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No. 88999
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The only idol anime I've seen is Love Live and I've been playing SIF for a year now. I'm excited for Sunshine and EN finally getting the 3.0 update.
No. 89073
>>89069I just love cute, small girls. I want to see them telling me that they love me, and that they're trying their best… but I wanna see them lewd. I find 2d girls more erotic than 2d men, so I find it hard to care about male-centered/BL-type media.
In the case of idol-themes (iM@S, basically) I enjoy the crazy amount of detail/backstory the varieties of media provide. I love the false closeness of "interacting" with the girls, to have them always be perfect without ever changing. Dating girls in real life is awful.
I could go on, but I think this is the basis for me, anyway.
No. 89076
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>>89050A lot are even delusional enough to say Love Live doesn't have fanservice. That's one the main reasons I don't watch it. How is panning over their thighs in an extreme close up when they first get introduced not obvious fanservice and Nozomi groping the other girls is such a creepy cliche. Just own up to the fact that your idol show panders just as much to neckbeards as all the other ones do, if not more.
The card game isn't any different either. This card is one of the most common ones and often one the first you get and she's literally just wearing a swimsuit.
No. 89078
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>>89076No fanservice here at all.
No. 89086
>>89050when it has a tonne of female fans in Japan and they ran a whole special on how it has female fans
keep on trucking :^)
No. 89091
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No. 89143
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>>89088Me too, I like idol anime because it's cute and cheerful. They usually have cheesy storylines but they're entertaining. But ngl, knowing older men watch idol anime for jerk off material puts me off it.
Honestly, I like imagining sfw yuri scenarios for the characters. It's funner to imagine that they're all girlfriends.
>Outfits in Wake up, Girls! No. 89197
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Idk, I just like rhythm games and think it's cute and fun. I watched the first series of the LL anime but it wasn't really my thing. I still play SIF sometimes but I'm much more into Girlfriend Note at the moment, even though it's basically a ripoff of SIF I prefer the character design and art style, plus I really like the centre girl and costume/dress up feature.
No. 89257
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Then there's stuff like Aikatsu, Pripara, and Pretty Rhythm which are actually aimed at girls although they obviously still have their share of male fans.
The idol life is a fantasy for many girls despite the crap associated with it.
No. 89262
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>>89050What about the male idol games aimed at females?
No. 89374
>>89366There are quite a few male idol mobage currently out. Off the top of my head I can think of Ichuu, Idolish 7, and ensemble stars
Utapri has like, 9 titles so far, three of which are purely rythm games.
There's also B-project that's an upcoming multimedia project (anime,game,manga etc).
And you've also got series like Shounen Hollywood which has an irl idol group and an anime idol group.
Considering how popular Johnny's ent is, it was only a matter of time before the male anime idols started appearing.
No. 89420
>>89257Pretty Rhythm had so many adult fans its become a series aimed to them with King of Prism. Glad it got its love, the director loves the series.
Aikatsu is the fantasy life, rich girls attending a prestigious idol school and nothing ever goes wrong. It is the shit japanese tween girls live for.
No. 89464
>>89423It doesn't seem that gross until you think about how male idol franchise's take heavily from Johnny's entertainment. A company lead by a guy who has not only been taken to court by one of his former talents for sexual assault (and of course nothing came out of it) but it's basically an open secret in the industry that this guy sexually harasses many his idols.
I can't really think of a producer of a major female group that has an equally bad reputation, apart from maybe Akip (AKB) and his yakuza ties.
No. 89609
>>89423I don't know why but I can't watch UtaPri until the end since the main heroine annoys me so much. She's one of the dumbest heroine in reverse harem genre, imho.
>>89464AkiP has yakuza ties?? Wow that's news for me.
No. 89623
>>89598Thankfully, he's around 80 now so he probably isn't able to physically harass anyone now.
>>89609Haruka's supposed to serve as a way for the reader to self-insert, it's not something that really transfers well from otome game to anime adaptation.
As for AkiP, there's one old picture of him with a yakuza group, but that's the only real evidence I think
No. 89627
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>>89623>>89609Here's the picture, if anyone's interested,
No. 89952
>>89623Yes, I agree with you about the game is not translating well to anime. I still dread the moment she comes to the screen though, like, guuuurl, you have hot guys falling for you when you do nothing, at least don't do anything stupid!
>>89627The one who is not blurred is the young AkiP? If he is, wow…the young AkiP is kinda cute, now he's just an average old man.
No. 94457
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>>89262there are no girls in this world that don't love male singers and idols.