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No. 865594
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>>865586Not only are they competing, they are also judging! I've lost all respect for the olympics after these games.
No. 865604
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I like watching the women compete. I'm seriously impressed at the strength and endurance you have to have to get to this level. The most fun to watch imo are gymnastics, volleyball, and tennis
No. 865614
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Simone Biles arguably the greatest gymnast of the modern era or even of all time, is getting ripped to shreds for pulling out of the competition. Gymnastics is a dangerous sport. She could die if she's not 100% okay to perform.
No. 865640
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>>865630Naomi Osaka from Japan, one of the top tennis players in the world and only 23 years old. She also lit the torch in the opening ceremony!
No. 865644
>>865614most of the people criticizing her are stupid scrotes (they also are republican, fwiw, kek) complaining that she is teaching children to be "weak" and "give up easily." Of course, no one in their right minds looks at Simone Biles and sees someone who is weak. Not only is she the GOAT, but she won gold medals while enduring sexual abuse from Larry Nassar.
The olympics are cringe because nationalist pride causes so many viewers to demand that athletes sacrifice everything for a medal. The fact that Kerri Strug is hailed as an Olympic hero still when she was essentially forced to perform on a broken ankle is a testament that these athletes are treated like objects.
No. 865646
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>>865621Samfagging, the archery was pretty cool to watch, too. Makes me wish I joined some sport when I was a teen so I could be a part of a team, forming sisterhood with the other members.
No. 865655
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Thanks for the thread! The Olympics are messy af, but I can't help to appreciate them and I try to watch as much competitions as I can. Olympics or not, what are your favorite sports to watch?
>>865621This was so cool, I'm sure skateboarding will become a very popular sport on the next years. I got emotional when I saw Rayssa Leal (silver medalist from Brazil) and Momiji Nishiya (gold medalist from Japan) hugging. Two girls so young from such different cultures, winning and celebrating together, so sweet.
No. 865697
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I'm excited for sport climbing next week. My favorite climbers, Ashima Shiraishi and Jain Kim aren't competing, but I'm still excited to watch it nonetheless.
No. 865717
Weightlifting 59kg to 81kg
No. 865785
>>865614>>865644nah. I think there's a legitimate argument to criticize Simone for pulling out in the team event, ESPECIALLY if she decides to compete in the individual competition. The whole media spin that she's some kind of mental health hero is absurd. She had a shitty vault, saw that she was not going to beat the Russians and quit on her teammates. If she didn't want to compete in the team event, she literally should have stepped aside and gave her spot to someone else.
It will literally be confirmed if she comes back for individual competitions. But the media will spin it as some kind of redemption arc when she gets gold. But seriously, she's not a team player.
No. 865791
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Kind of annoyed/disappointed because I really wanted to see the equestrian events but I can't find footage of them anywhere.
No. 865829
nonnie cope harder, she quit because she was losing, no need to lick her butthole.
I don't know why the media is insisting she's so special for quitting, it's pretty patronizing. She's supposed to be an elite athlete not a 6 year old that fell off the balance beam
No. 865853
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Not into sports/the olympics, but I just saw this. I had no clue she had been molested for years.
The people who are sperging about Simone quitting seem to be incels and racists who will never accomplish shit.
No. 865859
>>865621Loved watching the girls skate! Especially seeing that old vid of the brazillan girl skateboarding in a fairy costume, so cute.
When it comes to the Olympics I love watching the women compete, especially weightlifting.
No. 865860
>>865829She got the twisties, which is incredibly scary; it almost feels like you're having a stroke midair and you cannot control your body. Experiencing this seeds doubt, anxiety, and fear in the gymnast, and it undoubtedly impacts your mental health. You cannot complete gymnastic feats like these olympians unless you're at 100%. She clearly was not.
Biles is special for quitting because she, just like Naomi Osaka, actually put her own needs before those of retarded nationalists demanding that she sacrifice her mind/body "for the country."
No. 865882
>>865860I don't blame her for leaving if she feels like she has to but this special treatment is ridiculous
Like. She lost. and that's it. lmao
No. 865885
>>865674Judo, Fencing.
>>865791They've only done dressage so far, the horse dancing. I might watch the cross country race.
No. 865894
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Some of the talks I’ve seen about judge favoritism is striking (and not unbelievable) but also bothering me. This year is definitely a shitshow and it feels like some people are sort of on edge and making problems on purpose. But I’m also not watching every event.
Did anyone see what the Korean channel broadcasting the Olympics put for other countries introducing photos? I can’t get over how a stream of people OK’d putting Chernobyl for Ukraine, pizza for italia, Dracula for Romania, protestors for Haiti, bitcoin for El Salvador, a filet of salmon for Norway etc. It became a diplomatic issue where the Ukrainian embassy received an apology.
>>865853>The people who are sperging about Simone quitting seem to be incels and racists who will never accomplish shit.They 100% are.
No. 865899
>>865884Special treatment as in her leaving the team mid event is lauded as some revolutionary act when its just not.
It's unfortunate about her past though but its like… I guess that didn't matter when she was winning. But now it matters a lot since she lost
No. 865901
>>865876I barely know anything about gymnastics but seeing routines in action like
>>865815 it’s obvious that any mistake would result in a serious injury. It’s not like any normal person can do shit like that so why even complain when the superhuman don’t want to risk it
No. 865930
>>865929NTA but
>"Do you know where you are?">reddit spacing>tells others to go backThe irony.
No. 866223
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Are there any good resources for watching the Olympics for free? I don't have cable and don't feel like forking money over to Peacock or something. They have some of the highlights on youtube but they're all pretty abbreviated. I'd prefer the coverage to be in English but I can put up with not understanding the narration if it's full coverage of the events.
Pic unrelated
No. 866225
>>866224not available in my country
:( might have to try messing with VPNs
No. 866260
>>866080Someone on reddit posted a list with a link to a video>>866000Yeah I don’t understand how the few people who were in charge of this thought it wasn’t going to royally fuck shit up when any regular person could tell it was too much. The diplomatic impact it could’ve had should not have been such a major oversight for a huge broadcasting event.
>>866127>shes about as japanese as a california rollThis take is retarded. Half of her family is japanese. She was raised by a Japanese woman from Japan who speaks Japanese. It’s not like all notions of being Japanese went out the window for her the moment Naomi was born. Athletes play through the support of countries’ funding but at the end of the day they play for themselves, and should only play for themselves anyways. They don’t owe entire nations anything.
No. 866269
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I hadn’t actually seen the olympics mascots before this. They’re pretty bland and uninspired IMO.
No. 866279
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>>866271The Candidate C mascots were a lot better.
No. 866302
>>866276I was making an argument against their takes that you were speaking of, not you specifically. I already explained how it’s retarded.
>>866269This is too lazy and gimmicky. They really do look like rejected animu pokemon.
No. 866329
>>866279Awww I love the top B one, so cute. Both are so cute
>>866224Gracias claro por tanto, estoy todo el día viendo los juegos desde ahi
No. 866344
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>>866269Really? I think they're adorable.
Bery modern, and they match the logo.
No. 866415
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>>866344reminds me of this. I find it cute
No. 866802
>>865811NTAYRT but I think you're replying to a /pol/ racebaiter. Anyway the shaming comes moreso from the fact that she's a woman than her race. Before you think that those "white girls" would empathize if that was the case, recall that women naturally hold women to higher standards than men. Not to mention people have dehumanized her as a GOAT incapable of failure. Realistically losing her difficulty and skills as an all-arounder ace was a huge loss for team USA. Up until this point Simone was a guaranteed gold medalist, you can't say the same for the other gymnasts going into the Olympics. Simone is human but she is also in her own league when it comes to gymnastics–so much so that she's inventing more difficult skills, some of which are named after her.
But on top of wanting to blame the best female gymnast we've got, it also comes down to people who don't realize how much gymnastics relies on your mental stability, better yet know
anything about gymnastics kek. Knowing the height and the speed Simone gets she could get seriously hurt if she decided to compete with a mental block. Coaches specifically like to recruit as young as possible because kids have no fear.
No. 867439
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>>866363Czech male gold medalist was so cute, first thing he did after winning was call his mom and then he was showing off his wedding ring during the ceremony. He also looked like a kid compared to other canoeists kek
No. 867462
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women's 5000m race
This can't be a woman? shit. it's hard to tell now they have let troons in to ruin womens olympics.
No. 867521
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I’m so happy for Hidilyn Diaz. I’m filam, and my bf and I watched her win the gold for weightlifting…..and the announcers immediately went in about how it’s the first time ever in history that the Philippines has won a gold. It was really funny, I (jokingly) said they were so shady and “oh my god these haters!” and my bf laughed at it all. In any case, she was so sweet and wholesome every time she successfully completed a lift. Really proud and excited about it.
No. 867529
>>867462Your first instinct is usually the correct one, anon.
That’s a man.
No. 867545
>>867462There were actually a few more athletes like that who weren't allowed to compete because of their testosterone levels, like Semenya.
>>867525It's Africa, so born without a proper penis they were probably raised as women and it wasn't until puberty that it gets found out.
No. 867684
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tokyo-living-anon here.
I feel super bad for the Japanese govt cause they spent so much $$$ on this, expecting to get all that sweet sweet tourist money. Many businesses have closed etc.
As a side note I was watching the skateboard competitions and every time the Japanese won I couldn't stop picturing the queen (pic related) and how SPOT ON he is on how Japanese mom are.
No. 867695
>>867627> keep hearing about East Germany doping their female athletesJfc anon thank you for this I had to look it up and found this’s so fucked up and incredibly sad
No. 867729
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>>867726It's because he is(as I said before) so spot on. I went to private school (only girls) and I can vouch that he 100% nailed it. Same with the Japanese mom dig and the drama teacher one, etc etc. He is so good at portraying how "x-people/person" behave.
No. 867926
>>866269Most Olympic mascots are bland at best tbh. London 2012 was objectively the worst.
>>866279Agree, C are the best.
No. 871046
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Novak Djokovic threw a shit fit because he was losing, and received no penalties for his unsportsmanship-like behavior. No points deducted, not being disqualified, only 2 warnings. From anyone else they would be thrown out of the game. The best part is this is after he was asked by a reporter to comment on the Simone Biles situation and handling the pressure.
>"Novak, you would've heard about Simone Biles yesterday talking about mental health and the pressure of performing. You are in this position going for the Golden Slam, you know, there is no more pressure on a tennis player than you currently. Can you speak a bit about it?"
>"Pressure is a privilege. Without pressure there is no professional sport. If you are aiming to be at the top of the game you better start learning how to deal with pressure. And how to cope with those moments on the court but also off the court, all the expectations."
No. 871060
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>>871046djokovic is a massive cow and is constantly throwing temper tantrums. he had one at the australian open earlier this year (picrel) and last year he got disqualified from the us open last year for hitting a line judge with a ball in a fit of rage. he constantly yells at ball boys for shit like bringing him towels and always smashes his racquet when things don't go his way.
No. 871074
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>Tall and fit
>Hot af
>Literally broke a fucking record
I love her so much she's like my dream come true, and boomers and homophobes can't bully her because she's literally the coolest shit that came out of this country so they have to stfu and seethe.
No. 871096
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>>871074>>871078Moids cannot even compare (is there a thread were i could image dump?)
No. 871102
>>871096yoooo and she's
googles it 6'3?? Based as fuck
t. 6ft tall
No. 871229
>>871096Starting to understand why short guys hate chads now
hahahahah she looks like a beautiful avatar next to a pathetic scrawny human.
No. 872048
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I'm losing my mind over the women's climbing event.
No. 872217
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Does anyone else skate? There’s a skateboarding gossip forum called SLAP, but it’s mostly guys who just talk about if female skaters are hot or as good as men.
The Olympics are controversial in skating and they definitely need to change a lot for the next games, but it made me so happy to see all the women turn out really hard for the Park Competition. Street was super boring and there was a lot of personal drama.
All the girls who got medals deserved it, but I’ll always have a soft spot for Lizzie since she’s broken so many barriers, took a fall off a mega ramp, and is one of the last millennials left in Park comps.
Even the guys on SLAP are surprised how good they are now
No. 873970
>>871046He was misquoted btw he was talking about himself, not Simone. You can criticize him for many things but he isn't one to talk shit about other athletes cause he was demonized as a youth for being eastern european and successful.
The one story that should have gone viral is that the gold medalist in mens singles was accused by his ex gf of abusing her and the tennis association did absolutely nothing.
No. 876281
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No. 876283
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No. 876289
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No. 876290
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No. 876543
>>876294You watched the ceremony and didn't realize what all the stuff about Paris was about?
Both ceremonies were pretty boring, but covid and orginizational trouble probably was a big reason so I can't blame them. At least the athletics went off fine.
Anyway, theres Winter in Beijing first which I really hope turns out ok. There's more sports I like in the winter.
>>876283One thing 4chan is good for, lots of good webms.
No. 876765
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No. 876774
>>876765She didn't get eliminated, she just got 0 points for the show jumping section of the pentathlon, which brought her from having a record lead to the gold medal down to 31st place.
>>876768>abused her horseI didn't realise there were people retarded enough to actually say that unironically.
No. 876778
>>876774>I didn't realise there were people retarded enough to actually say that unironically.So, you saw the video and think she didn't harm the horse? It was clearly uncomfortable, got hit by both the rider and the trainer and forcefully pulled on the reins, this is unacceptable behavior and abuse of animals that has no place in neither casual riding and especially in pro competitions.
In general this competition is full on idiotic, horse sports depend a lot on the rider and the horse training together well and here the rider just gets a random horse they dont know right before their run begins, who came up with that.
No. 876803
>>872217My brother browses that forum, kek
>>876782Is that abuse? It looks like she's slapping him, but horses are so huge that it's hardly remarkable enough to do any damage or harm. And was that even a punch? Maybe it's just because the video is poor quality it just looked like a quick slap/shove.
No. 876813
>>876790Just say you want horse riding banned. Why are you focusing on this particular case, is this just the first time you see an equestrian event outside of MLP?
>You can and should ride horses without doing either of these things.You ride horses without reins?
No. 876820
>>876782's a video of the whole thing. Through I'm not sure if you can watch it outside of europe.
>>876785What your missing is her coach shouting at her that she should "Hit it really hard". And if you watch closely her coach even punches it.
>>876796I guess the idea is that your supposed to get to grips with a new horse really fast. It's pretty idiotic, especially since riding isn't all that important for your overall score, meaning that most pentathletes are pretty mediocre riders.
No. 876824
>>876803Horses are big and heavy but also sensitive enough to feel a fly sitting on them; getting hit by a crop full force repeatedly like that is abuse; especially since no one has any idea why the horse is refusing to jump, so even defending it as "punishment for misbehavior" makes zero sense. Pretty much everyone in the equestrian circles I saw agrees this situation was unacceptable, but just as unacceptable as this very competition existing given the rider doesn't know the horse. People who are the most to blame are the organizers.
>>876813>Just say you want horse riding bannedAs a matter of fact I do; maybe dressage is fine, but there's still stress the horse will feel getting transported across the globe so I don't think it should be done at all except locally.
>You ride horses without reins?I ride without pulling forcefully on the bit, yes, that's how it's supposed to be done. Sometimes I'm riding without the bit at all. You may be surprised but reins are not essential in horseriding, although in pro jumping and all the rapid turns that have to be done they are, which is why in this sport you see more brute force approach than in dressage; especially on the lower competition levels. Top tier like olympics should be free of it.
No. 876825
From what I understand the rider was stressed and bawling her eyes out before the ride started despite winning gold before. A lot of horses tend to freak out if they're rider is in distress, especially riders they barely know. The whole thing was stressful to look at. The coach was also a dumbass. Wonder what they said to the rider that got them so stressed. Hard to believe these two are suppose to be pros.
>>876796It's weird I know, but the logic is if you're a good rider you can control any horse. That and randomly assigned horses mean you can't dope up your horse with performance enhancers. That and to make it fair all horses are similar breed wise. Cuz lets face it, some horse breeds are just better at jumping.
This was rider error and the coach being a dumbass. I would just tell my rider to get off if she's crying that much, she could barely see or focus on the event anyway.
Horses are also ridden and inspected before hand to make sure they're good to go.
No. 876832
>>876824That is very good information
why do you think the horse refused?
No. 876844
>>876825>From what I understand the rider was stressed and bawling her eyes out before the ride started despite winning gold before. Appearently her horse refused three times during the practice run, but your only allowed to change the horse if it refuses four times. This probably stressed both out like crazy espeacially since she was well on her way to win gold.
The random horse thing also makes the sport affordable to normal people, because buying, caring for and training a top tier horse is extremely expensive. (Then again, not many people care for pentathelon at all and I don't know anyone who has modern pentathalon as a hobby)
>>876824Having watched a few videos on how these horses travel it doesn't seem that stressful to be honest. The argument that high level competition is always risky for the horses health holds more weight imo.
No. 876851
>>876832Honestly it's hard to say, from just watching a video it's a typical behavior of a horse that didn't get enough time to assess the obstacle in front of it so it refuses to jump it as he doesn't understand how far he'd have to jump and what is behind; going at the obstacle frontally the horse doesn't see it so it needs to trust the rider - which is obviously impossible in this specific competition where horses are randomly assigned - and also this rider is behaving erraticaly, displaying anger and fear, which the horse can sense, making it even harder to build any semblance of trust. The approach on the video seems a little narrow too, which gave the horse even less time to prepare for the jump, but, once again, if he know the rider he'd probably do the jump anyway just trusting the signals given.
Other possible scenario, even if that horse was fine jumping the track before, something happened in the recent past that made him scared and more likely to refuse to cooperate. We know it already behaved like that for other rider before, maybe that situation made it scared of something he was good at before, as horses are easily developing these kind of fears, even if irrational. Another theory, the horse may be hurt, even as recently as during the warmup right before the competition, not hurt enough to display wounded behavior like limping but enough to fear the pain of the impact of legs hitting the ground after such a jump, that's why he doesn't want to do it.
Finally, horses minds are really abstract. Even the best behaved horse can, idk, one day see something in the corner of it's eye and panic, especially under a rider it doesn't know and doesn't trust enough to take care of potential dangers. Overall, neither of these scenarios or just what we see on the video appears like any kind of malice from the horse, so any kind of punishment just makes no sense and would only give opposite results. I do understand the pressure and stress Schleu, the competitor, was under. This is the olympics after all and she was very close to the medal, I don't think she should be called animal abuser or a bad rider, she just had an awful moment and panicked. Her trainer for encouraging the hitting though is pretty shit.
>>876844>Having watched a few videos on how these horses travel it doesn't seem that stressful to be honest. It's usually organized well and with wellbeing in mind and most of the sport horses are more or less fine but it's still a bit so-so given animals cant really understand what's going on with them. I agree it's a lesser argument though.
No. 876889
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>>876851So i just looked through the footage again, and he was ridden before by Gubaydullina Gulnaz (bib 19, starting number 18) where he showed some of the same behavior, he refused three times, after the third refusal he starts walking backwards and the attempt is appearently called off.
If the horse spergs of the thread want some more rage fuel, Micheli Elena and Guimares Ieda fall off their horses twice. Gumiares even ends up under the horse (pic rel), she luckily wasn't hurt.
No. 876926
File: 1628518276399.jpg (166.83 KB, 1080x580,…) is apparently what was supposed to be the original opening ceremony. I understand why we got what we got but the opening and ending ceremonies were definitely underwhelming lol.
No. 876931
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Also I've seen people point out that the third boulder problem in the men's finals looks like the "rising sun" and might be a reference to it. Apparently one commentator did say it looked like that, not knowing the significance behind the rising sun flag, and a Korean climber who was commentating on it put out a statement on instagram over it too. The setters were French I believe.
No. 877323
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Fuck horse riding, the most pathetic "sport" ever.
Anyways, anyone following the rhytmic gymnastics shitshow? I was not expecting Arina to be 4th, personally I don't know anything about the rules but I've seen people that do know, say that it was fair because of how the scoring works
No. 877591
>>877323I think that's interesting because it's the first time (in 25 years) when Russia didn't get a gold medal in this category.
I think she did great but I truly feel like Olympics, just like Eurovision and other things are all about poltiics now. After all Eurovision was a massive shitshow that got saved only by audience votes.
No. 877761
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No. 879741
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>>879677I'm losing my mind over not being able to find this medal ceremony on video to confirm but in general when you look at track cyclists bodies, their thigh muscles are insanely huge, so I guess butts too.
No. 879753
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>>879744Middle guy looks like a cartoon.
I just discovered this Brit, he looked way too handsome after a crash.
No. 879767
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>>879753people in this sport really look bizarre in general, some photos look like they could go straight to ridiculous photoshoppers thread on /snow/
No. 880599
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>>866223I wasn't aware of this thread before otherwise I would have contributed earlier, but I watched most of it on and freestreams-live.
Highlights for me were wrestling, judo, and above all weighlifting, especially Lasha and Wenwen.