File: 1461486953324.png (688.87 KB, 949x1250, 1458617867814.png)

No. 88248
>>88246>>88246What do you mean by small?
My boyfriend is always so insecure about his size but I guess that's just a guy thing.
No. 88261
i had sex last night with someone who I'd say was around 4 or 5 inches and it really is about how you use your dick because currently my legs and back are sore as hell. I've had a 7" dick before and honestly he could never compare to last night.
>>88246i don't think i can get off from PIV either. I'd really like to though.
No. 88263
>>88262Huh, I haven't really heard of someone wanting their bf circumcised for religious reasons…It's usually about sons or whatever, but you do you, anon.
>>88257Yeah, only 1 in 4 girls gets off from penetration so it's kinda rare.
Anyways, I don't care about dick size if I'm really into the guy but I prefer 5 in - 7 1/2 in.
No. 88272
File: 1461540079542.gif (1.74 MB, 300x290, 1460348829031.gif)

>>88271You've met a guy that's 3inches?
How is that even possible unless your ex was Asian or somthing but even then it's rare.
No. 88273
>>88248Mine has a member bigger than average (8) and he's so obnoxious about it kek. It's his favourite thing about himself. I think guys are really obsessed with their penises. If they're too small, average or on the bigger side, they're all just as obsessed.
In my opinion as long as it's ok looking and not something out of the embarassing bodies show, size isn't an issue. There are more important features in a man. Such as his abilities in breakfast making.
No. 88277
File: 1461549179096.jpg (332.02 KB, 2197x1463, laughing whores.jpg)

>>88276You don't have to worry. It does not reach his bellybutton.
No. 88282
>>88253>>88254>>88255>>88262>>88279At least try to cut on the r9k slangs, dumbass.
This thread was made by a dirty robot.
No. 88284
>>88282I made this thread cuz I had nothing to do.
if /r9k/ wants to invade this thread and fuck around then just ignore them.
No. 88288
File: 1461618511713.jpg (34.51 KB, 535x577, 1409884087617.jpg)

>tfw barely 5" thin peepee(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 88318
>>88272Nope, he was white.
I've slept with 4 guys.
Approximately 3" hard - white dude, about 5'8".
Approximately 5" hard - asian dude, 5'6" tall.
Approximately 5" hard - asian dude, 6' tall.
No. 88319
>>88318Forgot the last one (well, my first actually).
Approximately 8-9" hard - white dude that was 1/4 black, 5'8" tall.
No. 88331
>>88320I myself feel like it would be difficult without it, you know what you know. It sort of moves with you and reduces friction. Just Google some bj scenes uncut cock scenes?
I've never even seen a cut one irl, the only argument I can see for cutting doesn't count because I only date hygienic guys anyway
No. 88555
>>88514I feel like this is so true. Current s/o as a 7 inch dick, was super insecure about his penis being small.
I prefer cut just because of hygienic reasons but if he's uncut it's no big deal. Again, current s/o is uncut but it's like half and half so it doesn't look weird when its soft and it looks nice when he's hard. One of my ex's had the ugliest uncut dick I've ever seen though. It had so much extra skin and he could barely stay hard.
No. 88563
>>88555Do we have the same boyfriend?
circumcised just looks weird to me- this is coming from someone who lives in the U.S. My boyfriend was born in Mexico so that explains why he's uncut and I like it. I make fun of it by saying his dick is wearing a turtleneck when he's soft and I also pretend to shoot lasers out of it.
Anyone else do weird things with their boyfriend's dick?
No. 88565
>>88283i got a native boy who's 6.5 when hard and uncut. im weak af and will not blow him if he doesnt wash. im really bad with genetelia smells though so maybe that's just me. he's pretty self conscious about him being uncut but honestly it just means we never need lotion.
i also wouldnt want him any bigger since im kind of small and i can't really get wet (idk what killed my sex drive) so we always need lube. it hurts at first but then it's perfectly satisfying.
No. 89107
File: 1462042337661.jpg (149.31 KB, 728x514, 1462023777069.jpg)

>tfw barely 13 cm
stopped hoping for stuff long time ago
No. 89115
>>89107That's not bad tbh.
Idk why you worried anon.
No. 89124
>>89121>>89122Not sure what to think.
>>89123Probably, no way in hell I can imagine a women finding a small dick hot.
No. 89131
>>89120Turns me on, but you don't really have to believe that.
The things that turn me the most off with guys and dicks is:
> them bragging about being big > making fun of other guys dicks As log as youre not under 3 inches you're g2g imo.
Big dicks just leave me in pain after sex, and I don't really like that (like period pain if they hit the pelvis literally hell).
No. 89134
File: 1462052603542.png (266.33 KB, 500x379, 7e33f565-905f-4bce-b9ee-e1e673…)

No. 89159
File: 1462071970563.jpg (9.77 KB, 225x225, 131039985536.jpg)

>circumcised dicks
No. 89165
File: 1462075197440.jpg (128 KB, 1127x1017, 1459496348215.jpg)

>uncircumcised dicks
No. 90085
>>900735 in my entire life? I dont think its that bad, plus I'm married now so the number isn't increasing.
Maybe if you count all the woman I've been with two lmao
No. 90086
>>90085*been with too
sorry for the autism
No. 90371
>>89736Me too. My current bf is 7 and a half almost 8 uncircumcised and he's just perfect. It hurts but I'm a masochist so it kinda works for us.
Gaaah I feel awful but sometimes I just think I love him for his body and how he makes me feel when we have sex.
No. 90382
>>90372Isn't 5 inches pretty average?
Its not particularly big but not super small/abnormal either.
No. 90393
>>90381I stopped going there a year ago, that place is poison. I lost a bunch of weight, started taking care of myself, started treatment for my mental shit but I can't get over this. Being a 25 year old virgin doesn't help either.
>>90382I don't know, it looks really bad to me. It's thin as hell too, like 10.5 cm circumference and from what I read and heard thickness is more important.
No. 90411
>>90393You need to get over this.
>I heardFrom where? Reddit? You are cockblocking yourself with these fears
No. 90431
>>90429I also wonder about that, how do the girls here even know how large their partner was? We are notorious for exaggerating size anyway if a girl was to ask anyway.
You didn't really adress my questions about girth vs length but it okay because it seems it really doesn't matter to you
No. 90435
>>90431Well you can go ahead and assume that anything you read about women and their preferences from 4chan or reddit is wrong as hell, and written by sex starved dudes.
Honestly dick size doesn't matter to me. There is a person attached to the dick, and sex is about more than dicks. I want to actually get off when I have sex. That's really what I care about.
No. 90439
>>90435I'm trying not to assume much, that's why I'm asking at the source here.
>>90436Of course not much with friends but personally how you feel
No. 90459
>>90453All I said was that my friends don't talk about dick size, not that dick size isn't important to some.
These r9k guy make it sound like the be all to end all. They are more obsessed with their dicks than any girl could be.
No. 90462
>>90459I don't disagree with that. I think men in general are more obsessed with their dicks than women are.
/r9k/ is just.. yeah. Just let them enjoy their pathetic little delusional circlejerks. It's all they have. Even the rest of 4chan makes fun of them.
No. 90472
>>90460I'm not sure what makes you think I'm looking for a formula or trying to improve something. I was just asking a few questions out of curiosity on a subject that men don't often get to discuss.
Just about all men are curious about these things
No. 90479
>>90475Again I'm not sure why you think I want to change my dick size because I'm curious what women think about the subject
It's the same way you may be happy with your breasts but still curious what guys think about boob size
No. 90481
>>90479>It's the same way you may be happy with your breasts but still curious what guys think about boob sizeI don't care what guys think about boob size. I just assume that guys have different preferences.
Like, I'm not 12. I understand that some men will like me, and others won't.
I never understand when you losers come here and ask these questions about dicks. Or height. Or hair. The answer will always be "some people care, some don't. Everyone has different preferences".
No. 90485
>>90484Lol I'm not taking it personally. I'm pointing out to you why these questions from insecure babies can get annoying.
That answer is vague, but that's reality. Everyone has different preferences.
No. 90492
>>90489>I wouldn't care about my notches if men didn't careOh, honey.
If the dick thing is such an important fetish you should just invest in some massive vibrators or something.
No. 90495
>>90491Seriously. Don't limit yourself because of the possible thoughts of a future boyfriend. That's too many "what-ifs" for me.
In have no advice for your dick issue. I have never met anyone who was that into dick size. Sorry.
No. 90551
>>90546If he dick isn't the size of a wine bottle it is too small.
Also it needs to be as wide as it is tall, with no branching.
No. 90555
>>90552You sound too stupid to be having sex right now.
Maybe you should read up on contraception before you do anything drastic.
No. 92679
>>92662They always pick the shittiest sources for their ragebait.
5 bucks says a shitty info graphic is their next post.
No. 93336
File: 1463729591928.jpg (305.27 KB, 755x800, 1460478711842.jpg)

Daily reminder for dicklets
No. 93352
File: 1463741108962.jpg (121.08 KB, 960x960, tWGgidZ.jpg)

>>93336I hope that everyone who actually believes this shit dies.
No. 95365
File: 1464688135665.jpg (164.67 KB, 585x645, penis-size-chart.jpg)

Daily reminder
No. 95366
File: 1464688213240.png (366.82 KB, 914x713, fghnf.png)

No. 95376
I came to this thread out of curiosity and it's so full of dicklets and male cringe as expected. This is why robots should be automatically banned to post.
>>93336>>95259>>95278I'm in fucking tears I can't believe they believe their own bullshit they make up about women. Holy shit men are a meme.
No. 95393
File: 1464692124670.png (252.28 KB, 500x501, tumblr_o4b9y3gcw01uxigdwo1_500…)

>>95376>>95259>>95278>>93352Guys. It's a fucking bait picture. It's obviously meant to be funny, like wow.
No. 95423
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No. 95432
File: 1464709864130.jpg (34.08 KB, 375x500, tiny.jpg)

>>95424cringeHe have to hold it soo tight, his head almost going to blow. In reality his dick is around 7-8 inches, without those veins. It's not even that big in the picture.
No. 95435
File: 1464710279158.png (171.55 KB, 385x716, 1.png)

No. 95437
>>95424>>95426>>95427>>95430>>95432This is a fake conversation made using the fake iPhone screenshot generator. The network is set to AT&T on default on the generator and notice how the conversation apparently all took place within a minute, 8:32. Weird hour the girl's bellybutton piercing vanished in the second picture and her boobs and skin tone changed completely.
Some cuck with a size queen probably made it.
No. 95442
>>95437>Boobs changedWhat is a pushup bra?
>Bellybutton piercingThe picture isn't close enough on the second one to be able to see that. Either way, maybe she took the pic a while ago and still had the picture on her phone?
Why don't you just admit that your dick is small?
No. 95443
>>95423Why is her contact name James?
Great shop faking that conversation mate
No. 95445
File: 1464710728787.png (616.68 KB, 1900x947, sadasd.png)

>>95438>>95436>>95435>>95427>>95426>>95424>>95423Conversation is set beginning at 8:32 AM, time on the phone displays as 9:41, network is on AT&T…. weird that these all match the presettings for the fake iPhone text generator…. made these is a fucking idiot for not remembering the iOS test format and that the conversation bubbles between the other person are supposed to be GREY and on the LEFT side of the screen fucking kek
>>95442Anon your shitty ruse has been foiled by your stupidity in failing to edit the presettings.
>why don't you just admit that your dick is small?I'm a woman, cuck, cuck, cuck :^)
No. 95449
File: 1464711028985.jpg (24 KB, 377x469, 1457551955296.jpg)

These fake convos are so hilariously bad. Do the people who make them seriously think they're fooling anybody?
No. 95450
File: 1464711049808.gif (266.11 KB, 500x281, 7kRIPZc.gif)

Further proof that the only ones that keep pushing this "women are whores who're obsessed with huge, black cock!" shit is men themselves.
No. 95454
>>95445Uhh, no. The time at the top says 10:29, are you blind? And the conversations ARE grey at the left side of the screen.
>I'm a woman You're a shrimp dicked white boy :^)
No. 95457
File: 1464711600875.png (552.23 KB, 1176x771, 1464707773034.png)

>>95454Your ruse was low grade, give it up you cuck faggot. Embarrassing.
>you're a shrimp dicked white boy :^)Oh lol, another /robot/ with a cuckold fetish that doesn't seem to realise that this is a predominantly female board.
No. 95473
File: 1464713491415.jpg (47.48 KB, 273x669, duck.jpg)

No. 95481
>>95477I used to be like that too but stopped visiting the place and actually started to hit on girls instead of moping on internet. People have preferences I mean, might find a girl who wouldn't mind in the end.
>>95478I guess so, feels a bit small to me tho.
No. 95552
>>95525I think its normal to feel a bit insecure. No one is 100% confident.
As long as you don't take your insecurities out on other, you're okay.
No. 95595
File: 1464727097744.jpg (24.95 KB, 221x228, 1464692631529.jpg)

>>95564>>95565Well it's just insecurity, I'll get over it one day hopefully when I find a sweet girl I want to be with. Though I'm a bit skeptical seeing I'm a 26 yo virgin with an avoidant personality kek
No. 95611
>>95599It's counter productive for all sorts of sexuality really, male or female. People forget that they're actors, and that's not really how sex works. Penises aren't usually 8 inches plus (even in porn, perspective is important), women generally don't get off on just having giant things jammed inside them with bigger always equaling better, people aren't having sex in what appear to be yoga positions, it's all just part of a show.
It's like watching a romcom and thinking that's how relationships generally work.
No. 95634
File: 1464731604682.png (42.37 KB, 625x626, 1444954329184.png)

>>95632>>95633I'm white you dumbass, no matter how hard you wanna push the tight Asian women/tiny dick Asian men meme 5 inches is completely average.
They aren't even trying anymore. Can we please stop giving them replies?
No. 95636
>>95632>Average dicks aren't averageDid this make sense to you at some point?
>Guys who volunteer for those studies probably have small dicks and want to skew the data.They're medical studies, are you really suggesting there's a conspiracy of guys out there all working together to skew penis size data? Do you not see how stupid that sounds?
This is terrible bait anon, no-one's biting it and you just look stupid.
No. 95644
>>95636>This is terrible bait anon, no-one's biting itactually people have been replying to it for an hour
why does no one on this site know to leave bait alone
No. 95648
>>95639Maybe if you type up a few more shitposts you'll change the reality of the world anon.
>>95644Replying to bait to call it retarded isn't biting. It's just calling out someone for being retarded and stopping other people from falling for or feeling insecure about their stupid shit.
No. 95664
>>95633My dude is 8 inches and I'd prefer 5 inches. Big dicks look nice but they hurt a lot and make you sore. Also bumps cervix or whatever that horrid pain at the end of the tunnel is.
Big dicks are super overrated. Porn lied.
No. 95669
>>95661You're fine. Like
>>95664 says, massive dicks punch your cervix and that shit sucks. I would much prefer someone on the smaller side to a big dick that's going to wreck my clam.
No. 95689
File: 1464745494738.jpg (17.9 KB, 240x240, 1430349081062.jpg)

>>95622Where are the mods for this robot bullshit?
No. 95862
>>95838Omg they're talking about finding the "matching" vag for their dicks so they won't be seen as too small.
Whaaaaat the fuckkkkk don't they teach biology in high schools anymore?
No. 95867
>>95835>>95863The ironic thing is that (he tells me) he rarely watched porn and only masturbated once a week or once every two weeks before we started hooking up because it was a chore and he hated it. Maybe he didn't watch porn because it made him feel insecure, but I mean, I watch porn somewhat regularly and I don't feel insecure about my body.
Poor kid. We're still 19. Maybe it's a teenager thing. In due time, I suppose.
No. 95920
File: 1464873904646.png (538.21 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-04-28 05.45.04.png)

>>95915Yep something like that, and you also have internet for women or just people who want to make others insecure to flaunt around/troll people saying big dicks are best etc., media pushing bigger is better shit, all the porn around, mix this with being unsuccessful and inexperienced with women and you get an unholy mix of insecurity. Lots of girls say they won't mind, I try to tell myself it doesn't matter but deep down inside something tells me that I'm inadequate, thinking they only say that because they don't want to hurt our feelings and are actually disappointed with small ones.
No. 95929
>You are dating a girl.>You are gonna have sex with her for the fist time.>Girl gets naked,>Her breast are small (Or smaller than you though when you saw her with clothes)Are you gonna dump her? Like her less? Stop wanting to have sex with her?
You most likely don't, right?
Well, it's the same for you.
No. 95934
>>95931And was it enjoyable? How does it compared to bigger ones later? I'm guessing it was bad.
>>95929A women's tits are not their main sexual organ.
No. 95935
>And was it enjoyable?Ofc, I was in love with this guy. Sex is always amazing when it's with somebody you love.
>how does it compared to bigger ones later?Pretty much the same to be completely honest. I shouldn't even need to be telling you this but if you'd ever actually tried Googling female sexual anatomy instead of relying on a bunch of misogynists for knowledge on how the vagina works, you'd know that the majority of nerves are concentrated around the entrance of the vagina (the reason why virtually every girl says thicker is better).
The higher up you go the less nerves there are, hence why when we wear tampons we can't feel them. Once you get high enough you can't really feel much.
C'mon dude, I know all about penile anatomy, you SHOULD know this.
>I'm guessing it was bad.Stop that. That is the one thing that makes anybody unattractive and frankly irritating to be around.
And no, my current partner is literally double the length at 8" and he legit put me in A&E one night because of it I'm not even fucking exaggerating, he made an ovarian cysts rupture, I had to call an ambulance.
Having your fucking cervix smashed is not fun. If I could make it so he was an inch or two less, I would, or even 4" and thick would be nice, just anything put the cervix-tickler he's smuggling.
No. 95937
File: 1464879222219.jpg (147.08 KB, 766x960, 1464542833520.jpg)

>>95935I see, well I'm not thick either(circumference around 11-10cm) probably a lost cause kek
No. 95941
File: 1464879922472.png (194.24 KB, 1100x950, 1409866272064.png)

>>95940Not sure why I'm talking about this on a gossip board for girls anyways, way too late for me to become a normal person and have a relationship/have someone like me anyways ahhahahaha
No. 95952
File: 1464884824929.jpg (1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1421226567488.jpg)

>>95951Well yeah, not like I'm any better than my dick. No one in their right mind would want to be with me, I am ugly inside and outside.
I tried to date after giving up for years starting last spring, lost lots of weight, started taking care of myself etc. but it was just polishing the turd it seems. Years of loneliness made me bitter, hateful and untrustful. I really tried to unfuck my life but feels like nothing works so I completely gave up again probably, I still yearn for it but I know it's not going to happen for me so I suppress the feeling.
Anyways not sure why I'm rambling here anyways, I just don't want to go back to r9k anymore.
No. 95956
File: 1464886342085.jpg (1.07 MB, 1944x2592, 1432143028687.jpg)

>>95953You're right I'm just gonna fuck off
No. 95966
>>95965r9k isn't just negative, they actively troll on their own insecurities.
There's a reason why the robots who come here seem to have an endless supply of info graphics that support their batshit theories…
No. 95967
>>95956Omg this made me sad.
Wherever you go, don't go back to /r9k/
No. 95990
>>95962I don't have money for that and we don't have free therapy in my country.
>>95970Never been to the redpill place, they sound pretty fucking retarded. Haven't been to r9k in months.
>>95989She's right I am one and I want to kill myself every second but too much of a pussy to do that, if I had courage and the drive I would actually try to fix stuff I guess. I'm a coward.
No. 95992
>A women's tits are not their main sexual organ.It doesn't matter, if your dick is functional and can give pleasure (every dick that isn't a micropenis) the rest is just aesthetics in the same way as boobs.
If a girl don't want to have sex with you or don't enjoy it, it's veeery unlikely that the reason is the size of your dick.
No. 95997
>>95973>>95973>>95977>>95990I am
>>95970 anon, I was trying to say /r9k/ is bad/insane similar to theredpill (crazy, obviously a little more far off but yeah)
>>95990 if you want help/want to discuss issues for men (like social issues,mens self esteem) this is a good resource. I suggest you go to therapy tho tbh. Do you live in the US?
No. 96000
>>95999I'm sorry for derailing the thread, I just don't have anyone to talk about this stuff and I just spill my shit all over when I find the chance. Sometimes it gets so hard to keep stuff inside, I feel like I'm gonna go crazy one of these days because of it.
Happiness feels like such a weird concept to me, last time I felt it I was a kid I think around 10 or 11. Can't even remember how it felt like now.
No. 96016
>>96000Maybe you should go to the vent thread or the advice thread.
I can tell you that you're not alone. I've had depression and suicidal thoughts since I was 6 or 7 years old, it's been a long time since I was a happy kid, too. But I'm okay, because I don't feed my own depression and bad thoughts about myself by going on dark places to talk to dark people that only reaffirm my negative feelings.
You have to actively climb out of this hole. It's not easy, it will never be easy, but it's possible. Even if you have a life long depression like I do it is entirely possible to cope with it. To bring those feelings to the surface and work through them just like anything else.
Don't fret anon. Things will get better. Strive toward happiness even if you feel it doesn't truly exist.
No. 96018
>>96016I tried talking there couple of times bit people just tell me to fuck off.
I try really hard to change and improve myself but I just feel drained.
No. 96618
File: 1465411569194.png (18.87 KB, 312x233, 1464883136683.png)

>tfw you knows it's all trolling but can't stop feeling bad about it
No. 96777
File: 1465497179917.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.76 KB, 1024x768, 1465480286483.jpg)

look at how happy she is, can dicklets even compete?
>>96640they're not trolling though, it's a fact if you have a small dick you might as well kys because no women will ever love a small dicked guy, if I wanted small clits I'd became a lesbian
No. 96962
>>96953I'm just saying the truth.
>>96958No but that's just how life is.
No. 97690
File: 1465990485712.jpg (73.62 KB, 500x639, CNF0dxjW8AA_jDW.jpg)

My boyfriend's cock is about 21cm long, and the sex always hurts me but I'm kinda into that. Blowing him is quite exhausting though, and we have to use lube for sex unless I want to be sore for days. He also needs to be extremely careful when we are doing doggy.
I've had 4 boyfriends so far (10cm, 12cm, 16cm, and 21cm), and enjoyed all of them. I think I prefer 16cm, though anything above 8 is fine, and anything above 12 is nice. :3
I'd probably be okay with a micropenis too, as long as he could be convinced to use a strap-on occasionally.
No. 97811
File: 1466068701784.jpg (21.45 KB, 300x403, img (7).jpg)

>this thread
No. 97831
File: 1466077020923.jpg (13.78 KB, 480x270, HRmQ9FT.jpg)

>tfw bf has almost 8inches>tfw he has a lower sex drive than me>tfw he is okay with sex once every few daysLife is suffering.
No. 97840
File: 1466080644701.jpg (37 KB, 539x960, 1465763814071.jpg)

>tfw HIGH sex drive but small dicksmh
No. 97864
File: 1466096678301.png (345.76 KB, 500x508, 1458398481076.png)

>>97831>tfw bf has a huge dick>tfw I'm the one with the lower sex drive>tfw just thinking about the amount of effort it takes to adjust to his size and everything makes me not wanna have sex anymoreHe's understanding as hell but sometimes I feel bad about it
No. 97879
File: 1466104696409.jpg (33.88 KB, 275x275, img (38).jpg)

Is this thread a honeypot for males?
No. 97895
File: 1466110090533.gif (1.95 MB, 436x365, 1387017219828.gif)

>>97879you still haven't caught on? The majority of the posts on this board are by covert males.
No. 97968
>>97965And this lead you to believe that the younger generation have bigger dicks?
I am so sorry that the school system has failed you like this.
No. 97972
>>97968Like I said just an opinion, it doesn't have to be truth.
>>97970Loads of average/small guys also post.
No. 97979
File: 1466178694656.png (325.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160617-185115.png)

>>97978I read enough, thank you.
No. 98007
>>98002Me too. Lots of foreplay, but it isn't enough.
>>98005Personally, the girth feels great when you finally adjust, but in the beginning it feels like someone is trying to split you open from the cooch. Sharp pain while it goes in, relief when he's pulling away.
No. 98011
>>98008Meh, I'm not a big dick kinda girl. I'm abnormally small or something.
I get that you're insecure, but it's not like women have X-ray vision and can see your dick before you have sex. If someone likes you and they want to fuck you, they will. If it's just a one night stand, well how often do you hear "yeah, I dropped my trousers and she changed her mind and left"?
No. 98091
>>97908you don't know how vaginas work? it goes back to the same "size" after sex as it was before. with foreplay/lube/etc it can 'expand' more.
my boyfriend has a large penis (long/girthy) and I usually tend to not want to have sex because it can hurt/take so much time to do :( Like i want to have sex but physically it is so exhausting and time consuming. It really sucks.Makes me feel so bad since he tries to have sex daily and I can't do it. honestly even foreplay and whatever sometimes isn't enough and the whole experience makes me feel like im getting impaled at first.
No. 98140
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No. 98164
>>98091maybe invest in a dildo smaller than your bf but large enough so you feel a bit of a stretch but it isn't painful. then go up to your bf's dick after a while.
one time when my bf was fingering me I asked him to take his two fingers and stretch out my vag a bit and that kinda helped when he put his dick in later.
graduating in size is also the method people use for anal insertions.
I'm gonna find a solution to this tho. my very first bf was super girthy and I didn't know what to do about it so I just took it and ended up very sore with some tears almost everytime we had sex
No. 98242
>>98233Yes, adjusting to the pain. The whole point of dilators is both get used to the pain and at the same time realize it doesn't hurt in the first place. They're for people with vaginismus. It's a purely mental thing. Literally every woman with it other than those with other separate physical problems have no problem physically taking anything more than any other woman. Vaginismus causes you to unconsciously clamp down on any invaders which causes pain to the woman. The instant the woman is relaxed enough or cured it's perfectly fine. Dilators are nowhere near necessary for the vast majority but therapy and having a good state of mind is.
There is a sort of adaptation that happens if a woman has sex often enough. Her genitals will conform to her partner's genitals, but once that happens that's it. You could have sex several times a day everyday and it won't change any more. In the vast majority of cases all the conforming does is increase pleasure.
Remember vaginal and anal are two completely different things. Don't try to apply anything you know about anal to PIV or listen to what any group of men tell you over actual women and trained gynecologists.
No. 98288
>>98279I'm not that other anon. I replied because I've had this conversation over and over with robots and every single time they have absolutely no clue about it. I'm stating the purpose of the dilators as someone with mild vaginismus. I have no idea who you are and I don't care either tbh, it was a general statement to all the robots in this thread. I just quoted you because you were talking about this particular topic. I was being naive and hoping that any robots would read what I wrote and hopefully not try to argue that your vag will literally close up if you never use it or that the more partners you have the wider you get and etc like they always do.
>I am not talking about anal and you can use dilators if you are M to F trans, experience painful sex, and after alteration to your vagina due to cancer treatments.Trans "vaginas" are not actual vaginas, cancer is obviously way out of ordinary, painful sex
is either vaginismus or not enough foreplay and lube neither of which will be cured by dilators. That or cases like anons have stated before where their partner hit a cyst and it erupted, also not helped by dilators.
No. 98343
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>>98339Everyone must know about my troubles.
No. 98351
>>98315I can't even fit 3 inches wide inside without extremely bad pain and a burning sensation for a whole day afterwards. While I'm on the lower end there's absolutely no way that woman isn't basically a freak.
>>98343>I have a micro dick. Which I kinda have(4.8"x4")Men who actually have microdicks should slap you. You're literally 0.2 inches below average with average girth. See
>>95658Fuck off and go easy on all the porn.
No. 98389
>>98315Even she's noticeably wincing at a couple of points, this is clearly done for show, and not at all for her own enjoyment.
Also, like
>>98328 said, she's someone who's making money off this, I wouldn't be surprised if her ability to do huge insertions like that was her major gimmick.
No. 98485
>>98484he's fishing for compliments and affirmation
don't indulge him
No. 103051
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>>103048Why do robots even come here? Go beg for attention somewhere else and for the love of god stop bumping this thread. I don't understand how all those threads in PT and snow can get locked but one that's 95% robots rping with each other can stay for months. It's not even vaguely lolcow related or something they couldn't or don't discuss on r9k or literally every single other imageboard.
No. 103054
>>103051Honestly, their constant need for attention and assurance that they are good and desirable boys drives me up the wall.
Like, first of all it cracks me up that these robots are apparently so insecure about their dicks that they measure them, and will bring up the exact dimensions in their little arguments.
Like, okay? What are we supposed to do with that info? Is it supposed to make me care more about their "situation"? Because it doesn't. Every time a robot references the dimensions of their dick I always thank god that I've never been so insecure that I can spout off the exact proportion of my body parts.
I always just imagine them sobbing while sitting in the bathroom with the tape measure from mommy's sewing kit, trying to get hard so they can measure their boner.
No. 104936
>>95990Because tall men are sexy.
Not even rediculous tall Ness just so long as you're taller than the girl.
Current bf was a virgin until we got together and honestly best sex I've ever had I don't know how or where that came from.
He's about normal 6.5 inches and average girth. Not painful and not feeling like nothing but just perfect all around and sometimes still manages to hit the walls in there sometimes.
(He's also quite a bit taller than me so I think i know why I wanted him so bad when I met him for the first time- the dick and sex magic was just bonus discovery)
Plus to anon above worried about his virginity and possibly/not possibly small dick, haven't you ever heard of women being attracted by a man's smell?
I honestly believe that had alot more to do with it at least for me, as I've always enjoyed the guys I've been with smell near the nape of their neck or in their hair (not cologne but like the natural scent of the skin there) but I reaaally especially love the smell of the guy I'm with now it turns me on alone sometimes while hes asleep and just so happens this is the best sex I've had with anyone as well, so I do think those natural pheromones or whatever it is has something to do with who you pick and who can make you feel good more so than just the dick sizes alone.
No. 105601
>>105599Everyone. Has. Different. Preferences.
This thread needs to die.
No. 105607
>>105601It really does, I don't get why people feel the need to bump this.
Read the thread if you want reassurance that the size of your dick is so fucking inconsequential that no-one really cares, you don't need to bump it to go "Give me attention and tell me I have the perfect penis size" because you in particular feel insecure.
No. 105608
>>105607That's what bothers me, too! Anytime this thread gets bumped, it is from some insecure guy who just wants attention. Every damn time.
And I'm just not in the mood to entertain that. I'm not going to pat him on the head and tell him that his peepee is a handsome boy.
No. 105610
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>>105608You know who has a big penis?
No. 105611
>>105609Because I don't want to enable his attention seeking behavior.
And all he/you have to do is scroll up to learn that women care about different things. Your dick will never please all of them. You will never get the universal "Women's Choice For Best Dick" stamp of approval on your penis.
No. 105615
>>105608It really is frustrating. I don't get what they want out of it, as if people going "Your dick is fine" is going to make them happy or less insecure, you can see proof of that in the thread.
>>105609Because it bumps this shitty thread, and is fucking irritating. It's not our job to have to go "Yeah you have a great dick" to every retarded robot that wanders over and needs to personally be addressed.
If you wanted to know how the people here feel about dicks, read the thread. There's hundreds of posts of people saying it. You just want someone to stroke your ego and go "Yeah your dick in particular is perfect, I wish you'd come here and fuck me". No-one's going to. We don't care about your insecurities in particular and it's not anyone's here's job to make you feel better. Go see a therapist if it impacts you that much, because while most people won't care, everyone has different tastes. Some people won't like it unless it's stupidly large, and some people can't handle anything above 4".
>>105610Why are you namefagging? I swear I've seen you get banned not a day or two ago anyway.
No. 105619
No. 105621
>>105618Do you really think people are going to bite this shitty bait?
Go back to whichever forum you came from namefag.
No. 105628
>>105622I don't think me pointing out that you're not upsetting anyone is really biting the bait.
Why are you doing this anyway? What do you get out of it?
No. 105629
>>105627I'll tell you about how I became a shitposter if you tell me about that time you were raped.
>>105628I do whatever I want.
No. 105638
>>105635Did a girl on the street not smile back at you? Did your sister find out that you were stealing her panties?
What incident
triggered your current episode?
No. 105643
>>105629>>105635You sound really cool and tough.
>>105630It's bizarre, he's just gone straight to posting edgy shit now, as if that's going to shock anyone on a chan site. I figured at first it was just some robot retard who felt like he could get more attention here, but you might have a point about him getting some weirdass pleasure from being called retarded by women.
>>105631You should hang out with less insecure people honestly, I don't think there's any correlation between dick size and confidence. It's why some guys with big dicks feel the need to go on and on about how big they are, as if it's impressing anyone.
No. 105645
>>105639wat a strong, emotionally stable woman. doesn't want to do something, but still does it to get the last word.
ur truly being the master of your own destiny right now lady
No. 105649
>>105643>It's bizarre, he's just gone straight to posting edgy shit now, as if that's going to shock anyone on a chan site. I figured at first it was just some robot retard who felt like he could get more attention here, but you might have a point about him getting some weirdass pleasure from being called retarded by women.Your mods still freak out and delete all my shit and ban me constantly. I had one lady working overtime to clear shit every few seconds with a script once and she'd just sit there for like an hour deleting it all as it came up. It's funny.
If you don't care, stop clucking and deleting shit like retards lol
No. 105651
>>105649That is shocking, moderators doing their job and moderating shitposts? Absolutely unheard of.
Hopefully they range ban you next time.
No. 105656
>>105653Are you also behind 7 proxies?
>>105652Well I guess we'll see, they did manage to get rid of some pretty intense shitposters in the past.
No. 105657
>>105655no i think it's funny because they can't just d++ my posts, each one has an IP, so when the cucked mod strolls in she'll have to
1. find the post
2. d++ it
3. enter in "josh" for the ban reason
4. make it permanent
5. submit
6. wait for the html caches to rebuild
7. repeat
o v e r a n d o v e r a g a i n
No. 105662
>>105660Fascinated by the effort spent. Why do you care?
This is like an anonymous tumblr. You people talk about your fucking vaginal discharge on an ib about making fun of lolcows.
No. 105663
>>105658Have you considered that maybe you aren't representative of men worldwide? Also, read what I said. Insecure guys are insecure, and will find any reason to blame it on and show this. There's guys with big dicks that are clearly insecure who are obnoxious about their dicks. Having to constantly bring up how big you are and how great that is isn't really how someone secure and comfortable with their lives acts.
>>105657Why is that funny? You cause moderators to moderate, I don't really get what you get out of this.
Do you find in pleasurable to come over here and act like a retard? Do you imagine that we're all angry behind our keyboards frothing as we type and the moderators discuss you like you're some renegade who they just can't handle because of your hacker skills or some shit? How does spending hours acting annoying here benefit you in anyway?
No. 105666
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>>105663>How does spending hours acting annoying here benefit you in anyway?I get bored and show up and post a bit. That's not "hours". It's not even anything that disruptive, I'm just saying hi, but your mods scramble to delete any evidence of it existing for some reason. It's fascinating. It's like they are desperate to insulate you from me.
>>105664>I'm just trying to understand why you are so angry and so dedicated to shitposting here.>angry>dedicatedI'm just saying Hi. Why are you so angry and dedicated to trying to understand my motivations?
>>105659no it's not it's fucking 4.5 inches, i'd never leave my gf alone(if i have one) more than two days.
>>105661i can't talk about this with someone else, i have a very bad anxiety and self consciousness.
No. 105668
>>105663>I don't really get what you get out of this.I'm really curious about this, too. Does he get aroused by women getting angry at him? Does he think he's rustling our jimmies? Is he getting revenge for being banned in the past?
It is clearly attention related, since he is name-fagging, but what is his purpose?
No. 105672
>>105666You've been here for days though, if not longer, and are in heaps of threads shitposting and trying to draw attention to yourself, you're not just some innocent poster who dindu nuffin, even you namefagging is proof of it. We just don't get why you feel the need to do it. Why did you dodge that question?
>>1056674,5" is barely below average, and if you're that insecure your girlfriend will cheat on you if you're gone at all, you shouldn't be in a relationship at all. You need therapy, not a bigger dick, because I can guarantee you'd be insecure about something else if it was bigger.
No. 105674
>>105668>Does he get aroused by women getting angry at him?You've said the same thing like 8 times. You're really stuck on this.
I'm starting to think you want me to be aroused by you so that you can say you've turned on at least one man.
No. 105682
>>105674Why do you feel the need to dodge the question? Can you just answer what it is you get out of this?
>>105676You know that doubling down on the whole being retarded thing doesn't make you look less dumb, right?
No. 105683
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>>105681>let dipshit admin deal with himshe can't handle me
>>105686If you're that insecure having a below-average penis is the least of your concerns. Women are attracted to emotionally, physically, and financially stable men who can make them feel safe. If you don't even feel safe about your own cock you've got deep-seeded issues that can't be resolved by bitching on an anonymous imageboard filled with chatty, emotionally crippled hens.
Get help bud.
(internet troll gives lecture on bitching on anonymous imageboards) No. 105690
>>105687But what if…relationships are built on more than the "need for big cock"?
Again, you need a therapist. Now.
No. 105691
>>105689That is exactly what therapists are for.
Get a therapist.
No. 105693
>>105689Happiness is a decision. You're presented the route of self-improvement or no improvement and you've consciously decided to stay where you are.
You have a general practitioner. If you don't, your family does: ask around, get one. Say you have a general medical concern if you're a pussy. The family doc can refer you to a therapist.
Fuck, even if you don't want a therapist, just make a decision not to be a little bitch. Buy a gun so she knows if she cheats on you, you'll murder her. Power play bro.
(internet troll gives lecture on self-improvement) No. 105699
>>105698It can be. If it causes you to distrust women, lash out at them, or become infuriated by the thought of men with bigger dicks than yours.
Everyone has their insecurities, but I don't want to be afraid that you're going to stab me because I reject you.
No. 106805
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Oh, and if you don't have a willy, but you'd highly enjoy participating, just choose which option you find most ideal.
No. 107027
>>107026What about really ugly but long ones? Is "nice" about length or is it really about how they look?
I mean, I've only ever seen a pic of one that I thought looked nice, and it was some musician whose pics got posted on a revenge porn site. Basically all look plain ugly to me so I guess I'm just looking for insight.
No. 107142
>>107140How the hell do I have it easy? And how does it relate to your bullshit polls?
No one cares. Get banned.
No. 107172
>>88245I Like huge, thick dicks only. I am really small, and only recently lost my virginity.
I get disappointed if i don't feel like it stretches me around it lol.
But that is just me.
No. 107222
>>107210I honestly think these guys aren't looking for opinions on things like penis size. They are looking for bait to fuel their inferiority complex. They are looking for reassurance that they are truly worthless, so they can justify their behavior IRL (ex: why should I work on my self esteem and better myself if women will automatically hate me because of my penis size).
That's why, when we point out that women are individuals with different preferences, they say it isn't a real answer. They want the rage bait. They want to hear from the horse's mouth that they are right.
No. 107572
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dicklets btfo
No. 107573
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>>107572just get on hormones and stop roleplaying as a man smh
No. 107577
>>107222Anyone with an inferiority complex huge enough to fall for dumb bait like
>>107572 and
>>107573 deserves to feel like shit to be honest.
No. 107584
>>107572>>107573These are hilarious. I especially like the use of the logos in the bottom right hand corners.
I had to look some of them up though. Like "Fbomb" and "MiddlesexMD". Fbomb was tagged by Google as "possibly hacked", and MiddlesexMD seems to just be a website for women's sexual health?
And isn't Miss Representation a documentary? A documentary about women's representation in media??? Why would they give a shit about dick size??????
No. 107629
Any woman saying dick size doesn't matter is lying. If she says to her partner his dick is fine doesn't mean she's satisfied by it. If she says to her partner she's not with him for sex she simply means he's not attractive enough but she's willing to settle(for now). If she says to her partner she doesn't do this or that in bed because she doesn't enjoy it she simply means he's not attractive enough in her eyes to do those things.
I can read between the lines of what you say, witches.
All brethren go listen to Alter Bridge's Addicted to Pain
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>>107572>>107573Fucking incredible. Yeah, big dicks are great if you enjoy having something repeatedly ram into your cervix.
>>107629Go back to your own kind, robot.
No. 107712
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No. 107716
>>107714>the reality is that almost all women are getting laidYou need a reality check, bud. Response rates on a fuming dating site have no relation to how much sex a person is having.
Are you honestly suggesting that women fuck every guy they contact on dating sites? Do you even think that women go on IRL dates with every guy the contact on dating sites??? I could contact a guy, talk to him, and discover that we actually have nothing in common, and I don't want to meet him.
No. 107721
>>107720I don't know a single woman who even meets every guy she talks to on social media. I would never assume that the frequency of sending messages on a dating site has any correlation to how much sex someone is having.
Do you really think that women fuck eery guy they message on fucking okcupid?
Robots have absolutely no frame o reference to the real world. You see one article about gender differences in correspondence on dating sites, and take it to the most extreme conclusion (that these women are apparently always having sex, but only with a certain percentage of men). How histrionic can you get? Do you know any women IRL? Have you fucked every woman who messaged you on okc?
No. 107722
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>>107721>>107721If any of the generic variation of pic related shows up it's it's guaranteed legs will be spread. 20% of men fuck 80% of women. That's all.
No. 107723
>>107716First you assume that I implied that every single message means sex, then you conclude that since that is obviously not the case, there's no correlation whatsoever.
Why would there be no correlation? Do you actually think that women get refused all that commonly if they approach a single guy, unless they're outright hideous? Do you think that the guys that get 0 messages still get laid easily IRL? The men who are popular on a dating site are usually not some unpopular ugly failures in real life either.
No. 107724
>>107714>Even though that's technically true, the reality is that almost all women are getting laid, the select few that don't only don't get laid because they choose not to, while there's a large portion of men that doesn't get laid at all or only does very infrequently. Show me literally a single piece of reliable data that says women have more sexual partners on average than men do, or that they're having more sex overall.
No, some dating site responses don't count, because most people don't use them, and of most the people that do, very few are actually meeting anyone off it, let alone meeting them with the express purpose of having casual sex.
Both the ages that men and women lose their virginity on average is insanely close, the amount of virgins or people with only one or two partners in their 20's is close for both genders. This gap that people go on about just doesn't really exist.
Here's my source
> try to address it with more than "Yeah well they're all lying" as well, because that's completely impossible for you to prove, and there's no reason for someone to lie in an anonymous survey to people of their own gender. The possibility of lying has been addressed.
>>107720Why do you keep posting this same .gif?
>>107722Zyzz pretty much exclusively fucked women he met at raves, who aren't exactly known for being hard to hook up with.
And even with that, he's well known for being extremely attractive, people on his level don't even exist in most cities, let alone there being enough of them with massive insecurities that caused him to roid so heavily and then act like a dick to women and sleep with everyone possible to cope with it.
There is no "generic variation" of that guy.
No. 107726
>>107722Lol I don't like beefcakes, sorry.
And why is his haircut so bad? It looks like a helmet.
No. 107727
>>107723>Do you actually think that women get refused all that commonly if they approach a single guy, unless they're outright hideous?Women get rejected all the time. I've tried to give guys my number, and been rejected. It happens.
And what do you mean by "refused"? Do you mean for dates or sex? because you have to understand that just because you go on a date, it doesn't mean that you are guaranteed to get laid. Someone can go on a date with you, and never see you again. There isnt even a clear correlation between being "approved" by a guy, and fucking him. I've given guys my number before, and had to delete it because they were creeping me out. It didn't even get to a date!
No. 107728
>>107723>Do you actually think that women get refused all that commonly if they approach a single guy, unless they're outright hideous?Yes, that happens plenty. Maybe didn't happen as much in high school when everyone was desperate for relationships with anyone at all, but most adults aren't desperate in the same way that they'd date or sleep with someone they don't even slightly know simply because they offered.
Shockingly, but /r9k/ isn't actually a good source of information about how relationships work day to day.
Also, like
>>107727 asked, what did you mean by refused?
No. 107729
>>107724>Show me literally a single piece of reliable data that says women have more sexual partners on average than men do, or that they're having more sex overall.But why? I've claimed none of those things.
As far as the data in the survey you posted, it supports what I said, though not to a great extent. There are more guys who have many sexual partners than there are girls who have many sexual partners, and the ratio of those that have no/have one sexual partner in the past 12 months vs. those that have 4+ is bigger in men. Again though, the actual numbers aren't big, the largest difference is around 3%. The spread of the amount of sexual partners overall is much more even in women though, for men it's 6.9k-9k-4.6k-4.2k-35.7k for 0, 1, 2, 4+ partners respectively, while for women it's 6.8k-13.4k-6.5k-6.1k-27.7k. That is a pretty big difference in distribution.
>>107727>And what do you mean by "refused"? Do you mean for dates or sex?Either. Not every date leads to sex, but the distribution should be the same. Alas, it doesn't matter, since the statistics posted are fairly clear.
No. 107732
>>107729>But why? I've claimed none of those things.Why don't you tell us exactly what it is you're claiming then?
>There are more guys who have many sexual partners than there are girls who have many sexual partnersYou realise this could be easily explained by there simply being less women who want to hook up with every guy they see, right? If anything, that makes way more sense than the whole line about how women only want to sleep with some small top percent of people.
And I'm curious, where are you pulling the exact numbers about sexual partners from? I'm only seeing it in percentages, and they don't match up with your numbers. But admittedly it's perfectly possible I'm just missing it, can you give me a page number?
Because what I'm seeing says that only like 6% of men in any age bracket have had sex with more than 4 people in the last year, and it's 2.9% overall for women. Which also supports the idea of there just being a small amount of women that are sleeping with lots of people. But once again, can you define what your point actually is?
No. 107733
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>>107731Why wouldn't the distribution be the same? We're talking about proportions, just for example, someone contacts 20 people, out of them goes on a date with 4, and has sex with 1. It doesn't matter if someone contacts 60 people, then goes on 12 dates and has sex with 3 instead. Again, I'm not suggesting that these numbers are correct in themselves.
>>107732>Why don't you tell us exactly what it is you're claiming then?That there is a group of men that is having most of the sex and a significant portion of men isn't having that much, and that the distribution isn't very even.
>where the numbers areI think you're looking at the right page, but the actual numbers that show that larger rift are in the first bracket, pg 17-18. Pic related.
No. 107735
>>107733>That there is a group of men that is having most of the sex and a significant portion of men isn't having that much, and that the distribution isn't very even.But that's not represented at all. Most people of both genders are having sex with a dedicated partner, with a tiny amount having sex with 4 or more. That's not showing that most people aren't having much sex at all, or that a "Significant portion" is having heaps of sex with all the women around. If 6% of men are somehow impacting the amount of sex that most women are having, you realise they'd be needing to have around 20 partners a year, right? As opposed to them just having a hookup a few times a year and sometimes being in relationships?
And pages 17 and 18?
Oh, you're talking about lifetime stats. But once again, on page 20 is says that for lifetime partners (if we look at exclusively the highest age group, to get an idea of how much sex people are having in their lives), you end up with barely above 1% of people being virgins at that age, which if you factor in the disable and chronically ill, isn't actually that high. It's a bit higher than for women, sure, but still, the data doesn't show that there's some inherent sexual imbalance.
No. 107736
>>107733I think we are talking about different distributions. I'm saying that if you were to graph the number of dates a person has been on, and compare it to how many times they have had sex, over a span on time, that there would be no correlation. Those lines wouldn't match.
But if you are talking about the proportion of dates that lead to sex, then I think you are correct.
But most importantly, what are you even arguing? None of the evidence e suggests that women are all having sex with the same men. That has even less to do with your whole onlinedatingsexualpoverty problem.
No. 107740
>>107735Yeah I'm talking about lifetime stats. Compare the amounts on the high end though. It shows pretty much the same thing. 30-40% of adult women have had 3-6 partners, 25-30% for men. At the same time, 15+ is at 28% for men and 7% of women. To put it bluntly, that 28% wasn't fucking the 7%, they were fucking the 2, 3-6 and 7-14 partner females.
>>107737>>107738>>107739It's nice that you both agree that I'm a pathetic virgin loser, but that lost any bearing on the discussion quite a while ago. I could say that I don't actually care that much what the conclusion is and I'm only arguing because the subject itself interests me rather than because my whole worldview hinges on all women being sluts, but it's not like you're gonna believe that now that you've decided to hop on the muh maturity highground.
No. 107742
>>107740>Compare the amounts on the high end though. It shows pretty much the same thing. 30-40% of adult women have had 3-6 partners, 25-30% for menYou're ignoring that more men are in the 7-14 range than women anon.
What you're proposing, that some top echelon of men are fucking all the other women simply doesn't make sense. If that were the case, the majority of men wouldn't be in the middle range, they would be mostly in the one partner or 15+ range, with a small amount in the middle. There's not any evidence that most men aren't having much sex, because as the data shows, 80% of men have more than 3 partners in their lives (approx), while only around 65% of women do. If anything it's the opposite of that dumb 80-20 rule people post.
The median number for men is much higher than women, but this also supports my point that there's a group of women out there having sex with an insane amount of people (drug addict sorts, people that were in "those" sororities") that are raising the amount of partners guys have significantly, without raising the amount women have that much, as they don't sit in a 50+ group, they sit in the same 15+ plus group as someone who's just had a sexual partner every year and a bit and is in their 40's.
What you tend to notice if you combine this with experience day to day, is that there's a certain amount of women out there that are known for being "easy" lays, that sleep around a lot.
>It's nice that you both agree that I'm a pathetic virgin loserLiterally no-one said this, we just said you're young and that is likely the reason for why you think this.
Sorry for one of my paragraphs being out of place, I couldn't be fucked retyping the post to fit it in.
No. 107746
>>107742>You're ignoring that more men are in the 7-14 range than women anon.By 1%, that's why I didn't bring it up. The 3-6 range has a 15% difference, 15+ 20%.
Some of the confusion here might be coming from the 80-20 rule. I don't believe the 80-20 rule and I don't think it's even close to reflecting reality.
The lower end for women is also irrelevant. The data that is relevant are the middle segments, which show that there are overall more women who have had 2-14 partners than men, and that there are much less women with 15+ partners than men with 15+ partners.
Your point about a small number of women having sex with a huge number of men is definitely a contributing factor, but it doesn't account for the discrepancy in the midrange. Those women can only be matched up with the 15+ segment.
Also, given that the actual numbers are still not very big, I don't think it's worth arguing about. There is some discrepancy, but it barely makes a difference.
>>107743You are assuming a lot about me, I'm not upset in the least about any of this data, these are statistics and I'm comparing statistical numbers. There is no implication for any one individual here, no implication about any individual act. Besides, I don't even live in the first world, let alone the US, the numbers aren't very likely to be similar to those in my environment.
Saying that you're sad about how stupid and gullible someone is, and that they don't have life experience is a roundabout way of saying that they are a virgin loser, except more rude with how patronizing it is.
No. 107748
>>107746>By 1%, that's why I didn't bring it up. How is 18% to 21.6% a 1% difference? And then the difference between the 3-6 range for men to women is only 10%. Stop lying.
>The lower end for women is also irrelevantYou can't just rule out data because you say so, it's all important in drawing an image of the average persons sex life. Jesus Christ anon, is that normally how you look at data? Just go "Nah that doesn't count"?
> The data that is relevant are the middle segments, which show that there are overall more women who have had 2-14 partners than menOnce again, less than a 10% difference.
>Your point about a small number of women having sex with a huge number of men is definitely a contributing factor, but it doesn't account for the discrepancy in the midrangeSure, but you can't just rule out everyone apart from the midrange and use it as evidence. And you also can't exaggerate certain parts of data, to the point of flat out lying about them in order to create a point. The discrepancy isn't that huge, and it doesn't really create a huge issue when you consider that middle group could also be sleeping with the people in the 2 partner range for men, and the 7+ partner one. It's not exclusively going to be the 15+ partners. And as I explained already, a difference in a couple partners here or there over 45 years isn't a massive one. If we assume people start having sex at on average around 17, even someone having 15 partners isn't actually a big amount at all, it just means they were in a relationship every two years. That's not exactly a super insane sex life where you're hooking up with different people every month and depriving other people of sex.
This part is easily explained by some men being in a few more relationships at a young age, with the women getting to a point where there's not as much pressure into having sex with your partner (teenage boys can be borderline sex offenders with how they act about getting laid) and relationships lasting longer than 2 months on average.
Combine that with the amount of women who have many partners that inflate the whole thing and skew it somewhat (it really shouldn't have stopped at 15, try 40+), and you've pretty much eliminated proof of there being some group of men having much, much more sex than anyone else. Most people tend to have pretty similar sex lives, you know? Whether you get into a new relationship every 2 years or every year isn't a big difference, especially when the context for that sex isn't given, that 2 year relationship simply could have lasted longer.
>Also, given that the actual numbers are still not very big, I don't think it's worth arguing about. There is some discrepancy, but it barely makes a difference.I agree entirely, and I apologise for assuming you were some robot trying to prove that women only want chad or some shit. Looking at the thread though, I'm sure you can guess why I'd assume that.
No. 107749
>>107748Meant to edit out a bit of the earlier hostility once I realised that you were agreeing with me, but can't be fucked deleting editing and reposting it, so apologies for that stuff.
Still, I do think it's dumb to rule out certain groups if we're trying to get a full picture of the average persons sex life, it's all important.
No. 107751
>>107747>be a disgusting genetic failure>I'm a failure of genetics because my jaw isn't square enough :(Fuck off, if you're alive and not seriously deformed or crippled, your genetics are fine.
I didn't realise this was a robot self pity thread though.
No. 107752
>>107746>Saying that you're sad about how stupid and gullible someone is, and that they don't have life experience is a roundabout way of saying that they are a virgin loser, except more rude with how patronizing it is.Don't put words in my mouth. If I wanted to call you a virgin loser, I'd use the words "virgin loser".
And am I wrong? Do you have a lot of life experience? Because if you believe there is a global conspiracy where women only fuck the same, certain men, then it is clear that you are easily influenced by r9k tropes, and obviously don't have a lot of IRL experiences to judge that info by.
No. 107760
>>107746>it's more rude to assume that someone's erroneous assessments of sexuality comes from youth and inexperience than it is to directly insult themit's actually pretty polite, and nobody called you stupid or 'a pathetic virgin loser', you're putting words in people's mouths.
you want to see rude? try going into an /r9k/ 'all women are whores' thread and playing devil's advocate.
No. 107779
>>107757We have both a vent thread and an advice thread, if you need to bitch on this forum at all, at least post it in one of the appropriate places.
Or preferably just take it to /r9k/.
No. 107783
This place has made me concerned that my 6.5" penis might be too big for smaller girls (I'm 5'6" so probably only petite girls would be attracted to me).
Is it just this place, or is it really that common for girls to have little to no sex drive, and complain about how sex is painful for them and how their vagina is too dry/tight for sex with a normal penis?
I'm getting pretty muscular and personally I consider myself to be fairly attractive, I'm just trying to get my financial situation set before I try to get my first girlfriend, I have no hope without financial assets to attract a female.
I'm just worried that finding a girl with a high sex drive who isn't a slut is impossible. High sex drive as in they want to have sex daily, not "ugh we already sex this week".
No. 107796
>>107794Aside from promiscuous sex which I'm not interested in, no matter how attractive you are or what your personality is like, outside an educational system, it would be very difficult to find a woman willing to be in a serious relationship with a guy who has no financial assets and lives with his parent(s).
Finding a woman who would be willing to provide for a man like a traditional husband would for a house-wife is very rare. Over 80% of homeless people are male for a reason.
I do not complain over the fact that in a modern capitalist society a women requires a man who wants to mate with her to have the financial assets to provide for her and children. I accept it, and that's why I have not even tried to get a girlfriend until I can meet those requirements (which almost every single woman has).
So what would I tell the therapist about?
No. 107797
>>107796>it would be very difficult to find a woman willing to be in a serious relationship with a guy who has no financial assets and lives with his parent(s).Not really, most young adults still live with their parents. Rent's fucking expensive, it's just a smart choice to stay home until you're financially independent, no-one's going to shit on you for being at home assuming you're not just sitting there doing nothing at all.
A relationship isn't a "Oh, you fit all my criteria so I'm going to date you now" sort of thing.
No. 107798
>>107796>So what would I tell the therapist about?Basically anything from your post, and how you think women won't want to fuck you unless you have money.
Value yourself. Get a personality. Have something to offer besides money. Stop believing everything you see on r9k.
because you clearly want attention from women. Your post is basically asking "how can I find a non-slut, who loves sex, by dangling money in her face"…to a board of women. Like, you clearly want a reaction. You know that no one is going to say "omg how much do you make??? I'll date you if you make over xyz!"
So, why don't you satisfy this need for attention with someone who is paid to listen to you, and who will help you with your obvious lack of personality and self esteem at the same time?
No. 107799
>>107794A man used to be able to easily get a job with a high-school education or less that would pay enough to allow him to buy a house and support wife/kids.
Without going to college or vocational school, any job I get will almost certainly not pay enough to afford a house and wife/kids.
I do not have the money to go to college or vocational school, nor do I see it as a smart decision to take out loans and end up tens of thousands in debt. Many people getting out of college with STEM degrees, not liberal arts degrees or something, are unable to get a job. Decent paying jobs are scarce and highly competed for, and there's no guarantee of many of these jobs not being eliminated by new technology/automation in the future.
Like many men I have decided to do "nothing", which you have specifically said is a deal-breaker. You are talking from the perspective of young college students dating, which I specifically exempted ("outside an educational system").
>A relationship isn't a "Oh, you fit all my criteria so I'm going to date you now" sort of thing.Except I'm talking about a deal-breaking criteria that almost every single woman has.
>>107798>and how you think women won't want to fuck you unless you have money.I'm confident that I could fuck promiscuous women if I wanted to, I even specifically excluded this ("Aside from promiscuous sex"). I am only interested in a wife and kids.
>Value yourself. Get a personality.Thanks for the assumption, and insult.
>Your post is basically asking "how can I find a non-slut, who loves sex, by dangling money in her face"…to a board of women. Like, you clearly want a reaction. You know that no one is going to say "omg how much do you make??? I'll date you if you make over xyz!">So, why don't you satisfy this need for attention with someone who is paid to listen to you, and who will help you with your obvious lack of personality and self esteem at the same time?You're projecting your own need for attention. I also sense some anger over you not finding a good man in your own life.
No. 107800
>>107799>A man used to be able to easily get a job with a high-school education or less that would pay enough to allow him to buy a house and support wife/kids.And people can still get jobs that don't need college education, most people aren't in jobs related to their degree. And trades have always worked the same, apprenticeships aren't new.
>You are talking from the perspective of young college students dating, which I specifically exempted ("outside an educational system").I said young people, not college students. I really doubt you're 30+.
>Except I'm talking about a deal-breaking criteria that almost every single woman has.But they don't. Sure, most people want the partner to be at least doing something with life, but you don't have to own your own home and be super financially stable and independent to have a relationship.
People of all economical backgrounds have relationships.
Why did you post this shit in a penis size thread anyway? You're acting like a dick, sure, but it's still not the appropriate place for it.
No. 107802
>>107799>I am only interested in a wife and kids.Okay. Then build yourself up as a person, and stop assuming that all you have to offer is money.
Tell this to a therapist. We can't help you with your search for a wife, and a therapist can help you sort out your views on relationships.
No. 107805
>>107800>>107802>>107803>and stop assuming that all you have to offer is money.>You clearly don't value yourself as a person if you think you can only attract women with money.Stop putting words in my mouth, I never said that all I have to offer is money. Money is is a requirement no matter how much you like to deny reality.
You may be insulted by what I am saying, that I am basically verbosely stating an "all women are prostitutes" argument. I am frustrated by you not being able to comprehend the reality of my situation, and that you are repeatedly asking me to live in denial.
No. 107807
>>107806Psychology and psychiatry is quackery.
If me and some psych grad got in the room I would be the real psychologist.
No. 107808
>>107807If you're that smart then surely you'd have a better plan to "find a wife" than having a lot of money.
Talk to a therapist.
No. 107811
>>107807>If me and some psych grad got in the room I would be the real psychologist.Yeah, someone who thinks that the only way he can attract a partner is by filling out a list of universal requirements clearly has a great understanding of the human mind.
Why do robots always think they know more than literal doctors, or people with masters degrees?
No. 107812
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>>107811I knew enough to get a bunch of attention from girls on the internet.
No. 107813
>>107811They will admit that they are lonley in one breath, and then assert that they know more than actual women, on what women are attracted to in the next.
It is a really weird arrogance. If you go into r9k you can find tons of threads about being a NEET and how they are forever alone, and then there will be this giant thread about how women only go for chads and all this nonsense. If they are such experts on women, then why aren't they rolling in pussy?
I really don't understand what they gain from posting here. I don't understand how their low self esteem is always couple with an extreme arrogance.
No. 107816
>>107813I honestly think they aren't as sad as they make out they are.
They're narcissistic, but that shows in being the biggest victim, because if you're a victim, you can't be at fault.
To use the example you said, if women are all retarded and won't go for them because they don't have some genetic component, it's not their fault they're alone, it's everyone elses.
Same logic for why they so obviously self diagnose themselves with mental disorders and then act like they know more than everyone else including the psychiatrists about how it works, so can't be treated. Them not going anywhere in life isn't their fault if it's because of an illness. It's all about preserving an ego.
I guess I'm kind of being an armchair psychologist here, but that's what I figure it is.
No. 107820
>>107817But anon, you've just ignored that people of all economic situations are in relationships, so evidently money isn't the issue.
Also, what do you get out of coming to a forum full of women and then telling women that they're wrong about what they think?
No. 107823
>>107820>But anon, you've just ignored that people of all economic situations are in relationshipsI talked about that already. The guy is almost always either in education, employed, or actively looking for work. Either that or he's on the verge of getting dumped because he's not. This does not apply to men doing "nothing".
>>107822I don't.
No. 107825
>>107821Yeah, it's just the fact that they never admit they're in the situation they are because of their actions that makes me think that, and if you ask them that, they always come back with some extreme example of someone physically crippled by a car accident or some shit who can't operate normally, never a reason why they aren't.
It's just bizarre the lengths some of them go to to preserve their ego's instead of anything else.
>>107823>I talked about that already. The guy is almost always either in education, employed, or actively looking for work.Kek, so what you're saying is that women aren't generally attracted to NEET's? I mean, ignoring that plenty of people who live on unemployment date other people on unemployment, that seems obvious, but has nothing to do with money. Poor people, middle class ones, rich ones, people who exclusively make money from gigs and the like all date people, but yeah, people expect you to be an adult anon.
No. 107826
>>107823>The guy is almost always either in education, employed, or actively looking for workIs that a bad thing? Living IRL costs money. Most people can't afford to be a stay at home spouse.
Are you upset that you don't have a mommy gf that will look after you?
No. 107830
>>107825I already explained the reasons why I choose to do "nothing".
Far more women than men complete college now. It's not because you're smarter than them. More men are doing "nothing" and it's not hard to see why if you could understand things from a male's perspective. Economic outlook for them is bleak, and women/feminism have destroyed many things that once gave men motivation to work.
>>107828>you don't need money you just need money No. 107832
>>107827Hold up. Wanting someone only for their money, and expecting them to be able to function in the adult world are two different things.
He was saying that the only way to find a non-slutty wife who loves sex is to have a lot of money. That is wrong, and makes him seem immature and unhinged.
The fact that I won't date a NEET has nothing to do with his lack of money. It has to do with the fact that we are mentally at different places. If he can't function IRL, then how would we even meet? What would we talk about? How can we be partners if I basically have to be his mother? What happens if we have an argument? How can he support me emotionally, if he has no life experience? How can I lean on him if things get tough?
No. 107833
>>107829>Far more women than men complete college now. It's not because you're smarter than them. More men are doing "nothing" and it's not hard to see why if you could understand things from a male's perspective. Economic outlook for them is bleak, and women/feminism have destroyed many things that once gave men motivation to work.Oh cool, we're back to the "It's womens fault I'm a failure" thing. This has already been addressed in the other thread fucking filled with robots.
>you don't need money you just need moneyYeah that's totally what was said.
>>107831>she says while bumping the thread No. 107837
>>107833It is absolutely crazy that they can take the shitty worldwide economy, and twist it into something that is women's fault/as reason why they can't get laid.
Like, I'm sorry that he didn't get a government issues gf for being fucking alive.
No. 107839
>>107838Do you see me saging anon? I agree it's pointless, because someone else just replies unsage and bumps it.
Thanks though.
No. 107846
Damn you are trying hard to defend your mischievous ways but to no avail.
Women are shallow.
Women want money.
Women want a big dick.
Size matters, in relationships as well.
Women care about height.
Women care about amount of hair.
Women are hypergamous.
Women want prestige and validation from it.
Women are natural liars and manipulators.
Really just be truthful and honest. Put the cards on the table. But lime said above, you never will because that will mean the end of attention for you
>>107840Women aren't less intelligent, it has nothing to do with that.
But they're irrational, selfish, have no sense of loyalty or for the common good, and are exceedingly good at manipulating men and thus at causing enormous violence and destruction. This is why civilisation can only exist if women are kept in check.
They also have very little capacity for creativity and are very prone to herd mentality, as well as having no genuine passion for anything but themselves, which makes them naturally unsuitable for any sort of leadership or creative role. But that's not intelligence exactly.
No. 107855
>>107849It's intelligence.
Proof: The ladies on this website are mostly above-average intelligence for women.
>>107843I'll have to get started on it.
No. 107873
>>107867>Women don't even have a clue what they want or what they're thinking and have always looked for others to tell themYeah, okay anon. Tell me though, all knowing supreme gentlebot, what exactly am I thinking now?
>>107869This. At least put more effort into your bait than what could be more succinctly put as "Boys rule Girls drool".
No. 107883
>>107876>Nothing much probablyWrong! I was thinking about how much I just despise sub 6/10 males and will only consider demi-gods with 9x7 penises to be worthwhile of any attention at all.
But seriously, what is there to think about? You're just going "No, you can't think for yourself, you're a dumb woman". There's nothing to think about there, it's just outright wrong. I don't need to contemplate anything that I prove wrong simply by existing anon.
No. 107885
>>107883I've literally said several times now that women aren't especially dumb.
Women in general that is, clearly this doesn't apply to you.
>>107910I'd point out the laughable ad hominem, but you don't even know what that is do you.
Women can't even have a rational discussion without immediately resorting to flinging shit.
(Hello robot) No. 107913
>>107912Anon, you don't get to base your entire argument off "Your entire gender is incapable of rational thought, and you can't prove me wrong because of this", then outright call people dumb and then bitch about people calling you names.
Name calling isn't what ad hom means either, you should read up on what it actually means before you boast about your knowledge.
No. 107921
>>107913Attacking a person instead of an argument is exactly what ad hominem means, but it's extra laughable considering you don't know anything about me and are just flinging shit into the dark.
>>107912Hello cow
No. 107949
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>>107925>they're irrational, selfish, have no sense of loyalty or for the common good, and are exceedingly good at manipulating men and thus at causing enormous violence and destruction
>They also have very little capacity for creativity and are very prone to herd mentality, as well as having no genuine passion for anything but themselves, which makes them naturally unsuitable for any sort of leadership or creative role
>'I haven't attacked anyone personally! just insulted and discredited every woman in the world via sweeping generalization. also you're stupid.'pic related. you are on the lowest possible tier at the moment.
No. 107961
>>107945Against my better judgement in bringing this off topic, has anyone noticed that the jew-hating low self-esteem mentally unstable males are the ones not having sex, while the muslim-hating low self-esteem mentally unstable males are?
Maybe it's just my circle of people though.
Or maybe the muslim-haters just have bigger dicks :^)
No. 107970
>>107921No, ad hom isn't just name calling, as I said, don't act like you're smarter than everyone else when you have no idea what you're talking about.
Ad hom is using an attack on your character as the argument. Going "You're a fucking moron" isn't ad hom, but going "You're a fucking moron and that's why you're wrong" is.
Also, going "you're a fucking moron and you're wrong, here's why" isn't ad hom either, it's just making a comment.
While going "You can't think independently and if you try to prove me wrong, the fact that you can't think indendently means it doesn't matter what you say" is in fact both circular logic, and based on an ad hom argument.
No. 107983
>women argue and argue that they don't care about money>they would never ever willingly marry or have kids with a broke NEET who lives at his parent's house even if he's a 10/10 Chad with a 10/10 personality by their standardsWhat is so hard to admit that almost all women (well over 99%) require money from a man, or for him to be working towards obtaining money, or they want nothing to do with him aside from maybe just sex?
Even when a man just accepts it as a reality of life, does not complain or whine about it /r9k/ style, and just peacefully gives up on women because he understands he has no money or social status to offer them, you STILL get angry.
Can't wait until the women of this age get older and they're forced to share the increasingly shrinking population of men who are acceptable-tier or above to them.
No. 107998
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I have no sympathy for betas. In Japan, men aren't men, and the women like white dudes. Result: the average white dude is a god to them, and could cuck the shit out of Uematsu-kun over there.
R9Kfags are the saddest thing on the internet, and they like it that way. They exist in a self-perpetuating vampire cycle of self-loathing and ways to justify self-loathing as to remove responsibility for cleaning up their lives. They're cowards. But that doesn't offend them. What I just said validates their self-loathing. The R9K response is "I know. I'm a huge piece of shit." They are not pieces of shit. They're average Joes who found a loophole in the game of sex, challenge, responsibility, and work. They're botting, hence Robots.
Interestingly, these "men" are angry at women because women have been using their tactics for a long time. The shitty women, I mean. There's some jealousy there.
But this is easy to correct.
If you're a beta and you think women are shallow, prove it by getting into a relationship and demonstrating it to yourself. What if you discovered that being a real man is a thousand times more fun than single-mother syndrome? What if instead of being depressed all the time, all your problems reversed themselves and people respected you? What if you could finally get people to see things from your point of view?
Betas will never uprise because they're going to destroy themselves without even a whimper. Nobody will care or remember or entertain their bullshit. Betas can't truly submit to a woman because women don't think in terms of conquest. Best case scenario you'll be teased a little, then dropped for someone better as soon as he appears. Was getting caught part of your plan?
That's why I have no sympathy for betas.
No. 108000
>>107998>If you're a beta and you think women are shallow, prove it by getting into a relationship and demonstrating it to yourself.I would have the motivation to try if the risk for divorce, the woman cheating on you, having your kids stolen from you, and being drained of money wasn't so incredibly high.
Enjoy declining birthrates from the decent/smart people left in modern countries. Mostly only idiot degenerates are having kids by accident, or third-world immigrants.
Also when a woman waits until her 30s/40s to have a kid they have far higher risks of birth defects and diseases, that's why there's so many little assburgers walking around now. "Stronk independent women who don't need no man" all decided that they would get college degrees and focus on careers instead of finding a decent man with money and raising a kid. This is happening at the same time as more men are dropping out of society and doing "nothing" because there's really not much to motivate them, very little hope of a proper wife.
>>108000>Enjoy declining birthrates from the decent/smart people left in modern countries. Mostly only idiot degenerates are having kids by accident, or third-world immigrants.[citation needed]
And you know being cheated on doesn't actually hurt you physically, right? if you're just proving something, them being disloyal shouldn't matter. No-one's saying to marry them or have kids.
No. 108007
>>107998>The R9K response is "I know. I'm a huge piece of shit." They are not pieces of shit.They are though, at least many of them are. Besides, even if you can't tell from observing the board, it's not like you have to go out of your way to find a woman bitching about just how bad an experience she had when she started talking to someone from there.
>If you're a beta and you think women are shallow, prove it by getting into a relationship and demonstrating it to yourself.Usually this mentality includes that women want things you don't have, be it money, looks, confidence, or an interesting personality.
No. 108031
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>tfw anti depressants finally working for real
>tfw don't give single fuck about anything anymore
What a wonderful feeling, so this is how normal people feel.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 108651
>>108562I don't get why you'd be upset you didn't go home with some chick from a bar if you have no sex drive, why would you even be trying to hook up with them in the first place?
And doctors do tell you that it's potentially permanent, or hte info sheet they give you does at least.
No. 118632
>>118619True. Before I get to know him I pull down his dick and measure it eith the tape i carry around. Then I walk away and stalk him to his house and breakin while he's masturbating and remeasure him.
After that I figure out is he a dickhead and bad in sex.
No. 118649
>>118619>>118647I'm curious, what do you get out of baiting robots?
It's kind of low hanging fruit don't you think? Like, you know they'll get mad if you say that, you know exactly what they'll end up saying, so what's the point?
There's no need to give them more of a position to whine about retarded shit here, and I honestly wish baiting them like this was banned, same as replying to incels in the incel thread is.
No. 118651
>>107998>I have no sympathy for betas. In Japan, men aren't men, and the women like white dudes. Result: the average white dude is a god to them, and could cuck the shit out of Uematsu-kun over there.Do you even Japan? Because Japanese men have been way more assertive/dominant towards me than western men (or at least, the men from my country). "Japanese people are so shy" my ass.
But back to the original question. To me, yeah sure you can feel some difference, but unless it's thumb sized looking micro there are certainly more important things than size. Like idk, knowing how to actually stimulate a clit, and make a woman cum. Dry sex is the worst, and you can't get a pussy wet enough for a dick just from playing with boobs for a bit. Not mine at least.
No. 118674
>>118670>Why baiting?>Continues to post the same baitSeriously, what's the motivation? At most you'll get some tard start posting "all women are whores", more likely you're just going to encourage someone's insecurities and make them feel worse about themselves.
There's a whole thread full of that shit if you're looking for either, so what's the point of repeating the same cycle?
No. 118685
>>118674Are you telling people to not troll so they can babysit robots?
Where the fuck you think you are?
No. 118688
>>118685No, I'm saying that going out of your way to encourage robots to whine and spread their shit here is fucking retarded, which is why it's banned to reply to any incels in their own thread.
Yet for some reason dipshits here can't help but go for the low hanging fruit and recycle the same tired bait that we've seen hundreds of times just in this thread, which results in them getting riled up, posting about this place on their boards and forums and bringing more here.
Robots should be banned on sight, as they already are, but so should idiots who encourage them posting.
No. 118714
>>118688So people can't talk about topics robots get sensitive about because that would be our fault they get mad and spread shit all over the board?
For all I care it's good they reveal themselves so they can get banned.
No. 118741
>>118712Yeah, robots are fucking annoying, but they tend to not post unless you give them a reason to.
>>118714There's a huge difference between not talking about topics they might not like and posting what is clearly intended as bait to rile them up. There's plenty of threads on /g/ that bother them but are full of legitimate discussion, as opposed to the stuff I'm talking about, which is just regurgitating the same shit you know will get them posting, for the explicit purpose of getting them to post.
And please don't rely on the "oh no it wasn't bait actually", you're not fooling anyone.
No. 118768
>>118713I have plenty of stories, but I don't feel like putting everything out here. The context of them also really vary. Some had small penises and some big, that actually just varies per person. A lot of them made a move as soon as I was alone with just them, even when I didn't expect it. And else I can just make the first move, and make them do the rest. OK example story time: this friend of mine. We already liked each other before, but he got a girlfriend just recently. I could stay at his place to visit some amusement park the next day, and just as we were hanging on the couch watching some youtube stuff, he started trying to kiss me out of nowhere. My initial response being "But dude, you have a girlfriend though?" and trying to block him (for moral's sake). With some physical effort I was able stop him then, but in bed thing's got tricky, and I gave in to his temptation. There is this expression in Japan where they say "men are wolves", and that honestly makes sense for Japanese men at least. They can be dominant in a good way, but they don't always have a clear concept of consent, so you have to watch out a bit. I think most Japanese girls go for White men, because they think he might be that gentleman/prince type from the western romance movies they watch. Or just something exotic to brag about lol.
No. 173167
>>118768Japanese men are shy with romance in my experience, although they are seriously stingy, lazy etc so I see why Japanese women often stay single or try to hook pretty much any non-Japanese lol
As for your story, staying in a mans home as a single woman will give the wrong idea in most cultures…especially sharing the bed…
No. 173185
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small dicks are pathetic
No. 173207
>>118768You sound disgusting. No offense.
You sound like one of the literal roppongi hookers you read about on /snow/.
>"But dude, you have a girlfriend though?"He just viewed you as some cheap white whore.
gg confirming the same stereotype their media push about us, you dumb cretin. Now he'll try it on with some girl who is normal and isn't into 5'3 men with anime hair and get the shit kicked out of him.
No. 199811
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>>199800>girth more than length same. my bf is about 5.5, but if he was any longer than that I don't think I could handle it. his dick is, however, pretty thick and I absolutely love that "stretch" feeling I feel when he puts it in for the first time, even when it hurts a little lol. he's the only guy I've ever been with though, so I can't say for certain if smaller or bigger is better
No. 199850
>>199811>>199800def agree with you there about girth.
my bf is bigger than both my exes, both girth and length. he's longer than 6" but i don't know by exactly how much and sometimes he pounds into my cervix :( i love cowgirl but i can't do certain angles during it, especially the one that would make me cum most often before, which makes me hella salty.
girth has its cons as well - i can barely fit my mouth around his dick and it's a lot more work trying not to graze him with my teeth + no deepthroat. but good lord does it feel amazing when he's inside me……we both also find it hot how i'm in a bit of pain from it sometimes.
No. 199855
>girth has its cons as well OMG yes! My SO is also bigger and has much more girth than my ex. If we even go just a week without, sex becomes an "Ouch am I really that tight?" for the first few minutes of penetration. But damn, is it amazing.
We even has a inside joke about his dick attacking my vagina, since he managed to pop an ovarian cyst one time.
No. 200851
I have to wonder if it's just guys playing pretend itt.
No. 200871
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>all the girls in this thread talking about how insecure guys are about their dicks
>meanwhile, they instantly go into a fury if you talk about chestlets and big, meaty beef curtains