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No. 86979
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EasyNeon. She's a 24 year old girl from Moldova that publishes primarily makeup tutorials, but she also occasionally does beauty, fashion and lifestyle videos.'s pretty fucking gorgeous and her makeup application is A+, but I only wish she'd try donning a blonde wig sometime and doing a a few makeup tutorials based around lighter hair colours because sometimes her makeup really only looks good on people with dark hair.
She also used to be really fat, like 99kg / 218lbs and lost a fucktonne of weight which is p. inspiring.
No. 86980
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>name of YoutuberGothamista
>link to channel
>their channel's themeBeauty/skincare general.
>what kind of content they produceShe's not really a big channel, only 14,125 subscribers, but she does these massive hauls/reviews of South Korean/East Asian skin care products that I find really useful. Her skin if amazing so I assume she knows what she's talking about.
No. 86981
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>name of YoutuberTheReportOfTheWeek
>link to channel>their channel's themefood reviews
>what kind of content they producereviews on
>why you like them etc.wholesome honest analysis of junk food. also he's kinda qt
No. 86991
>name of YoutuberMykie (Glam&Gore)
>link to channel
>their channel's themeBeauty and make up
>what kind of content they produceSFX make up and make up in general
>why you like themIt's interesting to see how she transformed into the gore make-up, sometimes it looks so real and on her earlier videos I remember being amazed that she achieved the gore look with some cheap materials like cotton and school glues. If you're into SFX make-up, her channel is pretty much heaven. She's pretty funny too.
No. 87024
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>name of YoutuberAdam kovic
>link to channel
>their channel's themeVideo game/Vlogging
>what kind of content they produceVlogs/Photoshop and video editing tutorials
>why you like them etc.Not sure why, his depressing personality and awkward humor reminds me of myself which makes everything he says twice as funny.
No. 87031
>their channel's thememusic production humor
>why you like them etc.funny and informative
No. 87039
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>>87027I think she might just have thinner shoulders. Also the camera is angled at her face. She doesn't take many full body shots which might be attributed to lasting body insecurity from being fat as a kid. I like her because she is understated and has a nice voice. Not that usually shrill manic guru voice.
No. 87054
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>>87000Wow, THIS is an amazing transformation. She was actually fat. Not just "fat" (aka a normal chubby child) like Taylor R cried about being.
No. 87068
>>87054To be fair to Taylor her face looks about as fat as Diana's in
>>87000Taylor looks like she was a bit of a chunker when she was young, it's probably just not easy to discern because there's no fully body pictures.
No. 87154
>name of youtubershaliek/badgoku14/skylark
>link to channel
>their channel themeytp
>what kind of content the produceonly 90s gamers
>why you like them etcprobably only one of the few youtubepoop creators out there that's managed to survive post-2008 youtube and still make funny content
miss this dude honestly
No. 87170
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>name of youtuberTati also known as GlamLifeGuru
>channel themebeautyguru things just without the annoying part
>content they produceBeauty reviews, hauls and occasionally tutorials
the only beautyguru on youtube I can trust; knows her shits and isn't even a tad bit as annoying as other makeup/beauty youtubers
No. 87171
>>87170i was hoping someone would post her tbh
its the makeup guru i watch the most often. people think she can be pretty boring but i actually love it. she isnt annoying and acts her age (
cough unlike bunny
cough )
No. 87410
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No. 87433
>name of YoutuberYourMovieSucks (Adam Johnston)
>link to channel
>their channel's themein-depth film reviews with plenty of dry humor and editing jokes
>why you like themHas taste in films that generally lines up with mine and has some hilarious reviews (Cool Cat Saves the Kids, After Earth, and Unfriended are good places to start). Puts a lot of work into his videos (although this means he doesn't release new content very often).
>alsoihaveacrushonhim No. 87445
>name of YoutuberEvery frame a painting
>link to channel>their channel's themeTalks about movies, filming, editing and such. It's pretty fucking interesting. It seems like a nice introduction to film theory if you're in that stuff.
>why you like them etc.It's well put together and there's obviously research behind it.
No. 87447
>>87435>>87433His reviews on Megan is Missing and The Last Airbender are some of my favourite videos on YouTube. I watch his shit religiously.
This fucking montage specifically though, oh god I lose it. Every. Damn. Time.
No. 87493
>>87453That did irritate me, when he went off the deep end and started calling people in the chat names just because they weren't "using critical thinking". I can almost see his point, but someone who jerks off a horse, although they didn't cause any lasting damage or hurt the animal, they still are kind of fucked up mentally because that is not a normal urge to have and need to get help. The fact that animals get basically raped in the service industry (artificial insemination) is also a good point. Treating his fans like idiots was not the way to get his point across.
I'd still fuck him though. If only I were a giant muscular tiger man. He'd never fuck a human woman.
No. 87532
>>87485I definitely agree with him about what he says about people being hypocrites in being reviled by zoophilia but then consuming the products of animal sexual abuse anyway.
After after that…. jesus, he should have just left it there. It's pretty clear the guy is into having dogs fuck him or something.
I'm pretty upset now because I really liked him as a Youtuber and I feel like I can't watch his videos and be able to enjoy them after this.
No. 87534
>>87499His rant was basically:
-only vegans can say that sex with animals is wrong because forced impregnation of cows to get milk and cheese is standard practice, if I shove a fist in a cows vagina it's a crime, if a farmer does it it's okay, etc
- he himself is not a vegan
- still thinks if everyone got meat from hunting/non animal ag that sex with animals should still be legal because to say that all sex with animals is inherently abuse is "ignorant"
- states that he thinks bestiality is gross, but that being gross isn't reason enough to make something illegal, uses sodomy laws as example
Essentially he's just being as cold and disconnected as possible in assuming that touching an animal as a different species has no effect on the animal's mental state or well being in the long run. In the comments he argues with someone about the idea of "consent"
- animals don't consent to being spayed or neutered, domesticated, eaten, etc
- why can humans use animals for all those purposes but the minute it becomes sexual it's no longer allowed
So in short, he claims to not want to have sex with animals himself, but in a world where we legally impregnate and kill animals, drawing the line at jacking off a dog seems arbitrary.
No. 87553
>>87544I was way behind it up until the point where he was like "IF YOU BAN ZOOPHILIA YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST BAN SKYDIVING".
Nigger went full retard and it's pretty obvs he just wants to fuck dogs.
He's just using the whole "Urh, artificial insemination is abuse" (which it is) as a moral shield to hide behind.
No. 87555
>>87553Surely if you can justify it then it shouldn't be a crime. Damn makes me think about a case I saw on ID where this guy was convicted of raping his wife and his defensed said it couldn't be considered rape as you apparently can't rape your spouse.
That being said, wtf did he even mention it. I'm sure there a plenty of other people into the shit, so why put the spotlight on himself?
No. 87581
>>87557I wonder if he is familiar with Mr.Hands.
>>87578I mean in the end people are free to do what they want(hence why incest happens), but I'll never understand the desire to want to do it…not that I'm saying he want to fuck his do or whatever. YOLO I guess.
No. 87663
>>87578>Pets are property not humans. Mammals are too intelligent to be considered property. They can feel pain, experience basic emotions, and reason about simple decisions.
Fucking an animal is almost the same as fucking a child or retarded adult that goes along with it. Even if they might be seemingly indifferent or receptive during the act, they can't willingly consent. It should absolutely be a crime.
No. 88496
>name of YoutuberYolanda Gampp (How To Cake It)
>link to channel
>their channel's themeCake Modelling
>what kind of content they produceSculpting crazy and life-like cakes
>why you like them etc.From all the cake gurus, I like her the most. I like her because she makes crazy cakes, and she showed the process too, from the start. She's very talented in modelling cakes, all the finished product do seem like the real thing in real life, even though some of them are maybe a too over the top. Oh, and she knows how to make the videos interesting and funny, not just tutorial how-to's with narration. If you like baking and sculpting cakes, I think you will like this channel.
No. 88504
>>88496Love her cakes, and she is crazy talented, but I wish she didn't include so many quirky outtakes that seem to have happened accidentally-on-purpose. I just want to see the process of the cake with her commentary, not a cut to her laughing every 30 seconds.
I wonder if she'd ever put out any strictly tutorial type videos in the future.
No. 88536
>>88510It depends on if one sees killing an infant as killing a potential future human who contributes to society.
An infant certainly has little sentience or value in and of itself. But you're destroying a cocoon that could yield sophisticated and intelligent life.
Of course, one could use that argument to justify banning abortion, though.
No. 88581
>>88504Awww…but I actually like her quirky commentary/jokes/outtakes, it somehow keeps my attention since I get pretty bored when viewing strictly tutorial videos. Although I agree her commentary/jokes/outtakes can be a hit or miss. But to each of their own I guess, hehehee…
If you like strictly tutorial type videos, I suggest Ann Reardon (How to Cook That). The lady that runs the channel is a food scientist too, if I'm not mistaken, she often gives useful tips and tricks on what to use/do/don'ts when modelling the cakes. But in my opinion, she's not as good as Yolanda Gampp, modelling/sculpting-wise. Her recipes are delicious though.