hicks and Alex Jones share a slightly uncanny resemblance to each other, both have good oratorial skills, the same anti-government mindset, explosive temper, etc. Hicks died in 1994, and Alex Jones was starting his tv broadcast at the time, but obviosuly he's been alive for longer, and there's nothing to suggest Alex had dissapeared or anything around 1994. It's more of a "Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer" meme that few people seriously, 100% believe, if any.
No. 855342
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No. 856577
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I did some light reading on the company that Brandy Vaughan used to work for and found this, no surprise (screenshot from wikipedia, source linked below). There's articles coming out now about doctors who are hesitant about the vaccines (because of their patients having side effects) being threatened for losing their jobs and funding. Behind the scenes there's worse as what happened to Vaughan is extremely sketchy. This is all so crazy, these vaccines are still in experiment mode and yet anti-vaxxers are the most hated public menace. Despite the over 99% covid survival rate… Why did any of this hysteria, come to think of it even the lockdowns, happen? Feels like I'm becoming blackpilled fast>>856288Heard about this, so fucking grim
I honestly blame capitalism for all of this. I'm not really a leftist or identify with anything, I just observe, but there's no doubt this is happening in pursuit of profit (and power but the two go hand in hand)
No. 856616
>>856577>I did some light reading on the company that Brandy Vaughan used to work forlol what does the vioxx scandal have to do with vaccines or this facebook boomer?
>these vaccines are still in experiment modeThe mechanisms behind the RNA vaccines are extremely well-understood though. If you've ever taken a freshman-level biochem class then you'd be able to understand how it works.
No. 856692
>>856615You might be referring to mine, sorry I should stop doing that but I thought in the end it was unnecessary
>>856616It's not about understanding the mechanisms but rather the side effects (especially long-term). Personally I am happy to accept that it will be fine for most people but one reason I, and many others are uneasy is that instead of letting those of us who are extra cautious simply wait and see how it goes down, the media and governments are having a major chimp-out saying everyone has to get vaxxed and some advocating by force. Also censorship of anyone expressing caution, even those reporting vaccine side effects. The whole thing is weird
THAT is why I find the Vioxx scandal so interesting, as it relates to a lack of ethics in the pharma industry. Not that we need that revealed when there's also the entire trans movement literally only being supported by pharma because it makes money (and who knows why else). Personally all of this makes me and lots of people naturally skeptical towards everything going on right now in the medical field
I don't even think having hesitance around this is that fringe or tinfoily, but the media and lots of people act like it is evil not to get the jab for an illness you have over 99% chance of surviving. Isn't the info about long-term side effects from the vaccine still forthcoming? And then there's the lockdown and masks which turns out the latter barely do anything. I actually think a good amount of normies are a little hesitant to vax yet, I've met plenty including my neighbor who's a registered nurse. I also know people who got covid a week after the vaccine and died, their relatives are wondering what is up with that. But anyway TL;DR, the shitty handling of this pandemic and big pharma's cloudy ethics are reasons many are uncertain about the vaccines. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out okay, but waiting for more to come out
No. 856909
>>856577This has been the problem with the left as well
Whole idea of left is to FORCEFULLY snatch/take something from someone who they think is evil and has stolen resources from them
Doesn't matter how true it may be or what's the philosophy involved in it, left is inherently controlling and for some subjugating
And remember this whole lets ban hate speech lets ban racist speech came from liberal left discourse
Not saying right is good here but don't pretend liberal left aren't directly involved in government today and are responsible for a lot of bad and draconian laws
Like islamophobia hate speech banning
Tranny hate speech banning etc
Liberals are not good either
No. 857854
>>857700Its laughable when they say down with fascism and happily go along when right wing or conservative rights are being trampled, like how retarded can they be
They seriously think all these governments around the globe and all innocent billionaires like soros, bill gates are with them (these leftists who believe no one should be a billionaire) when they trample no so popular movements of right wing Conservatives
No. 857857
>>857854They happily submit their dna their physical money in favor of e-currency
Also anyone who says liberals are the good ones should remember they are mostly concentrated around rich parts of society, they won't have any consequences when Technocracy dystopia rolls in
* No. 859092
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This video is obviously a deepfake. They are releasing so many deepfake videos now thinking we're too dumb to detect them. No. 859150
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>>859092Women maybe. Men think this woman is real. I weep for all further generations, I'm being serious.
No. 859153
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>>859150samefag. This one too."Is this photoshopped? Looks weird to me." Seriously, they are so fucked. How are we supposed to combat sophisticated deep fakes when they can't tell this is shooped?!
No. 859528
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modern pharma and psychology are SCAMS. There is information not made available to the general public because money. If medical science isn’t an exact one; we test subjects should be paid for these experiments labeled as “treatments.” Im sick of Industries and even individual doctors trivializing avoidable mistakes that can result in further pain and even death in patients; as not so much as another paycheck to the industry. A more obvious example of this practice of profit over ethics can be found in the construction Industry: recent bridge, mall, and condo collapses, all avoidable if project owners adhered to warnings/advice/repairs. I’m not saying every doctor or construction worker is purposely putting people in danger! just the shareholders.
No. 860145
>>855537Im sick of telling people about the vaccines. They do not listen. The trial is set to end in 2023 and by then it'll be time for SPARS which is the next pandemic even Bill Gates of Hell said it himself. Also the last couple of years, videos showing birth rates dropping and the mass deaths. Also lets not forget camp FEMA and their plastic walmart coffins. Millions at a time.
Yeah - something is about to go down.
No. 860147
>>860138I read it
Also read 'Brave New World' it's basically the same.
No. 860154
>>851086Agreed, anon. Agreed. These are worrying times that are ahead. Trash humanism is on the rise.
Fuck up everyones gender, make everyone gay, expose kids to pedo shit and force them to have a sexuality at 3/4. It's all deranged.
No. 860168
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No. 860176
found an interesting bit of history>"an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.">"advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.">"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."and most strikingly this
>In 2006 former executive director of the PNAC Gary Schmitt said PNAC had never been intended to "go on forever," and had "already done its job," suggesting that "our view has been adopted."kinda wacky
No. 860290
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>>860270Holy shit good catch
No. 860803
>>860741there are a lot of conspiracy theories that are similar to the US ones here in europe, such are nwo, illuminati, shadow government/elite controlling the world, etc.
another big one is 'the holocaust did not happen' and 'the jews want to control the world' so i'd say it's pretty similar to america lol i don't it would be too exciting to talk about
my country also has a website which is basically the same thing as infowars and they mostly talk about local politics
No. 860828
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>>860741>>860803oop samefag, but i just remembered the sewol ferry disaster that happened in south korea. there are a lot of theories about it and its connection to salvation sect, which is a cult that the previous president was a member of. they say the ferry disaster was a sacrifice, and the cult was also investigated after the tragedy
here is a blogpost about it i just found in case someone is interested: No. 860989
>>860828Wonder what other Asian consequences are out there besides the Chinese triads (gangs) and Yakuza being connected to various occult families whom may have connections to the European elite.
Sorry for being ot but I do wonder what East Asia’s part in their plans for world domination.
No. 861167
>>861015Are you younger? This was daily discourse about six years ago when the Tumblr nymphette thing was happening, along with that trend of teens keeping blogs about their teacher crushes. It got boring after a while because it was all the same points repeated over and over again until Lana wasn't relevant to teens anymore
Then it restarted when Melanie Martinez happened
Iirc there's a nymphette thread in the catalogs of one of the boards here, you might find some relevant stuff there, or in the older Lana thread
No. 861960
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>>861599I agree. I've become more sensitive to it as I've gotten older and my sexuality deepened too. Like picrel of Alexa Chung really creeps me out now, although I might be overreacting? Does that look infantilizing/lolitaesque farmers?
No. 862433
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>>860803I've noticed that even in the tinfoil threads, there's a reluctance to broach the topic of Jewish involvement even when discussing the affairs of the elite, media sowing dissent in the masses, etc. Why do you think this is?
I mean, some anons have mentioned it offhand and distancing themselves, I think the fear is that it will increase hatred of individual Jews, which is why it's suppressed as best as possible in society.
But it's an issue that can be talked about responsibly and on the collective level and not promote violence.
What I mean is, most people are aware that Jews, mainly male, are overrepresented in finance, news, policy.
It doesn't mean they
control it in lockstep necessarily, just that there might be something cultural in the way they are raised to seek out careers where they'll be able to influence a lot of people. academia (lol) has already given us the context for criticizing this: for example, white history has a heritage of racism and sexism, so white people are asked to take reparative attitudes and renounce their privilege. It can be said just as well that Jewish history has a heritage of seeing themselves as exceptional (to Gentiles) and placing self-preservation over the greater good. This does not mean that there is a problem with being Jewish, but it would be healthy for a Jewish person to reflect on if their community expectations promote any sort of aggressive and over-competitive scroteishness.
I don't mean to over-scrutinize, but I think it's sus how hushed all the criticism seems to be, which only makes suspicious people dig deeper. It can only be talked about in good company (which is hard to find) so pushes every curious person onto the fringes when it doesn't need to be that way. Jewish anons fell free to chime in
No. 862434
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>>862433in their own words
No. 862463
>>861164Can it really be said what it's about if no official interpretation was ever revealed and the lyrics are vague? The LDR wiki claims it's straight up about Lolita (without any proof… I mean OTTR isn't about Lolita, even though it contains strict references to the novel. It's about Lana's most likely imaginary gangsta ~soulmate~), and it may vaguely fit the theme. However the song comes up next after Bright Lights and I was always under impression that it's the next part of the same story. "The film is fading, look at me" turns to desperate pleads to "put (her) in the movie". Seems like the character has succeeded in getting in touch with the person she's been "look(ing) for in magazines" while "taking off her wedding ring".
If there are direct references to Sally there, please let me know. I'm only vaguely aware of her story. I've always found the song dusturbing, but didn't consider it to be about literal pedophilia. It especially fits the 50's theme when you keep in mind Marilyn Monroe called at least one husband daddy.
>>861599I wish people acknowledged she has moved on from the uwu daddy themes. IDK why are we still talking about her like BTD was recent or she has released it over and over again. Personally, I'm happy to never hear about daddies ever again from her lmfao.
No. 862479
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>be me
>used to be a weeb back in the day
>have a 64 MB USB with hundreds of all kinds of anime and vocaloid songs
>is reading about missing person cases
>plays all songs on shuffle to avoid being too spooked before sleep
>is reading about a recently solved Jane Doe case
>murderer is now in jail
>Immediately the song ten sho sho ten sho(?) by kikuo starts playing
>Song about getting revenge on someone by cursing them on the afterlife
>reads about a case of a suspected victim of domestic violence who went missing
>song about being betrayed by a loving one plays
>reads about a suicidal pact
> a song called "a happy death" plays (edgy vocaloid song about double suicide)
>reads about missing person case
>Anime song "Wild Crow" about the character Yata Misaki (pic rel) starts playing
>"well this a cheesy song, no way it's related"
>victim disappeared from a skate park
>this is just a few times a remember this happening
are death people sending me messages? i'm a little disturbed..
No. 862512
>>862463It’s still discussed because her first few albums are her most popular and she still performs those songs. She’s still trying to be a uwu babygirl at almost 40 (look at her damn birthday cake this year and ridiculous album covers).
You admit that most of her songs have direct references to Lolita which took inspiration from Sally Horner’s life story but want to focus only on her talking about wanting to become famous. They can be about both topics. It’s increibly obvious what she was doing before BTD and those themes continued up until extremely recent in her music.
No. 862517
>>862463Why is it so hard for you people to see/accept that Lana used BOTH Lolita/naive little girl and wannabe starlet themes? Come on, reread what you wrote. You acknowledge the direct references but want to say it’s not about that because Lana hasn’t given an official statement on it? Come on. Nabokov “officially” said Lolita did not take inspiration from Sally Horner’s story yet it very so clearly does so it’s not like an official statement on meaning would mean anything anyways when you have it there in black and white.
She wanted to be seen as the uwu daddy’s girl that would do anything in order to be famous and it worked and she really did anything she could to become famous. She wound up being one of Weinstein’s girls and did a rape scene for MM. No normal person sends around a demo tape with a song titled “Little Girls”, let alone one with that title that plays right into their sick fantasies innocently with no ulterior motive. Her music was never some great commentary on society/fictional storytelling… it’s what her twisted ass did to appease gross old record producers like David Kahne and Bob Leone.
No. 862551
>>862517Lana stans, man. They’re all over the place!
Is she even relevant to those old dudes anymore? Like one anon said, she’s almost 40 and her body is aging like spoiled milk, surgeries won’t be enough for her at this point. That and teenyboppers are moving on.
No. 862566
>>862479I've had this kind of thing happen to me too.
The easiest way to explain it is that everything has an imprint. You have to pay attention to what you expose yourself to, where you go, who you talk to, what thoughts you entertain. Everything's sort of contagious.
The people might not necessarily be talking to you, but if you get into their stories or think them over long enough, those emotions and little details that relate to them will naturally gravitate to you. It can be expressed through anything (food, music, movies, sign boards, etc).
I don't know if I'm making sense, I'm sleepy and prone to wanting to outright schizo and/or spergpost on these kinds of topics, but this is what I've figured.
No. 862580
>>862434Considering that Hollywood is becoming increasingly irrelevant and dependent on capeshit, I don't think they have anything to be proud of. Hollywood like nearly all other western media has been run into the ground by incompetence and fake woke pandering.
It's going to be interesting in the next decade as anti-semitism and anti-zionism are increasingly becoming part of mainstream politics from both the left and the right.
No. 862678
>>862673>Kevin Alfred Strom (born August 17, 1956) is an American white nationalist, neo-Nazi, Holocaust denier,[1] white separatist, and associate editor of National Vanguard. >The statement "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" was falsely attributed to Voltaire, the French Enlightenment philosopher.[25] However, the phrase is believed to originate from an essay by Strom first published in 1993: "All America Must Know the Terror that is Upon Us". He wrote: "To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?".[25] He was also arrested for possession of CP and accused of trying to groom a 10 year old girl. His wife caught him first and they signed a contract agreeing that he had to get help for his pedophilia. Obviously, that didn't work out, and according to her, he choked her to try and keep her quiet. The judge also ruled that it "wasn't illegal" for him to jerk off to pictures of two girl's (Prussian Blue singers) heads edited onto nude bodies. She wrote an entire book about him being an
abusive piece of shit.
No. 862733
>>862517Where did I say that she didn't use both of those themes? I just don't get why Lanawiki claims the song (Little Girls) is 'definitely' about Nabokov's novel like it's a fact when it doesn't have any direct references to it and is super vague.
>You acknowledge the direct references but want to say it’s not about that because Lana hasn’t given an official statement on it? A song can reference something without being about it (by which I mean a Lolita fanfiction). Little Girls doesn't have any direct references, OTTR does but it has a different plot than Lolita the novel. LG is so vague you could say it's about Lewis Caroll, Black Dahlia and it would still be someone's farfetched interpretation without Lana saying 'yeah that was what I was going for'. And even then someone could listen to the song and not have an idea who it's supposed to be about.
>Her music was never some great commentary on society/fictional storytellingOh shit, you mean K was a real person then??? I think Lana's lyrics could both be a fictional storytelling and a fetish fodder.
I do agree something incredibly fucked up went with her and Weinstein and those other faggots. Sad. Wish we knew the whole story.
No. 862775
>>862678Not that anon but don't you find it odd entire middle east region never comes under scrutiny despite being the worst
Doesn't matter you weren't able to criticize Jews before even when its clearly not Semitic (understandable however due to holocaust) but we can't even point out that the ashkanazi ones benefit from being Jew and white at the same time but never come under racial politics
Also now you can't freely criticize muslims or any other
But can continue to hate let's say Chinese, hindus or Christians or any other ethnic group especially slavs
No. 863455
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>>862625You can find the video on Vimeo but strong warning that it is quite graphic. Directed by Eli Roth with Manson. Looks like it’s for a MM music video but he’s since said it wasn’t yet it’s obvious it was. Regardless, he was present and in a video directed by Eli Roth where Lana was graphically (stimulated) raped.
It was a leak so there isn’t too much info on it. Looks like it was filmed sometime around 2011 so when she was first taking off. It’s always struck me as odd there isn’t more info about it. Lana has been seen with MM since so it’s not like they’ve had bad blood or anything since. Goes with the ongoing theme of doing whatever in order to make it. Also somewhat ties in with the magazine shoot where’s she’s getting manhandled. It’s definitely all signals.
Absolute tinfoil but that’s this thread… you know how they say Bieber has made himself ugly so no one would want him sexually in the industry anymore? Wonder if Lana has taken the same route with going back to being Lake Placid trash.
No. 863984
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>>862517Wow, I knew nothing about this. Found pic related. I want to know more tinfoil stuff about her.
>>863455Sorry I'm stupid, but can someone explain to me how this is relevant? What does this mean? Is it that she was deliberately playing into the rich scrote culture of taking advantage of young women?
No. 864714
Another thing to be confused about: Current Vax proponents admit that there has been an increase in infections in vaccinated people recently. However, they do not see this as a problem because these infections are irrelevantly mild. Thus, vaccination is nevertheless considered successful because it reliably prevents hospitalisations. Now, I don't have anything against this conclusion - I hope it's true. But, if one allows this conclusion, then one must also concede that it is not consistent with the conclusions of the clinical trials of the vaccines, I think? Afaik, the mrna vax trials found that the vaccines reduced the relative risk by 95% or so. As far as I know, the studies have not shown anything to do with milder infections or with significant numbers of people who tested positive but had no symptoms compared to the unvaccinated group. But shouldn't such a discrepancy between trial results and real life results be a fundamental problem for the validity of the trials? If the effects of the vaccines in real life differ from those found in the studies, then it is likely that the studies have a replication problem and are thus scientifically worthless. Whether the newly detected, different medical effects are desirable or not doesn't matter. Shouldn't this worry at least some of the more prudent vax proponents given that the emergency authorisation of the vacces was conditional on the meaningfulness of the clinical trials???
No. 864852
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>>863042>>862815What are the chances for getting banned from other services just like paypal or even banks (withholding your money) if you criticise anything that they dont like
No. 864891
>>855537I was forced to take the vaccine cause I'm not allowed to work without one, and literally the next day I had a cold and a cough fit , I've been sick for about a week now, I'm coughing every couple of minutes and have a fever that hasn't gone away
I have never been more sick in any point in my life as I have now after taking the vaccine
No. 864911
>>856619Thank you for not being retarded.
>>864891You'll live. That's how vaccines work,
nonnie. Maybe you have a bad immune system and are just having a rough go. Thinking negatively will only ensure your sickness and anxiety get stuck in a feedback loop. Just take care of yourself and remember that vaccines are the only reason we didn't die off long ago. We learned from past medical mistakes as humans.
No. 864923
>>864891>I have never been more sick in any point in my life as I have now after taking the vaccineThat's really interesting anon because you have never been as dead as as you would be if covid killed you
I hope you feel better soon but this is for the best
No. 865326
Still bothering me are all the influential people tied to Epstein. Anons, why is pizzagate considered debunked again? I want to repost this video that had been shared in a thread here a year ago. It was removed off of Youtube. When you consider that its content is exposing Google/Youtube's pedo friendly algorithm, ….
From anon in the old epstein thread:
>If this video doesn’t prove that Hollywood and the elites are directly hiding pedophiles in plain sight (think Dan Schneider) I don’t know what does. Big shocker after he directly shows how YouTube’s algorithm and Google cater to pedophiles with certain keywords and phrases it’s taken down. It just really belongs in this thread and is directly correlated with the Epstein case / suspects. Watch at your own discretion. is strange. If someone finds a way to explain everything innocuously, I'm open to hear them. But, more and more I genuinely believe there is not only a pedo ring among the elites but also occult tendencies of varying degrees (not saying they are all in the cult mentioned in the video, but the buildings on their islands and other things lend to this general idea…)
There is a final thing bothering me that I feel bad for, but it can't be helped. Why are many elites (and many of those involved with the above) jewish? Why has it been alleged that some of them were spying for israel? Why does it keep popping up. I don't want to be antisemitic so I feel bad for asking. But I am noticing a lot of things that go unmentioned by everyone. And I feel like something big is coming with the current situation. You can ask which situation I mean but the answer is all of it. It feels like we are heading to something monumental. Straight up feels like the beginning of the end times.
No. 865475
>>865326>Anons, why is pizzagate considered debunked again?Because TPTB want us to believe it is. The art James Alefantis is into alone is a huge red flag to me, let alone the weird emails there is literally no sane explanation for. I think people like to get caught up in the "zany" Satan worshipping aspect, and they're right in a way that it's probably is bullshit or the elites just do it as an edgy LARP. But when pedo culture is
so pervasive it's not hard at all to imagine that there's huge amounts of nonces in the entertainment industry alone, and that naturally they look out for their fellow nonces in other careers - like politics. Birds of a feather flock together. Don't feel bad for asking the Jewish question. I'm Jewish myself and it bothers me greatly, to the extent I'm now non-practicing and considering converting to Christianity. There's far too many Jews in politics and the entertainment industry for it to line up with the Jewish population of the US, my guess would be that there's a lot of Mossad plants. The spying for Israel stuff comes from Maxwell's sisters who have ties to Israel. It's believed that Epstein and Maxwell were Israeli assets who used their pedo ring to gather blackmail material on powerful and influential people. Which tbh I can buy. I was born and raised in Israel, my stepfather worked for Mossad briefly and quit because he found "the whole thing disgusting". Israel has the US by the balls, look at how much money is donated each year, and that's just how much is being officially declared. Personally I believe Israel was at least partially responsible for 9/11 ("dancing Israelis" is the rabbit hole that lead me to that belief) and they used that anti-Islam energy in the US to start funding their wars on the Palestinians and other middle eastern countries like Iran. As a Persian-Palestinian raised there I could rant for fucking hours on this stuff. But yeah, don't feel bad, you're not anti-semitic. Do not let them trap you with that thinking. I've been called a "self hating Jew" and an "Arab snake" myself for asking the same questions, they love to pull that card to silence people and with idpol being so popular now it's working.
No. 865858
>>864714The Pfizer vaccine went from 94 to 64 percent effective at preventing disease over 6 months, so during trials it may have looked fine but they didn't have enough time to see this pattern. Or they only cherry picked the effectiveness at the beginning or trials and ignored the reduced effectiveness later on.
I just wonder how long it'll take for vaccines to lose enough effectiveness to not prevent hospitalizations
No. 866069
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Kek nonnies, look at this gem I found in picrel. The WHO had(/has?) a "fertility regulation vaccine task force". The research on it was critisized already in the early 90s by women's rights groups for being intransparent and for bearing "very great" potential for abuse in the form of f.e. confusing fertility regulating vaccines with anti-disease vaccines. No. 866274
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>>866154I want to share a few random snippets I found around the web regarding vaccines and the CDC that are not getting sufficient answers (because they're being suppressed) Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD on twitter, whose research was fundamental to the development of mRNA vaccines, has much to say in opposition to the current narrative and censorship. He even has been warning among other professionals that the vaccines could be making covid more dangerous, for everyone but especially the unvaxed. It's possible we would all be better off if we just let it be naturally. He isn't antivax overall but says that they are taking unethical shortcuts to mass vaccinate when they shouldn't be
He expressed agreement with another doctor speaking out, Geert Vanden Bossche @GVDBossche on twitter found this article of his interesting but it's rather complex, explains the details of their concerns: there's this, a statistician's look into the CDC's math and logic behind adverse reactions to the vaccine. According to him, it's fundamentally flawed and they are ignoring anyone who tries to reach them over this. He explains his findings which are not terribly hard to follow in the replies linked to a stream by the American Front Line Doctors (AFLDS) a group expressing concerns also. Here is the stream (haven't gotten to it yet): here is their website homepage: it's still possible that they are all wrong but I find all of the above concerning, especially that they are suppressed rather than having their questions answered honestly and straightforwardly (or at all). These are just sources I stumbled upon but I hope they're fruitful for everyone here. I would never have become so suspicious if it weren't for the censoring and bad-faith attacks of invested people's concerns
No. 866282
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Also wrt
>>866274 screenshot, a google search of Luc Montagnier pulls these first results (pic related): an article about debunking his claim and… a 2004 critique of his findings on HIV/AIDS? Wonder why these are the first results of Google 'force its employees to get vaccinated's algorithm… Hmm
Actually, the entire first page of results fails to mention his vaccine statements otherwise! Further scrolling shows more fact check type pages even though the first result admits he did say what he said and flimsily dismisses it
No. 866283
>>866274So…we’re fucked no matter what and my parents are going die and I might too
Fuck this
No. 866292
>>866283I wouldn't jump to that. I'm trying to be hopeful that it won't be that catastrophic and that the number of people speaking out will grow until something is forced to give. Even if the adverse effects end up as a major problem or covid gets worse, it isn't a guarantee that we are all going to die like you said. I hope not anyways. Personally I feel like things will have to come to a head when enough people realize 1) they are being censored and 2) the numerous other ways that Big Tech and Big Pharma are fucking people over for profit, like everything with transgenderism going on right now, eventually I think the public's trust in both is going to hit a major breaking point. At that point, however, I wonder if it will even matter with how much power they have… I mean, nothing lasts forever and there is at least some pushback. They can try to smother it but it's there and it's growing
also who knows, maybe the sources I posted are wrong or even if they are right, maybe the consequences won't be as terrible as we fear. It's all still emerging, I think the big concern right now is the cutting corners going on, but what if it all turns out moderately OK? I have no clue what to think
No. 866520
>>866282Fact checkers are all owned by billionaires
Soros owns one himself
No. 867476
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>>865550strategy to counteract the "unstable" framing: start to reclaim the notion conspiracy theory. Say with ironic distance stuff like that conspiracy theories are awesome, try to reenact the vibes of the conspiracy theorist trope frome the 80s and 90s (think the X-Files, that german movie "23" about Karl Koch, even Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory). Hackers of the iconic Chaos Computer Club in Berlin in the 90s proudly claimed to be into conspiracy theories, and at worst it was taken to be an edgelord thing to be interested in. I think trying to reframe conspiracy theories this way is a good counterinsurgency technique. The ironic distance will immunize against being seen as unstable. It's basically the strategy the alt-right used in 2013 or so for making /b/tards lose their inhibitions for talking about stupid nazi crap.
No. 867500
Nine people become billionaires after covid profits expects $33.5 billion in profits due to covid is working on a treatment for covid that doesn't require vaccination getting a vaccine that doesn't work and exposing yourself to unnecessary risk when a better and more effective treatment comes along a few months later. I wonder if it will even work at all in people that are vaccinated.
Potential effects of the vaccine on women>When in circulation, the spike protein can bind to the receptors that are on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels. When that happens, it can do one of two things. It can either cause platelets to clump and that can lead to clotting. That’s exactly why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. >It can also lead to bleeding. And of course, the heart’s involved, it’s a key part of the cardiovascular system. That’s why we’re seeing heart problems. The protein, it can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage. That’s why also in the fatal cases of blood clots, many times it’s seen in the brain. No. 867818
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Screenshot taken from the leaked audio of Chris-Chan admitting to raping his mom:
I believe it.
No. 867858
>>867476AYRT, I've been trying to reclaim the conspiracy theorist title for years. You're spot on about how the alt-right essentially took over the title. If you say to people it's healthy to do your own research with no bias and follow your gut instinct and never believe authority figures word-for-word as they're susceptible to corruption, most people will agree. But if you suggest that it's healthy to be a conspiracy theorist they'll disagree purely because of wording. I tested my theory with friends and co-workers and the majority acted negatively towards the title conspiracy theorist yet agree with what I first said. I hate to say it but to reel in the zoomers we do need to make it "cool". I think cyberpunk styles and aesthetic is nudging people in that direction but they're yet to connect the dots and think about what kind of environment brings in that style. In the mean time I'm gonna keep dressing like I'm in a William Gibson novel and breaking the ice with my friends with shit like bigfoot and building off of that. Godspeed, fellow schizos.
>>867818I've been thinking for a long time that there's something fishy about Chris Chan. It's not the autism, it's not whatever-the-fuck-else is wrong with him mentally. It's just… off. I don't necessarily buy it as MK Ultra, I think more of a social experiment. Maybe testing how we react in the age of internet? See how fast gossip travels about weird people? Idk but Chris Chan has been going a LONG time now and has made a lasting impact on the internet, so much so it's build up a pseudo cult of sorts around him.
No. 868324
>>867858Samefag. I think you’re on to something. In the first (or was it second?) tinfoil thread, I talked about certain cows being either social experiments or under mk-ultra. Mainly Onision as he has some occult ties, although amateurish and was previously in the military.
What if we as a society are the elites’ own lolcows while under surveillance…?
No. 868948
>>868349My suggestion is to go to as the first place you need to look, Onision historians have documented and archived what they could starting from the year 2000. I would also suggest going directly to those links if possible and read the first few threads here. He is too bizarre and there are a lot of circumstances we don’t understand but we could say the same about all lolcows lol.
At least their meat puppets are lolcows too - we are all one in the same.
No. 871733
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So I don't believe in the exact specifics of pizzagate but I do believe it is undeniable that the media i.e Hollywood, art-house Indie film production and the music Industry is filled with pedophile rapists, I don't even watch any films that feature children right now cause in the back of mind I know these kids are probably getting molested, I think of all the child celebrity suicides, drug over-doses and alleged "suicides" and I remember some of the "scenes" they had to do as kids, I also don't trust any adult actors who were in these films e.g Rodney Dangerfield
I also believe that some of the wilder theories of pizzagate are purposely spread to mislead people and not take the issue seriously
No. 871893
>>871733>I also believe that some of the wilder theories of pizzagate are purposely spread to mislead people and not take the issue seriouslyExactly. Whenever mainstream media "debunks" pizzagate it always talks about the crazy stuff, never once touching on the fact that the entertainment industry is full of abuse and suicides and drug addictions, there's also quite a few whistleblowers too so it's not just speculation. Then there's the fact that politics and the entertainment industry have links and there's constant mingling between the politicians and people from the entertainment industry at parties and the like, so of course pedo scumbags befriend each other and look out for each other. Most people never believed Papa Trump was coming to "drain the swamp" and rescue us all when he himself had connections to Epstien. Honestly that part seems like a total psyop, give people a sliver of truth (pedos are everywhere) and then mix it in with some Grade A horseshit to discredit them. For me the core belief of pizzagate or whatever you wanna call it is that paedophilia is terrifyingly widespread. The entertainment industry acts as a recruitment tool (casting couch is notoriously creepy) and helps normalise weird shit with freaks like Dan Schneider. Politicians and law enforcement are most likely complicit given how many kids go missing per year, and that pedos are in all walks of life. Everything else about Satanism and whatever isn't important, those rumours may be true but my guess is it's either a weird LARP for bored degenerates or it's a lie to discredit anyone trying to discuss these things. Something I find equal amounts compelling and disturbing is the Isaac Kappy case. A great overview is here: is Qanon shit in there but if you pay attention to the basic story - ex-actor talks about pedos in Hollywood and dies mysteriously - that's what I can't think of a decent excuse for. Sure he was probably mentally ill and did drugs but if what he says is true then it's no wonder why. The alleged dead man's switch video gives me chills. It's nothing explicit but I just can't think of a sensible explanation for it.
No. 872799
>>872793This scene from the film Ladybugs, tell me this isn't just pedobait anon
also the young actor Jonathan Brandis ended up committing suicide in his 20's
No. 872803
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>>872799Billie Eilish, is that you?
No. 873359
>>873124True, they also give huge fundings to university and organisations
We can see already a very strong pro islam/muslim narrative being pushed
>>873139 do you have proof thst jews own these things
>>873230>Jack off>scrote No. 873377
>>873139>>862433>>862434>>862617Regarding Jews controlling the economy, its both and not true, I'm basing this on The Wages of Destruction a book detailing the economic history of Nazi Germany. in its early chapters it discusses the history of the early Nazi party which was previously the "German workers" party which already had a pre established anti-Semitic element, see Jews did disproportionately make up sections of the Upper class in Germany. this fact was undeniable but at the same time the average German Jew as poorer and less educated other Germans, the book didn't go too deep into this
most rich Jews were all mostly secular but still identified as Jewish and even now most Jewish people who do have power and influence are overwhelmingly from the Ashkenazi Jewish group, I don't know what to make of this really but I do think this situation should be discussed with nuisance
No. 873402
>>873377True about the poor and rich jew thing
Also if notice ashekanazis, they tend to be racist against eadt asians or south Asians
Like Einstein was racist against chinese and indians but when nazis came into power he fled to America rejecting his German citizenship and once Said and i quote "racism is a white people thing"
Also made a public statement by giving black students diplomas when no one else would
When his diary became public and people were shocked that he was a racist, everyone thought he was anti racist til then
You can notice many cases like these today even
No. 873406
>>873380I am sceptical about whole middle east regiob not just jews
Like arabs arent any different
No. 873699
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Why are the capitol police officers committing suicide? I'm not really into tinfoils/conspiracies but this one sounded weird to me.
No. 874179
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Do you think activities like this are still ongoing? know something fucked up as well? The IHS wikipedia article makes no mention of this history probably to give themselves a better image, how disgusting
>IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people.>>873699wtf that is sketchy
No. 874192
>>873699It's really weird and surprising to me too. Maybe there are things that happened during capitol riot we're not aware of, but traumatic enough to inflict a PTSD this heavy? The way the events were portrayed - very often in a very lighthearted way, making it seems less serious and the attakers appear as rowdy pranksters - doesn't imply it could've been particularly mentally taxing, but maybe it actually was? I hope this is a mystery that will be throughoutly investigated.
>>873519In a way we discover really crazy things even nowadays - like samsung tvs recording things going on in private citizens households etc - and people barely care. If something comes out I feel like people may be completely desensitized to revelations like that as of now. I'm curious nonetheless though, we will see.
No. 874208
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>>874179There are rumors here that the Indian Army has been sterilizing Kashmiri women in the occupied region of Kashmir, all the while the Indian Government(pre-pandemic was encouraging Indian settlers to the region) China is currently doing this to Uyghur women in Xianjing, sterilizing the women and encouraging Chinese to settle
basically just erasing troublesome ethnic minorities, Japan successfully did this with the Ainu inhabitants of Hokkaido
No. 874224
>>874221I'm from EU and the way it was filtered to our news really downplayed the severity of it; basically all there was is general information that people stormed the capitol after reading to chans, there were no
victims and some were dressed funny, that's all, online the only thing that I saw more widely shared and on more terrifying side was AOC account of the events. I'll read more about the January 6th hearing; still as you say, it's really concerning to see so many suicides, seems very extreme
No. 874303
>>874219Sadly I don't think it's that uncommon. Social services in the UK have been caught forcing girls to use birth control when being raped. I have no doubt it happens in other countries. Especially with the recent scandal in Germany.
>>874233The elites want to make sure that it never happens again. BLM rioting is ok because they burn down small business and ethnic minority neighbourhoods. The right rioting isn't ok because they took it directly to the actual source of the problem. We also still don't know what happened to Pelosi's laptop.
No. 874360
>>874303>The elites want to make sure that it never happens again. BLM rioting is ok because they burn down small business and ethnic minority neighbourhoods. The right rioting isn't ok because they took it directly to the actual source of the problemThis.
>>874322>They want to prosecute the rioters to such an extent that it will frighten people. They are removing the people who were actually there so they can't speak out against the narrative that it was the worst thing to ever happen.And this.
Ever since I saw the footage of the woman getting shot I've been suspicious about Jan 6th. She was a small woman and there was 3 or 4 stormtroopers in full riot gear descending the stairs near her who could've tackled her and cuffed her no problem. There was zero need to shoot that woman. "b-b-but heat of the moment!" secret service types getting scared by a small unarmed woman? Give me a break. As for the "suicides", my guess is those cops seen some shit they shouldn't have or they're suiciding them purely to push the PTSD narrative and push forward a bill to heavily punish all protesters, similar to the one passed in the UK.
No. 874362
>>874322Families of cops that commited suicide speak of them being severely overworked (as in, not being allowed to sleep for days etc) and suffering PTSD though; doesn't sound like any of them would speak in favor of lessening the impact of rioters' actions. Maybe against their employee though, for the reason of overwork?
I'm not trying to argue with you because I fully disagree or something, just testing out this theory to see what would make the most sense. Though of course it doesn't have to make sense 100% since I'm sure there are things general public will never ever have access to.
No. 874373
>>866274What I don't understand is why there's so much hostility between doctors and researchers who have tremendous experience in the field, and have concerns about it, and the ones that don't. As a medical community should they not have a "thank you for pointing that out, we should probably look into it" attitude, rather than attacking their colleagues and acting like further research or investigation is a crime.
I just don't understand the motive for the hostility. Do individual members of the medical community make more money if they take things slow and take proper precautions? It doesn't seem like there's a logical reason why some of them are acting so hostile and "cancelling" people like Malone. Even if it was just greed and wanting money fast, the ferocity of it all doesn't make sense, it's too aggressive to be just that.
No. 874385
>>874216I knew a girl who was like Bella. Same face shape, same kind of hair, both crazy with NLOG mentalities, both manipulative, both had parent(s) involved in the US government.
I think it's a "type" for sure, physiognomy in action. Not sure what having family involved with the US government does to people, but I think these sorts of sociopathic traits are an inborn thing. It's probably required for the work, since according to KF, her father saw many horrors (that may have had some kind of epigenetic effect, among other things). Those traits can be misdirected if the children aren't raised correctly, though. It might even be something about this particular generation that fucks things up.
That's how people like her parents end up with a kid with unusually low empathy, decent manipulation skills, and very low intelligence. Instead of doing glowie shit, she tortures animals, develops strange fetishes, places her natural skills into a severely autistic man in his 40s, panders to Reddit males, and fosters a fungal infection. In one of the Discord caps, Bella said her whole family was stupid, so I don't think she's an anomaly, just had the wrong switches flipped.
tl;dr: IMO it's not a psyop. This is just what happens when people who were meant for psyops are too dysfunctional and have unmitigated internet access.
No. 874459
>>874430reading the tldr in OP and apparently Bella
>Has claimed to bully her cousin, who plans to work with children with special needs, evoking negative emotional responses from her family.Yeah, that soldifies my belief that we shouldn't trust her about her family's intelligence or anything, really
No. 874494
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Why are they doing this dumb fact check shit, it's almost over for us isn't it. Did they not realize tacking that on topics of conspiracy theories is only going to make people more suspicious, true or not? Do you expect this is going to ramp up until we can discuss even less on the internet, like China?
also, any thoughts on Bohemian grove? lol
No. 874496
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>>874494starting to see this a whole lot, I think the Internet is permanently changing
No. 874955
>>874219Doctors did the same thing to my maternal aunt back in Mexico after having her only child - she tried having kids later on after regretting giving away my cousin to my grandma then it was later found out after being diagnosed with leukemia that they implemented an IUD without her knowledge about 13 years ago (she died in 2003).
I read that Mexico used to practice eugenics well until the 70’s but I see they were still practicing after they supposedly stopped.
No. 875420
>>875286It's either you prove you're not infected with covid (show you're fully vaccinated or that you had a negative test result recently) or everything is closed down for several months again. Obviously the first option is the least risky for businesses. And the problem is that the most recent lockdown/curfew helped reducing cases, then the lockdown/curfew was lifted so people used this opportunity to pretend there's nothing wrong going on AT ALL so they all go out with their masks under their chin, kiss people on the cheek and hug them to greet them because French culture is retarded, and they spit and cough like it's nothing. Then the government decided to stop making masks mandatory outside which is stupid but too many people stopped caring about masks as soon as the mask shortage stopped. And the number of cases soared. Obviously, as usual the French begs the government to do something and when the government does by deciding to introduce the idea with the vaccine pass, the same people won't stop complaining about living in a dictatorship.
There's no reason to assume there's some sort of conspiracy here, it's just that retarded French people elected a retarded government and they're trying to outdo each other in terms of stupidity. There are a lot of suspicious things going on in France right now like the current justice minister most likely being a rapist and encouraging cops to be more and more violent for no reason, or Macron acting like a turbo weaboo and humblebragging about getting a One Piece poster with Oda's autograph on social media to attract younger voters, but for once the vaccine pass isn't one of them.
No. 875741
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Got it from the New Zealand farms, any thoughts?
OP goes by Angry Canadian there
No. 875825
>>875360Liberals participate in this shit too, don’t just blame one party.
>they’re only performance rituals, nothing to see here except for ghei seckz lolThis argument doesn’t make any sense whatsoever as it is well-known nobody in elite circles larps rituals for ~performances~, who are they “performing” for then?
moloch/satanFact checkers fuck off, stop ruining all the fun.
No. 875851
>>873370late response but
>if this one is true, almost anything can betfw literally exactly how i responded to the epstein logs. before that i lived in ignorance and assumed anything not reported by news outlets was completely fake. since them ive been going down every conspiracy rabbit hole i can find because i don't trust any official narratives now
No. 875924
>>875878This video of Joe Biden caressing and trying to repeatedly kiss children who were very obviously uncomfortable.
What really set me off was comparing this to the Arianna Grande/preacher controversy at Aretha Franklin's funeral. If a preacher got cancelled and pubic ally ridiculed for touching a grown woman appropriately, why shouldn't Joe Biden have received the same treatment for doing the exact same thing, but to CHILDREN.
No sane adult man touches children like this. He literally can't keep his hands off of them. Disgusting.
No. 876114
>>875929Robert malone whistle blowing is deleted too
Couldn't find the podcast instead got dr deboonking it
No. 877737
>>876692Holy shit. I hope the attention just spooked her and that's why she deleted everything. Though knowing what Biden's team are like? She probably got threatened with a lawsuit or something. I feel so sorry for her that people think she's lying when Biden barely bothers to hide the fact he's a nonce.
>>876857Even worse when you think about all the missing women and Jane Doe's in the 60s and 70s. Not saying he's a murderer or anything but back then if you got sexually assaulted the police would be even less interested then they are today, which is saying a lot. Plus his job comes with connections, any woman he preyed on would be at a huge disadvantage.
No. 881881
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does anyone here know anything about Mindgeek
No. 882287
>>881841Is your dad a 33rd degree freemason or getting up there? That’s when they are usually given top secret information about a lot of things and are probably involved in some of them.
Maybe when they’re out of the house for awhile, you should look into their attic or basement to find what kind of things they’re hiding.
No. 886029
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Some symbol-tinfoil spergs have put together a website called “the octozone” as a means to analyze and uncover any symbolism related to pedophelia (I know I spelled that shit right) and the cabal. No. 887588
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The Dodo youtube channel makes fake videos right? In every video all these "random" people somehow film every single thing that happens with excellent videography.
No. 889661
>>889539anon, it's really not as hard to find abused or sickly pets as you think it is. A visit to any shelter shows that animal neglect is sadly pretty common, and there's always some number of runaway/feral pets that can't adequately provide for themselves.
I think a lot of the people in these clips go to poor areas or developing countries to specifically look for struggling animals to then pretend to randomly save, but I doubt that they're starving dogs intentionally to make feel-good clips. There's simply no need to when there are already so many.
No. 891420
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At my local uni, they’ve started bribing students with raffles and $50 in lunch money to get vaccinated. Since most classes are face-to-face, their “flatten the curve” propaganda has increased and professors are now preaching about muh covid and “stay safe u gaiz” before or after lessons start.
Students are forced to wear masks in the classroom when said classrooms look like pic related: I can feel everyone’s body heat and am suffocating.
No. 891827
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Airports only hire the prettiest people to greet tourists, if you’re ugly, you’re not going to work at the counter nor giving directions to anyone unless you’re some undercover agent that tries to catch drug traffickers and part of the security team, OR cleaning staff.
That’s my only tinfoil.
No. 891983
>>891827I've always believed that myself. I've travelled to 10+ countries for work and leisure and the people at airports are always
conventionally attractive. I also noticed a disproportionate amount of twinky and flamboyant gay men in those jobs that greet you, help you, give you directions, etc. My tinfoil is that they're seen as the perfect non-threatening male and that's why airports snap them up. Never seen a single GNC woman in those jobs. Airport security has them occasionally, because ofc we're only useful when they want someone who's stereotyped as stern and tough.
>>891834Kubrick knew too much. This film can definitely be viewed as him telling us what's happening amongst the higher ups. IIRC he died either shortly after or shortly before Eyes Wide Shut was submitted for editing, who knew what they cut out? Then there's the theory that Kubrick put in subtle imagery hinting at the moon landing being faked in The Shining film.
No. 892291
>>872841From his Early Life on Wikipedia: In an interview with Howard Stern on May 25, 2004, Dangerfield told Stern that he had been molested by a man in his neighborhood. The man would pay Rodney a nickel and kiss him for five minutes.
So if the thing about pedophiles often having been abused themselves is true, it doesn't look good re: Rodney
No. 892785
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The "Pro-Life" movement in the US is fundamentally a white supremacist agenda to try and preserve the white race. Even if all of the arguments made for it are strictly emotional/religious, there is a fear underlying it that white Americans will be replaced by generations of children of immigrants as educated white women are having less and less children now.
The actual proof of this is a book called the Birth Dearth by Ben Wattenberg, who was an advisor to former US President Lyndon B. Johnson. The book's argument is that when we're outnumbered, we'll become less powerful of a nation so the fact that women aren't having kids is an issue (as of 1987). The book is effectively describing potential white genocide as he makes it clear that this "Birth Dearth" doesn't include asian, hispanic, or black women who are reproducing too much in comparison to white women. One summary that made me laugh at the accuracy:
> He says, ‘The major problem confronting the United States today is there aren’t enough white babies being born. If we don’t do something about this and do it now, white people will be in the numerical minority and we will no longer be a white man’s land.’> He says, ‘There are three ways to solve this problem. Number one: we could pay women to have babies as they have been doing in Western Europe nations for years.’ Then he says, ‘Unfortunately’—and these are his words, not mine. He says, ‘Unfortunately, we would have to pay women of all colors to have babies, so we don’t want to do that.’ He says, ‘The second thing we can do is increase the number of legal immigrants allowed into this country every year.’ Then he says, ‘Unfortunately, majority of those coming into this country today are people of color, so we don’t want to do that.’> Now think [about] what Donald Trump has said. [Wattenberg] said, ‘The third thing we could do is remember that sixty percent of the fetuses that are aborted every year are white. If we could keep that sixty percent of life alive that would solve our birth dearth.’> This is blatant racism. And now you look at the right-to life movement, and all of a sudden you realize it is not about morality nor religion. It is about something immoral, which is limiting increasing the number of white babies and letting that other forty percent, who are not white fetuses, die.”If you want to read it, read it here for free and don't give this dead POS any money:'s worthwhile to note that the author makes a number of arguments with no evidence to support his fearmongering. For instance, he regularly refers to economics and name-drops economists that he knows despite having a terrible grasp on basic macroeconomic theory.
Now watch all the 'trad' /pol/ moids who lurk here emerge with some argument thinking they're welcome. Of course the majority of anti-choicers think their motivation is strictly religious and out of concern for 'human rights' (in the womb only apparently?). They're unaware that the "Pro-Life" movement comes from white supremacy and fear of a white extinction.
Oh and I'm white by the way. No need to accuse me of being a "bitter black woman" like /pol/ scrotes always do when they have nothing else to say.
No. 892894
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>>892801Kek agreed, just look at the educated and powerful idiot who wrote a book really thinking population size = economic/political power. Did anyone tell him that developing countries have high birth rates? Or that 12% of the worlds population holds >85% of the globe's TOTAL wealth? I really feel like the economist mentions were just name-dropping because any honest economist would laugh in his face at the claims made in this book. It's insane. What's also insane is how he doesn't consider non-white people to be American despite the Native Americans being the original Americans and the nation being a land of immigrants. Now recall how this man was an aid to a US President.
>>892793Of course anon, I feel like I really discovered something huge when I read it and realized how this former US President aid's fear about whites being outnumbered also ties in with similarly motivated events in the US like the forced sterilizations of black women over centuries.
When he wrote that book it was white women who were seeking out abortions but now it looks like the tide has changed, as in a 2020 study using data from 2016 and earlier there's a racial disparity of abortions where abortions of non-hispanic black women are 3.8 times the rate of abortions of non-hispanic white women. They'd probably be happy about this but still pissed off at the growing number of childfree white women.>>892870PP was founded in 1916 by white people, I'm not surprised.
No. 893485
>>893482Have any idea where this cloud current flying over saudi Arabia goes actually?
Bet it's a poor country
No. 893545
>>892870I mean, that is true though. Planned parenthood centers were established in black neighborhoods to “aid” minorities into getting abortions while the white population were free to do as they wish.
However, this backfired kek
>>892901>>893040>>893062Why are you here then? Leave.
No. 893819
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>>892785>>892870that doesn't make sense cause disproportionately black babies are aborted way more often then white one's, hell its cause of abortion the amount of black people in the US has constantly stayed around 12%, in certain states more black babies are aborted then born
>This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women. Antiabortion activists, including some African-American pastors, have been waging a campaign around this fact, falsely asserting that the disparity is the result of aggressive marketing by abortion providers to minority communities.
>Black women are not alone in having disproportionately high unintended pregnancy and abortion rates. The abortion rate among Hispanic women, for example, although not as high as the rate among black women, is double the rate among whites. Hispanics also have a higher level of unintended pregnancy than white women. Black women's unintended pregnancy rates are the highest of all. These higher unintended pregnancy rates reflect the particular difficulties that many women in minority communities face in accessing high-quality contraceptive services and in using their chosen method of birth control consistently and effectively over long periods of time. Moreover, these realities must be seen in a larger context in which significant racial and ethnic disparities persist for a wide range of health outcomes, from diabetes to heart disease to breast and cervical cancer to sexually transmitted infections (STI), including HIV.
>Abortion rates have been declining in the United States for a quarter of a century, from a high of 29.3 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 in 1981 to an historic low (post-Roe v. Wade) of 19.4 in 2005. The overall number of abortions has been falling too, dropping to 1.2 million in 2005. Currently, about one-third of all abortions are obtained by white women, and 37% are obtained by black women. Latinas comprise a smaller proportion of the women who have abortions, and the rest are obtained by Asians, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans and women of mixed race (see chart).
>The abortion rates among women in minority communities have followed the overall downward trend over the three decades of legal abortion. At the same time, however, black women consistently have had the highest abortion rates, followed by Hispanic women (see chart). This holds true even when controlling for income: At every income level, black women have higher abortion rates than whites or Hispanics, except for women below the poverty line, where Hispanic women have slightly higher rates than black women. No. 893866
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This EU roadmap for countering "vaccine resistance" was updated in the last quarter of 2019 and proposes that vaccine passports are implemented in 2022, kek what a coincidence!, you can't make shit up stupider than picrel but here we are
No. 893992
>>893866Saw another outlet run that story yesterday about Japan and it was worded the same way
>Something in it, could be metal or something we don't know, but totally safe and does not point to any efficacy issue, guys! Come the fuck on
No. 894050
>>894032That's silly. Libleft thought has a very clear and easy-to-trace lineage that you can see for yourself just by browsing through something awful, tumblr, reddit, twitter, etc. posts over time. Any covert interference from institutional actors has likely been a matter of signal-boosting and sewing dissent, e.g. Russia creating fake events for BLM and far-right protests.
Same goes for the far right; bad actors have demonstrably amplified conspiratorial thought, Qanon, etc. but the ideas didn't need any help developing on their own.
No. 894257
>>894094Maybe they are protecting you from “knowing too much” if your family themselves are deep in this shit and taking precautions, from what your post says.
Either way, starting to think that bat soup story is bullshit.
No. 894800
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Our overlords want us to stay inside our homes and rot while working online and ordering shit. They also want to monitor our daily outings to see if we’re not breaking any “safety” rules. Oh and they are developing heartbeat recognition lasers now, wonder if that heart attack is actually real… No. 895177
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Fema camps are happening (in Australia). Be careful, Aussie anons
No. 895410
>>875924I fucking hate that this lib guy I knew told me, "Well, he's the lesser of two evils" after telling him about this video. I don't like
Trump either, but how the fuck can you still vote for that freak and think, 'I did something good for the country.' The molested children salute you.
No. 895929
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This was staged.
No. 896000
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The Taliban Government now has the one of the advanced armies in the world, this is more equipment then most South American. African and Asian Milarites, This is more than the Canadian military probably. No. 896055
>>896000This happens every. Fucking. Time.
Afghans have been just collecting soviet and western weapons for decades now.
It would be totally hilarious… if they were water pistols. We're unfortunately far from such a better parallel reality.
They all knew what would happen to those weapons. And they still shipped them there.
No. 896060
>>896055The previous socialist government had enough sense to destroy most of the equipment when it was apparent that the Taliban was winning
They lasted for 3 full years with no outside support, while the Taliban was funded and supplied by the Saudis and Pakistani's
All the Taliban was left with was a lot of Russian Kalashnikovs, supply trucks and Helicopters that they didn't know how to maintain
now the Taliban has one of the strongest armies in the world worth over 80 Billion Dollars
No. 896107
>>896101I'm not talking out of my ass. I was alive during that war (though a bit too preoccupied with one brewing on my own soil).
They KNEW where the weapons would end up. They're not idiots. They're opportunists. There was money in it and lives be damned.
No. 896262
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Bumperoni pizza, careful out there
No. 896284
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bumping. Watch out for cp. They made a thread, so stay away from the catalog
No. 896373
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I don't want to have a racist discussion or anything but I'm watching stuff about Egypt and the Egyptians look Asian to me. Not middle Eastern Asian. I could probably find a better image to show this.
Also does anyone know why all the noses were smashed off of statues I don't
No. 896383
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>>896373Maybe before semitic/sub-saharian admixture they looked different. The copts are believed to be an ethnic group previous to the islamization of Egypt. These more realistic egyptian portraits look very Middle-Eastern to me tho.
No. 896387
>>896383Yea some of the depictions definitely look middle Eastern but some of the rulers definitely look "foreign" for lack of a better word. There was a leader with fair hair too but then aren't there fair headed south Africans? Blows my mind all this was happening before AD.
Strange to think we're in very peaceful times considering humanity's past and all the raiding and sacking of cities. I know that happened now but there's thankfully a global outcry about it now. Maybe in the future if we're not all dead humans will be as empathetic and kind as whales.
No. 896404
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>>896373>>896383>>896384>>896387It should be noted that ancient Egyptian was ruled in various points of history by foreigners(key word being ruled, these foreigners never significantly impacted the genetics of the average population)
The First foreign rulers were the Hyksos, who the Egyptians depicted with fairer skin and big beards, at various points the south of Egypt was ruled by the Nubians and for brief periods Egypt as a whole, but the most frequent foreign occupiers were the Libyans(Berbers) who the Egyptians needed as they made up bulk of their Army
No. 896410
>>896404I wonder if any Asians would have came up the rivers of babylon, you just hear about the Mediterranean but surely there must have been some mixing from other cultures.
I wish my country had decent museums with artifacts and history about this.
No. 896693
>>896387>There was a leader with fair hair too but then aren't there fair headed south Africans?I think you have sliped here. ''South-africans''? Don't you mean North-Africans?
>Strange to think we're in very peaceful times considering humanity's past and all the raiding and sacking of cities. I know that happened now but there's thankfully a global outcry about it now. Maybe in the future if we're not all dead humans will be as empathetic and kind as whales.
Well, it seems like the elites don't need typical wars for their purposes. But I agree peace is what I wish for too.
>>896388They look semitic or north-african.
>>896404Definitely, them Ptolemaic dynasty was ethnically greek-macedonian. I can't help but laugh at nubian depictions of Cleopatra.
>>896410>I wish my country had decent museums with artifacts and history about this.Me too, anon.
No. 897056
>>897003anon literally said… vaccinated people are less likely to be hospitalised and have life threating complications if they catch covid.
people seem to forget how overrun hospitals were in the peak of the first wave i swear. hospitals were running out of ventilators and beds for covid patients. like i get having vaccine hesitancy, but it sure is nice to now have a solution for the problems we were having at the start of the pandemic
No. 897652
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I don't know if I just didn't notice this before, but why is it that it seems there's so much CP raids now?
I saw an anon in Lainchan wondering the same thing but in general for image boards, and other lainons were theorizing that it's some mix of trollops with honey potting. Some of them were even tinfoiling that it was governmental agencies triying to get image boards shut down to end free speech or something.
What do you guys think?
No. 897687
>>896055>>896107Actually the radical Jihadist groups, most of whom swore allegiance to ISIS still declare the Taliban as heretics
most Taliban groups follow Salafite sects of Islam and are mostly Urban young men, The Taliban follow Deobandism
Deobandism was a revisionist movement that came as a result of the defeat and Humiliation of Muslim power in the Indian subcontinent by the Sikhs, Hindus, Shias and the British, it basically sought to resist the "kafirs" by changing to a more extreme form of Islam that could be naviated within existing madhabi opinion. Madhibi rulings were favoured not based on their virtue or truth, but how it would help them resist british rule and diversify islam from Westernization. Deobandism gets its rulings from the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb's Fatawa 'Alamgiri
Salafism is similar in that it was a revivalist movement, but it exists outside of the 4 madhabs - picking and choosing rulings and opinions from all 4 - making it more erratic and inconsistent but they still declare the Taliban as being heretics mostly cause of the Taliban's rural Pashtun element
No. 898052
>>897770Nta but that was interesting to read, I do wonder if any boards will shut down because of the cp stuff.
I’m sure
i hope I’m not wrong that nonnies don’t go around clicking the links that the bots and moids are posting, maybe it’s just the lurking scrotes that do so.
So I’m wondering if this whole thing is really just lots of unhinged waste of oxygen trying to make the sane anons leave so they can have lots of places to share their stupid shit.
I hope they all get their dicks cut vertically in half.
No. 898256
File: 1630543595926.jpg (164.97 KB, 615x569, fuckthecdc.jpg) CDC, y'know, the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL, is now dictating what words you can and cannot use in everyday parlance. Fuck them and fuck anyone who supports them or even obeys them.
No. 898270
>>898265>we are now called global citizens We’ve been called that since 2015, when the nwo was slowly creeping it’s way. It’s just some of us (including myself) were too slow or just didn’t care enough to realize it.
Welcome to the new world order, fellow global citizen.
No. 898309
>>898291>Sounds insane if not quite dystopian knowing how the average human acts.*the average scrote
If I could just go anywhere whenever with no red tape, I'd be living it up and hanging out with my friends. It'd be awesome. Too bad males would fuck it all up.
No. 898428
>>898400>I can see how transhumance can help with disabilities and memory issueson the one hand yes but then think of it this way, the people who refuse the new way of living will be hated on and their healthcare will get shittier. and they'd have perfectly
valid reasons for refusing like religion or simply wanting to live naturally. people will start blaming them for their disabilities (when they could upgrade and opt out of it) and think they get what they deserve. then when it comes to family members/guardians not allowing the disabled person they're taking care of to upgrade (who may not understand any of it anyway) they would be hated too and maybe have their kid taken from them and forcibly altered.
anyway if the prophecy is true, I do think it will be something like that. I recently heard about this theory called Project Blue Beam, put forth by Serge monast. I suggest looking it up (preferably on duckduckgo) because it's a lot to summarize. On my own I was thinking it's weird how the govt/military reeeally wants us to believe in aliens, when UFOs are more likely military tech, then I got to wondering why. I thought maybe for more experiments on us (I think alien abductions are that) or even violence. His theory (apparently from his own research and whistleblowers? but who knows?) poses another explanation. but it's pretty crazy and I'm not sure I actually believe it. just something interesting to think about though. like, not far from now or maybe even already, they will have the technology to do something like that. to fool us anyway they want and take over. should that happen, the prophecy could be fulfilled easily. like I said I'm not sure I'm schizo enough to believe it but I'm never going to forget the possibility, because one day if not now this WILL be possible for them to do. technology is making us crazy powerful and honestly opens a lot of scary doors that some would rather we not worry about.
Oh also, something spooky: the guy who posed the theory had his kids taken away and then died of a heart attack. Of course all the conspiracy theorists fans of his think this is suspicious. I read a little of his own words when he was alive, and he had claimed that the technology exists to induce heart attacks in people. So, ironic and spooky, even as a coincidence.
No. 899387
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New pic for next thread! Found it on the ‘unpopular opinions about cows’ thread. It’s okay, nonnas. I feel sorry for us and you too for not waking up.
No. 900459
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What do anons think of the two FDA officials resigning over Biden's booster plans? No. 901454
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Brand in picrel is a 100% a front. Friend who got “scouted” by them confirmed it. Epstein-lite operation going on.
No. 904893
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My fellow schizo tinfoil anons… I got my 2 pfizer shots because of family pressure. I regret it but I'm pretty sure I'll be ok… right? whatever the case I'm never getting any more I don't care if it's like flu shots, since I have a super low risk of dying anyway this whole thing felt pointless. Do you think this method is ok though or am I already screwed (in your opinion) for getting it and anyone like me
pic related added to contribute more than a blog. if they are likely testing unvaxed more than the vaxed, then it stands to reason who is counting higher cases, right? sneaky
No. 904943
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only TlNfoil lf you get comedy 0ut of a TlNfoiI(namefag)
No. 905134
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Has anyone else seen this weird shit happening to songbirds in the midwestern US? An unknown disease is infecting their eyes and causing them to act erratically. The Department of Natural Resources in my state has ruled out all common illnesses and parasites. The birds are dying in droves, either from the disease itself or because they're too blind to see what they're flying into. I basically live in the epicenter of this and hear them hitting the windows of my house multiple times a week now. I'm not going to lie, it's scary as fuck, and I'm convinced this is only going to keep getting worse. Not just local birds, but wild animals everywhere, are just going to start spontaneously dying out from newly developed diseases. The bees mysteriously disappearing was only a warning.
No. 905136
>>905128Did you know some plague or pandemics can last decades some even centuries. It's not outlandish to have boosters when we have scientists tracking the virus and the mutations. Reading a genome doesn't take long and even uni students get access to the technology as it's cheap af these days and the future of medicine having more tailored medication so we don't encourage antimicrobial resistance.
Really I wish people would understand how deadly covid is. Do people really deny that young healthy people have died because of this disease? Do people not realise how scary some of the long term effects of long covid is? I bet these same people have no qualms with painkillers. And I never see any of the anti vaxxers having any issue with the fact that social media influencers can come out with vitamins etc but that's not evil or worrying!
Do people honestly think every scientist is in on the conspiracy? That there are no smart people left that are able to research and understand vaccines and efficacy and how it's been a global effort to reduce the impacts of this virus. It's actually sad that governments are crumbling to public pressure to stop telling us how to he safe and give us guidelines. I really don't see covid ever ending and I blame the "non conformists" sharing all their bullshit articles to each other and their unfounded opinions so they can feel superior.
Like if you truly think everyone that got the vaccine is destined to die, take a look at your peers. Are all you ones on the dole, or in shit jobs going to run the world when we're all dead? Is that the grand reset that illiterate cunts are going to call the shots? So fucking retarded!
No. 905161
>>905136The fatality rate is .02% total. This number includes the elderly and those with co-moralities are skewing this number higher. So for a young healthy person, their likelihood of dying once inflected is less than .02%. It can kill people, but there's an extremely small chance.
Do you have the same concern for fatal car accidents? Maybe we should all start using horse and buggys again because those are safer than cars - experienced and safe drivers may get into a fatal car crash!
No. 905162
>>905134They're still looking for the specific pathogen that's causing the symptoms in this cluster, but the overall profile of the disease is pretty similar to a previously known bird disease called House Finch eye disease. There was an epidemic of House Finch eye disease among songbirds in the Eastern US during the 90s, and the way it presents has a lot in common with the current outbreak: crusty, swollen eyes and disorientation (although not the more advanced neurological symptoms we're currently seeing).
They were able to dramatically curb rates of House Finch eye disease by telling people to sanitize or take down their bird feeders and birdbaths, which prevents transmission by limiting contact between birds. It's looking like the current illness is similarly affected by removing bird feeders/baths, so there's a good chance that the situation will improve dramatically once more of the population does so. The problem is that it's hard to distribute this information, since most people who put out a bird feeder don't exactly have a habit of browsing bird news sites. It's frustrating, but we're most likely stuck just waiting for the information to filter down to most people through local news or larger websites.
No. 905166
>>905157Anon, seriously properly have a wee think with your daft head there will you. One of the main issues is currently how unhealthy populations are when left to their own management and how hospitals can not handle the sheer amount of ill people dependent on them.
I'm not a burger but I visited America and was absolutely astounded by the amount of fat fucks everywhere. I can understand why the average American does not want to nationalise their health service, could you imagine paying tax to keep all those fat fucks alive?? That's why your diabetes medication is so fucking expensive in the states. The government doesn't need to create ill people, there's too many to handle. Governments want healthy sufficient people so they can collect tax off them and have a booking economy. There is a conspiracy why the government is so hell bent on keeping people alive and that's so they can take your money.
No. 905176
>>9051694,550,000 deaths resulting from 219,000,000 cases per Google. Oops, I'm an idiot, that figure would actually be 2%.
Regardless, as I said the elderly and those with co-morbidities greatly skew that number higher, so for a healthy young person, the fatality rate is still much less than 2%.
No. 905188
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>>905185Google, worldwide cases
No. 905190
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>>905147And yet, here you are, coping and seething. Enjoy your trauma bonding
No. 905193
>>905176Around 1.3 million die in car accidents globally per year and it is a law to wear a seat belt. A lot of those deaths would have been avoidable too and down to negligence of the driver.
4 million die out of 219 million cases and anon doesn't find it concerning. A lot of those deaths would have been avoided if guidelines would have been followed. But yeah saying 2% doesn't seem like much, but interesting that no one thinks it's a conspiracy to wear a seat belt when 1.3 million out of 6 billion is what?
No. 905201
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>>905193>1.3 million out of 6 billion is what?You can't compare 1.3 million deaths from car crashes to the total population of 6 billion, you have to compare it to the total amount of car crashes.
>>905194It's a worldwide figure. The demographic is everyone on earth who was infected with COVID.
But here are some specifics for the United States. People under 29 have a higher chance of dying from pneumonia than COVID.
No. 905215
>>905201Pedestrians die by cars, passengers die by cars, everyone gets effected and not every accident gets reported.
I'd rather take my chance with being double jabbed than lifting all restrictions and letting a virus that can kill indiscriminately even more freedom. As far as I know there haven't been boosters offered, but if I can read the research articles about them and they're offered freely I'd be open to them too. I have immunocompromised relatives and I feel a moral duty to help mitigate the spread.
No. 905367
>>905256NTA but doany vaccines prevent the spread of viruses beyond fighting it off sooner so there’s less time to spread?
> do not prevent people from dying of covid.> It lowers the risk of dying and that's it. pick one
No. 905444
>>905367>NTA but doany vaccines prevent the spread of viruses beyond fighting it off sooner so there’s less time to spread?There are many well developed vaccines that offer lifelong immunity. Formerly lethal childhood diseases have been almost wiped out in the west by sucessful vaccination programs. I'm not anti-vax, it's just very obvious that the current covid vaccines are not working.
>pick oneAre you ESL? To prevent something means to stop it entirely. To lower risk means it makes something less likely to happen.
No. 905464
>>905444You didn’t even address what I said. Having immunity isn’t the same as the virus not spreading. And some people still die from those diseases while being vaccinated.
>To prevent something means to stop it entirely>>905449This isn’t vidya you retard. in real life
nothing ever stops people from dying 100%. Everyone says seatbelts prevent people from dying. Lower chances of death from something
is prevention. If you would have died without the vaccine but you got it and didn’t, it prevented you from dying.
No. 905511
>>905157So is that why governments are struggling to curb obesity in children and adults? Because they
want them immobile, sick and dependent?
No. 905527
>>905503Here, let me explain it for you slowly
>OP says that covid vaccines don’t 100% prevent people from dying from Covid>this statement implies that other vaccines do>they do not, which means Covid vaccine is acting the same way as the vaccines OP is comparing it to>OP’s logic is inconsistent On top of that, literally everyone uses “prevent” and “prevention” when discussing things that aren’t 100%. I can not even find a definition anywhere of prevention that says that includes absolutely no chance of that thing happening anyway
No. 905534
>>905511That's my tinfoil, or else governments would have banned or set more regulations on processed foods that lead to health problems…or spend more time trying to get grocery stores into food deserts or food delivery programs for people in rural areas so poorer people have better access to healthy foods.
Healthy people don't need much medicine or medical treatments. Pharma has a huge lobbying presence in government. Unhealthy people typically need regular medications for whatever ailments they have. The more unhealthy people there are, the more people that need medical care, and the more money pharma can make.
No. 905574
>>905534Have you considered the fact that most governments are made of fat unhealthy people?
It's hardly a conspiracy if they're doing it to themselves too. People are just pigs and will eat whatever garbage. Powerful politicians and businesspeople included.
People that don't care for their own bodies get elected and you're surprised they don't care about anyone else's body either and think it's a conspiracy?
I have noticed tinfoilers often give people more credit than they can possibly deserve. Like this, turning fat idiot slobs into strategic masterminds.
No. 907176
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Old milk but since it came up in the Twitter Hate thread, I realize most people don't know the millions of dollars and man hours poured into creating social division on social media. Picrel is from a 2018 round up of articles interesting all the Twitter blog posts they linked have been updated and scrubbed of admission of negligence from Twitter.
My personal tinfoil is that women are currently being divided in exactly this way by the gender ideology wave, because second wave feminism brought us too close to true power and reform. If they keep us fighting amongst ourselves about Alok McPedo and Caster Semenya and Shinji Paige we have no attention left to focus on fucking abortion rights being taken away.
No. 907248
>>907176Because it’s easier to control if those divide people by race, sex, and other ideologies so none of the “commoners” stand up against them in the real issues - classism and impending nwo.
I’ve read that people were starting to realize the real issues with tptb and were waking up until covid kicked in.
No. 908022
>>907248divide and conquer
I know I shouldn't lurk /pol/ but I get the feeling those "talichad" pro-taliban memes are from glowies because they read easily like recruitment propaganda
No. 908600
>>907986Tell us something we don't know anon, even the dollar bill notes tell the story of 9/11. Even Monsters Inc and Simpsons and other shit featured 9/11 before 2001. It was in the works for years.
Also the towers represent the masonic pillars Jachin and Boaz. Look up what they are and their meaning - you'll be surprised. Also the guy who built the towers / designed them ect he was a mason too.
No. 908616
>>896900It makes no sense to take a vaccine just to go to a club and still get the same virus. Not even one vaccine but TWO and it may be THREE soon.
It's a joke
I'm waiting until 2023 to see what's up because that'll be the end of all this hog shit. Also the end of the vaccine trials.
No. 908637
>>908600>hey, George W Bush>hi, it's nice to see you again Matt Groening. Hey, how's your show going?>pretty good, though we plan to make the first episode of Season 9 other only good episode, y'know?. By the way, you know how you plan to bomb the twin towers in September?>yes…>well, you see, I snuck a little easter egg behind the scenes. Well, you know the first episode of the 9th season I just talked about? Well, I snuck in a little reference to the twin towers and the exact date>hahahha God, that's so funny. I bet that's gonna piss people off years to come No. 908639
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>>908616Why stop at three when you can have four?
And they HOPE it works, kek. Not that controlled clinical trials would be able to tell you that… so instead of course governments will force it on everyone and hope for the best.
Pfizer executives are laughing all the way to the bank.
No. 908907
>>908636No reparations because as
usual the US is highly implicated, see Peter Daszak
>>908668Come to
nonnie No. 909770
Wtf, I wanted to know more about Weimar Germany because usually you only hear about the Nazis and I was curious. I found this article and it sounds like a nightmare world but the way this is written, it's mostly lighthearted and almost admiring in tone? In an article that covers child prostitution and many other terrible things? Am I insane for sensing this…? a greater tinfoil, I think even though things are not that bad yet, we are living in a time like that again and it's going to get worse… I'm not a nazi so I thought the edgelords were exaggerating when they compared now to then, yes they were but I'm honestly frightened when huge parts of the west are increasingly inching towards this stuff. Seeing the ddlg threads and the push for legal prostitution it's been making me feel sick. I don't feel any comfort knowing there's nothing new under the sun.
No. 909918
>>909910what's up with mentally ill bitches and becoming
abusive towards other women and grooming them, it's not the only case and why do they insist calling themselves feminists although they sexually traffick women. I think feminism is dying. Liberal feminism has been appropriated by women that tell other women to get naked for men and sexually liberate themselves. Now radical feminism is being appropriated by all sorts of women with sociopathic tendencies. Look at all tradthots becoming radfems
No. 910072
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I saw a (poorly made) documentary about Kim Noble years ago and from time to time I still think about her. She is very mentally ill (suffers from DID, allegedly) because of severe childhood trauma. Later in life she started painting and some of her paintings are clearly about an organized pedophile ring. Recently I learned that apparently there was an interview of her that's been deleted everywhere, where she mentions her abusers being tied to mkultra or something similar. Anyone know if the interview really exists or has actually seen it?
>>908538This had been debunked already. The ondest version of the scene is actually the one with the bird. This video has been edited afterwards to make people talk.
No. 910078
>>910015The fact you're talking about "the vaccine" despite there being multiple made from varying techniques makes your whole post unbelieveable, whether you have a point or not.
I do agree though, like another anon said, that vaccines and medication aren't made with women in mind.
No. 910098
>>910038So true and so sad. I’ve already been labeled antivaxx even though I’ve already been vaccinated. Make it make sense.
>>910078I was referring to the study from Japan on the Pfizer vaccine. It was released under the freedom of information act. While there are variations of the vaccine the point remains it’s worrying women aren’t being fully considered.
No. 911413
>>911371Second conspiracy is this whole sex trafficking is connected
Women from Asia particularly south Asia southeast Asia get kidnapped and then sex trafficked to some rich arab country where they are torture toys for these sheikh same goes for women in the west, i think they end up in the same place
These pedos and rich rapists go for exotic also because it's safer for them and basically no one is looking for them where they are
These women end up being sex slaves in some dungeon
Politicians are paid to look the other way
I read it somewhere some rich arab sheikh goes to different countries mainly where there is muslim community and rents a bride for a vacation parents of these girls give them up for money or either because Arabs are top in hierarchy of muslim society
These girls go for honeymoons with sheiks, mostly underage
No. 911450
>>894800Is it bad that I'm pretty optimistic about most stuff, except the rise of take away food (modern slavery for bike delivery men, increase of obesity) and the heartbeat recognition tracking (for obvious reasons) ?
I'm especially excited about the hybrid school thing, as our learning methods are very outdated, and you can easily compact an 1 long class to a 15 min video, and have better understanding with animated graphs, etc.
No. 911472
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>>911438I'm a retarded who lives under a rock, so can someone explain to me which part of this "theory" is supposed to be outlandish? Is it the idea that it'd literally all traffic would be connected? I'm from a shithole third world and it's common knowledge that women are tricked to go to richer countries with the premise of work and are actually forced into prostitution, same with there being "sex tourism" aka foreigners coming here for prostitute including underaged ones. The average citizen might only know about it in vague terms, but authorities are of course involved in the same way they must be for drug and guns trafficking to efficiently happen
No. 911483
>>909770This feels like it was written by a they/them burger. Weimarer Republic era germany was quite poor and suffering from the consequences of WWI (which is why the nazi party and all the scapegoating was such a success in the first place) and degeneracy was frowned upon (due to the extremely disciplinary Prussian elders still being alive or having influenced their kids) but ignored since people had bigger issues to deal with just to survive.
And those murder cases didn't sell so much because germans were bloodthirsty and wild or whatever the fuck that article tries to say, but because it was reported and caught so rarely (especially in non-cities) and not on the news daily like nowadays, so it felt more personal and people were scared when it happened.
No. 911587
>>911472>>911438Let's be honest many of these rings have charities as thier fronts
There have been cases where orphanages were trafficking women to some other country and then they were sold in to sex slavery or prostitution
Same case with women shelters some of them atleast
Because it's charity no one bat's an eye or looks into detail how funds are being spent and no one tracks (specially at orphanages)
People that have no one in their life
Many billionaires "donate" funds to charities but ultimately they get to decide what is done with those funds example to get a foot in door of a top uni, to get influence in a particular society or even to launder their money in that charity
Its not taxable and they can even hire their own people to do shit
I am sure charities or organisations such as open society aren't really charities it's just a hack from tax system or a front to something bad
No. 911904
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>>911609Look up Laura Silsby and her "work" in Haiti. Also Elpida which had picrel as their logo until they changed it for…reasons. They also have ties to the Clintons.
> No. 912186
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This has to be Canada's most toxic election ever. Every single day there's a new story about Justin Trudeau getting followed, heckled or assaulted on the campaign trail or the Liberal candidates getting heckled, assaulted, having their property vandalized, signs vandalized with hate speech, etc. People are blaming everything on angry right-wingers or anti-vaxxers but I'm convinced all of this is orchestrated and fake.
No. 912188
>>911276That’s the Kaleigi plan
It’s been in the works for years
No. 912197
>>911413Funny you say this anon…
I remember seeing some video reaction on hoodsite of a black guy in shock speak about this. He was stammering and stuttering in pure shock how women on the dark web ect are in cages and kids. It’s all under the Getty museum and parts of Asia. Underground and in warehouses that have so much security. Something is going on and there is the conspiracy of meat being made out of poor people.
And also - has anyone seen the Netflix movie called “Level 16”
It’s insane and I couldn’t sleep
Girls snatched as babies and raised in this warehouse. They’re told to keep youthful and clean. Pure. And they’re being reared like cattle, it’s a farm. Their faces are taken for rich people. Rich women.
The girls are killed because they’re put to sleep, on drugs at night then taken to some room for elite to look at them and then if selected the girl is killed. And then her face is taken and it’s planted on some rich woman’s…
It’s so so fucked up
I wonder if this shit happens and I wouldn’t be surprised if it does
No. 912211
>>912186Left loves to play
victim, they probably realized their time was coming up and trying to rally liberal voters with a martyr shtick. Honestly I think this election blackpilled lots of ppl on politics. I think ppl are realizing that no matter which party gets elected, the party always gets bought out by megacorps looking to profit.
No. 912219
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>>912197Brainwashing is used to create pleasure slaves definitely. Most elites are men and you know how men are like use money to enact all their sick fantasies. I read about a girl who was kidnapped and trained to act like a dog for "puppy play" and then got lobotomized to complete "the fantasy". Never doubt the depths that scrotes will go, that's the whole reason capitalism exists in the first place. With enough money they can fulfill every fucked up fantasy they have.
No. 912227
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>finished Loki episode about variants
>news is filled with "new COVID-19 Delta Variant"
Wtf was that? When the episode came out I couldn't stop seeing it everywhere. Yeah obviously because the Delta just came out and all, but what weird timing it was.
No. 912285
>>863984I want more Lana tinfoil, it's legit interesting to me. I wonder what what down between her and Weinstein but I can't dig up much.
Added tinfoil is I believe she holds a LOT of industry secrets for some reason. It's just a feeling, in addition to the strange way she interacts with other celebs, the dirtbag males she associates with, the way she seems to be respected in the industry but not liked, it seems like she's kinda protected in the industry too, to a certain degree.
No. 912404
>>912285She was a media darling for awhile in the early 2010s but I guess she didn't wanna play ball with the scrotes she's associated with (didn't wanna be their plaything anymore, nor let them fully control her image), then music execs began trashing her through gossip and mainstream music journalism… which was all for naught, her style appeals to millions and no one really minds that she was brought up as an industry plant.
I think she's disliked because she was way too open about having to have sex with higher ups just to maintain her career. She probably knows about underage girls being lured in with big promises but ending up empty handed.
It's an open secret, but they don't like it when you say it out loud.
No. 912409
>>912213>Bc atleast where I am all the brown immigrants are engineers and drs, they're the ones making the money.Kek
No I meant financially all refugees make labour segment of society
So black people and middle eastern people as lowest caste
No. 912463
>>912285Not exactly the tinfoil that you want, but if you care about her past relationships, life details etc. the Lanalysis thread on Lanaboards is good. It uncovered some stuff.
If you don't sorry, don't have anything full-blown tinfoily.
No. 912472
>>912197So we’re heading to something like this?
It’s things like this make me believe there is some truth to the pizzagate conspiracy. I one of the earlier threads, it was discovered that Alefantis had connections with other shady hipsters (whom probably come from elite families) had business that were fronts for human trafficking, specifically children and voodoo doughnuts was one of those places.
No. 912721
>>912186Oh it's absolutely mostly (if not all) fake or severely exaggerated, everyone I've talked to about it thinks the same thing. Watched a bit of the debate online and had to turn it off when they all started talking over each other and screaming like babies, the
victim complexes are off the charts.
>>912211>this election blackpilled lots of ppl on politicsAgree, it's disheartening for people because they know the only ones who have a chance of being elected are just the same shit with a different label on it
No. 913376
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Nicki Minaj metaphorically snapped her tether and killed a coolie. I love it. She's woken up and is destroying Twitter.
No. 913409
>>913376>>913390oh great right wing tuckerfags infested this section of the board
go back to your containment thread
no of all people she should definitely not be defending him he's vile
No. 913618
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>>913376>Nicki interacting with HasanNow wtf. Honestly kind of glad she shut him up, lol. But now he's just going to get more rich so was it even worth it.
No. 913671
>>913618Yeah, fair. I'm glad she reamed him over just how ridiculous he was being by basically trying to say
Nicki Minaj has white supremacist sympathies, but he doesn't need more free promotion. He's insufferable and big-headed enough as it is.
No. 913778
>>913746i do too lol im canadian and i watch fox pretty often haha
>>913507agreed but im glad to see other like-minded nonnies
>>912721you are 100% correct, trudeau is such a scumbag and he twists anyone who is against him or even dares to question him. the more "extreme" protestors who show up at his events are obvious plants to make anyone who hates him look bad and evil, meanwhile he openly treats women like shit and threatens "anti-vaxxers" aka anyone who is brave enough to question this vaccine bs
im sick of canada just bc of how obvious it is that our leaders dont care about us at all and the media is completely bought out… everything feels rigged and i find it very hard to act normal
No. 913879
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Media complaining about misinformation of covid reminds me of this
Post more where media was caught outright where they lied to public
No. 913927
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I wonder how are media is going to try to justify this. It's the same as the mask mandates, rich people don't have to do it but all the other commoners have to. I'm so tired of this unfair system.
>>913879They lie so much. It's not even worth watching the news anymore.
No. 913929
>>913376>>913618I mean this is shouldn't be really surprising, most black Americans(especially from the South) have very conservative views and would likely vote for the Republicans if it weren't the racism
They want less immigration overall, like their guns, don't like gays or Trannies and believe that Chrisantiy(specifically Anglo based Protestantism) should play a role in state politics
I think if Republicans played their cards right they could create a Populist Voting block of Whites, Black and Hispanic Christians and they don't have to do much, just let the Democrats implode on themselves with illogical and absurd policies that only benefit an extreme woke minority
No. 913975
>>911413>>911438This might not be known in the west but its more known in Pakistan, before the pandemic many young Arabs would come to Pakistan for "enjoyment" we have a lotta weapons and lax Gun laws, high quality cheap drugs(mostly Heroin and Hash) and most importantly extremely corrupt cops that would let you get away with murder if you had enough money which they did
these Young Arabs would go around Karachi driving their Lamborghinis many times running over people, shooting the varied Guns(Kalashnikovs, M4's, even Rocket Launchers) enjoying the nightlife and often times raping young Pakistani girls, knowing full well they will get away with it
I had a cousin who was harassed by an Arab dude, she literally had to run away from an upper class restaurant that they were in to escape from them
I hear they do similar shit in South East Asia, Islam is very much an Arab superracist religion and so most non-Arab Muslims look up to them and always viewing that they could never reach the level of Arabs cause they are blessed with the "Holy language" of the Muhammad and his companions
No. 914155
>>913927True nypost, Washington post, wall street, huff, nyt
They are biggest culprits who lie the most
Vice used to be okay but it turned just like the others as soon as it started getting funds from billionaires like soros
No. 914376
>>914372yep lol but i honestly think the USA is better though just because i see many states are taking a stand against vaxx mandates… im in ontario and as of next week i will become a second class citizen since im not allowed to go certain places without proof of vaccine. thanks so much for noticing me hahaha!
does anyone else feel like theyre trapped in life lately? this is kinda ot but being un-vaxxed feels like being an outsider; however the whole situation smells and i cant bring myself to just get the shots and not think about it. im the only person who hasnt gotten it in my family and im currently unemployed (whilst studying for a test so its not like i am doing nothing) but i suspect it will be tough finding a job due to my status.. like why is the world like this
No. 914383
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>>914376Atleast in the us the conservative leaders actually stick to their muh freedom stuff and don't allow vaccine mandates. In Canada the conservatives are just as quick as liberals to present their ass for fucking to big corps. Healthcare workers now have to get vac'd or they get fired. Some uni's straight up don't allow religious exemption and will kick out students if they don't get vac'd, not even allow them to do virtual school. As for looking for jobs, right now tons of customer service positions are open but no one wants them bc it's literal hell to work with the current public. I quit a few months into my customer service job after I had a full breakdown.
No. 914439 about sex slavery in Arab countries
I know its not a good soruce but that what I could find
No. 914456
>>914439This shouldn't be surprising, the gulf states literally function on literal human slavery, sex slavery is almost to be expected when you have these societies
Slavery is allowed in Islam and sex slavery is allowed in Islam, so their not morally torn up about, they have the money and power to get away with it
This is why I unironically hope Iran glasses the Gulf
No. 914507
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>>914456I have come across same argument with sex slavery in islam
Sick how liberals have allied with Muslims
No. 914534
>>914384So you're admitting that your parents are millionares? Nice LARP.
Also, no, I didn't know about some wackjob who formed a parasocial relationship with Tucker Carlson, because why would I..? You seriously think an elite male isn't a sex pest by default? Tf are you doing on a conspiracy thread then "millionare" lol
No. 914551
>>914542To an extent yes, Muhammad unlike Jesus or the Buddha ruled a state for over 10 years, in that state he was a priest kink with absolute power
So for Muslims this was the Ideal state and nothing will ever come close to it
No. 914600
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10k migrants are chilling under a bridge in Texas
No. 914614
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Here's my tinfoil that I'm starting to believe more and more everyday
I think elites are pushing society to be materialistic, technologically obsessed, weak and degenerate. so that when global collapse caused by climate change inevitably occurs they'll have less human competition to deal with
Think about it, during the Cold War both Western and Easter block citizens were taught survival skills so that they could survive the fallout to some degree, I doubt any kpop stannies or Hood "gangsters' know anything about scourging for food and surviving outside modern society
No. 914630
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the "hood" is a lower community but they are still very reliant on society, mostly eating store bought food and nothing organic, knowing jack shit about the environment, DIY fixes and survivalism, its why I think the image of the "Thug" or the "Pimp Gangster" get promoted in media so much and why they get glorified, cause the "Thug" is a pathetic nuisance, he's not a soldier, a militia fighter, a gruella, anyone with any combat training, he's just a punk with a Gun and when that image get sea the ideal form of masculinity then the elites have nothing to be worried about, cause when you can hire soldiers then you can just simply crush them in a matter of seconds
No. 914900
>>914630You're 100% right. Anything pushing self-sufficiency is automatically bad. Just look at the bad rep preppers
still get.
>"Hurrr look at those conspiracy theorists stocking up on long life food, training to forage and farm, installing rain filters, solar panels and backup gennies and training with guns to defend their family and function in any disaster, they must be crazy right wingers durrr."TPTB want you to think you're only as powerful/masculine as you look. Gotta keep'em consooming to keep their eye off the ball. Same goes for women too.
>"Oh you like guns? get a pink rifle and a pink holster and a pink this and a pink that. Haha no, why bother learning how to properly use it or maintain it?" No. 915298
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Saw this on the kiwi farms’ own tinfoil thread and since most of us are concerned about the vaxx and environment, it’s all about population control.
>Heads: sterility
>Tails: death
Either way, we’re fucked.
No. 915436
>>897693i am laughing at this reading the replies
how are you going to ask for proof on an anonymous image board that is good enough to not be dismissed as gossip or schizo fanfiction? real proof belongs in the courts
anything new and interesting will seem like fantasy to anons who are skeptical
No. 915608
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>>915595Correct. Fertility is not the issue as a typical country's population growth is already stunted compated to previous generations, easily. It's longevity. And medical profit. The system cannot support future population with so many people living well past retirement age. They want us to die as soon as we stop being productive, ideally. Or as they see fit.
No. 915625
>>915585God, fuck this. This whole pandemic has 100% been manufactured panic. I'm sad I bought it before, and I'm even sadder about the people who've already turned this into a personality and still won't let shit go.
Morons will be nodding their head to this and literally anything else as long as a celebrity says it's to "fight the pandemic".
>"Only 4% of Africa is vaccinated! That's unjust!"Lmao, same freak who insisted Africans would be dying in the streets left and right. Nothing fucking happened, shove your vaccine and weak-ass virus up your ass.
No. 915735
>>915625Funny thing is delta variant came into existence because the precautions relaxed for vaccinated
Farmers protests, festivals and events etc
No. 915984
delta aka ukorona became widespread because degradded british slobs couldn't follow lockdown rules and kept on slagging it up. probably because their flats are too disgusting to be in if you're not coming home drunk & passing out. filthy people
No. 916467
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>>916287glad you asked: heres a site pointing out the typical theory about them adopting their close friend's kids: their kids look way more similar to them and the funniest part of all…. there are no pics of michelle pregnant (none ever have been found)
theres other parts to the story as well but there has been remarks that michelle used to be a man named michael who was friends with barack and then became michelle eventually and funnily enough theres many videos of barack referring to her as just "michael" lol
No. 916620
>>850454My friend had covid and wasnt able to breathe well or eat. Had it pretty bad first few days. Then she got the vaccine and got just as sick also lost feeling in her arms for a day? (Is that a common symptom?) She was calling me freaking out. She's fine now but if you get the vaccine it doesn't prevent covid and once get covid don't you build up an immunity to it? Doesn't the vaccine have covid in it is that why it makes some people sick?
I don't think people are dumb for not wanting to take a vaccine that people aren't even sure what the full side effects are.
No. 916723
>>915967Are you guys actually retarded or just troons.
of course shes not a fucking man just because shes doesnt post her pussy online for her husbands followers to jerk off to doesnt mean she has a dick, go fuck yourselves.
No. 917324
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>>912285lana's stalker who broke into her house found this
No. 917889
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>>917676yup. thats not even tinfoil. dr. malone confirmed this as well as dr. vanden bossche and others
picrel is important to consider regarding vaccination practices in general
No. 917958
>>917939Then why do I constantly hear people shitting on anti-vaxxers, and rarely ever anyone shitting on companies and institutions? Trust is
earned, and yet those people are called stupid for not trusting entities that took advantage of their trust before.
No. 917972
>>917958No one wants to
trigger the liberal autists irl, and social medias routinely ban that kind of wrongthink.
No. 918016
>>917980It's not just social media, my post was
triggered by an irl conversation with a friend (both of us got the third shot btw).
Sucks how companies and governments always manage to shift the blame onto the people.
>"Aren't these people stupid for not trusting us? Not like you smart ones" - they say with their hand in your pocket while robbing you blind No. 918744
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>>918016Huh. Everybody I've spoken with IRL (all vaxxed come to think of it) respect my unvaccinated stance once I simply tell them that I don't believe anything the "officials"/media say anymore. The ivermectin "overdose" stories being exposed as fake probably helped as well.
No. 918893
>>918744>mediaYep, they're also very very much to blame for people not trusting in the vaccines.
Just be aware those people you spoke to could be talking shit about you behind your back to other vaccinated people. As people do.
No. 919289
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Why did the CIA make people do this milk crate climbing challenge? They made it go viral for like a week in August then they stopped pushing it, what was their intent with this?
No. 919333
>>919289I don't believe it's the CIA that pushed that, but if it was, my tinfoil would be partnership with the CDC. Send an increase of young adults in crowded urban areas to hospitals so they can be tested for COVID. If COVID is high in the area, there's a higher chance that these people would be positive and asymptomatic so hospitals can say someone who is COVID-positive is taking up a bed.
It's not very sturdy tinfoil, but I think conspiracies are fun to think about.
No. 919642
>>919383Screw that
Liberals who say they are different from left don't even confront left about islam or troons
Never ever seen any liberal criticizing any of the things left has been doing
No. 919653
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>>919642Around the 70's the Western left wing started separating itself from the Eastern block positions, this led to adopt inconsistent world views that go against the very concept of progressivism
such as the defense of Islam and other backward religions(which the Soviets suppressed) Pornography(which the Soivets deemed bourgeois decadence) ad prostitution (which was rightfully condemned as a form of immoral exploitation of women)
No. 919660
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Ot not a conspiracy
But dont know where to put it
No. 919673
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>>918908There's another option nonita
No. 919676
>>919675Strange hiw it never applies to Christians hindus and bhuddhists
Remember bhuddists are violent as redditors believe
It only applies to muslims and Jews to some extent
No. 919679
>>919653Have you read about things soviet women had to go through
Soviet officers used their powers just like any other
No. 919683
>They also considered homosexuality bourgeois decadenceOnly Male Homosexuality though
>>919679At least it was illegal on paper, Muslim women get raped by state mandated before being executed cause of their Holy books
No. 919686
>>919685Its the case everywhere
First they do their muslim things
When someone retaliates they cry about oppression and islamophobia
Their freedom of religion being violated etc
No. 919767
>>919759There has been violence way before that
And muslims have been violent their entire history in the subcontinent
No. 919831
>>919795Believing anything from mainstream media is risky
Nothing is true and it isn't recent
It has been since post ww2
I have seen Americans protesting against mainstream media when they lied about Vietnam or WMDs in iraq
So many stories when government media "experts" have lied
But people go right back falling everytime for thier lies
Same goes for euros, i don't get why so many people trust these institutions
No. 919876
>>919836Well hindus and sikhs do love outside of india
Are they assholes there?
No. 919984
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Anyone else noticed how ppl are becoming more and more forgetful? I tinfoil that even asymptomatic cases cause some kind of brain damage, or the vacs are starting to show their side effects.
No. 920167
>>920064They were sacrificed with or without her intention. Also fuck you for telling me how I feel. I too have younger siblings and I wouldn’t want to imagine ever losing them.
When I meant by sorrow, I meant her past relationships with Ben Moody and Shaun Morgan.
No. 920179
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>>920062They aren't ambiguous at all, the fathers line wasn't subtle at all.
Amy Lee even explained that it was inspired by confederate statues No. 920415
>>920179She’s the great grand-niece of Robert E. Lee and funny enough, Lana Del Rey is related to Ulysses S. Grant.
It was theorized
on the vc forums a few years ago that artists are chosen due to having noble bloodlines, akin to the Laurel Canyon musicians from the 60’s.
No. 922136
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No. 922211
>>922136>>922201were fucking doomed aren't we? we are all gonna be serfs to handful of billionaires all the while we get further divided and argue about bullshit cause of polices these assholes support
our only hope would be some catastrophic natural disaster
No. 922484
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A high-level wikipedia editor is getting paid to advertise for disney on the site. The disneyplus show wandavision has been featured in front page did you know section three times within the last two weeks, always accompanied by an utterly insignificant and boring "fact". Within the last few years, I've noticed the same thing with new netflix releases as well. It's pretty fucking annoying when they talk such a big game about being a neutral unbiased organization.
No. 922543
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This faggot is Steve Descano, Commonwealth Attorney for Virginia. He was funded by George Soros to get into office. I only just heard about him because of the fucking abominable shit he does for child molesters and rapists:
Some scrote child molester abused a girl for SEVEN years, and Descano offered him a plea deal of 17 years. Not life, not the 80 years that his charges add up to, 17 years. He's also doing the same thing as Gascon in LA where you're allowed to steal shit, indecently expose yourself, aid a criminal, etc. But this guy has a special knack for letting rapists and pedophiles off easy.
No. 924746
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Tectonic plates be damned there's something going on in the interior. There's some kind of "underground" society operating in plain sight comprised of mostly addicts, homeless, mentally ill people. scammers, liars, beggars, thieves. I'm not sure how it really works or if the two concepts are actually related but there's something going on and I can't ignore it anymore
No. 924768
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you ever think how many babies have probably been switched at birth, I mean its likely not intentional but with the way hospitals are I could very well believe that at most 1/5th of the babies parents leave with aren't theirs
No. 924923
>>924813how would a mother feel, I would be mortified finding out my baby isn't my own and that I have taken someone else's child and I do think this happens
Nurses are lazy fucks and I don't think they care if babies get mixed up
No. 925059
>>924813Unless you had a really shitty upbringing, it would be pathetic as fuck to become an alcoholic over that.
I can understand wondering and having conflicting feelings, even more so on the parents side, but acting like the technicality that you were birthed by a different woman is the end of the world… weak
No. 925070
>>925059Nta but I know a couple of alcos who had great upbringings and wonderful families and can't pinpoint anything that happened to make them alcos.. I always thought it was a trauma thing. Then they brought up shit like
>Abundant evidence indicates that alcoholism is a complex genetic disease, with variations in a large number of genes affecting risk. Some of these genes have been identified, including two genes of alcohol metabolism, ADH1B and ALDH2, that have the strongest known affects on risk for alcoholism.Maybe her birth family had some addiction running through it.
No. 925113
>>924897>How will world end up if we keep going in this directionCyberpunk future without flying cars and less neon lights. Useless devices that last less than 3 years. Neverending piles of electronic trash.
Toxic troposphere. The fall of the US Empire followed by the end of the Oil Wars, which will be exchanged by Water Wars. Flight of the rootless elites to the East (good luck surviving in China, they kill billionaires there lmao). Everyone is coerced into becoming dopamine junkies through bread & circuses, distracted and satisfied, unable to pay attention to the sociopaths ruling over them.
>And how will you surviveIf my plans completely fall apart and I'm not out of this shithole country and out of the main cities, I will be living in my designated pod, making ends meet with digital art, until committing suicide when/if shit hits the fan.
No. 925381
>>849990I see all elites rich class becoming one in this nwo
All others becoming lower class expendables regardless of race or ethnicity
No. 925387
>>925294Funny that you think you will be able to live your life peacefully in your own farmhouse because everything will be owned by the rich
Also it's difficult to live peacefully when the world will be filled with entitled desperate people who think that you as a part of particular community are privileged and it's justified to do crimes against you because muh oppression
I see refugee crisis 2.0 more refugees from muslim world leading to more violence
It is astounding that liberals deny they stand for the rights of the people and are against the establishment when they are part of it
Liberalism ended for me when liberals became a part of the mainstream when politicians became liberal wokes
Entire world is built around the idea of deflecting blame until it becomes so convoluted that bad stuff gets diluted
Whos actually responsible for all the bad that happens you don't know
Liberals side with literal dictatorships and most illiberal people on the planet just to be contradictory
No. 925418
>>925413I was adding on to that
That farming or living independently without relying on industries isn't a viable option
They are making sure of that
No. 925785
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waaahhh nonnies I can't take how much everything has been dumbed down. Can't believe this once has been a mainstream music video/ this hasn't been regarded as tinfoil No. 925825
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>>924897I go look for her.
No. 925928
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>>925785>>925792Just posting a relevant meme about my favourite band. Nothing to see here
No. 926162
What if femdom anon and tradthot anon in the MTF thread are the same person?
>>925825Who is this? I don't really play games but I love masked characters
No. 926217
>>926162The Huntress from Dead by Deadlight!
>>925907Same. I'd be in heaven hearing her humming me to sleep.
No. 926843
>>926780Not her, but rich are building their completely self sufficient bunkers look it up
They are definitely creating enclaves that are built like forts
With thier farms and water supply also with security personnel
No. 927016
>>926762Definitely interesting especially if you consider the fact for the longest time ProVax tried to convince everyone that it was only those braindead redneck republican's who protested anything to do with COVID even though no one bothered to question why there's an extreme amount of restrictions even though most people are vaccinated and how hospitals are supposedly loaded with dead bodies.
>>926780Rich are rich I don't care how they got rich and where they are from
No. 927060
>>927055They were heros until nurses and other healthcare workers started doubting the vaccine and exposing the mild cases being hospitalized as well as the other doctors lying about COVID "filling up hospitals"
NoNewNormal before it was banned spread a picture of a "doctor" who was complaining about how "there are people dying everywhere and waiting in the halls for a bed" but there were dog treats and animal care items in her "doctor room" because she was a Vet
the internet is doing good at removing this though however thanks to the wayback machine you can see some of the ridiculous stuff people have been lying about. COVID is bad but lying to people as well as over-restricting is insane
No. 927072
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Who is behind the push for the data collection, movement restrictions, and tracking of British citizens? It's happening elsewhere of course, but I genuinely believe the Conservative cabinet ministers are retarded. And after all, Boris and his ex-SPAD Dominic Cummings wanted to pursue herd immunity, but caved to populist pressure.
No. 927088
>>927074blm wont really get anywhere though because once its starts to be beneficial to public the government will just start mowing people down. Everything is orchestrated, everything is planned already
The same people who started sperging about blue lives matter last year are quiet about whats happening in australia. I dont understand why they think the police works for the safety of the public when they never have. The police work for the government, and the government works for their sponsors, not us, never us.
America has 2 choices for whats about to happen in the next decade.
1.Become authoritarian and create caste systems with amazon towns
2. Anarchy, civil war, and the fall of the american empire
No. 927143
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food for thought
No. 927458
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thoughts? I'm legit asking.
No. 927545
>>927458Well yes individually you are worth the effort but lets say a business plan requires a large amount of people that have lets day rfid chips so they can do touchless transactions on the go
Look up sweden chip in hand money
No. 927598
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So is this guy getting tortured on the daily now or what, i haven't heard about him in a while
No. 928261
>>928194>>928214I still have a few super twittery people I know from uni on my instagram and they were all posting about wearing orange shirts on the new holiday to show support for reconciliation, the shirts are just a virtue signalling thing 100%. Not sure about the slogans on the pins, "Save the Children" was definitely used by Q but it wouldn't be the first time that woke groups took an idea that they once declared "
problematic" and decided it was ok as long as they did it. "Every Child Matters" seems much more neutral and was probably just something else people thought up to refer to the schools, like all the lawn signs and shit people have done to "show support."
No. 928834
>>851139I wanna add to what this anon said:
When it comes to the immunocompromised fraction of "sick and eldery", there's a chance that they won't develop antibodies when getting the vaccine.
At the same time, vaccinated people who catch covid are usually less infectious because their virus load stays small.
So vaccinating not-at-risk people still passively helps protect those who don't have an immune response to the vaccine.
No. 929277
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Why are rich people moving to the desert of all places?
Does that kind of landscape withstand certain things better, like a nuclear blast? Or is it just out of convenience with it being close to Texas and California?
>>926754But what is the motive to inflating the market?
No. 929427
>>929349Rich people are betting hard on automation/robotics.
They would still have a few servants to clean up stuff and fix machinery, but the objective is living far away from the riffraff and having a small staff.
No. 929705
>>929427They've tried to separate from the riffraff since forever, but they always need riff raff in some way. Do you think those men are going to be ok with the same sex slave for years?
In a more general sense places like Germany, Canada, etc. are so nice to live in bc they export all their shitty labor to 3rd world countries. Maybe richies will colonize New Zealand as their nwo top country.
No. 930992
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Scotland is seeing a "mysterious" rise in heart attacks. I wonder if it has anything to do with the vaccine, considering it has been linked to cases of pericarditis and myocarditis. No. 931313
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Where have all the people disappeared too during the pandemic? Yes some people died from the virus, but I don't think it's enough to see all the labour shortages we have going on now. I don't think they're surviving off government bux either. So where did they all go?
No. 931329
>>931324 i got fired at the beginning of the pandemic and haven’t worked in almost 2 years. i scrape together whatever money i can through various income streams, i also live with a parent and i have several credit cards. i’m living life on the edge but i’m the happiest i’ve ever been, i just don’t feel like getting screamed at and insulted by customers for $7/h anymore, it’s not worth my life
No. 931343
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I know it's mostly obvious but I have seen cases of anons theorizing about the pedo symbols and their meaning, which not everyone gets. It's possible there are other layers to it but I made this somewhat shitty image to explain what I think their designs represent. Please spread it if you like, as I think understanding can help to better spot them and maybe to catch other symbols/metaphors that apply the same logic.
No. 931376
>>931369They should get a new symbol then
Also reminds me of a screencap I saw of this dude's tweet, mocking the concept of pedophiles openly using "pizza" as a symbol. There was underneath an article showing he got arrested for sexually abusing a child.
No. 931402
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>>931376found it. I wonder if it really is (was?) their new symbol
No. 931406
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Every time I see a young guy go to seminary school (whole familys involved in catholic institutions so I see a few of them) they have a faggy creepy aura
No. 931428
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Twitch has to be a CIA mind control project. Ever since I've been watching junk from "streamers" who are "totally real", I've been experiencing unusual amounts of suicidal ideation but no sadness, nothing but a sense of emptiness, vacancy and discomfort in the ass and in my mind. At night when my eyes were closing I had a faint vision of a twitch chat going by like binary numbers haunting me endlessly. The horrors of being exposed to these fake reptilian, robotic cretins makes my blood pressure rise, how can anyone let this evil exist in this world? Making you believe that there are people watching you? You're performing for no one, and watching people who have been carefully crafted and curated by only the best traditional CERN technology.
>Live by the
No. 931454
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>>931451>careful, out there people. the internet isn't what it used to bechilling but true.
with lockdowns and everything else I wonder if anyone would deny we are living in a dystopia
No. 931463
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>>931451holy shit
nonny.. speaking of air base,did you see that the US army made a bunch of twitch accounts as well? they’re literally trying to lure young people into their death trap by appealing to mind-numbing gaming culture, it’s fucking insane. amazingly, zoomies didn’t have any of that shit, picrel makes me laugh. having twitch up and running is a crime against humanity.
No. 931478
>>931462I don't want to name him because I'm honestly afraid he'll come after me, or send his rabid female fans after me. He blew up immediately upon making a tiktok after completely abandoning IG (the platform I found him on) and becoming a part of the "indigenous community." He claims to be disabled because he's agoraphobic but he lied about the details surrounding this. Either he's scamming the government by lying to his therapist or he's getting glowiebux for luring people in online.
He told me he used to work at a us air base as a janitor but wandered onto a restricted area. I asked him to elaborate and he shut down, probably realizing he said too much. After that he would neg me and accuse me of lying about my ethnicity, interests, life experiences, literally anything, calling me weak for no reason, gaslighting and verbally abusing me, basically. then he moved on to doing the same thing to a new set of girls.
>>931463lol wow…
No. 931487
>>931463> usarmyesports> plushies in the background > “just chatting” I want to say what kind of world are we living in but this has been going on for awhile. I know for sure it was a few years ago.
This happened during my senior year. It was homecoming day and we had an on-campus during school hours rally (we always did and homecoming was never formal). This one felt different from the start because it was 100x better than anything we had ever had before: food from in and out was served, cheerleaders got to perform with a couple actual ones from an NFL team, lots of games where everyone won a decent prize.. There was a lot more but don’t want to get too specific. Just know it felt more like a carnival than a homecoming football rally. While it was fun, it was very odd and out of place. This was the smallest high school in a moderately small district and also the newest one. That night at the game there were fucking fireworks. It was all so bizarre.
The following Monday there was a mandatory assembly. Guess who was there and sponsored everything? The fucking Marines. It was all a recruitment scam. They ended the mandatory assembly by handing out recruitment papers to every single present student. They literally got an entire school. It felt very dirty and wrong. Could only imagine the more sinister ways they get to kids.
No. 931524
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>>931509What about Sexy Beasts?? Are the furries and transhumanists in cahoots??
No. 931588
>>931524Unironically yes. They would get along swell. I bet transhumanists love furries and would like to fulfill their dreams of getting to be animal hybrids who fuck other animal hybrids.
Even though I hate transhumanists and find them maximally creepy, part of me asks, why is their goal bad again exactly? I mean, it couldn't be good for human health and sanity but… I guess it would be kinda cool in a way. Still there's something insidious about it. Kinda reminds me of the demons in Devilman.
No. 931644
>>931463Reminds me of this clip. At least their propaganda is getting with the time (/s)
🎵Yven eht nioj🎵
No. 931657
>>927060>thanks to the wayback machine you can see some of the ridiculous stuff people have been lying about. COVID is bad but lying to people as well as over-restricting is insaneDo you have any examples??
>>927120Is this a thing? I didn't know about this, how and when will this happen?
Also my tinfoil is that in the future we'll only have one choice for everything. Once choice for shampoo, one choice for soap, once choice for cars, everything. Because the world is very consumerist and we literally have 100000 options for everything, somehow this will decline due to society falling. I don't want this obviously but this is something I thought about
That or we ditch every single plastic wrapping and we'll have places that you can just scoop the things on a tupperware or sum idk I hope I explained myself
No. 931658
>>927156>We now know from looking at Sweden that the government was right initially and it was the mask mandates and lock downs that were wrong.what did sweden do now?
>>927133what's that?
No. 931660
>>931463Yes! They even do "giveaways" on their channels (headphones, controllers), you just have to fill your information out on a website… which automatically signs you up for a recruiting mailing list.
Kids looking at this channel will be sorely mistaking Call of Duty as real war.
No. 931721
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I tried telling my bf about this dude a long time ago, but he didn't believe me. No. 931738
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>>931317I volunteer at a homeless shelter and kitchen and the difference pre and post pandemic is crazy. The shelter had a 400%+ rise in applications and I've had to badger so many people into helping me at the kitchen because it's like feeding an army now.
>>931657>Also my tinfoil is that in the future we'll only have one choice for everything. Once choice for shampoo, one choice for soap, once choice for cars, everything.That's technically true now to an extent, picrel.
>>931733Adverse side-effects like the spike in heart attacks mentioned upthread but mainly fertility issues. Look at all the women suffering disruptions to their periods already. Allegedly there's side-effects for men too but we won't know about that for decades until they study men who shoot blanks.
No. 931740
>>931738So, he essentially said "The side effects in vaccines will decrease people's fertility,
and that's a good thing!", and we're all supposed to nod our heads in agreement? What the fuck
No. 931760
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>>931750Wth is going on..
No. 931769
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>>931322>>931317>>931320Just like there is the Chinese “lying flat,” or tangping (躺平) movement, there is the anti-work movement in the west. The idea that revolution will happen through the working class and unions is so last century.
>>931738>I volunteer at a homeless shelter and kitchen and the difference pre and post pandemic is crazy. The shelter had a 400%+ rise in applications and I've had to badger so many people into helping me at the kitchen because it's like feeding an army now.You know if people would sperg less about trannies online or accusing anarchists of secretly supporting the state and instead helped set up women's shelters and more Food not Bombs type of things, start permablitzing, etc. it would take a massive burden off of traditional services like you volunteer at. BUT NOOOO
No. 931772
>>931750I have too many questions about this…does it interrupt all of her thoughts or it can differentiate between depressed thoughts and non-depressed thoughts and only interrupts the depressed ones?
Also, let's say someone close to this lady dies and she starts mourning, which is a natural process…would the implant be able to differentiate between the feelings that arise from the mourning from the regular 'I'm worth shit' feelings??
No. 931799
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>>931750We could be curing cancers and auto-immune diseases, learning how to improve the human species with gene editing… but, no. Brain implants removing thoughts it's the way to go.
This is fine.
No. 931801
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you nonnies ever just sit there and sometimes think, "yeah, I took the red pill…"
No. 931805
>>931769This fucking libtard at the homeless shelter actually had the balls to call womens shelters "old fashioned" because "men get abused too" and I wanted to punch him so bad. Nearly every day I go to that shelter I have terrified women talk to me about safety concerns because they're co-habiting with men. They don't just get these fears out of nowhere, it's not irrational. But men will never understand. My pipe dream is to buy some property (my father-in-law deals in property so I
might be able to get him to help in some way) I can convert into a small shelter for women as there aren't many in this area; then I can run it my way. Honestly though lolcow is a good motivator, any time I see stupid infighting or get too spergy myself I remember I have much more important things to do. Plus it's the only place I can rant about libshits and trannies without it being "
problematic" and it becoming an issue with the people I volunteer with.
No. 931821
>>931817When will people understand that liberals are imperialists themselves, they don't come from bourgeoisie background doesn't mean they are not fascists
An elite class twitter liberal or person from academia takes decision from miles away and everyone basically has to follow it
They never go through the consequences of the decisions they pass
No. 931828
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>>931799happiness equals brain damage tbh
No. 931846
>>931836I didn't think tbh. I'm happy at a chance to sperg about what I'm passionate about and I forget about identifying info. I don't think it's
that useful in identifying me as I'm not on any social media and neither is FIL or anyone I'm close to, but you're right, I should be more careful. Especially with the womens shelter dream, those kinda detractors go to insane lengths to get shit on people.
No. 931859
>>931846Yes and with big data being easier to manipulate who knows if one day detractors can just comb the web for dirt somehow
I'll see myself to the tinfoil thread now
No. 931889
>>931871>happiness-machine-addicted psychopathsIt has begun already. Gen z who grew up online and half (?) of gen y is already like that.
Brain implants only for barely online, depressed proles.
No. 931890
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nonnie here, the japanese contaminations were described as rubber, for one. See picrel for something that suspiciously looks like rubber once it's kept in conditions not cold enough for it to stay dissolved.
source for the rubber description: contaminations were also described as magnetic, see here: for yourself what is one of the most prominent features of graphene.
To tinfoil it off, right after this contamination was made public, japan's PM resigned. Thenceforth, the contamination was determined to be stainless steel, kek. here for one of the many scientific discussions pre 2020 about graphene as a delivery method for mrna therapies: No. 931973
>>931718Antifa are establishment tools funded by George Soros. Here they protested to silence rape
victims from speaking out against police failings.
No. 932059
>>931973I don't know about him funding this shit
But dont think of him for a second as some liberal billionaire who just trying to do good by donating billions for different causes one of them being fighting nationalism
He another hedge fund wall street pos who does financial tricks to transfer OUR money in to his pockets much like what banks and other wall streeters do
Also of you know anything about rich donating or doing charity ok any kind yiu know well
No. 932129
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>>931797AYRT and
>Meanwhile there are women in other places who manage to chase away druglords, politicians and the police, with sticks.Yeah I know, I live in Mexico where this is happening and I'm possitive you're using my country as an example.
Thing is, those feminists that chase police around with sticks because they keep killing us, they're pro-trans, pro-prostitution, and libfems.
Do we have it better thanks to them? yes. We recently got abortion to be decriminalized, anyone can abort now and not go to jail like before.
But they're also fucking up with their stupid inclusive language. They're deforming spanish and letting transexual men into our female-only spaces. And those trannies are often sex workers and sluts. I do not wish to be represented by them. But they do take it super seriously about making trannies a priority.
So yes. Fuck trannies, they're a big problem everywhere, and must be eliminated.
Next time you use my country as an example please do your research.
No. 932140
>>932111Of course, a civil war in America has been hinted since early 2010's.
Thing is… who would the winner be? America is so polarized and the rich have so much power at this point that I doubt anything good would come out of it.
Plus, just imagine zoomers and millenials going to war… Nobody wants that. Nobody wants death. If you destabilize America you will destabilize Latin America and probably the entire world. It won't be pretty, wars are never pretty and it's just not the XXth century anymore, there's so much going on we don't know what the outcome will be. Everyone wants to keep the status quo. Plus, China is growing quite rapidly… if America fucks up it's over.
No. 932166
>>932140>who would the winner be?Probably the right. Any civil war in America or anywhere else would descend into siege warfare. This is what happened in the Spanish Civil War and more recently in Syria. The left would control major cities and maybe some rural areas of some states, while the right would have control of the majority of the country. This would give them control over power, water and food production.
>America is so polarizedBoth the left and right in America already dehumanize each other, this is the biggest warning sign of potential civil war. It's easier to kill your fellow countrymen when you think the world would be better off without them. Right now it's twitter rhetoric and the occasional real world clash. All it takes for this to become an actual war is a loss of restraint.
>the rich have so much power at this point that I doubt anything good would come out of it.Civil war may well be the outcome the elites are looking for if they are hellbent on population reduction. A war would cull a large proportion of both sides.
>Plus, China is growing quite rapidly…China is and always will be a paper tiger. China is dependent on food imports. All it would take to win a war against China is a blockade. Threatening Taiwan is a distraction from the incoming economic crisis that China is about to go through. Russia is more of a threat.
No. 932820
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I can’t get over how fake and constructed everything feels and it’s probably because the music, videos, movies, and even imageboards we post on are likely socially engineered
No. 933045
>>932820>I can’t get over how fake and constructed everything feelsSame
nonnie. I want to believe that this is the beginning of the end and that something big will happen soon. But it will probably just get dragged on for centuries. More propaganda, lies, bots taking over the internet. I don't want to live to see it because I'll just end up being seen as some schizo old lady.
No. 933050
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had a great conversation at length with my physical therapist yesterday about how covid-19 came out of a lab 100%. felt good
No. 933379
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Before, when I was younger, I used to think that people who believe in science are inherently cool or interesting. Now it seems that "rational people" are actually more ignorant that I thought. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I recently stumbled upon something called "the rational wiki" (I'm on my personal path to becoming an atheist and they had some articles about it). This wiki disregards anything to do with the covid virus as man-made in a lab as fake, but that's something I can't quite shake off my head, even if the disease is zoonotic. They also disregard any problematic thoughts about the vaccine, normal concerns like blood pressure problems which I am suffering from after getting vaccinated.
And then, after lurking on that wiki some longer… there's tons of information on why "trans people are valid" and how "trans people have always excisted through history".
Trans stuff is clearly a cult! Can't they see it?
What the fuck is going on?
I don't want to ally myself with conservative people just because they're the only ones who are asking the real questions. I reject any religion and conservatives are hyper religious.
Has anyone else noticed this stuff too?
No. 933389
>>933379>>933379Anon, actual rationalists are the epitome of retardation. Can I know what are some of your questions? Maybe I’ll help, or someone else will.
Also, there’s actually a very, very big overlap between trans people and the rationalist community.
No. 933395
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>>933379Science replacing religion didn't magically get rid of the problems there were, actually they continue through it like it is its own religion. It is basically us relying on studies that can vary wildly in results, have shaky foundations or be financially/ideologically influenced. course good things have come out of it but there are many problems as you've noticed. It's not infallible, before the trans thing we have gone through so many bullshit science trends already, like lobotomies for instance. It's funny when people laugh at the olden days for using leeches, lead in makeup yet haven't opened their eyes that we are up to the same kind of crazy today
No. 933650
>>933395simple and perfect picrel, kek, you say it all, nonna.
No. 933762
>>933241>>933373Not her but they are trying to haywire our brains with conflicting ideologies so we can't tell the truth even when courageous people yelling it at us
World is definitely transitioning into one fascist state this time with liberalism at its core instead of nazis or socialists
They are also making society dangerous for common people so we spend our energy trying to survive massive mobs indulging in violence
No. 933781
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>>933379That's because it unironically became a hugbox. A few decades ago scientists of all fields wrote whole books just going back and forth and back and forth to disprove, argue, invent and defend their theories and researches to maximum sperg levels but now this is barely possible anymore because it somehow immediately turns into low hanging personal attacks and vicious defamations as soon as someone dares to pose uncomfortable or complicated questions or literally anything that "threatens" the norm.
No. 933791
>>933762>they are trying to haywire our brains with conflicting ideologies so we can't tell the truthBang on the money. Putin hired some guy (can't remember his name) to confuse people by doing stuff like giving money to two opposing organisations on opposite ends of the political spectrum. It's a very effective tactic, combine that with the uncertainty from covid and social movements gaining huge grounds in the mainstream media like never before and life becomes one big clusterfuck. I've given up looking for the "big" answers and mainly focus on prepping. Shit
will hit the fan so you may as well get ready for it.
No. 933794
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>>932820>>933045>>933475How do you get people you know to wake up? They don't even care or question anything. Is it because the feeling is too much for them? Ngl it's made me suicidal plenty of times thinking about how much this is all straight bs, so I can't blame them, but this is why nothing changes. Could it ever change? I don't know.
No. 933796
But reading and staying updated is already enough to notice the differences, though it's arguably much much worse in social sciences.
No. 933800
>>933781Don't conflate scientists with humanities "researchers". Actual scientists are interested in discussing their material findings although obviously they have their own interpretation that they will defend. Humanities "researchers" are not really researchers but rather writers, which is fine, but since their "research" is actually just their personal opinions cloaked in scientific vocabulary, they take criticism as a personal attack.
Nothing's different about actual scientists now vs in the past, but it was a big mistake to let a bunch of humanities essayists start styling themselves "scientists". Basically "political science" should never have been allowed to stand as a term vs "political theory". Economics, sociology and non-biological psychology are also
valid fields of study but they aren't sciences. I know they do "scientific studies" - I know what a ridiculous sham those "studies" are. They simply aren't held to the same standards as actual science, and letting them pretend to be sciences devalues the meaning of the word, and leads people to think all scientists are shit flinging screechtards when actually it's just "social sciences" "scientists."
No. 933802
>>933800Add history to the same shelf as humanity research
Lot of sham populism there
No. 934236
>>934000>My advice would be to get used to being alone about things. Get used to feeling distance between yourself and family/friends.Nta but
oof. This is exactly how I feel today about a lot of stuff I believe in. No one cares, no one will understand, no one will listen even if you make a point. I had to learn it the hard way and lost a friend. It wasn't even that good or close of a friend but wew, you can't voice your (common sense) opinion to anyone anymore. It just devolves into fighting and baseless accussations.
I've decided I'll be alone from now on. I just don't have the patience for these people anymore. Deleted my facebook and will delete some people from my instagram too. It's enough.
>>934011I wish so too, but we're so few and far appart. You know it will get infiltrated either by woke people, bots, or poltards too.
No. 934243
>>933791I wish I could prep but I don't know exactly what that means and I'm scared to own a gun since I have mental health stuff
>>933794At least since there are some like us online that means those people exist irl too. I can only hope that by chance someday I will come across somebody who feels the same, one of you out there
No. 934252
>>933762>World is definitely transitioning into one fascist state this time with liberalism at its core instead of nazis or socialistsGod please no. It's going to be so fucked.
>>933791>I've given up looking for the "big" answers and mainly focus on prepping. Shit will hit the fan so you may as well get ready for it.How do I do this?
>>934245>I'm the exact same way, I feel this blinding rage at every viral post, every twitter "news" story or trending subject. Nta but holy fuck, same. I barely use social media and anything that is trendy and memetic makes me so angry. It's all so fake
>I had better delete again but it sucks when you have friends and artists you wanted to keep a tab on on there.I've just decided to delete again this week and just, not keep in contact with my "friends" anymore. I graduated art school and as much as I loved some of the people there I can't with their dumb ideologies. I think they still love me too but I'm ready to just go full hermit artist mode. I'll just post stuff on insta wihtouht interacting with anyone and hopefully have exhibitions irl or something, without relying on my so called "friends". Art is not my main source of income anyways, I don't need social media other than to appease the people who tell you that you must have one to get recognized and whatever.
No. 934257
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I wish we could have a small discord but scrotes gonna scrote and I assume it is against the rules anyway. Sad cause I feel so at home here with my fellow schizochans and don't know how much longer this place has.
No. 934287
>>934281Nta but okay
This is gonna be random but new James Bond movie spoilers
Any reason why they ripped the plot from
antivax theories about nanobots and depopulation? I'm not saying it confirms the theory, as I don't entirely believe in it but why did they do that? To get people talking about their movie more?
No. 934390
>>934243>I wish I could prep but I don't know exactly what that means and I'm scared to own a gun since I have mental health stuffLike
>>934254 said it doesn't have to be a gun, look up safe and legal alternatives. The first thing to make as a prepper IMO should be your "bug out bag" it's the bag you grab if you gotta leave fast when shit hits the fan. It's essentially just like packing for an extreme camping trip. Get a lightweight but durable tent, something to filter dirty water into drinking water, food rations, a compass, maps, flares, etc. Just google stuff relating to bug out bags and you'll find plenty of guides and lists of useful stuff.
No. 934532
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Never use digital means for serious things like organizing with like-minded people, the infrastructure is rotten. I bet what is described in picrel happens everywhere else too. No. 934911
>>934879MAKE IT STOP
No. 935120
>>935016I have always felt that these therapist ls especially the ones that are male try to gaslight
Just for medicine or even theres some bigger movement going on
No. 935326
very paranoid. I've worked my ass off since I was 15, even with my main career pulling in a decent wage I always had side hustles to make more money. I've set up funds for my younger sisters as I grew up poor and I took an oath to myself that those girls would grow up happy and healthy with a good education and financial security; and I've finally made enough money to secure that future for them; so to think that my money might be worth fuck all soon? That terrifies me. I have multiple savings accounts, some in other countries so I don't put all my eggs in one basket. I've also managed to stack up a decent amount of crypto savings through "playing" (read: gambling) the market. Crypto is much more likely to tank IMO but fuck it, you never know. But the thing is… I've probably wasted my time doing all that. Chasing numbers in bank accounts is not tangible security, even I stuffed the money under my mattress that still means nothing in the long run. I should've focused on buying property and becoming as self-sustainable as possible earlier on. You live and you learn. The best thing to do in the face of a financial collapse is to get self-sufficient IMO. Learn how to provide for you and those close to you and how to protect what's yours and people can't take those skills away from you. Grow food, learn to fish, learn to hunt, get rain filtration systems, get solar power and other alternatives, get some old paraffin heaters in for winter, learn to fix your clothes - better yet learn to make clothes, wash your clothes by hand and break your dependence on an appliance, keep stock of valuable everyday items and food you can't grow/is out of season and if you're not able to grow any food at all then just try to stockpile what you can and look into foraging. Eventually we
will have another financial crisis and I have a feeling that it will be the worst we've ever seen. Ain't got no choice but to get ready for it, really. Ideally I'd say start living like shit's fucked now because shit is kinda fucked now and you wanna be in the swing of things for when it's Go Time for real. I know I'm rambling right now 'cause I'm schizzing out a lil today but fuck it, I know I'm right. Self-sufficiency is the only way forward, I mean, look at all the advertising right now - what do you see? Endless gadgets and gizmos to make life "easier". TPTB want you hooked on this shit so you'll be a helpless little baby when they shut it all down. It's a bitter pill to swallow but we have to wean ourselves off tech and our beloved everyday appliances. They're good to use in the mean time of course, I mean here I am laughing at cows even though I know we're hurtling towards Something Bad, but you gotta be ready to give this shit up. Ok I'm gonna go take my meds. Peace out my tinfoil sisters.
No. 935360
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I'm honestly convinced the internet is dying and shrinking around us, and about half of the users we interact with are bots and feds. I don't believe in the entirety of pic related, but it's increasingly obvious we're fucking trapped.
I genuinely believe the world would become a better place without the internet, but there's no turning back at this point.
On the other hand I feel like I fucked myself up by being on the internet for so long.
I've been addicted to browsing the web since I was 15. Note that I don't have an addictive personality and I was never able to make myself dependent on even cigarettes. Drugs don't really affect me much and I was never tempted to try anything dangerous, despite being basically left without adult supervision since the same age (aside from being an ana-chan for a while). I just get really depressed when I cannot distract myself with a constant stream of useless information. As a kid, before I had internet access, I read insane amounts of books, because I just cannot allow myself to be left alone with my thoughts. Whenever I'm forced to go offline, I just keep going over some useless information in my head to distract myself from introspection. There's something really wrong with me and I'm afraid of what I'm trying to distract myself from.
Inb4 depression/autism - I was diagnosed with depression, but I've been off meds for a long while and I honestly scared to go back to it, since it was fucking me up. I tick some autism boxes, but I don't really think I qualify for diagnosis.
No. 935418
>>935382autism is to the modern era what adhd/add/ocd was to the 00s, I'm surprised that big pharma hasn't created some kind of anti autism drug to capitalize on the uptake in
probably fake autist diagnoses
it's ridiculous because there's no way in hell all these kids are straight autists and while it's been rampant for awhile we're reaching ridiculous levels by having it be trendy. make autism retarded again so spergs can shut the fuck up
No. 935533
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fucked up
No. 935765
>>935508It’s like it’s a game to these people.
I had originally gone to the doctor bcs of my chronically fucked up bowels and was told my anxiety and depression were the cause. I told the doctor I had already been diagnosed with MDD, GAD, PTSD, and provisional BPD, but she did not think that was relevant and sent me to a counselor that could only see me once every other month. I had a lot of traumatic backstory to get through and most of my therapy was spent with her trying to make sure she got names and ages and times correct. I specifically told her that I would like to work on my weed and nicotine addictions and she didn’t think that was necessary, it was the trauma I needed to get over first. It took a whole year of my apathetic responses to her queries for her to realize I was over shit and am just a pot head; so she finally decided to have me see someone that specializes in addiction. But not before she wanted to tell me there’s no such thing as evil without elaborating.. Also told me I’m normal but also might have schizophrenia and referred me to no one. I asked for a psychoanalysis because my last one was over 5 years ago (as a minor) and I was told they don’t do that?? How are they able to treat and medicate people? Last but not least. Both my parents and I went to the same building for therapy at one point. I told the counselor I physically abused my younger siblings years ago and asked how to talk to them and my parents about it. She said straight up just don’t tell them. I recently ended up telling them and talking/apologizing to my siblings. My siblings say, thankfully, they don’t even remember but my parents are pissed my counselor told me not to say anything. Sorry for rant response but I’ve been in therapy since I could talk and I agree this is bullshit.