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No. 86572
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No. 86582
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>>86571this one is imo the most funniest ive seen. You're late on the bandwagon btw
No. 86583
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Lol im sorry but i read the conversation again and i keep laughing at "cant wait to nut on your forehead" kek
No. 86597
>>86594Some of these women are fucking disgusting. Guy leads them on to think that they're going to get paid to have sex with his down-syndrome 14 year nephew. "Make him a men." Which is both luzy and horrifying. But then again, he publishes some John spilling dirt on one of these prostitutes after said John disgustingly paid for some whore on instagram. Both are scumbags but a lot of rich, trust-fund men like to laugh at these whores when they can't bag a decent looking woman without money. The site somewhat caters to them.
Still 6/10 lulz and the women are scumbags anyways so it's worth a look. Some of the stories are hilarious and others are boring worthy of celeb gossip magazines.
No. 86757
>>86746That's what's supposed to be entertaining, I guess. That they would believe a random person on the Internet claiming to be a filthy rich oil sheik would pay them thousands to do degrading things.
idk, i guess if all of the Instagram "hoes" were bona fide scum lolcows like Margaret Palermo, I'd be amused. But it just seems like some misogynist (a real misogynist, not a tumblr one) just has it in for girls who draw on shitty eyebrows and spam their ugly mugs everywhere.
No. 86762
>>86596Yeah but they're not getting paid to talk. They get paid to get used.
I don't agree with calling honest & legal work shitty and worthless. You're example is poor. The janitor is working and forced to clean it up for pay. These bitches are only getting trolled. And I'm not saying they don't deserve to be pissed, I'd be pissed too if someone exposed by dumbass, but they can't be that mad if they're being that nasty without protecting themselves beforehand.
>>86597Oh yeah, I totally agree. I just expressed my opinion on one side of this equation: the dudes are def pathetic scumbags too.
No. 86763
>>86757It's almost robot tier assburgers attack. Don't have the funds to fuck a girl = assburgers attack.
Have the funds and have to pay to fuck a girl = assburgers attack.
No. 86765
>>86598In the moment, I think I would too.
But thinking about it, I wouldn't. I don't know those people, how do I know if they are who they say they are? It is dangerous traveling to an unknown country with a religious culture to let a guy supposedly "millionaire" shit on my face.
No. 86770
>>86765That's why so many of them ask to bring their friends, actually.
The guys are considered credible because they have Instagram followers and pictures of all their expensive shit on their profiles.
No. 86779
>>86776It's really disturbing how a plurality of females are so materialistic that they would stoop so low. I mean, it is human nature and everyone seeks out a successful partner who has a lot of resources on his finger-tips, but this sort of banal gold-digging doesn't make me sympathize in the slightest.
And because of this, you have mentally-ill robots sprout up like weeds and spew toxic views and have their perspective warped by god knows what, but maybe something related to this.
No. 86783
>>86762>Yeah but they're not getting paid to talk. They get paid to get used.But they could be "getting used" or getting actual paying customers while this shitty bellybutton is wasting their time. I'm a freelancer, and if I thought I was getting a fucking huge job and I was investing my time to communicate with the customer just so they would get a few laughs and nope the fuck out, I would find out where they live and send them a whole package of my wet, stinking diarrhea.
Some of the things the troll suggests are sickening when the girls agree though, like taking the virginity of a 14 year old downer
No. 86814
>>86779lol misogyny is so deep in like every culture, yes these women are materialistic as hell but they grew up with insane standards pushed onto them. these women are evidence of a deeper problem, not the root. so if you're bringing up human nature, bring up how women were put in this social minority to begin with.
that being said i'm glad these women were outed. younger generations can take instagram too literally and are taught to chase things that don't matter. i think it's low to out private messages, but they should be ashamed of themselves and they should lead better lives. and if they are actual prostitutes, they should own it.
No. 86921
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>>86814No one's holding a gun to these 23 year old's head and telling them to whore out for sneaks. I think it's misogynistic that you think these InstaWhores don't have the agency to make the decision to pose and do what they do for themselves because you don't like to admit that for as many fuccbois there are in the world, there's just as many fuccgirls.
So, as long as they say "I'm a Prostitute" you're ok with their transactions, but when they hide it, because, it's none of your business, they should "lead better lives"? Just say you don't like girls whoring out because it makes you feel bad, not because of your deep societal and cultural understandings, because you don't know shit, fam.
No. 86946
>>86921TOPKEK, the good ol' "hoes deserve it", women are such hypocrites.
You would say something different if a rich sandnigger from dubai would actually give you the opportunity to be shat on for800k
>>86925Oh plz
No. 86953
>>86952Yeah, I don't really like the idea of it either.
It's one thing getting gifts from people, but living a life of handouts would make me feel worthless in my existence.
It would be a different story if I won the lottery of course, but even then at least I'd be paying for my shit with money that belonged to me. Having people buy shit for me all the time would make me feel like they owned me.
No. 86957
>>86953A small gift is fine, but even then I feel weird letting people buy me uber expensive things. Even my parents. I prefer dinner as a birthday gift and time with them tbh.
>>86955Senior artist at a studio.
No. 87014
>>86948I don't think
>>86921 's post is an A+ like you do and I explained why in my previous post. Do you understand it now?
No. 87016
>>87014Yes but it's entirely subjective. You must understand that we clearly retain differing viewpoints, and so in that that your post here
>>86946 was not only unnecessary but partially irrelevant.
No. 87023
>>87021It's a loaded analogy so she can feel better about whoring herself out.
I mean I've got nothing against whoring yourself out but don't act like you're actually doing something beyond taking dick.
>>86983"staying hot" isn't a job thing, It's called self grooming, taking care of yourself and your body, you filthy animal.
No. 87044
>>87023>"staying hot" isn't a job thing, It's called self grooming, taking care of yourself and your bodyYes of courseā¦ that's why every normal person looks like an Instagram queen/model.
You sound terribly bitter that attractive people get opportunities that you don't.
No. 87283
>>86983Some of these women aren't that hot, they just let themselves get shat on.
And I'd rather work a menial job, at least no one fucking touches me.
No. 87287
>>86983You're never going to become independently wealthy through shit like this, even 99% of pornstars are financially worse off than the average office drone after a couple of years of work, albeit plus a bunch of consumer goods junk they bought with the fresh cash.
If it's not going to radically improve your standard of living, then don't bother. It's not life changing money, believe it or not.
No. 87295
Also stop shitting up all the threads, we get it you hate your chinky eyes and want to feel good about yourself, its okay, you can get cheap surgery in korea.
No. 87297
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>>87287>>87295Yaya Han just for da lulz, she da smart asian hoe desu, not degrading at all