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No. 868320
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German is a fun language.
No. 868907
>>868900you could have just posted it without saying it’s your name idiota
No. 868914
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Chucklefuck is my favorite person descriptor
No. 868947
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No. 869024
>>869018I like sanguine too
No. 869110
Zarzaparrilla, zarzamora, estrepitoso, retrasado, subnormal, sublime, aesthetic, très, kawaii, sheep, scrumptious, kore, sugoi, chueco, mocho, catire, pendejo, pajuo, donc, Karia it’s amharic so I don’t know how to spell it xiexie, qiqi, xiansheng.
I have more, I just like some sounds a lot.
No. 869117
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>>868898It's the best type of autism.
>>868855>ballerinoThis is really funny to me for some reason. BALLERINO.
Reminds me of when farmers call other anonita and stuff like this. Love it.
No. 869485
>>869016Edwardian slang is hilarious. Reminds me of the language Wodehouse used in his stories.
My favorite from that era is "bally". It just sounds bally stupid.
No. 871923
Ethereal - I think it's the prettiest word in the entirety of the English language
>>871894Ooh same, it feels like a melting chocolate cake
No. 872063
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>>871923>etherealthis, also pic related
No. 873224
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No. 873530
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>>873494they says Sherrif's given' out 'wards tuh erryone helpin' out the bounty hunt fer those there black men. says he give ya $100 purnukka.
No. 873624
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No. 873827
>>873788Related I like cockroach as an insult. They're disgusting and the word itself sounds disgusting and if I'm calling you that, it's because you're disgusting.
When I was in the sixth grade, there was this kid that nobody really liked, but didn't really bully either. One time he annoyed me and it just randomly came into my head to say "shut up you cockroach" and I could tell it really hurt his feelings because at twelve you might be prepared to be called gay or faggot or something, but who could have seen cockroach coming?
No. 916025
>>915977I have learnt and then forgotten all of the Irish language. Maybe 5 words remain.
No. 920907
>>868846This one is good
>>868935This is also good, I put it on my list
My favorite word is phenomenon
Some other good sounding ones are
No. 921009
No. 921037
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No. 921785
>>921778It's a cool word, I'm not saying it out loud and pretending it has a place in a casual conversation, so keep your paws and jaws to yourself.
The fact that it vaguely fits Rei Ayanami's character made me chuckle years ago (and honestly? it fits all waifus ever, kek)
No. 1016837
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No. 1016851
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No. 1016859
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No. 1228574
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The Romanian word "râs" can mean both "laughter" and "lynx"
No. 1228604
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牛乳. Gyunyuu. Japanese word for milk. The way this word sounds is inexplicably hilarious to me.
No. 1228921
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>>1228574The word “chouette” in French means both cool and owl.
No. 1236540
>>1236535It's actually burger
The Etymology of “Pizzazz”
Posted on November 15, 2019by Jess Zafarris
While some sources including say that “pizzazz” (or “pizazz”) first appeared in print in a March 1937 issue of Harper’s Bazaar, it actually appears earlier in a 1913 issue of The Main Sheet, a largely humorous publication by the Indoor Yacht Club, albeit with a different usage than we see today.
Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 2.33.23 PMScreen Shot 2019-11-14 at 2.25.50 PM
It is true that today’s usage of the word “pizzazz” is likely from the 20s/30s, as described in the Bazaar:
Pizazz, to quote the editor of the Harvard Lampoon, is an indefinable dynamic quality, the je ne sais quoi of function; as for instance, adding Scotch puts pizazz into a drink. Certain clothes have it, too.
The word does not appear earlier in any known issues of the Harvard Lampoon, so perhaps the editor in question said the word out loud or in another publication.
The earlier 1913 Main Sheet column in which “pizzazz” first appears is a satiric story called “It’s All Off With the Rough Stuff” about the Clean Language League of America’s campaign against “low-brow lingo.” It has a slightly different meaning here, and is used in the phrase “completely on the pizzazz,” meaning, more or less, something done away with or banned.
Brother Russell declared, bo, that his crowd had already framed it up with some of the big guys in the music world to put the kibosh on this line of junk, and that it was only a question of time before they would have such pieces as “When I Get You Alone Tonight” completely on the pizzazz.
The whole column is full of slang, idioms, jokes, and low-brow terms that would irritate the League. Some especially wonderful gems include “plum nuts,” “hifalutin,” “flossie,” “swimdiggle,” and “do the nobby.”
It also lays out which words and phrases are inappropriate for girls to say (including “fudge”) and for boys to say—all while joyfully repeating the terms in the most tongue-in-cheek way possible:
[T]hey swore to goodness that ‘doggone it’ was a doggone bad thing to say, and that ‘gosh darn’ was putrid, and that ‘bully gee’ and ‘I’ll be swimdiggled’ were expressions that a mucker might use.”
It even includes a bleeped-out word that “fathers must not say.”
(By the way, the Clean Language League of America does appear to have actually existed, according to this 1912 article in the financial journal Commercial West.)
You can read the full column below, and you can listen to the supposedly risqué song that it mentions, “When I Get You Alone Tonight,” here.
Full Column, “It’s All Off With the Rough Stuff,” from The Main Sheet, May 8, 1913:
Clean Language Hatches Frame-Up to Put Kibosh on Low-Brow Noise.
The Clean Language League of America, which is plum nuts about being dead set against slang, cuss words, risqué stories, purple ragtime and wriggly cabaret shindigs—not because it cares a whoop, but because such things always sound like heck to strangers—held a wild-eyed jamboree in Chicago recently and, according to the New York Telegraph, cooped up plans for a grand hallelujah campaign to induce everybody to climb into the pure words wagon and swear off on throwing the low-brow lingo. Quite a considerable hunch of language bugs took the splurge and the enthusiasm was all to the velvet.
According to the dope that was passed out by one of the high moguls, Tommy Russell, the main doings, was lo pick out a publicity gang, which will have the job of throwing this line of bull into every state in the union, being particularly strong on the schools and colleges and not passing up the educational hang-outs for skirts. The side show of the movement will he to go after the kind of music that you hear in the all-night dumps and at public hog-rassles. Brother Russell declared, bo, that his crowd had already framed it up with some of the big guys in the music world to put the kibosh on this line of junk, and that it was only a question of time before they would have such pieces as “When I Get You Alone Tonight” completely on the pizzazz.
Would Spread the Doctrine
Another idea of the league is to put a straw boss in every other state for the purpose of hitching up with mutts as dippy as himself in order to help the good word along. This state gink is to be a sort of an Old-Miss-Over-AH and the purity expert in his particular neck of the woods.
The crowd passed a whole lot of hifalutin resolutions. They said that it made them as sore as a goat to have to hear their mothers using slang in the presence of the kids because it was a ten to one shot that it would put the little duffers’ morals on the blink. They said that sister must not say “fudge”—not even when there was nobody but guineas around—because “fudge” wasn’t a proper dido to find in a flossie’s vocabulary.
They pulled quite a bunch of stuff about what was O.K. for little brother to let himself loose on, but they swore to goodness that “doggone it” was a doggone bad thing to say, and that “gosh darn” was putrid, and that “bully gee” and “I’ll be swimdiggled” were expressions that a mucker might use, but that a gilt-edged young gazabo would never attempt to play up, even before a coon. Rough Stuff Is Banned.
The league, said that fathers must not say ——!*?——’——!, no matter if a guy waltzed up and walloped poor old pop on the beezer, and that only pie-trammers and hash-slingers would ever condescend to come across with such rough stuff as “Aw, nix on that,” “Cheese it” and “Shut your trap.”
As for the risqué stuff, there was quite a lot of hot air about that, too, and everybody agreed that if America was ever going to do the nobby and quit being a home of roughnecks, it was about time that the chickens and other young boobs let up on swapping yarns about what used to happen on Uncle John’s farm.
No. 1236591
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I don't want to make an extra thread, but what are words you dislike/hate?
For me it's "moist" and "penetrate", honestly sounds more disgusting than any dirty slang.
No. 1237196
>>1236591oh my god, so many. but some that come to mind are
>succulent>gusset>gooey>cunnilingus (sounds like a disease)>spit>ointment>fetus>snot/mucus>pimple>loogeyI know there's more, I just can't think of them
No. 1237336
>>1236591This isn't a word I dislike but it's near impossible for me to say nipple out loud without giggling. I sound like a thirteen year old lol, but it's true. I find it a really awkward word to say.
Same with buttress, I can't take it seriously. And plectrum, because it sounds way too much like rectum
No. 1246103
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i love the word cosy. and spelt the english way as using an ‘s’ instead of a ‘z’ makes the word look cosy!! as cozy looks sharp and pointy and uncomfortable
No. 1246219
>>1246164Both children and parents can use it. You can also drop the gender indicator and just call a godparent "kummi", or use it together with the name of the godparent especially if the child has several godparents, like "Jake-kummi". In my family we have usually used name + kummi since all children have at least two godparents.
I'm from the eastern parts of Finland where Eastern Orthodox church is maybe a bit more common than in other parts of Finland but idk if that affects the usage of godparent within my family
No. 1247006
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>>1247003Might I recommend a movie to you
No. 1658385
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No. 1658408
>>1658385Love obfuscate.
No. 1658571
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I'm bored and have nothing better to do so I'm just going to waste my time in this thread.
Lorelei — Apparently means "the enchantress" (I think, not completely sure) but it's name of a siren in German folklore, my friend uses this word often in place of 'mermaid' and I find it really pretty.
粥 — It literally means porridge kek, I just really like the strokes in this Chinese character. It's fun to write.
进 — Another mundane yet really pretty-looking Chinese character, it means enter/entry.
飞 — Means fly/flying/winged, it reminds me of birds and butterflies (probably because that's what it was originally intended to resemble) so I love it.
No. 1658586
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>>1658408Boondoggle literally makes me laugh out loud
>>1658571>>1658574Ooh thanks for the non English words nonnies
No. 1658744
>>1658585this absolute
fool doesn't know middle english as her second langauge
No. 1660325
festering, industrial
>>1236591butter, cheese
No. 1660381
>>1236591I hate "panties."
No. 1911298
>>1236591>What are words you hate?I
hate the verb:
to utilize. Just say
to use!!
No. 2068804
collision, collide
>>1914498good one
>>1237196>cunnilingus (sounds like a disease)kekkk you're right though
No. 2153129
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No. 2154183
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>>2154119Try Parallelepiped
No. 2166048
Vagina Dentata
>>868459Thanks. Love Serendipitous too now
>>871923Lovely list nona! I love all words and agree with
>>872063 No. 2323270
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No. 2326899
I learn barracuda and it's such a fun word I don't know why.
>>2323703I go outside and enjoy the wind and cold weather, then I get hit by the apricity, ruining my mood and day. Great, walk canceled. Imagine sweating in 22° C temperature, embarrassing. Fuck apricity.
No. 2402031
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I have been thinking a lot about pretty words i like because i dont know what to name my game. I envy Japanese mangakas who can come with nonsensical yet pretty names for their work. Dumb af but sometimes i pickup manga solely because i like how the title sounds, picrel.