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No. 884334

Inspired by the GoodReads thread. Discuss your experience with the userbase, forums, reviews, recommendations, website design, "top anime/manga", general cringe, etc.

No. 884343

Interesting thread.
I can safely say I hate that website and it's userbase never have I seen so much human filth, MyAnimeList makes me ashamed to be a weeb muchless admit I watch anime.

No. 884347

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I don't know if this is out of tpoic, but what is wrong with their rating system ? I find the top anime category really full of basic anime (imo) for exemple.

No. 884351

that's the result of a majority vote, anon. and to make it worse, most of people who rate on MAL are enamored with shit anime

No. 884353

Based on the amount of times I've seen haremshit being rated highly and reverseharem shit being rated badly, I'm assuming it's the scrotes.

No. 884363

I couldn't agree more, and as another anon said it's the scrotes. Apparently peak fiction is shonenshit and pedoshit loli harems.

No. 884567

It's better than 4chan's /a/ at least.

No. 884612

It's a little better but the user bases are very similar honestly

No. 884654

I've only ever used it to keep track of the anime I watched, I never interacted with the community. I'd actuall say that looking at the top of all time anime lists and such isn't too bad for someone new to anime and looking for something to watch, the weird shit mostly gets filtered through the "normie" votes.

No. 884658

few years ago when I used the site regularly, there was a lot of drama, and I wonder if it's died down. seems like some nefarious characters managed to be ousted, but if the infamous IPreferEcchi is still there then it's probably got a few cows left. the political and shitposting side of MAL were the main source of cringe alongside the obvious coomers and weeb related infighting

No. 884673

Now this makes me feel like I missed out on fun forum antics because I never participated in MAL's community, I just used it to track progress kek

I love cringy forum drama so if anyone has any fun stories to share I'd love to read

No. 884714

i liked to imply that straight characters are actually gay on the forums and just see how the conversation got completely derailed. fun times

No. 884718

very chaotic neutral kek, I wish I saw all those dramas

No. 884719

Unfortunately I haven't seen much actual "drama" either but I've witnessed edgelord scrotes fight it out with woke aidens numerous times. It's usually an argument about a character/mangaka supposedly being a genderspecial or something. Either that or arguing about ships/"problematic" media.

No. 884725

This stuff makes sense considering MAL's userbase, but it's funny how fujos and other "fangirls" get so much hate for "ruining muh top anime" or something, whilst pedo degens and yurifags run free. Don't get me wrong they can all be annoying, but it's pretty hilarious these losers think they're somehow better.

No. 884758

>read a meh manga
>it has no reviews
>give it a 5 and explain myself thoroughly, small paragraph
>see that there is another review a few months later
>they mention my review and say I gave it a "not so good score"
>"HERE'S a review from somebody that ACTUALLY enjoyed it"
>they give it a 9
Really, a 9? Either it's his first manga or his standards are basement-low. People rate shows like they want us to rate at stores- 10/10 if you liked it

No. 884778

OP pic looks like a girl's room tho

No. 884782

Yeah there is boys love and black butler pedo gayness on the wall

No. 884786

dont disrespect black butler

No. 884799

NTA but pedo gayness is a correct description of that manga.

No. 884948

OP here. You're right. We need a version with Monogatari and Eromanga sensei or something
It's a correct description but I still love it

No. 886791

some of the fujos are part of the problem
take myanimelist's most infamous fujo for example

No. 1594284

The reviews are hit-or-miss.

No. 1594657

this thread reminded me that i have a myanimelist account that i made when i was like 14 and the username is my full name

No. 1595039

I was an infamous underage user on the forums back in 2018. This website is a hotspot for grooming, nazis, schizos, etc. Thinking about the resident forum cows such as yaoimaster, ipreferecchi, and dizzy (who was actually right on everything, just a schizo) makes me nostalgic though.

No. 1595041

Samefag, the yaoimaster thread is 100% a vendettapost and I'm pretty sure I know who made it, even though she's fucking disgusting and needs to be locked up. Should also clarify I'm no longer underage.

No. 1595194

No. 1595310

People (scrotes) on there are incredibly immature. There was one episode of an anime where the male main character accidentally encountered his old female high school friend and they chatted. Later on he called her and in the background it hinted this female character had a boyfriend. Scrotes on the forums were calling her a bitch for having the audacity to have her own life years after high school and not sitting preserved in amber for the main character to rediscover.

No. 1595509

This is really embracing to admit, but a couple of years ago i was wanting some people to talk to and i went other there in the forums hoping to meet some like minded people. The users were so unbelievably aggressive and had giant sticks up their ass. Literally no fun allowed was allowed with them. Plus I remember them unironically having discussions saying that the US should invade all third world countries and that non-americans were retarded for living heavily concentrated in cities rather than spreading out. Literally the worst amerifag stereotypes and the angriest people, you couldn't guess they enjoyed anime. Maybe that's how new fags on here feel kek.

No. 1595578

What anime was that? Kinda reminds me of the Erased ending fiasco.

No. 1595990

The only thing I know about MAL is that FMA:B fans are always review bombing other animes if they dare to take away the number 1 spot from their precious anime, so fucking unhinged and autistic kek

No. 1605723

it's weird that a forum dedicated to non-america media would had a discussion like that in the first place. But it's not that them arguing that Japan should invade a bunch of countries would had been better

No. 1682475

The cringiest MAL content is the site allowing doujin to be listed. That includes loli doujin too. White bars over genitals make it okay to include loli porno covers in the database? I wonder whether they don't break any laws in countries that are strict on drawn child porn, even when these half-assed censorship measures are included. Can anybody be prosecuted for downloading pictures from MAL of all places if they are not kosher enough? What the hell.
Some examples:

Likewise, can authorities from the countries that are strict on drawn child porn demand IP addresses of posters who commented or wrote reviews under such entries from MAL for 'child porn possession'? That would be a wild ride.

No. 1682494

On My Figure Collection they recently banned lolisho because unsurprisingly it's illegal but they can still archive these figures by only posting a cropped pic of the head. I'm not clicking any of those links, but I guess if the censor is big enough to cover a good chunk of the cover it makes them "ok" legally speaking. Wish men into it could die tho

No. 1682509

>if the censor is big enough to cover a good chunk of the cover
That's often not the case though. BTW, you can browse the entire Comic LO (a loli porn mag: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_LO ) catalogue on MAL:
At least Nyaa had the decency to restrict ero content to Sukebei. MAL is a legit company based in Japan and will grant authorities user details when asked:
>We may disclose information about you to respond to judicial proceedings, court orders, or subpoenas, or search warrants, legal process, or other legal or law enforcement measures, to establish or exercise our rights, to comply with our legal obligations and/or to defend against legal actions or claims.
Imagine getting a visit from the police for troll-voting loli manga or posting Boku no Pico recommendations all over the forum kek. Seems almost like a honeypot.

No. 1756325

What's even scarier is I was active at the same time and I think I know who you are kek

Being on MAL convinced me to stop watching almost all anime entirely and now I fucking loathe anime and can barely even play JRPGs anymore. It was that bad. Hope you're doing okay

No. 1816063

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I only go there for quick info search on anime/manga though I thought about creating a MAL account to keep track and give good ratings on what's actually good and enjoyable while pushing off moid biasism. Some scores are skewed with bots and the majority being moids with degenerate shit taste and some disapproving anime targeted at girls/women/fujos. I know it's autistic, but it irks me seeing ecchi coomshit disguised as "wholesome" like Dragon Maid or My Dress-up Darling being slightly higher rated than fujobait like Yuri on Ice or Free.

When JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind was still airing, I remembered its score skyrocketed to the top 5-10 because of bots and hyped JoJo fans. Also for some reason, they have Pingu on MAL that was highly rated one time which was pretty funny.

No. 1816078

Just use anilist

No. 1816080

There's a pingu animation that was made in Japan or with the help of a Japanese studio, a lot of animations like that count on MAL

No. 1835903

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MAL temporarily listed Corey in the House as an anime in 2013 when some mod let it slip through the cracks

No. 1975376

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If picrel rings a bell then that's me. Fortunately i'm still able to enjoy my weeby interests but being groomed for nearly 2 years on there was kinda traumatic, granted i'm pretty much over it by now kek. Sorry to hear about your experience as well

No. 1992746

At least the users over there are pretty fun to hang out with, and they respect each other and their opinions!

No. 2112897

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i think i may have met or known you. i hope you're in a better place now nona.

No. 2113088

I don't know what MAL you were on but I was constantly fighting moids over their bigoted opinions and facing unfair bans for it

No. 2168922

What was the screenshot?

No. 2196227

i'm pretty sure it was me who posted it and it was just some silly little witch academia screenshot reaction pic, nothing milky

No. 2380058

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Didn't know that MAL allowed North Korean propaganda entries lol.

No. 2380094

they allow that shit yet took off pingu? there's a reason everyone jumped ship

No. 2380113

It's East Asian animation. I'm pretty sure they've included South Korean and Chinese stuff for a while, so what's the difference?

No. 2380133

No. 2380142

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I guess this makes MAL illegal in South Korea now.
>Data from prosecutors shows 41 people were indicted in 2021 from among 250 accused of violating the law, down from 2013‘s corresponding figures of 197 indicted from among 289 accused.
>Opaque terms used in Article 7, such as “praise” and “incitement”, had allowed arbitrary interpretations, the the Constitutional Court said before its first public hearing on the law in September.

No. 2380558

Any negative review under the shoujo genre

No. 2380609

Anyone remember YaoiMaster? She was so controversial back in the day, and for good reason too.

No. 2380650

Im retarded and spent so much of my teenage years listening to reviews like that, I missed out on so many shows I love now just because retarded young me thought the "experts" knew what they were talking about

No. 2380661

Yeah I remember her. And had the misfortune of learning there's more out there like her

No. 2380684

No? Who is she?

No. 2381025

I was one of the people she hated. I'm surprised to learn she actually has an online presence under the same username on different platforms and remains arrogant as hell.

No. 2381177

>shoujo genre
You've fucked up.

No. 2430184

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No. 2430296

Written like a true bob and vajeen fancier kek.

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