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No. 882895 saw this and thought it was absolutely retard, then thought it would be perfect for nonnies to try it out.
Apparently I am a "cat enthusiast" and got a score of 4/5 on the delusion scale for wanting a man that is at least:
not married, white, 5'10+, not obese, earning $40,000+ per year (I am from Eastern Europe but I just did it according to American salary)
(>>>personality quiz thread) No. 882902
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the audacity of this app to even have "not married" as an option. who the fuck is gonna date a married man?
No. 882909
File: 1629130593532.png (96.74 KB, 1440x698, Screenshot (41).png)

Actually proud of myself
No. 882919
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>>882911Samefag, but nonnies, get on my level. Funnily enough, I’m not asking for much, moids are pathetic
No. 882928
File: 1629131275319.png (115.44 KB, 724x729, Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 9.26…)

>not married
>at least 5' 4" tall
>not obese
>$70,000 (califag)
Lol this can not be accurate. Even gave a big age range.
No. 882932
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Tbf, I think I didn't get a 3/5 because I never liked the idea of having a boyfriend or husband with a higher paying than me.
No. 882936
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nonny i had to copypaste this in /r9k/ because i knew it would make the moids seethe and this is what they said
No. 882938
>>882934That is hilarious.
Moids still don't get we'd rather be alone than date most of them kek.
No. 882960
File: 1629132989506.png (56.64 KB, 772x477, 5.PNG)

Why the fuck is "not married" an option, of course you want a single man. Jesus.
>not obese
not asking too much either
No. 882968
File: 1629133209230.jpg (82.42 KB, 1080x588, Screenshot_20210816_185453.jpg)

>age 20-25 (I'm 20)
>not married
>at least 6' tall i am 6' tall myself
>not obese
>any income to include students
I'm not in the us anyway but my standards seem very reasonable to me kek, lmk when the moid delusion meter drops
No. 882975
What skews the results so much is the "not married" option imo. Married men aren't in anyone's dating pool anyway, I suspect the guy who made this added that criterion because he was seething and wanted to make totally reasonable women like
>>882928 look crazy
No. 882976
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No. 882990
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>tfw your standards:
>not married
>not obese
>not a hobo
No. 882998
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No. 883001
Is there even a way to get a 1/5?
No. 883021
File: 1629136196321.jpg (242.67 KB, 841x1582, c9bLmbW.jpg)

I tried, but I can't get a 1/5.
No. 883025
>>882936I’d like to remind men that they’re the ones who struggle to get a date and seethe when they can’t find a partner, and yet
we’re the ones who need an attitude adjustment?
No. 883027
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>This is as low as I go bro…
The race option is kinda bs as it's based off the demographics of the US, so specifying race is always gonna lower the probability to an abyssmal percent even more so if you select anything other than white.
No. 883040
Wait I don't understand what this is trying to tell us. The possibility a man fulfills what I asked may be X%, but that does not mean I have a X% chance of finding a man in my life; just because there's maybe 1% of men that fulfill my standards that means there's tens or hundreds of thousands such men in the united states alone
>>882934>Below average women expect their high quality men to stick around. They don't realize these guys are in high demand.I don't know, a man who leaves his woman the second he finds another "more valuable" does not seem very high quality
No. 883048
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Tough luck, kboos and weebs
No. 883059
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No. 883074
It is weird, I tried known statistics like just the men above 6' and the stat was right (~15%) tried exclude obese and the stat was weird from what I found but not really off (it's like it took the stats for all adults not just men which is close to women tho) the earnings it said 16% for 100k and above which doesn't seems to be so off either (I couldn't find the stat back for this one)
Then if you put an age range it surely reduce the number of eligible men by a lot
So in the end it seems to be more accurate than what I thought. I find it scary that US men are like this (well mostly the obesity part)
No. 883077
>>883048>delusional incel makes website with fake statistical data to try and get women to lower their standards and date morbidly obese, broke, old men with used, decrepit penisesWhy do they want to lower the quality of the human race? Unironically, these men shouldn't even be on the internet. They should be doing labor and working in factories, no time to even waste trying to form opinions.
Men remind me every day that not all humans are born equal. 90% of them really are worthless and expendable. Their sperm should not be passed on.
No. 883187
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>>882968same, but 5'11 instead of 6'. if i change to 6'goes to 3/5
also, americans kinda have a lowish average height, im from a country with the tallest girls and the fourth tallest guys in the world, so the data is skewed if you arent american.
No. 883189
>>882998technically, the grouping differs from age
ie youd probs get a 1/5 if you went for a lower age,because young people have a lower rate of marriage, but because you put the entire age range there are way more married guys
No. 883211
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I just described my long term boyfriend, how interesting…
No. 883308
File: 1629159756199.png (19.52 KB, 706x222, catlady.PNG)

>not married
>any weight
>50k min
wtf is wrong with men? these aren't unreasonable standards at all. A man that age should be making enough to support himself
No. 883386
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oh they forgot to put certain things in this quiz such as
>will do the dishes, wash his ass and shower, takes cares and nurtures the kids, loves to read and write
>slender and tall
>won’t one day be awakened by their y chromosomal rage and kill himself, the wife and kids in a house fire because she told him to do something
>doesn’t come into the world with muh peepee phallocentric mindset (impossible challenge for men)
No. 883528
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I put my boyfriend's stats and still got this, when he's perfectly average, and with slightly less income than me. What a joke
No. 883655
File: 1629197753520.png (642.76 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png)

>Women complaining about lack of good men
>Never once do they look into mirror and question whether there is an equal deficit of good women
No. 883732
>>883660everyone starts as female (the only correct and
valid sex) in the womb and then some get diseased with the y chromosome
No. 883760
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>>883757sage but anon look at this too KEK
No. 940075
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So having 0 standards makes you a man kek
No. 940174
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>>940172lmfao same
I put in guy I am currently dating, and 2 exes before him and I get 1% chance that I would ever meet them lolwut
No. 940175
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>tfw no rich and giant asian grandpa bf