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No. 860601
>>860587I figured that was possible. I was paranoid imagining the government tracking my paypal and the payments made to it or something.
>>860599Yeah, that did give me pause kek. It's not the only program I'm looking at, at least.
No. 860917
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I'm starting my masters program in the fall and I'm so nervous anons. I have my TA position lined up and even got to chat with a current student today who gave me a lot of advice. But lol social anxiety/asd/adhd is hell, any advice?
No. 861313
>>860917There are tons of people in grad school with mental health issues; I'd wager that the majority of PhD students have (or develop lol) some sort of condition.
If it's a taught master's then it'll be just like an extra year or two of undergrad, so if you survived that you'll be fine. If it's a research master's then there is a risk that you'll end up struggling depending on how shitty the PI and your labmates are.
Some general advice:
>imposter syndrome affects many people, especially women. recognize the signs, acknowledge that you have imposter syndrome if you develop the symptoms, and try to embody the idea that it's normal and you deserve to be there.>if you notice that you're struggling or that your anxiety is getting worse, be proactive in getting treated for it. mental health issues can spiral out of control and deeply affect your productivity without support>if you're doing a research master's and your PI is a shit, try to switch as soon as possible>a lot of grad students self-medicate via substance abuse; avoid falling into that trap at all costs. if you drink then set hard limits for when you can do so>you'll be surrounded by people who are in the same situation that you are; try to make friends early on so that you have people to share support and experiences with/vent to >>860940Congrats! What are your next steps? May as well enjoy the rest of the summer, but the job market is also really hot right now so you might want to take advantage of it if you're not continuing in academia.
No. 861944
Oh god, I’m
>>861911 and JUST realized this is not an undergrad thread and now it’s too late to delete, I’m so so sorry anons!! I’m way too sleep deprived for this lol
No. 865933
>>863023It's not particularly smart but also from experience most PIs I've met are married within the university so. Feels kinda inevitable with how much time you end up spending on a degree.
Anyways, I feel like I will literally kms, it's just a masters but I feel shit about my research, it's outcomes and how am I even supposed to write it all up. Never mind job search after it. I am so stressed out from doing this degree and having to work, I feel like alogging every cute holiday post I see on social media. I guess my advice is to consider skipping a year to save up beforehand commencing your studies so you don't have to work during lmao.
No. 901054
>>861919Will do! I applied for online programs, but if you are getting an undergrad in communication disorders or speech-language pathology or anything related (e.g. audiology). Then you are on the right track as you do not have to do any of the required support courses.
If your undergrad is different then you should try to take any of the behavioral science, biological science (biology, anatomy, etc.), physical science (chemistry or physics), and statistics as electives before you graduate or when starting the program/during a break between programs through a community college.
I have yet to start as something happened with my current grad program changing my graduation date so I have to start a little later. I applied for part time programs so that I can continue to work without much emphasis in school. It will take about a year more, but I do not mind it.
No. 902537
>>900895UPDATE. I talked to my friend who went here for her undergrad and apparently he's even worse with her. He manipulated her into giving her number so he could call for an emergency and ever since then he texts her. He sends "good morning" texts and asks about her marriage while lamenting about his failing marriage apparently. He was fired for sus reasons from his last school and our school only keeps him on a year-by-year basis.
I don't wanna escalate it but I feel like all of his female 'connections' are junk anyways given how creepy he is towards us. I just thought that I would update everyone because when they say that predatory men have multiple
victims it's true. My friend tries to give him the benefit of the doubt and says he's lonely, unattractive, and awkward. How about he… GET A THERAPIST? Get a friend! Get on a dating app! Just don't talk to your students and text them inappropriate things ffs.
No. 931337
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What is the extent of mental health struggles while in grad school that farmers have struggled with? I'm so stressed and sleep deprived in my first semester of my MA program that I'm hallucinating and suffering paranoia. Yet my end goal is a PhD. I feel fucking pathetic honestly, how am I supposed to get a PhD if I'm already hallucinating in this first semester? My dad already suggested dropping out because he said that it's clearly too stressful. Idk where to even begin with trying to fix everything.
No. 950315
>>858047Good evening ladies I have a question
I know this is the wrong thread but close enough hehe
Can I go to a course at uni uni (undergrad) and transfer to another uni the next year without losing progress on the course? Is this possible?
Thank you for your time
No. 950363
>>950320Why answer if you're just going to make shit up?
>>950315Talk with an academic advisor at your target university to see if the credit from university A can be transfered to where you think it should work in your desired degree plan at university B. It depends highly on the class and your degree plan, but even if it's not the exact same course number in some cases they will allow you to substitute the credit. Other cases they will only let you transfer it as an elective, so make sure to be specific when you talk to the advisor, don't just ask if your credits transfer, you should go into the specifics of your degree plan.
No. 950413
>>950377Yw nona and good luck!
>>950392Telling someone to give up on something because it might be difficult and might not turn out the way you want is terrible unbased advice, especially if you have no experience yourself.
No. 1023459
>>1023441Anon upthread had one.
Also I hope nonnies never fall for it. These guys know what they're doing and the women they message are never actually special. If he tries it on you, then he's tried it on others. I would never trust a man taking advantage of his employment position to target women.
My mom was a dolt whose first marriage was to one of her profs but she found out real quick and divorced him stat.