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No. 86024
>topic says "older than you look" >"anyone else here look super young for their age?"OP which is it.
Also no, I pretty much look like I'm 24, but my classmates were legit shocked when I told them that because apparently they believed I was 21-22, and I don't think they were just being polite because three of them were 21, 24 and 25 themselves.
I don't know what I think tbh. I think I look my age.
>have Asian genes so when I turn like 80 I'll look 1,000It's your penance for having that perfect, thick, silky hair.
No. 86044
>>86024>topic says "older than you look" >"anyone else here look super young for their age?"anon quit being dumb. "older than you look" = your actual age is older than your face appears to be = "anyone else here look super young for their age?"
anyway, I'm not sure. I think I look around my age. I'm getting the feeling that people assume that I am a young looking older age though. I'm 22 and when I was 19 I had people think I was 23 or 24 but just looked young. I suppose my personality can be misconstrued sometimes as being more "mature".
I agree with
>>86033 about the humblebrag tendency. Where I'm at ID is a standard procedure, and if you're not a regular at the liquor store not being carded could possibly be an insult. idk
No. 86050
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>be 15, get told I look 25
>be 25, get told I look 15
No. 86056
>>86050Same thing. Everyone thinks I'm at the very oldest 18 in a work setting only because it's impossible to work at my job below that age, but I'm 21. When I was a teenager everyone thought I was much older from my maturity. Or I was being groomed kek.
And there's really no ~humble bragging~ about it. I'm never taken seriously and often spoken to in a baby voice by older men. I don't have the personality to match my looks, it's gross to me that I'm patronized.
No. 86059
>>86044>>86049>>86052>>86053omg you're right.
Sorry I've been up all night studying for exams and my brain is running at like 5.2% power. I don't even know how I managed to process that like that. Forgive me Anon.
No. 86065
>>86059No, it alright! I was scared I was just saying it wrong this entire time. Good luck with you exams Anon!!
I have a combination of baby face, shortness, and high pitched voice. When I came to America for university I used that opportunity to change myself.
I cut my hair (it was waist length at the time) and started to wear makeup that entire semester everyday. I even wore more mature women clothing. Two weeks into spring semester when I thought everything was working, a classmate talked to me because of my accent and wanted to know more. She added "Wow your parents must be so proud you graduating so early and coming to america all on your own!" She assumed I was 16-17 and had graduated school early. After that I think I just stopped trying to appear older.
No. 86092
>>86073Pretty much this.
Anyways, I do get told I look younger than what I am pretty often. It gets really freaking weird whenever I'm out with my stepson, who is 18, and people think we're together.
I'm 31 for reference. Yes, I know I'm too old to be on a gossip site. No. 87590
>>86833I just talked to them about it this tuesday to "my" manager and he handled it for me. Still it shouldn't take all of that to get respect.
I don't hate that I look young, I mean in 15 years it will be a blessing right? I just hate the lack of respect and being talked down to all the time. I know it can't be helped with strangers but I refuse to take that shit at work.
No. 88592
>>86827>>86835this is so true. My bf and I both look younger wich is usually fun. We once had someone asking my mom if we were of legal age….we're both 30…
But at work, we have higher function jobs but often get treated as little brats who just started their first job so gaining authority is a problem.
We're also appartment owners but the older home owners living in our building act like they're our parents and they need to keep an eye out for us.
No. 88706
>>86839And the replies are from "omg I got carded once I so look like i"m 15 even though I'm 40!".
People forget how you dress and act also influences how old people think you are.
No. 88765
>>88764That's my point though it was sarcastix.
Like I've been told I look sooo much younger than I am lots. But people have also guessed my age just right or occasionally older. Generally older people think I look younger, so it's just a perception issue
No. 88871
>>88792Idk, I've been attracted to teenage girls at the same rate ever since I was attracted to girls.
It kind of makes me wonder if there's some sort of elaborate troll going on here or if it's actually normal for that attraction to go away when you get older. It makes no sense, like am I supposed to suddenly become revolted at the memories of getting to second base with my girlfriend when we were 15 the moment I turned 18? No, she was fucking sexy and that's not going to change just because I got older.
No. 88895
>>88852Because I plan on having kids. Besides what kind of person wouldn't be concerned by a 40yo circling around a middle school with his dick out?
>>88871No one's saying you are. The way you worded it made it sound you were going to hit up a middle school and use "it's just male nature" as an excuse to harass them. I find way younger pics of bf attractive too, and he's in the barely legal category.